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DOCKET NO. 164-02 Z
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Katherine Russell
C,BN, Carmel Planning
Citizens for Better Neighborhoods
14439 Plymouth Rock Drive
Carmel, IN 46033
The request to rezone 11 acres from subdivision to office use has been denied
on this comer three previous times. The PUD requested directly conflicts with
the Comprehensive Plan of Carmel and the needs of this neighborhood. The
Plan calls for residential use and there is no need to supplant the Plan with ad
hoc rezonings. The neighborhood currently has high value housing bordering
both sides of 146th and does not need more commercial space, including medical
offices. The written protests of over 130 residents in January testifies to the real
desire for the low level development contemplated by the Plan.
1. High Intensity Use - The plan calls for 146 parking spaces on just the first
parcel for 2 office buildings. With 10 hours of possible business, this adds
a minimum of over 1,460 trips to this site daily, for as many as six days a
2. Overstated Design - Unlike medical offices on Hazel Dell, the architect's
renderings in section 3 show a high profile structure with vaulted entries,
which give the appearance of two story buildings.
3. Retail Banking - A bank implies a drive thru window with three possible.
Users trying to bank during rush hours traffic at this key intersection will
encounter heavy gravel and concrete trucks as they try to cross Hazel Dell
to turn left onto 146th. This is a prescription for serious collisions at this
4. Comprehensive Plan - The affirmation of the Carmel Comprehensive
Plan is highly desirable especially regarding this property. The Plan calls
for the concentration of commerce on the main arteries of Keystone and
Meridian Avenues. The Plan makes possible the commercialization of
main routes, while leaving our neighborhoods quiet and uncongested
residential areas. This request negates the plan, and its design for living
in Carmel.
5. Noble West, North of 146th - The poor decision of the Noblesville City
Council to permit 40 acres of offices does not require Carmel to follow suit.
The office buildings proposed present serious drainage and wetland
destruction issues that are not yet resolved. Breaking faith with the
Carmel Comprehensive Plan would only further burden Carmel residents
who have invested large sums to purchase property in Carmel.
6. Curb Cuts - As shown in Section 5, the curb cut for Parcel 3 creates the
likelihood that bank customers will attempt to cross 2 lanes of traffic to turn
left. Many drivers speed up when approaching this light, and accidents
will result from the proximity of the curb cut to the intersection.
Also the introduction of 1,460 trips to Parcel 1 will interject a massive
traffic load just 183 yards from the intersection along 146th. Cars
accelerating from the light may well collide with those slowing down to turn
into the office complex. The lack of a deceleration lane further intensifies
the problem. It may not be easily remedied due to the gas line easements
that run along this side of 146th.
7. Retention Pond - The plan calls for a steep retention pond right next to
housing where many small children reside. The steepness of the slopes
would make it impossible for a small child, with wet clothing, to climb up
the steep bank. This is a public safety hazard that would not only put the
lives of children in danger, but may also leave the city open to lawsuits.
There are many sensible alternatives for this property, including low lot
residences, a branch of the Carmel Public Library or even a neighborhood park
with dog runs and hard courts for basketball or tennis. Anyone of these ideas
would mean less intensity of use, and would reinforce the Carmel
Comprehensive Plan. Good neighborhoods begin with good planning, and good
planning keeps good zoning in place.
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December 17, 2002
RE: DOCKET No. 164-02 Z
Southeast comer of Hazel Dell Parkway & 146th Street
Hamilton County, Carmel, Indiana
Attached is a copy of a petition received on the above Docket. These
petitions number 100 plus and are on file with the Department of
Community Services.
Carmel Planning Department
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December 12, 2002
I have attached 183 petitions from Carmel taxpayers and 33 petitions from Noblesville
taxpayers expressing our concern over commercial development on the corner of 146th
and Hazel Dell Parkway. Please forward these along with the packet of information that
the Plan Commission members will receive regarding the Olympia Partners agend~ item
for the December 17, 2002 meeting.
Jodi Burtner
P.O. Box 33
Noblesville, IN 46061
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L\ ~ -- \.~ I;[) i 46 rn sm E.E.T AND HAZ.. ,E...L DE-LL D:O. ..1l ~
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. '-...i..1 .zrn )?lafge eommercia1heum development 00 the carner- ~ !~mID Htm;1 Deff mOOs. t
--."-'----undet5tandthaibo1h~fJ.heprop.,~~&ll~ofB- soope.oftbe.~
-pmn ibr the City ofNobifsvtlle an.d the City of Cannel. .These fDmlier plang took geveral
)'t'atS to~; ~hiDpm i:mn;::itizeas and dtj7 ~ ~ ~ UiA~YOO~
in tID3er to det-ermine the most eff'ICient growth patterns wr our cities.. lam ~ to
~retail~~ 00 fiIese and an} ~ ~s aio~ i46u; 's1.reet because
} do rot wish to rive in an area which is congested "rjfu ''stop a:nd' go" tra:ffic~ commercial
noises and ~ils~ crime v.illchretall development hr. de:. _Allowing fur ~ml
~'elopment on this corner '\\'~n"'open the door" fur .further development. tnrome inand
Si.."\On J 46tt..~ win be m -different than 8~ Street -or 9t}1Jl Street. T.hfsis~y true
since rormn&dalLretail.dev.elop.t1~.nt at Greyhound p~ and _l46lh Stre.ct ~ wti);;ing;
furt.lter east clang 146th Street and developer's have expresse4 an Intl;f%1: In \}(1~J CoflMl(
along-l46-th Street. . Current retail ,needs can be-mi.1.witbm.5mi~~{'\f.kssm-3 ~Jrt
4irectit)jJS lhnu the cumer in. question.
Asre~s, w.cwishropreservethe naturaibeaUl)' and cl1aracrer of;OOr ne~llbotOOood
ami \\ore are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to ~illre theirJ1.'.1\.;'i.~~' -:instead of taking om best !merest and desires inw
As ~, we reel that the city of Cannel and the {;Ity orNnblesviUe should develop
this Iandm accordance with the current ma~ter nlans as weil as m accordance with
n - .;t. _ ,
Department orNatural Resources gtlideHnes fur the prote\.-i:l00 .of wildlife and tooir
As residents, we are aslcing that developers working within NoblesvHre, IN aoo Carmel,
IN \\111 bcrcquired tOCQutnnutefunds anuually WfID~mk.m'ii'.~mntl fund
controlled b)t the city aL'\i:r~derns (50/50). We are also askiD8 that ail developers be
hdd ~:untahie fur any drying. up of weiia-and :cont.uni~ionof water ~4;;\iletl
dC'\<~lopment changes the water table, ""ater quality, etc. Developers 'WOUld be
re~ibie fill' allandHarv oosts associated with this. ~--sue m; det-~ tw a {"iOmt oi bv
~Y's.,,~., . ~.,
an arbitr-ator.
.J MluusorequesringareIerendum on these isssues and am asking: that yon ronsiderthis
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
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Name / /11 ,Ja. .,,4Ah(r7 t c.lu~ C-~X'(~7l/~'
Address SO, 1 E- f 4 It/' \;" '5 t if" t ( J--
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{()c \J\fS nl Hi "f.t,",-
Phone S'rg L -co ~ <:"1 .
~~ I mn aNubresv:HJernxpayer
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E-mail c....\O~)~\ k'V- ') ~ Ac} '" ~ it......
'-- I am. a C~l tIDi-payet
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"'-.(i&JJ]5)/ j undersumd thnttv.u ~edevelopenhave~"'$(..-r->tedFVPO~'fur
L.~"e oommerciaYretailde:velopment on the corner Qft46'~~ and Razet DeU roads. I
~ l.bat k~ ufik,pn.~~ ~~IDpments fiill ~~fthe .~{lfthe. mMt~
plan for the City ofNobtes\,ille and the City ofCarmd. These. mast-erptiillS took se\i~
years to~~,much.inpulimn'Ci1tizema."id{;it,~~~~and~y ;ta.~yerd..,*kvs
in order to det:ert.nh1e the fl10St rntCR."'ilt growth patteImror our cities. I ~ opposed to-
e~i~ d~pmentoo tbeseartrl :my ott~ {~rnttS ~l~' mmmause
I do not 'wish to live in an are'.-lwhich is congested with "'stop and go" traffic,coll"..merc.ial
noises and smells~ crime 1'\l1ichret1illtlel;"eIaprr.e11t hri..>JgS~en;. AJiowlriglbr oom.>nerdaI
development on this comer w1.U~openthe door" furfurtber development tQcomem and
soon 146~ street will be no different than 8ZOO Strefrtm 9flb Stru~. This is Bspecial1y true
.since.commerciallretaUde.velopmentatGreyhound. PMS sad 1461b Street is rrIDV-IDi
fu.rtfter east along 146-tn Street and devempe-rs have expressed an interest in other corners
~ 146& Stree1-JCurr-e-m n."tIDl necds-ctmbemt.-'twithin5miflute~firk~-in 3~.m.
directions :from the oorner in question.
A~ ~idenhi. .\\'e~wllibID.~egen<e.tlre nat-lli"ai beam)' 'ami iCAarOCre:r '{.g oor De~
and ,,\Ie are asking you to vote against this intrusion of nur neighbOThood by de""e~s
wfshii~ tf~ "fine .tbeJrpodrets"m;steatitiftilking m1T'~be~.inreretEltaml de~ mtt~
As residents., we :fuel that the City of Carmel and the Cffy ofNobIesvU1e should develop
this land in accordance "vith the current m.aster plans as weH as in accordance with
Department {)fNatura!Rerources guidelines for the prolet..'11ooof wlldlifetllld their
11.1 boots.
A3 residents, we are wdcing that develQPers working vVlthin Nob1e:s.'vtlh; IN and Carmel,
IN wmbe required tocontrihutefundsannuaUy toat1~ndent.~ntra{fu.nd
t;tiniIDlleu by Ule city and rt:~nts. (SO/50). We are 300 aSking: that aU de"eID~~ be
.hekiacrountablefuran)'dryillgh'j}of\\'eUsand' wm~mination-Gf water~lie;!;l~when
development changes the water table, water quality, ete. Developers would be
T~pom.ibiefor all auciliaryoo'Sts~,ejared ..y,,1th tbis~~-ue 'aS~by' a ulmt'llr by
I am also -requesting a reterendumon.fhese 1sssues andamaskmgthat you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the ~"1er plan for the respa,"tive
- 0" f\ L \ \ , ~. l'\.. c~ji ,t,. i 1 I ~ ~.. .0 '. \, ~ ~':.,
Name ,. Co;. "^ \ n iQt) -e h V'-(,..v. <;; ~ t-'1 ~,..>.l;:&,J~--\J ~ :;--
1 "f ("I J-t" 5~ t" ~E.. t-
I",.y k,(Jfo{J
Address 50 t 1 6
J\}..) t\\~'5 i' I \ \~,
Pirone 5'6'2, -qo~;c-\.
.~ am ~(!\lotifes\-;;netaxpayet'
E-mail. ...... ~ bb~,f\~b..v.."5 €: qaf ~ c.c"'"'-
~'l am {f.~:armel taxpayer
Hancock, Ramona B
Thursday, December 12, 2002 10:46 PM
jyeltonAnoblesville. in.usRhancock@ci.carmel.in.us
146th and Hazel Dell development
Noblesville Plan Commission
Carmel Plan Commission
December 12, 2002
My husband and I are outraged over the plan for commercial development on the corner of 146t!1and'Hazel Dell Parkway.
We are long time residents, and had faith when we purchased this property seven years ago that the master plan was in
order and we were protected from devaluation of our property by commercial developlment. We wonder what purpose
there is in a master plan if it can be changed at the whim of developers who have only monetary gain as their motivation.
We call on you to stick with the master plan which was originally put in place to protect homeowners like ourselves.
When Hazel Dell was opened up it was an easy means to access Castleton, 1465, 96th street, etc. Already it is so
congested at critical times of the day that the wait for the roundabouts is lengthy. Hazel Dell cannot handle the increase in
traffic. The impact on the roads will be intolerable.
Please vote to preserve our residential community. We implore you to keep out development that would devalue our
property, congest our roads, elevate crime, impact the environment negatively, and all the other problems that come with
commercial development.
Russ and Dorothy Adomatis
5506 Salem Drive N
Carmel, IN 46033
I undeJ'stand that two $ep8fate developers have JRse~saIs lOr
large commercia1lretal1 dewlopment on the corner of 1 and Haat Dell roads. I
understaDd that both of the Proposed developments lAD olltSide of the scope of tile master
plan for the City ofNoblcsW1e and the City of CarmeL These master plans took ~
years to fOrmulate, much input &om citiams 8Ild city pJaDners, and DIlDY tupaYeJ' dollars
in order tD delemdae the most eftident gmwth pattems tOr our cities. I am. opposed to
commerciaIIreta dewlopmrd on these aDd 8Dy OIlIer' COtIIII'S aIoag 146* street ~'!JP-
I do not wish to Jive in an area which is 00b&fSIed willi "stop and go" ~ commerclaI
noises end smells. crime which retail development kings, ctc. Allowing fur \iOInmerc;ial
developlllellt Oft this oomer will "open the door" tbr fiutber deve10pmeDt to come in &lid
soon 146111 street will be DO diffaent tbIIn rJ."" Sueet or 9(/1 Street. This B especially tIUe
sim:e C01Di~ial/retail clevelopmeDt at GleyhDuod Pass and 146* Street is moviDI
1Unber east along 146111 Street 8Dd ctevelopers haw ~ 811 intemIt in other comers
alo:ug 146* Street. Cumnt retail needs am be met within Smfnutes or Jess in 3 diffaent
directions fiom the wnw in ~
As resklemsJ we wish to presene the natural beauty mcI cbancter of 0111' neigbborbood
and we are asking you to vote against this iDImsion of our neigJtborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftakiDg Odl' best .interest 8Dd desires hno
As reside. we teel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordaoce with the current 1DISteI',IaDs as weD _ in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines tbr 1be protedioft of wildlife and their
As res~ we are asking tb8l developers workins within Noblesville, IN agel Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute ftmds -'lAlty to eo indept:iid~ eentraI ftmd
coDlrOHed by the city IIIJd teSidents (SO/SO). We ere also asktoa tItat aD developers be
be1d KCOuntabIe ibr any dryiDa up of\1lleUs and COJlIBIIIinatio ofwatef supplies when
development dmnps the water 1able, W8IeI' quaJityJ etc. Developers would be
responsible for all anciDary costs associated with this issue as cIetermiDed by a court or by
an ubitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am askfDs tb8t you consider this
request as my vote to keep tbis area in accordance with the master piau for the respective
Name ~~
Address S <; 0 (;; <j ..,L,~ J;JA-, 4/"
r~/.Lv '-I (,0 .3 3
Phone.:)/,?... c?l!" 81 "'-l E-mail
_I am a NoblesviUe taxpayer *1 am a Cannel taxpayer
I uncIerstaod that two separate developers have presented JDOPOsaJs for
large commerciaJhetajl development on the c:omer of 14()'D ... ~ Den roads. I
understand that both ortbe proposed developments fall outside of the scope of'the master
plan for the City ofNobJesville and the City ofCarmeJ. These ID8Slel plans took sevaaI
years to fOrmula" much input ftom cltizeas and city plaDner8.rmd many tupayer dollars
in order to detennIDe the most efficient gIOWth pattems mr our cities. I am opposed to
commen:ialhelail development on these and aoy other comem along 146* stteet ~n~
I do not VI.ish to 1M in 8Jl area which is cxmgestaI with "stop and gd'traffic, COtllllJeRiial
noises and smells. crime which maD deveJopmeut briDp, etc. AlJDwing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" iv fiuther developmr.Dt to come in and
soon 146*. street win be no difId'ent than B~ Stteel or 96'* StRet. This is especially true
since commercia1/relail developmeDt at Greyho1Ind Pass and 146* S1Ieet is moving
fUrther east a10ns 146* Street aod dewlopen have expressed an interest in other' oomers
along 146lh Street. Current ret.ai1 needs can be met within SminaIes or less in 3 diftaenl
directions ftom the comer in qugtion.
As residents, we wish to praeml the uatura1 beauty aad ehancter of OlD' neighborbood
and we are asking you to vote apInst lids inIJusion of our neighborhood by developers
wisbiDg to '"fine their pockets" iDstea&J oftakina our best interest and desires into
As re~ we teel that the City of'C8nne1 ami the City ofNoblesville should develop
lhis land in accordance with the c:urreat master plaIIs 8$ weD as in acconfance whh '
Department ofNatural ResolBCS pide1ines tbr the pmtec:tion ofWl1d1i& and their
As J'tSkIents. we are asking that developers workiog within NoblesviUe, IN and Carmel,
IN will be lequired to contribute fimds ID'IU8I1y to an indepfJnclent, central fund
comroUed by tile city 8Dd resideats (SOISO). We are also asking that all developers be
heW acanmtable tor any cIryjDa up ofweDs and cootambJatioD ofwaler suppHes when
de'velopment chauges the water1ab1e, water quality, etc. DeveIopea would be
responsible fOr aD ancillary costs associaIed with ibis issue as determined by a court or by
au arbitrator.
1 am also requestiDs a refer8Ddwn on these Isssues and am asIdag that you coDSfder this
request as my W)te to keep Ibis area in ac:c:ordaDce with the master' plan ibr the respeaive
cities. .
Name.iL~ C~
S~ /J,.. tU,
-z::- tl'J ~c. 0 .s $
.;-- {'o' c,
.Phone 31 7 g Vc, f 'Y ~ I E-mail
._1 am a Noblesville taxpayer -*1 am a Carmel taxpayer
- I
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posaJs for
large commercial/retail developmenl on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments filll outside of the scope oItlle master
plan fOr the City ofNoblesville and the city of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input ftom citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to detennine the most efficient growth patterns fur our cities. I am opposed to
commen:iallretail development on these and any other comers along 146* street because
I do not wish to Jive in an area which is COD3ested with "stop and go" traftic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development br~ etc. Allowing fur commercial
~ on this"comel' will "open the ctoor>> tor further dewJopment to come in and
soon 146'h sIIeet will be no difIbeDl than ar Sm:et or 96* SUeet. This is especially true
since COIIlIII8l'Cia1 developmeut . Oreyhoood Pass aud 146* Sm:et is IDOviDg
f\Jrtber east along 146. Street and developers have expessed an interest in other comers
along 14f1A Street. Current retail needs can be met within SmirqUs or less in 3 dift"ereaI.
directions from the comer in queStion.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
. wishing to "tine their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As res~ we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesvi1le Should deve19p
this land in accordance with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines fur the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within,Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contn'bute Cunds ammally to an indePenctept, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50150). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination ofwater supplies when
development chaDges the water table, water quality, ete. Developers would be
responsible for aD ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you oonsider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name (cl.\JQ'c1o AI ri'Q $
Address '\ "I3Q ry Sct\-tW\ Of W
e Q( \T\ t' '\J "'''03 '3
Phone 3\ f) scao qt"J'1'3 E-mail Qtt.l\Q~9Q\\b.9~o\.Co~
_I am a Nob1esville taxpayer _1 am a Cannel taxpayer
1 undersl8nd that two separate developers have presented ~posaJs tOr
large oommerclaVmaU development on the comer of 146 aDd Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both oftbe proposed developments fall outSide of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city pJanners.and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail developmem on these and any olber corners along 1 <<I' street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crilJle which retail developmem brings, etc. Allowing tor commercial
development on this comer wiD "open the door"' fbr further development to come in and
soon 146" street will be no different than Sra StIeel or 9fIb Street. This is e~ly tn:1e
since commerciaJlretaiJ deve10pmem at Greyhound Pass and 146da Street is moving
further east aJon,g 1466 Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 14()'D Street. Current retail needs can. be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directioDS nom the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we arc asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best imerest and desires into
As residents, we feci that meyry of Carmel and the City ofNoblesvil1e should develop
tbis land in accordance With:t;bc c:uneDl master plans as weB as in accordance with
Dep2L'iInent efNaroral ResolitCes guidelines for the protection ofwi1dlife a..'"\d ti'1eir
As residents, we are asking 1hat developers working within Noblesvilie, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by th~ city and residents (50/S0). We are also asking mat all developers be
held accountable for any drying up ofweUs and contamination of water supplies when
development cl1anges the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible ror all anciHary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court 0.1y
an arbitrator.
. I at"TI gj~ requesting a referendum on these isssues an-J~ asking that you consider tiu"s
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the m"'lster plan fOr the respective
Name Lor \ A nc.Jo1X
Address 'S'3.5Lt? ;~t~ '6>tct ~
00-(1~\ 1 \ LI{cO~~
Phone s-) 1- q .~ ~"-i E-mail
_lam a Noblesville taxpayer --":::....1 am a Carmel taxpayer
1 understand that two separate developers haw presented ~posaJs for
large c:omme.rciaJlretail deveJopmeDt OD tile comer of 146 and Hazel Den roads. I
understand that both oftbe PmPosect cIeveJopmeDtS &II outside of the sc:ope of the master
plan tOr the City ofNoblesville aDd the City of Carmel 1bese master plaDs took several
years to formulate, much iDpuI fi'om eitizeDs 8Dd city pJ8mlers, aDd many taxpayer dolJars
in order to determine the moSl efticieIII growth j)IIIemS fOr OlD' cities. (am opposed to
conunereiaJ/retajJ. de~pmeDt OD these aud any other comers along 14()4t meet because
I do DOl wish to 1M: in an area whieh is c:ongestecl with -stop aad go'" uaffic, commercial
noises and ~1I, crime which retail development brinsss etc.. Allowing fur commereial
developmeat Oil this comer will "opeD. the door" tor fbrther developmedt 10 come in and
soon 146* street win be no cliff'aem than 8~ Street or 96* Street.. This is especially tme
sinee commerclaIheI8i de.veIopmeot at Greyhound Pass and 146. Street is moving
further east a10JJg 1 ~ Suea and developers Dove expaested an iDterat in other comers
along l~ Street. Cmreat retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less ill 3 difIbreDt
directions fioom the eomer in quesdoD.
