HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence \ FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS.AT.lAW JAMES J. NElSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER --'-"JAMEs E. SBlNAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOlIN B. FLA'IT of counsel JANE 8. MERRILL February 20,2002 VIA HAND DELIVERY Laurence M. Lillig Cannel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Cannel IN 46032 Re: Dan Young Chevrolet - Docket No. 162-0 I ADLS Amend Dear Laurence: 3021 EAsT 98th SrREET SUITE 220 lNowwous, INDiANA 46280 317-844-0106 . FAX: 317-846-8782 ..'\'\"TTTi?:>, /. . ..:::- ....[,0.., l ~ !ffY>::~(~~ ,...... ~ ~ ~f/ \<~>, /"" I \:)" " 7 . ....,-' /......",.. /-,.~<'~i~>.~ . ""'~:~~:LLD~;~Y' For ease of reference, I enclose a Letter of Grant. I have'also enclosed (i) a scaled drawing of the west elevation and reduced copies thereof, and (ii) a scaled drawing of the south elevation and reduced copies thereof. . All colors will be as presented to the Plan Commission, and the only differences are that (i) glass on the west elevation is extended, and (ii) an architectural break is added to the south elevation. Please confirm for me that these are acceptable. Thanks. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER ~'- Charles D. Frankenberger CDf/jlw Enclosures H:lJanet\Dan Young Chevy\Lillig lIT 022002.wpd";.' -j E.I.F.S. WALL FINISH, .;:DFF WHITE COLOR ALUMINUM COPING ALUMINUM WINDOW, TYP. ".:1 I. : iT' SPANDREL GLASS 1 ~\ \j\l L0( ;/"l\<:"V., { . I(Y/~% if.~\ ' -_' (f> ~ 'v- i!'~ '/i.; 1" :~I .~ ~ <2> ~I '. ~ ~ t-I .\ ~n ~/.) .1, "/ ,.- U.? /">;1 ~\ '$/ \/ , /'-. '~ >' /"\. . "-.17:;-".:7~-''''I-\ ;.Y -"':..s.~-L.lL\...Y I I I SPANDREL GLASS H-i . I ! 1 CRS. 1/2 SCORE C.M.U. STAINED TO MATCH (COLOR 1) ARCHITECTS' APPROVED SAMPLE ..+, .., c 3 CRS. SPLIT FACED C.M._ STAINED (COLOR 2) TO MATCH ARCHITECTS' APPROVED SAMPLE BUILDING ELEVATION - WEST SCALE 1/16'.f-O' c BlUE pusnc UGNT 9AR, INTERNALLY WQHTED BY n.UORESCEHT TUBtS .~ INTERNAU.Y ILLUMINATED BOX LOOO, BLUE PLtXlCl.ASS F'ACE, CLEAR ALUMINUM FRA"E. E.I.t.S. WALL. rlNISH, orr WHITE COLOR ....LUMINU.. STORErRONT 12'-0.)11 S'-O. ovtRHtAO GAR....GE OOOR 3 CllS. SPUT rACED C....U. STAINED (COLOR 2) TO M....TCH ARCHITECTS' APPROVED SAWPLE: 18'-0.x 8'-0. OVERHtAD GARAGE DOOR 1 CIS. 1/2 SCORE C....U. STAINED TO .....TCH (COLOR I) ARCHITECTS' APPROVED SA"PLE 16'-0.)11 to'-O. OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR 1 CRS. 1/2 SCORE C....V. ST.lJNED TO .....TCH (COLOR ,) ARCHITECTS' APPROVED SA..Pt..E ~ ;, /:~TJ:0~ , \ .>0-- _.'1 '>-. /\,;J ""-,/' ,.\. /.,~'./ '," '7>.,\ I- ':' ~ ~ \~>\ {j' \~~yr '\:\ "); ~ ~\~ 51:~) \"\ ~ d ~ , r:_\ (j> ~ / I \,,: P l!:j'71 ',<"" /1....... i ". .< .... / ( /::..\-~.&">/)' E.l.'.$. WALL nNISH, orr WHITE COLOR I 3 CRS. SPUT FACED C....U. STAI.ED (COLOR 2) TO llIlArCH ARCHITtCTS' APPROVED SAwPLE ,I c BUILDING ELEV A l10N - SOUTl-i SCAU! 1/16"-r-o' o Q o NELSON &; FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATI'ORNEYS-AT-lA W JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER lAWRENCEJ. KEMPER JOHN B. Fl.ATf of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsr 98th SrREEr S~220 1NDwwrous, INmANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX:317~782 January 28, 2002 -('"~-TT;-;-., / \L--~ --l..c ;"_, /r,._'. ,_ j , II-.. '-,/ A '.. ! ",,!i T (~! ~~~~~~lf] l'-~;! 'JAN 30 2002 \~"\ '.-\ DOCS \\~\. '.' ~ '\.... ... '" ',/ '-'('::-:CL~-;~~-'/ :.. ! Jon C. Dobosiewicz Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel IN 46032 Re: Dan Young Chevrolet - Northeast Comer of Keystone and 96th Street Special Use Amend Docket No. SUA-162-0l Dear Jon: Enclosed you will find copies of letters and enclosures sent to the members of the Special Studies Committee for its meeting on February 5, 2002 for this matter. Please call me with any questions or comments. