HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecommendation to City Council 03-18-02 CARMEL CITY COUNCIL March 18, 20of)..-- 2. Z-372-02, Amendments to the C-l/City Center Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance PC Docket No. 3-02 OA (Text Amendment) The petitioner seeks to make amendments to the C-l Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance. Filed by the Department of Community Services. The Carmel/Clay Plan Commission forwards this ordinance to the Common Council with a unanimous (10-0) Favorable Recommendation (see enclosed certification). The Department recommends that this item be forwarded to the Annexation and Land Use Committee for review and that the Council adopt the Ordinance upon receiving a recommendation from the committee. Rrip.f dp.!ileriptinn and haekgrnund infnrmatinn~ The goal ofthis amendment, similar to Z-374-02 (also enclosed), is to allow for more flexibility during the ADLS process for redevelopment projects. As the C-l and C-2 areas are being developed, high quality designs are conceived due to the ability to negotiate materials, finishes, textures, signage, and landscaping details. These details are difficult to quantify within the C-l and C-2 Ordinance. The proposed amendments do continue to require the same level of review but provide for greater design flexibility in the regulations to be administered as part of the ADLS procedure. Council Report 2002-3-8.rtf CERTIFICATION OF THE CARMEL/CLA Y PLAN COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION ON THE PETITION OF THE CITY OF CARMEL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES TO AMEND THE CARMEL/CLA Y ZONING ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO INDIANA CODE 36-7-4-605 ORDINANCE No. Z-372-02 C-lICity Center District Amendment To: The Honorable Common Council Of the City of Carmel Hamilton County, Indiana Dear Members: The CarmeVClay Plan Commission offers you the following report on the application of the Department of Community Services (Docket No. 3-02 OA) petitioning the Commission to amend Chapter 20E: C-l/City Center District. The CarmeVClay Plan Commission's recommendation on the petition of the Department of Community Services is FAVORABLE. At its regularly scheduled meeting of February 19, 2002, the CarmeVClay Plan Commission voted ten (10) in Favor, zero (0) Opposed, zero (0) Abstaining, to forward to the Common Council the proposed Ordinance No. Z-372-02 with a Favorable Recommendation. Please be advised that by virtue of the Plan Commission's Favorable Recommendation, pursuant to IC 36-7-4-607(e), the Council has ninety (90) days to act on this petition before it becomes effective as Certified by the Commission. Ninety days from the date of this Certification is Thursday, May 30, 2002. RECEIVED DATED: March 1,2002 t$11W.. - I LU02 03 VD ."--' r - /17/6 ?.. I 2- I ~ -- '3- D~OA ~-'''-'- - ~Ec""_ ~j>~ VLT!< ~. C' ~c.-==-l~~~~ ,&::. l~ C,),-,..., ~ (L, ~~ , f------ . -". -~ c- ~Llc... : ~ t)~'E "------. - -~'~, . ~ll.s_e&~ ~ . ~,LW'~~-lti=-i ~-~~.s. . --~,._. -- - . ba\l1E,)Lo~b \ ~~ -- c:e:"t:>_~ . . ~ . j, ~ - . , -~ - -- . t"\ -- :b= --- - - - c..-L. ~~~~ c--i. ~ - rV6~'~o~E "" o~.s . ~v.s-~ ' t:)AvE,. t-'-' 1M:> 1 rb-L~ . - ~1\:'. ~ ~ l..E 0 tck- rj. '-- --_._------~-~~,--~-~----,-,--j ,---~----- :I:J..1'FO FoR... CoUJ..JClL ~ -.---.-... ~~ S ....... " -- ~~-~,..---,---- ---.. . -- --~ -- ------~...-.......,.....--- .,,_.'-.,,----=.,..---""""~..----;>,...-.._,--- -~ .-><'-.,.------ I , ~-=~~ ' · \ .' t -..~---~~.,), """'"'--- " j - - ""'.-'-"'-~ I I I , I .,..-....,; .- " 1 L ~- 7' CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION DEPARTMENT REPOJlT February 19, 2 o or' :2-' 2h. Docket No. 3-02 OA; Amendments to the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance The petitioner seeks to make amendments to the C-I Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance. Filed by the Department of Community Services. 