As resideutSt we wish to preserve me D8tuI8l beauty and cbaracter of our neighborhood
wlsbing to "line their pockets" instead oftakina our best imetest and desires into
As residents, we teel thai the1,:ityofCannel and 1he City ofNoblesviUe should develop
11m land in acconlanc:e Wkh.J;he current umster plans as wen as ill acGordance with
Depadmeut.ofNatural ~ guideliDes fOr the proteCtion ofwild6fe aDd their
As RSidents, we are askiDg that dewIopers woddng within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to comribute funds Aftft'IJAlly to an ~ central fimd
coDtroled by ~ city and residents (SOISO). We me also asking that all developers be
helcl 8CCO'lOJ8ble for any drying up ofwcUs ancI CX)nlRlnination ofwater supplies wheD
development dJaDses the water table, water quaIiIy, etC. Developers would be
le$pODSI"ble for all and1Jary costS associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also req\~g a referendum OD these isssues and"am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fbr the respective
Name <:;fe~ ~~6t/dn-e.
Address 53~q ~t;'pll~ 15;rrA- W7
CA~ ~ I IN '1 t-I/ "1 "5
Phone SI I - c; 1 C; 'I E-mail
_I am a NoblesvfUe taxpayer Vi am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented jroposals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. 1 am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than sr Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commercial/retail development at GreyhOtmd Pass and 146. Street is moving
further east along 146. Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146. Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to':voteagainst this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are $0 asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
1 am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
:~ t0r
Address /44 ji;,
~~ a3-=s
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer
11 am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented lroposals for
large commerciaVretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146lh street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146lh street will be no different than srct Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commercial/retail development at Greyhound Pass and 146lh Street is moving
further east along 146th Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to:voteagainst this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pocketS?' instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are a,Iso asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vo to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
'/%f~ ~!M#Q.# ~~
~Z:L ~tJ??
I am a Noblesville taxpayer
X I am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two sepamte developers have present~ jl'OposaJs for
large commerciaVretail development on the corner of 146 and Ha721 Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments filii outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to :fOrmulate. much input &om citizen,S and city planners, and many ta'Xpayer dollars
in order to detenniDe the most effieieDt growth paaems fur our cities. I am oppose4 to
co~iallretaiI development on these and any od1er comers along J4d' street because
I do DOl wish to live iD an area which is congested with "stop and go" traftic, commerc;ial
noises and smells, crime wbicb retail development ~ etc;. Allowing for commercial
d~ on tbii comer wiD "open the door" fOr further deve~ to oome in and
soon 146dt sueec will be no diffaalt than 82*' StIeet or 9(/A S1n:ct. This is especially true
since c:ommeJCiaIhetaiI deveIopmeDt at GJeyhound 'Pass and 146" Street is moving ,
further east aIoDg 1466 Sueet aDd developers have eAJl"~ an inIerest in other comers
along 14(/1 Street. Curreat ~ needs can be met Within Sminutes or Jess in 3 different
directions &om the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserveoJbe natural beauty 'and cbaracta- of our neighborhood
and we are aIdag you to 'VOte aaalDst this iIIIrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing 'to ClUne their pockets" instead oftalcing our best interest 8Dd desires iJJto
As resldems,. 'We feel that the .City of Carmel and the City -ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current ~ plans as weJl as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resoun:es guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
.As resident~ we are asIdDa that ~pers waiting within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an incIepemdem, cemraI fund
c:oIlbOIIed by the city and residents (SO/SO). We are also asking that aD developers be
~Id accountable for am.y drying up ofweUs 8Dd contamiDatioa ofwater suppHes when
development cbaDses the water table, water quality) ete. DewJopers would be
respoDSl"ble for all ancillary costS assoeiated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these issaues and am asking that you oo.ider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name k~~ 6A-L~
. Address /.Lj ~ 0 S- AI/".:z:*"I-""""" ?/ A Y
~/7G~.,p-./ <Y"67>~~
Phone 31 +- S"'ao- / '7- / D E~mail ;I!.,~At-~ ~ A/A-1~ /JV/'7~S".. Go""J
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~I am a Carmel taxpayer
:;;;J-~-I~~ I' ;QCR"""I"I rl"\U'" """I~"-P'~" j,1'IlJ.. .;31' ~ ~~
.... I
,] understand that two separate developers bPe presented proposals fiw
large commeiciallretail developmeat OD the corner of 1~ and Hazel Dell roads. I
UDderstaDd that both oflbe Proposed developmeaas filiI 0UISide oft)le scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the CiIy of Carmel These master plans took several
'years to foJ1lD)Jatp., much input &om ,kizIeGg aDd ciIy planners, BDd many taxpayer dollars
in order to detenniDc the most efficieat growth pattems tor our cities. ] am opposed to
cornmerciaJlretiul development on these and aDy olla comers akmg 146* sueet because
I do not wish to live in aD area wbida is coaaested with "stop and go'" trafIk, commercial
noises aDd smells, crime wbida retail development briDss. etc. Allowing fur CODUDelCiaI
development OD this comer wm "opeD tile door" tor further development to come in and
soon 1461h street will be no ditfereDt tbaa ~ Strt.et or 96* Street. This is especially true
since ~iaJhetaiI deve10pmeat at GreyhouncJ Pass and 146. Street is moving
further east aIons ) 4.6. Street and developers have ~essed an iDIerest in other comers
along 14C)'h StJ'eet. Cunem rerailneeds am be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions &om the comer in quesiJon.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beautJ aDd character of our neighbod)ood
and 'We are askins you to vote aaainst this iDtnJsioD of our neighbOrhood by developers
wishing to "line lheir pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
co~clem~. .
As ~ we fi:eldJat 1be City of Carmel and 1he City ofNoblesviDe should develop
. this land in KCOIdance with the current master plaas as well. jn acx:ordancc wiIh
Department ofNaturaI Resoun:es guidelines for the protectiori ofwlldJife and their
habitats. .
As residents, we are asking that developers ~ withiDNoblesvi~ IN aDd Cannel,
IN will be required to coDlribute fimds Slftlllual1y to aD ~ ~ fund
c:OntmDecl by the eity and residents (SO/S~). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable fOr any dryiDg up ofwells aDd collta1JdDation ofwalel' supplies when
cJevelopmeut dJauges the water table, watcI' quality, etc. . Developers would be
respoDS1'ble fOr all 8DclUary COSIS associated with this issue as deIennined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also reIp~ a refinadum on these isssues _ am asking that you CODSic:Ier this
request as my vote to.keep this area in accordance with the DJaStel' plan Cor the respedjve
:: . ;&M)
Address JLJaQ5 fJj)J'a.V\ \Ah V
Co('"mf. , , TN 41?D:3 5
Phone 5<6D- 17/0 E.mail
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~I am a Car~1 taxpayer
u~~-v~-v~ ~~;v~ Hn H>>~ ~~'~UL~Un
I undcn.1and that two separate developers have presented ~posalsfor
large commercial/retail development on the tOmcf of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. J
understand that both of tile proposed developments tall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City orCarmel These lJ1iISterplans took several
years to formulate, much input fi'om citizens and city planners, and many taXpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other corners along 146* street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested wkh "stup and go" traftk, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail devclopment brings, etc. Allowing fur commercial
development on this comer wnt ~penlhe door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no diR'ercnt than 8t'" SIlttt or 96. Street. Thi.c; is c:specIaUy true
since commercial/retaj) development at Greyhound Pass and 146. Street is moving
t\u1hcr east along 146. Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutcs or less in :I different
directions from the corner in ~ion.
As residcnts, we wish to preserve the natuml beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to votc against tbis intrusion of our ncighborboocl by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
tbis land in accordance with the current ma..c;(er plans as well as in accocdance with
Department ofNaturaJ Resources guidelines for the protcaion ofwiJdlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers Working withi.n.NoblcsviIJe, IN-and ('.armel,
IN will be required to contn"bute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controUed by the city and residents (SO/SO). We are also asking that an developers be
held accountable for any drying up of we Us and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a 00181 or by
an arbitrator. .
I am also requestiog a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordancc with the master plan for the respective
Name-If\CM-J5 o~ rt\ e'>.?E.-- - t~sl~
Address___. 6s- I~_ baik~ ~ L~
Q.~Il-~J I 'J..f'f 4-6Q.?~
Phonei3...-0 g<t~ -~~C)< E-maiJ_ ~0-'j~cc~.~\I\.C\..O\~ @ 'f()...~'\/jCJ .c.07r
~_I am a Noblesvillc taxpayer -LI am a Carmel taxpayer -
~~~-v~-v~ &&iV~"M "D~ r~IKU~~U"
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posals for
large COIlUllercial/relait development on the comer <.l( 146 and Hazel Den roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input fi'oln citUens and city plunners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to detenninc the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
conunerciallretai1 development on these and any other corners along 146lh street because
1 do not wish to live hI an area which is congested with "~10p and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on tbis comer will ~open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 14611I street will be no different tban 82M Street or 9611I Street. This is especially true
since conuncn;;allretail development aI (ireyhound Pass and 14611 Street is moving
funtler east along '46. Street and developers ba\"e expressed an imerest in other corners
along 146. Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residenttl. we wish 10 preserve the natural beauty and character of ollr neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our lleighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City oreatme! and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the clltl'Cnt master plans as wen as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protectkln of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working withmNoblcsvillc, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to oontribute funds (,"nunny to an independent, central fund
controUed by the city and residentS (SO/SO). We are also asking that an developers be
held accountable for any drying up ofwel1s and contamination of water supplies when
development chances the wat<< table, water quality, elc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated wilh this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum 011 these isssucs and am asking that you consider Ihis
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
cities. ~~'" ~{J(P4
Name~~._._JY\os.~",,_ Ba~
Address <; S" t~.... ~ ~~_ ~ 'C .
__C.~.~J I 1J{ q.b 0 3~
Phone {J 11'\ 1~/-f}j,5..~_E-mail
_..~taxpaycr V lam a Cannel18~payer
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posals for
large commercial/retail development on the corner of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments filll outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaVretail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this corner will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than ~ Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commerciaJ/retail development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146th Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to \'()te against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets'~ instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and containination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
/) - .
N~ '-p, f>.:,~.. .~
Address \L..l:~"'~ l>\,t~~4- ~~.
~~. 4(pco.~
I am a Noblesville taxpayer
X I am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented jroposals for
large commerciaVretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fiill outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaVretail development on these and any other corners along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than sr Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commercia1lreta.il development at GreyhOlmd Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146th Street and developers have expressed an interest in other corners
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to ~voteagainst this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN~ required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SO/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and conul1nination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name Kt.,t,;. f. ~~4 / ~
~ I ,
Address It/f/7g r'7~ ~c.I:-JT,
W~ 7i.J 'f'D})
I am a Noblesville taxpayer
E- .1
~ZJ am a Carmel taxpayer
~/I a61!~
\=-A-K \ i--i-<O - 3~ 9
I understand that two scpumie developers have presented jropusals ttU
large commcrciallretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Den roads. I
under~1and that both of ,he proposed developments fall olltside oCtile scope of the master
pian !"hr thl.:' ('jty of Noblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans lOok. several
ye.ars io limnulute. nRlch input from citizens and city planners. and many laxpayer dollars:
in urdcr to detennioc the most efficient gnw".'th patterns for our cities. I am opposed lO
cnmmercialiretail development onlhcse and any other comers along 146(h street bt!causc
I do not wish ill Jive in an area which is congested with "SlOp and go" traflic. commercial
llois<:$ and smells. crime \:vhich retail devek)pmcllt brings, ~tc" Allowing. lor cOInmercial
de..el(lpm~nt on this comer ",..ill "open the door" for further developllli"nt to come ill and
<,non 1 461h street will be no different than 821'" Street or 96dJ Street. This is especially true
since commerdal/retail development at Greyhound Pass and 146m Street is moving
further east akmg 146lh Street and developers have expressed an interest in other c.omers
a long 14{liJl Street. ('urrent retail needs l..~an be met within 5minutes or le:.s in :1 ditlerent
directions Ii"om the corner in question.
!\:; residents. we wish topre,scrvc the miluml beauty and ch~lracter of our neighborhood
and \ve are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to '"line lhdr rocket~" instead of taking OUT best interest and desires into
,:onsiderat ion.
,\s residents- we feel that the City of Carmel and the City of Noblesville should deveklP
this land in an:ordance with the curr{;~nt 111;.lster plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection ohvildlife and their
i\S residents. we are asking rhat developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel.
! N wi II be required In contribute fhnds annuany to an independent. central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
ht'ld uccount;:lblc lor any drying up ofv..ells and contamination of water supplies when
development (;hanges the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible lbr all ancillary costs assodatt.-d ,."ith this issue as determined by a co\U1 01" by
an arhitrator,
j ,jll) abn reqm.'::aing a referendum onthcse isssues ,uld am asking that you consider this
n:'(lm:~;l as my vole to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fc.lr the respectiw
'\ D, ^t/.....--U-.
Name ."-.,J..~O \f\ . JO.l..-..~.L\.....__m__.......
Addn:'~s ~\\i",L,_~U.{{ ~.._.....tl.rl.c CD
C:arN\LL). ....~...--..~~O-~
I'hOtll' .L3 '3::\:B\.S-\\o::t.k..... E-mui}. \1\b~ c..k:.i.ll. (t PcOa<"''\... .
! am a NohlesviJle taxpayer ~l am a Carmel taxpay~r
";}- I)
/ A
'--, .
../.-'" i ~r"
: ,; ,; .
i I .....,:...,. .
if ./
to' #~
Ctl r..-"
ana oar .~Q~:Q ~ntQnt~1
IIQl~lAII~ ~Tln'n~ ~^TI~vn~ :Aa lue~
"'!It, l!!IoRe I
!p~', -=to'i-G,.~ 602R
i ulIderstand that two separate developers have presented rroposaJs for
large commcrciallrelail development on the corner of 1461 1 and Hazel Dell roads. 1
unoershmd that both of the proposed developments faU outside oftbe scope of the master
plan tilT the City of NoblesviIJe and the City orearmet. These master plnns look st'vernl
yt'nrs to tbrmuJa1.e, much input 'r{\m citi7.ens and city planners. and many taxpayer dollars
:11 order to detennine the most eflicient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed It)
(:ommercial/relaiJ development onlhese and any other comers along 146111 street beeause
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traflie, commercial
noises and sn1t.~lls. crime which retail development brings, elC. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer ,viiI "open ihc door" for further development to come in and
soon 146'h street will be no diflerent than S21k' Street or 96lh Street. This is especially true
$incc commerciaVretaiJ development at Greyhound Pnss and 146. Street is moving
rhrther e.1st along I 46th Street and developers have expressed an interest in Niter comers
;'\Iong 1 461h Sm.'Cl. Current retail needs can he met within 5minutes or less in .3 ditlert'nt
directions .from the corriet in question.
As residents, we wish toploe-scrve the natural beauty and character of OUT neighborhood
and we are asking you 10 vote againsl this intrusion of our neighborhood by devcJopC'r~
\vishing to --line their po<.:kets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As.r~sidents. we feel that rhe City orCarmel and the City of No b'esv iIIe should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well 3S in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines tlU the protection of wild lite and thl'ir
As residents. we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Cannel.
IN will be required 10 contribute flmds annually to al~,illdependent. central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SO/50). We are arso asking that all developers be
he:-Id Hccountab'e Jor any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, W.lter quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible lor all ancillary costs ass()ci~tted with this issue as determined by a (.~()L1I1 or by
an ;lrbitnHor. - . .
I am nlso requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider Ihis
request as my vote (0 keep this area in occordance with the roaster plan thr the respeclivt~
N<1l1le~LC~ a~it
Atldn:ss __ S\ \.l D fu*f\.~? ~CJl:,.o_....
C~v:~.l..._j-... . .J:~_lfJ~Q3'~
Phone.. La..m '&.S-U.o3-k.... .J~-maJl._Il'\tn..- ..-Le,,," ~ \tfIf"j:l~e6 . Cb~
r am a Nohlesville taxpayer V1 an~-
nnn ftft" _t~.n ~^'ftn/~.
, '"'"In'.''' ~Tln.,nL' ~AT'''unU...J -in "'IIAIt'
11l1. ., ;)U <- "'T
I uodersraDd that twO sepIIIate developers have preseDtedproposals for
large e>>mllH!JrCiaJheIail dewlopmeDt on dle comer of 1~ and Hazel DeD roads. 1
undenand t:bat both of tile plOposecl ~pmeDts &II oUlSide of the scope oftbe master
plan _the City ofNob1esviJle and the City ofCmmeL 'Ibese DIlI8Ier' plans took several
years to fbnmll~. much input from ciU:lJeIIS ami city phmners, aad many 18Xp8yer dollars
in onb to detenniDe the most efliciem gmWlh pattems for our ckies. I am opposed 10
colDlllereiaJhela deveJopmeDl on these aDd any other r.omers aIoDg 1~ street becaule
I do DOt wish to Jive in an.al which is ccmaesrect with "stop and go" 1raftic, COIIIIIl.eKial
noises 8Dd smeUs. criIDe which retail developmeDt ~ etc. AlIowiDg fOr amunercJal
deveJo~ on Ibis comer will "opeD the ~ 10, fiIrtber developmeat to come in 8Dd
soon l~ meet will be no cJiff'Mml d:um art Street or 96. Street. ThIs is especially mJe
since commerciaJlrerai1 development at GreyhouDd Pass aud 146. Street Is movmg
ftu1her east aIougl461b SIreet aod ~pers have ~essed aD iDterest ill other comers
along J ~ Street. Oment retail needs can be met within Smimltes or Jess in 3 different
clirecdoDS from tbe comer in question.
As resideDrs, we wish to preserve the DIhUaI beauty and cbaracter of our ueishborbood
aacI we lIIe asking you to wte awaind this iatrusioD of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line tbeir pQ.CteIs" instead oftakiag our best interest ad deshes into
~ ',' .
As residents. we feel that .~'CiIy of Carmel.... the City ofNoblesville should develop
Ibis land in acco~ with the cummt master pJam as well as in ac:cordance with
DepQneIlt ofNamral Resources gulde1iDes fbr the protection ofwildlife aDd their
As residents. . are asking thai de\IeJopers wmtiDs wkhiD NoblesviJ1e, IN and Carmel,
IN will be RqWred to collllibule fimds a-amJllty to an ~ cemral fimd
cODt1OBed by tile chy 8Dd ~esidems (SOISO). We _ also askiag that aU developers be
held accoUlllable for any cIryiDg up ofweUs and contamination ofwater supplies when
development cbauges the water table. water quality. CIe. Developers would be
responsible for all ancilJary coStS associated with this ,issue as determined by a court or by
m~~~ .
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you cxmsider this
=asmy_lOkeep~with1be _PIaD fi>r1be_ive
::.. ~~ -~~
;;Uth~7 :1f/ L/~rJ.35
- 9-1b -()357 ~-J.M:e4/i"J1 p~~<'7l CCb?-,
_I am a NoblesviJIe taxpayer ~I a CarmeI18Xp8yCr ..
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posals tOr
tarae commerciaJ/ret.ail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
. understand that both of the proposed developments &II outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel These master plans took several
years to fOrmulate, IDU(;h iDput fiom citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dolJars
in order to determine the most efBclent growth patterns ibr our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146lb street because
I do not wish to live in an. area wbidl is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
developmeot on this amIf:I' wiJl "open the door" for further clevelopmeat to come in aDd
soon 146'h stIeet will be DO ~ 1ban rrt SUeet or 96. StIeet. This is ~ially true
sioce ~ cIeveJopmeot at Gre,hoUDd Pass and 146* Street is moviDg
t\111ber east aloDl 146* Street and developers haw expressed an interest in other comers
along 146- Stteet. Cummt IeI8il ueeds can. be mBt within Sminutes or less in 3 ctiffereJIt
directions fiom the oomer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and charact.et of our neighborhood
and we are asIciDg you to wte agaiDst this intrusion or our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftaldng our best interest and desires into
consideration. ..'