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER ~- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures H:\JanetIDan Young ChevylSU AppIDohosicwicz In 012802.wpd w o NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS-AT.LA W JAMES J. NElSON . CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER LAWRENCEJ. KEMPER JOHN B. FLAIT of coumel JANE U. MERRILL 3021 EAsr 98th SrREEr Sum: 220 lNDwwous,tNmANA46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 January 25, 2002 ~,~i -' '--. - // / " /'., , JA /, ", T L~/ . ~~(cIE~'If~rQ! \~:\ JAN 30 2002 \:\ DOCS \'~ \.' , "<'>~"'-' ~. / Jerry Chomanczuk 5208 Lake Point Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Penske Chevrolet- Docket No. I 62-01-ADLS Amend -- ,.....::.- --- Dear Je~: When this request was presented on January 15, 2002, we were asked to provide the originally approved elevations for comparison purposes. To this end, we have enclosed the following: I. Exhibit 1. Aerial photograph; 2. Exhibit 2. Drawings of the originally approved building closest to 96th Street; 3. Exhibit 3. Drawings of the revised building closest to 96th Street; 4. Exhibit 4. Drawings of the originally approved main building in the northwest corner; 5. Exhibit 5. Drawings of the revised main building in the northwest comer of the real estate; 6. Exhibit 6. A revised landscape plan, in three parts, the first part of which shows the reduction in the main building, the addition to the main building, and the addition to the building closest to Keystone Avenue; and 7. Exhibit 7. A chart showing that the quantity of landscaping has been increased to include what was originally approved, per the request of the Urban Forester, Scott Brewer. We look forward to presenting these matters to you on February 5, 2002. Respectfully submitted, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER C A- L--.. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures cc: Leo Dierckman Nick Kestner Dianna Knoll Pat Rice . Paul Spranger Wayne Wilson H:\lanct\Dan YOWlS ChcvylChomanczuk Itr 012502.wpd o Q NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS.AT.LA W JAMESJ. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER IAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FlATI of tl}unsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsr 98th Srlwn' Sum 220 1NDwwous, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 ,,-- <II '-' January 25, 2002 r~' " /, '" /' . /, ,1 -~ . ,-- i '--', \-\ .....-\ \~,\, "''v~~~::'~J'__~~~;S;// ~ , rFJ~t~~W~[Ej JAM 30 2002 DOCS Leo Dierckman 12310 Windsor Drive Carmel, IN 46033 Re: Penske Chevrolet - Docket No. 162-01-ADLS Amend Dear Lep: When this request was presented on January 15, 2002, we were asked to provide the originally approved elevations for comparison purposes. To this end, we have enclosed the following: 1. Exhibit 1. Aerial photograph; 2. Exhibit 2. Drawings of the originally approved building closest to 96th Street; 3. Exhibit 3. Drawings of the revised building closest to 96th Street; 4. Exhibit 4. Drawings ofthe originally approved main building in the northwest corner; 5. Exhibit S. Drawings of the revised main building in the northwest corner of the real estate; 6. Exhibit 6. A revised landscape plan, in three parts, the first part of which shows the reduction in the main building, the addition to the main building, and the addition to the building closest to Keystone Avenue; and 7. Exhibit 7. A chart showing that the quantity of landscaping has been increased to include what was originally approved, per the request of the Urban Forester, Scott Brewer. We look forward to presenting these matters to you on February 5, 2002. Respectfully submitted, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER ~.c. L--- ~____ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures cc: Jerry Chomanczuk Nick Kestner Dianna Knoll Pat Rice Paul Spranger Wayne Wilson H:\lanet\Dan Young Chevy\Dierckman Itr 012502.wpd o o NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AlTORNEYS.AT.I.A W JAMES J. NElSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES Eo SJDNAVER lAWRENCE J. KEMPJm JOHN B. FIATI' of couosel JANE B. MERRIIL 3021 EAsr 98th SrREEr Sum 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8182 '. . ~ ~~(G~1~~[>> JAtJ 30 2002 DOCS January 25, 2002 E. Nicholas Kestner III 2]23 West ]06th Street Carmel, IN 46032 -\ ',/ Re:Penske Chevrolet - Docket No. ] 62-0] -ADLS Amend '~<2=:~:C-___-\' // Dear Nick: When this request was presented on January ] 5, 2002, we were asked to provide the originally approved elevations for comparison purposes. To this end, we have enclosed the following: ] . Exh ibit ]. Aerial photograph; 2. Exhibit 2. Drawings of the originally approved building closest to 96th Street; 3. Exhibit 3. Drawings of the revised building closest to 96th Street; 4. Exhibit 4. Drawings ofthe originally approved main building in the northwest corner; 5. Exhibit 5. Drawings of the revised main building in the northwest corner of the real estate; 6. Exhibit 6. A revised landscape plan, in three parts, the first part of which shows the reduction in the main building, the addition to the main building, and the addition to the building closest to Keystone Avenue; and 7. Exhibit 7. A chart showing that the quantity of landscaping has been increased to include what was originally approved, per the request of the Urban Forester, Scott Brewer. We look forward to presenting these matters to you on February 5, 2002. Respectfully submitted, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER c-----. Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures cc: Jerry Chomanczuk Leo Dierckman Dianna Knoll Pat Rice Paul Spranger Wayne Wilson H:\lanetIDan Young ChevylKestner Itr 012502.wpd u Q NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AttO,RNEYS.AT.lA W JAMES J. NELSON CBAIU.ES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCEJ. KEMPER JOHN B. FLAlT of coamsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsr 98tb SntFEr SlJD'R 220 1NDwwous, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317~782 January 25, 2002 Dianna Knoll 1305 Smokey Row Lane Carmel, IN 46033 ~ ~~CCfE~W~~ JAN 30 2002 DOCS Re: Penske Chevrolet - Docket No. 162-0 l-ADLS Amend , , .' " I .~ ...' /' ~. - '/ , -"1-- --\ ' '---'.}.'-1-__ _~~ _:// Dear Dillnna: When this request was presented on January 15, 2002, we were asked to provide the originally , approved elevations for comparison purposes. To this end, we have enclosed the following: I. Exhibit 1. Aerial photograph; 2. Exhibit 2. Drawings of the originally approved building closest to 96th Street; 3. Exhibit 3. Drawings of the revised building closest to 96th Street; 4. Exhibit 4. Drawings of the originally approved main building in the northwest comer; 5. Exhibit 5. Drawings of the revised main building in the northwest comer of the real estate; 6. Exhibit 6. A revised landscape plan, in three parts, the first part of which shows the reduction in the main building, the addition to the main building, and the addition to the building closest to Keystone Avenue; and 7. Exhibit 7. A chart showing that the quantity of landscaping has been increased to include what was originally approved, per the request of the Urban Forester, Scott Brewer. We look forward to presenting these matters to you on February 5,2002. Respectfully submitted, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER e~__ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures cc: Jerry Chomanczuk Leo Dierckman Nick Kestner Pat Rice Paul Spranger Wayne Wilson H:\JanellDan Young ChevylKnoll Ib' 0 I 2502. wpd o o NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATfORNEYS-AT-LA W JAMES J. NELSON CHARLEs D. :FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SBINA VER IA~CEJ. KEMPER JOHN B. FLAIT of counsel JANE B. M.ERRIIL 3021 EAsr 98th SQmJrr Sum 220 OOIANAPOus, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX:317~782 January 25, 2002 ~_..-..- ,--t- .. - -- -- / \ \.c,.' ,.; //. \..Y' , '" ~ " lPJ~tre1W~IQ) JAN 30 2002 DOCS ;... Pat Rice 9659 Wild Cherry Lane Indianapolis, IN 46280 Penske Chevrolet - Docket No. 162-0 I-ADLS Amend '/ Re: :,.....