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Sponsor: Councilor Wayne Wilson
An Ordinance amending Certain Provisions of Chapter 20E: C-l/City Center District of the
Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance
WHEREAS, the Common Council finds that it is reasonable and necessary to promote
and accommodate the orderly growth and development of the City of Carmel and Clay Township
by amending the C-lICity Center District Ordinance in order to preserve and promote the quality
of life for new and existing residents; and
WHEREAS, the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission has duly approved and recommended to
the Common Council the following amendments to the Zoning Ordinance for the City and
Township that will update the Ordinance procedures therein, pursuant to the Advisory Planning
Law of the State of Indiana as well as the 2020 Vision Comprehensive Plan, such plan having
been duly approved by resolution of the Common Council on September 24, 1996, and
remaining in effect as the official Comprehensive Plan of the City of Carmel and Clay Township;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of
Carmel, Indiana, as follows: that pursuant to IC 36-7-4-600 et seq. and IC 36-7-4-700 et seq., it
adopts this Ordinance as an amendment to the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance, No. Z-160, as
amended (the "Ordinance"), and amends and adds certain provisions to the ordinance as follows:
Section I:
20E.O C-I/Citv Center District.
20E.O.I Purpose and Intent.
The purpose of the C-I City Center District is to create and protect land areas for the development
of the Carmel City Center, a central mixed-use complex of retail, residential, office, and
community facilities designed to meet the cultural and economic needs of the community. The
development is intended to stabilize an area that has fallen into disuse, and provide an energetic
focus to the city's central business district. The combination ofretail shopping and entertainment is
intended to provide a destination for families. The office complex included in the project is
intended to attract the very best corporate citizens to the community. The City Center will be
bisected by the Monon Trail, further developing the attractiveness of the linear park project. When
coupled with a museum/exhibit hall and performing arts center, the City Center will provide the
attractions necessary to support a retail and entertainment complex and will lend itself to hosting
Ordinance No. Z-372-02
large cultural and entertainment events. To promote the development of the City Center district,
the City of Carmel will provide master land planning, land acquisition, street improvements,
landscaping and utility infrastructure.
20E.0.2 Tract Requirements.
Land areas shall be rezoned C-l only upon application by the City of Carmel itself. All activities
associated with commercial, transportation, service, office and residential activities shall be
conducted within completely enclosed buildings in such a manner that any nuisance factors are not
emitted outside of the building. Visual screening of the outside activities including, but not limited
to, storage and trash collection areas shall be included.
20E.0.3 Approval of Develooment Plan.
1. Followin2 approval bv the Carmel Redevelopment Commission. the Citv of Carmel
shall submit for approval a Development Plan IDP) that includes the followin2
development requirements for that property: architectural desi2n. exterior 1i2htin2.
landscapin2 and si2na2e (ADLS).
2. The Director. as the staff of the Carmel/Clav Plan Commission. shall review a DP
application to determine if the DP satisfies the development requirements of the C-l
3. The Director must approve. approve with conditions. or disapprove the
Development Plan IDP) for anv tract ofland in the C-l District.
4. A public hearin2 shall be held bv the Director before it decides whether to approve
or disapprove a DP. However. no DP is required for additions to existin2 structures
a. Are attached to the existin2 structure:
b. Continue the architectural desi2n of the existin2 structure. includin2
exterior color and materials: doors and windows. other detailin2:
c. Meet with requirements of the C-l District:
d. Do not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the ori2inal 2ross floor area of the
existin2 structure. applicable from the date of this section: and
e. Have received a prior ADLS approval from the Plan Commission.
5. In @onjan@tion "-,"ith its appli@ation to J!@zon@ any nal pPOplll'ty to the C 1 zoning
distpillt, the Cit5' of Carm@1 shall sallmit a Dll-;@Iopmllnt Plan that iulad@s thll
following d@v@lopmllnt J!@qaiJ!@mllnts for that pJ!Opll~'1 ar@hit@daral dllsign,
llXtllPior lighting, landsllaping and signagll (:tDIJi). Pursuant to IC 36-7-4-1400 et seq.,
the Director (as the staff of the Plan Commission) is hereby authorized to conduct a
public hearing to determine whether the Development Plan complies in all respects with
the Zoning Ordinance and any commitments made by the owner of the real property under
I C 36-7-4-613. The Director shall then make written fmdings concerning his or her
decision to approve or disapprove the Development Plan, and the Director is hereby
designated as the official who is responsible for signing the written fmdings.