3h. Docket No. 4-02 OA; Amendments to the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance The petitioner seeks to make amendments to the C-2/0Id Town Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance. Filed by the Department of Community Services. The goal ofthese two sets of amendments is to allow for more flexibility during the ADLS process for redevelopment projects. As the C-I and C-2 areas are being developed, high quality designs are conceived due to the ability to negotiate materials, finishes, textures, signage, and landscaping details. These details are difficult to quantify within the C-I and C- 2 Ordinance. The proposed amendments do continue to require the same level of review but provide for greater design flexibility in the regulations to be administered as part ofthe ADLS procedure. The Department recommends that both items be forwarded to the City Council, at the conclusion of the Public Hearings, with favorable recommendations. Note: Forwarding the Ordinance Text Amendments this evening will require a vote to waive the Commission's rules of procedure which would have the items sent to committee. 3-020A CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE 'i ",' -1 CARMEUCLAY ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 20E: C-l/CITY CENTER DISTRICT 20E.O r.-1/r.ity r.enter nistrict. 20E.O.l Pnrpose ~md Tntent, The purpose of the C-l City Center District is to create and protect land areas for the development of the Carmel City Center, a central mixed-use complex of retail, residential, office, and community facilities designed to meet the cultural and economic needs of the community. The development is intended to stabilize an area that has fallen into disuse, and provide an energetic focus to the city's central business district. The combination of retail shopping and entertainment is intended to provide a destination for families. The office complex included in the project is intended to attract the very best corporate citizens to the community. The City Center will be bisected by the Monon Trail, further developing the attractiveness of the linear park project. When coupled with a museum/exhibit hall and performing arts center, the City Center will provide the attractions necessary to support a retail and entertainment complex and will lend itself to hosting large cultural and entertainment events. To promote the development of the City Center district, the City of Carmel will provide master land planning, land acquisition, street improvements, landscaping and utility infrastructure. 20E.O.2 Tract Reqnirements. Land areas shall be rezoned C-l only upon application by the City of Carmel itself. All activities associated with commercial, transportation, service, office and residential activities shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings in such a manner that any nuisance factors are not emitted outside of the building. Visual screening of the outside activities including, but not limited to, storage and trash collection areas shall be included. 20E.O.3 Approval of neve lop men 'I Plan, ]. Following approval hy the r.armel Redevelopment r.ommission, the City ofr.armel shall suhmit for approval a nevelopment Plan that inclndes the following development requirement.; for that property. architectural desien, exterior lighting, landscaping and sienaee (AnT .S) 2. The nil'ector, as the staff of the r.armellr.lay Plan Commission, shall review a np application to determine if the np satisfies the development requirements of the C- I nistrlct 3. The nirector mnst approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the nevelopment Plan (np) for any tract of land in the C-' nistrict 4. A puhlic hearing shall he held hy the nirector hefore it decides whether to approve or disapprove a np However, no np is required for additions to existine structures which' a. Are attached to the existing strnctnre; h Continne the architectnral design of the existing stmcture) inclndine exterior color anel materials; doors and windows, other detailine; c Meet with reqnirements of the r.-1 nistrict; d. no not exceed ?O% of the orie;inal eross floor area ofthe existing stmctnre, applicahle from the elate of this section; and e Have received a prior A nJ ,S approval from the Plan r.ommission Chapter 20E: C-IICity Center District 20E-l as adopted per Z-343j Z-365-01 3-020A CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE f ... 5. lu. ,",vujUU",t:Vll n:th ~~ ut'.t'l:",,,,L:v.u..tv &.'