HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket ~ ,\:,d c o o c c o D o o o o D C r: C n n n 12800 & 12900 NORTH MERIDIAN STREET HAMILTON CROSSING, BUILDINGS III & IV BAKER HILL CORPORATION & DUKE REAL TV LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 176-02 ADLS AMEND. JANUARY 7, 2003 SPECIAL STUDY COMMITTEE CARMEUCLAY PLAN COMMISSION STEVEN B. GRANNER, AICP . ZONING CONSULTANT BOSE MCKINNEY & EVANS LLP 600 E. 96TH STREET, SUITE 500 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240 (317) 684-5300 ~ ("'tt\~~.~~ ~~\,'~, ":.,'.,< ~. .', \)\J\;S lal1blle coif COilllltcerrmts II ~:^. ^ ^ ~~IJ0:" ~:~.\, ;~" "" "'", '20-"1""-.1 - .""" < ~ 4 . .' ',' ~"z~"'.t<<~{%;l::~<'!([<ll V1"}':J "J~%!M:~i~Lm~ j --- J . . . . . .1{~. ': .~ ~l ,,' "'11; _~ "'- ;:'" \'!, ~ ~w _d1.2.";;~~"",' ....~ ~ 1J~ ~ AVlEfilV 176-02 ADLS, Amend. Application and Description of Request Location Map Proposed Relocated Wall Sign Existing Wall Sign (55-99ADLS, Amend.) to be Relocated Proposed Relocated Tenant Sign for Building Four Existing Building Three/Four 1.0. Sign Building Four Site Plan Existing Building Three 1.0. Sign Building Three Site Plan Four Building Three READY INDEX' INDEXING SYSTEM Date DOCKET NO. Application for Architectural Design, Lightine and Signaee ADLS AMENDMENT Fee $350.00 ~ ~~f:~\'1~~ ,,,-:-\ l}l CoPy Name of Project: Hamilton Crossing Address: 12800 & 12900 North Meridian Street Type of Project: Office Applicant: Baker Hill Corporation Phone No. 814-1203 Contact Person: Steven B. Granner, AICP Phone No. 684-5304 Zoning Consultant, Bose McKinney & Evans LLP Address: 600 E. 96th Street, Suite 500, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) 16.385 Zoning B-2 Owner of Real Estate: Duke Real ty Limited Partnership Carmel: x Clay Township: Annexation: Y or N Other Approvals Needed: Maybe an amendment of SV-94-89 Parking No. of Spaces Provided: N/ A _ No. Spaces Required: N/A Design Information Type of Building: N/ A Square Footage: N/A No. of Buildings: N/ A Height: N/A No. of Stories N/A Exterior Materials: N/ A Colors: N/ A Maximum No. of Tenants; N/ A Type of Uses: N/ A Water by: N/A Sewer by: N/A 1 LIGHTING Type of Fixture: Nt A Height of Fixture: Nt A No. of Fixtures: Nt A Additioilal Lighting: Nt A * Plans to be submitted showing Footcand1e spreads at property lines per the ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: 3 Type of Signs: 2 ground, 1 wall Location(s) : (See Description of Request) Dimensions of each sign: (See plans) Square Footage of each sign: (See J>lans) Total Height of each sign: (See plans) LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations ******************************************** I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. S. f ,1 1L ~ture~ __ ApplIcant: '_ ~ -- Title: Zoning Consultant Steven B. Granner, AICP Date: November 22, 2002 (Print) ******************************************** State of Indiana, SS: County of Hamil ton Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for State of Indiana, personally appeared StevenB. execution of the foregoing instrument this 22nd 2()(}(k 2 My Commission Molly A. Stuckey Hamilton Granner County , and acknowledged the day of November , 2 DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST FOR BAKER HILL CORPORATION ADLS AMENDMENT Baker Hill Wall Sian - Buildina #4. Hamilton Crossina A wall sign identifying Baker Hill was approved for the west side of Building #4 by petition 55-99 ADLS Amend. Baker Hill requests a new ADLS Amend. to move the existing sign from the west fa~ade of Building #4 to the east fa~de of Building #4. Buildina #4 Ground Sian