6. The approval or disapproval of a Development Plan by the Director under this Section is
a fmal decision of the Commission that may be reviewed only as provided in Ie 36-7-4-
1016. After initial approval of the architectural design, exterior lighting, landscaping and
Ordinance No. Z-372-02
signage (ADLS) under this Section, the ADLS shall not be materially or substantially
changed or altered without the prior approval of the Commission under its rules of
7. The annlicant may request a Plan Commission Waiver to the dimensional and
Quantitative standards of the C-l District bv not e:reater than thirty-five nercent
(35%). consistent with requirements set forth below:
a. The nronosal shall be in harmony with the nurnoses and the land-use
standards contained in this chanter:
b. The nronosal shall enhance the overall Develonment Plan. the adioinine:
streetscanes and neie:hborhoods. and the overall City Center District.
c. The nronosal shall not nroduce a site nlan or street/circulation system that
would be imnractical or detract from the annearance of the Develonment
Plan and the City Center District. and shall not adverselv affect emere:encv
vehicle access or denrive adioinine: nronerties of adequate Iie:ht and air.
d. The nronosal exhibits extraordinary site desie:n characteristics. includine:.
but not limited to: Increased landscane treatment. tree nreservation. nublic
art. nrovisions for bicvcles and/or mass transit. reduced surface narkine:
counled with nrovisions for above or below e:round narkine: facilities.
e. In e:rantine: a waiver. the Commission may imnose such conditions that will.
in its iude:ment. secure the nurnoses of this chanter. This subsection does
not affect the rie:ht of an annlicant under Indiana law to netition the Board
for a variance from develonment standards. as nrovided in IC 36-7-4-918.5
and this Zonine: Code.
20E.I Permitted Uses:
Commercial recreational enterprise or facility
Commercial (Retail) Sales
Commercial (Wholesale) sale of products,
Community Center, including service establishments
General Offices
Performing Arts Center
Residential uses
20E.I.I Minimum Area Reauirements: None.
20E.I.2 Other Reauirements: None.
20E.2 Permitted Special Uses: (See Chapter 21 for additional regulations.)
Other uses similar and comparable to the above permitted uses.
20E.2.1 Minimum Area Requirements: None.
Ordinance No. Z-372-02
20E.2.2 Other Requirements: None.
20E.3 Accessory Buildings and Uses: (See Chapter 25 for additional requirements.)
20E.3.1. Enclosed Accessory Uses which are incidental to, maintained on the same lot and directly
associated with the operation of a permitted use, including recreational areas for employees and
lodging facilities for owners, guards or caretakers.
20E.3.2. Any detached accessory building on any lot shall be compatible in architectural style and
construction materials with the Principle Building(s) with which it is associated.
20EA Height and Area Requirements (See Chapter 26 for additional requirements.)
20EA.I Maximum Height - Residential Uses:
1. Forty-five (45) feet, fifty-five (55) feet if adjacent to an existing or platted single-family
residence or residential subdivision.
2. Adjacent to all other uses: Fifty-five (55) feet.
20EA.2 Maximum Height - Commercial and Civic Uses:
1. Adjacent to an existing or platted single-family residence or residential subdivision:
Forty-five (45) feet.
2. Adjacent to all other uses: Eighty-five (85) feet.
20EA.3. Minimum Lot Frontage:
1. Residential use: Thirty-five (35) feet.
2. All other uses: One hundred (100) feet.
20EAA Minimum Lot Size:
I. Residential use: Four thousand (4000) square feet with public sewer and public water.
2. All other uses: Twenty thousand (20,000) square feet per Principle Building.
20EA.5 Maximum Lot Coverage: eighty percent (80%).
20E.5 Architectural Desif!n.
20E.5.1 Buildinf!s shall be desif!ned and constructed in accordance with the adopted architectural
style and materials palette established for the City Center by the City of Carmel
Redevelopment Commission.
20E.6 Landscaping Requirements.
20E.6.1 Landscapinf! shall be desif!ned in accordance with the adooted landscaoinf! style and soecies
palette established for the City Center by the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission.
Ordinance No. Z-372-02
20E.6.2 Street Trees. Shade trees shall be planted along all streets within the rights-of-ways, parallel to the
street. Species, size, and installation shall be per the standards ofthe City of Carmel.
20E.~.2 Buffervards: Where a lot or pareel of graood used far business plHJlases in the C 1 Distriot abl:lts
land used for resideAtial plHJloses, a bl:lfferyard shall be pra'/ided alang any ab\:ltting bmmdary line.
