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c 0ei
April 14, 2004 J 11 ASSOCIATES
Mr. Jim Haag l EC i 320 East Vermont Street
Wil -Fra -Mar Building
Sewer Collections Supervisor 1 ^n t} IN 46204 -1640
City l 4 t— Indianapolis,
y of Carmel D 1 317.263.6226
130 1st Avenue SW S o) 317.263.6224 (fax)
Carmel, IN 46032 888.263.6224 (toll free)
a� www.schmidt- arch.com
Re: Sanitary Sewer comments I
Hazel Dell Christian Church Education Wing
2002 -036 3.1.1
Dear Mr. Haag: Wayne S. Schmidt, FAIA
Ronald W Fisher, AIA
Per your phone comments today to Ron Hull, Schmidt Associates has made the Dean M. Illingworth, FAIA
following revisions to the Hazel Dell Christian Church drawings:
Steven K. Alspaugh, AIA
The manhole casting (SS01) at has been revised to Neenah R- 1642A.
Duane A. Dart, ALA
Michael W. Engledow, ALA
A copy of the specification 02530 Sanitary Sewerage is included. The Daniel C. Kloc, ALA
text of that section describes testing and exterior waterproofing. Debra S. Kunce, AIA
Jeffrey R. Mader, RLA
Please contact me if you require. additional information. Kyle E. Miller, PE
Robert E. Olson, PE
Kevin D. Shelley, ALA
Sincerely, Mary Ellen Wolf, RA
David T. Worthman
Architecture Engineering Inferior Design Landscape Architecture
4111. James E. Browning, RLA
James A. Darnell, RCDDiOSP
Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA
Mary Beth Hanke
Craig M. Flan. ertneyer, RLA Ted W. Kussow, PE
Landscape Architect Gregory W Litteral, RA
cflandermeyer @schmidt arch.com Jon Kerry Osborne, AIA
Jeffrey A. Reed, PE
Steven L. Schaecher, AIA
CMF:jab Steven R. Sturm, RA
Enclosure V Keith Tharp, AIA
James A. Walls, RA
David L. Wheelock, PE
Copy C Ms •Angelina Butler, City of Carmel ;Depa o ffCominunity.' Toby J. Winiger, ALA
Mr. Russ Love, Jr., Hazel Dell Christian Church
Mr. Alan Peterson, Hazel Dell Christian Church
Michael W. Engledow, AIA, Schmidt Associates, Inc.
M:\ 2002 036 \Correspondence\20040414LT CMFJ1aag_01.DOC
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Schmidt Associates, Inc.
SAI Project 2002 -036 Hazel Dell Chrillik Church Education Wing
tola SECTION 02530
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. This Section includes gravity -flow, nonpressure sanitary sewerage outside the building, with
the following components:
m a
1. Sanitary Sewer Piping.
2. Cleanouts.
3. Precast concrete manholes. 7 -\<4-X
co A. Product Data: For the following: DOGS �1
1. Sanitary sewerage piping systems. \-6)./ r J
2. Castings, frames, and covers. N 16 c ri
B. Shop Drawings: Include Plans, elevations, details and attachments for the following:
1. Precast Concrete Manholes, including frames and covers.
A. PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings: ASTM D 3034, SDR 35, for gasketed joints. Include
ASTM F 477 elastomeric seals.
B. Precast Concrete Manholes: ASTM C 478 (ASTM C 478M), precast, reinforced concrete,
with provision for rubber gasketed joints.
1. Diameter: 48 inches (1200 mm) minimum, unless otherwise indicated.
2. Base Section: 6 -inch (150 -mm) minimum thickness for floor slab and 4 -inch (100 -mm)
minimum thickness for walls and base riser section, and having separate base slab or base
section with integral floor.
3. Riser Sections: 4 -inch (100 -mm) minimum thickness.
Schmidt Associates, Inc. S Hazel Dell Chrin Church Education Wing
SAI Pro j ect 2002 -036
4. Grade Rings: Include 2 or 3 reinforced concrete rings, of 6- to 9 -inch (152- to 229 -mm)
total thickness, that match a 24 -inch- (610 -mm diameter frame and cover.
5. Gaskets: ASTM C 443 (ASTM C 443M), rubber.
6. Steps: ASTM C 478 (ASTM C 478M) individual steps or ladder. Omit steps for
manholes less than 60 inches (1500 mm) deep.
7. Pipe Connectors: ASTM C 923 (ASTM C 923M), resilient, of size required, for each
pipe connecting to base section.
8. Frames and Covers: as indicated
C. Protective Coatings: Coal -tar epoxy; 15 -mil (0.38 -mm) minimum thickness, factory or field
applied to the following surfaces:
Ict 1. Concrete manholes: On exterior surfaces.
2. Manhole frames and covers: on surfaces that will be exposed to sewer gases.
D. Gray -Iron Cleanouts: ASME Al 12.36.2M, round; gray -iron housing with clamping device
and round, secured, scoriated, gray -iron cover. Include gray-iron ferrule with inside calk or
O spigot connection and countersunk, tapered- thread, brass closure plug. Use units with
heavy -duty top loading classification in vehicle traffic service areas and medium -duty in
paved foot traffic areas.
A. Install piping beginning at low point, true to grades and alignment indicated with unbroken
continuity of invert. Place bell ends of piping facing upstream.
B. Install piping pitched down in direction of flow, at the slope indicated. Install piping with
36 -inch (1000 -mm) minimum cover, unless otherwise indicated.
C. Use manholes for changes in direction, unless fittings are indicated. Use fittings for branch
connections, unless direct tap into existing sewer is indicated.
D. Install PVC pipe and gasketed fittings with gaskets according to ASTM D 2321.
E. Install manhole frames and covers flush with finished grade for manholes that occur in
A. Clean and inspect piping and structures.
B. Test complete piping according to authorities having jurisdiction.
APR. 73'
April 8, 2004
F81 W
Wil -Fra -Mar Building
320 East Vermont Street
Mr. John South Indianapolis, IN 46204 -1640
Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 317.263.6226
1108 South 9th Street 317.263.6224 (fax)
Noblesville, IN 46060 -3745 888.263.6224 (toll free)
Re: Response to 3/30/04 comments
Hazel Dell Christian Church Education Wing
2002 -036 3.1.1
Dear Mr. South: Wayne S. Schmidt, FAIA
Ronald W. Fisher, AIA
Per the comments from your March 30, 2004 review letter on Hazel Dell Dean M. Illingworrh, FAIA
Christian Church, we have the following responses:
2A. See attached 11" x 17" plan D uane A Dar, AIA
p Duane A. Dart, AIA A
Michael W. Engledow, AIA
5A. N 39d 59.913' W 86d 4.100' Daniel C. Kloc, AIA
Debra S. Kunce, AIA
7A. 05120201090020 Jeffrey R. Mader, RLA
Kyle E. Miller, PE
1B. See text for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 1B on sheet C -001 Robert E. Olson, PE
revised April 8, 2004. Kevin D. Shelley, AIA
p Mary Ellen Wolf, AIA
David T. Worthman
2B. See text for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 2B on sheet C -001
revised April 8, 2004.
James A. Darnell, RCDD /OSP
13B. See text for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 13B on sheet C -001 Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA
James C. Hooker, RA
revised April 8, 2004. Ronald E. Hull, PE, PS
Ted W. Kussow, PE
3C. See text for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Post Construction Gregory W Litteral, RA
Component 3C on sheet C -001 revised April 8, 2004. Jon Kerry Osborne, AIA
Jeffrey A. Reed, PE
5C. See text for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Post Construction Steven L. Schaecher, AIA
Component 5C on sheet C -001 revised April 8, 2004. Steven R. Sturm, RA
V Keith Tharp, AIA
Additionally, the plan sheet C -104 has been revised as follows: James L. Wh RA
y p David L. Wheelock, PE
Toby J. Winiger, AIA
The diversion and silt fence to the south of the property is deleted.
