HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence \. EL October 18, 2006 JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR Mr. Michael L. DeBoy DeBoy Land Development Services SO 1 South 9* Street Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Midwest ISO, Carmel Science &: Technology Park-Project Review #1 Dear Mr. DeBoy: We have reviewed the construction drawings submitted for this project for the September 20,2006 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. We offer the following comments: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The project site, in the Cannel Science & Technology Park, is currently within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. 2. Jurisdictions: . Street and Right of Way - City Center Drive, Carmel Drive and Adams Street . Water-City of Carmel Utilities. . Sanitary Sewer-The project is within Clay Township Regional Waste District service area. . Storm SewerlDrainage - City of Carmel. The Hamilton County Surveyor's Office has jurisdiction over legal drains and discharge to legal drains. 3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approval Requirements: . Water Availability approval: Water Availability Approval request to the Board is based upon BDU requirements as determined by the proposed use of the building. Water Connection Fees will be based upon BDU calculations. If entryway or other irrigation systems are planned, additional Water Availability Approval from the Board will be required and additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed based upon the size and usage of the system. . Commercial Curb Cut-Please provide 8~ x 11 exbt"bits to accompany the request for commercial curb cut approval. Include all pertinent data including radii, drive width at throat and street, opposing drives etc. . Temporary Constroction Entrance-Board approval is required if the temporary entrance is located at a site other than the site of the permanent curb cut. Please provide exhibits as detailed above, if applicable. . Open Pavement Cuts in dedicated streets. It appears that there is an open cut planned across Carmel Drive. This will require Board approval. . Secondary P1atIReplat approval if applicable. . Dedication of right of way ifnot dedicated by plat approval. . Consent to Encroach Agreements for any permanent improvement to be installed within dedicated right of way and/or dedicated easements. . The proposed connecting walkway over (or under) City Center Drive will require Board approval. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CMC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 EMAIL engineering@carmel.in,gov ;- I am enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. Any 'IIbmIDlon to the Board reqlllres prior jlnalllJlproVtlI by the Ctu1IU!I CIIIy PlII1I CoIIIIIIIsslon ad/or the Board 01 Zoning Appeflls ad completion 01 review by the Technical Advisory Committee. AU written reqllests to be plflce on the Board', agenda IIUISt Inclllde the tIJIproprlflte Docket NIIIIIben ad the dtlte (or dates) olllJlProvoJ by the Pia Commission ad/or BZA.. 4. TAC ReviewlDrawings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until all issues have been resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for tina1 approval. This office will require a minimum four-sets of approved drawings after all issues have been resolved and the construction drawings have been approved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and signed by the City Engineer and by the Director of Carmel Utilities. The Developer/Owner will receive one-set which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utilities will receive one set. The Engineering Department Construction Manager will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering. If more than the minimum of four-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets (maximum total of two additional/six total) must be submitted with the four required sets. Please submit a CD, per City of Carmel Standards, of the approved construction plans with submission of the required sets of drawings. S. Please be advised that any insta1lation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated right of way and/or dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner/Developer and the City of Carmel. This Agreement requires Board of Public Worlcs and Safety approval. 6. Please assure that Carmel UtUlties have been provided drawings for review of water systems and issues. They will provide a separate review regarding these issues. Please provide the drawings to: Paul Pace, Water Distribution City of Carmel Water Utility 130 lit Avenue SW Carmel, IN 46032 7. Carmel Utilities subscribes to "Holey Moley" who should be contacted for water main locations. 8. We are providing the following items with this review. Please share this information with all appropriate parties to be involved in the project: . Equivalent Water User Contribution Multiplier. . Current Water Connection and Availability Fees. . Commercial Project Approval Procedures. . Performance Release Procedure. . Permit Data, Contacts, etc. . Commercial Permitting Procedures. BONDING REOUlREMENTS 9. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements may apply to this project: PerformaneeJMaintenanee Guarantees It appears that this project will be required to provide Certified Engineer's Estimates and Performance/Maintenance Guarantees for the following improvements: . Perimeter concrete monuments. . Perimeter right of way concrete sidewalks/asphalt paths. . Perimeter road improvements. Provide detailed/itemized Certified Engineer's Estimates in the amount of 100% of the cost of labor and materials for the requested improvements. Provide individual Performance Guarantees in the amount of the Engineer's Estimates. When the improvements have been constructed and accepted and the Performance Guarantee is released by our BPWS, 3- Year Maintenance Guarantees will be required in the amount of 15% of the Performance amount for streets and curbs and 1 ()oAI of the Performance amount for all other improvements. Please contact Amanda Foley, City of Cannel Storm Water Administrator, regarding bonding requirements for erosion control. Street CutlRight of Way Permit and Bonding Requirements Any work in the dedicated right of way of City Center Drive, Cannel Drive or Adams Street will require a Right of Way Permit. If the work is included in the scope of work of a required Performance Guarantee, a separate License and Permit Bond will not be required. If the work is not included in a Performance Guarantee, a License and Permit bond will be required. The bond amount will be determined by the number of instances of work in the right of way @ $2,000.00 per instance. ODen Davement Cllts In dedlctded streets I'ellIlUe flDDrovtd bv ollr Bow of Publlc Works fIIId SafetY. Please contact Fred Glaser, Deparbnent of Engineering Right of Way InspectorlManager for details regarding this issue. 10. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers, PC to review all drainage plans and drainage calculations submitted to this office for review. We will share Crossroad's comments as they are received. When construction plans are submitted for review for this development, please provide a set of drawings and drainage calculations directly to Crossroad. AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION FEES 11. Water AvaUabUlty (acreage) Fees are required to be paid after Engineering Department approval of the project and prior to obtaining a Building Permit. Availability Fees are based upon total platted acreage or legal description acreage at the current rate of$I,O 10.00 per acre, subject to future revisions. Please provide this office with either a copy of the secondary plat with a legal description or a separate legal description of the property. The legal description needs to include the total acreage of the site. Based upon the data indicated on Sheet C200, Water Availability Fees would be: 8.24 Acres @ $1,010.00 Water Availability Fee/Acre = $8,322.00 12. Water Connection Fees are required to be paid after Engineering Department approval of the project and prior to obtaining a Building Permit. Connection Fees are based upon the EDU calculation of the proposed usage of the building at the current rate of$I,310.00 per EDU, also subject to future revisions. If the total square footage of the proposed office building is 147,200 ft2 as indicated on Sheet C200, the calculation would be: 147,200 ft2 @ 0.5 EDU/looO ft2 = 73.6 EDUs @ $1,310.00 Water Connection FeelEDU = $96,416.00 q fill irrigation system Is planned for this development, addltlonal Water Connection Fees ",HI be assessed based IIpon the recommendations of the Director of Camel UtIUdes. PROJECT SITE PLAN COMMENTS The following comments should be considered requirements of the Department of Engineering and should be incorporated into the Development Plan/Secondary Plat. 13. On the cover sheet, please spell out what MISO stands for. 14. On the vicinity map, there is a space between the letters of "ADAMS." Please close. 1 5. The location map needs to be more clear such that the location of this site can actually be determined from this map. 16. On the large map on the cover sheet, please identify Adams Street, Cannel Drive, and City Center Drive. 17. When this was previously submitted and reviewed as Carmel Science and Technology Center, Block 7, the City allowed one access on Adams Street. How does the eastern access align with the current access to old Adams Street on the north side? This entrance needs to align with the curb cut on the north side. 18. Please include indication of the site being Block 7 of the Carmel Science and Technology Park on the cover sheet. 19. Has this been replatted? Please provide a copy of the plat. 20. Assume that a replat will be required, ifnot already replatted, that will dedicate additional right-of-way for City Center Drive, Adams Street, and Cannel Drive in accordance with the Thoroughfare Plan. 21. A break in the median island is shown at the City Center Drive access. It was previously decided that this access would be a right in/right out only access. Please revise to show the City Center Drive median island continuing through this intersection. 