HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication_Water Quality Easement WaiverCITY OF CARMEL
Docket Number: PZ-2023-00281
Date Applied: 11/29/2023
Application Type: Design Standards Waiver
Application Fees: $569.50
Name of Project: Fields Market Garden Water Quality Easement Waiver
Project Address: 270 W SMOKY ROW, CARMEL, 46032
Name of Applicant: Charlie Mattox
City/State/Zip:Beech Grove, IN Applicant Address: 115 North 17th Avenue
Name of Contact Person: Charlie Mattox Company:
Address of Contact Person: 115 North 17th Avenue City/State/Zip:Beech Grove, IN, 46107
Email: cmattox@crossroadengineers.com Phone: 3177801555
ePlan Review Contact Person: Charlie Mattox Phone: 3177801555
Email: cmattox@crossroadengineers.com
Name of Landowner: Fields Market Garden, LLC
Email: rebecca@oldtowncompanies.com
Parcel ID: 17-09-24-00-00-031.401 Area (in acres) of Property: 1.42
Engineer Contact Person: Charlie Mattox Phone:
Email: cmattox@crossroadengineers.com
Attorney Contact Person: Phone:
Architect Contact Person: Phone:
Zoning Classification: UR Overlay Zone:
(Section Number, Page, Item) of Subdivision Control Ordinance for which waiver is being requested: Article 7.10.F.3:
Floodway fringe plus 25 ft. of buffer water quality preservation easement
State explanation of why waiver is being requested: The majority of the site is within the floodway/floodplain limits.
This easement would prevent much of the site for being used as planting areas.
State reasons supporting waiver request: All areas within what would be a water quality preservation easement will be
pervious and/or vegetated areas used for local sustainable farming. No structures will be installed.
Legal Description: Section 24, Township 18, Range 3
Present Use of Property: Grass lawn and small scale farming
Proposed Use of Property: small scale farming
Project Description: Fields Market Garden
*Note that required fees are due after the application has received a docket number , and not at the time of application submittal.
Signature: Charlie Mattox
By typing in my name, I swear that the foregoing statements, and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in
all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.