The silt fence on the south side of the swale is deleted.
The silt fence on the north side of the swale is continuous.
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Letter to Mr. John South
Hazel Dell Christian Church Education Wing
April 8, 2004 R CF R /ED
°.4 DOCS co
The silt fence at the east end of the parking addition is located at the
limits of disturbance.
Dimensions of the rock chute for the curb turn-out on the east end of the
parking lot have been clarified in detail 7/C -503.
The construction entrance is shown on the south side of the property in a
location of an existing curb cut and gravel drive. A stabilized
construction staging area will be located adjacent to the entrance and be
the location of vehicle fueling and concrete washout.
A portion of the swale to the south of the building addition will be piped
during construction to allow access to the building. Upon substantial
completion, the pipe will be removed. The swale will be graded and
stabilized per plans.
Please contact me if you require any additional information.
Amhtrecrure En: neering Interior Design Landscn. Architecture
rm. 4 idermeye RL
Landscape Architect
cflandermeyer @schmidt arch.com
Enclosure 11x17 plan, C -001, C -104, C -503 (all drawings dated April 8, 2004)
Copy: NMs A g lma Butler;City of; Carmel 'Department;;ofCommunity
Mr. Alan Peterson, Hazel Dell Christian Church
Mr. Russ Love, Hazel Dell Christian Church
Mr. Tom Cook, M/E Design Services C.
Michael W. Engledow, AIA, Schmidt Associates, Inc.
M:\2002- 036 \Correspondence\20040408LT CMF_South_OI.DOC
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
March 31, 2004
Mr. Jim Haag
Sewer Collections Supervisor
City of Cannel
130 1 st Avenue SW
Carmel, IN 46032
Hazel Dell Christian Church
Hazel Dell Christian Church - Education Wing
2002-036 3.1.1
Dear Mr. Haag:
In response to your letter dated March 9, 2004, we offer the following:
Sewer and Water external work is shown on the attached plan and details sheets. If
you should have any questions or concerns regarding this work, please do not hesitate
to contact Tom Cook at M.E. Designs. (1-574-256-1914).
In response to your comments on water main installation, there is no additional water
main being added in this phase.
Thank you for your attention to this Project.
[~etlgn · gand~cape .4rchitecture
Architect /
Copy: Mr. Alan Peterson, Hazel Dell Christian Church Mr. Russ Love, Hazel Dell Christian Church
Mr. Tom Cook, M/E Design Services
Associates, Inc.
M:~2002-036\Con'~pondm~glO040331LT_MWE_Haag_O 1. DOC
Wil-Fra-Mar Building
320 East Vermont Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1640
317.263.6224 (fax)
888. 263. 6224 (toll free)
www. schmidt, arch. com
Wayne S. Schmidt, FAIA
Ronald W. Fisher, AIA
Dean M. Illingworth, FAIA
&even K. Alspaugh, AIA
Duane A. Dart, AIA
Michael W Engledow, AIA
Daniel C. Kloc, AIA
Debra S. Kunce, AIA
Jeffrey R. Made r, RLA
Kyle E. Miller, PE
Robert E. Olson, PE
Kevin D. Shelley, AIA
Mary Ellen Wolf, RA
David T. Worthman
James E. Browning, RLA
James A. Dame#, RCDD/OSP
Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA
Mary Beth Hanke
Ted W. Kussow, PE
Gregory W. Litteral, RA
Jon Kerry Osborne, AIA
Jeffrey A. Reed, PE
Steven L. Schaecher, AIA
Steven R. Sturm, RA
V. Keith rharp, AIA
James A. Walls, RA
David L. Wheelock, PE
toby J. Winiger, ,ILl
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
March 31, 2004
Ms. Angelina Butler
Planning Administrator
City of Carmel - Department of Community Sen, ices
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Hazel Dell Christian Church
Hazel Dell Christian Church- Education Wing
2002-036 3.1.1
Dear Ms. Butler:
In response to your letter date March 11, 2004 concerning Hazel Dell Christian,
we offer the following:
1. Docket # has been added to the attached Site Plan.
We have added foundation plantings around the facility consistent with
the plantings from Phase One. Refer to attached plan.
Dead trees along the North property line will be replaced. Owner has
agreed to replace 5 dead pines, as shown on the attached plan.
We will forward a letter of approval from Scott Brewer when it is
New lighting fixture cut sheet is attached. This fixture has required 90
degree cut off.
6. We are copying you on all correspondence to TAC members.
We are considering adding roof screens to the roof as suggested by
Carmel. We will evaluate various design and cost ideas with the Owner.
The owner has had several conversations with the developer to the north
concerning the proposed pedestrian connection. We will coordinate
with Meyer Najem as construction progresses.
Thank you for your assistance through this process and your attention to the
Hazel Dell Christian Church project. If I can answer any questions, or be of
assistance, please don't hesitate to call.
Wil-Fra-Mar Building
320 East Vermont Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1640
317.263.6224 flax)
888. 263. 6224 (toll free)
www. schmidt-arch, com
Wayne S. Schmidt, FAIA
Ronald W. Fisher, AIA
Dean M. Illingworth, FAIA
&even K. Alspaugh, AIA
Duane A. Dart, AIA
Michael tsZ. Engledow, AIA
Daniel C. Kloc, AIA
Debra S. Kunce, AIA
Jeffrey R. Mader, RLA
Kyle E. Miller, PE
Robert E. Olson, PE
Kevin D. Shelley, AIA
Mary Ellen Wolf RA
David T. Worthman
James E. Browning, RLA
James ,4. Darnell, RCDD/OS~
Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA
Mary Beth Hartke
Ted W. Kussow, PE
Gregory W. Litteral, RA
Jon Kerry Osborne,
Jeffrey ,4. Reed, PE
Steven L. Schaecher,
Steven R. Sturm, RA
I,~ Keith Tharp,
James A. Walls, RA
David L. Wheelock, PE
Toby J. Winiger, AIA
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Letter to Ms. Angelina Butler
Hazel Dell Christian Church- Education Wing
March 31, 2004
Page 2
Design · Landscape Architecture
Architect /
Mr. Alan Peterson, Hazel Dell Christian Church
Mr. Russ Love, Jr., Hazel Dell Christian Church
Mr. Scott Brewer, City of Cannel
Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA, Schmidt Associates, Inc.
MA2002-036\Correspondence\20040331LT_MWE_Butler_01 .DOC
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Spec-Form ®
Architectural Arm-Mounted Cutoff
..,. ;l"t.e..ded.Use. "...-' .:
For car lots, street lighting or parking areas.
"'" ':i.-:':...R~tures ' .":"' .:' ·
'..... -..- ....:..: .' . -. :. :.' ',..: : '. .. .'.
Housing - Rugged, heavy-gauge, aluminum
rectilinear housing. All seams continuously
welded for weathertight integrity. Dark
bronze corrosion-resistant polyester pow-
der finish (DDB) standard. Other architec-
rural colors available
Door Frame- Natural, anodized, extruded
aluminum flame with mitered corners, re-
tained with two hinge pins and secured
with one quarter-turn, quick-release fas-
tenet. Integrally designed, extruded sill*
cone gasket provides weatherproof seal
between housing and frame.
Lens - .125' thick, impact-resistant tern-
pared glass with thermally applied, silk-
screened power door shield.
Mounting- Extruded 4" (KSF1, KSF2) or 12"
(KSF3) aluminum arm for square pole mount-
lng shipped in fixture carton as standard.
Optional Mountings available.
Optics - Anodized
provide superior uniformity
KSF1/KSF2 reflectors are
terchangeable. KSF3 Type IV
tatable but not interchan
distributions available: R2
(Asymmetric), R4SC (Forward
Cutoff), R4W (Wide, Forward
Electrical- High reactance~
factor for 150W and below.
age' autotransformer for 175W
Copper wound and 100%
Removable power door and
lng disconnect plugs.
