HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication u o Fahey, Joyce D From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Thursday, December 19, 2002 4:52 PM Fahey, Joyce D Lillig, Laurence M; Lawrence, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Brewer, Scott I Docket Number Assignment - DP Amend/ADLS; West Carmel Center, Block D, Lot 3- Applebee's Neighborhood Bar & Grill Joyce, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have issued the necessary Docket Numbers for West Carmel Center, Block D, Lot 3- Applebee's Neighborhood Bar & Grill. It will be the following: 185-02 DP Amend/ADLS $630 + $700 Total Fee: $1,330 Docket No. 185-02 DP Amend/ADLS; West Carmel Center, Block D, Lot 3- Applebee's Neighborhood Bar & Grill The applicant seeks amended development plan and ADLS approval to construct a restaurant. The site is generally located at the northeast comer of Michigan Road and Commerce Drive. The site is zoned B-3 and is located within the US 421/Michigan Road Overlay Zone. Filed by Troy Terew of Lewis Engineering for Apple Indiana I, LLC. Please note the following: · This Item appeared on the December 18, 2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. · Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Friday, December 27,2002. Published notice is required within the Indianapolis Star. · Twenty (20) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than noon, Friday, January 10, 2003. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the tabling of the petition to the Tuesday, February 18, 2003, agenda of the Plan Commission. · Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Monday, January 20, 2003. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling ofthe petition. · This Item will appear on the January 21, 2003 agenda of the Plan Commission under Public Hearings. · This Item may also appear on the February 4, 2003 agenda of the Plan Commission Special Studies Committee. Please contact Mr. Terew at 317-839-2412 (Fax:.J/1 -l!!l- .213;) with this information. Once the file is updated please return it to my offi~lce.. ~--LJ /.;2 ~O Thanks, . .' ~T" - V c..?c Jon 1 ~ " u o ~~\, ~\;) (,{\ (',\"\ 1f,.'J. ~~\J ~ \Y'" ~\~ . S0S DA~\S 12-06-02 DEVELQPMENT PLAN APPLICATION (Amendment) Fee: $700.00 plus $35.00 per acre ($630.00) DOCKET NO. Pre1;miVAry Public Hearing Required Final Received By/Date Amended or Changed Checked By Name of Pr~~t: Applebee's Neiahborhoon r,rill ~ R~r Project AWk~s: 106th & Michigan Road. Lot #3 Legal 'Description: (To be typewritten on separate sheet and attached) Name of AppU~: Lewis Enqineering Address: 3315 East M~in ~~.. Ste "n" Pl;:)infi~ln IN .46168 . ContaCt Person: Troy Tere}'l Terephone: 317-839-2412 Name of Landowner: Apple Indiana I. LLC Tdephone:216-525-2775 Adm~s: 6200 Oak Tree Blvd_, ~~~ 250. Independen~p, OH 44131 Plot Size: Zoning Classification: B 3 Present Use of Property: Vacant, undeveloped lot for Business use Proposed Use of Property: . To build & operate a national ch~ in ^" r:estau+aqt for Ront-hwe~~ Hamilton Cpnnt-y .. . u u NOTE: This application must be roed in duplicate and accompanied by: a) Two (2) copies of the development plan which the applicant will be responsible for distribution among T AC members; b) All necessary supporting materials. The undersigned agrees that any constrUCtion. reconstrUCtion. enlargement, relocation or alteration of structures, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application will. comply with and conform to all applicable laws of the State of Indiana and the zoning ordinanCe of Carmel, Indian~. adopted under the authority of ActS of 1979, Public Law 178. Sec. 1. et seq., General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. Signed: -7 A. Lj roo Agent Owner Troy.A. Terew (Typed) Owner (Typed) STATE OF INDIANA County of Hen d r (~ k:..A ss: Before me the undersigned. a Notary Public for (county of residence) County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (name of person) an,d acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this fe+iL day of /)L ~l m ha/ t 20 i) t . _ ' ~ ~ {Mil L. "--~vtrr (Notary Public Signature) ~.l t ~..~. L . "'~ VlJ--+ (Printed or Typed) My Comlnission Expires: 5- 3-2o~f? s:\forms\devplan.app Rev. Oct. 2000 Pc PtC'J\\!t.\) \\~t ~ . . U\)C~ , - u o .' I !, ~<f~ ~~~ ~~ ~ <\:S/ ~ TRANSMITTAL Lewis Engineering a Deer Engineering, Inc. company 3315 E. Main Street, Suite D Plainfield, IN 46168 Ph. (317)-839-2412 Fax. (317)-839-2437 Toll Free (866)-51-LEWIS To: City of Carmel and Clay Twp. Dept. of Community Services (DOCS) 1 Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032 Client: AppleGroup, LLC Project Name: Applebees @ Carmel Location: Carmel, Indiana Project Number: 02-428 Issue Date: 12/6/2002 Subject: Construction-Plans--------.. Shipped Via: Courier Check Description Copies X COpy of "professionally" prepared IiQhtinQ plan. 2 X Development Plan Application 1 X Check for $700 1 X Copy of transmittal for all TAC members 1 2 2 COMMENTS Please contact me at 317-839-2412 for any additional information. Troy A. T erew Lewis Engineering Date u U DOCKET NO. ~. , RECFIVED ',' ~3LI~1t~ON'for ARCmTECTURAL DESIGN, LJGB)1NG. and SIGNAGE DOCS FEE: $700.00 -' \ . , . ;(Plus $35.00 per acre when NOT accompanied by a Development Plan) Name of Project: Applebee's Neighborhood Grill &. R~r Adm~s: Michigan Eoad (S.R. 421) ~t 106th Street Type of Project: Restaurant Contact Person: Troy Terew Phone No. ~ 1 7- ~X 2f~? _ 02~7 Phone No. 3 t 7 - 8 3 q - ? 