-'LAlU,,", Q.UJ 1\ofQ.l }llv'p'-'.llJ Lv tll\,f C 1 LoU.u:......6 ~h;'"'L, the C:LJ uf CUI."u",1 .,h~ ~,.thLufL u. D",.",lvy,u...",uL Plu-u thu.l ~""Iud",.;I th... H...llvn~6 J"""""lv}I.LJ.J.,-,uL a.V'iU':""""UI.\,IUb, [VI. tia.u.L t'lvp""..LJ'. u.l",h..;t\..r...lu.u.d <1""":6"' ""Al\"'l:V.l 1:EJ,IG.I.l6, 1w.uJ..;I"'"Y:.u& ",.u.J .;I:51.J.u.6~ (ADLS). Pursuant to IC 36-7-4-1400 et seq., the Director (as the staff of the Plan Commission) is hereby authorized to conduct a public hearing to determine whether the Development Plan complies in all respects with the Zoning Ordinance and any commitments made by the owner of the real property under IC 36-7-4-613. The Director shall then make written fmdings concerning his or her decision to approve or disapprove the Development Plan, and the Director is hereby designated as the official who is responsible for signing the written findings. v 6. The approval or disapproval of a Development Plan by the Director under this Section is a final decision of the Commission that may be reviewed only as provided in IC 36-7-4-1016. After initial approval of the architectural design, exterior lighting, landscaping and signage (ADLS) under this Section, theADLS shall not be materially or substantially changed or altered without the prior approval of the Commission under its rules of procedure. 7. .The applicant may req.ne~t a Plan C-ommi~~ion Waiver to the dimen~ional and qnantitative ~tandard~ of the C--l ni~trict hy not greater than ~ ';%, con~i~ent with req)lirement~ ~et forth b.e1.o.w: a. The propo~al ~hall he in harmony with the pnrpo~e~ Rnd the IRnd-n~e stRndRrd~ contRined in thi~ chapter; b. The proposal ~hRII enhRnce the overall nevelopment PIRn, the Rdjoining ~treetscRpe~ Rnd neighhorhood~, and the ovemll C-ity C-enter ni~trict c. The propo~RI ~hRII not produce a ~ite plRn or ~treetJcirculRtion ~stem that would he imprRcticRI or demct from the appeRrance of the nevelopment PIRn Rnd the City C-enter ni~trict, and ~hall not Rdversely affect emergen~y vehicle acce~~ or deprive Rdjoining propertie~ of Rdequate ligl1t Rnd Rir d The propo~RI exhihit~ extrRordinRry ~ite de~iV" chRracteri~tic~, inclmiing, hnt not limited to' Tncrea~ed land~cape treatment, tree pre~ervation) puhlic art, provi~ion~ for hi4ycle~ and/or mas~ tran~it, rednced ~urface parking conpled with provi~ion~ for Rhove or helow ground parkine facilitie~ e Tn eranting a waiver, the C-ommi~~ion may impo~e ~nch condition~ that will, in it~ judgment, secure the pnrpo~e~ of this chapter Thi~ ~uhsection does not affect the right of an applicant under Tndiana law to petition the RmlTCf for a variance from development ~tandard~, R~ proviclecl in , r ~(\-7-4-Ql R '; Rnd this Zoning Code 20E.l Permitten lT~e~: Commercial recreational enterprise or facility Commercial (Retail) Sales Commercial (Wholesale) sale of products, Community Center, including service establishments General Offices Hotel Museum Performing Arts Center Residential uses Restaurant Theater Chapter 20E: C-l/City Center District 20E-2 as adopted per Z-343; Z-365-01 3"()2 OA CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE .~- 20E.1.1 Minimnm Area Reqnirement~: None. 20E.1.2 Other ReqJlirement~: None. 20E.2 Permitted ~pedallJ~e~: (See Chapter 21 for additional regulations.) Other uses similar and comparable to the above permitted uses. 20E.2.1 Minimnm Area Reqnirement~: None. 20E.2.2 Other Reqnirement~: None. 20E.3 A~ce~~01:Y Hni1dinf~ ann lJ~e~: (See Chapter 25 for additional requirements.) 20E.3.1. Enclosed Accessory Uses which are incidental to, maintained on the same lot and directly associated with the operation of a permitted use, including recreational areas for employees and lodging facilities for owners, guards or caretakers. 20E.3.2. Any detached accessory building on any lot shall be compatible in architectural style and construction materials with the principal building(s) with which it is associated. 20E.4 Heieht ann Area Reqnirement~ (See Chapter 26 for additional requirements.) 20E.4.1 Maximnm Heieht - Re~inentiallJ~e~: 1. Forty-five (45) feet, fifty-five (55) feet if adjacent to an existing or platted single-family residence or residential subdivision. 2. Fifty-five (55) feet when adjacent to all other uses. 20E.4.2 Maximnm Heieht - r.ommercialand r.ivic TJ~e~: 1. Forty-five (45) feet if adjacent to an existing or platted single-family residence or residential subdivision. 