Socket- Porcelain,
mogul-base socket (lOOM& 150M
um-base) 'with copper alloy,
screw shell and center
1500W, 600V.
Listings - UL Listed (standard).
fled Or NOM Certified (see 0
ed for wet locations.
Ordering Information
Example: KSFI 150S R2 120
KSF1 7OS R3 Type III lisym~c ~
KSFI 106S R4 Type IV foward
KSF1 lags throw (size 3 only) 347
KSF2 zsoS 4Bo
KSn ..s
~ ~)~ R4W Type IV wide,
forward throw
KSF! 1SaM (size 2 only)
KSF1 175M RSS Type V square
KSFI 260M1 (sizes 2 & 3 only)
KSF2 350Mt~
KSF2 400M2
Dimensions are shown in inches {centimeters) unless other-
wise noted.
EPA" l~ftt(.14m2) 2.0fttL19m2) [0~{~)
L~ ~(~) ~(~3) ~l~e~.o)
~ IMpel41.1} 16v~(47.o) 24s/~(61~
Height 7¥4(18.4) ~/~s(21.1)
M~. weight
· .' '..'-' . "."- ..: ~.....- - :" ':' ...: . i. :: -. ...... :. .-. ..
RP04 4' round pole arm8 '~/~ : DF (Wa TB)
Double fuse, 208V, 240V,
PER NEMA twist-lock receptacle
(no photocontrol)
: QJIS Quartz restrike system(
KSFI, not to exceed HID
on size 2;250W max. on KSI~,
lamp not included)
:. CR Enhanced corrosion
EC Emergency circuit
SCWA Super CWA pulse start ballas~
with HPS, 100M, 175M)
CSA CSA CerUfied
· NOM N0M Certified (consult
Fei' optional architectural colors, see page 485.
: PE1 NEMA twist-lock PE
:, PE3 'NEMA twist-lock PE (347V)t°
PE4 NEMA twist-lock PE (480V)m
: PET NEMA twist-lock PE (277V)~° '-~
SC Shorting cap for PER option
KSF_HS House-side shield (KSF1/KSF2:
and R3 only. KSF3
KSF_VG Vandal guard (KSFI/KSF2 only)
~ tenon slipfitMrs, see page 486.
· RI~I 9' round pole arm /0!
WWO4 4' wood pole or wall~
WW09 9' wood pole or wall
WBG4 4' wall bracket
WB09 9' wall bracket
MB Mounting bracket
UARM When ordering KMA or
SPI2 12' square pole arm (std.)
RP12 12' round pole arm
WW12 12" wood pole or wall
WB12 12' wail bracket
KMA Mast arm adapter
KTMB Twin mounting bar
DA12P Degree arm (pole)
DA12WB Degree arm (wall}
I Must be ordered wlth SCWA.
2 Must usa ED28 lamp.
3 Must use BT37 lamp.
4 Consultfectoryforaveilabilityin Canada.
5 Optional multi-tap ballast (120V, 208V, 240V, 277V).
In Canada 120V, 2T/V,~47V;shipe es 120V/347V.
6 Use 9" arm when mounting two lumlnaires etgO".
7 Use 12' arm when mounting two iuminslres at 90'.
8 Maybe orclered as accmmory.
9 QRSTDavailable inselectwatta~es. ConsultfactolT.
lo PER option must be ordm-~ with fixture.
11 Includes mounting arm.
dlast '~ ~'~'
· ' '..:~' i:-.: Intended Use
,tent- '
~und For building- and wall-mounted applications.
inte- -'~"!:~; · Features
ectly ' ~'-"" Housing- Rugged, die-cast, single-piece
bolt '. i~:
'¢.17 housing. Die-cast door frame has ~/4" thick
:~i:;-tempered glass lens. Door frame is fully
base :'~' ';~-. gasketed with one-piece solid silicone. Stan-
:few "'~:: dard finish is textured dark bronze (DDBT)
.' 'corrosion-resistant polyester powder with
3OW, ; ~ o~er architectural colors availabe.
;erti- : ~~~.~
....?'~ .-. Installation - Universal mounting mocha-
}. IJL ...' '~¥.nism with integral mounting support al-
!' lows fixture to hinge down, Bubble level
.~?,'provides correct alignment with each in-
'l~:i.:' ~' ~tailation.
... "~g.:.
.~i¥~.~. Optics- Interchangeable, segmented
':'1~._:~"' reflectors for superior uniformity and con-
d. Three full cutoff distributions avail-
able: Fi' (forward throw), MD (medium
:throw), and WT (wide throw). Four up-
htdistributions available: FTU {Forward
~row 10% up), MDU {medium throw. 10%
,;:::Ordering Information
~WSR Half
Metal Uig.b Gg/I]AOAT
~ Fluorescentz
SiM ~29.dLum 26DTT
70M 35S~ 2/2SDTT
1SOM 70S 2/32TRT
175M 100S 42TRT
150S 2/421'RT
Only available with MD, MDU, and MDU$ distributions.
Available on WSR ru(tu ra only.
Co~ult factory for availability In Canada.
Optional multi-tap ballast {120V, Z08V, 240V,277V). In
Canada 120V, 277V. 347V; ships as 120V/347V.
Optional pants-tap ballast (120V, 208V, 240V, 277V,
480V; not available in Canada). 17SM Only.
Optional multi-volt electronic ballast [for compe~ fluo-
rescent lamps only) capable of operating on any line
volmgefrom 120V-277V.
Not available with compactfluorescent.
Available for compac~ fluorescent units only.
Must specify voltage. Not available with MVOLT orTB.
!.~ Not available with SF, DF, orQRS.
Not available with 2/32TRT or 2/42TRT.
Black finish only.
Must be ordered with fixture; no field installations.
lBS not available with MD, MOU and MDU5
:'. distributions.
Additional ar;hitectural colors avaflabls; see
www. lithonla.com for more information.
Must spec/fy finish.
Architectural Building Mounted
uP), WTU (wide throw, 10% up) and MDU5
(up/down, medium throw, 50% up, 50%
down). Compactfluorescent MD (medium
throw), only.
Electrical-H.I.D.: 50W-150W utilizes a high
reactance, high power factor ballast. 35S
utilizes a reactance high power factor
ballast. 175W utilizes a constant-wattage
auto transformer ballast.' Ouick-disc0n-
nect plug easily disconnects reflector from
ballast. Ballasts are copper wound and
100% factory tested. Porcelain, medium-
base copper alloy, nickel-plated screw
shell and center contact UL listed 660W,
600V 4KV pulse rated. CFi: compact flue-
rescent ballast is Class P, electronic, high
powerfa ctor, <10% THD with startingtemp.
of 0° F (-18'C). Fluorescent socket is high-
temperature thermoplastic with integral
lamp retention clip.
Ustings - UL Usted suitable for wet Igc'a-
dons (damp location listed in lens-up orion-
tation). CSA Certified (see Options). IP rated.
pa~liaht Dish'~r.rtions 120
MD Medium throw 2404
(coated lamp ~
standard) 347
WT Wide ~row TBs
Uplio~Distributions3 TBV6
FTU Forward throw MvOLT7
with 10% uplioht
MDU Medium throw
vv'~ 10% uplight
(coated lamp
WTU Wide throw with
10% uptight
MDU5 Up/down medium
throw with 50%
uplight & 50%
downligM (coated
lamp standard)
Example: WST 175M FT 120 SF L
Shipped ~nstatled in fixture
SF Single: fuse {120V, 277V,.
347V, n/a TBP
DF Double fuse (208V, 240V,
n/a TB or TBV}"
GMF Internal slow-blow
EC Emergency circuit (25W
max, lamp included}
!)C12 Emergency circuit 12 volt~
(35W lamp included
ELDW Emergency battery pack
(120V or 277V only}~t2
ORS Quartz 're,strike system
(iOOW max, lamp not
CR Enhanced corrosion
CRT Non-stiCk protective
PE Photoelectric ceil-button
type In/a TB)~*
WLU Wet location door for up
lBS Internal backJigM shield~s
DFL Diffusing Mns
TP Tamperproof
LPI Lamp in:cluded as standard
ULP Less lamp
Dimensions are shown in inohea (centimeters) unless
otherwise noted.