-- Dear Pat: When this request was presented on January IS, 2002, we were asked to provide the originally approved elevations for comparison purposes. To this end, we have enclosed the following: I. Exhibit I. Aerial photograph; 2. Exhibit 2. Drawings of the originally approved building closest to 96th Street; 3. Exhibit 3. Drawings of the revised building closest to 96th Street; 4. Exhibit 4. Drawings of the originally approved main building in the northwest comer; 5. Exhibit 5. Drawings ofthe revised main building in the northwest comer of the real estate; 6. Exhibit 6. A revised landscape plan, in three parts, the first part ofwhich shows the reduction in the main building, the addition to the main building, and the addition to the building closest to Keystone A venue; and 7. Exhibit 7. A chart showing that the quantity of landscaping has been increased to include what was originally approved, p,er the request of the Urban Forester, Scott Brewer. We look forward to presenting these matters to you on February 5, 2002. Respectfully submitted, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER e~___ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures cc: Jerry Chomanczuk Leo Dierckman Nick Kestner Dianna Knoll Paul Spranger Wayne Wilson H:\JanetlOan Young ChevylRice ftr 012S02.wpd u Q NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS-AT-LA W JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SBINA VER JA.WRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLAlT of counsel JANE B. MERRIIL January 25, 2002 Paul Spranger Six Shady Lane Cannel, IN 46032 Re: Penske Chevrolet - Docket No. 162-01-ADLS Amend Dear Paul: 3021 EAsr 98th Sm:Er Sum 220 1ND1ANAPOlJS, INmANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 , \ ~ WJ~~fE1\;f~rg : JAN 30 2002 \ . " . \ DOCS \. \ " . "'- "- '. When this request was presented on January 15, 2002, we were asked to provide the originally approved elevations for comparison purposes. To this end, we have enclosed the following: 1. Exhibit 1. Aerial photograph; 2. Exhibit 2. Drawings of the originally approved building closest to 96th Street; 3. Exhibit 3. Drawings of the revised building closest to 96th Street; 4. Exhibit 4. Drawings of the originally approved main building in the northwest corner; 5. Exhibit 5. Drawings of the revised main building in the northwest comer of the real estate; 6. Exhibit 6. A revised landscape plan, in three parts, the first part ofwhich shows the reduction in the main building, the addition to the main building, and the addition to the building closest to Keystone Avenue; and 7. Exh ibit 7. A chart showing that the quantity of landscaping has been increased to include what was originally approved, per the request of the Urban Forester, Scott Brewer. We look forward to presenting these matters to you on February 5, 2002. Respectfully submitted, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER e~ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures cc: Jerry Chomanczuk Leo Dierckman Nick Kestner Dianna Knoll Pat Rice Wayne Wilson H:\Janel\Dan Young ChevylSpranller Itr 0 12S02. wpd . ~ * u (.) NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEY8-AT.lAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER .JAMES Eo SHlNA VER . IAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FI.AlT ofcoUDSel JANE B. MERRnL 3021 EAsT 98th SrREET Sum 220 1ND1ANAPOU8, ~IANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 '. January 25, 2002 / i lfJ~t~~~~[j) 'JAN 30 2002 DOCS ^'. Wayne A. Wilson 24 Wilson Drive Carmel, IN 46032 \ .-' \ ,'\ " Re: Penske Chevrolet - Docket No. 162-01-ADLS Amend / /' >... Dear Wayne: When this request was presented on January 15, 2002, we were asked to provide the originally approved elevations for comparison purposes. To this end, we have enclosed the following: '1. Exhibit 1. Aerial photograph; 2. Exhibit 2. Drawings ofthe originally approved building closest to 96th Street; 3. Exhibit 3. Drawings of the revised building closest to 96th Street; 4. Exhibit 4. Drawings ofthe originally approved main building in the northwest comer; 5. Exhibit 5. Drawings of the revised main building in the northwest comer of the real estate; 6. Exhibit 6. A revised landscape plan, in three parts, the first part of which shows the reduction in the main building, the addition to the main building, and the addition to the building closest to Keystone Avenue; and 7. Exhibit 7. A chart showing that the quantity of landscaping has been increased to include what was originally approved, per the request of the Urban Forester, Scott Brewer. We look forward to presenting these matters to you on February 5, 2002. Respectfully submitted, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER ,p' c..A......