2. Eighty-five (85) feet when adjacent to all other uses. 20E.4.3. Minimnm Lot Frontage: One hundred (100) feet (except for residential use, which shall be a minimum of thirty-five (35) feet). 20E.4.4 Minimnm T .ot ~i7.e: twenty thousand (20,000) square feet per principal building (except for residential use, which shall be a minimum of four thousand (4000) square feet with public sewer and water). 20E.4.5 Maximnm T ,ot r.overl'lge: eighty percent (80%). 20F. '; Architechlllll ne~ign 20F. '\ I Rni1ding~ ~hall he de~igned and con~tnJcted in accordance with the adopten architectllral ~tyle and material~ palette e~tah1i~hen for the r.ity r.enter hy the r.ity ofr.armel Redevelopment r.ommi~~ion Chapter 20E: C-lICity Center District 20E-3 as adopted per Z-343; Z-365-01 30020A CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP' ZONING ORDINANCE i. If 20E.6 T .:mn!;clIping ReqJlirement!;. ?OR 6 1 T .1Inn!;clIping !;hall he ne!;iened in lIccordance with the lldopten lann!;cllpine !';tyle and specie!; Plllette e!;tah1i!;hed for the r.ity r.enter hy the r.ity of r.armel Redevelopment Commi!';!';ion 20E.6.t ~treet Tree!';. Shade trees shall be planted along all streets within the rights-of-ways, parallel to the street. Species, size, and installation shall be per the standards of the City of Carmel. 20n.6.2 nllffeIJlIld~, Vlhele a lot 01 pm"l of giotmd used fOI btlSmess pm poses in the. C-I Disb.kt abuts land tlSed follesidential pm poses, a bnffcrymd shall be Plovided alo~ at.y abutting bolttldary line. 1. Minimmn Btrffcrymd width. a. ten (If)) Net ful landscape bttfferyll1ds. b. five (5) feet fOI butkryards consist~ of six foot (6') high screen wall of solid wood 01 maSomJ. 2. TIll, lull,l.I,\t'mt~, AccessolJ btl.Hding,s may encroach within a landsCApe buffcryatd up to fi~e (5) feet. J. Plallt~s within lat1dscape bttffGIS shall consist plttnmily of shade trees and sbtl1bbetJ, howe~el, whclevel possiblG, exist~ ve~etation within bnffel)atds should be plesel ved. 4. Dnffel'yatds shall be planted at the time of consb.l1ction. Trees shall be pla:nocd at inter ~MS not less than ten (10) feet, nOl mole than fifty (50) feet. Slnl1bbery may be planted h1formally 01 in lawS and shaH SGlcen patking, ateM, outside. stola~e meM, loading, be.tths, trash and lefuse Gontainels and so forth flam abutting, lesidcntial pI ope. ties. 5. Multiple-faton, lesidential de~elopments within the C-t District shaH also be subject to th~ Plotc.:.tion affolded by the la:ndsca:p~ and bufferyatd lcqnhements established helein. 20E.6.J PlIlkil,e T .ut T .1IIlrl~clll.il1e 1. Tllt"Ii,II T ."1I..1~',lII.i1,f,. A mininmm oCone. (1) shade bee and five (5) slnuhs shall he pla1Lted within each plUking, lot fot evelJ ten (HI) spaces plolided. Planting ateas shaU he clenIy dispetsod tlnonghotl.t the pmlcing, atea. 2. P;lIkini T .ut P... il..l.l... Plllhtine. A fivG (5) foot wide pe.imetc.1 plantin~ snip shall be p1o~id(.d td~ the all sides which. abut adjoinin~ properties. a. The miniraum lequited plantinS unit fot this atea shall hlGludc. thIee (3) shade bees and NH,nt} (20) sbtnbs pet 0I1e 1nmdIed (100) Ihl('lU feet. b. The pcIimetcI pla:I~ Mea .118.)' contIibtl.tc. to 01 fulfill bl1ff"c1,yatd planting, Icquiten1ents. 20E.6.4 T ,llnd!';cllping Tn!;tallation llnn Maintenance, 1. Tn!';tallation, All required landscaping shall be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy by the Department of CoJ.l'ltnU:11ity Se1viGes Administrator. If it is not possible to install the required landscaping because of weather conditions, the property Chapter 20E: C-I/City Center District 20E-4 as adopted per Z-343; Z-36S-01 -10 j 3.Q20A CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE owner shall post a bond for an amount equal to the total cost of the required landscaping prior to the issuance of the Final Certificate of Occupancy. (amended per Z-3 65-0 1) 2. Maintenance It shall be the responsibility of the owners and their agencies to insure proper maintenance of the landscaping, in accordance with the standards set by this Ordinance. This is to include, but is not limited to, replacing dead plantings with identical varieties or a suitable substitute, and keeping the area free of refuse and debris. 