Width 1B (45.7) 16V4 (41.2)
Depth 9{22.8) 0V.(23.2)
Height 7V4(18.4} ?V~(I&4)
Maxweight 30 lbs i13.6 kg) 30 lbs (13.6 kg);
~rc~te _ctural Colors~
Sta~ldard T~xtured Colors
DDBT Da'rk bronze
DSST Sandstone
DNAT Natural alumiflur
DWHG White
DBLB Black
Shipped separatelv
WSBBW Surface-mounts
back box~7
UT5 Uptilt 5 degrees
WSTWG Wire guard (WSq
WSTVG Vandal guard
WSBWO Wire guard (WSF
WSRVG Vandal guard
S~ No'rE
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March 31, 2004
Mr. Gary Hoyt
Fire Marshal
Cannel Fire Departmem
2 Civic Square
Cannel, IN 46032
Hazel Dell Christian Church
Hazel Dell Christian Church- Education Wing
2002-036 3.1.1
Dear Mr. Hoyt:
In response to your letter dated March 11, 2004, and questions discussed at the
recent Technical Advisory Committee meeting, we offer the following:
Yes, the new portion of the facility will be connected to the existing fire
suppression system.
Overall building height to the top of parapet is 22'-0". There is no
basement in this facility.
Per our conversation at the TAC meeting, we will plan on adding an
additional fire hydrant during the next addition. The next addition is
planned to be the Sanctuary, and will be much more significant with
regard to square footage. We have attached a preliminary layout for the
hydrants around the facility to guide our future planning. Your feedback
on this layout would be appreciated.
Thank you for your attention to this Project.
Mmnae~ w.~ngt~now, AIA
Architect / late
mengledow~Schmidt-arch, com
Wil-Fra-Mar Building
320 East Vermont Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1640
317.263.6224 (fax)
888. 263. 6224 (toll free)
www. schmidt-arch, corn
Wayne S. Schmidt, FAIA
RonaM W. Fisher, AM
Dean M. lllingworth, FAIA
&even K. Alspaugh, AIA
Duane A. Dart, AIA
Michael W. Engledow, AIA
Daniel C. Kloc, AIA
Debra S. Kunce, AIA
Jeffrey R. Mader, RLA
Kyle E. Miller, PE
Robert E. Olson, PE
Kevin D. Shelley, AIA
Mary Ellen Wolf RA
David T. Worthman
James E. Browning, RLA
James A. Darnell, RCDD/OSP
Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA
Mary Beth Hanke
Ted W. Kussow, PE
Gregory W. Litteral, RA
Jon Kerry Osborne, AIA
Jeffrey A. Reed, PE
Steven L. Schaecher, AIA
&even R. Sturm, RA
I,: Keith rharp, AIA
James A. Walls, RA
David L. Wheelock, PE
Toby J. Winiger, AIA
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Letter to Mr. Gary Hoyt
Hazel Dell Christian Church- Education Wing
March 31, 2004
Page 2
Mr. Tom Cook, M/E Design Services
Mr. David Cook, RA, Ralph Gerdes Consultants, LLC
Mr. Alan Peterson, Hazel Dell Christian Church
Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA, Schmidt Associates, Inc.
MA2002-036\Con'espondence~2004033 ! LT_MWE_Hoyt_O I.DOC
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
/ I
if ~.
/ ~_ ,.' \
/ o
/ ''
/ /
March 31, 2004
Mr. Greg Hoyes
Plan Reviewer
Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
Suite 1888
Noblesville, IN 46060-2230
Hazel Dell Christian Church
Hazel Dell Christian Church- Education Wing
2002-036 3.1.1
Dear Mr. Hoyes:
In response to your letter dated march 15, 2004, we have attached the following:
1. An application for an increased outlet permit and a check for $150.00.
C-103, Grading and Site Utilities, showing the entire parcel and
detention basin.
Thank you for your attention to this Project. If you should have any questions or
comments, please do not hesitate to call.
.edow, AIA
men chmidt-arch, com
Copy: Mr. Alan Peterson, Hazel Dell Christian Church
Mr. Russ Love, Hazel Dell Christian Church
Mr. Tom Cook, M/E Design Services
Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA, Schmidt Associates, Inc.
M:X2002-O36\CorreapondeaceX20040331LT_MWE_Hoye~_O I.DOC
Wil-Fra.Mar Building
320 East Vermont Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1640
317.263.6224 (fax)
888.263.6224 (toll free)
www. schmidt-arc h. corn
Wayne S. Schmidt, FAIA
Ronald ~. Fisher, AM
Dean M. lllingworth, FAIA
Steven K. `41spaugh, `4I`4
Duane `4. Dart, `4I`4
Michael W Engledow, ,414
Daniel C. Kloc, `41`4
Debra S. Kunce, `41`4
Jeffrey R. Mader, RL`4
Kyle E. Miller, PE
Robert E. Olson, PE
Kevin D. Shelley, `4I`4
Mary Ellen Wolf, RA
David T. Worthman
James E. Browning, RLA
James A. Darnell, RCDD/OSP
Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA
Mary Beth Hanke
Ted ~. Kussow, P E
Gregory W. Litteral, RA
Jon Kerry Osborne, AIA
Jeffrey A. Reed, PE
Steven L. Schaecher, AIA
Steven R. Sturm, RA
V. Keith Tharp, AIA
James A. Walls, RA
David L. Wheelock, PE
Toby J. Winiger, AIA
Interior. Design
Landscape Architecture
[ I Ill Illl Il [ I Ill Illllllllll Il I I ] I Jill J[ Jill[ [
Noblesville, Indiana 46060
317-776-8495 fax: 317-776-9628
I~-~o .-z'z.-°°- oo-oo3.oo~, ~v~d.,.ff
Parcel Number: 10-,~o- ~Z -..o,.°.,,-5.,,,°°- c~. ~TownsMp:, ~--,%r~,¥'
Phone:(_3_!_% ..... .~,~..~ - ,.~,~-~-~' ~ Phone:{ .... )
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.............. _ .... -to
P~rl~ o! Prlv~ Tile: ....... , ...................... ~ r-~ ~ ..... ,~ ~,.~ z_ /0' ~ ~'.
Size of Tile: Type of Tile: ~- ~_ Length of Tile: .
Number of Outlets: .....
Location of Outlet:
Wifl private tile cron property not owned by the applicant~
If yes, Iht parcel numbers, nines and addresses of those that will be crossed:
.;_;...~...~ . , ......... , [[ [[ i [ [ _ ~ ,., ,[, , [ .... _ ' ;:- . ...... .. '
[ : , ,,,, [ [ .[.~ t_[ iht ,n,,, [ [ [ [[ [ ] ~ ' ' ::':";'---' :~ ......
I Aere. by requestpet~ission to outlet a private drain into the aborn mentio#ed rcgul, at~d
drai~ 27re construct~ Jhall conform to the standards of the County Surveyor at tire
point of connectio~ with the regulated drai~ A location map of the drai~ i~ attacAe~ '
~how/~g rAe/ocat/on of tAe regulated drain, private drain, point of con~ctio~, lot line~,
bfdldi~gs and other pbyzical fe~ums, and platted ea~emen~ and rigbt-of-~ays. This
requ~t is made as per I. C. $6-9-~7-17~
Applicant's ~ignature Date
Cbeck 7~tle: Owner Contractor Engineer Tenant Other:
I Il I Illll ' i. ill[mil I ' i I Il Il I I
***For Oflke Un ~*
l'ermit~:. ...... lqan l'roject Number: .......... Checlt:__ ~
Enlinu4nl Firm:
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. ~
M~R !5; ~04 OP: 34PM
P. 1/2
March 15, 2004
Schmidt Associates
ATI~: Craig Flauderrneyer
Wil-Fra-Mar Buildh~g
320 East Vermont Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1640
.~obicsv~lle, lndia.a
Re: Hezel DeU Christian Church Addition
Dear Mr. Flandermeyer:
Wc havc revieWed thc ADLS package submittcd to thc Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
on March 5, 2004 for this project and have thc following comments:
1. This project falls within the jurisdiction of the City of Carmel.
2. This proposed site DOES fall in a Cmuel Well Head Protection Area~
3. Please coordinate the storm sewer design with both the City of Carmel
Engineering Department and this office.
