HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing , ...., I / / ,,~:'~>,~~-- -_.~ ..(~\~'~/I ,,1 / i ',~-'1- \. ./ --'~~,-'::-isTAtE'PRESCRIBED FORMULA 80000-2531032 .. Do~kel No. 188-02 OP/AOLS NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS CARMEL, INDIANA, , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING · i:,~~E~~~~:NO~~~~i 8:~~~ ~ West half of Lot 9, in Dixie : Highway . Addition 188.02'- DP/ADLS. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers Qf the City of Carmel and Clay Co'unty. Hamilton County. Indiana, that the proper legal officers of the City of Carmel will meet at their regular meet-. ing place, Council Chambers, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square. Carmel, 'IN 46032, at , 7:00p.m. on the 21st day of" January. 200;3, to consider, the rezone. application (Carmel/Clay Plan Commis~ sian Docket No. 188-02 DP/ ADLS of Leonard Voigt to Re- zone one and a half lots from the R-3/ Residence within the - Home Place District Overlay Zone to 8-1, within the Home Place District Overlay Zone. .The subject area is lot 8, and west half of Lot 9 in Dixie Highway Addi- tion, an addition to Home Place in Hamilton County, In- diana. Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have the right to be heard. Leonard ,Voigt, 14928 Pacer Ct., Car- mel, December 23, 2002 , " S 12-26 2S310 ' c/(\~ '---~ /"' '-, ,; /" ~ RECf\\lED J~N 1 2003 nOCS Form 654~pV 1-88 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT u Q State ofIndiana MARION County SS: Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned SUSAN FLODDER who, being duly sworn, says that SHE is clerk of the INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS a DAILY STAR newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city ofINDIANAPOLIS in state and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s), between the dates of: 12/26/2002 and 12/26/2002 cd~~", ljJq~~Am Title - Subscribed and sworn to before me on 12/27/2002 My commission expires: KIMBERL . HACKER Notary Public, State of Indiana County of Morgan My Commission Expires May 13, 2010 RATE PER LINE 7.83 PICA COLUMN - 94 POINT 94 POINTS / 5.7 PT. TYPE - 16.49 16.49 EMS / 250 - .06596 SQUARES .06596 SQUARES x $4.67 - .308 CENTS PER LINE PUBLISHED 1 TIME'" .308 PUBLISHED 2 TIMES= .462 PUBLISHED 3 TIMES'" .616 PUBLISHED 4 TIMES'" .770 onJS,~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ 0:0 Lll ItONfOLli.lNOdBO~t. Lll m Lll $ 0.37 lINIT ID: 0020 Postage ru CJ Certified Fee 2.30 CJ Postmark CJ Return Reciep! Fee 1.75 Here (Endorsement Required) CJ Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KD2RNK r-"l (Endorsement Required) ::T ru $ 4.42 12/27/02 Tolel Postage & Fees ru ~ =A,...JL.~M:--'d;;.'.---.';'T'--.---- ~:.:.C!_~~~_"!~:______.JQ_1._'=t.....Ll?~K.hfL_~N..______________ City, State, ZIP+4 ,ft{>t'l45. 46211 tJ , l3lm~(/ID~ :::T I"- Lrl co Lrl Lrl rn Lrl $ UNIT ID: 0020 Postage ru CJ Certified Fee 2.30 CJ Postmark CJ Retum Reciept Fee 1.75 Here (Endorsement Required) CJ Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KD2RNK r-'l (Endorsement Required) :::T ru $ 4.42 12/Z7 /02 Total Postage & Fees ru ~ ~~:_~_Jln:l;il--~..lJJ__~__m____ ;'~~~~:;:~-_:eJ"l:L._.