As reslMms, we feel that the City of Cannel and the CitY' ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as Well as in ac;c;ordance with
Depamnent of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developen working within Nob1esvi1le, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to c:ontribule funds annually to an independent, c;entral fund
controlled by the city and residents (50150). We &Ie also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of weDs and contamination of water supplies when
development dJanges the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible fur all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a retaeDdum on these Jsssues _ am asking that you coosicler tbm.
request as my vote to keep this aml ill accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name tbC\.rba..rtt. 6ra.sw.e,11
AddressJ ~3 NOYWCd k. Dr
~~e i IN 'lf~33
Phone ~11~.51o-'ioq5" R-mail ~brtl5wtU @ J'ntJ..v. r(,c.olVt
_I am a Nob1esvil1e taxpayer ~I am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented "proposals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 14(i'D and Hazel Dell roads. I
uucIerstaod that both oftbe proposed dewJopmems fil1l outSide of the scope oftbe master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These master plans took sevezal
years to fOrmulate, much iDput 10m citizeDs and city planners, and many taxpayer doUars
in order to deteimine the most e8icient growth patternS fOr our cities. I am opposed to
coJDl1lelclallret developmeut on these and IIIIJ other oomers aIoDlI~ stftet because
I do DOt wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and Son traffic, cOlJUDefcial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing Cor commercial
deveIo~ on tbB ooma: wBl "open the door" ilr 1brdicr development to come in and
soon 146* ... wiD be no ditLeat tban a- Street or 966 SUeet. This is especially true
since commerciallretail development at Greyhound Pass and 146* Streel is moving
fiJnber east alooa 146* Street &lid developers have expressed an ioteIat in OIlIer comers
along 146"- Street. Cunaat IdaiI nc:eds can be met within SminlJtes or less in 3 cJijferc:.1Il
directions ftom.the comer in question. ';
As residents, we wish 10 preserve the natural beauty and ~ of our neighborhood
and we are asking,ou 10 ~ apinst this iDuusion of our ne~borhood by develOpers
wishing to "1iDe tbeir pockets" iDsalad oftakiag OlD' best Inr.eIest and desires into
c:oDsideration. f:. . .
this land in accordance with the cumat master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection ofwlldUfe and their
As residents, we ale &9kDJ& tbat cbelopers 'W01tdDa within NoblesviJJe, IN aod Carmel,
IN will be required to coDlribute funds annwdty to an independem, central fimd
coDtroDed by the city aod ~IJ (SOISO). We ale also askiDg that all developers be
held aa:ouatahle ilr any dryiDg up of wells and C(tId<<J..inlllion ofwater supplies when
development d8aaes the watel'UlbIe, WIlIer quality, er.c. ~pers would be
responsible for all anciUary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrat.or.
I amaiso req)~ a ref...~ OD these isssues and am asking that you eoosider thm
request as my vote to keep this area in ~ willi the master plan for the respective
tlr" /It &.tfvqf
/'1'11.1 NDI'" JUttIk I')r--
~AJ~/ 7'/\/ ftlf)J 3
Phone JI7...nj-101r E-mail ~MW~P.~~r.CI~
_lam a Noblesville taJcpayer -tL-1 am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented .rroposals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than sr Street or 96th Street This is especially true
since commercial/retail development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146111 Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you t07vote'against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of NatUral Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are atso asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and containination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as detennined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name ~'o&l: rs'-Y-+rJv
Address SSy~ 6.. /Sbf-1-.
l\.ubla-0 v( 1~::Ef-J YWl.c (:)
Phone'2 y~ - 5 LtC> ) E-mail ::S-cx:O~ b U\.. rl e C:l.Q1. Qol--
-fC2- I am a Noblesville taxpayer I am a Carmel taxpayer
Noblesville Plan Commission
Carmel Plan Commission
<\,.\'l-..,..' I "~~
,,- _ -'-"'- "-
/< \ /,,10- .......--' ',,-
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1:""",'/ ','/
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Li 11'~ fCFW[D ":-~,\
L_I -tf) 12 - :-\
1- ..j r;"fi 1____1
I,;:~, D" /(Ii/; ,I
\'::\ OC0 - /- /
\/,,_ U '/
\ /'
December 10,2002
We are aware that two different developers have come forward with plans for
commercial development on the comer of 146th and Hazel Dell Road. We would like to
express our obiection to any commercial development on this comer. Residents made
home purchases based on the comprehensive plans for this area because they wanted to
live in a residential area. Although the master plan is a fluid document, we feel that the
cities involved have a commitment to keep the area consistent with the zoning that was in
place when we made our home purchases.
We would like to see 146th and Hazel Dell Roads remain in their non-congested state in
order to facilit3;te the movement of traffic. Commercial development with its' "stop and
go" nature will inhibit the movement of traffic across the county. We look forward to the
improvements of Hazel Dell Road north of 146th street and we know that it is impossible
for anyone to predict the traffic levels on these roads until after 146th Street opens up
from 169 to 165 anP Hazel Dell Road opens up from 96th Street to Jackson Street in
Cicero as they have been proposed to do.
Some of the property owners have lived here for over 20 years and we raise livestock.
We have concerns over contamination of our creeks aI1d livestock water supply. We also
have concerns over development that will change the Water table for our area and cause
our wells to dry up. We are aware that this is a valid concern since some of our
neighbors a couple of miles north ofus have faced this problem with the sub divisions
that went in near SR32.
We have not seen anything in the proposals that will meet any needs that are not currently
being met by commercial/retail within minutes of our homes. The master plan for the
City ofNoblesville calls for a neighborhood center at the comer ofSR32 and Little
Chicago Road. We encourage the full development of that neighborhood center. Good
development,plans call for neighborhood centers no closer than 3 miles from each other.
We also have a neighborhood center 1 mile south of this intersection that is not fully
"built out". This center has a medical complex that would meet the needs of residents
and there is no need for another center within such close proximity.
It is obvious that these two developers have not come forward with a proposal that meets
the master plan for Carmel or Noblesville and we are asking that you vote against any
plan that is against what the taxpayers and city officials determined a few short years ago
would be the best way for our cities to develop. The master plans for both cities are in
the early stages of implementation and there is no need to disturb the "build out" plan for
our cities.
'b___ ~9 d- y,.t, 0Yd-"
David and Jodi Burtner
5542 E. 156th Street
Noblesville, IN 46060
Hancock. Ramona B
David Byard [dbyard@zellercorp.net]
Tuesday, December 10, 2002 9:23 AM
RBNoonie2@aol.com; rick@schue.com
Cherry.Tree Estates
Dear Ms. Hancock,
I am writing to express my opposition to the Pulte plan currently under review for developement. I am
a resident of Delaware Trace and employed in the Real Estate business, albeit on the commercial
side, and have been for 23 years. I have developed property in other states and have been through
this review process on my own behalf numerous times.
Prior to the efforts being undertaken by the Delaware neighborhood I had become aware of this
developement potential and was strongly opposed to the variances being requested by the
developer. Carmel touts itself as a Tree City and continually allows developers to mow down entire
forsted sections of our City without the slightest attempt to creatively address our mature tree areas.
We have witnessed continual shrinking of lot and developement standards allowing for dense and
extensive developement that has swamped the school facilities in our City. We have witnessed
numerous neighborhoods with similar developement standards as those being sought spring up
overnight in Carmeland we are rapidly consuming the available vacant land inventory. As we allow
developement of our final parcels of clear ground and the demand for housing remains strong we
have a perfect opportunity to insist on greater and more stringent requirements, not lesser standards.
I strongly urge you to consider the conservancy of one of the few remaining mature wooded parcels
on HazelDell and the rejection of dense housing requests, not just here but wherever in Carmel they
are requested. Our roads, schools, services and other infrastructure should not have to bear the
burden of overly agressive land use, particularly when market conditions and the demand to reside in
our City allow for greater standards.
Thank you for your consideration
David R. Byard
5256 Cherokee Court
I understand that two separate developers haw presented ~.. for
large commerciaJhe1ail ~pment on the comer ofl and Hazel Dell roads. I
UDderstand that both ortbe PmPosed developments fiIll outside of the scope of the master
plan tor the City ofNoblesville and the City ofOmDel. These master plans took several
years to funrmIate. much iopot ftom c~ aDd city p1mners, and many 1axpayer dollars
in order to detHmine the most etlicieut growth patterns fOr our cities. I am opposed to
00IDIIIeICiaJIr deveJopmelll on these and any other COl'llelS aIoD& 146. street because
I do not wish to Jiw in an area which is coDJJeSted with "stop 8Dd I!P" traffic, commercial
DOises aDd smells. aime which retail development ~ de. Allowing fbr colDll1elclal
development on this COrnel' will "open the door" fur furtbeI' development to come in and
soon 1461h street will be 110 diftbelil than ~ Street or 9tfA Street. This is especially true
sioce c:onuneKia1hetail deveJopmeDl at OreyhoUDd Pass and 146* Street is moving
further east along 146. Street and developers haw expressed an .interest in other COJoe.s
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directiom ftom the comer in quesdou.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and cbaracter of OlD' neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote Vn..- this iotrusion of our Deigbborhood by developers
wishing to "line their ~ instead of1akiog our best interest and desires into
consideratio~ . . " ..'
As residents, we teel that the City ofCaDneJ and the City ofNoblesviDe should develop
this land in accoldance with the curre.m mastEr plans as weD as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines fOr the. protection ofwiJdlife and their
As residems, - are asIdDg that developers WOIting within NobJesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required 10 amtribute funds RnIDIUly to an independP-nt., central fimd
controlled by the city and leSideDtS (SOISO). We are also asking that all dewlopers be
held accoun1abIe tOr any drying up ofwelJs and coadaa'lhMtion ofwater' supplies when
development c~ the water table, water quality, ~ Dewlopers would be
responsible for a1181')CilJary costs associated with this 8sue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you CODSider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name~l;) ~I/#
Address 5?7/ ~AtN Wit"
bftz-tYtuz, 1:rN ~tI~ 3
Phone ~1?5""J;'!r $/I E-mail ~e;:D4)rR~.0t1.
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer 11 am a Carmel taxpayer
I UIldt.istaDd that two separate developers haw ~ ~ fOr
large commerciaJIreta deveJopmeot on the ~ of 146 aDd Hazel Dell roads. I
~~ that both oftbe proposed developments fil1I outside of the scope oftbe master
plan fur 'the City ofNob1esvil1e aDd the City of CarmeL These IIIISter plans took several
years to mm'lOhtP~ umch input &om ..itic.eJIs and city ,laDDers, and IDIII)' taxpayer dollars
in otder to deIenniDe the most efticieDt growth ~ fOr our cities. I am opposed 10
commeroiallretail dewIopmeDt on 1bese 8Dd any other comers along 146* stxeet because
I do not wish to five in an area which is congestecJ with "stop aDd go" ttaffic, \XImmeK;iaI
noises and sme~ crime which retail deve1o~ brings, etc. AIJowiDg fOr commercial
develoJml.ent on this c::omer wiD "opeD the door" fOr fiuther development 10 come in and
soon 146fh street will be DO different than r;r SUeet or 9fIIJ SIIeet. This is especially true
since COJDIIleICiaIIr clevelopmeo1 at Greyhound Pass and 146* SUeet is moving
futtber east along 146'- Street aod developers have ~ an interest in other comers
along 14()fh Street. Current rr.tail needs can be met within SmimJt8 or less in 3 cIi1fereDt
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish 10 preserve the DalUnIl beauty aDd chamcter of oW' meighborbood
and we are askiDa you to vote -.ind this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their ~:instead of taking Old' best interest and desires into
consideration., " , '
As residents, we teel that me City of Carmel aDd die City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in aooordance with the c:urreut master plans as weB as in accordance with
DepadmeDl of Natural Resouroes guidelines ilr the protection ofwilcllife 8Dd their
As resideIIIs, we are asking that dewlopm; working within Nob1esviD~ IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute fimds smftIli'1ly to an independent, ceutral fimd
CODbODed by the city and residents (SO/SO). We are also asking that aD dewlopers be
beJd accountable fOr any dryiDg up ofweUs BDd COntAlnlNltion ofwater supplies when
development chaDges the water table, water quality, etc. Dewlopers would be
responsible mr aJl anciDary costs associated with this titsue as ~~ by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requ-'ing a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name m\d1~16 A. C~lhau.o
-.. C:r~d *~ f12 ~
Phonel ~~t~t f.i.. ~mai: ama Carmel taxpayer
** TOTAL PAGE.01 **
I undeIDnd that two separate deve!open bave pmsented proposals for 1
larse commercialhctail dIMIopmeDt Oft the comer of 14f1a ,aDd Hazel Dell roads.
understand that both oftbe jnposecl dewJopments till outside oftbe IICOpe oftbe master
plan fOr the CIty ofNob1esvUle and the City ofC8rmeL Tbese aster plans toOk several
years to formulate, much i1'tpIII hili clttam .... city pJamJers. aud many tupaycr dollars
in order to ddelJl'lne the .... eftlcleat IJIOwth patternS ibr our ddes. J am opposed to
CODn~lefCiaI/retau' developme8l on these and aay 01ber comers along 146" street because
J do DOt wish to live in an atea which is congested widI "stop and pp" traftili, wmmercial
noises aad sme.... crime wbich retail deve10pmeDl brings, etc. Allowillg tbr eommercial
dew:1o~ on this comer will "open the door" fix tbrtber cIaeIopment to come in aad
soon 146* street will be DO clift'atnt dum 82'" Street or 9fI* Street. This is especially &rue
since commerciaJlR:taiJ davelopmeat at Oreybound Pass aDd 146"" Street is moving
further east aIoD8 146* Street and developers haw apJessed .. interest in ou. comers
along 146'" Street. Cment n:taiI needs can be met within Sminutes or Jess in 3 difrerent
directions &om the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neisbborhood
and we are asking you to vote apinst this intrUSion of our neighborhood by developers
~ to "line their .." instead oftakiDa 0... best interest and desires into
consideratJon. ". '. "", ',,-
As residentS, we teel that tJH:, City ~C8mJeI8Dd the CitJ otNoblem1le should develop
this land in accordance with the CWlent master plus as weD as in accordance with
Depanment of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection ofwiJdlife and their
As residents, we are as1dns that developers \\'Oddng within Noblesville,lN aDd Cannel,
IN will be req"iltd to eomribute ftmds annually to aD independeat, central fimd
controlled by the city and JeSideDIs (SQlSO). We &Ie also 85kiDa dIat all developers be
held accoUDtabIe 1br any dryina up ofwe1Js and CC,mtRmiNticm ofwarer SUpplies when
development dJanges !'-' water tabJe, WIler quality, eJc. Dewlopcrs would be
responsible tbr aU lUlCiDary costs associated with this hue 88 determined by a court or by
lID arbibatvt.
I am also requesting a refbrendum1)D these isssues and am &SkiDs tbat you consider this
r:c!uest as my vote to keep this area jn accordance with the master plan toT the respeetive
Name~tJ~,~ k. C~k;.RA~4~TI
Address 14~ ry R C JoI ELSE'A r-T..
rA-RMI:L. :J:::d 46o~~
POODe1am? Ob~1Ie~! ~~ SC.I'IAIc.RA~M\.ll ~ rNhy, ..,-r" CoW\,..
---- ~yer ~&amaCarmellaXpayer /
I under.,.. tbat two 8epInIIe developers have PJt*Ued ~ fbr
large COIbU.ka:"iaJhetail d~pmenI on the comer of lJlBl' aDd Ifa2d DeD roads. ,
understaod that both oCtile pmposed cle\telopmems lidl out8fde of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesvllJe and tile City of CarmeL These master plans took sewraJ
rears to fonnulate: much input 80m citiams and city planners, aDd many taxpayer dollars
10 order to determine the IDOst eftideat smWlb pauema fbr our cldes. I am opposed to
c::cmIu.eteiaJlretail clevelopaml OD these and any GIber comers.. J 4tI" Sln:et because
J do not wbb to live in ID area which is coqgesred with ''stop and go" trafIic, commercial
noises and smells, crime whieh IeIaiI dcwJopment briDgs. de. AJIowiDg for commercial
development on ibis COmet will "open the door" tbr tbrther cDelopment to tome in aDd
soon 146* street wD1 be DO ~ than I2I111'S1Ieet or 96th Street. This is especially true
sioce commercial/retail development at Greyhound P.. and 14f1h Street is moving
ftanher east along 1 ~ Street and developers "we expressed aD interest In other comers
aIGD8 146" Street. Cune.at n:laiJ needs can be met wiIbin SmiDutes or Jess in 3 different
directio.. &om the comer in questioa.
As fC8ideDts, we wish to pn:sene the natuI8I beeuty IlId ..J.racter of our neighbomoodaand we are asking you to vote apinsI this iBInJskm of our neJahborbood by de~
wishiD8 to "line their ~:instead of taking our best iDteresI and desires into
consideration. ....., ;.
As resldenls, We hi tbatthe City of Canuel and tile City ofNoblesYiUe should develop
this land in accordance with the cunem master plaDlas weD as in aa:ontance wfth
Depanment ofNaturel Resources guidelines tor the protec.1ion ofwl1dlife and tbeir
As residents, we.. 88kiDa that developers worldna wiIhin NobJesWle, IN and Carmel.
IN wiD be required to CODtribuIe fimds ammally to 8ft indepeDdeDI, cen1I8l timd
contmlled by the city and raicIeaIs (SO/SO). We are also asIdDg tbat ell developers be
beld 8CG01IIIt8ble for any dryiDa up ofweUs and CQfthInd..ion ofwater' supplies when
dnelopment ~ the war.ertable. W8ta' quality,~, Developers 1VOUld be
fe&poDSlble for all ancillary costs ~~ with this Jsjbe as cIeterminecl by a court or by
a.~. .
I am also requesting a refereqdw_ on theIe isS8U8111d am askiag that you COMider th!&
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the masaer plan b the respectIve
cities. ~
a. , A A... 61L_J .
N~ ~
Address Jf.S7f" ~Jl.ELSIE4 C T
-.eiFK.MIE''-.I IN 4'60 3 "if
Phone 58'"0 -76 17 E-mail
_I am a Nobtcsville taxpayer JtC..I am a Carmel taxpayer
Nov-28-02 02:~5A Robin Chambers
I understand that two separate developers have presentedprnposais fur
large commerciaJlr:etail development on 1he (;()rner of 146" and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand tbat both of the proposed. de...-elopments tall outside of the scope of1he master
plan fur the City ofNoblesvnle and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formu~ much input ftom citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail de~pment on these and any other corners along 146lh street because
1 do not wish to live in an area which is congested with 'i;top and gon tra.ffi\;. commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development bringS: etc. Allowing for com:merc::ial
development on thm comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon J 46th street will be no d.iffim:nt than sr Street or 96ch Street. This is especially true
since commerciaJlretail developmem at Greyhound Pass and 146lh Street is moving
further east along 146dl Street and developers have exp1essed an interest in other corners
along l46ch Street. Current retaill,leeds can be met within Sminut.eS or less in 3 different
directions from the corner in questlon.
As residents,. we ""ish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
v\!ishing to "'ine their pockets" miitead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Cannel and the City of'Noblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordam:e with
Department ofNntural Reso~ guidelines ror the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers wOrking witbinNqblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required 10 oontnDute funds annually to an h1depenael}t.. central fund
con1rolled by the city and residents (SO/SO). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of v..-atcr supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible tor all iUlCillary costs associated with this issue as detennined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a ieferendwn on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance witb the master plan fOT the respective
Name -.?d.. d' C4~mJ
AddTes5_-!1:.fj:2 tk, IJ.A'€ 1Ir~
~ .A- L/l173:3
.. ~
Phol1e3L~6l/~_~E-mail LeUlh-fNkl....._ tBA?r14)t..(
_______1. a.m a Nobt~"'Vme taxpayer _..t.J am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented jroposals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fu.ll outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input :from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this corner will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than 8~ Street or 9(/1 Street. This is especially troe
since commerciaVretail development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146th Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Cmrent retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to "'ote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets"~ instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are ~ asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up ofwel1s and'containination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name ~~. r!p~~~~
Address ~ S-t6~ . B7!J-~ ~ .
Phone :f l,).. c; 5-0 Jf E-mail
I am a Noblesville taxpayer 0. am a Carmel taxpayer
I (i c,l:?- GTO ;2-
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I understand that two separate developers have presented lroposals for
large commerciaVretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers. along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" fur :further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than sr Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
~ince commercial/retail development at Greyhound Pass and 146111 Street is moving
further east along 146111 Street and developers have expressed an interest in other corners
along 146111 Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to 'vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets'" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are ~ asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and containination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in acco with master plan for the respective
Vi am a Carmel taxpayer
~~/U~/U' ~au uo.~, rAA ~~,~,~.v.v
y...... v.., .... vu
I undeistand that two $l;parate developers hrve )RSCDteclpmposals for
laIge oommerciallmail developmeDl on the comer of 1~ and Baal Den roads. I
~stand that both of the Proposed developments filii outsideoftbe scope oftbe master
plan fbr 1he City ofNoblesville aud the City of CarmeL These master plaDs took scmnl
years to tbrmuJate. mudl iDput &om citizens and city plaDDers, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to dctemIine the most efIicie1lt growth pattems tor OlD' ciIies. I am opposed to
CODIIDa'CiaJhet deveIoplDCllt on tbese aDd 8DY otber comers aIOJJg 146* S1I'eet m:ause
I do DOt wish to live ill an area which is cougesaed with "stop and sd'traffic, commercial
lJOises and smells, crime which Iet8il deveJopmeat brings. etc. Allowing tor eommercial
deveIo,... on this comer will "open the door" 10r &rther dewlopmeot to come in and
soon 146. street will be 110 difTereDt than r.r Street or 9ffA S1reet. This is especially true
since coJDlllel'Cia1hel developmem at Oreybound Pass BOd l4fIA SUeet is moving
further east akmg 1~ Street_ developers have ~~ an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. QmeDt retail needs can be met within Smio~ or less in 3 different
dftctioDs nom the comer in quai1ou.