20E 7 PenTIanent ~igns ?OR 7 1 All permanent signs in the (;.1 District shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the adopted architectural s~le and mMen::!ls palette established for the (;ity (;enter by the (;ity of (;anTIel ?OR 7? Except as noted below, the placement ::!nd nllmber of penTIanent sig;ns shall be in accordance with the project standards established by the (;i~ of (;anTIel Redevelopment (;ommission ?OR 7 i All ~igns must tit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the buildine and may not obscnre details of the bllilding ?OR 7 4 No sign shall extend above the cornice line of the building 20E.8 Fencing. 20E.8.1 Maximum HeigJ1t: a. Side and Rear Yard: eight (8) feet. b. Front Yard: four (4) feet. 20E.8.2 Materials. Fences shall be constructed solid wood or masonry, and shall be approved by the Director at the time of final Development Plan approval. Stockade or shadow box fences shall not be permitted within the C-I District. 20E.9 Parking. 20E.9.1 Parking lots shall generally be located at the rear or at the side of buildings and shall be screened from the sidewalk/street by low walls, fences or hedges. 20E.9.2 In parking areas designed to accommodate more than four rows of vehicles, a landscaped, separated pedestrian pathway shall be provided for safe access through the parking area to the front door. 20E.9.3 Bicycle parking with bike racks should be provided. 20E.IO ~treets and (;irculation. 20E.IO.I Vision clearance on comer lots and at the intersections of streets and driveways shall be observed. 20E.IO.2 Conflicts between pedestrians, bicycles and autos shall shottld be minimized. Separation of circulation systems shall should be created through design elements such as changes in grade, material, screens, structures, etc. Chapter 20E: C-lICity Center District 20E-5 as adopted per Z-343j Z-365-01 3-020A CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE ;j. \ 20E.I0.3 Sidewalks shall be required along all public streets, and shall be constructed to the standards of the '! City of Cannel. Where pedestrians are forced to cross traffic lanes, changes in paving and narrowing of roadways can alert drivers to pedestrian traffic. 20E.10.4 Vehicular traffic serving the C-I District should not be routed into or through a residential development or onto a street serving a school or community facility. 20E.IO.5 Truck traffic serving the C-I District should be prohibited from using surrounding residential streets. Chapter 20E: C-l/City Center District 20E-6 as adopted per Z-343; Z-365-01 -i, .; 4-020A CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE '~, CARMEUCLAY ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 20F: C-2/0LD TOWN DISTRICT 20F.O C;.? Old Town ni!<tTict. 20F.O.l Purpo!<e llnd Tntent The purpose of the C-2 Old Town District is to create and protect land areas for the redevelopment of parcels in the Downtown area of the City popularly known as Old Town. The intent of the City of Carmel is that all redevelopment proposals for this area should incorporate significant civic value and mercantile activity and provide opportunities to improve the fabric of the urban setting. It is further intended that the availability of C-2 zoning in this area should foster a successful public/private relationship between the City of Carmel and prospective developers, while ensuring the compatibility of any redevelopment proposals with existing building codes and zoning regulations. As part of its efforts to redevelop the Old Town area, the City of Carmel has undertaken a significant streetscape improvement project, and determined several desirable "footprint" locations, along with public street access points and public space set-a-sides. The City further intends to facilitate the conversion of all utility and private communications lines and equipment to underground service in the C-2 zoning district. 20F.O.2 Trllct Reqnirement!<, Land areas shall be rezoned C-2 only upon application by the City of Carmel itself. All activities associated with commercial, transportation, service, office and residential activities shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings in such a manner that any nuisance factors are not emitted outside of the building. 