4 3 7 Appli~t: Lewis Engineerin~ Address: 311') East Maip Street, SlIjte""n", Pl~itlfielci, TN 46168 Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) 1.814 Zoning B-3 Owner of Real Estate: 421 Realty Company, Inc. Carmel: Clay Township: x Annexation: Y or N Other Approvals Needed: PARKING No. of Spaces Provided: 95+ No. Spaces Required: 99 DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building: Free StandingNo.ofBuildings: 1 Square Footage: 5 . 97 8 Height: 24 t - 6 " A G L No. of Stories-L ExterlorMaterials: See Exhibit Colors: See Exhibit Maximum No. of Tenants: 1 Type of Uses: Restaurant Water by: Public Sewer by: Public ************.*..***.**.*..*.****..***..*.**.*.* It the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief. submit the above information as true and correct. . ,-I - Chief OQerating Officer Sl~ Applicant TIde Troy A. Terew 11-22-02 (Print) , Date *.****.**.*.*.***...*.**.****.****.*** State of Indi~, SS: u w LIGH)1NG Type of Fixture: Twin Pack Height of Fixture: 27.5 No. of Fixtures: 5 Additional Lighting: Building R~sidential .. Plans to be submitted showing foot candle spread at property. lines, per Ordi1llJ1lCe. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: 1 Type of Signs: Monument ~tion(s): North end of property subject to operations agreement Dimensions of each sign: 8' - 10" x 9' (odd shape) Square Footage of each sign: 57 S. F . Total Height of each sign: 9 ' LANDSCAPING * Plana to be submitted showing plant types, mes, antllocatlons County of Hendricks Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for Hendricks . COunty t State of Indiana, personally appeared . Troy A. Terew and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrUment this 22th day of November .200L-. My ~~Wn Exp~ 3-5-10 ~?'~:~~~ IjJA~ 7iJ1C~ .,~~~~ Y;..~\ Otary Public ,"'..... """ , ~l> c\ Beverly McConnell 'v ~;.. ~. "'!fA . :!:!~ \-~. ~ ". '\ -iii, f') ..~,; ,q -It o u ;' 1(5 ~ /h/I CfJ/I;:-/) ''',f l; ,,~-U 0(1 <l7~1) UCs Drainage Narrative Appleby's Restaurant West Carmel Center This project consists of the construction ofa new Appleby's Restaurant on an outlot of the West Carmel Center. The site will drain to an existing 24" RCP that was constructed as part of the commercial subdivision. A portion of this 24" RCP will be relocated to accommodate the proposed location of the building. 3 new inlets are proposed to drain to the existing 24" RCP. Castings on 2 existing structures will be changed to curb type castings. The new storm structures and pipes were designed using the Rational Method to accommodate a 10 yr design storm. [AIlglebV'S Cannel a b N 58.974 9 0.7953 Excess DSStr L CI AI C'*A1 SumCI*A1 D1am InvUD InvOn S/ooe CaD.Q V Flow. CaD I Tel Tcmax Tt n Ploe Area HYd. Rad. StrNo No. II acresl In iiI II ftIIt cfs IfDs cfs cfs Inlhr mln.l mln.l mlriJ A EX 125 0.85 0.29 0.2485 0.2485 12 1.125 0.5 0.005 0.005 2.53 3.22 1.72 0.8 6.98 5 5.00 0.65 0.013 0.785398 0.25 B EX 100 0.85 0.33 0.2805 0.2805 12 0.5 0 0.005 0.005 2.53 3.22 1.96 0.6 6.98 5 5.00 0.52 0.013 0.785398 0.25 ~ c c. DESCRIPTION: ILLUMINATED OIF MONUMENT SIGN AND FIAT CUT our ALUMINUM LETTERS. ~: APPLE FACE: BY OTKERS FACES: CLEAR APPLE BOROERfCHANNEL NEOri: 13mm CLEAR RED STEM/CABINET BORDER NrON: 12mm C(),GJ"EO EMERALD GRt:EN APPLE ~TURN/RETAINER: GLOSS BLACK INNfR BORDER STRIPE/CHANNElINTERIOR: EGGSHELL WHITE CHANNEL RETURNS: GLOSS BLACK BORDER CHANfiEL: GLOSS BLACK CABINET: PMS 553 TRIM CAP: 8LACK REVEAL: BLACK FCOALUMINUM: PMS 553 WITH 1/8ft EGGSHELL WHITE BOR[)[R c-,j T1 ... - <? ('oj . .... ..... N T! ,1 .' ('\I ... .... ~ .... /WI o :t f~ ~ 5'-93/4' ]'.0 ' S'.IO' -.- I ~ r--- 1"- ..nII\ll1) ,.......dallll_,. ....pt .... ......""').. .....n. I '"""" lNt 81\1 ........ to t_ cluj.... ....<1. MI... ., .llIu lIf'Id'CIICIl """ _r 11Io _.1 price. M ..np. 1I1UIt lie in wrillne and ..._d by botll peltl" p,ior top'ed.ell..... -,. ~a- :-~,..::: _~lIA'rwrn-.m.,._..... -..---- _C 113" .MllU_ Ar _ 10IICMV .-ow COfIlCIUII TO UL ... afl...."".... A'1I11 .........., ,.~. -....-...-. c RE\lI$IDMS c.:a i "ealPA:W . .__,. ...... '" 'rOYAL laetNTfTV ..OUP ""~""..'".... .......D'..::!lI ~.~..._~~ 'IN. '" a. .fltin.' """.011"'0<1 e1,...tn8 CftiI\1d lJJ .,..",. 1000nUI' G,..~. tl 10 ."l.rllledl>,~..,.........l....lnm........t.cr 0 "./U"<ie:tIl...lilllr1llllltodl.'....ltiT~ IdIlo61J G,,,,, It I. tlOt Ii> to """'" ... , .~auWda:I3U'o~atliu':i.~ nll~ '\!S i~1:) MC(iKAW-I:UI~UI"~' . .. P1i$CIUV The Galleria achieves superior liC/ht distributil;ln by utilizing e s&ill'l'lless reflector $Yst&m, making it the optimlAm Q/loioo for allllo51 anv small or medium area lighling application. U.L.. , f.72 listed and CSA certJflfid for wat locations. 