22. City standard depressed cmb shall be provided across the entrances. Ifunderdrain exists under existing cmbing, such subsurface drain shall be maintained and/or repaired if damaged by installation. 23. The Department acknowledges that regional detention was provided. As we have discussed, the flood rate from the site must be conveyed under Carmel Drive beneath the casting elevatioDS. Design may be accomplished in accordance with old standards or any restricted release rate dictated by the County. 24. Any off-site easements necessary for installation of utilities and storm piping must be secured prior to the Department of Engineering approving the drawings. 25. Please add the following notes to the sidewalk detail: "SPACING BETWEEN TRANSVERSE JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1.25 TIMES WIDTH," "SIDEWALK BUILT WITH DRIVEWAYS SHALL HAVE MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 6" OR THICKNESS OF DRIVEWAY, WHICHEVER IS GREATER," and "JOINTS SHALL BE TOOLED OR SAWED TO A DEPTH OF ~ THE SIDEWALK THICKNESS." 26. Please provide the standard detail for the Alternative Transportation Plan asphalt path. 27. Please provide monuments at all external comers. 28. Please include the note "THERE SHALL BE NO WATER VALVES OR MANHOLES WITHIN THE PAVEMENT, CURBS, SIDEWALKS, OR ASPHALT PATHS" on all appropriate sheets. 29. All utility poles must be within one foot of the right-of-way. If it win be necessary to relocate existing utility poles, the cost of the relocation shall be borne by the Developer. 30. The Department requires that the construction drawings be developed in accordance with the City of Carmel digital submission standards and that all required submittals for primary plat, secondary plat, and construction drawings be made. The digital files must be submitted to the Department of Engineering prior to approval of the construction plans. 31. The City has adopted a new cmbing policy. Please revise any notes, specificatioDS, and details to accommodate this policy. The language of this policy must be added to a specification sheet on the plans. All on-site cmb must meet City standard per ordinance. Please replace all cmb details with the City of Carmel standard details. . 32. Please add a note to the site plan that all existing pavement shall be sawcut to a clean edge where new pavement (for widening or for auxiliary lanes) is to be installed adjacent to existing pavement and for any pavement open cuts or for coDStnlction of the entrances. 33. All bonds and performance guarantees must be postedlprior to Engineering Department approval of construction plans. Board of Public Works and Safety approvals including right-of-way dedication and any other governing agency approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Engineering Department approval. 34. The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments from subsequent reviews. 35. As the entrances now represent commercial drive entrances, per City ordinance, the portion of the entrance within the right-of-way must be concrete. 36. The City has received the traffic report dated September 19th and is reviewing it. The City will expect the development to provide any improvements identified as being necessary by the report. The Department may still require improvements to the adjacent roadway network even if such requests are conttary to the findings of the report. 37. Per a letter to DeBoy Land Services dated January 13,2006, please provide an acceleration lane and deceleration lane at the City Center Drive access meeting the standards of a collector street. 38. The City will require complete details for the proposed connecting walkway before approving these plans. 39. Please remove the ghost text "DLDS STANDARD DETAIL" from all detail drawings on Sheets C800 and C801. 40. Please contact Amanda Foley to review storm water quality/treatment requirements for this site. 41. Please mill and resurface entire width of Adams Street along the property frontage. The City typically requires 1" milling with 1.5" H.A.C. # 11 resurfacing for the entire width of the existing roadway across the property frontage or to the limits of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is greater. The roadway would then also need to be restriped with thermoplastic striping. Please develop a plan for the restriping and for striping of the auxiliary lanes. Please add a note to this plan that all striping shall be ~ thermoplastic. Please delineate the milling and resurfacing areas with hatching on the plans and appropriate reference in the legend 42. Sheet C300, GRADING NOTE 6 - Please revise to City standard for utilities in right-of-way. 43. Sheet C7.0, Site Specifications . If General Note 4 refers to areas under City pavement, must be per City standard. . Please revise the notes under PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION to conform to the following: AU paving within the existing and proposed City right-of-way shall conform to the requirements of the Department of Engineering. Please add a note to the drawings that the Contractor shall contact the Department of Engineering to schedule a pre-construction meeting to review the Department's construction requirements, staff notification requirements, required inspections for certain stages of the work and to review the authority of the Department as it relates to work within the existing and proposed City right-of-way. . IfUtilities Note 3 refers to areas under City pavement, must be per City standard. . Revise note 3 under STORM SEWER SPECIFICATIONS to conform to City standard specifications. . Delete note 5 under STORM SEWER SPECIFICATIONS. The City wants to only approve drawings that are not subject to change. . Revise note 6 under STORM SEWER SPECIFICATIONS to conform to City minimum cover standard. 