1. Miniml:1IB Bufferyard wi€kh:
a. ten (10) feet for landselif)e Bl:lfferyards.
b. five (5) feet far bHfferyards oonsisting af six foat (li') high sereen wall af solid
woad ar masenry.
2. EneraaehmeRts. ,\eeessary buiIaings may encraaeh within a landselif)e bufferyard up to
five (5) feet.
3. PlaAtings ...lithin laReseape Bl:lffers shall eonsist primarily ef shade trees and sa-ubbery,
hawever, ....~ereyer passible, eKisting yegetatian within lmfferyards sheuld be preserved.
4. BHfferyares shall be planted at the time af eonstrHetian. Trees shall be plaAted at iAtervals
Bet less than ten (W) feet, n9r mare than fifty (59) feet. Sa-ubbery may be plaAted
iAfarmally ar in raws and shall sereen parking areas, al:ltside storage areas, loadiAg berths,
trash aRe refuse eaRtainers and sa farth tram ab\:ltting resideAtial praperties.
5. Multiple family resieeAtial develapmeats within the C 1 Distriet shall alsa be sHh:ieot to
the proteetian affarded by the landselif)ing aRd bufferyard reEfuirements established
20E.~.3 Parking: Lot LandseaeiAg.
1. laterior Landselif)ing:. ,\ mininmm of one (1) shade tree and fi'/e (5) shrubs shall be
plaAtee within eaeh parking lat for every ten (19) spaees pravided. PlaAting areas shall be
",./enly dispersed thraHghel:lt the parking area.
2. Parkinc: Lot Perimeter PlaAting. f. five (5) foat wide perimeter plaAting strip shall be
provided along the all sides weieh abl:lt adjoining prepert-ies.
a. The minim1:l:Hl. reqHired plaAting ooit far this area shall inelude: tm-ee (3) shade
trees and tv/eat)' (20) sa-ubs per OBe lmndred (100) linear feet.
b. The perimeter plantiBg area may eoRtribute te ar fulfill lmfferyard planting
20E.6.3 Landscaping: Installation and Maintenance.
1. Installation. All required landscaping shall be installed prior to the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy by the Department Administrator. If it is not possible to install
the required landscaping because of weather conditions, the property owner shall post a
bond for an amount equal to the total cost of the required landscaping prior to the
issuance of the Final Certificate of Occupancy.
2. Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the owners and their agencies to insure
proper maintenance of the landscaping, in accordance with the standards set by this
Ordinance. This is to include, but is not limited to, replacing dead plantings with
identical varieties or a suitable substitute, and keeping the area free of refuse and debris.
Ordinance No. Z-372-02
20E.7 Permanent Siens.
20E.7.1 All permanent siens in the C-l District shall be desiened and constructed in accordance with
the adopted architectural stvle and materials palette established for the City Center bv the
City of Carmel. '
20E.7.2 Except as noted below. the placement and number of permanent siens shall be in accordance
with the proiect standards established bv the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission.
20E.7.3 All Siens must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the buUdine and may not
obscure details of the buUdine.
20E.7.4 No sien shall extend above the cornice line ofthe buUdine.
20E.8 Fencing.
20E.8.1 Maximum Height:
a. Side and Rear Yard: eight (8) feet.
b. Front Yard: four (4) feet.
20E.8.2 Materials. Fences shall be constructed solid wood or masonry, and shall be approved by the
Director at the time of [mal Development Plan approval. Stockade or shadow box fences shall not
be permitted within the C-l District.
20E.9 Parking.
20E.9.1 Parking lots shall generally be located at the rear or at the side of buildings and shall be screened
from the sidewalk/street by low walls, fences or hedges.
20E.9.2 In parking areas designed to accommodate more than four (4) rows of vehicles, a landscaped,
separated pedestrian pathway shall be provided for safe access through the parking area to the
front door.
20E.9.3 Bicycle parking with bike racks should be provided.
20E.IO Streets and Circulation.
20E.1O.I Vision clearance on comer lots and at the intersections of streets and driveways shall be
20E.IO.2 Conflicts between pedestrians, bicycles and autos shall sheukl be minimized. Separation of
circulation systems shall sheukl be created through design elements such as changes in grade,
material, screens, structures, etc.
20E.I0.3 Sidewalks shall be required along all public streets, and shall be constructed to the standards of
the City of Carmel. Where pedestrians are forced to cross traffic lanes, changes in paving and
narrowing of roadways can alert drivers to pedestrian traffic.
