HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-12-12-Park-Board-Meeting-MinutesCarmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 6:00 p.m.
John W. Hensel Government Center
10701 North College Avenue
Carmel, Indiana 46280
Member(s) Present: James Garretson, Carrie Holle, Joshua Kirsh, Kristin Kouka, Jenn Kristunas, Linus Rude,
Rich Taylor, Mark Westermeier, Lin Zheng
Member(s) Absent: None
Others Present: Michael Klitzing, Department Director/CEO; Kurtis Baumgartner, Department
Assistant Director/COO; Eric Mehl, Administration & Planning Director/CAO;
Doug Kowalski, Park Board Legal Counsel
Roll Call; Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Board President Taylor welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked Mr. Rude to call the role. Mr. Rude
announced there was a quorum. Board President Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. followed
by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comments
There were no public comments.
Staff Reports
Assistant Director Baumgartner advised that staff reports were included in the Board packet.
Assistant Director Baumgartner introduced Kelvin Solares, Inclusion Program Supervisor. The Department
recently received the Inclusion Program of Excellence Award at the annual Indiana Park and Recreation
Association (IPRA) conference. Mr. Solares shared highlights of the winning program, Adaptive Murder
Mystery Socials. Assistant Director Baumgartner advised Board members to check out the article in the
Board packet from the Hamilton County Reporter.
Ms. Kristunas stated she enjoys the new format of the staff reports. The condensed information provides a
clear value of each division.
Mr. Westermeier asked if there were any changes to the insurance paid (MCC) memberships. Assistant
Director Baumgartner said the basic program has not changed; however, every couple of months, the
memberships are purged to eliminate those with no activity. After further discussion, Mr. Westermeier said
that he, too, likes the new format of the staff reports as they are easier to read.
Finance Committee
Ms. Zheng stated that the Finance Committee did not meet last month.
Nominating Committee
In his role as Park Board President, Board President Taylor named Mr. Westermeier, Mr. Rude, and
Mr. Garretson to the Nominating Committee.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1A2D65F2-450E-4CA8-AE80-38C20E485224
Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
John W. Hensel Government Center
Page 2
November 14, 2023 Park Board Meeting
Mr. Rude made a motion to approve the minutes of the Park Board Meeting dated November 14, 2023,
seconded by Mr. Garretson, and unanimously passed 9 – 0.
December 5, 2023 Park Board Executive Session
Mr. Rude made a motion to approve the minutes of the Park Board Executive Session dated December 5,
2023, seconded by Mr. Garretson, and unanimously passed 9 – 0.
December 5, 2023 Park Board Special Meeting
Mr. Rude made a motion to approve the minutes of the Park Board Special Meeting dated December 5,
2023, seconded by Mr. Garretson, and unanimously passed 9 – 0.
Financial Reports
Consolidated Financial Report for October 2023; CCPR P&L Statements for November 2023
Ms. Zheng made a motion to acknowledge receipt of the Consolidated Financial Report for October 2023
and to acknowledge receipt of the P&L Statements for November 2023, seconded by Mr. Kirsh, and
unanimously passed 9 – 0.
Claim Sheet December 12, 2023; Clay Township Claim Sheet December 12, 2023; CCPR Payroll for
November 3, 2023 and November 17, 2023
Ms. Zheng made a motion to approve the Claim Sheet dated December 12, 2023; and to approve the Clay
Township Claim Sheet dated December 12, 2023; and to approve payroll wages and liabilities for payroll
dates November 3, 2023 and November 14, 2023, seconded by Mr. Kirsh, and unanimously passed 9 – 0.
Monetary Gifts, Grants, Partnerships, and Sponsorships for November 2023
Mr. Mehl reported one donation was received in November: $100 from an anonymous donor for employee
appreciation. Mr. Kirsh made a motion to accept the donation as presented, seconded by Ms. Kristunas, and
unanimously passed 9 – 0.
New Business
Consideration of Resolution B-2023-006 Amending 2023 Salaries and Wages Resolution to Provide Sick
Leave Payment
Mr. Mehl described in detail the need to amend the current resolution to allow CCPR employees to receive a
one-time payout of remaining sick leave grandfathered from a legacy policy. Mr. Kirsh made a motion to
approve Resolution B-2023-006, seconded by Mr. Rude, and unanimously passed 9 – 0.
