HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL101 LANDSCAPE PLANCARMFI PEDCOR DESIGN GROUP LLC 1 0 N 1 GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. Refer to Project Manual for Planting Specifications and Topsoil requirements. Refer to Plant Schedule and Planting Details for additional information. 2. All materials are subject to the approval of the Landscape Architect and Owner at any time. Landscape Architect to inspect and approve all plant locations and plant bed conditions prior to installation. On -site adjustments may be required. 3. Rootballs will meet or exceed size standards as set forth in 'American Standards for Nursery Stock'. MAIN LEADERS OF ALL TREES will REMAIN INTACT. 4. Remove from the site any plant material that turns brown or defoliates within five (5) days after planting. Replace immediately with approved, specified material. 5. Plant counts indicated on drawings are for Landscape Architect's use only. Contractor will make own plant quantity takeoffs using drawings, specifications, and plant schedule requirements (i.e., spacing), unless otherwise directed by Landscape Architect. Contractor to verify bed measurements and install appropriate quantities as governed by plant spacing per schedule. Plant material quantities shown on plan are minimum quantities. Additional material may be needed to meet spacing requirements and field conditions. 6. The Contractor will install and/or amend topsoil in all proposed bed areas to meet Specifications. Contractor will coordinate quantity and placement of topsoil. Landscape Contracor will verify depth of topsoil prior to plant installation. (Refer to specifications for topsoil source and placement requirements) 7. All tree locations will be marked with 2x2" stakes prior to planting for review and approval by the Landscape Architect. Any plant material installed in an incorrect location, per the Landscape Plans, will be reinstalled at the Contractor's expense. 8. All plant beds will receive 3" minimum of shredded hardwood bark mulch (unless otherwise noted). 9. Verify all utility locations in the field prior to beginning work. Repair all damaged utilities to Owner's satisfaction at no additional cost. 10. The Contractor will maintain all plant material and lawns until the project is fully accepted by the Landscape Architect, unless otherwise noted. 11. Install all plant material in accordance with all local codes and ordinances. Coordinate with the Owner to obtain any required permits necessary to complete work. 12. Contractor will test all tree pits for positive drainage prior to installing trees. Install tree pit drainage in any tree pit holding water for more than 24 hours. Refer to details 07/L301. 13. Notify Landscape Architect in writing if field operations and unforeseen conditions warrant adjustment of plant locations, inhibit landscape installation or impact plan survival. 14. All landscape planting bed finish grades to slope at a minimum of 2% to provide positive surface drainage away from structures. Ensure no ponding results from planting bed finish grades along walks, curbs, ramps, and other structures. PLANT SCHEDULE FLOWERING TREE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME SIZE CONT. QTY REMARKS Ame-o Amelanchier ovalis 4' Ht. B&B 11 clump form, matched, uniform Serviceberry DECIDUOUS TREES BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME SIZE CONT. QTY REMARKS Car-f Carpinus betulus 'Frans Fontaine' 2" Cal. B&B 6 full, strong central leader, matched, Frans Fontaine Hornbeam uniform Cara Carpinus caroliniana 2" Cal B&B 2 full, strong central leader, matched, American Hornbeam uniform uniform Ulm-f Ulmus x 'Frontier' 2" Cal B&B 2 full, strong central leader, matched, American Elm . uniform Ulm-p Ulmus x'Patriot' 