~___.7._K__~_~:J_____________m_____ City, State, ZIP+4 ~ Z.!' {) 11m~(l;1;>~ ~~ ~ (~~~~ ~~~~~. J:Q Ul Ul ITl Ul ru CJ CJ CJ CJ r-"l ::r ru ru CJ CJ ("- IitiJ:7 . . - 1tif!;m;-r;fft;I'1tfO@!Ij'~ff(l c,Q.r~NI~.3C I Postage $ o. J7 Certified Fee 2.30 Postmark Return Reciept Fee 1.75 Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KD2RHK (Endorsement Required) Totel Postage & Fees $ 4.42 12/2:1/02 ~1itmiiI~dl!Iml~ U1 U1 m U1 ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~, 1:0 1i0:? . . ~ctlifil~~flll I~~ IN(ldoA l 0.37 UNIT ID: 0020 Postage $ ru CJ CJ CJ CJ r-'I :T ru ru CJ CJ ~ Certified Fee 2.30 Return Reciept Fee 1.75 Postmark (Endorsement Required) Here Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KD2RNK (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ 4.42 12/2:1/02 D 0 ~ ~,~~~~~~~~~ o:(J . . U'1 U'1 ITl U'1 $ Postage ru CJ Certified Fee 2.30 CJ Postmark CJ Retum Reclept Fee 1.75 Here (Endorsement Required) CJ Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KD2RNK .....=I (Endorsement Required) .:T ru ToteI Postage & Fees $ 4.42 12/27/02 ru CJ CJ I"'- ~ lilmID@l1lill\,c!l!Iml2ID1E r-'l I'Tl CJ 1:0 ~.. . ~1'iMI:l<!l!Jj'~fill ItOftl5. ltNCd30A L U S Postage $ 0.37 UNIT ID: 0020 LrJ LrJ I'Tl LrJ ru CJ CJ CJ CJ r-'l ~ ru ru CJ CJ I"'- Certified Fee 2.30 Return Reciept Fee Postmark (Endorsement Required) 1.75 Here Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KD2RNK (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ 4.42 12/27/02 .:r- fTl I'"'- eD Ul , Ul D fTl Ul $ 0.37 UNIT ID: 0020 Postage ru CI Certified Fee 2.30 CI Postmark CI Retum Reciept Fee 1.75 Here (Endorsement Required) CI Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KD2RNK ....=I (Endorsement Required) .:r- ru $ 4.42 12/27/02 Total Postage & Fees ru R :"~4-PfL1t_C.___~---"(i"------- ~;''?S:~;';];;J-9-2-'d_~____-~.-~20-3.t-.---- lil3[ilJmiJ~<1l!Iml&!l!E ~~{J;Jj>~ U"l IT1 ..J] o:[J U"l U"l IT1 U"l f"'\ [ittJ] . . . ~\'1tID0!Ii'~illl I~d; INGdoA L USE 0.37 UNIT ID: 0020 ,- . 11 Postage $ ru CJ CJ CJ Return Reclept Fee (Endorsement Required) CJ Restricted Delivery Fee r-"l (Endorsement Required) .:T ru Certlfled Fee 2.30 1.75 Postmark Here Clerk: KD2RNK 4.42 12/27/02 Total Postage & Fees $ ru ~ ~~.lJ.._A___&;f4"jJ.;:._~;,---ii.--- ~:.::!_f!.~~_'!~:_____1_12Q&.._~f/.IYL_lf~L______~tjL_JVo._ City, State, ZIP+4 '" Uv ~~(l!Jj'~ r-'l r-'l ..lI co Lrl Lrl ITl Lrl Postage $ ru Certified Fee 2.30 CI CI 1.75 Postmark CI Return Reciept Fee Here (Endorsement Required) CI Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KD2RNK r-'l (Endorsement Required) .::r- 4.42 12/27/02 ru Total Postage & Fees $ ru ~ :k,~.e.;LL---'~'_""'--""~---AT--------- ~~~C:_I!..~~_~~:__mJ~_Ltl.m~~m___mm_mm.__L_m_____ City, State, ZIP+4 . 6 2 fI () !;l!l1ilimilmll,c!l!Iml&ml1l lSro~(l;J?~ cO ru ...Il cO Ul Ul /Tl Ul ~.. ~ctl1tl0!l?~Ql 4'~','-,',,' c,""~. 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No.; /) _ .. _ .J. tL L.u _ ~;~~~~:;~1-a-2/db___~fUJM!'-_-f1T-~~_m--_- I z;21 . 2-Ri. ~!;t;m;)8EIim,.!I!ImlffiI!El ~~(l;);>~ Certified Fee 2.30 Postmark Return Reciept Fee 1.75 Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KD2RNK (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ 4.42 12/27/02 )~ Cl '" I:(J .:r Cl I:(J I.J"I I.J"I ITl I.J"I QDJS,~~.. . ~[?U~ ~~ rm~@~(pU' .. . r .~fliEi[jo flEJ~.' ...~ [;07 . . . ~cttfIl0:!Ii'~Ql &:'f,~t. r,f':.% 7"::::'<< m r.l:Itn1C'tjEl.D'iM<IUJ UI~ 4. " ''q il~"'}.l.jj ,g;l4\6 0.37 UNIT ID: 0020 Postage $ nJ Cl Certified Fee Cl Cl Return Reciept Fee (Endorsement Required) Cl Restricted Delivery Fee r-'l (Endorsement Required) .:r nJ 2.30 1.75 Postmark Here Clerk: KD2RNK 4.42 12/27/02 Total Postage & Fees $ ;_7JJir._r;_~kflM4.4.__:J..Lf____-uu----------- ;;;~~'..rQJS:_--~---;jlfii----- ~lilimil~~~ . @lw~(j;];>~ l\lJ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ I:Q litlI . . Postage $ UNIT ID: 0020 LI"l LI"l ITl LI"l ru Cl Certified Fee Cl Cl Return Reciept Fee (Endorsement Required) Cl Restricted Delivery Fee r-=l (Endorsement Required) .::r- ru 2.30 1.75 Postmark Here Clerk: KD2RNK Total Postage & Fees $ ru ~ =:"~~fL,_~__ra___ _____::~___________________ ~:.:.