Variance petition SV-94-89 and ADLS approval petition 58-98 DP/ADLS approved two tenant identification signs adjacent to Building #4. Baker Hill requests an ADLS Amend. to locate one of the previously approved tenant signs to the northwest corner of the southern entrance to the Building #4 site and Hamilton Crossing Boulevard. Buildina #3 Ground Sian Variance petition SV-94-89 and ADLS approval petition 75-98 DP AmendlADLS approved two tenant identification signs adjacent to Building #3. On behalf of Duke Realty Limited Partnership, Baker Hill requests an ADLS Amend. to locate one of the previously approved tenant signs to the southwest corner of the southern entrance to the Building #4 site and Hamilton Crossing Boulevard. 50289_1.DOC .~ jl r 11 'lJl Jl. <.-i Jr J1 a 'lu' U Jl Jl0 !JgoK~ - - - -- -------- - -- ~ - -- - -- - - ----- ~-- - - - ~~- .. Future Developments .. Duke Owned, Leased, Managed or Developed Buildings []] Conference Center Halllilton Crossing EXISTING Hamilton Crossing One 1-Story 100,000 SF Hamilton Crossing Two 1-Story 33,000 SF Hamilton Crossing Three 4-Stories 145,000 SF Hamilton Crossing Four 3-Stories 90,000 SF TOTAL 268,000 SF 131stSt ~ j 116111 O61hSt 1, 061h ! 961IiSt ~ i I- t 11 I: l.~) i J tl I 11 ;) r H L f 1 __, 'II ! 1 f~ . I r...1 .~:.,,)' v ~ I L\ I rJ + l ~1 J . ,1 - '- ' i ..":.:. ~~ ,; K f ~l l ;, L; \ C fJ' r~1 ... ... ... ~ &l .. ... [ [ I Project: BAKER Hill Address: r 1!:900 N, MERIDIAN City I State: INDPLS. IN Design 1.0.: 672.FD If Scale' . 112"-I'.qo PHOTO ELEV. NOT TO SCALE t I I 1 r"""1I REVERSE (HALO) NEON ILLUMINATED INDIVIDUAL CHANNEL LETTERS 11'-8' REVERSE lETTSECTlOIN DETAIL ER WI REMOTE TRANSFORMER Account Rap: DARRYL RICE Request 1.0. DR.oo.19 Design Dale: SEP. 20. 2002 Photo I.D. 672.JPG 4..--.......- .::.:..-=-....:::--=:a-=--.:r-: ....._"'.........~----_::-......-=-=- Client Approval: .. REVERSE (HAlO ' INDIVIDUAL C~NEON IllUMINATED .080' TH NEl lETTERS PAINTEci~~~~~NpUOLM FACES .063' THIC' YURETHANE WH PAINTED :i~l~~~~MINUM RETU~: -ClEAR POLYCARB URETHANE WHITE .WHITE NEON TUBIZ~E MOUNTING BACKS INTERNAL IllUMINATlO 300 f-ASL UNITS MOUNTED 2"NOFF CIA FOR OPTIMUM HALO ILLUMINATION -AlL T~~S~RMERS ARE REMOTE .---- '. ~ ./ IY ~.4 f>-/ /A,) , "::__" . ,/1 ' ~/J . { ... ... . ~ ~ ... T Sign Compa-ny- I INDIANAPOLIS I~ nc. 31 3150 Rand Rd" 46~41 7-484-4620 1-800-889-7311 J I Date DOCKET NO. Name of Project: APPLICATION for AR\;W'J.'.1!;CTURAL DESIGN, UGHTING:'lilnd SIGNAGE ... ' .. , :};/ ~Ij~;, (-j ~ ~~ \:',:, ~ ~ c# \' \ 12900 N. Meridian Street, Carmel, IN 4603,? ' :J';:::..~Trc:"L;>>" FEE: $500.00 Baker Hill - Hamilton Crossing IV Address: Type of Project: Signage Applicant: Baker Hill Phone No. 571-2000 ContaCt Person: Jim Hill Phone No. 571-2000' Ext. 114 Address: 655 W. Cannel Dr. SUite 100. Cannel, IN 46032 Legal Description: To, be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) 6.314 , Zoning B-2 Owner of Real Estate: Duke Realty Limited Partnership Carmel: x Clay Township: Annexation: Y or N Other Approvals Needed: Development Plan No. of Spaces Provided: P~G- Previously approved under Hamilton V AnLS application Docket No. 58.98 DP No. Spaces Required: DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building: Camnercial No. of Buildings: (1 ) Square Footage: 90,067 GSF Height: 40' No.ofStories-L White/Red Mountain Exterior Materials: Precast ConcreteColors: Red/Bronze & Glass Maximum No. of Tenants: Multiple Type of Uses: Office Water by: Indianapolis Water Co.Sewer by: Clay Township Regional Waste s:\forms\adls.app revised 01/07/97 LJ(;~(;- Previously approved under Hamilton V ADLS application Docket No. 58.98 DP Type of Fixture: Height of Fixture: No. of Fixwres: AdditioI13l Lighting: * Plans to be submitted showing foot candle spread at property lines, per Ordinance. SIGNA(;E No. of Signs: 1 Type of Signs: Rear Illuminated ChaI1nel Lett~ Location(s): West Elevation Wall Dimensions of e3Ch sign: 4' X III Square Footage of e3Ch sign: 44 ~ ~~ ~ Q ~:~g ....)