HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice ~ .,'" ':00 State of Indiana, -w County of Hamilton, SS: Before me a~~.. ltllb~i and for the County of Hamilton and State of Indiana. personally appeared......'O'-'O.~~UI.Q.t1jt. ..... who being duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says. that he is "he General Manager of the Daily Ledger, a Topics Newspaper, a newspaper of general circulation in Hamilton County, St~Indiana, printed in the English language and printed and publishe~weekly in the town of Fishers, Ilainilton County. State of Indiana, and that said Topics Newspaper have been published continuously for more than three years last past, in said county and state; that the Notice of publication. a true copy of which is hereto annexed was duly published in said newspaper.... for... j.. wecl<'/ (insertion( SLfCCcsslvely) which J)~.~lications were made as follows: :1i; /.' " : j f >, ~( , .;--..,. :. ... ...... ........ ..... ...~~('..-./..... . .~t....~.~..?....!..,:<...... A ~<~ f ,t,- ~ \~'-b\ ..................................................................................... '(:~-:--.'" .. 'ffBCi~E~2 \If)~ L-.\ (' r- ...................................................................................... .~}~....... DOC" 6; And that all of said publications were m.ade In ful! compl!~"WIII~ - ,~ the laws. ~ J.(. ~;/ ......................................... ~-"""""""""" .~......................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this .......St!......... day of .~.C.~l... 20 llJr---:/L N~ct:~.~;;~a;h'~.. PROOF OF PUBLlCATBN 8<5 ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No. SU-161.01 . Notice . is hereby gIven that! the Carmel/Clay Board of Zo",n~ Appeals meeting on the 25th 0 February, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. In the City Cotincil Chambers, 2nd floor of City Hall, One (1) 4~~~~ Square. Carmel. Indl~na will hold a Public Heanng upon a Special. Use application to allow .the-pe~rsmore1hen-3 dogs .e.t..tneir'resiOence;.pr~~6 zone l;dia\r\<ltl ,M!Wf"'lasIN Th...- N6rthWood Or., yar,!,e , . application is identified as Docket No SU-161-0L The real estate affected by application's described as follows: Lot No.6 ,n Northwood Hills. First SectIon, an addition. in Ham,iton County, , Indiana as per plat recorded ,n Plat Book 2, pages 38 & 39 In th~ Office of the Recorder 0 Hamilton County, IndIana. . . All interested persons des", ing to present their views .on the above application, either.'n wnt- ing or verbally, will be 9dlve; t~~ opportunity to be hear a above-mentioned time and place. Gereld L. Easton Petitioners NDL-Jan. 30 ~,--~------- (Seal) My commission e~e.!res...... ..Nov. 28, 2009........ Publishcl"s FeeSK:..S.~ Resident of Hamilton County ete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . 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CJ ..D cO M ITI lr M ::r ITI M CJ CJ CJ ru ci _kf;:;;~;;:~:;a;;;;t~:':f!Qe;z;.:~~~~~_=~~:~~~________ ~ s2z/3ttl!!l: :V7~6 Db 1Jv ~ ciiY;si-----iii>-.. :;;-----Z----.)i;....)j"l~:;[3--------m-...----.-------- , .. rn U') cO CARtlB... IN 4603J r-"I rn [J"" r-"I .:r Postage $ Certified Fee rn r-"I t:J t:J Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ t:J ru U') R clplent's Name (Ple~/nt Clearly) (To be co ted by malleL t:J __ t:.r~_~__~mm__~!(;.I:f~~___m__~__~~_ti.__..m.m ~ ~~~~f?~~1~jT._..._....... III .~~~ D~~ WlIiJ)~fJfiffJ~.~~ l"- I"- otI CARtlEl. IN 4603J .-=I 0.34 ITl 0- .-=I .:r- Postage $ Certified Fee 2.10 1.50 ITl .