HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes HO 11-27-23`Sq OF GRjj� � G'Q�ttiFRcyAF ' • TC ity M0 f. •.. INaI ANAL Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer Meeting Minutes Monday, November 27, 2023 Location: Carmel City Hall Caucus Rooms, 2°d Floor, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032 Hearing Officer: Mr. Jim Hawkins Staff Present: Angie Conn - Planning Administrator; Joe Shestak - Recording Secretary; Mike Hollibaugh - Director Legal Counsel: Allison Lynch -McGrath Time: 5:15 p.m. Public Hearings: TABLED INDEFINITELY - (V) Orahood Accessory Building Variance. 1. , 2:7.5 ft requested. The 5.79 aere site is loeated at 55:79 E. 146th St. (not in any subdivision) aed4s-zeffed C ha n ide Filed_ b i.,ehua . viui viv. irr.w.. (V) Factor Residence Pergola, Lot Cover Variance. The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval: 2. Docket No. PZ-2023-00221 V UDO Section 2.10 Maximum 35% lot cover allowed, 50% requested. The site is located at 411 Guilford Rd. (not in any subdivision). It is zoned R2/Residence. Filed by Kim Factor (Rose), owner. Petitioner: Kim Factor • Current lot coverage is at 50%, concrete was previously poured 30 years prior to us living there • We would like to construct a Pergola in our backyard to add to our property value and enjoyment Public Comments: None Department Report: Angie Conn: ■ The Carmel Engineering Department has no concerns with this lot cover request, so Staff recommends positive consideration of this request. Hearing Officer Comments: None Approved 1-0. TABLED TO SPECIAL DEC. 12 MTG. - (V) Whiteley Residence, Detached Garage Variances. 3. . . 4. Floor of a Prk-fAe G a r-age and/or Aecessor-y Building shall net exeeed 75-1,16 of the G rou nd Floor Area of the Prineipal Building; 86234 requested. The site is leeated a4 560 Cedar- Lake Gt. (Gedef 6ake Subdivision, Let 1 !). 1 (V) Hanna Residence, Pool Setback Variance. The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval: BZA Hearing Officer Minutes 11-27-23 Docket No. PZ-2023-00236 V Silvara PUD Section 5.2 and UDO Section 5.02(C)(7) Minimum 3-ft setback from easement required, 0-ft setback requested. The site is located at 518 Almond Creek Dr. (Jackson's Grant on Williams Creek Subdivision, Lot 330). It is zoned Silvara PUD/Planned Unit Development (Ordinance Z-652-20), The Estates/Northvale planning area. Filed by Jim Shinaver of Nelson & Frankenberger, LLC on behalf of Paul Hanna, owner. Petitioner: Jim Shinaver • In order to comply with the Ordinance, our practical difficulty is because of the location of the pool and pool deck, in order to be of a size that is appropriate and practical. + The pool equipment will be placed on a concrete pad. • We reached out to the Carmel Engineering Department and Hamilton County Surveyor's office, and they have no objections to our request. Public Comments: None Department Report: Angie Conn: • We are pleased to hear they revised their site plan so that nothing is encroaching into the easement + Staff recommends positive consideration since the Engineering Department has no concerns with this request Hearing Officer Comments: None Approved 1-0. (V) Bayless Residence, Swimming Pool Variances. The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals: 6. Docket No. PZ-2023-00238 V UDO Section 2.06 Lot Coverage - Maximum 35% lot coverage allowed, 51% requested. 7. Docket No. PZ-2023-00239 V UDO Section 5.02.C.7 Side Setback - a swimming pool, hot tub, or its deck or equipment shall be set back a minimum of the greater of the following: 10-ft from the side lot line and rear lot line, or be 3-ft from any easement (4-ft side setback from lot line requested). 8. Docket No. PZ-2023-00240 V UDO Section 5.02.B Rear Setback - on Through Lots no residential accessory building shall be erected forward of any principal building, or in any required minimum yard (Minimum 20-ft setback required, 4-ft setback requested). The site is located at 12164 Teal Lane (Spring Lake Estates Subdivision, Lot 41) and is zoned S2/Residence. Filed by Evan Bayless, owner. Petitioner: Evan Bayless: • We have received HOA and adjacent property owners' approval. • Our variance requests are related to the size of the pool and concrete patio. • We are not encroaching onto any easements. • We will install a privacy fence and pool cover Public Comments: None Department Report: Angie Conn: ■ The Carmel Engineering Department has no concerns This is a unique lot with it being a through lot, with two street frontages ■ Staff recommends positive consideration of all these requests Hearing Officer Comments: Jim Hawkins: Did the Petitioner provide the pool pump and equipment specifications? Angie Conn: Yes. Approved 1-0. (V) Doniela Fence Height Variance. The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval: BZA Hearing Officer Minutes 11-27-23