As ld)idems, we wish to praerve the DBtur8l beauty aad character of our aeighborbood
and we are as1dag you to 'VOte .bud this intrusion of OlD' neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line tbcir pockets" iostead oftakiag our best merest and desires into
As reside~ we feel that the City ofCmnel and the city ofNoblesvi1le should devek?p
this land in accordance with the CUDaIt master pJans as well as in ac:cordance with
Depcataueill ofN8IUr8l Resources guidelines for the protec:lion of wildlife and their
As residen1s, we are askiDg that developers woddng within.Noblesvil~ IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute 1imcIs annnally to an iDdep8Ddem, c:entra1 t\md
CODtIOUecl by the city and n:sidems (SO/SO). We aJe also asldng that all developers be
held accountab1e tbr any drying up of wells aDd contAminllfinn of water suppHes when
developmeDl cbanJes the water table, water quality, etc;. DewIopers would be
responsible lOr all anciUary costs associated with this issue as determined. by a court or by
an arbiuatot.
I am also reqlleStiDg a referendum OD these isssnes and BID asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in ac:c:mdaooe with the master plan tor the respeaive
Name 6-;?-ILe:.r;...) ~ Ccx
Address /'7525 WAVEJeO/'~.
~hlEL I ~ '/h033
Phone 5/,9-? 3(,'2- E-mail KrW/h~'*YI?1:j 71) (UJ/. ~
_I am a Noblesville taxpaYer ~ am a Carmel taxpayer
I understaDd tbBt two separate dCftlopers baw pratoted ~ tor
1arse commereialhe1aU ~lopment on the comer of 146 and H82d DeB roads. I
UIldenaDd that both of tile proposed developmelD fiill outside oftbe scope of the master
pJaa tbr the City ofNoblesvillc aDd the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to tbrmuIa1e, much input 110m citizeos and city pllnrn8s, and many taxpayer dollars
in orcler to 4etermine the most et1lcieDl growth pattems fur our cities. I am opposed to
commerciallretail clevelopmeDt on these and any other comers aID. 14tJ* street because
I do not wmh to Ii'lle. in an area which is congested wkh "stop and goft tratDc, colDlllelclal
noises and smeDs, crime whic;h retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
cbeJof)meot on this comer will "open the door" jOr furtbr:r developmeut to come in and
soon 146* street will be PO dHfeIent than a- Street or 96* StIeet. '11m b especially true
siDee commerciallretail devdopmeut at Greyhound Pass aod 146* StRet- is IJIOving
fUrther east along 146* su= and developers have expessed an interest iD other comers
along 1466 Street. Current reI8iI needs can be met within Smioutes or Jess in 3 different
cIindioDs tiom the comer in quesdon.
As residents, we wish to preserve the D8l1mI1 beam.)' and character of our Ddgbborbood
and we are askiDa you to "VOte... this intrusion of our neighbodlood by developers
wishiDg to "line their pockets" instead oftakiDg our best iDtcm:st and desires into
As resideDts, *8 feel... the City of Carmel ancI1he City ofNobIesviIle should develop
this land ill ~ with the current master pJaus as weD as in ac:ccmIance with '
Department ofN8lUI'8l Resoun:es guidelines fbr the protection ofwildute and their
As residents, we are asIdDg that developers workins within NobIesviJle, IN and Cannel.
IN will be required to coatn"bute fimds 8"1b1A11y to an indepeOdeDl. cenuallbnd
coJlbOlled by the dty and residents (SO/SO). We lie also u1dDg that aD developers be
held accountable fOr aDy dryiDs up ofwells aad t".()ftbIIniRAtion ofwater supplies when
development chanps the water table. water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible fo.. aD anciDary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
au. 8&biwdor.
I am also recp~ a d.L..NIdt OIl these ~ and am asIdug that}Ou comi.der this
request as my vote 10 keep this aml in ~ with the master plan mrthe respective
Name R 0 ~ E tL .. tv'\. Co X
Address 14525 WAV€rtLy PL.
CA R..~ e L. "J 4 h03'3
Pbone5lo'l'" ~"z. E-m,iJ \V\re~K6ob ~(U)' .a>~
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer -L-I am a Cannel taxpayer
1.Jl::\"-.L~-C:O:X: ~1.;xI rl':Ul'I;LU::lt'U.N llo H:XllA... .)1' ~ ~
I undenIand 1bat twO sepalate dewdopers hPe JJI1'Sft*d j)IOposaIs fOr
bqeco~ clevelopmeat on lhemmer of 146"" av.d Hazel Dell roads. 1
uadetsbmd that both of the pIOJJOS8d clevelopmeols f8Jl outside oftbe scope ofttle mastef
plan fOr the City of Nobles viDe &ad the City of CarmeL These __ plans took several
years to fi:trmu1ate, IIDlCh iDput &om citizas aad city pJannas. and amy taxpayer doUars
in order 10 ~miDe tile most etficie:at gro.ah patft'JIS tor our cItia. I am opposed to
eommerciaIIreta dewJopmeut OIl these and any other COIDI.'n akmg 146dJ. san:et beamse
I do DOt wish to five in aD area wlE.h is ~ VIida "'stop and,p" traffic; commercial
noises and smells, aime which retail ~ brings. ere. Allowiag for commercial
developmeDI on this comer will "open the door" fbr ti1rtIIer deveIopmeDt to come iD and
soon l~ street will be no dilJereDl tbm 82*' StIa:t or 96* Stteet. This is especially we
since ~ deYelopmeDl at Ore)'bouod Pass and 146. Street is IJIOving
fiatbe:I' east __ 146& S1reet 8Dd developers IIaw expdasecl an iDtaest in other ClOmer.J
aIoua 14lfb Stleet. CumD retail needs ClIft be met witbiD SminuleS or Jess in 3 different
direc:DJJJS fiom the coma- in question.
As ~1, we wish to preserve d1e uabIIBI beauty and eharader of ow neighborhood
aDd we are askiDa :you to 'VOle .- this iDIrusion of our neighboJ'hood by developers
wisbiDg to "IDe their pockets" iDstead oftakillg OlD' best iDlaat aDd ~ into
As residerds. we teel_ the City of Carmel and the City ofNobJesville should develop
this IaDd in accordaDce with the cmreat master plans as wen IS in ~ with
Dcpar1ment of Natural Resources guideliDes _ the protecdon of wiIcJIite -' their
As resicbds, we are askiDa that developers WGltiog withia l'lo~ IN 8Dll Carmel,
IN will be required to CODtribate fimds ....Jty to an ~, c:eJJEr8ltund
con1IoDed by the city ad ~fl: (SO/SO). We are also _ins that all dewlopels be
held aa>>uatable .. any dJyiDg up ofwel1s ad coJItRm~ ofwatel' SOW" when
dcveJopment w-rw=s the water &able, waterqaalily, de. ~pers would be
responsible tor aD anciIary COSlS associaIed with this issue as determined by a court or by
anal b&cdOI'.
I am also JeqUestil1s a Nfa~ on these fsasues ad lID asking that you coDSider this
request as my vote to keep Ibis area in ac;cordance with the master pJaa tbr the respedive
NameViJOth4J ~~AJ
Address pf5f1 #H1LYJiI(,. ,flh.;y~
(!ONhJ,f/ 14/ rift, P 6 ~
Phone ~ /5' 10+ (p E-.,ul
~I am a Nobtesville taxpayer -L-l ant a Carmel taxpayer
....: .S"::>
Ut:.~-ll~-~ ~(:~ t-tdD'I:LlJ::iHlN & ~. .it ( tJq6 9Bee
TO: 776J829
t uodcrstand tbat two separate dewlopers haw presented rposals ibr
large commerciallnUiJ developmel1t on the comer of 146 and Hazel Den roads. I
undetstand that both o(tbe proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan fOr the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to fOrmulate, much iDput &om citizens 8Ild city pJanocrs, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to dctamine the most efficient growth patterns tOr our cities. I am opposed to
commcrciallretail development on these and any other comers along J 46111 street because
J do not wish to Jive In an area which is consested with "stop and go" traff'JC. commercial
noises andsmeDs, crime wbIch retaU development briDgs, etc. Allowing foJ: commercial
deve~ on dUs CODlCI' wiD "opeD the doof' fOr further dew10pmelll to come ia and
soon 146. sueet wi11 be DO ~ than at'" Stted or 9(,da S1m:t. This is especially true
siac:e cxxnmr:reiaJIrel development 81 OreyhoUDd Pass aod 1~ S1Ieef. is moviDg
furtbcs east atone l~ Sueet and de~pem JJaw. expessed an int.enst iu other comers
along 146" Street. Current retail needs can be met widain Sminutes or less in 3 diffi:Ient
directions ftom me comer ia quesdon.
As resideDt~ we wish to presave tbe natural beauty and character of our nejghborhood
and we are asking you to vote agaiJ1S1 this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pocketS" instead oftakiDg OUf best interest and cJesires into
As residentlt we feel that the City of Carmel aod the City ofNobJesviUe slionld develop
this land in IalOrdance with the current maste:f plans as wen as in accordance with
Department of Natural Rcso~ guidelines tbr the protection of wildlife and their
As leSidmts, we are asking that devUJpas ~lQ.a witIrin HobJesviJle, IN add CarmeL
IN will be ftlqU.ired to COD1rlbule fimds ammaIIy to an iDdepeDdCDt,. cadIalmod
cootroRed by the city and resideoIs (5OISO). We are also askiDg diat aU dewlopers be
held aa:owable fur any drying up of wells aDd contamination of water supplies when
development chaD8es the 1V8ler table, water quality, etc. .00000Jopers would be
responsible ror aD ancillary costS associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as mY vote to keep tIUs area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
citfes.. .
~ ~ ~.~
AddressJ L.f. ~ I
JLI~,-rl ~r
J::N . 4. '0 3 't\
.Phone ..g'L~.. coc.t, r__._E-..sc.-it va.....-{') fL<.. VSA. c.-",
_, am a Noblesville taxpayer ~I am. a Cannel taxpayer
** 20'39~d '~lOl **
I QDderS1and that two separate -.elopers ha..e presented pmpoaaJs for
Iarae commen:iaJIreta development OD the comer of 14f16 aDd Hazel Dell roads. I
UudeastaDd that both oIthe proposed daoelopmentl f8II outside oltbc scope of the master
plan fur the City ofNobIesviIIe aDd the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to fOnmJht~t much input 10m citi:amB IBIJd cky planners, III1d DIllY 18Xpayer dollars
ill order to det.aldiae the ID08I eftideIII arowth paUc:mS fOr our cides. I am opposed 10
commen;iaIIretail development on these aud 8II.J other COIIIel'S 810118 146* meet ~
I do not wish to live ill an area which is c:ongested willa "stop and 80" 1rafIic, COIM8(;ia1
no_ aod. smells, c:riIIIe which..n deveIopmeDt ~ em. ADowiDg for~~iaI
devdo~ OIl this oomer will "open the door" tbr fbrther cIeYeIopmeut to come ill and
soon 146* street wiD be no cIiflaem than ~ SUeet or 9t1- SRet. This is especially true
since COIIIII1eIclaIh developmeDt at Greybound Pass and 146* Sbeet Is mo'ViDa
tbrther east aloo8 146:" ~ and developers have uplessed ID Interest in other cmners
along 14ft Street. ~ 'retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 differeD!
directions tom the comer in question. ",
As resideIlts, _ wish to piesave the natUrBllauty and cbanaer of OUl' ueiahborhood
and we are IISIdDa you to vote apbIst this lnIrusioo of our neighborhood by developers
'wisbiDa to cCUrle their pockets" iDSte8d oftaldDa 'our best intaest aad desires into
As resicleDts.. we feel that tbe CiIy of Carmel aDd the Cily ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordaDce with the aDJeIIt lIIlISCer p1lllls as weD as in accordaDce with
DepaItaDt ofNatual Resoun:es pideIiDes tor tile Jm*Ction ofwlldUfe and their
As ~ms. we In askJDg that developers workins witbiD NoblesviJle, IN and Carmel.
IN win be required to contribute fimds IIIIIU8Dy to an iDdepeDdeaI, cmtral tlmd
coDllODed by thB city 8Dd resideDta (SOISO). We 1ft also askiDg that all developers be
held accountable tbr any cIryina up of wells and CODtamlnatioD ofwater supplies wha1
development nor' die water ~ wider quality. etc. Developers would be
responsible ibr all anciDllry costs associated with this issue IS deIermined by a court or by
an arbittator.
I am also ~ a AetaeDdum 00 these la-,e$ aad am asking that you consider thk
request as my wte 10 keep this area in accordat1ce with the muter plan for the respective
Name AOLttAJ..., ~I
Address 57 f50 r' / ~ (
~.eP41~J-L. ~ '-I{p()(p6
Phone 3/7 -~l/ h - J ~ 17E-mail
-iLl am a NoblesWle taXp8)'et _I am a Carmel taXpayer
.- . .... ""_.nn ""'Jnn-, ,...n ~.,,.
1 UIIieL.f~'" ~ separate deftlopers hPe praelDdpoposals ibr
JargeeollllDelda1hetai dewIopmeDl OIl the comer of 14<<)'11 and Hazel Dell roads. I
uaderstaDd that both oCtile proposed ~ t8U ouasJde of tile scope oCtile master
pIm for the city ofNob1esvi1le aud the City of Carmel These IIIISter pIIm8 toOk several
years to tom''''''"" much iaput fiom citbms.... cityp~ 8Dd maay taxpayer dollan
in order to ~ the mostefticielllsmwth pattaDS tbr our cities. I am opposed to
eollllDelda1hetai cIeve10pmeIIl on these aad any other comas aIoDg l.waa SlIeet ~
I do not wish to 8Ye in an area 1dIich is 4:OCJ8PJ:hlld wlth "slop aDd fPw uafJie. COIIIIIImIW
aoJses and smells, crime VIhida retail cIeveJopmeat briDp, etc. Al10wiDa fOr (()mmerCiaI
clevelopmeat on Ibis comer will "open1he door" for fiInher de~ 10 COllIe in aud
soon 146. street wD1 be DO ctiffeteDl than 8~ Street or ~ Street. TbIs is especially true
since COtDlut&GiaIheIail dewlopment. OteyhoUDd Pass aDd 146"- S1net is -viDa
tUrtber east aloDl 14ft Street aDd dewlopeJS have expressed an intaat in other COIDeIS
along 1 ~ StIeeL Cu;ra:liNtail needs c;an be met within Sm1nJwtes or less in 3 dif&nnt
directioDS &om the c:OmeliD question. -. - -
As residents, we wish to prcsene- the D8luraI beauty and eharaaa of our ueJshllOrhood
and we are askIDs you to wte .,unlll this inlrusion of our JleiPbodIOOd by developers
'WiShiDg to "tiDe their pockets" iDste.d oftakiag -our best illterest and desires into
As residents, we _1 that the City of Carmel ami the City ofNoblesviJ1e should clewlop
this land in KCOrdanc:e with die cummI master plllDs as well as in aa:ordam:e with
Deputment of Natural Resoun:es pkJeIiDes tor die protection of1rildUfe aud tbdr
As~ we are asking that clewlopers WOIkin8 wIIhin NoblcsviUe, IN am Carmel,
IN wD1 be required to ClOIItribute fimds AnnnaUy to aD ..ncIent. ceDIr8l fiIDIl
collllol1ecl by the city and JeSIdeDIs (SO/SO). We 1ft also askiDg that all deve10pas be
beld KCOW1bIb1e for ..., cIryiDa up ofweDs aud c:ontpUftAtion ofwater supplies ,*en
developmeat _~ the WIll.. table, water quality. etc. DeveIopcl'S 'WOuld be
respo_"ble for all am;iUary costs 8StIOdalecI wiab this issue as determined by a court or by
an atbih.tor.
I am also ~ a~ on these 4sssues aDd am asIdDg tbat you c:oDSlder this
request as ~ vote to keep this area in accordanee wilh tile III88ter plaD tOr the respective
AddR:ss 518b,G; /6/
p~ 3/7- ~~ -2.9/7 E-mail CR.ooiFIIH (i,A()J.,
-Y-I am a Nob1esville taXpayer _, am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that Uuo separate deweIopers bave pn:;stnted ~saJs for
large c:ollllDelcialheta development on the comer of 1 aod Hael Dell roads. I
understand that both of tile imposed developments &ll ouaside of the scope oCme master
pJm for the City ofNobJesviJJe and the City of CarmeL These master plaDs rook several
years to formulate, nmch Input fiom ~itizens and city ~ aud DIlDY taxpayer doUars
in order 10 determine the most ef6cieDt growth patteIDS fOr our cities. 1 am opposed to
collllDelciallNta development on these and any olber comers akmg 146"'- street because
) do not wim to live iD an area which is congested with "stop aod go" traffic, COJUUlQclaJ
noises and ~ crime wbid1 retail dewlopment briDgs, etc. AIlowina for co~ial
deveIo~ on this comer will "open the door" 10r '-a.... development to mme in and
soon J 4G' street will be DO difimeot than u-a Street or 9(/l1 Street. This is especially true
since COJIJIIlfKiaIIretail developme:at at Greyhound Pass aad 146. S1Ieet is moviDa
further east akmg 146* S1reeI aDd. cIeveIopcn bawexpressed an iDta'est in other comers
along l~ Stn:et. CurreDt retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directioDS &om the oomer in question.
As resideau, we wish to preserve the DatUr8I beauty and charatcr of 0..- aeichborhOod
8l1Cl we are asldDg you to vote .imzt this intrusion of our oeighbodlood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftaldng our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the city of Carmel and the CiljofNoblesville should develop
this IaDd in 8UlOI~ with the c:urreat master' pJaas as weD as In accordance with
Department ofNatnral Resources S-aideliDes tOr the proteCtion ofwilclJife and their
As ~ we are &iog that de'Velopers working withm Noblesville, IN and Carme~
IN will be required to COIJuibute ftmds aonuaIly 10 an independent, ceutnII fimd
controUed by the city arid residems (SO/SO). We are also asIdDa Iba1 an developers be
. helel aceountable tor any ctryUlg up of wells aud c;ontAmift8tq ofwauz supp1les when
development changes the water qble. water quality, etc. Developers woukl be
responsible fOr aU aac;iII8ry costs associated with this issue as der_Ini-.ct by a oourt or by
an arbitrator.
1 am also l'CCl'~"'8 a referendum on these isssues and am -ins that yon cousider this
n:qUCSI as my vote to keep this area m accoadauce wid11he murer pJaa tbr the respective
c~~. .
Phoae ~ -58:Z- ~ (0 ~ E-lIIIiI c.d.m:J ~ ,-Miu Jf. CD t"fI
_I ama NoblesviDe taXpayer ~. am a Carmel - J .
I understand that two separate del'elopers have prescated~ for
bqe COllllllen:iaJIretai1 ~lupmeut on 1he comer of 146 and Ha2el DeD roads. I
undenIancI that both of the pro)JC*Cl developmeDt$ f8I1 outside oftbe scope ofabe master
plan fur the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These master phms took several
years to tOrrnulalet much input fiom citi2leus 8bd city planners, and JD8IlY taxpayer dollars
in old<< to ~",,~.If) the most efticieat growth palteJ'DS fbr our cities. I am opposed to
commercialIreta developmellt on these and any other comers aIoDg 146* street ~-.se
I do not wish to Jive in an area which is congested with ''stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing ror commercial
de\lelo~ on this comer wiII~~pea the door" _ hther developmeat to come in and
soon 146* street will be DO difrei!.mt than rJ!'4 Street or 96* Stteet. This is especially true
since commerciaVretail development at Greyhound Pass and 146* Street is moving
Nrthcr east akmg 146* SfIeet and developers have expressed aD iJIteIest in other comers
along l~ Street. Curreat retail needs c:an be met within Sminures or less in 3 diffi:rent
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhOod
and we are MIdng you to vote ~ this intrusion of our aeighborhood by developers
w&bing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the CityofNoblesvUle should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as wen 8$ in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the proteCtion of wildlife and their
As residentS. we are asking that developers working within NoblesviIlc, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute ftmds annually to an independent, <ieIIlraI fimd
controlled by the city and residents (SOISO). We are also asking that all developers be
held 8CCOWltable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table. water quality. etc. Developers would be
respoDsible for aD ancillary 00518 associaced with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a re1ereDdum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in ~ordance with the master plan for the respective
cPa :;~C1tt,d; .
N~ ~
MdIas--145~1 ~ )~
1!a(~tJ 33
- ~n -'% ~.. 0/0 ::s E-mailA.MVIt.l:=iw4..f 1'. I! off)
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer /1 am a Carmel er
I understaod that two separate developers have presented jJI'Oposals fOr
large commerciaVrer.ai1 development on the comer of 1~ and Hazel Dell roads. I
understaod that both of the proposecl deve10pllelltS f81l 0UISide oftbe scope of tile master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel These master plans took several
years to fOrmuJate, much input &om citizeDs and city plamaers, and many taxpayer doDars
in order to determine the most eflicien1l1Owth patterns tOr our cities. I am opposed to
commerciallIdail development on 1hI:se and any other comers along 146'4t street bc<;ause
1 do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop 8Dd 80'" araBic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development m~ etc. Allowing for COlDl11eniial
development on this comer will "open ~ door" tor tbrtI= development to come in and
soon 146da street will be no ~o4 tbaD ~ StIe&t or 96* SINet. 1bis is especla11y true
S.lute commercialhelail development at Greyhound Pass and 146'4t Street is moving
further ~ akmg 14611a Streel and developers have expessed an imerest in other corners
along 146111 Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions tiom the co...- in question.