17&W.1000W ARCHIT!C:TURAL AflEA LUMINAIRt .. Formed aluminum hOusing with stamped reveal MS inwrior-welded seams fOI $tfUClUral integrity and is fini$hed j" polyesler powder coat .. Ballast tray is h,rd- moumedto housing interior for 000111' operation . to"g-iite ",re and coi! ballast .. Spun and stamp$d aluminum reflector j(1 verticallanip units, or hVdrofol'l'l'led anodi~lId aluminum refleCtOr in hor~ontallamp \.Jnit$. Rotatable optict; standard DIMEN&IONS -u Arm Mou~t rr- I r,.r-"~ I I A' ~ A, . . LE=.....'--..-! J ~-= . C .-J "-. 0" o -. (----lJ -;':::JG m'tolU M.4,~M 1"'.1 _ __. tmm\ A 8 C 141.'2 :lI<l 11" 36tI " '" P Ii "G H 3112 191/4 2'3101 60.14 15011.16 t9 480 5'-1 1~2 or 3&; 3$1 or 40& , - j , -r ~ --.--' -.-J----l I ~W-''' ~p I..w_ I r ~';"';""I'l 17=17SW I Ty~" I' lYIIo 1D=TVJ)oI1l MeO 25-26OW 1=l.4H 2-lNi1A ,H"rizontlOl I :t~J 1Z1 !2-HPS' 5:CWI I' 2O=Ty~"MCO ooow ....J Ho"JOmaI " VOlU..I.) 30- Tv~e III MeO 1-12DV ,. H<>.izom4ll 2-..208V FT=fOlWttcl I ~.~40V '~=~I~I " ~~e. Round 6-Triple.Hp'>I v.n....;ll II ::: :M'V AS._. Square I \I.nl~1 t..Mulli- rap" flWwROCUI",ullt w;.od 2'7V Wi40 lIortic..1 l 1V_VelrticaH 'l'vpelll EI'A-lfl..Ilve P.ojnto" A..., t.' ORDERING INFORMATION SAMPLE NUMSIR: GMA1612UD - -...,...--J ~.... I 1""'_ J ~__ .~ ! I'rod"'" I HOIlJlne r Maoo~liIlt II-.V SUe I Method I I... GooII...it I M=MQo; UI'I'I j A_Atm'll I 8=Spla~r I fur 2 318" . 0.0. t l.r't~fj I C=Spid.r fo.3 '12" 0.0. lenon : 'I ,_.... t ~. , I ~ --1 10pti0al0. il_ ls... Belvw) ColOr l..u 6& l:uffi)C~ _=BrOllZt I liK4nlla'll' AP-G.ey eK=8IolC. WH.Whil. I Pf Co: Ii..- Aln G.; GLt C'l,~ Gl.A. $pi.. GL.8- Gle, Cllll~ GUr!, ~ Gl.C4 GI.1:9 GlC.v. GLC'J' . FormeCl.luminum door "as heavy-duty hinges. captiv81'8l8ining liCfeiN& .~ is finillhad in polyester powcIer eoat (Spider mount unit hQ met door) . ConvW' tempered glel>s lens · Mogul-baH porcelaip socket . ApprolCimete mil weight: 64-691b$. (29-31 k9$.1 .r'~ "~l d'. ~p~ l~NG ~~ C/ ,'''ODUCT IN'ORMATION c:aqtqa L.mp WI'I' ~_____ . ~!!!!lI!, "..!~ I\nft M04IIIt 10nl.._ _meM liMA2UUXX '60 HP$ IlMMOmXX 400 141"$ In.IA251211X)( 250 IIlH 'iMA401~X tOO IIlH IlIlI4orMou.'ForU''''o.O. T_l l.MBa>>2SlCX 250 14PS ,.MII44229XX 400 HI'S .3M82612SXX 250 MM ~MB40I:ztX)C 40C MH .3MC2S12SXX $150 MH ,s1VlC40128XX 400 Mil $lIiMr Mooom 1f9r3 112' 0.0. 'f~ ~MC2SmX)C 250 tiPS ..MC4022SXX 400 HPS ~Iod!.~'~._,. Fo$;n9101 F.u 112e, a?7 or 34M FI'--Oo..DlO F.....:l 1208, 2<10 o. 480\11 IjM..QueIQ AHl~ with tul.... tAl." &triIie6<< ColCl Sill") II=NEMA Twllflad< PllQtClCOnlrol A_~ O=OuerU JlcWik. (Hol R"lri~~ Only) HS=HoulC $i. Skielcl \($..V0M411 SIllS'. (Arm MGUhl Only. 4<<1N Me~lm\l",) L~U1rn~ lnel\l"~CI FCPf11ll810... ~l). 20. 3P. >T,. AIIlnOt ~~Ie for AS, flW. JV orl~": ~..lcmIor~L_........ _._~ MA1..14" .101m fllrS<!uafll Pele. 1.0 EPA MAl-..a' Arm fOr SQuafll Polo. 0.5 EPA MA1801i=D<tflCl Moum Kit lor SQ",al. Polo MA1007-~14" AIm fotAound Pol... 1.0 EM MA1~ A'TTl for lloutlO Polo. 0.5 '''A MA1_Di(iIC'I Moun' I<it t..r RowM 1'010 MAl01o.Si",l..-..nn T.tIOf1 A4.ple1' t". 3 lIT 0.0. Ttftl)~ _,On.2 JIll 1llO' Tenon Allapte. for 3 I 12. ToflOtl M41012=3 @ 1~~. Tonon AIltoter 10r 3 If,!' 0.0. T.non MA 101_ " 90' Ton.'" Adelll" fGf 3 1Ia" 0.0. TIO/ID" MA10M-2 @ DO" T.non ~pI..rfor"1T 0.0. T_ MAIO"'!" 1200 T.non A<lal"o' t... 3112' 0.0. nllO~ MA10lew34\> 90" T.lIOn A~apto.1or 3 '/2" O.p. Teno~ MA1017--$ngl...rm T,,""n Malll.' f." 2 318" 'T.f\O/l MAUI1~2. 11lO" 'f,,,,,,, Adopt* 10, 2 34l" Tenon MA101~31lf 120. T.noliAcaopWr fe. 231\'1" 0.0. ~'.non MA102l1=W<III Mo.n. ......, Wlln 10" Arm (speci'" colorl MA'\OCIe4 It} 90" T.~ A40pM.f<I. 2318" 0.0. TtflOfl MA104e=21O !IO' TenOll Adel)1erfor 2 3/8' 0.0. T8flOII MA 1049-3 C!!' 800 T .~on AlIepte. for 2 :Jill. 0.0. 1.110- MA101'cHOY"" 5i~e5no8la fFwlIs In.taU"'1 OJ. 1016o=PI101_ntrOJ-Mu~l. T ~ P OA 1G2' .PlIolOCOt"JttOI-48O\l 041201 d'noloOlectric COtlttOr. 34'" NE MA TV"" f NOTES: I'l Af(f\", i~w4t'4. ~ IKAAOriH. "I "",,,II" ,,",1KW~" Ul.:I1 wMp. f.1I ~ ..m~"'AfmoQw~'D'" WmDf Itel1Ql i~.l.) ....od~ fUw64t91"'lfeil't"':~~rEC:: II' vOlUgetJ 1M 80tV fOr .lttomlllOfMI ~ CoM"" tlmny fo, ,wil~tl1V .no l)r~ InNrll\ldcm. l~hi.Tap tNlItA 1r;J~4Q4'7VWlrod zn". fritHO.Tap tMI*IS- oI\4:m .,' . 12Q1271r,)4'7\1 WI". So47V. III OOsttntttJ .hib\ltlof\ by Ch~", 9m .l-.d 10cn ~itI:. mAR not J\l8UvCM. '0' 2SO. ~ HJ"S, -'ft40 MH l'UQvIftI rMWWO OftlIIlokiplltml). '-VINCI ~~ 1\>Qv~c..,. (' '\ r.; Q TRANSMITTAL Lewis Engineering a Deer Engineering, Inc. company 3315 E. Main Street, Suite D Plainfield, IN 46168 Ph. (317)-839-2412 Fax. (317)-839-2437 Toll Free (866)-51-LEWIS To: City of Carmel and Clay Twp. Dept. of Community Services (DOCS) 1 Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032 Client: AppleGroup, LLC Project Name: Applebees @ Carmel Location: Carmel, Indiana Project Number: 02-428 Issue Date: 11/22/2002 Subject: Construction Plans Shipped Via: Courier Check Description Copies X Set of Development Plans (Legal Desc., Landscape, Erosion, LiQhting, ParkinQ) 2 X Building Elevations 2 X Sample of Materials 1 X Light cut sheet 2 X Drainaqe Calculations 2 X SiQnage cut sheet 2 v ~ - ..