20F.O.3 Approvlll ofnevelopment Pllln, 1. Following llpprovlll by the Cllrmel Redevelopment C;ommi!<!<ion, the C;ity of Cllrmel !<hllll !<ubmit for llpprovlll a Development Plan thllt include!< the following development requirement!< for thllt property. llrchitectnrnl de!<ien, exterior lighting, land!<cllping llnd !<igJ1llge ( AnT.S) 2. The nirector, llS the !<tllft' of the Cllrmel/ClllY Pllln C;ommi!<!<ion, !<hllll review II np appliclltion to determine if the DP !<lltktie!< the development requirements of the C;.? ni!<trict 3. The Oirector mn~t ~pprnve} apprnv~ with contiition~, or di~3pprove the nevelopment Plan (nP) for llny trllct oflllnd in the C;-? ni!<trict 4. A public hellring !<hall he held hy the Director before it decide!< whether to approve or di!<llpprove a DP However, no DP i!< required for llddition!< to exi!<ting !<tmctnre!< which' a. Are llttllched to the exi!<ting !<tmctnre; h C;ontinne the llrchitecturlll de!<ign of the exi!<ting !<tmctnre, including exterior color llnd mllterilll!<; door!< llnd window!<, other detailing; c Meet with reqnirement!< of the C;-? Di!<trict; d. no not exceed 20% of the original gro!<!< floor llrell of the exi!<ting !<tnlctnre, llPp.lkahle from the dllte ofthi!< !<ection; llm) Chapter 20F: C-2/Old Town District 20F-l as amended per Z-365-01 4-02 OA CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE -~.. -./ e HI'lVe received a prior ADL1': approval from the Plan ~ommission , 5. 1,1 ,",Ullju..u.""t)VU n:th. :U:. a.Yl-'l~""a.Guu. Lv "\oILlVU\oI UJ.J.} .l""ui p.lVt'\oIlt) Lv th", C: LlU.LL:'U6 d:~b.:",l, the C:L)' uf Cu.&u...",l &huH i.'lu,hu.l:L U [)"".",lv}'ll.lwul PI,," tiu...l ~,",lL4d\"i,') tI.l\ol fvlluvy.:..u.5 d\oll'\Ju}I.Llu...ul J."''iU':'''''''Ll.l''''.lJ.~ [\".1 tlJ.u.l t'J.v}''''J.t,1- """"h;h.,,,,Luu.cl &"';;):61.1, ""^,L,,,.I:v.l hght:u.e., 1I4Ud~:nl"y.t".:...u6 u.LJ..J "':&"""5'" f)&lLS~. Pursuant to IC 36-7-4-1400 et seq., the Director (as the staff of the Plan Commission) is hereby authorized to conduct a public hearing to determine whether the Development Plan complies in all respects with the Zoning Ordinance and any commitments made by the owner of the real property under IC 36-7-4-613. The Director shall then make written findings concerning his or her decision to approve or disapprove the Development Plan, and the Director is hereby designated as the official who is responsible for signing the written findings. 6. The approval or disapproval of a Development Plan by the Director under this Section is a final decision of the Commission that may be reviewed only as provided in IC 36.7-4-1016. After initial approval of the architectural design, exterior lighting, landscaping and signage (ADLS) under this Section, the ADLS shall not be materially or substantially changed or altered without the prior approval of the Commission under its rules of procedure. 7. The applicant may request a Plan ~ommission Waiver to the dimensional and quantitative standards of the C-2 District hy not e;reater than 1";%, consistent with requirements set forth I1ekmc a. The proposal shall he in harmony with the pnrposes and the land-use standards contained in this chapter; b. The proposal shall enhance the overall Development Plan. the adjoining streetscapes and neighhorhoods, and the overall ~ity ~enter District c. The proposal shall not produce a site plan or street/circulation ~stem that would he impractical or detract from the appearance of the Development Phm and the ~ity ~enter District) and shall not adversely affect emereenc:y vehicle access or dt',prive adjoining properties of adeql1ate light and air . d The proposal exhihits extraordinal}' site desien characteristics, includine. hut not limited to' Tncreased landscape treatment, tree preservation, pllhlic art, provisions for hic:yc1es and/or mass transit, reduced surfllce parkine coupled with provisions for ahove or helow e;round parkine facilities e Tn grantine a waiver, the ~ommission may impose such conditions that will, in its judgment, secure the pnrposes of this chapter This suhsection does not affect the rieht of IIn applicllnt under Tndiana law to petition the ROllrd for II variance from development standllrds, as provided in T r R :'i and this Zoning ~ode 20F.l Permitted Uses: Commercial (Retail) Sales General Offices Residential uses Restaurant Enclosed accessory uses which are incidental to, maintained on the same lot and directly associated with the operation of a permitted use, including recreational areas for employees and lodging facilities for owners,. guards or caretakers Chapter 20F: C-2/Old Town District 20F-2 as amended per Z-365-01 "'::."