<t ~ e;':) -~~ ~""'? Total Height of e3Ch sign: 41 ~SC~(;~ Previously approved under Hamilton V ADLS application DocketONo. 058.98 DP * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations *******************************0**************** o Title Date State of Indiana, County oH(()~v; D n Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for j)b.l{; 0 h county, State of Indiana, personally appeared ~ ~ f.J ; I J and acknowled~ed the .execution of the foregoing instrument this 3 day of \.J (LYu , 199 Y . S5: My Co~ .11.. .... ,...,A1......tIJ"."", .... a .. [_.,.. N..2I,.2007 L(iZ~ till. '{{.<jJiPJM Notary Pu lie ' s:\forms\adls.app revised 01107/97 BACKUT CHANNEL LETTERS REVERSE BACKLIT CHANNEL LETTERS WHITE FACES 4112" UMlI5 II' 4' 5/16""=1'-0" SIGN TYPE FACE MATERIALS ILLUMINATION MISCj INSTALLATION INTERNALLY IU1JMINATED REVERSE BACKLIT a-tANNEL I.ETTERS .090 AWMINUM FN:E WfTH.065 RETURNS WHITE NEON ClEAR LEXAN SAa<S REMOTE TRANSFORMERS CLIENT: BAKER HILL CNlM8.. N DeiIGN B't. M. HICI<S SAlflj REPRI5ENTAIM! J. LEAHY OJI'!!_ API'ROIAl: YIJJWESr~n~=:' ":. ::-.... . .545-5111.. . ..- ~~:H=='Inc. WEST ELEVATION 1/32"=1'-0" Page 3 of3 4i. 96th Street and Westfield Boulevard Rezone (Gibraltar Properties) (36-99 Z) Petitioner seeks approval to rezone 71 acres from S-21residence to R-4/residence located at the northwest comer of 96th Street and Westfield Boulevard. A small parcel south ofI-465 adjacent to the Monon Corridor is also included in the rezone request. Some Technical Advisory Committee issues still remain including an issue with drainage flowing underneath 1-465, the potential for wetland mitigation off site, and the potential continuation westerly of 96th Street. The Department recommends sending a positive recommendation to the City Council conditioned upon all Technical Advisory Committee issues being resolved. 5i. Emerald Crest at Hazel Dell Summit, Section 1 (43-99 S.P.) Petitioner seeks approval to construct 74 lots on 32 acres located at the northeast comer of 131 st Street and Cherry Tree Road. The Department recommends approval conditioned upon all Technical Advisory Committee issues being resolved. 6i. Delaware Commons at Hazel Den Summit (53-99 S.P.) Petitioner ~eeks approval to construct 51 lots on 38 acres located north of 131st Street, on the west side of Hazel Dell Road. The Department recommends approval conditioned upon all Technical Advisoty Committee issues being resolved. J. New Business Ij. Blockbuster Awning (54-99 ADLS Amend.) Petitioner seeks approval to allow an existing blue awning (that does not match the awnings for the Merchants' Square Mall) to remain. The site is located at the northeast comer of 116th Street and AAA Way. The Department recommends approving an awning design and color that identically matches the existing blue awning for the Mall (which is what the Plan Commission approved June. 1998). 