~_f!.~~_~~:_mm3._~-.6-i-----'1~{~~----j)JLm---- City, State, ZIP+4 . "','1 -:> _ Cv~ IJElIilimilrn!Ill,dl!ImJ~ ~~(l;):;>~ 4.42 12/27/02 ru .::t' .J] co U') U') rn U') Postage $ ru Cl Cl Return Reclept Fee Cl (Endorsement Required) Cl Restricted Delivery Fee .-:l (Endorsement Required) .::t' ru Certified Fee 2.30 1.75 Postmark Here Clerk: KD2RNK Total Postage & Fees $ ru ~ ~e"JJ r: JI ~ -J-~A'~~~KMuC.__/J:Js.EIJ1!tlJ/_ ~'!f!!/;!~__~~;u~2.uW~._.~u uL___u_u City, State, ZIP+4 f. 6 .2-.~ .~~IllI1~ 4.42 12/27/02 I~ D 0 ~[?U~ [iYl]&l]~ OO~@~[Mf . ~lliMJJo {ll:!J~.. .... o I Iilw'r,r.iIhT=n ~1!1tJll(!]!Ij'~ffO I I ItGtdUE INGdoA l USE I Postage $ 0.37 lINIT ID: 0020 Certified Fee 2.30 Retum Raelept Fee Postmark (Endorsement Required) 1.75 Here Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KD2RHK (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ 4.42 12/27/02 Ul Ul fTl Ul ru CJ CJ CJ CJ r-"I .::t' ru ru ~ ~+H~Ik.~k~..~....._.......... ~:.:.'!_~~_"!~____J_9._~_Ql___~~' i!~__~':t.:_mL___________m_____ City, State, Z1P+4 , t - .// I . ,?'.v l1lllil~fl!I1~ ..ll c:o t:J c:o L/") L/") ITl L/") lIlJ~~~ ~[?l)~[Q) ~~ ~~@~rmr - - fXlIjJJ 0 fll!J~. - _. - '. . Iitm. . Postage $ UNIT ID: 0020 ru t:J t:J CJ Retum Reciept Fee (Endorsement Required) CJ Restricted Delivery Fee r-"I (Endorsement Required) .:t' ru Certified Fee 2.30 1.75 Postmark Here Clerk: KD2RNK Total Postage & Fees $ ru ~ ::~-~~.JJW.:r./l!2?U._:r_:.__Pqj(4rtJztm.__.m_~__m__ ",creet, APt. No.; b . t:'J-- ~:.:.~_I!.~~_"!~----IJ)_'6.JI.L .. .. _ _ mm.-?/..mm__ City, State, ZIP+4 .?t"lN't- . t ?-tY'tJ --~Q;];>~ 4.42 12/27/02 Ig . el :<:0 1111 111 rn L.I'l ~o Q '" <>~CE Postage $ UNIT ID: 0020 2.30 Postmark 1.75 Here Clerk: KD2RNK 4.42 12/27/02 ru ell el " e ' Retum Reciept Fee ) (Endorsement Required) e '. Restricted Delivery Fee ~../' (Endorsement Required) I:, Total Postage & Fees $ "'ru e e r'- Certified Fee Sent To CA.a, .'i"'n Si;;;e;:APt:No:;..~1.muL%}3$.MY-1.mmm...m.um......m....u. ~:.~~-~~.~~:_...J~lllLJ~-:uLJdt~'~7. :f:m_~._m_m_m_. City, State, ZIP+4 '. ..;; , I. ./; 280 ~(il;mu : II o!l!Imll'd'illPJ .. ~(l;]r~ THE JrNDIANAPOllS STAR 307 N. PeunsyIvania Street P.O. Box 145 IndiaDapoIia, IN 462()6.()145 8A ~ . u rr: 1(; 0eaSOn $ ~'t~1reehl1.SJ$ 2531032 LEONARD VOIGT 14928 PACER COURT CARMEL, IN 46032 LaC~'~MS 461)32 , ", ,',"..11", "II, "1,",, ,11'"",,11,,',', """ """ ", 12/26 eCl) ...,(/) ~<lC a:~ 00 U).... i\.UCf.) a::a: ~- l&. /, 11,. ~-:::f In:') .l~i ..u.'NJ~ 0: 'I f ,I . \.... "HAMIL TON COUNTY AUDIT(,j o I, ROBIN MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN ExHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660' FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY, THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, ROBIN MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR "1-1 DATED: J 1- - _ - 0 '2- ~ - /' Thursday, December 26, 2002 Page 1 <<1 HAMilTON COUNTY NOTlRCATlON 0 PREPARED BY 11IE u.. coum AIDTDRS OffIll DIVISION OF TAX ....G LlIED BELOW ARE SIILBT PROPERlB [ SUBJECT MARKED IN YHlOWJ o SUBJECT 17 13-02-04-08-008-001 Leonard I Voigt 1070 86th St E Ste 72-G INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 17 13-02-04-08-009-000 Leonard I Voigt 1070 86th 5t E Ste 72-G INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 UMILION COUNTY NOTIRCADON 0 PlDARm BY 1IIE u.m cmmv AlDJDRS OFRCE,IVIIN OF TAX MAPPING o . PLEASE NOm