20E.lOA Vehicular traffic serving the C-I District should not be routed into or through a residential
development or onto a street serving a school or community facility.
Ordinance No. Z-372-02
20E.10.5 Truck traffic serving the C-l District should be prohibited from using surrounding residential
Section II: All prior Ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with any provision of this
Ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section III: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and
signing by the Mayor.
Ordinance No. Z-372-02 PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel,
Indiana this _ day of , 2002, by a vote of ayes and
Presiding Officer
Kevin Kirby
Wayne Wilson, President Pro Tempore
John R. Koven
Robert Battreall
N. L. Rundle
Ronald E. Carter
Luci Snyder
Ordinance No. Z-372-02
p. 7
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer
Ordinance No. Z-372-02 Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana
this _ day of , 2002, at .M.
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer
Ordinance No. Z-372-02 Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this
_ day of , 2002, at .M.
Diana L. Cordray, lAMC, Clerk-Treasurer
Prepared by:
John R. Molitor
Carmel/Clay Plan Commission Attorney
Carmel City Hall
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
James Brainard, Mayor
Ordinance No. Z-372-02
20E.0 C-l/City Center District.
20E.0.l Purpose and Intent.
The purpose of the C-l City Center District is to create and protect land areas for the development of the
Cannel City Center, a central mixed-use complex of retail, residential, office, and community facilities
designed to meet the cultural and economic needs of the community. The development is intended to stabilize
an area that has fallen into disuse, and provide an energetic focus to the city's central business district. The
combination of retail shopping and entertainment is intended to provide a destination for families. The office
complex included in the project is intended to attract the very best corporate citizens to the community. The
City Center will be bisected by the Monon Trail, further developing the attractiveness of the linear park
project. When coupled with a museum/exhibit hall and performing arts center, the City Center will provide the
attractions necessary to support a retail and entertainment complex and will lend itself to hosting large cultural
and entertainment events. To promote the development of the City Center district, the City of Carmel will
provide master land planning, land acquisition, street improvements, landscaping and utility infrastructure.
20E.0.2 Tract Requirements.
Land areas shall be rezoned C-l only upon application by the City of Carmel itself. All activities
associated with commercial, transportation, service, office and residential activities shall be
conducted within completely enclosed buildings in such a manner that any nuisance factors are not
emitted outside of the building. Visual screening of the outside activities including, but not limited
to, storage and trash collection areas shall be included.
20E.0.3 Approval of Development Plan.
1. Following approval by the Carmel Redevelopment Commission, the City of Carmel shall
submit for approval a Development Plan that includes the following development requirements
for that property: architectural design, exterior lighting, landscaping and signage (ADLS).
2. The Carmel/Clay Plan Commission shall review a DP application to determine if the DP
satisfies the development requirements of the C-l District.
3. The Commission must approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the Development Plan
(DP) for any tract of land in the C-l District.
4. A public hearing shall be held by the Commission before it decides whether to approve or
disapprove a DP. However, no DP is required for additions to existing structures which:
a. Are attached to the existing structure;
b. Continue the architectural design of the existing structure, including exterior color and
materials; doors and windows, other detailing;
c. Meet with requirements of the C-l District;
d. Do not exceed 20% of the original gross floor area of the existing structure, applicable
from the date of this section; and
e. Have received a prior ADLS approval from the Plan Commission.
Chapter 20E: C-l/City Center District
as adopted per Z-343; Z-365-01
- -- - {
5. ht @@Fljlill@ti@1l '::ith its appli@ati€lFl t@ HlZ@lle all~' real pf€lpert;,' t@ the C I z@llillg €!istri@t, ~
Ci~' @f CamHlI shall sUBmit a De':el@pmellt Flail that ill@lu€!es the fGll@'l:illg €!e':el@pmeFlt
re'luiFlilm~Hl.ts f@r that pr€lpert;,': ar@hite@mral €!esigll, exteri@r lightiRg, laR€!s@apiRg aR€! sigRage
( ^ D1.$). Pursuant to IC 36-7-4-1400 et seq., the Director (as the staff of the Plan Commission)
is hereby authorized to conduct a public hearing to determine whether the Development Plan
complies in all respects with the Zoning Ordinance and any commitments made by the owner
of the real property under IC 36-7-4-613. The Director shall then make written findings
concerning his or her decision to approve or disapprove the Development Plan, and the
Director is hereby designated as the official who is responsible for signing the written findings.