-=I CJ CJ Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ CJ ru Lt') CJ Recipient's Name (Please Print Clearly) (To be completed by mailer) EO h6-e ..,., MKJIlI.( WJIJ v/3 r06:;lr g szer~~Nom~-ijt:5;;-:-----fL------------------------------------- CJ _ooo'.3:._ooo______________I:,_______________________________________________------------------- I"- City, (;3' P+ 4 t' L IN . %/)..33 : It It 0 --.~ ::r on on M ITI [T" M ::r CARMEl... IN 460JJ Postage $ Certified Fee ITI M c::::J c::::J Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ c::::J ru ci 1!L_7:t.:~~C~~~~~_~&~Z;~~_:~:~;;'~~~________ c::::J Street, Apt. No.. or PO Box No. Dz-. ~ LLqlLl.IJJ:{C.$.I.12~____.______________...._.._mm_.......m_.._.m__ I"- City, ate, ZIP+ 4 L w, 4th () .B .::J . a . a a _ . 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IN 46033 Postage $ 0.34 Certified Fee 2.10 Return Receipt Fee 1.50 (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ 3.94 I:[l ru M LJ") LJ") I:[l M 3' CARHEl , IN 46033 Postage $ 0.34 Certified Fee 2.10 Return Receipt Fee 1.50 (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ 3.94 IT\ M Cl Cl Cl ru LJ") Recent's Name (Please PrInt Clearly) z::.e completed by mal/er) Cl mm__.Jf?.6l.!.(;.._.~_.I3.~T.If:t..........~!.:'.~.~.m...._..__........ ~ srz;:J:J;o.; 1f! :~';'u-w ~ ]) 1A- ~ ciiy;siaie,m":;l~';;'iIiL""71.;'~""4r;Q;i3.m.................... : I' III . a .. . . . ~UMITON COUNTY NOTlRCA~UST PREPARBI BY 111 HAMlTDN CUIY AID11RS DfHCE, IVIIN Of TAX MAPPING USTBIIILOW ARE -.m PRDPERTB (SUILBT MARKBlIN YBJ.DW] (,) ISUBJECT 17 10-34-04-01-001-000 GERALD & EVELYN EASTON 6320 NORTHWOOD DR CARMEL IN 46033 .~ rfl~); ..!:-_L-l-L!ft/,,~ ",\>/ "-.( , ~ \IQ'.)~ ~ Ntt) \ (j~ ~~~\\ 'l.~~l ~ ~3\ ~~ C~ ./ \ \)~ 0(1 ~ (-::;7 ~~/ "HAMITON COUNTY NOTlRCAlQUST PREPARBJ BY DI HAMllON GIUNTY AlBIDRI IIffIGE, IVIIIN If TAX MAPPING Q IPLEASE NOnFY THE FOu.oWING PERSONS 16 10-34-00-04-001-000 PLUM CREEK GOLF COURSE LLC 11911 LAKESIDE DR FISHERS IN 46038 17 10-34-03-01-014-000 DOUGLAS P & VICKI T MILLER 6310 NORTHWOOD DR CARMEL IN 46033 17 10-34-03-04-016-000 WAYBRIGHT GEORGE C & MARY M 6317 NORTHWOOD DR CARMEL IN 46033 17 10-34-04-01-002-000 ROBERT 0 & PEGGY L BOXELL 6330 NORTHWOOD DR CARMEL IN 46033 17 10-34-04-01-003-000 ARTHUR JR & MARCELLA E PURSEL 12190 RIVER AVE CARMEL IN 46033 17 10-34-04-01-006-000 CRAIG S & BETTY J CLARK 6331 NORTHWOOD DR CARMEL IN 46033 " C2lI. 2!! !!!! c.. ~ 2!!! !!!! (401 CU) 110. ct. (101 t) m C201 !!i! ~ (21) c421 m !!D 2! @!] C'3' M !!.! (22) 11lI' II!>I :13 231 !!!! 2!! 2S @) C12. (In 1101 ctl 'He. . ~ 9l!l 001 ~ fit ~ .... ... 1I... .... Ie. N !!!! 2!! 2S 29 ~ g C~2. 1:.41 I~~' 2!! ........ I~' 1I", 1511 <<2!! 29 2.4 k. Q2 017 n2n .,,1> \-' U : HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR u < I, JON OGLE, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA. CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH. IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO ARE ALL OF THE ADJOINING AND ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. JON M. OGLE. HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED: 3 i ;(3 J D 0 "- (-t Y'./~Lv~ /"'! :._/ I f ....., ---\ ~J'.- H......:-.: .0- j w..:TlWIIIIfIY MI1RA'ti.lJST PllEPARBI BY TIE u.TIN AIITY AIDTIlS filE.lIVISIN If TAX MAPPING USTBJ II8.IW ARE UBT PftIIBl1B [ III8T MARKED IN YBlOW] SUBJECT 17 10-34-04-01-001-000 EVELYN J EASTON 6320 NORTHWOOD DR CARMEL IN 46033 v' !-"-, /.~.,., U .1~' ....", u o \!!j) ~ ~ (30) au N'" 2Q ~ G ea) (6) i U1.J 019 (59)