DE FOLLOWING PERSONS 17 13-01-03-07-001-001 Clay Civil Township & Clay Twp Regional Waste District 10701 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-01-03-07-002-000 Clay Civil Township & Clay Twp Regional Waste District 10701 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-01-03-09-014-000 Hazel J Robinson 10818 Bellefontaine Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-01-03-09-015-000 Jeffrey W & Dianna M Patchett 10810 Bellefontaine ST Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-01-03-09-016-000 Clay Civil Township & Clay Twp Regional Waste District 10701 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-01-03-09-017-000 Clay Civil Township & Clay Twp Regional Waste District 10701 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-01-03-09-018-000 Clay Township Regional Waste District POBox 40638 Indianapolis IN 46240 17 13-01-03-09-018-001 Clay Township 10801 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-01-03-09-019-000 0 0 James L & Barbara A Wood 10809 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-01-03-09-020-000 Richard J & Rachel C Cohen 10748 Torrey Pines CIR Carmel IN 46032 17 13-01-03-09-021-000 Richard J & Rachel C Cohen 10748 Torrey Pines CIR Carmel IN 46032 17 13-01-03-09-022-000 Richard J & Rachel C Cohen 10748 Torrey Pines CIR Carmel IN 46032 17 13-02-04-08-003-000 Alan L Boyce 1200 Woodgate Dr Carmel IN 46033 17 13-02-04-08-004-000 Battey, Raymond S & Dale C Artman 9905 Wind Cir N Indianapolis IN 46256 17 13-02-04-08-006-000 Terry D & Ronda R Clark 11206 Echo Crest West Dr Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-08-007-000 Melissa Hauck 10830 College Ave N INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 13-02-04-08-008-000 Boyce Land Co Inc 3968 Chadwick DR Carmel IN 46033 17 13-02-04-08-010-001 0 0 Daniel J Cage 10810 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-08-010-002 Daniel J Cage 10810 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-08-011-000 Leon D & Charlene A Paul Jr 5015 Fortville Pke Greenfield IN 46140 17 13-02-04-08-027-000 Brownstone Properties LLC 158-18 Riverside Dr W Apt 2L NEW YORK NY 10032 17 13-02-04-09-003-000 Buffy Marshall 10749 Park Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-09-003-001 P A & Mary E Robinson 3277 Smokey Ridge Cir Carmel IN 46033 17 13-02-04-09-004-000 Thomas M & Filomena G Pearman 10746 Broadway AVE Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-09-004-001 Diana Dean Trustee with UE 10727 Park Avenue N INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 13-02-04-09-005-000 Oliver Z & Kathryn A Bondy 10726 Broadway St Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-09-005-001 0 0 Thorne Rental Properties Inc POBox 78443 Indianapolis IN 46278 17 13-02-04-09-006-000 James Brent Cassady 10716 Broadway Ave Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-09-006-001 Thorne Enterprises Inc POBox 78443 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46278 17 13-02-04-09-007-000 Vancy J Brown 10706 Broadway Ave Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-09-007-001 Thorne Rental Properities Inc POBox 78443 Indianapolis IN 46278 ~ 001 to 52 147.9 W > ~ <( ~ to 52 (pt 1 ~ 0::: <( D- o o to 52 ~o8 '" ~ (PT.18) 165.0 o Lf) ~ 008 002 (13 ) 147.9 oor:00 ~ ~ 147.85 ~B 147.85 rm\ (~ eJ~ eJ~ ~~.? 7 130.7 009 (19 ) 12/26/0210:05:10 AM .. .\parcel\claywest2_p.dgn o to 52 o o 52 001 (12 & pt 11) -- -------------------290~7 (~1)___ ~@ 140.3 ~ Lf) <Xl o Lf) ~ rQill\ ~ 150.3 ~ ~ 145.35 o o 52 .. .... 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