- Charl~s D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosures cc: Jerry Chomanczuk Leo Dierckman Nick Kestner Dianna Knoll Pat Rice Paul Spranger H:\Janet\Dan Young ChevylWilson Itr Ol2S02,wpd Charlie Frankenberger u u From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Charlie Frankenberger Tuesday, January 29, 2002 9:09 AM 'buchheit@westfieldtown.org' Charlie Frankenberger Bridge Water Club meeting Dear Kevin, This confirms that we will meet in my office at 2:00pm, Friday, February 1, 2002. See you then. -Charlie 1 ! ~g~~~~\Q) JAN 30 2002 DOCS \~ ~-~.\ \,/,' '''~'':''-::'~ J/ -...:.......,: :< .!:!!!!iI, Laurence M ~\~ / -, \ \~-'-J I ,"'" //\ ' ~/.......' -~j/ "'-- / "../ .,"( ,,\ Jay Alley [Jay@ctrwd.org] l}/ ~ ~ ~(-\ Friday, January 25,200210:47 AM ;-----/ V7i~~~ \-::\ LLillig@cLcarmel.in.us 1:;]11 J4N 2i.17,,~1f!. trj\ Re: Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals - January 28, 2002~epart~n:~ . )~I \_:;'~ 'DCS F~ 7 <>~ )(-./ "< /~_ //0; "QTTt\S5'Y The text in the email is very helpful! We're not effected by any of these projects unless the Dan YounQwOrK gets into the pavement of 96th Street where we have a force main - doesn't look like that's even an issue from the written report and comments. Q ~ U From: Sent: To: Subject: Thanks Laurence: Glad we don't have to wrestle with some of your issues though! Jay 1 u NELSON U & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT.LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. smNAVER lAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FIATI' 0' counsel JANE B. MERRlLL 3021 ~98th SrRmr Sum 220 1NDwwous, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 January 18,2002 ^-;;~~ :', \ \"'.,:.oL'--',~ - , t'.J,,";Y/ " ""::.) -1 Il5l 4l Q! v#'~~ ~ \: -_:; t/{4t /~fP~ \::--\ .-' <'< <f,~ E1 C\ boG'3 ~-IJ VIA HAND DELIVERY Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services One Civic Center Carmel, IN 46032 Re: D. Young Chevrolet, LLC - Special Use Amendment Docket No. SUA-162-01 Dear Jon: Please find enclosed the following for the above-referenced matter: 1. Notice of Public Hearing; 2. Affidavit of Mailing; 3. Proof of Publication; 4. List from Hamihon County Auditor re~arding surrounding property owners; 5. Certified, return receipt'requested cards which were returned by the surrounding property owners; and 6. Tax maps and mailing addresses for Marion County owners. The above-referenced docket matter is to be presented to the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals on Monday, January 28, 2002. Should you have any questions, please contact me. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER JES/jlw Enclosures H:\JanetIDan Young ChevylDobosiewicz pub Itr 011802_wpd u u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS-AT-IAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER I.A~CEJ. KEMPER JOHN B. FlAlT of counsel JANE B. M.ERRII.J.. VIA HAND DELIVERY Ramona Hancock Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 January 18, 2002 Re: 'D. Young Chevrolet, LLC - Special Use Amendment Docket No. SUA-162-01 Dear Ramona: 3021 EAsr 98th Snui:ln' SUflE 220 1.NDwwous, INmANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX:3~7-846-8782 :'\ 0.0f~'R ;j \:v,O!--- ." (._.' .~'y' ~ '~).. {S":1." </, ~ J \<\.. ~} ~~~~t!) \:~~ '1'~ J ' 18 2002 i=-. ~ J~N I:.':'" ,,;~ DOCS ,'.. , , \'~'" \ " \."" :, \.., :','::)., " ! /"'" I , Enclosed are eight (8) brochures for the Board of Zoning Appeals hearing scheduled for January 28, 2002, regarding the above-referenced docket number. Please distribute the brochures in your usual manner, and call if you have any questions. JES/jlw Enclosures H:\Janet\Dan Young ChevylSU App\Hancock Itr OJ 1802,wpd Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER .. u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW u f' JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98tb STREE1 sum: 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 January 16, 2002 'i--:''':'- ~'., r"- ''-...''