- -., /'nr#:r ~ A J ) /71 bd tl Af\~ #~ J t' / , -, /", :.,. 1...1-'.,-:,. ,:- , COMMENTS ~ Please contact me at 317-839-2412 for any additional inforn{~~ion. RECFIVED ", NOV 22 2002 DOCS / ,..... Sincerely, - ~ A. L Troy A. T erew Lewis Engineering / / / (.) lc tI cc z ;, lII( Ow CJ i=lll ZO", <0 a:q G.a o ~~ ... a: 0 ~ 11.1 :Ii ;, a: c( i! o It o ~jm DESCRIPTION: ILLUMINATED D/F MONUMENT SIGN AND FLAT CUT OUT ALUMINUM LETTERS. I'........, ~. .. .~~A RE~ FEB 4 2003 DOcs I- 'I \-~ :~.'. ~\ \<'~ v's .~ /r ~: APPLE FACE: BY OTHERS FACES: CLEAR APPLE BORDER/CHANNEL NEON: 13mm CLEAR RED STEM/CABINET BORDER NEON: 12mm COATED EMERALD GREEN APPLE RETURN/RETAINER: GLOSS BLACK INNER BORDER STRIPE/CHANNEL INTERIOR: EGGSHELL WHITE CHANNEL RETURNS: GLOSS BLACK BORDER CHANNEL: GLOSS BLACK CABINET: PMS 553 TRIM CAP: BLACK REVEAL: BLACK FCO ALUMINUM: PMS 553 WITH 1/8" EGGSHELL WHITE BORDER C? \0 5'.93/4' 8'.10 " T U) .-t " .-t '<t ~/~ . I have carefully reviewed and hereby ~ accept the drawing(s) as shown. I _ ~ realize that any changes to these \designs made before or after L 1production may alter the contract r,.;;.. 'price. All changes must be in Ie- !writing and approved by both j-- . parti.s prior to production. .",,:;- ., >-> (Xl o (Xl /J1 Do~ THE CUSTOM AFnWORK DEPICTED HEREIN II FOR REPRESENTA11ONAl. PUIlJ'OIES ONLY AND MAY NOT EXACTLY MATCH THE COLORS OF,... MATERlALS PROPOSED. ELECTRIC SIONS PRODUCED AT TOTAL ICENtTTY GROUP CONFORM TO UL 48 STANDARDS AND DISPLAY THE UNDERWRI1'ERS LABORATORIES LABEL. >~ O'\~ o! rl ..... <:t g>~ -Q O'\~ REVISIONS DATE DESCRIPTION INlT. .... '-V TOTAL IDENTITY GROUP 2.'WOlIrIs"lM_Hrmrll'4l~ n.Rd. Rochc~~"Yll6Z3 (71l'1)427-91150-f.u.(71l1l117-')l151 This is an original unpublished drawing created by Total Identity Group, It is submitted for your personal use in connection with a project being prepared for you by Total Identity Group. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization, nor is it to PRELIMINARY DRAWING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION !( 7-212" 6'-10' 1TC 10:,!: FRONT ELEVATION SCALE 1/8" = 1'. 'SOc..t-n-l NOTE: ALL PRIMARY PENETRATIONS THAJ WALL SURFPCE TO BELOW ROOF FOR WALL SIGNS. ALL PRIMARY HOOK-UP BY GENERAL CONTRAClOR'S ELECTRICIAN. NOTE: OVERALL LENGTH OF NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL & BAR AS SHOWN MUST BE PLPCED SO EQUAL DISTANCE APPEARS BALANCED ABOVE THE THREE GOOSENECKS. INSTALLER MUST MEASURE PLACEMENT FIRST BEFORE SECURING 10 WALL. INSTALLER 10 VERIFY ROOFLlNE. -AMPS-----------~ :iO~aRCU~S-----~iiO~SQUARiFOO~Gi: APPLEBEE'S 9.9: ,APPLEBEE'S 1: ' APPLEBEE'S 13.80 ' NEIGHBORHOOD 3.1,: NEIGHBORHOOD 1': NGB 11.6: _~R.I~L_a. ~R_ __ _ _ _ :.:: ,GRILL& BAR : - -- -- -- -- - - - - h__ l. / /,....~C~ ~ '(/~ R~~/Jn___ \:\ ,FER If;lI.,i,,wl0 l h,.. 2003 I;;;., \ --). uucs IJ ~sj' \ "" /"- " '/'" /- - //~T......-rr ,.\'\_' '/ '" . I I. )... -- L-.t I I i " I hava carafully raviewed and hera~ accept the drawlng(s) as shown. I realize that any changes to these designs made before or after production may atterthe contract price. All changes must be In wr~ing and approved by both parties prior to ~ production. CD .l>- e.> l\) ::0 m ~ Signature: """ THE CUSTOM ARTWORK DEPICTED HEREIN IS FOR REPRESENTATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND MAY NOT EXACTlY MATCH THE COLORS OFTHE MATERIALS PROPOSED. ELECTRIC SIGHS PRODUCED AT TOTAL IDEN11TY GROUP CONFORM 10 Ul 48 STANDARDS AND DISPLAY THE UNDERWRITERS LABORAlORIES LABEL )>~ ~~ b~ ~~ 00 -~ .1>-, REVISIONS DAlE DESffilPTION /NIT. 1/3 "APPLE BEES" DECREASED ACT TO 1'-4' ..... '" TOTAL IDENTITY IiRCUP J..~ltlrlsl'III,..ltoor.r\otlb:lU.1W. RnrhMl..... NY1Mn {716,'127-'J03l)~b>..mt.)t27-'}U51 This is an original unpub6shed drawing created by 10Ial Identity Group. It is submitted br yoor personal use In connection with a project being prepared for yoo by ToIalldentity Group. It Is not 10 be shown to anyoneoufsideyaurorganization, nor is It to be used, reproduced, or exhibi1ed in anyfashlon. D PRELIMINARY DRAWING DRA19"'43""2""RMBEE"'V1 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION A1.0 22'-0 ' f---10'-S' ------1 LEFT ELEVATION SCALE 3/32" = l' NOTE: ALL PRIMARY PENETRATIONS THRU WALL SURFACE TO BELOW ROOF FOR WALL SIGNS. ALL PRIMARY HOOK-UP BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S ELECTRICIAN. NOTE: INSTALLER MUST MEASURE PLACEMENT FIRST BEFORE SECURING TO WALL. INSTALLER TO VERIFY ROOFLlNE. ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ : TOTAL clRculi.s - - - - - i ; TOTAL SQUAR{FOOTAGE: APPLEBEE'S 5.6: ,APPLEBEE'S 1: ' APPLEBEE'S 21.5 ' NEIGHBORHOOD 3.1,' NEIGHBORHOOD 1': NGB 22.6: .~RI~L~B~R_.uu!'!: :GRIU&BAR : _..nnun_..___ <<r?:\Tfi.(ti'-- \ \ -" --. </ l-- ~ ~~~ . FfB 4 2003 Docs 5' N '=i T N .' PRELIMINARY DRAWING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION .... I have carefully reviewed and hereby accept the drawing(s) as shown. I realize that any changes to these designs made before or after production may alter the contract price. Al!-.changes must be in writing and approved by both parties prior to production. \~ -~ Sigrlallmr" \ !