6. The approval or disapproval of a Development Plan by the Director under this Section is a
final decision of the Commission that may be reviewed only as provided in IC 36-7-4-1016.
After initial approval of the architectural design, exterior lighting, landscaping and signage
(ADLS) under this Section, the ADLS shall not be materially or substantially changed or
altered without the prior approval of the Commission under its rules of procedure.
7. The applicant may request a Plan Commission Waiver to the dimensional and quantitative
standards of the C-l District by not greater than 35%, consistent with requirements set forth
a. The proposal shall be in harmony with the purposes and the land-use standards contained
in this chapter;
b. The proposal shall enhance the overall Development Plan, the adjoining streets capes and
neighborhoods, and the overall City Center District.
c. The proposal shall not produce a site plan or street/circulation system that would be
impractical or detract from the appearance of the Development Plan and the City Center
District, and shall not adversely affect emergency vehicle access or deprive adjoining
properties of adequate light and air.
d. The proposal exhibits extraordinary site design characteristics, including, but not limited
to: Increased landscape treatment, tree preservation, public art, provisions for bicycles
and/or mass transit, reduced surface parking coupled with provisions for above or below
ground parking facilities.
e. In granting a waiver, the Commission may impose such conditions that will, in its
judgement, secure the purposes of this chapter. This subsection does not affect the right of
an applicant under Indiana law to petition the Board for a variance from development
standards, as provided in I. C. 36-7-4-918.5 and this Zoning Code.
20E.l Permitted Uses:
Commercial recreational enterprise or facility
Commercial (Retail) Sales
Commercial (Wholesale) sale of products,
Community Center, including service establishments
General Offices
Performing Arts Center
Residential uses
Chapter 20E: C-l/City Center District
as adopted per Z-343; Z-365-01
20E.I.I Minimum Area Requirements: None.
20E.I.2 Other Requirements: None.
20E.2 Permitted Special Uses: (See Chapter 21 for additional regulations.)
Other uses similar and comparable to the above permitted uses.
20E.2.1 Minimum Area Requirements: None.
20E.2.2 Other Requirements: None.
20E.3 Accessory Buildings and Uses: (See Chapter 25 for additional requirements.)
20E.3.1. Enclosed Accessory Uses which are incidental to, maintained on the same lot and directly
associated with the operation of a permitted use, including recreational areas for employees and
lodging facilities for owners, guards or caretakers.
20E.3.2. Any detached accessory building on any lot shall be compatible in architectural style and
construction materials with the principal building(s) with which it is associated.
20EA Height and Area Requirements (See Chapter 26 for additional requirements.)
20EA.I Maximum Height - Residential Uses:
1. Forty-five (45) feet, fifty-five (55) feet if adjacent to an existing or platted single-family
residence or residential subdivision.
2. Fifty-five (55) feet when adjacent to all other uses.
20EA.2 Maximum Height - Commercial and Civic Uses:
1. Forty-five (45) feet if adjacent to an existing or platted single-family residence or
residential subdivision.
2. Eighty-five (85) feet when adjacent to all other uses.
20EA.3. Minimum Lot Frontage: One hundred (100) feet (except for residential use, which shall be a
minimum of thirty-five (35) feet).
20EAA Minimum Lot Size: twenty thousand (20,000) square feet per principal building (except for
residential use, which shall be a minimum of four thousand (4000) square feet with public sewer
and water).
20EA.5 Maximum Lot Coverage: eighty percent (80%).
20E.5 Architectural Design
20E.5.1 Buildings shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the adopted architectural style and
materials palette established for the City Center by the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission.
Chapter 20E: C-l/City Center District
as adopted per Z-343; Z-365-01
20E.6 Landscaping Requirements.
20E.6.1 Landscaping shall be designed in accordance with the adopted landscaping style and species palette
established for the City Center by the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission.
20E.6.1 Street Trees. Shade trees shall be planted along all streets within the rights-of-ways, parallel to the
street. Species, size, and installation shall be per the standards of the City of Carmel.
20E.6.2 Bufferyards: Where a lot or parcel of ground used for business purposes in the C 1 District abuts
land used for residential purposes, a bufferyard shall be provided along any abutting boundary line.
1. ~.finimum Bufferyard 'Nidth:
a. ten (l0) feet for landscape bufferyards.
b. fi'/e (5) feet for bufferyards consisting of six foot (6') high screen wall of solid
wood or masonry.
2. Encroachments. .^.cceswf)' buildings may encroach within a landscape buffef)'ard up to
five (5) feet.