4. This proposed project falls in the Emily Vestal Drainage Shed,
5. Please submit an outlet permit, for thc increased discharge into the Emily Vestal
Regulated Drain, to this office. The application is available on our website at
ht~.;//~.._~...~i!ton.in.'us, go to Departments, Survcyor, and Drainage
6. The drainage calculation from Woolpen, done in April 1999, show this site as
being master planned for all future development. It sppears the proposed
increased impervious area is included in the drainage calculations for sizing of the
existing detention basin for the site.
7. Please resubmit sheet C-102 showing the existing dry detention basin and the
entire parcel to the eastern property line.
MI:IR 1S 'la4 la;:>: 34PM
~. 2~2
8. Please note the additional comments may be warranted at a later date.
Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317-776-8495.
~~Cmcg Ho ~~yos
Plan Reviewer
Cc: iron Dobosiewicz-Carmel DOCD
John South- HCSWCD
Dick Hill- Carmel Engineering
March 12, 2004
Mr. Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA
Schmidt Associates
Wil-Fra-Mar Building
320 East Vermont Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1640
RE: Hazel Dell Christian Church EdUcation wing-~ project ,Re*ie~T~i~
Dear Mr. Flande~eyer:
We have reviewed the drawings submitted for the March 17, 2004 Technical Advisory Committee meeting.
the following comments:
We offer
1. The project site is located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits.
2. Jurisdictions:
· Street and Right of Way- City of Carmel (Hazel Dell Parkway).
· Water- City of Carmel
· Sanitary Sewer- City of Carmel
· Storm Sewer - City of Carmel
3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approval Requirements:
· Additional Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability if applicable.
· Commercial Curb Cut. It does not appear that this is applicable to this project.
· Temporary Construction Entrance. Separate BPWS approval will be required if this entrance is to be located
anywhere other the site of the permanent curb cuts.
· Consent to Encroach approvals for any permanent improvement to be installed within dedicated easements
and/or dedicated right of way. If an irrigation system is planned for this project, additional Water
Availability approval will be required from the Board and additional Water Connection Fees will be due.
· Dedication of Right of Way. It does not appear there are additional right of way requirements.
I am enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use.
Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board.
Any submission to the Board requires prior final approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission and/or the
Board of Zoning Appeals and completion of review by the Technical Advisory Committee. All written requests
to be place on the Board's agettda must include the appropriate Docket Numbers and the date (or dates) of
approval by the Platt Commission and/or BZA.
Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability and Connection Fees:
Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability (acreage) Fees
The total acreage of the site is 24.62 acres. When the original church project was initiated, the church requested
relief in regard to payment of Availability Fees for the entire site. They were given permission to defer payment
on 10.186 acres. Therefore, Availability Fees for 14.434 acres in the amount of $44,384.75 were paid on August
16, 1999. It will soon be 5-years since the deferral was granted. In reviewing project correspondence when this
acreage was developed, I believe it was the City's understanding that the remaining fees would be paid upon
further development. Therefore, we are requesting payment of the remaining Availability (acreage) Fees as
Water - 10.186 acres ~ $1,010.00/acre = $10,288.00
Sanitary Sewer - 10.186 acres ~ $1,365.00/acre = $ ! 3,904.00
Total 10.186 acres ~ $2,375.00/acre = $24,192.00
ONE CIVIC SQLIARE, CARSIEL, IN 46032 O}:FIC~: 317.571.2441
E~IAIL kwcesc~'ci.carmel.in.us
F~x 317.571.2439
Mr. Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA
March 12, 2004
Page 2
Water and Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees-
Based upon the proposed use of this addition and the original Connection Fee requirement when the existing
building was approved, there are no additional Connection Fees required for this addition.
5. TAC Review/Drawings submitted for approval:
We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be
accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for construction
until all issues have been resolved. All Carmel Utility issues must also re resolved. The design engineer must
certify all drawings submitted for final approval. This office will .require a minimum of five-sets (maximum of
seven-sets) of approved drawings after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped approved and'~
signed by both the City Engineer and Director Carmel Utilities. The Developer/Owner will receive one-set which
is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utilities will receive two-sets. Our Public Works
Inspector will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering. If more than the
minimum of five-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets (maximum total of two additional) must be
submitted with the five required sets.
6. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated easements and/or
right of way will require Consent to Encroach approval.
7. Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Moley" and should be contacted directly for all water and sanitary
sewer main locations.
8. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this project for water and sanitary sewer issues~
I am including copies of the following with this correspondence:
· Commercial Project Approval Procedures.
· Permit Data, Contacts, etc.
· Commercial Permitting Procedures.
10. Upon initial review, it does not appear there are any bonding requirements for this project:
We have engaged Crossroad Engineers to provide storm sewer/storm drainage review. These comments will be
forwarded to you upon receipt by this office. Additionally, we reserve the right to provide additional comments after
further review by the City Engineer.
The above comments are based upon the Engineering Department's initial review. Please provide our office with a
follow up letter regarding this review and revised plans, indicating all revisions. A second
review will focus only on detailed construction plans. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications
made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new"
or fall outside of our initial review. If you have questions, please contact Mike McBride or me at 571-2441.
Sinc~y, /~
Dick Hill, Assistant Director
Department of Engineering
Mike McBride, City Engineer (w.o. encl.)
John Duffy, Carmel Utilities (w.o. encl.)
Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities (w.o. encl.)
Jim Haag, Carmel Utilities (w.o. encl.)
City of Carmel
VIA FAX: 263-6224
Original by mail
March 11, 2004
Michael Engledow, AIA
Schmidt Associates
320 E Vermont Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Hazel Dell Christian Church- Building Addition (#04030009 TAC) -TAC Review
Dear Mr. Engledow:
This letter is in response to your Technical Advisory Committee Review for the Hazel Dell Christian
Church Building Addition. This is a preliminary letter to let you begin on revisions. Additional
comments will be made by members at the TAC Meeting on March 17. Please complete the following
items after you have received additional comments at the TAC Meeting.
Please add docket no. 04030009 TAC to your site plan.
Please provide a landscape plan that shows plantings around the new building addition.
The Urban Forester has noticed than many of the plantings along the north have died; please
look into restoring the plantings to reflect the originally approved landscape plan.
Please provide a copy of the letter of approval for the landscape plan from Scott Brewer,
Urban Forester.
Show lighting fixtures as being 90-degree cutoff (down-lighting).
Please provide to the Department copies of your correspondence with the TAC members.
Look into screening rooftop, mounted equipment along the west end of the existing building.
Contact Schneider Engineering to discuss connection of parking area to north parcel.
Once these changes are made, please forward us a revised copy for review. If you have any questions or
if I may be of assistance, please feel free to call.
Angelina Butler
Planning Administrator
Page 1
ONE CIVIC SQUARE CAR2vlEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417
City of Carmel
Fire Department Headquarters
Voice (317) 571-2600 Fax (317) 571-2615
Fire Prevention Bureau
Craig M. Flandermeyer
Schmidt Associates
320 E. Vermont St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1640
RE: Hazel Dell Church
The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for
Hazel Dell Church
and has approved the plans subject to the following:
Will this building be connected to the existing automatic fire suppression system? If a separate
suppression system is to be installed a meeting will need to be scheduled to discuss the location
of the fire department connection.