2j. Baker Hill Sign (55-99 ADLS Amend.) Petitioner seeks approval to allow the design of one tenant sign for the Hamilton Crossing Building #4 located north of the northwest comer of U.S. 31 and 126th Street. The Department recommends approval. / i @ Rick Sharp moved for the approval of Docket No. 53-99 SP, Oak View Associates, Delaware Commons at Hazel DeJl Summit, conditioned upon the appropriate labeling of conservation easements within the open space. APPROVED 12-0. J. New Business: lj. Commission to consider Docket No. 54-99 ADLS Amend., an amended Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping, and Signage application for the Blockbuster Awning. The site is located on the northeast corner of 116th Street and AAA Way. The site is zoned B-8/Business. Filed by George Fishell. George Fishel~ Madison Heights, Michigan, appeared before the Commission representing Blockbuster Video. Mr. Fishell stated that they had agreed to remove the current awning (blockbuster blue) and replace with the navy blue consistent with the Merchants Square colors. Mr. Fishell asked that they be granted 30 days to effect the change. Mark Monroe reported that the Department's recommendation concurs with Mr. Fishell's proposal. The current awnings are to be removed within one to two weeks and within 30 days replaced with the navy blue. Rick Sharp moved approval for the petitioner to remove the current awnings and replace with awnings of appropriate material and color within 30 days. APPROVED II in favor, rom Yedlick opposed. . 2j. Commission to consider Docket No. 55-99 ADLS Amend., an amended Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping and Signage application for Baker Hill. The site is located north of the norhnvest comer ofU. S. 31 and 126th Street. The site is currently zoned B-Z/Business and is located within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone. Filed by Jim Leahy of Midwest Sign Company. Jim Leahy, Indianapolis, of Midwest Sign Company appeared before the Commission representing the applicant. The petitioner is requesting approval of the sign as submitted in conformance with the applicable ordinance. Mark Monroe reponed that the sign, as proposed. faces west rather than U.S. 31. Ron Houck moved for the approval of Docket No. 55-99 ADLS Amend., for Baker Hill. APPROVED 12-0. s:\minutes\plancomm\pc 1999jun 22 a.......... l1l..-.I a.......... L-..J --.. ........... --.. ~ -----... --.. -=- - SINGLE SIDED NON-ILLUMINATED GROUND SIGN PAINTED OK. TAN TO MATCH EXSITING GROUND SIGNS END VIEW ~ 5'-6" ~/ . I U1 ~ ~ 5" 2" ~ ~ N / Lri 2" ~~ 12" PAINTED LT. TAN T ~ -~ ~ TO MATCH EXSITING A / GROUND SIGNS -,:;..,.",",-..._._-. ','e1'.> ./ -.-,.- .. If" T . . ~J -.:t CO 8" , M . I I I . I I I I l 1" 1" _T y- GRADE / .. .I ~-- ~ 12" / .. . "'. APPLIED VINYL GRAPHICS -.:t PANTONE #3425 3M HOLLY GREEN SINGLE SIDED NON.ILLUMINATED GROUND SIGN ..080" ALUMINUM ..- ~. SHEET CONSTRUCTION STEEL SUPPORT POST -PANITEO ACRYUC POlYURETHANE ANCHORED IN CONCRETE .APPlIED VINYL GRAPHICS Project: BAKER HILL I HAMILTON CROSSING Address: 12900 N. MERIDIAN City I State: CARMEL, IN Design 1.0.: 674.FD Scale: 112" = 1'-0- PHOTO ELEV. NOT TO SCALE Account Rep: DARRYL RICE --- _. -- -- Request I.D. DR.l0-09 Design Date: OCT. 9. 2002 Photo I.D. 674.JPG Client Approval: Q .............................................................. ~..-......................,.." Ill...... c... a.... \,1M.... __..................... _.............. """ c.... ...............~ ~.....................~ 1tIl" ......"St.M..................,., Sign Company, Inc. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 3150 Rand Rd., 46241 317-484-4620 1-800-889-7311 1 D ~ U D {Ii 0' "U'. \.'. ~ 1 I " ,. - --- -- -..-- -- ~.- .. -- - -.. -. - - --~- ~ o o EXISTING BUILDING THREE/FoUR I.D. SIGN y I Cl ~ ~ => o CD " Z Vi VI o '" u " I .r-..J r----.. J E:A .....- ApQIt""" a.ie-.tau...... SeatIDn 21. '-"'" I.Nw1tIo......)[..t, _....~I\oIenQ,..........,-.,~ctlthl~__'" ..... .- Mctien: '*- MDttIl 18 ..... 