As residents, we wish tq'pn;serve the natural beauty and character of our neigbborbood
and we are asIdns you'to vOte against this intrusion or our neipbodJood by developers
wishing to "tine their pockets" Instead oftakiDg our best interest and desires into
consideratioD. '
As residents, we feel that the City ofCarm.elancl the City ofNobJesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the p~teetion of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers workiDg within Noblesville, IN and Carmel.
IN will be required to c:ontn"bute funds amwally to an independent, central fund
conuolled by the city and residents (SOISO). We are 8Iso asking that all cle\lelopers be
held accountable for any drying up ofwells aDd c:onf.aIJliftat oCwater supplies when
development changes the water table, wateI' quality7 etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary c::osts assodated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
lam also requesting a teteteadum 011 these isssues and am asking that you consider this
~uest as my vote to keep ams area in accordaoc:e with the master plan for the respective
Name M OAli'1 )hJ l~
Address IfjDh BE'l.L~'f Oit..
0a2J.-(~..., I,} 4'b31--
Phone E-mail J.f~-)f\'VJ~ tlSN.O'1
_, J am a NoblesvUle taxpayer X-I am a Carmel taxpayer
td WdL~:ge a:l0~ In 'OGl(I
G688-SLS-L u: : 'ON Xl:;I.:l
1l:O ((13101 J3 : WOtI.:l
1 understand that two -f)aaAte developers have pl'CKated ~saIs for
1aJBe C6wauea(;1aJfietaiI d~pmcut on the comer of 146 and Hazel DeB mads. J
~bDd that both of the ProPosed deveJopmeIIts &11 outside of the scope of the master
plan 1br the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These JIIISter plans took several
years to jOrmuIate. much iDput hID citiIIm and city plamJers, 8Dd many taxpayer dolJan
in order to determine the most et1icieat growth pauans ilr our cities. I am opposed to
GOmmerdaIIl8tail development on these aod any other comers along 146* street because
1 do not wish to 1iw ill 811 area which is ~ with "stop 8DlI pp"traftic, c:ou~
noises aDd smells. crime whid1 tetaiI dfteIopment 1Jriags, etc. Allowing for coJD1lleldaJ
~ OIl this comer wUl "open the dcJorft for &utber development to 00IJJe in and
soon 146'" sm:et will be DO dilTe.eat ... sr Street or 9fl' SIreeL TIIis is especially true
siDee COIIIDl8I'CiaIh development at Greyhound Pas and 146* Street is moving
fiJrther east a1cmg 146* Street 8Dd del'e1opers lBve expressed an iDterest in other comers
alollll46" Street. Cunem retaJ1 needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 diffeteDl
directions ftom the comer in quesdoD.
As If"$~ we wish to ~ the I8tUI'8I beauty and cbaracter of our Deigbborhood
and we are as1dug you to vote ..... this iatNsion of our neiahborhood by de\oeJopers
wishing to "line their pockets" iIlstead oft8king our best intereSt 8Dd desires into
consideration. ~ '.
As residents, we .feel a. the:Cily of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as wen as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines Cor the protection of wildlife and their
As residems, we are askio& that developers workiDg ftbiD NoblesviJJe. IN and Carmel.
IN will be required to comribuIe fimds ~Iy to an indepeDdent. central ftmd
controlled by the city and resi&mtll (SO/SO). We are also askiDg tbat aD developers be
held accoUDtable fbr any drying up ofweUs and CQnfJlmnmtton ofwater suppHes when
deveJopmeat c--" the water table. water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible fOr aD ancil""" costS associated with this ~,ssue as determined by a court or by
_~_, 4
-~ , .
I am also requesting a referendum on these isBsues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with tbe master plan for the respective
Name Ai.,;;t ~.lAI~~tUB.
Address SC7 &} ~. ~9"t, y./,:J;b-~
Lld-&~~1!e c..h. f4o/DO
Phone,3fl-t'if-riel.;J.'j E-mail G,tBnl4//)'@IId.~eOI1
_I am 8 Noblesville taxpayer XI am a Carmel ~ er
I ~.m that two aepanIte ckMJopers haw ~nted proposals fbr
bqe commerciaIhctaD clewJopmeDt on the cmDer of 1" and Huel Den lOads. I
UDdastaDd that both oftbe proposed develop"'" &U outside of'the scope oftbe master
piau for the City oCNoblesville and the City ofC8rmeL Tbese master pIaDs took several
years to tbl'JDlllale, much iDput &om dtimm: aDd city pJaoDers, 8Dd DIlDy taXpayer dollars
in onIer to detenlliDe &be most ef1icieat saowth ~ tor our dries. I am opposed to
COIDDleICiaIIre cfeveIopDent on these aDd any otbel' comers along 1461h street because
I do not wish to 1M hi an.. which Is ccmgested with ~ and gp" 1raffic, Ol)m~ial
mises and smells. crime which relan dewlopmeat briDp, Cle. Allowing tor commerc;ial
cIeve~ on this comer will "open the door" fOr tUrtber clevelopmeut to come in and
soon 146l1a street will be no cIifIa~ tbaIl sr StIeet or 9t/' Street. This is especially trUe
siDce commen:iaI/IeIa developmall at GreyboUDd Pass and 14fID Sam is moving
fiIrther east aIoDg 146* SUeet and dew10pers have expressed an intuest in other cotner!
alo.. 146* StJeet. CmreDt nDil needs caD be met within Sminutes or Jess in 3 c:tit1ereDt
ditections fiom the comer in questioD.
As ~ we wish to preserve the DB1.UrBl beauty and character otour neighborhood
wishing to "line their ~" iDstud ortaking our best interest and desires ioto
consideration. ' .,
As residents, we feel that the~City ofearmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in IU:COIdaDce with the .....ent IDISIeI' plaDs as weD IS in accordauce with
o.,p..ament ofNatuIal Resoun:es g1PdeHnA!t tbr the proteetion ofwi1cllife 8IlCI their
AS residents. . are askiD& that developn working wiIhiD Noblesvil1e, IN and CarmeJ.
IN wiD be ~ to C:OJllta''bUIe fimcIs annually to an indepeDd_ ~ tbnd
C:OIltlOUecI by the city 8Dc:I JeSicIeoIs (50150). We me also asldDa that all developers be
held accoumable mr any dryina up ofwells aDd contamination of water supplies when
deve10pmeat ,...... the water table, water quality. etC. DewJopas would be
responsible ilr all iII'Cl'1a? costs associated with this.~ as detenninecl by a court or by
aD arbitnItor.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Address ~ 7" ~ /9~ ~
~~~~1& ~ Jf~lPbO
. .,
Phone <F'Ifr- ~32-9 E-~b.J...Bb lA/bYe 1Jt9t.fI (!"i/
_I ama Noblesville taxpayer _ am a Carmel taxpayer ,
** TOTAL PAGE. B2 **
~L'U~'~UUL ~~.~~ ~~,~O~~~~,
r J.r I n I nJ.1'tU J:lIoII'4I'.
....HUC. t1.L I t1.L
I understand thai two ~ developers have presented ~posaIs ibr
large commerciaVretal1 development on the corm::r of 146 and Hue1 Den roads. I
WJderstand that both oftbe ProPosed developments fidI outside oCthe scope oCthe master
plan for the City ofNoblesvilleaod the City of Carmel. These master plans took lRMI8l
years to tOmmlate, much iDpot iom cltizeDs and city pm".~ and IIIUlJ taxpayer doll8rs
in order' to determine the most efIici.ent growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaJIreta development on these and .y other c;oJIleIS along 14t/1 street because
I do DOt wmh to live .iD an 8feIl which is coopsted witb "stop and go" tratlW,coawereial
noises and Sl'IIdIs, crime which Ietail development brings,~. Allowing tOr COwIllel'clal
deve1oplJ!CDl on this comer will "open the door" fur tbrtber development to anile in and
soon I ~ street will be DO different than ~ Street or 96'* Street. This is especially true
since COJDlllel'(;iaJ/retail development . Greyhound Pass aod 146* Street is moving
further east a1on& l~ Street and developers have e..p1ressed 8D interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs caD be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in queS'tion.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Cannel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the <.iurrent master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines fur the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are askiDg that developers working within,~oblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SOl SO). We are also as1dng that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of weDs and coDmmnmion of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan 1bt respective
Address f5"5/ ~ ~ "'5"""".
~ J"z;-J yCotf3
Phone 6t' C t? "118 E-mail
_' am a NoblesvJlle taxpayer ~ am a Carmel taxpayer
''&'''11 'II.&.I~~'"
. M\A- Ill"" U~
I understand that two separate developers hoe presemedJB'OposaJs for
large oommerciaJ/mail deve10pment on the aomcr of 1~ and Hazel ~n roads. I
understaDd dIat both oftbe proposed develo~ fBIl outside of the scope oftbe master
plan fOr the City ofNob1csvDle and the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
yeats to fbrmulate, much input ftom Ciitizens BOd d.ty plaaaers, aud many tupayer dollars
in older to determine the most efJieleat growth pattems fur our cities. I BIll opposed to
CO.OIale.ciaJ/retaiJ dewlopmeot OD these aDd any other comers along t4(/h street because
1 do not wish to Jive in an area which is ooogested with "stop and SO" tr8ftk, COJDDlCI'Ciial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing fur commercial
develo~ on thE comer will "open the door" fbr 1brther development to CiODJe in and
soon 146h street will be DO diftheot tbaD 82*' Street or 9f!A Street. This is especially true
sJDce commerciaJhetai development at GreyhouDd Pass aud 146* Street is movioa
further east aloDa 146* Stm:t and developers have expressed an iDIaest in otber comers
along 146l1l Street.. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 di1ferent
directions &om the corner in questjpn.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhoodsand we are asking you to vote agaiJwt this intrusion of our nejgbborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
1.3 residents. we fi=el that the City of Cannel and 1he City ofNob1esviJle should develop
this land in acco~ with the current master plaus as weD 89 in accordaDce with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines fbr the pmtecdon of wildlife and. their
As residentSt we are asking that developers working within NoblesvUle, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to comribute funds ammaIIy to an ~ cemraI tbnd
CODb'Olled by the cky and residents (50/S0). We an: also askiD8 .. all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of weDs aDd co1'dAtnin.ion ofwater supplies when
devekJpm.e-..ot changes the water table, water quality, etc. Del'eJopers would be
responsible fOr all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote 10 keep this area in acconlance with the master plan for the respeaive
= V~ fl. ~
Address f5"~1 ~ ~ $""0,
~~; 0;C~ Wl!:'3'3
Phone 8/ C 0 I' Rlf E-mail
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~ am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate dewlopers have pI~ ~saIs fur
large commerciallreaai1 developmeDl on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed dewlopments fall ouaside of the scope ofthc master
plan for the City ofNob1esvil1e and the City of CanneL These master plans took several
years to fOrmula'''. much input ftom citizens and city plamJers, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient groWlh IJDtkud for our cities. I am opposed to
oommerciallrecail development on these and any other comers along 146lb street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "slop and go" traffic, COJDlllelCial
noises and smeUs. crime which retail development brings, ere. Allowing for commercial
developmem on this comer will "open the door" for further development 10 come in and
soon 146da street will be no difl&ent limn ~ Street or 96da Street. This is especially true
since COIDIIleICiallretail development at Greyhound Pass aDd 146* Street is moving
further east. along 146. Street and developers have expressed an mtenS in other comers
along 146. Street. Cunent retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions fiom the comer in question.
As residents. we wish to presene the natural beauty and cbaracter of oUr neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote ... this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of1aking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and die City~fNoblesville sbouJd develop
this land in accordance with the current master plaDs as well'as in accordance with
O-::Jlilltu.a4 of Natural Resoun:es guidelines tOr the protediml of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking thai developers working within Noblesville. IN and Cannel,
IN will be required to cootn"bute fimds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SOISO). We are also asking that aU developers be
held acwuntable fOr any drying up of wells and contamination ofwater supplies when
development cbaoges the W8lU table, water quality. etc. Developers would be
respomible fur all 8penlmy costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a refi:rendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
. requeshS1Y vote to keep this area in aooordance with the master plan for the respective
= #flJ1Jv @~#()1- -
Address /lf3Cf5 MI/p f)<<
~/~:D %0'&
....... .Ji 7 dilll _~
--;1 am a Noblesvilte taxpayer' ~ am a Cannel taXpayer'
1 understand that twO ~4te developers ha~ presented ~ for
large comm.erciaVretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
UIIderstand that both of tile proposed developments &11 outside of tile sc:ope oftbe master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City oCCarmel. These master plans took several
years to fomwlate, much input &om citizens and city plamers, aod many taxpayer doUars
in order 10 detennine the most efficient growth patterns fur our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers aIoog 146111 street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, COllllllen:ial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing ror c:ommercial
development on this c:orner will"open the door" tbr further developrneDt to c:ome in and
soon 1461b street will be no ditTereDt titan na' Sueet 01' 96* Street. This is especially true
since c:ornmerciallretail development at Greyhound Pass and 146lhStreet is moving
further east along 146lb Sueet aDd developers haw expressed an interest in other (Omers
along 146. Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminures or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beaut)' and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to \IOte .,.inst this iotnIsion of our neighborhood by developas
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oCtaking our best. intaat and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City:ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as weli .5 in accordance with
Depanment ofNaturaJ Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within NoblesviJIe, IN and Carme~
IN will be required to c:ontribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controllc:d by the city aud residems (50/50). We are also asking that aU developers be
held accountable tor any drying up ofwelJs aod contamination of water supplies when
development chaoges the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
respons1"ble fOr all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name t,ly ,b;HaOlt
Address /'-1395 541e... ~J'. e.
C.r",e!,..zp "11033
Phone 317-S7/-f().J"/ E-mail r"~~ ~ /~rk. ,..r. ('~
_I am a Noblesvil1e taXpayer -K-I am a Carmel taxpayer
. ......~.-:~...:...-...~.....
. ...... ., ..~....'. '. . :
. . ". ... .... ... . .....
. '" - .
.. .. ...... ....-
I understand that two sepaIate developers have preseoted~posaJs for
large commerclaJlretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. (
~~ that both of the proposed developmeolS filll outside oftbe scope of the master
plan tor the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate. rnueh input from citizens and city p~ and many taxpayer doUars
in order to determine the most et1icieDt growth patterns fur our cilies. I am opposed to
commercia1lreta11 development on these and any other comers along 146fh street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go'" traffic) commercial
DOises aud sme~ crime which retail development hr. etc. Allowing mr commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" for further development to corue in and
soon 146* street will be DO difliereDt than ~ Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commerclaJlretai1 development at Greyhouod Pass and 146" Street is moving
further east along 146. Street and developen ba-ve expressed an inteI'est in other comers
along 1-46lh Sueet.Cunent retail needs am be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions from the Comet. in question.
As resideDlS, we wiSh 1D~Preserve the IDIlUJBl beauty and cbaracter of OlD' neighbodlood
and we &Ie asking you to vote against this iDIrusion of our neigbbodloocl by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftakiog OlD' best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesvi11e should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines fur the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers 'WOrking within Noblesville, IN and Carmel.
IN will be requiml to oontribute funds aDDually to.lID independent, central fund
controlled by the city and resideDIs (SO/SO). We are 'also asking that aU developers be
held accountable tOr any drying up of weDs and contamination ofwater supplies when
development chaDges the water table, water quality, de. Developers would be
responsible fur aU ancillary costs ~ with this issue as detawUted by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also . . a reterend,
request vote to this .
. . ....
I \
Name i
Phone ~Ii~ ~
_lama 0 Ie yer
I understand that two separate developers have presented lroposals for
large commercia1lretail development on the_corner ofl46 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments 1311 outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input fromc~_ and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient groWth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaYreta.il development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
developmeilt on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and, .
soon 146th street will be no different than sr Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commercial/retail development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146th Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the corner in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you tb vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pQcketS" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City of No blesvi lie should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
habitats. .
As residents, we are aslcing that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to. contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
. controlled by the city and residents (SO/50). We are $0 a~lcing that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and CODtainination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
Name ... ~ . ~ -------
Phone 5;:2 6'75'rSL/L/S _E-majk:::
_I am a NoblesviIle taxpayer ~ I am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~p>saIs for
large colDDlel'Ciallnail development on the comer of 146 8Dd Hazel Den roads. I
~staDd that both oftbe proposed clevelopmcn1s fiaIl oulside oftbe scope of the master
piau fOr tile City ofNoblesville and the city of CarmeL 1'hese master plaDs cook sewral
yan to fOJ'IIIU_~ much Jnput 10m citirJeos and city PIaDDers. aad many....,. doUars
in order to determine the most eff~ient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
colDlllm'CiBJImail development on these and any other comers along 146* street bcx:BwK:
t do not wish to live in an area whicb is congested with "stop and go" traffi~, wmmercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, eWe Allowing fOr commercial
development on this comer wiD "open the door" lOr 6uther development 10 come in 8I.Id
soon 146'" street will be DO cWl'en:at thin ~ Street or 9fP Street. This is especially true
since w-w,WdaIIreIBiI dewJopmeDt at CRybomJd P8ss ancIl46* Street is moviDg
1brtber east along 146* Street aud de\IeIopers haw expressed an iDteJat ill other comers
akmg 146'" Sbeet. CnneDl retaU needs am be met withiD. S...inutes or less in 3 cIiffereDr
dileetions &om die con. in questm
As residents, we wish to preserve the natyral beauty and character of our neishborhood
and we are askinS you to vote .in'll this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their podets" iDsteed of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as we)) as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protedion of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working withia Noblesville, IN 8IJd Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an.independent. central fund
contrOlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable ror any drying up of weDs and c:ontulriDation of water supplies when
developmem c;he-nses the water table, wateI' quality, etC., Developers would be
responsible ror all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a (:QUIt or by
an arbitrator.
I am also RCluestWg a tderePdum on these isssues artd am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep dUs area in accordance with the master plan for the respeaive
Name l)1v,tJJ ~. l' J 1-
/ukhess/V7(U ~6J1btfl. /..,v
/lJiI!>lgt/':/fe 1:itJ ~O~()
~~f T.,W B-moll
I am a Nobles'\lille taxpayer _I am a Carmel taxpayer
712 "X\H...I
~ al>JT""1Mnn
hTaTalllr~ A~:~T ~~~rI17/Qa
I lDlderstand that two separate developers have presented ~posals for
large commercial/retail development on the corner of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outSide of the scope of the master
plan fur the City ofNoblesvllle and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate. much input from citizens and city plamlers, and UIID)' taxpayer dolhm
in order to detet'mme the most efBclent growth ,maDS fbr our cities. J am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these ami any other eomers along 1 ~ sm:et because
I do not wish to Jive in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, colDlJleJ'(;ial
DOises and smells, crime whic;h retail de~lopment brings, ck;. Allowing for collJlDClcial
deve~ 011 this comer wUI"open the door" for tbrther development to come in and
soon 1~ street will be DO diffeIeDt than ~ Street or 96* Street. This is esp8(:ially trUe
since collJlllelCla1lretail developmeat at Greyhound Pass and 146. Street is moving
further east aJoua 14(/1 Street aud developers haw expressed aD Interest in otbe:r c:omers
along J 46* Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directioDS &om the comer in question.
As resideats, we wish to preserve the DIItUra1 beauty and character of our nejghbodlood
and we are asking you to vote.agaDJst this intrusion of our neishborhoocl by developers
wishing to "1ine their pockets" ilMead oftakbig our best ia4eIest and desires into
As re9ide410J, we feel that the City of Cannel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this Jaod in accordance with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
Depraah~ of Natural Resources guideliDel;for the protecdon ofwilcllife 8IJd their
habitats. . .
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesvi1le, IN and Cannel.
IN 1lViIl be reqWred to tX)I1tribute fimds Rnlh"ny to an independent, central fimd
ccmtrolled by the city and resideDts (50/50). We are also as1dDa that all developers be
held accountable for &BY drying up of_Us ancl cofttA~.ofwater supplies when
~pmeDt dlaD,ges the wa= table, water quality. <<G. DeVelopers woUld be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as dCtermined by a coun or by
an arbitrator.
I am. also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
t7A~I~ p-, t:;""6G- b-Jl.. ~~..