What is the height of the building? Will this building have a basement? If so, what is the square
footage of the basement?
3. We would like to set up a meeting to discuss the addition of a fire hydrant in the parking lot.
Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the
scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project.
Date' March 11,2004
By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal
Carmel Fire Department
March 10, 2004
Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA
Schmidt Associates
320 E. Vermont Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1640
Project: ADLS Amendment Filing
Hazel Dell Christian Church
Dear Mr. Flandermeyer: .
I have received and reviewed the plans for the above-mentioned project.
At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law
enforcement efforts.
If we can be .of any further assistance to you, please contact us.
Timothy J. Green
Acting chief of Police
Dept. of Community Services
(;;17) 571-2500
Fa:~ ($17) 571-2512
MAR-OB-8004 10:48 FROM:HAMILTON CO__.HWY DEP 3177769814
P. 001x001
M~rch 8, 2004
Craig Ftandermeyer
Schmidt Assodates
320 East Vermont Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1640
Hazel Dell Christian Church
Building .Addition
$ of 146'" Street I E of Hazel Dell Road
Clay Township
Dear Mr. Flandermeyer:
This leffer serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal received 03t05/04 containing
the plans for the above-mentioned project. After reviewing the plans the Highway
Department has the following comments:
It appears that this project lies entirely within the limits of the City of Carmel.
Therefore, all future comments should be directed toward the City, If you have any
information contrary to this statement, please contact me immediately.
If you have any questions or comments ¢onceming this letter, please feel free to contact
me at anytime.
Steven J. Broermann
Staff Engineer
Jon Doboslewlc, z
Greg Hoyes
G :~USERS~,$Bt04tao~03.08,-04hagdell~hurct~.doe
l?OO South 10~" Street
Noblesville, In. 46060
Office (317) 773-7770
Fro% (:3.1.7) 7"/6-9814
Ms. Angelina Butler, Planning Administrator
Department of Community Services, City of Carm¢~f~/
One Civic Squar
Carmel, IN 46032
Phone: (317) 571-2417 .
F~: (317) S71-2426
E-mail: abmler~ci.c~el.in.us
Erom: Craig M. Fl~de~eyer, ~A
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Wil-Fra-Mar Building
320 East Fermont Street
Indianapolis IN 46204-1640
317.263.6224 (fax)
www. schmidt-arch, com
Date: March 4, 2004
Activity Requested:
Re: ADLS Amendment filing For your use
Hazel Dell Christian Church- Education Wing
2002-036 2.1.1
Transmitted by:
Technical Advisory Committee, rev. 9/17/03 (1 copy ca)
Mr. Russ Love, Jr. & Mr. Alan Peterson, Hazel Dell
Christian Church
Michael W. Engledow, Schmidt Associates, Inc., File
C-102 Site Layout and Planting Plan, C-501 Site Details,
E-101 Electrical Site Lighting, G-002 Overall Floor Plan,
A-201 Exterior Elevations
ADLS amendment application, Legal description, Location
Map, Drainage Report (to city engineer only), Light fixture
cut sheet, Color building elevation- 11 x 17, Soils Map,
FIRM map
Please contact me if you need additional information. Thanks!
Please notify us if the enclosures are not as noted on this form.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The documents accompanying this transmittal contain confidential information which is legally privileged and
belongs to the sender. The information is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity n~ned above. If you ~ not the intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying or distribution of this information is strictly prohibited. If you received this
transmittal in error, please notify us by telephone at the number above to arrange for return of the original documents.
Babbitt, Pamela A
Butler, Angelina V
Friday, March 05, 2004 1:50 PM
Babbitt, Pamela A
Morrissey, Phyllis G; Pattyn, Dawn E; Tingley, Connie S; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling,
Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Stahl,
Gayle H; Pohlman, Jesse M
Docket No. Assignment: (TAC) Hazel Dell Christian Church (#04030009 TAC)
Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and UPdate the file. I have issued the
necessary Docket Number for (TAC) Hazel Dell Christian Church - Building Addition. It will be the
Docket No. 04030009 TAC
Total Fee: $250.00
Docket No. 04030009 TAC: Hazel Dell Christian Church - Building Addition
The applicant seeks approval for a building addition.
The site is located at 14501 Hazel Dell Parkway.
The site is zoned S-l/Residence - Low Density.
Filed by Mike Engledow of Schmidt Associates.
Petitioner, please note the following:
1. This Item will be on the March 17 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee.
2. Mailed and Published Public Notice does not need to occur.
3. Proof of Notice is not needed.
4. The Filing Fee must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than
noon, Friday, March 12. Failure to submit Filing Fee by this time will result in the tabling of the
petition to the Wednesday, April 21, 2004 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee.
PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more detail.
Please contact Mr. Engledow at 263-6226 (Fax: 317-263-6224) with this information. Once the file is
updated please return it to Jon's office.
Thank you,
March 4, 2004
Ms. Angelina Butler
Planning Administrator
Department of Community Services
City of Cannel
One Civic Square
Cannel, IN 46032
ADLS Amendment
Hazel Dell Christian Church- Education Wing
2002-036 2.1.1
Dear Ms. Butler:
Attached you will find the ADLS Amendment application for the Education Wing
Addition at Hazel Dell Christian Church, 14501 Hazel Dell Parkway.
You will find this 13,500 s.f. one-story addition to the existing church is
complementary in design, materials, and colors. The design is consistent with the
overall Master Plan. Additionally, the parking lot will be expanded to the east
increasing on-site capacity by 42 cars. A wooden pedestrian bridge will be
constructed to connect the northern adjacent parcel to allow overflow parking to
utilize the lots currently being constructed as part of the Riverview Medical Park.
Of the information requested for review in #3'
1. Two copies of the application are enclosed.
2. Two copies of the legal description are enclosed.
3. Two copies of the subject site, zoning, and existing land uses are enclosed.
Two copies of the Site Development Plan are enclosed
a. Drainage facilities for the fully developed Master Plan were constructed
with the first phase. This addition does not change or exceed the Master
Plan assumptions. 2 copies of the original drainage report prepared by
Woolpert, April, 1999 for "Woodland Springs Christian Church" (original
design name of project) are enclosed for your review.
b. The lighting plan and cut sheet of Lumark Wal-pak fixture are included.
c. Landscaping is indicated on the Site Plan. Landscaping around the current
building and parking lot displaced by construction will be relocated to
similar locations in the new construction.
d. No new signs are being proposed for this addition.
Wil. Fra.Mar Building
320 East Vermont Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1640
317.263.6224 (fax)
888.263.6224 (toll free)
www.schmidt.arch, com
Wayne $. Schmidt, FAIA
Ronald W. Fisher, AIA
Dean M. lllingworth, FAIA
Steven K. Alspaugh, AIA
Duane A. Dart, AIA
Michael W. Engledow, AIA
Daniel C. Kloc, AIA
Debra S. Kunce, AIA
Jeffrey R. Mader, RLA
Kyle E. Miller, PE
Robert E. Olson, PE
Kevin D. Shelley, AIA
Mary Ellen Wolf, AIA
David T. Worthman
James A. Darnell, RCDD/OSP
Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA
James C. Hooker, RA
Ronald E. Hull, PE, PS
Ted W. Kussow, PE
Gregory W.. Litteral, ,PA
Jon Kerry Osborne, AIA
Jeffrey A. Reed, PE
Steven L. Schaecher, AIA
Steven R. Sturm, RA
V. Keith Tharp, AIA
James A. Walls, RA
David L. Wheelock, PE
Toby J. Winiger, AIA
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Letter to Ms. Angelina Butler
Hazel Dell Christian Church- Education Wing
March 4, 2004
Page 2
e. The proposed addition adds 42 car spaces. Total parking for the site will
be 304 cars (this number includes 7 accessible spaces). Based on a seating
capacity of 800 max. for the Sanctuary, 200 parking spaces are required.
f. The Site Plan indicates side, rear, and front yard setbacks; perimeter
drainage and utility easements; sewer and water line locations; building
square footage; and dimensions of building. Mechanical equipment is
located on the roof. No new trash receptacle is proposed with this
addition. Pavement and curbing details are indicated on C-501. No road
improvements are proposed; sidewalks to the building addition are shown
on plan. No new loading or dock areas are proposed. Fire hydrant and
Siamese locations remain unchanged from the previous phase.
g. Building elevations with dimensions and materials are included. A color
elevation of the addition and photo of the existing building are also
included for your information. No signage is being proposed with this
h. A graphic indicating soils and floodplain information is included.
i. Copies of this information are being delivered to the 25 members on the
TAC list dated September 17, 2003 in anticipation of TAC review on
March 17, 2004.