---I Oat" tf 'J d. if THE CUSTOM ARTWOR< DEPICTED HEREIN IS' FOR REPRESENTATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND tlAY NOT EXACTLY MATCH THE COLORS OFTHE MATERIALS PROPOSED. ElECTRIC SIGNS PRODUCED AT TOTAL IDENTITY GROUP CONFORM TO Ul 48 STANDARDS AND DISPLAY THE LI\IDERWRlTERS LABQRt\TORIES lABEl. ~ to -I>- W t'-' . ~~ . . O~ t'-'~ s.~ -1>-, REVISIONS DATE DESCRIPTION INIT. .... '" TOTAL IDENTITY GROUP 2.'I4llRrts"\1'l".Hrm''''lLnn.Rl'I. Roc:I~Iw,~"YU623 (7lfl)ol27-':ll1511oi.A(71fl)o117"JlI51 This is. an original unpublished drawing aeated by Total Idontily Group. It Is submittod Ie< your psroonal use In connection with a prq9Ct being preparod Ie< you byTotalldontily Group. Itis not to be shO'Ml to anyone outs.lde your organization, nor is. it to be us.ed, reproduced, or exhibited in any fashion. A2.0 FES. 4.200] 1[1: 4[;Ri'] mTEF~F'LHri PRRCTICE L- 1 I ,,~-..~z: n t ----I- ~I~~ ~ J_:':"':--'-i_L'. ,.~'}.. ..J ~-~.~f;:._..\ 'll \;!i ~ ~:;/ 100 ' ~ J. xXX x ?'x I t:""I IJ' x x X>~ . ~ <XXN>~ I "'xY'x~ : x x I xxxxxx I" to?\: x x"x x ~ I x x . . ,;y:.,;<,(< x X XI ~ ~=!i~Xv~' ~~xYX<<$~ .., IA 0x"l?- x x x ~ ~~ ~~~ I~VX ~\lIl :n~xx ~ '" ~.. hi) xxxxx~ 'Ii -;4' CL \:xx I ~\.D III I f-' \Xxxxx ~. is W'Y ~' iS~~ , ~~ o"!O v x x u~ (4 XXXXI l.Y:-.,.~ [, 0'Y ~ 0';''' () ... o.Jr 0 )- ~ '" A., Q<{~ " .. · ~.o-,S ~ ~ -' l!- I ~ ~-] ~ I ' ~I ! II I~, I I -'J ~u ! ~ ~~ I cr I .~ A~:: ~~ ' ihl ~I rill i~ ~. ~ I _. !@J~ 'j"'l _~I VJ -. i2 .n I_~~ r- 0 lL ~: ~Jl ~ (:) F: I - '~. I I () r/ u- ......... ,........ '-' r'\ (', /"""\ ./:, / ,)" ^ ",/ I ',/ I" ./ , . y 1-- "'/ L, ..., ~--- ,II no. E,?':! F' . ? z 0 . T. ~ ~ .J U ~ ~ ~ m 0 II Z \\\ ~ 0 "0 ~ ~ I - ~ ~ II ~ ~ Co \U ~II~ ~ ~ I uJ I. ~ ~. ~ ....:\ ~ ~' ..j ~tU0. ~ >'~'. _-<c. X , \-'~ !i '~~ ~~'. ni l i I \ ' RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION ~'----,; r FRONT ELEVATION - - . - ... ... CARMEL,IND INTERPLAN PRACTICE 1211~21{I241.o2 A N A ~ ~ z 4( t;t .. 0.- zi c~ - ~ ~ ....... .... 1IIi!!: ~ " a: 4( o DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION FEATURES McGRAW-EDISONe McGraw-Edison's Galleria combines beauty and versatility to make it an excellent choice for architects, specifiers and contractors in today's energy- and design-conscious environment. An aesthetic reveal in the formed aluminum housing gives the Galleria a distinctive look while a variety of mounting options and lamp wattages provide maximum flexibility. APPLICATION D...Reflector Spun and stamped aluminum reflector in vertical lamp units, or hydroformed anodized aluminum reflector in horizontal lamp units. Rotatable optics standard. A...Housing Formed aluminum housing with stamped reveal has interior-welded seams for structural integrity and is finished in premium TGIC polyester powder coat. U.L. listed and CSA certified for wet locations. E...Door Formed aluminum door has heavy-duty hinges, captive retaining screws and is finished in premium TGIC polyester powder coat. (Spider mount unit has steel door.) B ...Ballast Tray Ballast tray is hard-mounted to housing interior for cooler operation. The Galleria achieves superior light distribution by utilizing a seamless reflector system, making it the optimum choice for almost any small, medium or large area lighting application. C...Ballast Long-life core and coil ballast. F...Lens Convex tempered glass lens or flat glass. A B C D E F DIMENSIONS Ann Mount Spider Mount r Al .................................................".1 I .... .... J ~........~....._.. ~.........................r......................l I_E .n_...............____.... ..._................._...~ FIXTURE A B C Small (10.) 91/4 1112 12718 (mm) 235 38 327 Medium (in.) 11 3112 191/4 (mm) 279 89 480 Large (in.) 14112 41/4 25718 (mm) 368 108 657 D 15518 397 21314 552 27 686 E 6or9 152 or 229 60r14 152 or 356 6 or 14 152 or 356 F 3114 337 150r 16 381 or 406 18314 or 19 314 476 or 502 NOTE: Top cap used on GSM with l000W flat glass vertically Iamped optics only. COOPER LIGHTING GSS/GSM/GSL GALLERIA SQUARE 70-1000W . Metal Halide High Pressure Sodium ARCHITECTURAL AREA LUMINAIRE DARK SKY FRIENDLY In all flat glass configurations. ENERGY DATA CWA Ballast Input Watts 150W MH HPF (210 Watts) 175W MH HPF (210 Watts) 175W MH HPF (210 Watts) 250W MH HPF (295 Watts) 250W HPS HPF (300 Watts) 400W MH HPF (455 Watts) 400W HPS HPF (465 Watts) 1000W MH HPF (1080 Walls) 1000W HPS HPF (1100 WallS) ADH012827 -~ r ,..".." j ('~o .. PHOTOMETRies G 5 SfG S MfG 5 L GALLERIA SQUARE 3 3 4 o 1 3 4 5 GM.' GS5-AM-175-MH-MT-3F-FG 17S-Watt MH, Type III 14,OOO-Lumen Clear Lamp Footeandle Table Select mounting height and read across for footcandle values of each isofootcandle line. Distance in units of mounting height. Mounting Height GM-l A B 10' 11.25 4.50 15' 5.00 2.00 20' 2.80 1.12 Footcandle Values for Isofootcandle Unes C 0 E 2.25 1.16 0.45 1.00 0.50 0.25 0.56 0.28 0.19 4 3 2 o 2 3 4 o 1 3 4 5 GM-2 GSM-AM-400-HPS-MT-3F-FG 400-Watt HPS, Type III 5O,OGO-Lumen Clear Lamp Footeandle Table Select mounting height and read across for