HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 03-25-202411 of 12 CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS REGULAR MEETING DEPARTMENT REPORT MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2024 (UV) Brackenridge Accessory Dwelling Use Variance. The applicant seeks the following use variance approval for an in-laws quarters: 4. Docket No. PZ-2024-00025 UV UDO Section 2.11 Permitted Uses – Accessory Dwelling use not permitted, but requested. The site is located at 10410 Cornell Ave. (in Home Place Subdivision, Lot 55). It is zoned R3/Residence and Home Place Overlay District. Filed by Dennis Brackenridge and Heidi Shurts, owners. General Info: • The Petitioner seeks approval to convert their existing detached accessory building (garage) into an Accessory Dwelling for an in-laws quarters. • Accessory Dwellings are not Permitted Uses in the R3 district, however a Two-Family Dwelling (duplex) is. • The existing detached garage structure is located behind the existing house. • The site is located in Home Place subdivision. However, it appears that there is no HOA (Homeowner’s Association). • The lot is around 0.23 acres in size (or around 10,018.8 sq. ft.) • Surrounding this site are single-family and two-family dwellings. • Please see the Petitioner’s info packet for more detail on the use variance request. Comprehensive Plan Analysis: • The current Comp. Plan classifies this area as the East Neighborhoods area, with a purpose of suburban single-family homes are the dominant land use. Destinations include neighborhood-serving commercial, schools, places of worship, parks and recreation. • The Home Place Subarea plan (from the prior C3 Plan) is still in place until the city adopts a new Home Place plan; the kickoff of a special study will occur this year. • The proposed accessory dwelling for an in-laws quarters fits in with the goals of the Comp. Plan and is therefore considered a best fit next to the surrounding residential properties. Additional Analysis: Accessory Dwelling Definition - • The UDO defines Accessory Dwelling as the following: A Dwelling that is attached to or located on the same Lot as a detached or attached Single family Dwelling, has an independent means of access, and is owned by the owner of the Principal Building but occupied by another. Accessory Dwellings include Apartments integrated within or attached to a Single-family Dwelling or located in detached Accessory Buildings located on the same Lot as the Single-family Dwelling. Site Plan - • The single family house up front will remain, and the existing detached garage is proposed to be converted into an accessory dwelling for an in laws quarters. • A concrete driveway is proposed to go from the street to the back of the site, to access the in-laws quarters. • Depending on the square footage of the proposed concrete driveway, the resulting lot coverage might exceed the maximum allowed 35% and need BZA variance approval. (Planning Staff needs more information about the proposed driveway area.) Active Transportation - • Per UDO section 1.07 (Transportation Plan Compliance), a 5-foot wide sidewalk is required along the street (within the street right of way) OR payment into the Thoroughfare Fund for what it would cost to construct said sidewalk segment. 12 of 12 Landscaping - • No perimeter bufferyard landscaping is required. Final Comments: • The Petitioner has been working with all Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Members to address review comments and concerns. • The Planning Dept. would like to reiterate that two-family dwellings are permitted in the R3 zoning district, and that it supports this use variance request for an Accessory Dwelling, with the condition of the Petitioner addressing all remaining review comments in ProjectDox. Remaining Review Comments: • The few remaining review comments still need to be addressed in ProjectDox, our online electronic plan review software. Findings of Fact: • Please refer to the Petitioner’s Findings of Facts included in their BZA Info Packet. Recommendation: • The Dept. of Community Services (DOCS) recommends positive consideration of this use variance request, with the condition of the Petitioner addressing the remaining review comments in ProjectDox, and with adoption of the Findings of Fact submitted by the Petitioner.