(-+Id. ~ '"2- 5c:..AI2 ~ CH.) 0. (.( L- ~
..N"C' 6.. ( ItJiIL.<'J ; I J ~ J:/Y
of- ~a <;t>
Phone -Z '7:S -~c. -"7 E-mail PE.EG-(;. ~-?6 .".c.ot... .<:a:..f'-(
-AI am a NoblesvUle taXpayer _1 am a Cannel taxpayer
11D1derstand that two separate developers have presented proposals for
large oo1DlllefCiallretail development on the comer of 14()'D and Hazel Dell roads. I
under&tand that both of the proposed developments WI outside of the SCOpe of the master
plan for tbe City ofNoblesville amd the City of CarmeL These master pJaas took several
years to thrmulate, muCh input ftom citizens and city pJanners, and many taxpaya' dollars
ill order to determine the most efficieDt IJ01lfth pettems fur o. cities. I am opposed to
commerciaJln:tail development on these and any 0Iber comers along 146* street beaause
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop aod go" traftic, COlllJ1llm:ial
noises and smells. aime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing tor COlJDllel'Cial
develoJm!.eal on this comer will "opea the door" tbr fiutbea' developmeDl to come ill amt
8OOIl146'" stteet will be no 4iffi:reat tt.n 82'" SUeet or ~ Street. This is espeoiaDy tJue
since coDJll1el'Ciallre development at GreyhoUDd Pass and 1461b Street is moving
further east aIoDg ,46'" Street 8Dd chwelopers have expressecIan iDterest in other cometS
8lODg t 46* SII'eet. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 differem
directions ftom the corner in question.
As residents. we wish to preserve the IJiItUra1 beauty aDd character of our neighborhood
and we are askiag you to vote 9fnct this inttusion of our aeJpborbood by developers
wishing to "Hne their pockeIs" instead oftakiDg OlD' best hnerest and desires into
As resi.denIs, we feel that the City of Cannel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accoxdance with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
Depaciment ofNatmaI Resources guicleliDes fur the protection ofwilcllif'e and their ,
As resideats, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be n:quired to coDlribote fimds annnally to an independCDt, ceottaI fimd
controW by the c;ity amd resideIlts (SO/SO). We ale aJro asJdn8 tbat all dewlopers be
held accountable for any cIryiDs up otvds _ contamhulltJon ofwater' supplies when
devclopmeat changes the Wlla'1BbJe, water quality, etc. Developers would be
respousibJe 1br aU anciJlaty costs assoclarecI with this issue IS detennined by a court or by
an arbibato..
J am also requestiug a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
~ (Jlltlfntl: S. ~6G- ~-..J.l'&r-
Address JtjlJ~ Sf!A1(:~# .iAJ .
NoEL/;St// /...-/,..,,0 / tt1 J/' ~~ 2S
Ph~ 773 - tztr; 77. E-mail -:D€~t56- 'f' 7@ Cl r) /, C clHC-
II am a Noblesville taxpayer _I am a Cannel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posa1s for
large commercial/retail development ontbe comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments filiI outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesvilJe and 1hc City of Carmel. These master plans took severat
yean to tbrmulate, mucb input fi'om cidzens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efftciem IJIOwth pauems fbr our cities. I am opposed to
commerciallrel8il development OD these and any other comers akmg 146lh ~ because
I do DOl wish to Uve in an 8Ie8 which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which n:IBiI de\elopmeat brings, etc. AJIowiDg for commercial
development on this comer will ~ the door" for fiIrtb&:r development to come in and
soon 1460. street will be DO difI8reIIl tban 82'" Street or 96" Street. This is especiaUy true
since commcrdaJheIaD deveIopmeat at Greyhound Pass and 14(/s S1reeI is moving
funber east aIoDg 146* Strut and developers haw expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. CUft'eDt retail needs can be met withia Sminutes or less in 3 di&ent
directions from the (;omer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the naturallJeauly and char8cter of our neighbodlood
aDd we ate asldDa you to vote 9_ this intrusion of our neiabborhoocl by developers
wisbiDs to Ktine dleJr poC~ instead of taking our best interest 8Dd desires into
c::onsideratiou. ,_ ",>
As res~ we tee) that the City ofCarmel8Dd die City ofNohlesville should develop
this laDd in ~ with the current JDa.aer plaDs as well as in accordance wftb
Depanmem. of Natural Resources guidelines fOr the p-otection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are askin& tbat developers worJdoa within NobJesvUle, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to C01.dribuae fimds ....0, to an ind~ eentral fimd
CODIIOIIed by tbe city &lid Iftidem$ (SO/SO). We are also 8!IIdDa that aU developers be
held aceoumabJe for an)' drying up of.eUs and c:onhl1nhultloft ofwater supplies when
development ~ tbe water table, water quality, eq:. Developers would be
responsible tbr aIlaclDary costs assoclaled with this iSsue as determiued by a court or by
811 arbitrator.
J am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am askiDg that )'Ou consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in acmrdenc:e wkh the master 'plan for the respective
Name FLE"1-B ELLl S
Address~13 A-"i ~ De.
of\. \ olol ~c;. u i U e:- I ~ 4"(,, a" 0
Phone ~n- 11 ~.- ).~~O E-mail PttiFI~e4t1-LN.tr
-:f::.-l am a Noblesville taxpayer _I am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separaIe developers have prc:scnted ~posaJs for
large colnlDCn:ia1Iretail development on the corner of)4() and Hazel Dell roads. I
..........d that both oftbe proposed clevelopmenlS filii outside of the s;ope ortbe master
plan fOr the City ofNoblesvil1e and the City of CarmeL Tbcse master plans lOOk sewnl
years to fbrmulate, IJlUCh input &om citirJcns and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth p8IteI'DS tOr our cities. I am opposed to
Q)b.u)letcial/tetaJl de"elopment on these and any other comers along 146* street because
I do mt wish to live in an area which is oonpsted with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises aDd sme.Us. aimc wbid1 mail deveJopment brings. flU:. Allowing for oolIlUKaclal
development on this COIIB' will "open the door" fbr further devebpment to come in aad
soon 146"- street will be DO ctitTenmt than 82*' Street 01' fJ(/A Street. This is especially true
since commerciaIIretaD deveJopme.ot 81 Greyhound Pass and 146* Street is moving
further east along 146* Street 8Dd deveJopen have ~tMeCI an intereSt in other comers
along 146. Street. CW'nml retail needs can be met wi1bin Sminutes or less in 3 different
dmtions &om the comer in questloD.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are LqkinS you to VOle .,.1nRt this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pQckets" instead oftaldns our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that meicity of Carmel and the City ofNoblesviUe should develop
this land in accordance with the CUJTeDt masteJ' plans as weD as .in accordarJee with
Dep4(tua::nt of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife atId tbeil'
As residents, ~ are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN wUl be required to contribute funds annually to an independent. centr8l fund
controlled by the eity and residents (SO/SO). We are also asking tbat aJI developers be
held accountable fur any drying up ofweUs aDd contamiftation ofwater supplies when
development changes the water table. water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all anci.11ary costs associated with tbisJ,sue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a reinDdum OD these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep tbis area in accordance with the master plan fOr the respective
Name J~Fr /{r!t/ A, 1~L,Li .s
Address 3/0 /J.,q ~ ~ /J ~
jLJOIjLiC~t./I//L ~()
". ~ tJ "6 ()
PlIo? '771-~ 1<10 E-mailA~.:x:JI!rF"~ArT." }J~r
I am a NoblesviUe taxpayer _I am a Carmel taxpayer
.~?'" ~ .
J'. .......
I understand thar twO sepal'81e developers have presented ~posals for
Jarse collllDelclaJlrer development on the comer of 146 and HueI DeD roads. I
understand that both of tile proposed developmentS filII outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNobJemlle and the City ofCarmeJ. These master p1ans tOOk several
years to fbrmulate., much input nom citizeos and city planneIs. aud DIllY taxpayer doUars
in orderto deknuitte the most eftkiem growdl patterns fOr our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaJhaaiJ ~pment on these and any other comers aloug 1461b Stteet because
I do not wish to Jive in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
mises and smells, crime whkh retail deve)opmeDt brings. etc. AUowing fOr commercial
deveJo,.u on this COllIer will -open the door" tOr fiIItIa devc10pmeDt to mme inaul
soon 1466 st!eet will be DO different than ~ Sma or 9f1a S1neI. This is especially true
siJJce COIDIIleICiaIIr developmellt at Greyhound Pas and 146* StIeet is moving
fUnber east akmg 14(/& S1Ret aod developers have exp.essed an aduat ill other COXD:;t&
aJoug t46* Street. CUaeat JC:IaiJ needs an be met within Sm~lltf'S or Jess in 3 difFerent
directions from the COpleF in question.
As residents. we wish lo.presene the natural beauty and cbarKta' of 0111' neigbbmhood
and ~ ale asking yoU to _.. this iIIImsioa of our .....1JOIhoOd by developers
wisIUog to "IiDe their ~ instead of taking our besc ~ and desires into
As n:sidents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNobJesville should develop
this land in ~rdance with the current master pJaDs as weD as in acoordance with
Depaitmeat of Natural Resoun:es guidelines for the protection ofwiJdlife and their
As res~ we are askiog tha1 developers working within NobJesville, IN and. Carmel,
IN will be required to amttibute funds ~11y to an indepeDdem, ceIlbaI fimd
controlled by the city aDd .-...S (50150). We are also askiDs that aD dfteIopc:rs be
IJe1d ~mHI~'lOr any drying up olweOs and ClOfttAminAfinrt of wata' supplies when
devdopmeot dtanges the walU table, watAlr' quality, eac. Developers wOuld be
re~ tbr aU ancillary costs associated with this issue as dtlbudu.d by a COUd or by
I am also ~ areirendum on 1hese i.sssues aDd am askiaa 1h8t ,ou consider this
request as my ~ to keep this area in accotdance . tile masta' plan l~ve
cities. .
l~ Lf(Q.03-3
Phone Eo:;;I'
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer
td Wc:16S:G0 COOG 60 .::>>3(l
rS16 186 Ll[: 'ON Xij~
p..lePl( (3 wJr-(I~~: wmI.:1
I .~.. tImt two 9Cp8Iateclevelopers flaw P'(~ mr "
large COIDIIIeIdaIIre dneIop.meDl on the comer oft and Hard Dell roads. I
lDIerstand 1IIBt both oldie Jmposed ~M. &II 0'" oldie seope of tile master'
plan tor die City ofNobJesviUe and the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
~ 10 fbrnml,,~ much iopatfiom ~ns8Dd city ~ 8Dd. many l8Xj)ayer doDars
monbtD ~..JI~ 1be mostefliciall growdtpsttle-1IlC fbrourcities. I am opposed to
eo.....*"~deveJopmeat on these and any o1ber comas along 146* street ~
I do DOt wish 10 five in aD 8Iea which is congestal with "BtDp aDd go" ua8ic, colDll8:;tclal
noises and smells, crime which retail deveIop.meat ~ ere. AJIowins tor O'"....~.ddal
~~ on this comer will "'open 1bc door" tbrtbrther development to come ill aDd
soon 146f1a stRet wiD be no diffe&~ tbao art SIIeet or 96f1a SUeet. This is especlaIly true
since eoIIIIDeIdaIhet c1ewlopmaJt at Grey.bouad Pass ami 146* S1IeeIk moving
tUrtber east ..t4C)"t S1Net &lid developers have c.qnssed an ..... in other comers
aIoDg 14(Ih S1meL CuueIIlIet8iI needs can be met within SmiDutes 01' less in 3 cIiffetut
directions fivm the oomer in question.
As taidems, we _Ii to preserve the D8hU8l beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we ~ askiag you to. VOle against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to 461ine their pockets" instead oftakiDg OlD' best DttereSt and desires into
considemtioo. "
As residents. we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNobIesvilleshould develop
this land in ac:cordance with the current master plans as wen as in accordance with
Department ofNatmaJ Resotm:eS guidelines for the protection ofwilcJlire and their
M residents, we are asking that devebpers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an indepenCtenl, central fund
conuoDed by the city and residefa (SOI50). We are ~ Bing that an developers be
held aa:ouot8bJe"fbr aay dryJDg up ofweIIs 8Dd co___iQa ofwater supplies when
deveIopmeDt changes the waler1able, water quality, etc. Developers would be
re5pOlISI"ble Jbr aDaacillaly COS1S ~iated with this issue as determinecI by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name S~Gr\ E\lw~ L~~
Address----E:J. 4'~ AVitl t1 '\J'f~
~ " IN'LflJtJ33
Phone _B-~ ~lS:IJY}"....:ihfA"la~~,,"'Cb"Y"h.
_I. am a Nob1esviUe taxpayer ~I.am a Carmel taXpayer
ldm WcIOO:(0 ~l 60 .::ICla
r~t6 tBS L t(: "ON XI::l.:l
P..l-ePl113 Wlr~: WOa:!
, ~' '-, :"..' - .
. that JOU . this
plaD fOr respective
E-1DIil eo..
:..,L.I ama
~.'Y.'Y. ~..&V adA 'VUV~V.~YV
u...a.a'U& ..,.a.&iJrlual V"'''.ua&.I AVa..
I WldersI:aDd that two aepamte developers Ita"" prese.uted ~ for
bup CX>JIIIIlII'cia ~ on the c:onJ&% of 146 aDd Hazel Dell roads. I
UDdeIiIaDd dIIIt both oftbe paoJlOS8d deveJo~ fidI outside oftbe scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesviJle and the City of Carmel These master plans took several
years to ibrmulAte, much iDput iom citizens and city plaDners, and IDIIJlY taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most eftJcient growth pauems fOr our cities. I am opposed to
COIIIIIJ.m:ialImaiI developmeat on these ancl8IJY oda' oomas along 146* street because
I do DOt wish to live in an.. which is c:xms lM with -stop aDd go" 1I'81Iie, oommercial
noises and srneDs, crime wbic:h mail development brinp, etc. Allowing for (lOmmerc;ial
devdopmall on 1bis c:onaer will "open tile door" fbr fiIIther development to come ill and
soon 146* stIeet wDl be 80 difFerent tb8Il rJ!1A S1red or wft SIrect. This is espodS\Jly 1rUe
since COftm~ development at Oreyhouud Pass 8Dd 146* S1reet is moving
fbrther east along l~ SUeet aDd deftJopers hPe ~essecI811 iIIterest in other COJ'IIaS
Uq 146'" Street. Cumm retail Qeeds can be met within SmlDutes or less in 3 diLem
cIireaioDS &om the COI'III:I' in question.
As res~ we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of OUf neighborhood
aDd we are asking yolllO vote agaJDst this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "tine 1heir pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we teet that the City ofCatmel end the City of No blesvi lie should develop
this land in aa;ordalM;e with the current ID8Ster plans as weD as in accordance with
DepartmeDt ofNatural Resources suideliDes 1M the protection of wildlife and their
habitats. 0
As resideots, we 1ft asking that developers workiDg within'Noblf!svine, IN and Carmel,
IN will be requited to <lOD1ribute fimds au"")y to an independent, central fund
coDtroJJed by the city and resideDts (SOISO). We are also asking tIm all developc:n be
held accountable for 8DY dIyiaa up ofwells and contJuninetion ofwater supplies wben
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
respoDSl"ble fbr all smdll~ costs associated with this ..... as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also ~ a refiRndum on these isssues and am askiDg that you consider this
request as 111)' vote 10 keep this area in accordaDce with the master plan for the respective
Address \4"lU S .\~ \) r - . E
Q,or~L\ \ LN l{~05~
Phone - - 0 _E~ eSt-4Q ~.l'!.~.c..OM.
_I ama Noblesville taxpayer ~I am a Carmel taxpayer
1 understand that two sepalatc developers have prf'~n.ta4 ~posals fOr
large eommerciallretail development on the comer of 146 8Dd Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments &II outside of the scope oftbe master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to fonnulat~ much iDput fiom citizens and city pJamters, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to dde..mi.Je the most efficient growth patterns fiJr our cities. I am opposed to
eommerciaJlretail development on these and any other comers along 146da street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop aud go'" traffic, colDlllerCial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, ete. Allowing for conunetclal
development on this eomer will "'open the door" fhr fUrther cbe10pmeDt to come in and
soon 146. street will be no ditTerent than ~ Street or C)(/h Street. This is especially true
since commercial/retail development at GreyhoUDd Pass and .146th Street is moving
further east aloDg 146. Street and developers have expressed an hIIerest in other comers
along 14fJ'h Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 di1ferent
directions fiom the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration.:. ..
As residents. we feel ~,~City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in 8ccordance with the Cunent master plans as well as in acconlance with
Department of Natural Resoun:es guide1iues tOr the protection of wildlife and their
As,residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute fuods annllllll1y to aD independent, central fund
controlled by the c:ity and residents (50150). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable fur any drying up ofweUs and confRminRrinn of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary oosts associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
m~L ~
1 am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respec:tive
Name.-1) IUJ IEL. V. ~(l.{2.A.CC (olO
Address 50 ~ 4 ,i; L I CA.,.:) B.A.cE.
Phone "?> n,. e51 t, 0015"
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer
C A (J..Af\F- L
V"'f ~ a Carmel taxpayer
I undetstaud that two sepaacih. developers have presented ~posals fur
large CiOllDUCtCiaIIretail ~ment on the comt.r'ofl46 and Hazel Dell roads. )
understand that both oftbe ProPOsed ~pnlM1fS &11 outside of the scope oftbe master
plan fOr the City ofNoblesvilJe and the City ofCatmel. These masteI' plans took several
years to fOrmulate, much input from citizeDs and city pJauners. aDd many taxpayer dollars
in order to detem.ine tbe most efficient growth patterns fOr OlD' cities. I am opposed to
commerciaJlretai1 development on these and 'any other comers along 146111 street because
I do not wish to live in an area whi~h is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smeDs, mme which retail development brings, etc. Allowing fOr commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" fbr tUrthcr deweJopment to come in and
soon 146111 street wD1 be DO cIlfferent thaD sr StJeeI or 9f!t Stteet.. This is especially true
smc:e colDlJ1eldaJlreta development at Greyhound Pass and 146ch Street is moving
further east along 146111 Street and developers law expIased an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 dift"Qtad
directions iiom the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of oW' neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftakiog oW' best interest and desires into
consideration. .~,.
As residents, we teel ~ the.City of Carmel and the citY ofNoblesviUe should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds 8nt'1l8tJy to an independent, central fund
controlled by the ~ity and residents (50150). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of we Us aDd contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a cowtor by
an arbitrator. '.
J am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asldng that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fur the respective
Name <-5uSAA.l M -
Address. 50(, 4
f-?LlcAN ~
fA.) 4&,0,; 3
Phone ~/7-~"(-CJc/?S E-mail __
_1 am a Noblesvi1le taxpayer ~ am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand tbat two separate deveIopem Jmw .PJae:oted ~saIs fbr
large commerciaIIreta dewlopmeDl on the comer of 1 and Hazel De1l roads. I
1ud..~ that both oftbe pmposed cJevelopmeDts f8Il outside ofdle scope of tile master
plan tOr the City ofNobJesviUe and tbe City of CarmeL These master p1aDs took sewral
years to JOrnaJIAtP., IIDlCh input tom citiftl!l)R aDd city PlAnners. and DIlDY tu:payer doOars
in order to deteunme the most eIIicieDt powth pattelns tbr our cities. I am opposed to
OOuldlerCiaIIretail developmeDt on" aud 1IDY 0"" cometS along 14f1' street because
I do DOt wish to me Qt an mea which is c:o~ with "stop aDd go" traftic,CiO~ciaI
noises aDd smells, crime wbich reI8il ~ briDp, etc. AlIowiDa fbr commercial
development on this comer wiD "opeD theclo01'" .. fiIrther ~ to come in and
soon 146111 street will be DO ~ than ~ Street or 9f.It StteeL This is espeeiaUy true
since commercialhelail ~ at GreyhoUDd Pass aDd 146* Street is moving
further east a10Dg l~ Street and deYeIopers have ~essed lID interest in other comers
aJoDg 146fh StIeet. CUrrent retail needs can be met within Smmme- or less in 3 difTereDt .
directioDs fiom the comer in quesdOD.
As residents, we wish to presene the DBtund be&oty 8Dd cbarai;ter of our neighbod1ood
and we are askiDa you to \lUte ~ this iDtrusioD ofOUl' neWabodJood by ~lopers
wishing to "line their ~"; iDstead oftaIdDg our best interest aDd desires into
~ t..~~:>._"':-..:~:
As residents. we W that the City o~Carmel8Dd the City orNobJesviDe sIIouId develop
this JaDd in accoIdance with the aiIN:dl master plans as weB as in accoIdance with
Dt.p&ftmeal ofNatura1 Resomces guidelines tor the pmtfdion ofwildlife and their
As ~ents. we are asIdna that developers worJdDg witbfo NobJesviIJe, IN and Carme~
IN will be required to contn'bute fimds ,nnnAlty to an indt.I1ePdent, ceutral fund
contml1ecl by the city and resideDIs (SO/SO). We 8Ie a1so askioa that all deYeIopers be
held accoUDlable fi)r amy drying up ofwe1ls and cont.amiDItiOn ofwater supplies when
~ ~ the water table, water quaIity,~. Developers would be
teSpODStDle fOr all aDCiDary costs assodated with this iSsue as ddcamined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respeaive
NaDE ~ 1.~:Jj1~
Address ~-I/p 7 '- ItJ~ ~
~A.I~Ii~~ . .!J. ~/J~tJ
Phone rfl'- ,;2S" J 7 E-mail 2;-41",,.. i) t'..t.-<...
_lama Noblesville taxpayer 4-1 am a Carmel taxpayer
~/~. /~. us
- -- -- J
U~~-O.Ui:! ~:14AMj
,.AUt: 1/ tI!.