Consideration of Resolution G-2023-007 Regarding the Interest in and Authorizing the Purchase of Real
Director Klitzing said he was informed yesterday (December 11, 2023) of an opportunity to purchase 0.71
acres along River Road, immediately north of 116th Street. As previously discussed and addressed in the
current Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan, and will likewise be supported in the new
Comprehensive Master Plan, is acquisition of property along the White River for the ultimate extension of
the White River Greenway. Director Klitzing addressed questions during discussion after his PowerPoint
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1A2D65F2-450E-4CA8-AE80-38C20E485224
Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
John W. Hensel Government Center
Page 3
Mr. Kirsh made a motion to adopt Resolution G-2023-007 as presented, seconded by Ms. Zheng, and
unanimously passed 9 – 0.
Old Business
There was none.
Attorney’s Report
Mr. Kowalski advised he could not discuss any litigation, but he did provide a brief update regarding the
claim filed against the City regarding Park and Recreation Impact Fees. A lengthy discussion followed.
Ms. Kristunas asked about the possible need to have an alternate Park Board member assigned to the
Nominating Committee. After brief dialogue, Board President Taylor appointed Ms. Kouka to serve as an
alternate on the Nominating Committee should the need arise.
Director’s Report
Director Klitzing reminded the Board that the next meeting would be January 23, 2024.
Secondly, there is good news with regards to the 106th Street pedestrian bridge that will connect Hazel
Landing Park to Heritage Park in Fishers. Details followed.
Director Klitzing provided a snapshot of the funding provided to Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation over the
past 20 years. He concluded by saying thank you to Clay Township for their tremendous support of the park
Lastly, Director Klitzing shared a thank you note from Sue Dillon. The Department sent flowers with our
condolences to the family upon the passing of Doc Dillon. He had been a member of the Clay Township
Board and was instrumental in the development and adoption of the original Interlocal Agreement between
the City and the Township forming the park system in 1991.
Information Items
School Board
There was no report.
Plan Commission
Mr. Kirsh advised that individuals from Harvest Church, adjacent to Thomas Marcuccilli Nature Park,
attended the recent Commercial Committee regarding some changes to a parcel of land. Mr. Kirsh said he
orchestrated a connection with DCS (Department of Community Services) staff and Parks administration.
Parks Foundation
Director Klitzing stated that the Foundation is accepting donations on behalf of Dr. Jim (Doc) Dillon who
recently passed away. Checks should be made payable to the Parks Foundation with a written note
directing funds to the Jim Dillon Memorial.
Park Board Comments / Discussion
Mr. Kirsh stated that Board President Taylor had become a good friend and confidant over the years. He
thanked Board President Taylor for his leadership and friendship and wished him good luck on the City
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1A2D65F2-450E-4CA8-AE80-38C20E485224
Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
John W. Hensel Government Center
Page 4
Mr. Garretson announced that he attended the last Township Board meeting to thank Matthew Snyder for
his 13 years of service and his tremendous support of the Department. Mr. Garretson commended Sue
Dillon and Judy Hagan calling them the birth mothers of the park system. Furthermore, he added Jim
Engledow to the three individuals who had done such a tremendous job for the parks department. Mr.
Garretson said he has been impressed with Board President Taylor’s knowledge of every aspect in the Park
Board meetings and thanked him for his service to the park system as he continues to advocate for the
Department on the City Council.
Board President Taylor said he was wondering how he would feel (as this was his last Park Board meeting).
He had thought about it all day. The Department did something audacious, and many communities try to
replicate our 150,000 square foot community center with the goal of making it operationally self-sufficient.
Not very many communities have ever accomplished this.
Board President Taylor said he was able to learn from many people including Mr. Westermeier, Director
Klitzing, and other amazing founders of the park system – Judy Hagan, former Trustee; Sue Dillon; and his
dear friend Jim Engledow. He said he was humbled to be associated with Director Klitzing, Assistant Director
Baumgartner, Mr. Mehl, and the rest of the CCPR staff. He hoped that he played a part in the Department’s
success – being a national model and creating a two-time Gold Medal winning park system.
Board President Taylor said he was humbled and honored to serve on the Park Board, and he will miss
everyone. He will always be committed to supporting and advocating for Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation
and green space. Hopefully in his new role (City Council Member), he will be able to do even more for parks.
Mr. Rude made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ms. Kristunas. With no objections, Board
President Taylor adjourned the meeting at 7:18 p.m.
Signature Date
Signature Date
Meetings of the Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation are recorded and may be viewed at
https://vimeo.com/channels/parkboardmeetings or see the archive of meeting recordings at
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1A2D65F2-450E-4CA8-AE80-38C20E485224