42 tNfutM .7 -'* E.I 710.01 I..t -.. ..............IIlId....~__koYUIOO~2lI~.M _(M 1,11&.lOtMt; __ ~&I.ID_....... in. a.1eIt_ =~r:=:.:'~l:"-=-='':..::-:';:;:'':t;!:..a~'" ~Mlh"""""""."''''''IIrMI''''.'''''''*-'CroeIIIoe''''''''c... 5, =-:u~.::r~=POItf=i,~".:-:.-=-=t ........... DO..... 25__ ~-,,*""'"'-02r.t; "*- South to...... oo"*-oo_[OIIt..,.4.3llINt................,....,.....,u.s.~ 31; _a- 00......03...... 51_ &c.taa.oo fMl........w-.. 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C) a:~~ S z u-- 0 ; ~~S S ~ 56<) l'! ~~ Cii ~ \ I ! i I I . i C2 . 01 It ...... ~ aimh1 i I / EXISTING BUILDING THREE 1.0. SIGN G" In """"..-"t 'XV, .IlIlIlIlXW. ~L'66r'L't ,.. ...,. ZtU1'-a9Zgt ., ouotPUI'~PIJIM: . . . If ,. """'..........>It. .m llI34100M -_.~; :a'...-o ~-:'~=i -:'... ==-.=w """:. us 018 ,oe...a.... VNVlONI 'JI'lllY.l J3311.lS NVlGlIl. H.lllON 008U C 'ON 9N1011Ra 9N1SS01l:l NOl.lIl1YH NY1d ".LIS of ~ '. i if II I II . · I I I ! I Ii' d ~'Pi ~. 5 f H ~n I I II Ii! I I I I I ~ i ~ , m 5 d .: I~ 131 Sit' Hid I ; It ; II ~ ,II' I ! Iii I . . III I d II ~n Hili I din: 11111 Ii .I II III ri I I ~@l!>1!l> l!>1!l>l!>l!> l!>$I!l>Gll!>l!>l!>l!> l!> Ell!>E>l!>I!l><l><l>lllllll"(l ,. 1~.@~lm .................................. . . . .. ...... ..................... . !~ d'l I 'I "111111 '~;i II' P: ~i~II,.e ,IB i I:!., !!I'I I j I Iii; i !~II ! II !ii ~ II;i iij~ i ! 5113. I Ilil 11~ iB. dl~, ,i rJ' I ~! U',illl Iii!!! i!!!!! ~ iffl!!I! II !i IHI II :~dlllll ! 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'0 S.f. ~~C.ff60 ~ reaijllrteD LfNlhC:f-fe rl;'0 t-lrq.. 50 r:,.f. t"~D5c/ieD Jf6f- ffOVU-:fiD I SICNACE LANDSCAPE PLAN UAMIlTON CROSSING Developed by: nuke Assod41tes Indianapoli5, Indi.lotl .. · 1__.- ,-___...._ r...__... t) ,t'r"I"'ii....-.......,. A".ra,i.-.~r'~ J.I\t"'.... r~ 1 12620 ~ ~ , . \I I ~\ ... First IBdiana Bank . Tc~NT Sl6l'JAlPE. \\,T.?, 20 ~.f. l-AN()5CFfEO A~ FeQU(~fD SICNACE lANDSCAPE PLAN ttAMIl TON CROSSING ~f-NDSCIfE, t~Pt~ p.l~ 'i. !+\.'j, S.r. l~NP5~1-f\iO JofOA ff.~IDfO Developed by; Duke Associates lodLuunolis. ludi.lna /~<---:-;.~'~'-.. Date 7-27-98 4... oo~@rnDWrn[ID [JUt 27 1998 DaCD DOCKET NO. APPLICA TION forl\RCHl'r~CTIJRAL DESIGN. LIGHTING. and SIGNAGE , , ',' , FEE: $500.00 Name of Project: HAMILTON CROSSING Address: 12600 U. S. 31 North Type of Project: Office Development Applicant: Duke Realty Limited Partnership Phone No. 574-3700 Contact Person: Philip A. Nicely Phone No. 574-3700 Address: c/o Bose McKinney & Evans, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1500, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) 6.314 Zoning B-2 Owner of Real Estate: Duke Realty Limited Partnership Carmel: x Clay Township: Annexation: Y or N Other Approvals Needed: Development Plan PARKING 418 No. Spaces Required: 300 No. of Spaces Provided: DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building: Commercial No. of Buildings: One Square Footage: 90,067 GSFHeight: 40 feet No. of Stories Three P (50 feet to penthouse) recast concrete Exterior Materials: and glass Colors: White/Red Mountain Red/Bronze Maximum No. of Ten ants: Multiple Type of Uses: Office Water by: IWC Sewer by: Clay Twp Regional Was te s:\forms\adls.app revised 01/07/97 LIGHTING Type ofFixt:ure: Metal Halide Height of Fixture: 25' No. of Fixtures: (See plans) Additional Lighting: Building Accent Lighting * Plans to be submitted showing Footcandle spread') at property lines, per Ordinance. SIGNAGE I Tenant Signage (2) ("T. S. " No. of Signs: Four Type of Signs: Building Identificationll. Signs (2) ("B.1.S.") Location(s):1 B. 1. S. - One at each entrance/exit to Hamilton Crossing Blvd. T.S. - One near the east and west entrances to the building Dimensionsofeachsign:B.1.S. - 3'4" x 6' / T.S. - 5'6" x 3'6" Square Footage of each sign: 20 square feet / 19.25 square feet T ota! Height of each sign: 6 ' / 3 ' 6 " * NOTE: Signs previously approved by variance petition SV-94-89. LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations ** * * ** **** ** ** * * ***** ******** ******* * ** ***** *** 1, the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Attorney for Petitioner Title Philip A. Nicely July 27. 