footcandle values of each isofootcandle line. Distance in units of mounting height. Mounting Height GM-Z A 30' 2.00 35' 1.46 40' 1.12 Footcandle Values for Isofootcandle Unes BCD E 1.00 0.50 0.25 0.10 0.73 0.37 0.18 0.07 0.56 0.28 0.14 0.06 WATTAGE TABLE Fixture Size Wattage GSS 70W-175W GSM 175W-1OOOW GSL 4OOW-l000W ORDERING INFORMATION 4 3 o 3 4 o 345 GM-3 GSM-AM-l000-MH-MT-3V-fG 1000-Watt MH, Type III Vertical 110,OOO-Lumen Clear Lamp Footeandle Table Select mounting height and read across for footcandle values of each isofootcandle line. Distance in units of mounting height. Mounting Height GM-3-6 30' 35' 40' Footcandle Values for Isof_candle Unes ABC 0 3.50 2.00 1.00 0.50 2.60 0.73 0.37 0.18 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.20 4 3 o 3 4 3 2 o o 3 4 o 234 5 GM-4 GSM-AM-l000-MH-MT-A5-FG 1000-Watt MH, Area Square 110,OGO-Lumen Clear Lamp 4 o 234 5 GM-5 GSM-AM-1000-MH-MT-A$-SG l000.Watt MH, Area Square 110,OOO-Lumen Clear Lamp E 0.20 0.07 0.10 SAMPLE NUMBER: GSM_AM_400.MH_MT_3V.SG_BK_L Product Family GSS=Galleria Square Small GSM=Galleria Square Medium GSL=Galleria Square Large Mounting Method AM=Arm Mount' SM1=Spider Mount (2" 0.0. Tenon) SMZ=Spider Mount (2 3/8" 0.0. Tenon) SM3=Spider Mount (3 1/2" 0.0. Tenon)' Lamp Wattage , 70=70W 1 00= 100W 15O=15OW 175=175W Z50=250W 400=400W' 1000=1000W' Lamp Type MH-Metal Halide HPS=High Pressure Sodium Voltage . 1 ZO= 1 20V Z08=20BV Z4O=Z40V Z77=277V 480=480V MT=Multi-Tap wired 277V' TT_Triple-Tapwired 347V' Di_ibutlon 11'= Type I Formed (Horizontal)' ZI'= Type II Formed (Horizontal) 3F= Type III Formed (Horizontal) FT =Forward Throw Formed (Horizontal) AR=Area Round (\fertical) AS=Area Square (Vertical)' 3V- Type III (Vertical)' RW-Rectangular Wide (Vertical)" Lan. Type FG-Flat Glass. SG--Sag Glass Colon (add as suffix! must specify) .. BK-Black AP=Grey IIZ=Bronze WH=Architectural White options 'add a. auftlx) F-Single Fuse (120,277 or 347V) FF=Double Fused (208, 240 or 480V) EM=Quartz Restrike with Delay (Also Strikes at Cold Start) R=NEMA Twistlock Photocontrol Receptacle O=Quartz Restrike (Hot Restrike Only) HS-House Side Shield VS-Vandal Shield (Arm Mount Only, 400W Maximum) L-Lamp Included NOTES; . Arm not included. See accessories. 2 Available on GSL housing only. S Medium-base lamp for GSS housing. Mogul.-base on GSM and GSL housings. . Requires reduced envelope ED-28 lamp when used with GSM housing and flat glass vertically tamped optics. S Requires reduced envelope BT-37 lamp when used with GSM housing. I Product also available in non-US voltages and 50Hz for international markets. Consult factory for availability and ordering information. J Multi-Tap ballast is 120!208I240m7V wired 277V. Triple-Tap ballast is 12012771347V wired 347V. . Available on GSM and GSl housings only. . R'N optic not available with flat glass. .. 10QOW GSl with flat glass requires BT-37 lamp and is not available in AS, RW. 3V distributions. " Other finish colors available. Consult McGraw-Edison Architectural Colors brochure. ." COOPER Lighting Ac_.... (order separately) MAl004=14" Arm for Square Pole. 1.0 EPA MAl00li=6" Arm for Square Pole. 0.5 EPA MAl008=Direct Mount Kit for Square Pole MA1007=14" Arm for Round Pole. 1.0 EPA MAl 008=6" Arm for Round Pole. 0.5 EPA MA1009=Direct Mount Kit for Round Pole MA 1010=Single-arm Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" 0.0. Tenon MA101 1-2 @ 180" Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" 0.0. Tenon MA1012=3@ 120' Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" 0.0. Tenon MA1013=4@90.TenonAdapterfor3 1/2" 0.0. Tenon MA 1014:2 @ 90" Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" 0.0. Tenon MAl015=2 @ lZO. Tenon Adapterfor 31/2" 0.0. Tenon MAl 018=3 @90"TenonAdapterfor31/2" 0.0. Tenon MA1017-Single-arm Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" 0.0. Tenon MA1018=2@ ISO" Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" 0.0. Tenon MA1019--3@ 120' Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" 0.0. Tenon MA1021-6" Arm for Square Pole. 0.5 EPA (GSS Only) MA 1022-6" Arm for Round Pole. 0.5 EPA (GSS Only! MA10Z3-9" Arm for Square Pole. 0.5 EPA (GSS Only) MA 1024-9" Arm for Round Pole. 0.5 EPA (GSS Only) MA 10Z9=Wall Mount Bracket with 10" Arm (Specify color) MA 1045=4 @ 90. Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" 0.0. Tenon MA 1 046=Wa II Mount Bracket with 9" Arm(GSS Only, Specify color' MA1048-2@90.Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" 0.0. Tenon MA1049--3@90.Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" 0.0. Tenon MA 1 06O=House Side Sh ield for GSS (Field Installed) MA1061-House Side Shield for GSM (Field Installed) MA106Z-House Side Shield for GSL (Field Installed) OA 10 16=Photocontrol-Multi- Tap OA 1 027-Photocontrol-480V OA1201=Photoelectric Control, 347V NEMA Type Visit our web site at www.cooper1ighting.com Customer First Center 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 770.486.4800 FAX 770.486.4801 ADH012827 NOTE: Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. - -- ~ . DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION FEATURES McGRAW-EDISONe ..' McGraw-Edison's Galleria combines beauty and versatility to make it an excellent choice for architects, specifiers and contractors in today's energy- and design-conscious environment. An aesthetic reveal in the formed aluminum housing gives the Galleria a distinctive look while a variety of mounting options and lamp wattages provide maximum flexibility. APPLICATION D...Reflector Spun and stamped aluminum reflector in vertical lamp units, or hydroformed anodized aluminum reflector in horizontal lamp units. Rotatable optics standard. A...Housing Formed aluminum housing with stamped reveal has interior-welded seams for structural integrity and is finished in premium TGIC polyester powder coat. U.L. listed and CSA certified for wet locations. E...Door Formed aluminum door has heavy-duty hinges, captive retaining screws and is finished in premium TGIC polyester powder coat. (Spider mount unit has steel door.) B...Ballast Tray Ballast tray is hard-mounted to housing interior for cooler operation. The Galleria achieves superior light distribution by utilizing a seamless reflector system, making it the optimum choice for almost any small, medium or large area lighting application. C ...Ballast Long-life core and coil ballast. f...Lens Convex tempered glass lens or flat glass. A B C D E f DIMENSIONS Arm Mount Spider Mount r Al ..........................i.. ........................... I .... ....' J ~I ........~....... ~........................r......................l LE ....n..unn_............. ............................. FIXTURE A B C Small IIn.) 91/4 1112 127111 (mm) 235 38 327 Medium (in.) 11 31/2 191/4 (mm) 279 89 480 Large (in.) 141/2 41/4 257/8 (mm) 368 108 657 D 15518 387 213/4 552 27 686 E 6or9 152 or 229 60r 14 152 or 356 60r 14 152 o. 356 F 31/4 337 150.16 3810.406 183/4 o. 19 314 476 o. 502 NOTE: Top cap used on GSM with l000W flat glass vertically iamped optics only. COOPER LIGHTING Sl'iC GSS/GSM/GSL GALLERIA SQUARE 70-1000W Metal Halide High Pressure Sodium ARCHITECTURAL AREA LUMINAIRE DARK SKY FRIENDLY In all flat glass configurations. ENERGY DATA CWA Ballaulnput Watts l50W MH HPF (210 Watts) 175W MH HPF (210 Watts) 175W MH HPF (210 Watts) 250W MH HPF (295 Watts) 250W HPS HPF (300 Watts) 400W MH HPF (455 Watts) 400W HPS HPF \465 Watts} 1000W MH HPF (1080 Watts) 1000W HPS HPF \1100 Watts) . ADH012827 .~.. r #-. '''ff J C'~..o ~ PHOTOMETRICS G S S/G 5 M/G S LGALLERIA SQUARE 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 - i ""- -- ---- -- - 3 3 3 -? :-\-- r-.. I--- ~ 0 r:;:::;;-- ""'" 2"- --- Ij 2 0\\~ -- i'.""\ ) -/ h :::-=: :'\'~ r--.. r-- 1 1 1 A ~ b,E 'A i3.t /t--. -- V --};:B~OJ lB~oE 0 .-/ .../C W ..!l><-.. t-./ 1/ 1,1 0 I I----' [/,C ') ....-/ t.....- V r--- T T T l..I..; ~ ~ .-1: ~ ~ V/ i-?-- -- I-- ..3-- 2 t:: ~ V ~ ./ --' 3 3 3 - --- -- - 4 4 o 1 2 3 4 5 GM-1 GSS-AM-l15-MH-MT-3f.FG T7S-Watt MH, Type III 14,ooo-Lumen Clear Lamp 4 o 1 3 4 5 GM-2 GSM-AM-4OO-HPS-MT-3F-FG 400-Watt HPS, Type III 5O,OOO-Lumen Clear Lamp 3 2 o 0- ~EC. 2 3 02345 GM-3 GSM-AM-l000-MH-MT-3V-FG l000-Watt MH, Type III Vertical 110,ooo-Lumen Clear Lamp 4 o 234 5 GM-4 GSM-AM-l000-MH-MT-AS-FG l000-Watt MH, Area Square 110,OOO-Lumen Clear Lamp 4 o 2 3 4 5 GM-5 GSM-AM-l000-MH-MT-A$-SG l000-Watt MH, Area Square T TO,ooo-Lumen Clear Lamp Footcandle Table Footcandle Table Footcandle Table Select mounting height and read Select mounting height and read Select mounting height and read across for lootcandle values 01 across for lootcandle values 01 across lor lootcandle values 01 each isolootcandle line. Distance each isofootcandle line. Distance each isofootcandle line. Distance in unite of mounting height. in unite 01 mounting height. in unite 01 mounting height. Mounting Moun1Ing MountIng Height Footcancla VIlIuM for Height FootcandIe Values for Halght FootcandIe Values for GM-l IsofootancDe lines GM-Z l__cIa Unea GM-3-5 Isofootcandle Unea A B C 0 E A B C 0 E A B C 0 E 10' 11 .25 4.50 2.25 1.T6 0.45 30' 2.00 T.OO 0.50 0.25 0.10 30' 3.50 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.20 15' 5.00 2.00 T.OO 0.50 0.25 35' 1.46 0.73 0.37 0.T8 0.07 35' 2.60 0.73 0.37 0.T8 0.07 20' 2.80 T.T2 0.56 0.28 0.T9 40' 1.lZ 0.56 0.28 0.T4 0.06 40' Z.OO T.OO 0.50 O.ZO 0.10 WATTAGE TABlE Fixture SIze Wattage GSS 7f1W-T7fi'N GSM T7fi'N-l000w GSL 400W-l000w ORDERING INFORMATION SAMPLE NUMBER: GSM-AM-UO-MH-MT-3Y-SG-BK-L Q~~ (Z" 0.0. Tenonl SM2=Spider Mount (Z 318" 0.0. Tenonl SM3=Spider Mount (3112" 0.0. Tenonl' Lamp Wattage . 70=70W 1 00= TOOW 1500 1 SOW 17S=T75W 25O=25OW ~~O:~ Lamp Type MH=Metal Halide HPS=High Pressure Sodium Colon (add as sufflxl must specify) tt BK=Black AP=Grey sz",Bronze WH=An:hitectural White OptloM ...... as IIUftIxI F-Single Fuse (120, 2n or 347VJ FF=Double Fused (208, 240 or 48OV) EM=Ouartz Restrike with Delay (Also Strikes at Cold Start) R=NEMA Twistlock Photocontrol Receptacle O=Ouartz Restrike (Hot Restrike Only) HS=House Side Shield VS=Vandal Shield (Arm Mount Only, 400W Maximum) L=Lamp Included NOTES: I Arm not included. See accessories. r Availabte on GSL housing only. , Medium-base lamp for GSS housing. Mogul-base on GSM and GSL housings. , . Requires reduced envelope ED-28lamp when used with GSM housing and flat glass vertically la."ped optics. . Requires reduced envelope BT-37 lamp when used with GSM housing. ' i . Product also available in non-US voltages and 50Hz for international mattets.. Consult factory for ~ailability and ordering information. ,'Multi-Tap ballast is 12012O&'2.t01277V wired 277V. Triple-Tap ballast is 1201V1!J47V wired 34?V~ . Available on GSM and GSL housings onty. . . RW optic not available with flat glass. .. 