3. Plantings within landscape buffers shall consist primarily of shade trees and skubbef)',
hov/ever, '.vhef€lyer possible, existing vegetation within buffef)'ards should be preserved.
1. Bufferyards shall be planted at the time of construction. Trees shall be planted at intervals
not less than ten (l0) feet, nor more than fifty (50) feet. Sh.'tlbbef)' may be planted
informally or in rows and shall screen parking areas, outside storage areas, loading berths,
trash and refuse containers and so forth from abutting residential properties.
5. Multiple family residential developments '.vithin the C 1 District shall also be subject to the
protection afforded by the landscaping and buffef)'ard f€lquiremeB.ts established herein.
20E.6.3 Parking Lot Landscaping.
1. Interior Landscaping. A minimum of one (1) shade tree and five (5) sh.'tlbs shall be
planted within each parking lot for evef)' ten (10) spaces provided. Planting areas shall be
eyenly dispersed throughout the parking area.
2. Parking Lot PElrimEltElr Planting. A five (5) foot wide perimeter planting strip shall bEl
provided along the all sides which abut adjoining properties.
a. The minimum required planting unit for this area shall include: three (3) shade
trees and nventy (20) sh.'tlbs per one hundred (100) linear feet.
b. The perimeter planting area may contribute to or fulfill bufferyard planting
20E.6.4 Landscaping Installation and Maintenance.
1. Installation. All required landscaping shall be installed prior to the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy by the Department of Community Services Administrator. If it is
not possible to install the required landscaping because of weather conditions, the property
Chapter 20E: C-l/City Center District
as adopted per Z-343; Z-365-01
owner shall post a bond for an amount equal to the total cost of the required landscaping
prior to the issuance of the Final Certificate of Occupancy. (amended per 2-365-01)
2. Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the owners and their agencies to insure
proper maintenance of the landscaping, in accordance with the standards set by this
Ordinance. This is to include, but is not limited to, replacing dead plantings with identical
varieties or a suitable substitute, and keeping the area free of refuse and debris.
20E.7 Permanent Signs.
20E. 7.1 All permanent signs in the C-l District shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the
adopted architectural style and materials palette established for the City Center by the City of
20E. 7.2 Except as noted below, the placement and number of permanent signs shall be in accordance with
the project standards established by the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission.
20E.7.3 All Signs must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the building and may not obscure
details of the building.
20E. 7.4 No sign shall extend above the cornice line of the building.
20E.8 Fencing.
20E.8.l Maximum Height:
a. Side and Rear Yard: eight (8) feet.
b. Front Yard: four (4) feet.
20E.8.2 Materials. Fences shall be constructed solid wood or masonry, and shall be approved by the
Director at the time of final Development Plan approval. Stockade or shadow box fences shall not
be permitted within the C-l District.
20E.9 Parking.
20E.9.1 Parking lots shall generally be located at the rear or at the side of buildings and shall be screened
from the sidewalk/street by low walls, fences or hedges.
20E.9.2 In parking areas designed to accommodate more than four rows of vehicles, a landscaped, separated
pedestrian pathway shall be provided for safe access through the parking area to the front door.
20E.9.3 Bicycle parking with bike racks should be provided.
20E.IO Streets and Circulation.
20E.IO.l Vision clearance on comer lots and at the intersections of streets and driveways shall be observed.
20E.IO.2 Conflicts between pedestrians, bicycles and autos shall shooki be minimized. Separation of
circulation systems shall shooki be created through design elements such as changes in grade,
material, screens, structures, etc.
Chapter 20E: C-l/City Center District
as adopted per Z-343; Z-365-01
, '
20E.l0.3 Sidewalks shall be required along all public streets, and shall be constructed to the standards of the
City of Carmel. Where pedestrians are forced to cross traffic lanes, changes in paving and
narrowing of roadways can alert drivers to pedestrian traffic.
20E.l 0.4 Vehicular traffic serving the C-I District should not be routed into or through a residential
development or onto a street serving a school or community facility.
20E.1O.5 Truck traffic serving the C-I District should be prohibited from using surrounding residential
Chapter 20E: C-l/City Center District
as adopted per Z-343; Z-365-01
Ordinance No. Docket No. Council Approval Effective Date Sections Affected
Z-343 May I, 2000 May I, 2000
Z-365-01 76-01a OA November 5,2001 November 27,2001 20E.5.4(l)
Chapter 20E: C-l/City Center District
20E- 7
as adopted per Z-343; Z-365-01