Please contact me if you need additional information.
Landscape Architecture
Michael W. AIA
Copy: Russ Love, Jr., Hazel Dell Christian Church
Alan Peterson, Hazel Dell Christian Church
2002-036 \CorrespondenceX20040304 L T_CMF_Butler_01 .DOC
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Technical Review and Comment (Form 1)
Project Name: Hazel Dell Christian Church County: Hamilton
Plan Submittal Date: 03/05/04 Hydrologic Unit Code: not provided
Project Location Description: East side of Hazel Dell Road, 1/8 mile south of 146th Street
Latitude and Longitude' not provided
Civil Township: Clay Quarter: NW Section: 22 Township: 18N Range: 4E
Project Owner Name: Hazel Dell Christian church
City: State: Zip:
Phone: FAX: E-Mail:
Plan Preparer Name: Craig Flandermeyer
Affiliation: Schmidt and Associates
Address: 320 East Vermont Street
City: Indianapolis State: IN Zip: 46204-1640
Phone: 317-263-6226 FAX: 317-263-6224 E-Mail: cflandermeyer~schmidt-arch.com
I Review Date: 03/16/04
~ IPrincipal Plan Reviewer: John B. South P.E. CPESC
i ~ IAgency: Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District
~ IAddress: 1108 South 9th Street
~ Icity: Noblesville State: IN Zip: 46060
~ IPhone: 317-773-2181 FAX: 317-776-1101 E-Mail: john-south~iaswcd.org
IAssisted By:
-] PLAN IS ADEQUATE: A comprehensive plan review has been completed and it has been determined that the
plan satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327 IAC 15-5.
[-] Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
[-] Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of
the NOI. A copy of the NOI must also be sent to the Reviewing Authority (e.g. SWCD, DNR).
~-] A preliminary plan review has been completed; a comprehensive review will not be completed within the 28-day
review period. The reviewing authority reserves the right to perform a comprehensive review at a later date and
revisions to the plan may be required at that time to address deficiencies.
[-] Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
[--] Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of
the NOI. A copy of the NOI must also be sent to the Reviewing Authority (e.g. SWCD, DNR).
[~] PLAN IS DEFICIENT: Significant deficiencies were identified during the plan review.
[-~ Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
[-~ DO NOT file a Notice of Intent for this project.
[~] DO NOT commence land disturbing activities until all deficiencies are adequately addressed, the plan re-
submitted, and notification has been received that the minimum requirements have been satisfied.
[~] Plan Revisions [~] Deficient Items should be mailed or delivered to the Principal Plan Reviewer identified in the Plan Review Section above.
DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 1 of 4 Revised 12/09/03, Form 1
Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Technical Review and Comment (Form 1)
~Project Name: Hazel'D~ll Christian Church .....
IDate Reviewed: 03/16/04,,,
The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness of the Construction/Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan for the project. The Plan submitted was not reviewed for the adequacy of the engineering design. All
measures included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to their feasibility
by a qualified individual with structural measures designed by a qualified engineer. The Plan has not been reviewed
Cor other local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information,
!ncluding design calculations may be requested to further evaluate the Plan.
All proposed stormwater pollution prevention measures and those referenced in this review must meet the design criteria
and standards set forth in the "Indiana Stormwater Quality Manual"from the Indiana Department of Natural
Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents.
Please direct questions and/or comments regarding this plan review to:
John B. South P.E. CPESC
Please refer to the address and contact information identified in the Plan Review Section on page 1.
Assessment of Construction Plan Elements (Section A)
The Construction Plan Elements are adequately represented to complete a plan review:
[-] Yes [7] No
The items checked below are deficient and require submittal to meet the requirements of the rule.
11 by 17 inch plat showing building lot
[~] I Index showing locations of required Plan Elements [~] 2
numbers/boundaries and road layout/names
[-] 3 Narrative describing the nature and purpose of the ~] 4 Vicinity map showing project location
[Z] 5 Legal Description of the Project Site [-] 6 Location. of all lots and proposed site
(Include Latitude and Longitude - NOI Requirement) improvements (roads, utilities, structures, etc.)
Notation of any State or Federal water quality
~] 7 Hydrologic unit code (14 Digit) [7] 8
[5] 9 Specific points where stormwater discharge will leave [-5]10 Location and name of all wetlands, lakes and
the site water courses on and adjacent to the site
Identification of potential discharges to ground
[~] 11 Identification of all receiving waters [5] 12
water (abandoned wells, sinkholes, etc.)
Pre-construction and post construction estimate of
[~] 13 100 year floodplains, floodways, and floodway fringes [~] 14
Peak Discharge (10 Year storm event)
Locations and approximate boundaries of all
[5] 15 Adjacent landuse, including upstream watershed [5] 16
disturbed areas (Construction Limits)
Soils map including soil descriptions and
~] 17 Identification of existing vegetative cover [5] 18
I-g[19 Locations, size and dimensions of proposed stormwater [5] 20 Plans for any off-site construction activities
systems (e.g. pipes, swales and channels) associated with this project (sewer/water tie-ins)
[71 21 Locations of proposed soil stockpiles and/or [7] 22 Existing site topography at an interval appropriate
borrow/disposal areas to indicate drainage patterns
Proposed final topography at an interval.appropriate to
~] 23 indicate drainage patterns
DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 2 of 4 Revised 12/09/03, Form 1
Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Technical Review and Comment (Form 1)
I[Project Name: Hazel Dell Christian Church 'Il
IDate Reviewed: 03/16/04
Assessment of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Sections B & C)
Ii!The construction component of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan includes stormwater quality
iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiii measures to address erosion, sedimentation, and other pollutants associated with land disturbance and
.~ construction activities. Proper implementation of the plan and inspections of the construction site are
~ ~ ~ iii necessarytominimizethedischargeofpollutants. TheProjectSiteOwnershouldbeawarethat
unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions may affect the performance of a practice or the
~ ~ ~,'~~ effectiveness of the plan. The plan must be a flexible document, with provisions to modify or substitute
~ ~ ~ B practices as necessary.
[--][-7] iliii i 1 Description of potential pollutant sources associated with construction activities
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Sequence describing stormwater quality measure implementation relative to land disturbing
~] [-~ :.,:.?i~:.?i!~:.~::~::~:.~ 3 Stable construction entrance locations and specifications (at all points of ingress and egress)
~-]~ ~[-] 4 Sediment control measures for sheet flow areas
~-][-] ~] 5 Sediment control measures for concentrated flow areas
~-l[~ [---]6 Storm sewer inlet protection measure locations and specifications
~-][-~ ~] 7 Runoff control measures (e.g. diversions, rock check dams, slope drains, etc .)
