HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication otrke CONSTRUCTION April 11, 2003 City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 /0 Re: Docket No. 166-022 Ordinance No. 2-404-03 Common Address - 12315 Pennsylvania To Whom It May Concern: ! RECFIVED APR 11 2003 DOCS The petitioner hereby withdraws the above-mentioned rezoning petition. Sfij) ( ~ --- Blair D. Carmosino Enclosure 52495_1.DOC600 East 96th Street Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46240 317.808.6000 www.dukerealty.com Atlanta Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Dallas Indianapolis Minneapolis Nashville Orlando Raleigh St. Louis Tampa SCANNED " .... u o .!!!liJ1ey, Connie S From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Thursday, November 14, 200210:46 AM Tingley, Connie S Lillig, Laurence M; Lawrence, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Brewer, Scott I; Fahey, Joyce D Docket Number Assignment - Z (Rezone); Pennsylvania and 122nd Street - Northeast Corner Connie, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have issued the necessary Docket Number for the Pennsylvania and 122nd Street - Northeast Corner (Rezone). It will be the following: 166-02 Z $700 + $993 ($35/ac. at 28.378 ac.) Total Fee: $1,693 Docket No. 166-02 Z; Pennsylvania and 122nd Street - Northeast Corner (Rezone) The applicant seeks to rezone 28.378 acres zoned R-l (Residential) and M-3 (Manufacturing) to B-6 (Business). The site is located at the northeast comer of 122nd Street and Pennsylvania Road. Filed by Blair D. Cannosino of Duke Realty Corporation. Please note the following: · This Item has been placed on the November 20,2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. · Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Friday, November 22,2002. Published notice is required within the Indianapolis Star. . Twenty (20) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than noon, Friday, December 6, 2002. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the tabling of the petition to the Tuesday, January 21,2003, agenda of the Plan Commission. . Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Monday, December 16, 2002. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. · This Item will appear on the December 17, 2002, agenda of the Plan Commission under Public Hearings. · This Item may also appear on the January 7, 2003, agenda of the Plan Commission Subdivision Committee. Please contact Blair Cannosino at 808-6179 (Fax: 808-6797) with this information. Once the docket is assigned please return the file to my office. Thanks, Jon ~ / ;- / tf -02- II : I 5 ~ if 1 " o u PETITION TO CHANGE THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP (REZONE APPLICATION) $700 plus $35.00 per acre Date: October 18, 2002 Docket No.: Bankers National Life Name of Owner: Insurance Company Phone No.: Address of Owner: 11825 N. Pennsylvania Carmel, IN 46082 INST. NO. 9609653991 & 92-23891 Record of Ownership: Deed Book: Page: Purchase Date:....1.2.l26/96 Legal Description (Use additional page[s] if necessary): (SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION) Common Address of Property Involved (or General Description if no Address Exists): 12315 Pennsylvania Street (Northeast Corner of Pennsylvania & l??nd ~~TPP~) ~.l~ fl: IO.~ Proposed Zoning Change: From the H=3- District to the .B:=L District, for the property shown outlined in red on the map attached hereto, which is made a part of this petition. Statement of compliance with the Carmel/Clay Comprehensive Plan (use additional pages if necessary): This site is located within a medium intensity regional/community employment center area as proposed bv the plan. This proposed develonment intensity includes low to mid-rise office crnqplexes. The proposed '8-6 district:: rezoning request is consistent with the comprehensive plan proposal. u AFFIDAVIT (;) (lor We), being duly sworn, depose and say that (I or We) (am or are) the (owner or owners) of Fifty Percent (50%) or more of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing signatures, statements, and answers herein contained and the information herewith sub' are in all r ts true and correct to the best of (my or our) knowledge and belief. ~. '. Bankers National Life Richard M. Maybin Name Name 11825 No. Pennsylvania St. Address Address Carmel IN City, State 46032 City , State The applicant, correspondent, or agent (if di~-=-=-=r or owners) BLAIR D. CARHOSINO _ Name ame 317-808-6001 Telephone Telephone Oceober.18. 