.>... .,( ~ '" '\:\ f ~~~~~ <~) .. \ j~\\ \, 1~~~,:.:/ \ noes .; .' " / ',,"- , k" ~ ',,' >..., <9\/ './ I ';;:~,'-? "~\ :/ "'~ /1 17~ \~\/ ---,~--.;,--- VIA HAND DELIVERY Laurence M. Lillig Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Dan Young (Penske) ChevroletIYoung Realty L.P. Docket No. SUA-162-01 Dear Laurence: Enclosed you will find the original Owner Consent for the above-referenced matter, which is scheduled before the Board of Zoning Appeals on January 28, 2002. Please include this original Owner Consent with the file. Thank you for your assistance, and please call with any questions. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER J~MV~ JES/jlw Enclosure H:\JanetIDan Young ChevylLillig Itr 011602.wpd //({~JCJ~\ /)/"' ~~. /j' J~ '~ 1-\ {JI~ \ \.:~, DOCS .;....:... Young Realty Company, L.P., the undersigned (the "Owner"), hereby consen~s1.o the requestfo~, Special Use Amendment approval filed by D. Young Chevrolet, LLC, before the Caim,eV~oard4f.)~ Zoning appeals, pending under Docket No. SUA-I 62-0 I (the "Special Use Amend Request~Y.~bY' consents and authorizes D. Young Chevrolet, LLC and Nelson & Frankenberger, through their representatives, to represent the owner before the Board of Zoning Appeals and its committees in connection with such Special Use Amend Request. ~ u ,,4' u OWNER'S CONSENT Special Use Amend Approval Dated: - 7---- -- 1/2/0'J. I I H;\JaneIIDan Young ChevylSU ApplSUA Consent.wpd Jan R. Chenoweth, "Manager" for Young Realty Co., L.P. w JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER of counsel JANE II. MERRILL VIA HAND DELIVERY NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS-AT-LAW January 15,2002 Sue Ellen Johnson Cannel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Cannel IN 46032 u Re: Dan Young Chevrolet Amended ADLS Approval, Docket No. 162-01-ADLS Special Use Amend, Docket No. SUA-162-0l Dear Sue Ellen: 3021 EAST 98th STREET SVlTE 220 INDIANAPOU8, INDIANA 46280 317-844-OlO6 FAX: 317-846-8782 Enclosed are a check in the amount of $630.00 and a check in the amount of $350.00, representing the filing fees. Thanks for your patience. CDF/jlw Enclosures H:IJanel\Dan Young CbevyIJohnson Itr 0 II S02. wpd Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER e~ Charles D. Frankenberger ~'r ~ ._ 0.\. ~ u City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ~CJ4- It&.z-aJ ~2.' , '" .- -(~7f~. / "- ? , '(.}IV . ~? _";' D[~[C[to ~ (~ 21 2001 E \=- DOCS /::- \-;.;:') ~0J; \';'~ '- ~ <G RE: Revised Plans for Dan Young Chevrolet 96th & Keystone December 18, 2001 Charles D. Frankenberger Nelson & Frankenberger 3021 East 98th Street, Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 Dear Charles: Specific landscape plan revisions were not submitted with the revised site plans, though I am assuming they will be as the approval process goes forward. My comments on the site plans are as follows: 1. In the parking lot planting areas east of the new building and west of entry drive, there were eight trees proposed on the approved plan. That number of trees should remain the same on the revised plan. 2. The "island" that is adjacent to the proposed 3,000 SF addition of the new building and runs east to the entry drive should be kept open and uncompacted to allow for increased soil volumes for trees planted there. Shade trees should be planted on average every 40 feet in this area, including the area along the entry drive. A species should be chosen that is suited for such a planting environment. 3. In the six end-cap islands to the east of the large existing building, two shade trees should be planted in each island. 4. In the row of parking lot islands that are south of the large existing building (row runs east and west), a shade tree should be planted in the western most island (the larger one). In the remaining (six) narrower islands, one ornamental tree would be appropriate due their limited width and soil volume for root growth. 