1000w GSL with flat glass requires BT-37 lamp and is not available in AS. rr-N. 3V distributiona. .. Other finish colors available. Consult McGraw-Edison Architectural Colors brochure. t1" COOPER Lighting Voltage. 120=TZOV 2oa..208V 24O=24OV 277=Z77V 48O=48OV ~-~ap wired 27"'P I pWlrea~1 AcceaorIes (order separatelyl MA1004a14" Arm for Square Pole. T.O EPA MA 1005=6" Arm for Square Pole. 0.5 EPA MA l006=Oirect Mount Kit for Square Pole MA l007s14" Arm for Round Pole. 1.0 EPA MA 1008=6" Arm for Round Pole. 0.5 EPA MA l009=Oirect Mount Kit for Round Pole MA 1010=Single-arm Tenon Adapter for 3 112" 0.0. Tenon MA 1011.Z @ 180" Tenon Adapter for 3 TI2" 0.0. Tenon MA 1012-3 @ 120' Tenon Adapter for 3 TI2" 0.0. Tenon MAl013=4@9O"TenonAdepterfor3 TI2" 0.0. Tenon MA 1014-2 @ 90" Tenon Adapter for 3 112" 0.0. Tenon MA10115s2@ 120' Tenon Adapter lor3112" 0.0. Tenon MA1018=3@ 90" Tenon Adapter for 3112" 0.0. Tenon MA 1017.Single-arm Tenon Adapter lor Z 318" 0.0. Tenon MA10ll1=2@ TSO' Tenon Adapter lor Z 318" 0.0. Tenon MA1019=3@ 120" Tenon Adapter lorZ 3{8" 0.0. Tenon MA 1021=6" Arm for Square Pole. 0.5 EPA (GSS Onlyl MA 1022=6" Arm for Round Pole. 0.5 EPA (GSS Only) MAl 023=9" Arm lor Square Pole. 0.5 EPA (GSS Onlyl MA 1024=9" Arm for Round Pole. 0.5 EPA (GSS Onlyl MA 1 OZ9=Wall Mount Bracket with 10" Arm (Specify colorl MA 1045=4 @ 90" Tenon Adapter for 2 318" 0.0. Tenon MA 1046=Wall Mount Bracket with 9" Arm(GSS Only, Specify colorl MA 1046=Z @ 90" Tenon Adapter for 2 318" 0.0. Tenon MA 1049=3 @ 90" Tenon Adapter for 2 3{8" 0.0. Tenon MA l060=House Side Shield for GSS (Field Installedl MA 1061=House Side Shield for GSM (Field Installed) MA 1062=House Side Shield lor GSL (Field Installedl OA 1018=Photocontrol-Multi- Tap OA 1027=Photoconlrol-48OV OA1Z01=Photoelectric Control, 347V NEMA Type , Visit our web site at www.c:ooperlighting.c:om Customer First Center T 121 Hig~way 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 770.486.4800 FAX 770.486.480T AOHOl2827 NOTE: Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. . r-IIULUIIlt:UI\; ~t:pUI L :"':- :,~. _, ~.:;'J-; ,; ~ ',' -,~ ;..,1 , . tATALOO . NUMBER: . GSM-XX-1OOO-MH-XX-AS-SG-XX-X - pOl.)e..L Pa.a FILENAME: GSM1KMASS.IES IESNA: LM-63-1995 [TEST]767810 [DA TE]814/97 [MANUFAC)COOPER LIGHTING [LUMCAT]GSM-XX-1000-MH-XX-AS-SG-XX-X . [lUMINAIRE]MEDIUM ARCHITECTURAL AREA LUMINAIRE-VERTICAL LAMP-SQUARE DISTRIBUTION [LAMP]1000 WATT MH CLEAR BT-37 LREFLECTOR]SPUN SYMMETRICAL REFLECTOR WITH SPECULAR FINISH WITH LMORE]FORMED SPECULAR AUXILIARY INSERT & SPECULAR SQUARE INSERTS LREFRACTOR]SAG GLASS LSOCKETPO~F~EDVERTICALBASEUP LLAMPLUMENS]110000 SUMMARY DATA EFFICIENCY (Total): EFFICIENCY (Downright): EFFICIENCY (Uplight): LUMENSILAMP: NO. OF LAMPS: LUMINOUS OPENING: Width: Length: Height INPUT WATTS: PLANE & CONE DIAGRAM 66.8% 66.6% 0.2% 110000 1 POINT SOURCE 0.00 (Feet) 0.00 0.00 1000 Max cone at V = 75 ISO-ILLUMINANCE DIAGRAM f-- 0.2 I --- --- '0.5 \ I I Ir- -- - ~ l ------ ---- \ / l. / 1"-5 \ \ --- I---. / I 4~ \ \ ",,-10._ - V 1/ \ \ I I \ "--- I----- ~ LJ / r---. --- '- -- 1.------1-/ '---- --- Wednesc:!~y', J:':'~~:1.;Z~, ~99~..t I=..t'h hnv r..p.......n... nn.. mnllnting h..ight MAX CANDLEPOWER: 26542 Mounting Height Multiplier 10 4.000 15 1.778 20 1.000 25 0.640 30 0.444 35 0.327 40 0.250 45 0.198 50 0.160 Lithonia Lighting - Photometric Viewer . ,'j. _"'..', ~-i<..',,'., 'l .~>-.' T. '1--" ., ,l'" ,. ',_., ,'., ,. . . .."".""..~..,.. II'" ,...,.,...... '. . OATALOGNU~BER:GSM-XX-100o-MH-XX-3V..sG-XX-HS. -.0\ \.1~l.E Poc..E FILENAME: GSM1 KM3VSHS.lES IESNA: LM-63-1995 [TEST]767808 [DATE]811197 [MANUFAC]COOPER LIGHTING [LUMCA T]GSM-XX-1000-MH-XX-3V-SG-XX-HS (LUMINAIRE]MEDIUM ARCHITECTURAL AREA LUMINAIRE-VERTICAL LAMP-TYPE III DISTRIBUTION [lAMP]1OO0 WATT MH CLEAR BT-37 LREFLECTOR]SPUN SYMMETRICAL REFLECTOR WITH SPECULAR FINISH WITH LMORE)FORMED SPECULAR AUXILIARY INSERT & SPECULAR TYPE III INSERTS LREFRACTOR]SAG GLASS WITH HOUSE-SIDE SHIELD LSOCKETPOS]FIXED VERTICAL BASE UP LLAMPLUMENSJ11 ??oo SUMMARY DATA EFFICIENCY (Total): EFFICIENCY (Down light): EFFICIENCY (Uplight): LUMENSlLAMP: NO. OF LAMPS: LUMINOUS OPENING: Width: Length: Height: INPUT WATTS: PLANE & CONE DIAGRAM 57.2% 57.0% 0.2% 110000 1 POINT SOURCE 0.00 (Feet) 0.00 0.00 1000 ISQ-ILlUMINANCE DIAGRAM .05 Wedn~ay'. J:nujl:1.~' 2oo~t .. .... C::~,..h hny ~prA~AntQ nnA """,lInti"g hAight Lithonia Lighting - Photometric Viewer MAX CANDLEPOWER: 33511 Mounting Height Multiplier 10 4.000 15 1.ns 20 1.000 25 0.640 30 0.444 35 0.327 40 0.250 45 0.198 50 0.160