J UDde4'staod that two ~ developers have presented ~posaJs for
large c:olDlllelda1lreta de1IelopmeDt on 1he eorner of 146 and HalICl Dell roads. J
undeIBIancl dill both of the proposed clevelopmeDIs filii 0UISide oldie scope olthe master
plan for the City ofNoblesvilJe IDd the City of CarmeL These master plaDs took several
)'C8I'S to formalat~ much input hm citizens aud ~ity pIaImers, -1DaD1 taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most eft1cieat pod pauems tOr our c:1tics. I BIll opposed to
C01DIIlCJ'CiaII development 011 these and any other comas aIoD8 146. $tI'eet because
I do DOt wish to live in an area whk:b is co..... with .... and IP" traffic, OOJIJloercia)
noises SlId smells, c:rime wJUch retail developmeDl brinp, eIc:. AIlowiDB tOr oommercial
deYelopln.eot on this QOIII8r: will "open the door" _ tbrdIer development to come in and
soon 146f' Btreet will be no cIiJfermt thIm r.ztIlI SUeet or 96* S1Ieet. lbis is especiany true
since cOD1111elclal/re deveJopmelJl81 (Ryhound Pass.. 146* Street is moWag
An1her east aIoug 146. S1Ieet aad developers have expased an intcresa in other comers
along 146* SneL Current retail.... can he met within ,minutes 01 leas in 3 dift'crent
directions tom the c:otIIa' in question. .
As resideDts, we wiSh to pn:scrve ... oawraI beauty BDcI character of our neighborhood
and """ are askiDa you 10 vote ..iMt this inh.,.. ofo1ll' _~rbood by developers
wishing to "liDe their pockets" instead oftakiDg our best inteIal and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City ofCumeJ aDd the City ofNobJesviue shoutd develop
ibis land in 8C:QH'daoce with tile CUI1'eDt master plans as well as in aa:ordaDce with
Department of Natural Resoun:es guidelines fur die pro1ed.ion of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developas worIdns wiIhiil. Noblesville, IN and ('.armel,
IN will be requirecllO coDlribate tbnds amn....,.to 8ft ~ '*1U8l fUnd
COIlIrOIJed by the ciIy aDd residems (50/50). We ~ also asking that aD developers be
held accountable fOr any dryiDa up of.1Is .... mDlllllllnalion ofwater supplies when
clcMlopmenl dlaPaes the water table, water quality, etc. De\oe1opers would be
respomible .. aD ancillary ~sts ,~ with this issue as determined by II court or by
an arbibalOr.
I am also leqll..... a ~teralClum OD these isssues and am aakiDg tbat JOB consider this
request as my vote to keep ~ an:a in acc:ord8nce with the master plan for the respecdve
Name a.~ Y!h\..: '- ;'.0 (AIJIJ~'e. FrQ.S~)
Address 5~67 C. !'!d"..jf:
~!i~,'II'J I AI 'k,()f,D
Pho~_.l~/'7) .s7~-f.J14J' E.mail~ AAJFnu'L (iiJa.OI~ 1m>>...
".1.J am II Noblesville taxpayer __I 8111 a Cannel taxpayer
tit:NI BY: NAlj
--_.- _.
PAGE 2/2
DEC-5-02 9:15AMj
I understand that two separate de'Vdopers haw presented ~ tbr
large col~uuerciaVretal' development on dle COI'DI:r of 146 and Haml DeD roads. J
understand that both olthe proposed developments taU outside of the sc;ope of the master
plan tOr the City ofNob1esvi1Je and the CiIy of Carmel These master plans took several
years to ~ much iDput ftolJl citizens aDd dty planners, and _y taXpaya' dollars
in order 10 detemdne the most etJieient gmwth ~ for our cities. I am opposed to
commercla1ltetail deveIopmeDt on these and any otber comers along 146"" street because
J do 110t wish to live in an area which is ~ with "slop and go'" traftie, COllll1lelCial
noises and smeUs. crime wbich retail ~Iopmenl briDp, etc. AIlowiDa fbr comrnerc:iaJ
dcve~ Oft this corner wUl "opeR die door" lOr fiuthcr deweIoplDellt 10 COllIe in and
soon 146* Street will be no diftCrent than ~ StRet or 96" S1IeeI. This is especially trUe
Rm c:ommerciaIIreIl deveJopment at Oreybound Pass and 146da Street is moviDg
fbrther east aIoD8 146. Street and developers haw ~ an iaunst in other comers
along 146lh Sm:et. Cunent retailoP,eeds can be met wilbiD SmiDuIes or Jess in 3 dift"erent
directicml 10m Ihe corner in quesdoa.
As residents, _ wish 10 preserve the natUral beauty and dwaeter of our neiabborhood
and we ale askina you to vote apiDst this jntnJsion of our neighborhooc1 by developers
wishing to "line aheir pockets- instead oftating our best iDteJat and clesires into
consideratioa .
As resideDts. we feel that the City of Carmel ancI1he City of Nobles vii Ie should develop
this land in ac:cxmIance with the cum:nt m8Ster plans as weD as in accordance with
DepartmeDt of Natural Resourca guidelines tOr the pIOteuion ofvn1d1ife 8DCl their
As residems. we aN askina Ibat developers worJdDs withiitNobJesyjUe, IN'aod Carmel,
IN will be .n:quiRd to contribute fimds anaually to aD indepeIident) ceDIr8I fimd
coll1ODed by the city ml residents (50150). We me also asking that aU developers be
heW aec:oUDtable fur any drying up ofwe11s and contamination ofwatel' suppHes when
development cJuuraes tile watertabJe, water quaIilJ, etc. Developers would be
respoDSible tW aD ancillary costS 8S$Odated with dUs issue as determined by a court or by
_~L .
J am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote 10 keep this area ill acconlance wirb the master plan fur the respective
Name 73 _ 1:.. T ~ I !:>.&,....... ,:';... S1..)
Address o3~'1 C. I ('/~ :if:
tlf);/~sv"llc. IN *tJ~()
Phone. 13/~ 5?S'~ "t'1' E-mail
_)LI am a oblesville taxpayer __I am a Carmel taxpayer
--... -.. ~ ..~,
011 .,.... tIOOl:Ij
UC~-4-U~ 1;4/AMj
r-"uc I I':
J understand that two separate developers have presented ll'OPOsals for
large commercJallretail development on the <>>mer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of tile ProPOsed developments fBll outside of tile soope of the master
plan for the City of NoblesviUe and the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to tormu1ale, much input &om citizeDs and city planners, and many taxpayer cIoDars
in order to determine the most efficient srowth patterns fur our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaVretail development on these and any other comers along 146'" street because
1 do not wish to Bve in an 8ft'J8 which is cooaesaed with "stop aDd gottllafl'ic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. AIlowiDg fur commercial
developmeat on this corner will "open the cIocw" fbr fiIrthef development to wme in and
soon 146* srreet w01 be DO dI&rem than n- Sueet or ~ SUeeL This is especially trUe
since commerciaJIreta1 developmeut at CJreyhoand Pass and 1~ SIJeet is moviDg
fbrther east 81001146* SIIeet ad developers have expressed 811 interest in other corners
along 146* Street. Cuae.ollUil aeecIs caa be met withiD .sminllleS or less in 3 difTereDl
directions ftom the comer in ques\'ion.
As raidents. we wish to preserve the natural beaut)' and character of OlD' neighborhood
and we III'e asIdDa you to vote'" this iDIrusion of our neipbolhood by developers
wisbiDs to ..tiDe their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desin:s into
As residents, we teel that the City of ('.annel and the City of Nob1esville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plaDs as well as in accordara with
Department of Natural Resomces guidelines for the protection ofwlldUfe and tlleir
As resideDt~ we 8I'e 88king that developers woddug wkbiD ~bIes~ IN aM Cannel,
IN wiD be reqWredto contribute fUnds amma11y to an ~, CCIltr8I fimd
COIIIIOIled by the city aDd resideats (SOISO). We &Ie also asking ttiat all developers be
held 8CCOUDllbIe fOr _ cIryiDg up of wells aDd ~ion ofwater supplies when
development dIuJaes the water table. water qualia1, etc. DeYeJopers would be
responsible for all anc;iUary costs associated with this issue as determined by a oourt or by
an arbiVator.
I am also ~ 8 referendum on these isssues and am askinS that you oonsider this
request as my vote to keep this area in acc.ontanc.e with the master plan for the respective
Name ,<<)~ ~4<J
Address 5 5 g ~ e. I S I..,.'" 'S ...,.. eo+
N&/:'Ie.tavil\e. r,., 4/e.t:J~P-__._
Phone .31 1- ~","-'f. " E-mail ~..cI"..."l.l"....~QWo."Ialnei.Qt1.".net.
V""" I am a Noblesville taxpayer _I am 8 Carmel taxpayer
"11 1144 l:I~j
U~~-4-U~ 1:46AMj
t'AUt: ~/"J.
I undastllnd that two separate developers ba~ presented ~posals fOr
Jorge c:ommercialhetail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel DeD roeds. J
UDderstand thai both of the proposed developments filII outside oftbe scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesvil1e and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to fimnulate, much input Jiom citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in onJer to determine the most efficient growth pattern.\ lOr our cities. I am opposed to
commerctalltetaU development on these and any other comers along 146tb street because
I do not wish to Jive in an area which is congested with "stop and go" vaft'k. COJJU1'lereiaJ
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, ow. Allowing for commercial
developmeJJt on this WmeI' wiD "open the door" fur fiD1her developmeal to come in and
soon 1 ~ sarcct will be no difJtreDt thaD ~ Street or 9(/la Street. This is especially true
since colDlDeldallretai dewJlopmeaI at GreyhoUDd Pass and 1466 Street is mo.g
further C8SI aIoa8 146* Street and developers haw expressed an interest in other CQrn&:I'S
along 146111 Sbeet. Cuuent reI8il ~ C8JI be met widrin ~minutes or less in 3 different
dhcdons tom the corner in quesiicm. .
As residents, we wish to presel'\le the natural be;auty and character of our neighborhood
and we are askiDs you 1.0 vote ap1nst Ibis intrusion of our oeJshbotbood by developefS
wishi"8 to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration. .
As residents, we fee) that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordan~e with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines tbr the proteetion of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers worldng wkhin,Noblesville, IN aDd Carmel,
IN will be required to wntribute funds annually to an indepencle1at, central fund
conuoUed by the city and residentS (SO/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable tor any dryms up orwells aad contAminAtion orwater supplies when
development dIauges the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible fOr all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also request'" a relaendum on these isssues and am askins that you Consider this
request as my vote to keep thiJ area in accoJdance with the master plan for the respective
ckU 4
~. ~6~~
Address .5~ ~ F . 1st ~ sr
AJ~hL~-~vli-t.~. I'AJ ~ 6oJO
Phone, 3/ 7 ~aJl.~ - ,~~ r E-mail G.cp..t~Q.nq1.l..-.~(;)lchrldne.1..Qtt.net
~I am a Noblesville taxpayer _I am a Canncltaxpayer
-.--- - -- --- - ----
I understand that two separate dewlopers have presented ~posals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell lOads. I
understand that both of the lXOposed developments tall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesviUe and the City of Cannel. These master plans took several
years to fonnulate, much input &om citizens and city planners, and man)' taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaVretail development on these and aoy other comers along 146tb street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, erime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing fur commercial
developmem on ~ c:orJIfK wD1 "opeD the door" tbr fiutber developmem to come in aDd
soon 146" SIreet will be DO diffefem dIaD ~ StleBt or 96. S1Net. 1bis is especially ttue
sinGe rnmmel'CiBIIIetaiI deveIopmeut at OreyhoUDd PIlls 8IId 14(/& Stteet is l.1JOvU1g
fiutber east along 14~ Street and developers have cxptCSlJed an interest in other comers
along 1466 Street. Cunent retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less ill 3 difterent
directions fiom the comer in que!rtion.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pocketsu instead of taking OlD' best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the CityofNobJesvUle should develop
this land in accordam:e with the curreDt master plans as wen as in accordance witb
Department of Natural Resources guidelines mr the proteetion of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers wodriog withiQ.":N,oWesville, IN aod Cannel,
IN will be n:quired to contribute fimds annually to an in~ central fimd
COntlOlIed by the city aDd residents (SOISO). We iR also asking that all developers be
held accountable fur any drymg up of wells and contamination of water suppHes when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
respolBibJe tbr all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also req~,,! a referendwn on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in acc:ordance with the IIIISta' plan tbr the J'eSPC'tive
c~ '
Name 8'1J.tbdb (;Yet ()da .
. Addaas ~~ N~VI-lJ .
CurVVl~l nr L/[g()33
Phone ~~..q ]..14 _E.~
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer -A:-' am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posals for
large commercialltetail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Den. roads. 1
understand that both oCtile proposed developments fiill outside of the scope of the master
plan tOr the City ofNoblesvilleand the City of Carmel. These mastu plans took several
years to formulate, much input from cititens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns fur our cities. I am opposed to
colDllltrCiaJlretail development on these aDd any other comers along 146lh street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop ancI go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
devclop11!ellt 011 this comer will "open the door" tOr fUrther development to eome in and
soon 1466 street will be no difli..w4 tb80 ~ Street or 9ff' S1reet.. This is especially true
since colJllDaciaJlmaiJ development at Greyhound Pass and 146111 Street is moving
further east aIons 146'- Street and dcwelopers have expIused an interest in other comers
along 146* Street. CuneoI retail needs C8Il be met widrin Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions &om the comer in queMion.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking OlD' best interest and desires into
As residents, we teel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville $hould devek?p
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Depa11ment of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection ofwDdlife and their
As residents, we are &Skiog that developers working within.}Ilo")~lIe, IN and Carmel,
IN wiD be required to CODtribute funds8llDUally to an ind~, centra11\md
controlled by the city and raidents (50150). We are also askJDs that aU developers be
held acc:ountabJe for any drying up of weDs and cODtamination of water supplies when
development changes the water tab~ water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for an ancilllry costs associated with this issue as determined by a c01J11 or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
ckre& .
Name Jcbn M. G((,lla/~
Adcbas :5J.I.. '- ~I~D W 14.'1
QOJtnl../ tJIDfJ33
_.3I7-gl~-'}Q.ltJ ~
_1 am a Noblesville taxpayer I am. a Carmel taxPayer
I UDdcrstand that twO
.......stUCI that bolla
pJaa tor dac City of
years to ...........
in onler 10 ....miIle
I do DOt wish to live .
uoises and smeDs. .
soon14flh SIIWI will
sinc:e ex)
fiarIber - aIoDa I
aIoDa 146* Street.
cIRctioDS &om tile
As~ 1lfe
8Dd we IR askiDa
wishina to "line dacir
As resideaIs. we teet
this land in acco
IN wiD be .......
COIltlODed by the city
held tlCCOUDtabIe iJr
Iesp-~ible fbr aU
_ arbiII......
I am also
Phone "?> \1_ ,,, .
de\dopers have II [;,..-",ecI jWOpos8I& tbr
on the comer of l~ and Haml DeD roads. I
proposed deveJopmMI. f8II ourside oflbe scope oflbe master
. aud the City of CarmeL TIIeso master pIaDs cook. several
input fiom citizens aDd city planners, aDd I11III)' 1Up8Ja' dollars
most cfticlcmt gmwth paUem$ for our cides. I am oPJlOsecI to
011 thac aIIIlaay oda comers aloaa 146" S1Ieelbec:auK
area wbida is c:oapsIed with "stop and go" bBftic:, COlllllJeniial
wbJch nail developmeDI brings, etC. AlIowirlg fur Q)n~iaI
will "'open die ~ lOr 1Urtber ~ to co. in ad
different than r:r Stn&t or 9(/la SUeet. 'Ibis is especially true
Iopmeat at Greyhound Pass 8Dd 146'- Sbeet is moving
aDd cJewJopen haw apressed aD iDten&t mother <:omerB
ntail needs can be met within SmiDutes or less in 3 ~
.' ,ill question.
. paerve the ..... baluty and cbaract.er of our aeigbborbood
'VOte ..an,. this intrusion of our neighbodJood by cIevdopers
" instead oftakiDg our best imerest aDd desires into
the City of Cannel and the City ofNoblesvill'e should develop
. the aam:at master plans as weD as in accoIdaDce with
pidelilles fbr the piVkdioD of wildlife and their
that developers WUJkina wiIhia NobIesviUe, IN and Carmel,
DIribute &mds A""'1A11y 10 aa1nclepealdeDt, cen1ra11bncI
n:side:IIIs (SQ/SO). We lie also asking that aD c1evelopers be
dryiaa up ofwcJIs aad cofthnninsatioD of water supplies wbea
watertable, W8Ierqualilyt ell:. Dewlopers would be
eo_ associated with this issue as determiaecI by a COUll or by
OIl tIIese isssues and am -ilia that 10u CODSider this
in Rfance with the master plaD fbr the n:spective
.....k::.1 am a Carmel taxpayer
--.~___I.- ____. .___'~ft'~.
I .......dtMd that
large oodIIDeJdaI/J
Uudb~ that both
plan tor the City of
years to fOrmulate,
in order to cIetamiDe
J donotwishto~'
DOises 811II sme~
deveJoplJ!Blll OIl this
soon 146ft SIIeet will
fUrtber east ... 1
&10. 14f1a SCreet.
dhctions &om the
As nsidelltS, we "
and. we 8R 88kina
wBbioa to "line their
As mtiderd~ YIC W
this IaDd in
As aWde..... we Bnl
IN. be nquired
helcllICCOUIIt8bIe for
IapOIL'IibJe for aD
an M'bitiaI(W.
I 8ID aI80 1eq1~1"8
RlqUCSt as my vote
clevelopen have pmenl~L. fOr
pmeat on the c:omer of I aud Hazel OeD roads. J
inposed ~Jorment' fiaU outside ortlle scope of tile master
lie 8IId the City ofCatmeL These master plans took several
input &om ciIizens.... city Plllllaers. aad Dml)' rupaye:r cIolIBrs
most eflk;ieut smWlh paItemS tor our cities. I am opposed 10
on these and 8DY otbel' comers ~ 146" 8IIeel beteuse
m:a whic;b is <<-nv-ed with ~p 8Dd 80" trafIic. COJMlef~faI
whida retail development ~ etc:. AIIowiDg for commercial
wiD "open the door" filr fUrther deYelopmla to mme in and
110 d.&nod than W'Street 0I9f1b Street. nil is especially 1nIe
IopJJICIII at GreyhoUDd Pass and 146* sam is IIIOvins
aad developers lave exprased an iDteIetl in otI8 comers
nIBil needs can be met within SmiDutes or less in 3 diftiftnt
.~. question.
pft:Scrw Ibe natural beauty aDd characleI' of 0111' neighborhood
'VOte apinst this iDIrusiou of our Deighborhood by developers
" iDSte8d oftakiDa our best imerest and desires into
the City of Carmel and the City ofNobJesviUc should ~lop
. the clB'lelll master plans as wen as in accordance with
gu~'~ fbr Ibe pmIedion ofwildllfe .... their
. that de\oeIopers woddna within Noblesville. IN aDd c:am.,1,
ibute fimds.......11y to an~... ceab'al fimd
......, (sO/SO). We are Uo asIdDs Ibat aIldewlopers be
cIryins up of wells 8Dd COJltlUftiNlt{on ofwau. supplies when
water table, __ qualily, ere. Developers would be
costs -~ with this issue as _lIJPIIIiDACI by a court or by
on these isssues and am askiDa dial JOU coasicler this
this area in accordance with the DIIISter plaD for the respective
PhoDe 317-1'1.:
V IBID a Carmel taxpayer
Tr.I "XlH..J
c:unr .......r.........".,... . ..~
Or.Tr.lChO'TC hC"aT 7r.1n7/oa/7T
I understand that two separate developers have presePted 'proposals for
large COa4nlefCialIretaiI de~lopment on the oomer of 146'1' and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of tile proposed developmeDts &II outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City of Nobles vii Ie and the City ofCarmeJ. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input tom c:itizeDs 8Dd city planaera, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns tbr OUt cities. I am opposed to
commerc:iallretail development on these aDd any other comers along 146* street because
I do not wish to live ill an area which is cona-eeI with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises aud smells, crime which retail developmem brinp, etc. Allowing. for commercial
deve~ on this comer will "\)pea die door" fOr fiBtIa cbdopmeut to come in and
soon 146* street will be DO dit'faeDt than ~ Street or 96" Street. This is especially true
since COIIIIII8R:iaII clewelopmeat at GreyIIouod Pass aod 146. StR:et is moviDa
further ease aIoDs 14(/* SIIeel and developen have ~essed an interest ill other comers
along t 4(}h Street. CuiRm RtaiI needs can be met within Sm~es or less in 3 different
directions ,rom the comer in question.
As residents. we wish to preserve the Datural beaUI)' and characler of our neighborhood
and we are askiDs you to vote ep. this imrusioa of our Deiahborbood by developen
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftakins our best interest and desires into
As residents, We feel that the City ofCarmeJ and the City ofNob1esville should de'\'elop
this land in accordaDce with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
Departmenl ofNamral Resoun:es guidelines fOr the pmtec:tion ofwild1ife aad their
As residents, we are -iDs that developers working ~ NoblesviUe, IN and Cannel.