...... \ 4-02 OA CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSIDP WNING ORDINANCE 20F.1.1 Minimum Are::! Req.uirements: None. ., 20F.l.2 Other ReqJlirements: None. 20F.2 Permitten ~per.i::!llTses: (See Chapter 21 for additional regulations.) Other uses similar and comparable to the above permitted uses 20F.2.1 Minimum Are::! Requirements: None. 20F.2.2 Other ReqJlirements: None. 20F.3 Accessory RlIilnings (See Chapter 25 for additional requirements.) Accessory buildings shall not be allowed except: A. Pursuant to a developmental standards variance; .or R As staten in Spr.tinn ?nF 6 ?; or C Det::!chen e/lraeflllnits approved as p::!rt of the ADT.S 20F.4 Hei~ht ::!nn Are::! Req.uirements (See Chapter 26 for additional requirements.) 20F.4.1 M::!ximnm Height: forty-five (45) feet, comprising no more than three (3) stories. Floor-to-ceiling height shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet at the first story and eight (8) feet at the second and third stories. 20F.5 ~treetscape ::!nd T .;mnsc::!pin~ Reqllirements. ?OF 'i 1 T ,::!ndscapine shall he nesiened in accord::!nce with the ::!dopted landscaping style and species palette estahlished for the City Center hy the (;ity of (;armel Redevelopment (;ommission 20E.5.2 ~treet Tree~. Shade trees shall be planted along all streets within the rights-of-ways, parallel to the street. Species, size, and installation shall be per the standards of the City of Carmel. 20F.5.3 T ,andscapine Tnstll11ation and MRintenRnce. 1. TnstRllRtion. All required landscaping pursuant to the ADLS approval shall be installed prior to the issuance of. a Certificate of Occupancy by the Department of Community Set vices Administrator. If it is not possible to install the required landscaping because of weather conditions, the property owner shall post a bond for an amount equal to the total cost of the required landscaping prior to the issuance of the Final Certificate of Occupancy. (amendedper Z-365-01) 2. MRintenRnce, It shall be the responsibility of the owners and their agents to insure proper maintenance of the landscaping, in accordance with the standards set forth in the Development Plan. This is to include, but is not limited to, replacing dead plantings with identical varieties or a suitable substitute, and keeping the area free of refuse and debris. 20F.6 Fencing; Dumpsters ann Refhse AreRs. 20F.6.1 Fencing shall not be allowed except pursuant to a developmental standards variance. Chapter 20F: C-2/0Id Town District 20F-3 as amended per Z-365-01 4-020A CITY OF CARMEL &; CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE .,...-' 20F .6.2 Each building shall provided a fully screened and gated dumpster or a refuse area of sufficient size to fully enclose and contain all dumpsters and compaction units. The screened area shall be connected to the main structure in such a way that no refuse is moved across the site before it is removed by a refuse service. However, if it is not feasible for the required dumpster or compaction unit to be connected to the main structure, then it shall be enclosed and screened with a combination of brick masonry walls and landscaping. I 20F.7 PRTldng. 20F.7.l Notwithstanding Section 27.0.E of the Zoning Ordinance, the minimum number of parking spaces to be provided in the C-2 District shall be computed as follows: (a) one and one-half (1.5) spaces per dwelling unit; and (b) four (4) spaces per 1,000 square feet of retail floor space. Except as provided in Section 20F. 7.2 below, the rules set forth in Section 27.0.A through 27.0.D of the Zoning Ordinance shall apply in computing the number of required parking spaces, and in determining the location and construction thereof. 