[-'] [-] ~ 8 Storm water outlet protection specifications
[--I [~ [~] 9 Grade stabilization structure locations and specifications
[-][~] iii 10 Location, dimensions, specifications, and construction details of each stormwater quality measure
'[--] [~ iliii11 Temporary surface stabilization methods appropriate for each season (include sequencing)
[--][-~ ,:.,:.,:.,~,,,~i,i~,~i ....... 12 Permanent surface stabilization specifications (include sequencing)
[--][~J iiiiiii 13 Material handling and spill prevention plan
~-I [-7] ~ii~:~.~:i~:~.'.!!i~:'.'.!!'.!I 14 Monitoring and maintenance guidelines for each proposed stormwater quality measure
[-1 [~] [-7]15 Erosion & sediment control specifications for individual building lots
!::}iiii~ii:~i~ ?~iiiili?~i? The post construction component of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan includes the
.~. ~.,..i!: i implementation of stormwater quality measures to address pollutants that will be associated with the
~.~ final landuse. Post construction stormwater quality measures should be functional upon completion of
'~ ?~ii~?~ i~i~i~!ii~i~ the project. Long term functionality of the measures are critical to their performance and should be
~ ~ ...~i.. C monitored and maintained
~1 [~ iiiiI Descripti°n °f p°llutants and their s°urces ass°ciated with the pr°p°sed land use
["] [~] 2 Sequence describing stormwater quality measure implementation
"i"i""i"i""~"'~i'~"~':~':~':~::~ii ii Description of proposed post construction stormwater quality measures
ii ii3 (Include awritten description ofhow these measures willreduce discharge of expectedpollutants)
~ [7] ~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~,~i!!!i::~4 Location, dimensions, specifications, and construction details of each stormwater quality measure
[--1[7] iiiii 5 Description of maintenance guidelines for post construction stormwater quality measures
DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 3 of 4 Revised 12/09/03, Form 1
Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Technical Review and Comment
IProject Name: Haz¢l Dell Christian Church
IDate Reviewed: 05/15/0g
This plan appears that it will have more than one acre of disturbance. If you can show that the area within your
construction limits is less than one acre, you can disregard this review letter.
cc: Carmel, Surveyor, File
DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 4 of 4 Revised 12/09/03
To: Ms. Angelina Butler, Planning Administrator
Departmem of Community Services, City of Cannel
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032 UN
(317) 571-2417
(317) 571-2426
Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Wil-Fra-Mar Building
320 East Vermont Street
Indianapolis IN 46204-1640
317.263.6224 (fax)
www. s chm idt-arc h. com
Date: March 4, 2004
Activity Requested:
Re: ADLS Amendment filing For your use
Hazel Dell Christian Church- Education Wing
2002-036 2.1.1
Transmitted by:
Copy: Technical Advisory Committee, rev. 9/17/03 (1 copy ca) Hand-delivered
Mr. Russ Love, Jr. & Mr. Alan Peterson, Hazel Dell
Christian Church
Michael W. Engledow, Schmidt Associates, Inc., File
Quantity Description
C-102 Site Layout and Planting Plan, C-501 Site Details,
E-101 Electrical Site Lighting, G-002 Overall Floor Plan,
A-201 Exterior Elevations
ADLS amendment application, Legal description, Location
Map, Drainage Report (to city engineer only), Light fixture
cut sheet, Color building elevation- 11 x 17, Soils Map,
FIRM map
Please contact me if you need additional information. Thanks!
2002-036\Correapondencek20040304TR_CMF_Butler_.01 .DOC
Please notify us if the enclosures are not as noted on this form.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The documents accompanying this transmittal contain confidential information which is legally privileged and
belongs to the sender. The information is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity named above. If you are not the intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying or distribution of this information is strictly prohibited. If you received this
transmittal in error, please notify us by telephone at the number above to arrange for return of the original documents.
March 4, 2004
Ms. Angelina Butler
Planning Administrator
Department of Community Services
City of Carmel
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
ADLS Amendment
Hazel Dell Christian Church- Education Wing
2002-036 2.1.1
Dear Ms. Butler:
Attached you will find the ADLS Amendment application for the Education Wing
Addition at Hazel Dell Christian Church, 14501 Hazel Dell Parkway.
You will find this 13,500 s.f. one-story addition to the existing church is
complementary in design, materials, and colors. The design is consistent with the
overall Master Plan. Additionally, the parking lot will be expanded to the east
increasing on-site capacity by 42 cars. A wooden pedestrian bridge will be
constructed to connect the northern adjacent parcel to allow overflow parking to
utilize the lots currently being constructed as part of the Riverview Medical Park.
Of the information requested for review in #3:
1. Two copies of the application are enclosed.
2. Two copies of the legal description are enclosed.
Two copies of the subject site, zoning, and existing land uses are enclosed.
Two copies of the Site Development Plan are enclosed
a. Drainage facilities for the fully developed Master Plan were constructed
with the first phase. This addition does not change or exceed the Master
Plan assumptions. 2 copies of the original drainage report prepared by
Woolpert, April, 1999 for "Woodland Springs Christian Church" (original
design name of project) are enclosed for your review.
b. The lighting plan and cut sheet of Lumark Wal-pak fixture are included.
c. Landscaping is indicated on the Site Plan. Landscaping around the current
building and parking lot displaced by construction will be relocated to
similar locations in the new construction.
d. No new signs are being proposed for this addition.
Wil-Fra.Mar Building
320 East Vermont Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204.1640
317.263.6224 (fax)
888.263.6224 (toll free)
www. schmidt.arch, com
Wayne S. Schmidt, FAIA
Ronald W. Fisher, AIA
Dean M. lllingworth, FAIA
Steven K. Alspaugh, AIA
Duane A. Dart, AIA
Michael W. Engledow, AIA
Daniel C. Kloc, AIA
Debra S. Kunce, AIA
Jeffrey R. Mader, RLA
Kyle E. Miller, PE
Robert E. Olson, PE
Kevin D. Shelley, AIA
Mary Ellen Wolf, AIA
David T. Worthman
James A. Darnell, RCDD/OSP
Craig M. Flandermeyer, RLA
James C. Hooker, RA
Ronald E. Hull, PE, PS
Ted W. Kussow, PE
Gregory W. Litteral, RA
Jon Kerry Osborne, AIA
Jeffrey A. Reed, PE
&even L. Schaecher, AIA
&even R. Sturm, RA
V. Keith Tharp, AIA
James A. Walls, RA
David L. Wheelock, PE
Toby J. Winiger, AIA
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Letter to Ms. Angelina Butler
Hazel Dell Christian Church- Education Wing
March 4, 2004
Page 2
e. The proposed addition adds 42 car spaces. Total parking for the site will
be 304 cars (this number includes 7 accessible spaces). Based on a seating
capacity of 800 max. for the Sanctuary, 200 parking spaces are required.
f. The Site Plan indicates side, rear, and front yard setbacks; perimeter
drainage and utility easements; sewer and water line locations; building
square footage; and dimensions of building. Mechanical equipment is
located on the roof. No new trash receptacle is proposed with this
addition. Pavement and curbing details are indicated on C-501. No road
improvements are proposed; sidewalks to the building addition are shown
on plan. No new loading or dock areas are proposed. Fire hydrant and
Siamese locations remain unchanged fi'om the previous phase.
g. Building elevations with dimensions and materials are included. A color
elevation of the addition and photo of the existing building are also
included for your information. No signage is being proposed with this
A graphic indicating soils and floodplain information is included.
Copies of this information are being delivered to the 25 members on the
TAC list dated September 17, 2003 in anticipation of TAC review on
March 17, 2004.
Please contact me if you need additional information.
Landscape Architecture
Michael W. AIA
Russ Love, Jr., Hazel Dell Christian Church
Alan Peterson, Hazel Dell Christian Church
2002-036\Correspondence\20040304LT_CMF_Butler_01 .DOC
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Butler, An~lelina V
Babbitt, Pamela A
Friday, March 05, 2004 11:04 AM
Brewer, Scott I; Butler, Angelina V; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienn,
M' Pattyn Dawn E ~ .' / "~ :"**~ ........... ~
A New Submittal for the greatest Church in Carmel...
ADLS Amend / Education Wing
Mike Engledow
263-6224 fax