5. Applications that increase soil volume for root growth can increase tree health, lessen mortality, and decrease root/hard surface conflicts, and should be investigated for parking lot sites such as this. Attached is a copy of the planting details found in the Architectural Graphic Standards (Tenth Edition) which present several options for increasing soil volumes for planting spaces including constructed soils and planting trenches covered by pavement. These options should be considered for planting areas with limited soil volumes. ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 u o ";-- Page 2, Dan Young Please contact me at (317) 571-2478 or by email atSBrewer@ci.carme1.in.usifthere are furth~~~ discuss these comments. ~~wer Urban Forester, Carmel/Clay Township CC: Jon Dobosiewicz, DOCS Laurence Lillig, DOCS Keith Baughman, Lawn Pride Inc. .. u u [\'11. L M \ \~" I I , aurence ~y -~l A / '< /~ From: Lillig, Laurence M :(\. ~li ~ '<(~ Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 11 :34 AM IJrl' C!f!/~ \ \ To: Johnson, Sue E; Pattyn, Dawn E; Tingley, Connie S; Morriss. Phyllis<<<3 ij cl) 1[$\ Cc: Hollibaugh, Mike P; Hahn, Kelli A; Dobosiewicz, Jon C \'::'.\ ba. /##/ r Subject: Dan Young Chevrolet (SUA-162-01) \---) ~S \f~ - Docket No. SUA-162-01 has been assigned to the Special Use Amendment petition filed by ~'-m a fb berger of Nelson & Frankenberger on behalf of Dan Young Chevrolet for an automobile dealership located at '3 ~ ast 96th Street. (Cross-reference: Docket No. SUA-36-85; SUA-103-88; SUA-71-01.) · The Filing Fee for this petition is $630.00. · This Item will appear on the Monday, January 28, 2002, agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. The petitioner is responsible for bringing seven (7) collated copies of the Findings-of-Fact and Ballot Sheet for each petition the night of the meeting for the Board's use. · Ten (10) Informational Packets will need to be delivered to BZA Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than noon, Friday, January 18, 2002. · Both mailed and published Public Notice will need to be accomplished no later than Thursday, January 3, 2002. This Item appeared on the December 19, 2001, agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAG). Sue Ellen, please contact Mr. Frankenberger at (317) 844-0106 [fax: (317) 846-8782] with this information. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Planning & Zoning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ~ ~\E"~ td-.-~\-~( ?"'./~ Phone: 317.571.2417 Fax: 317.571.2426 ~ fj~ / 1<,07 I llillig@ci.carmel.in.us ~ 1 , .w o CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One Clvlc Square Carmel, IN 4S032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax To: Cl\\~\-lc.c From: ~ ~ -5-11-5 Ii Lp o~ &LI~..&~). Pages: :2- Fax: Phone: Date: I ,J.- a\ -<0 I Re: ~\tf\ -Ilokol CCI o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle u NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS-AT-J,AW u JAMES J. NELSON CIIARLFS D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SIDNAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAsT 98th STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOIJ'S, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 December 14,2001 /::'\ ' \. , , . " , , ". >\, Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel IN 46032 /,~,,:, /........ I : -'I I ~o 11 .4t> C><Yh ./~ (); t)OCcS <Z:t "\(-;\ t::: ' VIA HAND DELIVERY :---;:; , ~-'. '.-~ ..\ / -....... , " I ..\. y .,/" ;,' J \ \..: ,,; Re: Dan Young Chevrolet - Amended Special Use Application BZA Hearing January 28, 2002 Dear Jon: Enclosed you will find one original and one copy of a Amended Special Use Application, along with two (2) set of drawings and plans regarding the same. My understanding is that the following will be the schedule for this matter: 12/14/01 1/4/02 1/4/02 1/15/02 1/18/02 1/28/02 File Amended Special Use Application Mail and publish BZA notice PC brochures due for Amended ADLS Application PC hearing on ADLS Application BZA brochures due for Amended SU Application BZA hearing on Amended SU Application Please call me with any questions or comments. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER CL Charles D. Frankenberger CDF /jlw Enclosures H:\JanetIDan Young ChevylSU ApplLillig Itr 12140l.wpd