44. Please provide a depressed curb detail. 45. Please confirm that grading plan accounts for final grades of City Center Drive and Carmel Drive, as modified by the City Center Drive project. 46. Please provide a Maintenance of Traffic Plan for work at each entrance and work in Adams Street. 47. Additional right-of-way is indicated along each frontage. Please label each width and indicate as proposed. The City is requesting 45 feet halfright-of-way for Adams Street. 48. All bedding, backfill, and cover notes and details need to be revised to satisfy the City standards for all installation in the right-of-way. 49. The Department understands that compliance with construction of the improvements prescribed by the 20 year Thoroughfare Plan for Carmel Drive and City Center Drive is being resolved with the Department of Community Services. SO. Please indicate access to the outlot off of the internal drive aisle from Adams Street. 51. Please indicate all City Center Drive and Carmel Drive improvements on the plan. 52. Sheet C200 - Keynote "P", please indicate path to be 10 feet wide. 53. One lane of traffic shall be maintained at all times on Carmel Drive when storm sewer is installed and work shall be limited to off-peak times or the weekend dependent upon Board of Public Works and Safety approval. 54. Sheet C802 - Please trim out the portion of the road cut patch detail that does not apply. 55. Site/utility note 2 on Sheet C400 needs to be revised to be in accordance with City Standards for installation within City right-of-way. 56. Milling and resurfacing operations must maintain one lane of travel at all times. Please develop a Maintenance of Traffic plan for this work. Closure of existing access on the north must be minimi7..ed. Contractor must notify property owners at least 48 hours in advance of work that will close these accesses. Milling and resurfacing work will require Board of Public Works and Safety approval. 56. Please be aware of the City policy to not allow any earth disturbing activity until a storm water management permit is issued. Such permit will not be issued until the construction plans are approved. These comments represent the Department of Engineering's initial review of the construction plans for this project. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may result in the delay of the review process. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being resubmitted, particularly if any such changes are considered ''new'' or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, BZA or other committee meetings. If you have questions, please contact me at 571-2441. cc: Matt Griffin, Department of Community Services John Duffy, Cannel Utilities Paul Pace, Cannel Utilities Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Greg Ilko, Crossroad Engineers Matt Koenig, Lauth Property Group. Project File Engineering Department Review S:\PROJREV06\CSTP-MIDWESTISO City of Carmel Via email: preis@boselaw.com Original by mail September 11, 2006 Paul Reis Bose McKinney & Evans LLP 600 East 96th Street Suite 500 Indianapolis, IN 46240 COPy RE: Midwest ISO DP/ADLS (06080038 DP/ADLS) Dear Mr. Reis: fll<0V This letter is in response to your PUD application for the COllrty~rcis at Carmel Creek PI ID project. Comments and concerns are as follows: 1. Please indicate connections from the multiuse path to within the project. 2. Please clarify whether the building will have three or four stories. Please wait to submit revised materials until after the Technical Advisory Committee (T AC) has met on this application. The resubmitted materials should include edits addressing the above comments along with any requirements that arise from the T AC meeting. Additional comments may be made after the requested revisions have been submitted. Sincerely, t41/f <l (;aA- -He{, Christine Barton-Holmes Planning Administrator 06080038 DP/ADLS Midwest ISO Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 August 30, 2006 Michael L. DeBoy DeBoy Land Development Services, Inc. 501 South 9th Street, Suite 100 Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Midwest ISO Dear Mr. DeBoy: The above mentioned project has been received and reviewed. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, 1fu~ J).~~~ Michael D. Fogarty Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: JDept. of Community Services (317) 571-2500 A Nationally Accredit <? forcement Agency FAX (317) 571-2512 ~ r