2" Cal. B&B 25 full, strong central leader, matched, Patriot Elm uniform Zel-s Zelkova serrata'Green Vase' 2" Cal. B&B 2 full, strong central leader, matched, Green Vase Sawleaf Zelkova uniform SHRUBS BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME SIZE CONT. QTY REMARKS Ams-b Amsonia orientalis 3 gal. 288 spacing @ 24"o.c. min. Eastern Blue Star Hyd-a Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' 3 gal. 35 spacing @ 48"o.c. min. Annabelle Smooth Hydrangea Hyd-m Hydrangea quercifolia ' Munchkin' 3 gal. 18 spacing @ 36" o.c. Oakleaf Hydrangea Ile-s Ilex g labra 'Strongbox' 3 gal. 20 spacing @ 36"o.c. Strongbok Inkberry Holly Ite-v Itea virginica'Sprich' 3 gal. 15 spacing @ 36"o.c. Little Henry Sweetspire Mah-c Mahonia aquifolium 'Compacta' 3 gal. 42 spacing @ 36"o.c. Compact Oregon Grape Thu-h Thuja occidentalis'Holmstrup' 5 gal. 14 spacing @ 24"o.c. Holmstrup Arborvitae Vib-o Viburnum opulus ' Nanum' 3 gal. 14 spacing @ 36"o.c. Dwarf European Cranberrybush GRASSES BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME SIZE CONT. QTY REMARKS Car-e Carex oshimensis'Carfit0l' 1 gal. 162 spacing @ 18"o.c. EverColor Everest Sedge Pan-s Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' 1 gal. 334 spacing @ 24"o.c. min. Shenandoah Switch Grass Ses-a Sesleria autumnalis 1 gal. 88 spacing @ 24"o.c. Autumn Moor Grass PERENNIALS BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME SIZE CONT. QTY REMARKS Bru-m Brunnera macrophyl la 'Jack Frost' 1 gal. 12 spacing @ 24"o.c. Jack Frost Siberian Bugloss Dis-s Disporum sessi le 'Variegated' 1 gal. 60 spacing @ 18"o.c. Fairy Bells Leu-s Leucanthemum x superbum'Snowcap' 1 gal. 175 spacing @ 12"o.c. min. Snowcap Shasta Daisy Lir-m Liriope muscari'Big Blue' 1 gal. 198 spacing @ 12"o.c. min. Big Blue Lilyturf Nep-f Nepeta x faassenii 'Walkers Low' 1 gal. 101 spacing @ 36"o.c. min. Walkers Low Catmint TING TREES (17) Leu s (5) Nep- (9) Pan-s (11) Ams b (7) Ite-v 3ENCH, REF. D' [L. 09/1_103 LANDSCAPE PLAN O' I "Aw, NORTH 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1 "=20' Architecture / Project Management: By: 355 City Center Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 317.705.7979 (phone) 317.705.7980 (fax) Landscape Architect: P�p\ST Eq�o No. LA80050014 STATE OF /NDIANP' V , 701 a 0 Developer: P E D C O R ? P aem&rx, DEVELOPMENT CO. Project: COPYRIGHT & OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS THIS DOCUMENT IS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICES AND IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND PEDCOR DESIGN GROUP, LLC. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS CONFIDENTIAL. ITS SUBMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION TO OTHER PARTIES IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS PUBLICATION IN DEROGATION OF COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OR OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE ORIGINAL AND PUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, JAMES R. STUTZMAN, AND PEDCOR DESIGN GROUP, LLC. NO PART OR WHOLE OF THIS DESIGN, THESE DRAWINGS, OR THE RESULTING BUILDING OR BUILDINGS, OR PORTIONS OF THE RESULTING BUILDING OR BUILDINGS MAY BE DUPLICATED, COPIED, EXHIBITED, PHOTOGRAPHED, PUBLISHED, MODIFIED OR OTHERWISE DISTRIBUTED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE SPECIFIC AND PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT, JAMES R. STUTZMAN AND PEDCOR DESIGN GROUP, LLC. © COPYRIGHT 2022 JAMES R. STUTZMAN, AIA, Carmel, Indiana. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Set Issue Date Sheet Issue Date 01 /30/2023 03/30/2023 Drawn By Checked By CM JG Last Revision Date: 03/30/2023 - CARMEL REVIEW 05/04/2023 - CARMEL REVIEW Project Number: 21071.001 Sheet Title: LANDSCAPE PLAN Sheet Number: Ll 01