2002 D~ .' D~ State of Indiana ) ) SS: County of ) -Beforeme-thelDldersigned; a-Notary Public-for- - .-..#J~/h#&~k - - - -- (officer's county of resi~nce) CouDly, Slate of Indiana, personally appeared ~i::~ ~ ~iAland . . (name of perso acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this ~ ~ '111 day of {);~~ ,20~ 'k~ (printed ~ typed) My commission expires: /~~? lAND DESCRIP110N - P~a. U Q \. ): Port of the Northeatt quarter of SectIon 35, TownshIp 18 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian in Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly desc:rfbecl en follows: Commencing at a ranroad spike mar1clng the Southwest Comer of the said Northeast Quarter Section; thence North 00 degrees 07 mInutes 31 seconds West (anumed bearing) along the West nne of the said Quarter Section 0 distance of 510. 08 feet to a PK Nan: thence North 88 degrees 49 minutes 16 seconds East parallel with the South line of said Quarter SectIon 29.00 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebor w/ yellow cap on the east right-of-way Dne of Pennsylvania Street os described In Instrument No. 200200014359 In the Office of the Recorder, Hamilton County, Indiana,and the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 88 degrees 49 mlnutel 18 IICOndt East, parallel with the South Dne of the laid Quarter Section, G eIIatonce of 1297.90 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebor w/ yellow cop and the Southwest comer of Block 3 In the Conditional, Secondary Plat Carmel ScIence and Technology Parle. the plot of which Is recorded In Plot Book 13 Pages 65-71 In the OffIce of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Inellana: thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds West along the West nne of sold Block 3 a cllstance of 572.31 feet to a S/8 Inch reber w/ yellow cop which lies South 00 degrees 06 minutes 12 seconds East 1542.00 feet from the Northeast comer of the West Half of the sold Quarter Section; thence South. 88 degrees 40 mInutes 34 seconds West. parallel with the North 6ne of the said Quarter SectIon, a distance of 1298.19 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebor w/ yellow cop on the aforesaid east right-of-way nne of Pennsylvania Street; thence . South 00 degrees 07 minutes 31 seconds East along sold east right-of-way nne a distance of 569.02 feet to the Point of BegInning, containing 17.002 acres more or lesl. LAND DESCRtP110N - PARCEl 20 Part of the Northeast quarter of Section 35, Township 18 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal meridian in HamUton County, Indiana, being more particularly descrfbed os follows: Commenctng at the Northeast comer ot sold West Half of the Northeast Quarter: thence South 00 degrees 06 minutes 12 seconds East along the East nne of said West Half a dlstonce 1180.20 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 88 degreel 40 minutes 34 secondl West parallel with the North nne of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 1298.33 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebor w/ yenow cop on the ioIt right-of-way nne of Pennsylvania Street os described In Instrument No. 2oo200014J59 In the ~ of the Recorder, Hamnton County, Indiana: thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 31 seconds East along laid east rlght-of-way line a eIIatance of 381.80 feet; thence North 88 degrees 40 minutes 34 seconds East parallel with the North Une of laid Northeast Quarter 0 cllstGnce of 1298.19 feet to the East line of sold West Half; thence North 00 degrees 06 minutes 12 seconds West along sold East 6ne a distance of 381.80 feet to the Point of Beginning. OVERALL LAND DESCRIPTION ~, '. . ~. Part of the Northeast quarter of Section 35, Townlhlp 18 North. Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian in Hamilton County, Inellana, being more particularly described 01 fonowa: Commenclng at 0 railroad spike mar1clng the Southwest Comer of said Quarter Section; THENCE North 00 degrees 07 minutes 31 seconds West (assumed bearing) along the West nne of the laid Quarter SectIon a distance of 510.08 feet to a PK Nan: THENCE North 88 degrees 49 mlnutel 16 seconds East parallel with the South 6ne of sold Quarter Section 29.00 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebor w/ yellow cap on the east rlght-of-way nne of Pennsylvania Street as described in Instrument No. 200200014359 In the Offtce of the Recorder, Hamilton County, Indiana, and the BEGINNING POINT of this description; THENCE continue North 88 degrees 49 mInutes 16 seconds East parallel with the South line of the said Quarter Section 1297.90 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebor w/ yellow cap on the west 6ne of the Cond'ltional Secondary Plat - Cormel Science ond Technology Park, the plot of which Is recorded In Plat Book 13 Pages 65-71 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds West along said West line 954.11 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebor w/ yellow cap which nes South 00 degrees 06 minutes 12 seconds East 1160.20 feet from the Northeast comer of the West Half of sold Quarter SectIon; THENCE South 88 degrees 40 minutes 34 seconds West, parallel with the North nne of said Quarter Section 1298.33 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebar w/ yellow cap on the aforesaid east right-of-way 6ne of Pennsylvania Street; THENCE South 00 degrees 67 minutes 31 secondl East along said east right-at-way line 950.82 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 28.378 acres, ~ore or len. . . " ,. i': \' , SURVEYOR'S REPORT - !,: (. In accordance with Title 865 of the IndIana AdmlnlatratJye Code article 1 chapter 12 establishing minimum standards for the practice of land lurveylng In Indiana the fonowlng observatlone and oplnionl are submitted regarding the various uncertainties In the location of the boundary nnes and comers as established by this survey as a result of: A) variances In reference monuments; B) discrepancies In record descriptions and plats C) Inconllstencles In lines of occupation D) uncertainty of measurements due to random error The purpose of this survey was to prepare an N..TAlN:SM Land Title Survey on thot partion of the real estate described in Instrument No. 9223891 and Instrument No. 9809853991 In the Office of the Recorder, Hamilton County, Indiana which lies East of the east rlght-of-way 6ne of Pennsylvania Street as defined In Instrument No. 200200014359 in sold Hamilton County Recorder's OffIce. A) Monuments were found ot the Northwest and Southwest comers of the Northeast Quarter Section of Section 35, Township 18 North, Range 3 Eall Also, coned for monuments were found ot the Northwest comer and Southeast comer of the combined parcels which represent the parent tract. Variances of up to 0.8 feet North - South and 0.9 feet East - West were colculated. B) There were no discrepanctes found In' the descriptions of the combined parcels which represent the parent tract. The Southwest comer of the adJolner to the North appears to be 0.5 feet North of the Northwest comer of the parent tract. The sum of the eIImenslons along the East line of the adJolner's description agrees with the sum of the dimensions along the some 6ne In the parent tract's description. The differences at the adjolner's Southwest comer coulcLbea. function of the bearings In the adjoiner's description which are only. given as cardinal directions. C) The Southern edge of a parking lot near the North line of the subject real estate varies from 0.5 feet North to 2.2 feet South of said line. D) The Theoretical Uncertainty (due to random errors In measurements) In the location of each monument set or found is within specifications for a Closs .C. survey (plus or minus 0.50 feet) as defined by lAC. 665. I Evidence of source of title was provided In the form of Firat American TItle Insurance Company TItle Commitment No. 06028500-450, Commitment Date: January 1S, 2002- NOTE: The area depicted hereon as zoning dlstrict M-3 has been annexed into the City of Carmel under adoption date of November 16, 1987. ,. " .' .. o o ..c ~I ..... .. Ql l""'l ell u en ~ ~ H rz; H U !;: ~ ~tl'"II-4' "'I"; ~., rn ~II ~I ~ T~ ,~::.:- ~~, .,. ~" .'\I!I -... :. I ~.~); "," ~,";). .'oIl'.~ II J ,." I! /I o ,!I,\ "III!IIIl~III'" ,~~Ii ii, /,/"',' tilf; .)j, 1.1',1', II' [~ ' ~"w n'I'I" '1}-, , lID · ''':::00 [j] It~ · ii. il" IJl', ii., ~/. ,e I , ~! . [!J . 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