20F.7.2 Off-street parking areas for two (2) or more different uses may be provided collectively, if the total number of spaces provided is not less than the total of the minimum required spaces for each individual use. Combined parking shall be designed and constructed so as to create a desirable, efficient and well planned off-street parking area with functional and aesthetic value, attractiveness and compatibility with adjacent land uses. Sharing of off-street parking areas is permitted where it is proved that two (2) adjacent buildings have uses that require parking at complementary times of the day or days of the week. In addition, on-street parking spaces may, if available and adjacent to the lot of the use, be counted as part of the total parking spaces required by this Sect~on 20F. 7. 20F.8 ATchitectllTRI ne~igJl ReqJlirement~. '0 F R 1 RlIildin,e.<: ~h!ll1 he de~iened !Inti con~tnlcted in !lccoTdance with the !ldopted architectuT!l1 ~tyle !lnd mateTi!ll~ p!llette e!':tahli~hed fOT the r.ity r.enteT hy the City of C!lrmel Redevelopment Cnmmi~~ion 111. .'liew~ dlG mchiocctmal d,sign ofbuild1ng(s) pIoposed to be constll:1c,tcd r,l lGC{JnstIuGted in th, C-2 Disl:1iGt, faet01s to be. e.o=ideled by the COlWlliMi{Jn 01 staff shall inelude but not be limited to the rollownl&. 20F.8.l Rooflines shall be artieulatGd as to ble.ak down the lepetition of fa~ade. No sin~1G .ooflinc. may ext,nd mOl' than sixty (60) feet mlintenuptGd. Rooflinc. transitions sha-II have a minimmn diffclen" in height of fom (4) fed. SlopGd IOofs shall trti:liz:e simulated "slate. line." sh;"'c;ks. TIle looflille ed&e crt non-sloped loofs on f~adc. c.lGvations nonting, the pubIiG strectshaU hene a mininmm of two (2) feet of connCG artiGulation. 20F.8.2 All buildin~s shall have sql1ate COlllelS. Ptojections of a maxhnnm of two (2) feet into thG publk light-of..way abol' th, [fist story at, peullrtted. 2flF.8.J TIle [fist story of each building shall b, accessibk ditectIy fiOlll the sidewalk without steps 01 ramps; 20F.8.4 The street sid, buiIdin~ f~ade shall bo plimaIily blick mason!'y, cut stone, 01 a combir.ation of such mateIiais. Any bnildinll. f~adc. olknted to a Pat~ 01 loadin~ mea may be of h{JIizontal Chapter 20F: C-2/Old Town District 20F-4 as amended per Z-365-01 ~h' \ 4-020A CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE ,l painkd wood siding. ra~~ artie.mations on fayade ele.~ations ftoltting the. pub lie. sae.et shall be IGttnned at Ioofline aallsitions a nl;""';'llW1l of e.v'" eight (8) Ke.t. 20F.S.5 On aM f~ade elevations fiollt~ publie. streets, including end walls. Windows andlol dOOlS shaH oe.cm at maximum sixteen (16) foot intehals, and'shaH be aligned vGltically tInottgh all stoIie.s of the. elevation, windows not 011 the rnst story shaH h~e. divided li~ts, each window shall be. a mininlu.1n oftlnee (3) feet wide and five (5) feet ta11, windows within individual f~~ se.~ents shall be. the Sellae. size, window heads shall nlcOlpolate masoM-Y artie.lllatioll as applopIiate to individual f~ade s"g,ments, windows shall hale lhne.stone sills, the rnst story may incolpolate stOIefiont matGIials fO! letail display, windows shall be painted wood with insttlatc,d glazing, if (lamas lI:~llinAs ate. utiliz:e.d, the awnings at the filst story may plote't MOle. than one (1) window and an entry, blrt nlay not extend 1:11linteullpood aGIOSS indi vidual fayadc. segments, and awnings above. the. rust story may not pIOtc.e.t mOl" than Ol1e (1) individual window. ?OF <) Penmlnent!,;ieJ1~ 20F <) 1 All permanent ~ign~ in the C-2 ni~trict ~hllll he de~iV1ed llnd con~trllcted in llccordance with the lldopted architectllrnl ~tyle and materilll~ plllette e~tahli~hed for the City Center hy thp. City of Cllrmel '-OF <)? Fxcept a~ noted helow, the placement llnd nllmher ofpermllnent RiV1~ ~hllll he in llccord:lnce with the project ~tandard~ e~tahliRhp.d hy thp. City of Carmel Redevelopment Commi~~ion ?OF <) -:; A II !,;iV1~ mllRt fit within thp. horizontlllllnd VP.rticlll element~ ofthe hnildine llnd may not oh~curp. detllilR ofthe hnilding ?OF <) 4 No ~ign Rhllll extend llhove the cornice line of the huilding Chapter 20F: C-2/0Id Town District 20F-5 as amended per Z-365-01 4-020A CITY OF CARMEL & CLAY TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 20F: C-2/0LD TOWN DISTRICT AMENDMENT LOG , Ordinance No. Docket No. C.ollncil Approval F.ffectiVf~ nate ~ection~ Affected Z-365-01 76-01a OA November 5 2001 November 27 2001 20F.5.4(I) Chapter 20F: C-2/0Id Town District 20F-6 as amended per Z-365-01