HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes HO 09-27-23 C'�,am ,We\\: Cityof Carmel
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Board of Zoning Appeals
Hearing Officer Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 27,2023
Location: Carmel City Hall Caucus Rooms,2nd Floor, 1 Civic Square,Carmel,IN 46032
Hearing Officer: Mr.John Schuler
Staff Present: Angie Conn-Planning Administrator;Joe Shestak-Recording Secretary
Legal Counsel: Benjamin Legge
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Public Hearings:
WITHDRAWN-(V)Heath Residence,Pool Equipment Variance.
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(V)North End Entryway Feature Sign Variance.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
2. Docket No.PZ-2023-00199 V.UDO Sections 7.11.E.4& 7.12.E.4 Entryway Feature location in street right of
way not allowed,Location in ROW requested at Freeland Way&W.Smoky Row intersection.
The site is located at 525 North End Dr.(closer to 0 Freeland Way). It is zoned UR/Urban Residential. Filed by
Wendy Creech of Old Town Companies.
Petitioner: Curtis Sattison,Old Town Companies:
• Entrance to the development has a small island that is in the ROW,and we want to locate our monument sign
to this island.There's drainage infrastructure located in the previously planned area for this sign.
• We believe this is a good location and does not impact visibility for any vehicle and pedestrian traffic
Public Comments: None
Department Report: Angie Conn:
• There are stormwater structures in the common area where they originally wanted to place this sign
• This sign location will not impede any vision clearance areas and they received consent to encroach approval
• Staff recommends positive consideration of this variance with the condition they maintain the sign and area
Board Comments:John Schuler
• Is this the only sign you are requesting?Curtis Sattison: This will be the only monument sign at this
location.Other signage will be located in other areas within this development that do not require variances.
• Will this sign be closer or farther back from Smoky Row Rd.?Curtis Sattison: This will be further back
from Smoky Row,than the original location,thus improving the visibility for vehicles and pedestrians.
Approved 1-0 with the Conditions the Petitioner maintains the monument sign,landscaping,and landscaping
elements(including lighting)in a matter consistent with the community landscape plan,as well as the
requirements and expectations set forth by the City of Cannel.
(V)482 Almond Creek Dr.Lot Cover Variance.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
3. Docket No.PZ-2023-00204 V.Silvara PUD,Section 6.1 Maximum 35% lot coverage allowed,42% requested.
The site is located at 482 Almond Creek Dr.(Jackson's Grant on Williams Creek Subdivision,Lot 333).It is zoned
Silvara PUD/Planned Unit Development(Ordinance Z-652-20),The Estates/Northvale planning area.Filed by Jim
Shinaver with Nelson&Frankenberger on behalf of Wedgwood Building Company,LLC.
BZA Hearing Officer Minutes 9-27-23
Petitioner: Jon Dobosiewicz,Nelson&Frankenberger:
• Here with me tonight from Wedgewood Building Co., is Paul Owen and Jacqueline Hanson
• The 42% lot coverage includes the u-shaped drive, swimming pool and patio area
• We have received approvals from Cannel Engineering and Hamilton Co. Surveyors Office
Public Comments: None
Department Report: Angie Conn:
• Staff is supportive of this request since they received the support from the City Engineering and Co. Surveyor
Board Comments: None
Approved 1-0.
(V)Tom Wood Audi Service Addition Variances.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals:
4. Docket No.PZ-2023-00207 V.UDO Section 5.10(and City Code Chapter 10 Article 5,Carmel Flood Damage
Prevention Ordinance).FDPO Section 5(C)(3) requires the building to be set at or above the FPG unless the
building is floodproofed per the ordinance requirements,Lower elevation requested.
5. Docket No.PZ-2023-00209 V.UDO Section 7.10.Water quality preservation easement required; No easement
requested.The site is located at 4610 E.96th Street(East 96th Street Auto Park Subdivision,Lot 1).It is zoned
B3/Business and SFHA/Special Flood Hazard Area. Filed by Kevin Buchheit of Krieg DeVault on behalf of Joe
Feltman and Tom Wood,Inc.
Petitioner: Kevin Buchheit:
• With me tonight is the Jim Barns from Roger Ward Engineering
• Audi Dealership wants to expand their service center space
• ADLS Amendment was approved in June 2023,and currently going through the Plat Amendment process
• We worked with the Cannel Engineering Department on the drainage design aspects of this project and have
their support
Public Comments: None
Department Report: Angie Conn:
• Most of the site is already developed and the City Engineer is in support of these variance requests
• The proposed future parking area would be in a flood hazardous area, but are waiting on a response from the
Engineering Department if a variance is needed to allow parking in a flood hazardous area
• Staff recommends positive consideration of these variance requests
Board Comments: None
Approved 1-0.
TABLED TO OCT.23-(SE)Kusel Short Term Residential Rental.
Meeting adjourned at 5:41 p.m.
J CY(4414-7
John Schuler—Hearing Officer oe Shestak—Recording Secretary
BZA Hearing Officer Minutes 9-27-23