1998 (print) Date *-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * State of Indiana, SS: County of Marion Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for Marion county, State of Indiana, personally appeared Philip A. Nicely execution of the foregoing instrument this 27th day of 10-14-2001 July and acknowledged the , 199 8 My Commission Expires: s:\forms\adls.app revised 01/07/97 -. Date 8/26/98 Amended November 6, 1998 DOCKET NO.' 75-98 . DP Al-fEND/ ADLS APPliCATION for ARCHlTt;CTURAL DESIGN. LIGHTING. and SIGNAGE FEE: $500.00 3 Hamilton Crossing Name of Project: Add 12800 North Heridian Street ress: Type of Project: 4-story office building A I' Duke Realty Limited Partnership PP lcant: Phone No. (317) 575-8888 Contact Person: Craig Flande:rmeyer Phone No. (317) 574-3617 Address: 8888 Keystone Crossing, SUite 1100, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) 10.071 Zoning B-2 . . Own fR al E t t Duke Realty Limited Pa:i::tnership er 0 e s a e: - Carmer: x Clay Township: Annexation: Y o@ Other Approvals Needed: Development Plan PARKING , No. of Spaces Provided: 683 No. Spaces Required: 486 DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building: Office No. of Buildings: 1 53' 0" - Top of Parapet Square Footage: 147,400 Height: 63'-PenthouSNo. of Stories 4 precast - .Whi te;-Rea rt.ountain ReO. E- . Mat 'al Precast/Glass C 1 Glass - Bronze Menor en s:. 0 ors: Maximum No. of Tenants: Multiple Type oflJses;. General Office Water by: ~ Sewer by: Clay Township Regional U\:.~n, , '~->Dt~~ ~ .'Y, ruJR01~~~'mtID . \~ .\lU\S\lD""u "b . : ~G~ \) 1998 ~ . nOCD. . s:\forms\adls.app revised 01/07/97 LIGHTING Type.ofFixture:lIetal Halide N fF:--n (See Plans) o. 0 lALUres: Height of Fixture: 25' Additional Lighting: Building accent lighting .. Plans to be submitted showingFootcandle spread.. at property lines, per Ordinance. . Tenant Siqnage (2) (t.s.) 3 No. of Signs: Type of Signs: Building Identifcation Sicm , T ~ S: ,:,:one each near the east and west entrances to the buildincr ("B. I. E Location(s): B;I;S.-one at south drive entrance off Hamilton Crossing Blvd. SIGNAGE . Dimensionsofeachsign: T.S.-5'6"W x3'6"H/B.1.S. - 3'4''W x 6'H TS - 19.25 souare feet/B.I.S. - 20 square feet Square Footage of each sign: . - T al H.gh f h. T. S . - 3' 6" /B. 1. S. - 6' ot et t 0 eac SIgn: * Note: Signs previously approved by variance petition SV-94-89. LANDSCAPING. .. Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations '. .. .. .. .. .. .. * .. .. .. ... . ... '" * '" ... '" ... ... '" . . .. ... . '" ... .. .. .. .. .. .. '" ... .. .. .. ... ... . .. ... '" . ... L the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and corr Developnental Services Title August 26, 1998 ~t) D&e. .**. **..o$.* ****_. **.. - ... .******o$. .o$.. State of Indiana, county, State of Indiana, personally appeared (!12I4t..i;. F-;.-IHV/)PW:X;:!:t and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this , .:::r1. day of I JVl , 199 f . My Commission Expires: ;) - ( {-() ! ~ s.1kik Not . Public s:\forms\adls.app revised 01/07/$7 r.. rf.D!; "..:c....