IN will be required to coll1ribute fUnds 8IIIluaUy to an independeat, central fund
coatroDed by the dty aDd NSicIems (SO/SO). We are also askins that all developers be
he1clllCCOUlltable fur any drying up of wells and conwnination ofwat~ supplies when
develop8lent changes the water table, water quality, etc. Oe\1elopers would be
responsible fbr all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requestt-. a retereoclum on these isssues 8Dd am askina that you coosidea' this
request as my vote to keep thJs area in accordance with the masteI' plan ror the respective
Pmne.:6 tfiP - ~ rI-
_I am a Nob v De taxpayer
I f'r. Cf) lY\
70 ~....I
....T .J.JT:wD ':I'oITbI
I0710hDITCT ar'oo 7007/hO/7T
I undastMd that two ~. dewIopen lave peseaadproposals tOr
large ~.velopmelll on 1IIe comer of 1'-. Rael DeB roads. I
uadersIaDd that both of tile proposed deveIopmeals &II outside of the scope oftbe master
plan for die City ofNoblesville aDd the City of Carmel TIIese IIIIISter plus toOk sewraI
years to i>>nmaIate, IDdCh input &om ciliIeDs.. cily pJarmers. and many taxpayer doDars
in onIet to dllUfmbae the most efficient powth paUenIS jOt our cities. I am opposed to
COlIJIDeIeialhetail deveIopmalt 011. these ad IIDY other ClOl'IlCD.... 146* SCIeet beaauR
I do not wish to live iD aD area which is co....ed with "stop and 10" tndIic;. ~ial
noises and smells, Grime 1VIaich retail developmeDl brings, etc. Allowing filr COmntel'Cial
develo~ on this comer will "open tile door" fOr fUrther deveIopJDenl to come ill ad
soon 1~ 8IIeet will be DO cIifTeNDt thaa a-' SUeel or 9(/t Street. This is ~.Ily true
since ClOIDIIJeI'CiaIIma developmeat II Greyhound Pass and 146* SUeet is moving
further east aIoag 146"- Snet and developers have expressed an il1I:eRSt in other wmers
along 146. Street. ~ IetaiI needs can be met within Smlautes or less in 3 different
dhaions &om dJe cornei.mquestioa.
As residents. we wish to preserve the natUral beauty aDd cbarac2er of our neighbodlood
and we are asIciD8 you to VOte .hwt this innsioa of OUl' neipborhoocI by developers
wishia8 to "liDe their poekets" instead of-iDs our best interest and desires into
As RSidents, \.we feel that I:he City orCarmeIBDd the City ofNoblesville should develop
... Iud in .-0.... wiala the 0'" maw .... as _n M in accordance with
Deputment ofNIIUrII ReIoU1'C18 pIdeIJne. tbr the pmtccdon ofwllclllftt and their
As residents, we are eskiDslbat clewlopers wodDns ~ Noblesvill~ IN aDd Cannel.
IN will be requin:d to contribute fimds annually 10 an iDdepenc,iAnt, cemraI fUnd
coDlroDed by the city and zaideats (SOISO). We In also asking Ihat all developers be
held accountable fbr any drying up ofwelk aDd ~11IA1ion ofWIlIer' supplies when
cIeveIopmePt changes the water 18bIe. water quality. etc.. Developers wookI be
respoasible fOr all aucll1ary mats assocJatecI with this issue as cIetenDinecI by a COUll or by
an arbitrator.
( am also req~ a refereudum OD these isssues aDd am askiDa tbat you CODSider this
request as my vote to keep this BRa m accordIInce wida the master plan 1br the respective
cities. .
Name ~Lf C:~//p/."J
Address /~$I-?6 ....,.y~itA1 ~I/~
C/kAt<. /,vLJ 1/405 S
Phone %~-/6fz.. E-mail~~~ ~11/J~-4S# "GeJd?
_I am a NoblesviUe 18Xpayer ~18Dla CanncltDpayer
T(.I ~....
"IT"' .IT)oIQ ".TIaI
J07JQhAJT~T QT:OO 7007/bO/7T
] understand that two separate devdopers have presented proposals fOr
large COmatle1da11retail development on the corDa' of 1~ and Hazel Dell roads. ]
understand that both oftbe proposed developments tall outside orabe scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesvil1e and the City of Carmel These master plans took several
years to fbrmulate, much input fiom citizens and city planners, and IIImY taxpayer doUars
in order to detenDine the most efficient growth pIltteIm for our cities. I am opposed to
COlDIDeICiaJIretaiI development on these and any other corners along 146. street because
I do DOt wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop aod go" traffic, commet,iaI
lIOises aud smells. crime wbicb retail development briDp. etc. Allowing for c:ommeKial
develo~ on'" comer wl1l "open the door" for Ibrthet developmeDt to come in and
soon 146* street will be no ditTbeDt than n-' Street or ~ S1reet. This is especially true
since commerclaJ/retajJ development at Greyhound Pass and 14611h Street is moving
further east along 146" Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146. Street. Cunem retail needs can be met wiIhin SminUte5 or Jess in 3 di1ferent
directions finm the comer in question.
As residents, we Wh to preserve the natural beauty and cbaracter of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote agaiDst this intrusion of our neighborbood by developers
wishing to "line their poo.kets~ imtead of taking our best interest aDd desires into
coMideration.' ,~
As residents,we tee) thai tbeCity of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as weD as in aceorclaJK:e with
~tment of Natural Resomees guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within NoblesviUe, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to conuibute funds annually to an independeDl, ceolrBI fund
c:ontIOlIecl by the city aud resideDIs (50150). We are also asking that all ~pers be
held acc:oUDiable for any drying up ofweUs and comaminatioa of water supplies when
development cbaDaes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
IeSpOnsible fbr aU ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
anmmma .
I am also req'~ a refi2endum on these isssues and am asIdDg that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
::..J3;;;'~~:~a ~t ~v€-
~ I Jill tf(pO.~3
Pho~ 311-4~-Slq~ln E-mail~rl)mer~WDrIc1net.a+J..ne.+
_I am a NoblesviDe raxpayer XI8iiJa Carmel aaxpayer
1 understand that two separate cIeveJopers have presented ~posaJs fOr
large c:ommerciaIIret development on the corner of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of tile proposed developmcms fall outside of the scope of tile master
plan tOr the City ofNob1esville and the City ofCarmeL1bese master plans took several
years to fbrmulate, much input ftolD citizeDs and city planners, and DIlDY taxpayer dollars
in order to cIetermine the most efticiem growth patterm fOr oW' cities. I am opposed 10
coaunerciaJlrelail development on these 8Dd any other comers along 146* street because
I do not wish 10 live in an area whWh is coflJeSled with "stop and go" traffic, oolmnen;iaI
noises and smeRs. crime which retail development ~ etc. Allowing tOr commercial
developmeat on this corDa' will "open the door" tOr fUrther development 10 come in and
soon 146th stteel will be no diO'erent than ~ Street or 96th Street. This is espec;ially tIUe
since commerciaJhelail dneJopment at Greyhound Pass and l~ Street is movina
t\u1her east along 14fIh Street and developers have apl~ an interest in other comers
alona 146* Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions ftom the corner in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the aanual beauty and character of our neighborbood
and we are asking you to wte .,.m. this intrusion ofoor neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their ~~ instead oftakiDg our best interest and desires into
consideration. _ ' ,~
As resideots, 'we feel tbaitheCity of Carmel and the City ofNob1esvil1e should develop
this laud in aa:ordance with the c:urrent master plans as well as in accordance with
DepartmeDl ofNatura1 Resources guidelines fbr the protection of wildlife and their
As ~ we are askiDg that developers worIdDg within NoblesviDe, IN and Cannel,
IN wiD be RqUirecI to CODII'I"bute funds pmllllly to an indepencIeDt, cemralfimcI
coDbolled by the city and ~nts (SO/SO). We are also asking that all developers be
held accounrable fbr any drying up ofwells and comamination ofwater supplies when
development c~ the water'table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs aaociated with this iSsue as determined by a court or by
an arbitraIor.
1 am also ~ a ~endwn on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote 10 keep this area in accordance with the master plan fur the respective
Name f4Y1; ~5Sn?(';,
Address /~38' l1~mdlf-M ~i j)KIV:::""
e.o~!,' IAl P6IJ.JJ
Phone .3i 7 WY~77' E-mail ~nh1C..y.ye4l..r-/cI...~f-:a-/f.nef
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer LC-I.m a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posaJs for
1arge connnerciallretall development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fit1l outside of the scope of the master
pIe for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Cannel. These master plans took several
years to fi>rmulare, much iuput tiom c~ and city planners, 8Dd many taxpayer dollars
in order to determiDe tbemost efficieul growth pauems mr our cities. I 8Dl opposed to
commerciaJher.a dewJopmeDt OD these aM all}' other comers Umg 146* street because
I do not wish to Jive in aD area which is conaested with "slOp aod go" traffic, co.......
noises aud smeRs, crime which retail deveJopmem briDp. etc:. AJIowiDg tor ~lIIIIIeI1:ial
cIeve~ on this Q)IIIa' will "opea the cIoor tbr..... cIr:we1oplllSDl tD come in aad
soon 146* street will be DO diflaem than ~ Street or 96'" Street. This is espedally true
siDce c:oDllDelCialhetai deveJopmeat at GIeybound Pass and 146* StIeel is moving
further east aIoua 14(,* Snet end developers have ~~ aD iDteHst In otbel' comers
alcmg 146* Street. Cunatt RbIil needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 differeDt
directiom from the corner in question.
As ~~ we wish to preserve the natural beauty and c:haracter of our neighborhood
and we are askiJJa you to vote .."inst tIDs iwusioD of our ueil;hbodlood by ~pers
wishiDg to "line Iheirpock.e1s" instead oflBkiDg our best iDteresr 8Dd desires into
As resJdenu, we teel that the C~ ofCarme) and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this IaDd in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the proteetion of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, ~ and Cannel,
IN will be required to contribute fimds annually to an indepeodent, central fund
CODIIOIJed by tile city 8Dd NSicleIa (SO/$O). We an also as1dag that an developers be
held accoumable 1br any drying up ofweJIs and CC)IlIsmtiruttion of water supplies when
de'UeJopmelll cbaDps the water table. water quality, etc. DeYeJopers would be
respoDSible fbr all aocillaly costS associated with this issue., determined by a oourt or by
m~~: .
I am also requ6dng a refUendum on these isssues and am as1dDs that you oonsider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name ~~~~ k ~ ~
Address ~~34 ~.f.pt...., ~~
C~ ~ '-16.0 33
Phone f7 ~ J -~,) 3 E-mail
_I am a Noblesville raxpayer --L.LJ BID a Carmel taxpayer
DEC-oa-2002 II :44AII FROM-Fe TUCmR lYlLLE
T-425 P.002lO02 F-T85
I understand that two separ8Ie developers haw presented ~posaJs for
IIIrge COJDIDCl'CiaIhetail development on the COma" of 146 aDd Hazel Dell roads. I
undeISIalld dIIIt bo1h of the Proposed cIe\teJopme_ filiI outside ofdle scope of tile IDISter
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel These rnaster plans took several
years to formulate, much input &om cit~DS and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to cIeteJmine the most efficient growth patternS fOr our cities. I am opposed to
commc:rcialhetail development on these and an)' other comers along 1461b street because
I do DOt wish to live in an area which is congested with "stOp and go" b'aftic, cOmmeJ'cial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brinss> etc. Allowing for cx>mmerciaJ
~ en dais CODa' wDl "open die door" fOr fbrdJer deveJopmem to coma in aad
soonl46'h street wiD be no dift'e1eDl tbaD r;J!1" Street or 96* Street. This is especially true
since commerciaIIretaiJ development at Oreyhound Pass 8Dd 14601 Street is moving
fUrther east along 146* S8ree11IIId ~pers have expressed aD haerest in other comers
aJong 1 ~ Street. Current JeW) needs can be met withiu Sminutcs or Jess in 3 di1leren1
directions &om the comer in que..ion.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking,ou to vote 9inv this immsion of our nei8hborbood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" iustead oftakiDg our best interest and desires into
A3 residentS, we feel that the Chy of Cannel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the currem master plans as weD as in accordance with .
De.-~ of Natural R.esoun:es guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we ate asking thai developers working within NoblesvilIe. IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independe~ central fund
colllrOlled by the city aDd resideuts (SOISO). We are also asking that aD developers be
held accountable tOr any drying up of wells and mmamiaation ofwater supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. DeveJopers would be
respoDSible for all aDCillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator. I
I am also requbstmg a retereadum on these Jsssues aDd am asking that ,oU coDSider this
requesI as my vote to keep this area in accontance with the master plan tOr the respec:dve
Adcbas ~'J:/I~o;,;k ~?
.Phone 713-0~<f> E-mail (';f;rl4 bQUIMS @(101.( Ok-
_lam a NoblesviUe taxpayer "".. I am a Carmel taxpayer
~~/oa/~uu~ ~~;a~ ~~/~~~D~/D
IK.l~U^ to.ll:.UJ ~
JJAbt. tl:l
I understancI that two separate developers have presented EposaIs fOr
large commercial/retail development on the conu:r of 146 and Hazel Den roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fiIl1 outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input fiom citizens and .:ity plaDners, aDd many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth pattems for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146* street because
I do not ~h to live in an area which is congested with (OSlOp and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for 4:Ommercial
developmeot OIl this comer wiD "open the door" mr filnba' developmalt to come in and
soon 146fa SIIeet will be lID dif1'_~ than 8~ Street or ~ Street. This is especially true
since c:ommerdaIIreta dewIopmeDt . OreyhoUDCI Pass and 14Gb sm. is moYing
fbrtba- east along 146'- Street and developers have expressed an iDtcrest in other comers
aloag 146* Stteet. ~ retail needs am be met widUn SminuIes or less in 3 ditfetenl
directioDs from the comer in queitlOD.
As resKlents, we wish to preserve the naMa! beauty and clwacter of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote .against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line 1heir pocketS" iDstead oftaldng our best interest and desires into
As residents, we fi:cl that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville 'should develop
. this land in accordance with the current master planS.as wen as in accordaDce with
Department of Natural Resoun:es guidelines for the protection ofwildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within~obJesviUe, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute fimds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SOISO). We are also asking that aD developers be
held lICCOuntab1e for 8DY ckyirJg up ofweDs rmd amtmnination of water supplies when
~ cbaDaes the water table, water quality, etc. ~ would be
respoDSible lOr all anciDaIy costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitralor. .
I am also requestiDg a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider th8
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fur the respective
Name~\t}..1(Y) - ~Jl.""-(\
Address J 'IS' 50 ccs+s- C-} n f-rJ /~
C ar-Mt.. I TAl '1bO ~ '"7
Phone 57)- 0 1;. 3'" I E-mail
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer X~ am a Carmel taxpayer
12/85/2882 12:53 . 3174156278
.II' .~
" .-
J naderstand that two sepamte deveJopers 18w pNCDted poposaJs fOr
1aIge oommercial/retail deveJopmeDt on the comer of t~ 8Dd Hazel Dell mads. I
understaud that both oCthe ProPOsed cleveloJHllCDlS Id1 outside orthe scope oCtbe master
plan for the City ofNob1esvi1le ud the City of CanneL These master plans took several
years to furmuJate, mud1 input from citizens and city planners. and many taxpayer doUars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
counnerciallretail development on these and any other corners along 1461b street because
I do not wish to Jive in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retaD developmem brings, etc. Allowing fur commercial
de\'eIo~ent on this comer wiD "open the cmor- fOr funher development to come in and
soon 146* street will be 110 dif&lrent tban ~ Stftet or 96* Street. 1'his is espedally true
siac.e oommerciaI/reIa development at Greybound Pass 8Dd 1~ Street js moving
further east 810111146'* S1reet and developers haw CKplessecl aD iDterest ill other comers
along 146111 Street. Cuaen1 retail,xeds can be met wiIhin Smiautes or less in 3 different
directions &om the COlDa'in question.
As residents, we wish 10 preserve the natural beauty and 'character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you tb vote against this intrusion of oW" neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftakiog our best interest and desD:e& into .
As residents, we teel that the City of Carmel and the City olNoblesville should develOp
this land in accordance with the current master plans as -well as in accordauce with
Departmem ofNatural Resources guidelines fbr the protection ofwDclU1e and their
Mb~. .
As residents, we are askins that developers working witJiliiNoblesville, IN and Cannel,
IN wiD be required to contribute fimds annually to an independent, central fund
COldIOIled by the city aDd Jaidarts (SOISO). We are also asking that all ctewIopers be
held ~Ie tbr aay dryiDa Dp ofwells aDd contamlnatJoo ofwater' supplies when
deve10pmaa dumges the water table. ~ quality, etc.. Dew:1opers would be
respOnsible tbr aD amcitmy costS associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also req'~ a reterendum OD these isssues and am askins that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the inaster plan for the respeclive
Name.J2o. t\J a l { Gv-e.(l ~V\
Address l tf S:SO r ~}rc..Jdl J LtV
Lqr"" E: \ J '"eN Lf '07 S-
Phone 'J' ( 1- S" 7/-0 ~I E-mail
_] am a Noblesville taxpayer XI am a Carmel taxpayer
'. .
, , ,
~. ,
, ,
, "
I understand tbatlWO separate deVeJoper.l have pre&eDtedjD'OPOsaJs for
lar~ commerciaIIreta cleveJopmeDt on ~ comer of 1~ aud I(azeI Den roads. 1 '.
uDda~_nhat bQ~ of the proposed devdo~ &II o~ ortlle scope orlbe DISter
plan m,r the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These masterplam took ~
~ to bmn1Atp", much iDput ftcmi citb:ens and cltypJanDa:rs, aad many ~ do{lars
P1 order to deteriDio.e the most efficiet!t arowth ~ fbr our cities.. lam opposed 10
colDlllClCiB1IretaiI development OD these and any'oiber coiaers aJooa 146b sbeet becausi- :
I do not wish to Bve in an area wbich is ccmgesced 1Irith "pp and.go" traftic:, commerci'al
noises and smells, crime which retail clevelopmem ,bringS. ~c~ AUowing for comrii~ial
~ on this COmei' will "open the door't fOr ~.ckweJopmeat to ~ in aud
soon 146'h street will be DO diffenmt tI;Ian not ~ or 96* Sued. This is especially true
siKe co~retail develej,men( at ~~ Pass aad 146'" Street Is moving ,
funber easI along 146!- SUes and c1eyelopers have cxpCssad an iDtenst ni Other co~
akmg 146t1a Street. ~:retail needs can be Iuet within SmimJtes or less in 3 diffeient, .
directions' &om the c;oi'Dei'in question. , . . '. " . .
As residents. we wish to preservetbe 88IUr8I beauty imd character of our Dlrighborhooif .'
8IJd we are ~ you to vote .~,tbis intrusioD 9tour ueipborhoocl b).' cIe'Velopen ,
~ to "line their pockets" instead of1akiDg our best Irttaest and desires into .
Consideration. '. : .
. ,
As mJd~ we reel tbat the CitY ofCaimeI and the City ofNob1esviUe ~uId deVelop
thMlaDd in accordance with the eurreot master pfaas as well as fa IlCCOI'CIaIIce with
~ ofNamraI Resources gdidelioe$ for'tbe ';'(t'" ofwiJd1~ aDd their
habitats. " ".
As ~. we 8!t' askio& tbat develoPers waricio&'\Vithift N~ IN ami Carmel.
IN will be required to contribute fiinds AftIII-."y to aD inltepen4elit, central iimc1
controUed by the city and residents (SOISO). We are also asking that aU de-veJppers be
held ~untable fur anY'drying up ofweJls and'ooJIt8ll1iqationofwater supplies when
development clwJges the water table. 'water qualitY" etc. Developers would be
respoDSibIe fOr all sncil-,.., costs 8SSO~iated wjth this issue as delerv-ined by a couit or by
an arbitnitor. ' ' " '. , , .
I aIn &ISo requCsting a relnndam on'~ isssUes 8Ild sin asking 1bat you ClOIISidef'dPs ':
request as my lIOteto keeptbis area in ~ With tbemaster plan tor the,~~ ,
cities.' , ,
L \ .11
'Name , I S 'i.. /"f'Z-N\~
, ,
" '.
, ,
. . ,
Addn:ss , '-11./ LI , P If, r\~ . k b. ~I'" . '.
'I, '\
c..t;,.("~' .' ~ . l..U,tJ"S 3
. .
Phone R'f~ -$'1fj? " E-maIl .J.r:DY~4IV\a.€~/.co.....
_lama NoblesviUe~ya ~... a ~ UlXpaycl'
. ,
,1:, I
, .
......t<::JOI ;:.R. ~ "'I~. .
. .
" ,
I undCl'StaDd that two separate developeIs IBve p..-4edproposaJs for ,
large commerdaJlretail cle1ldopment on the corDa' of 14(11' and Haad Dell roads. I
,~ thai both oltbe projJOSeddevelopmems' f8Il oJllSlde oftbe scope oftbe master
plan fur die City ofNoblesviUe aDd the CiIy of CanneL These master plans took several '
years to bmn''', 'mucll iDpUI iolD Gitizens aad city plaoners. and many ~J.et doIars ,
in order to ~~ the most .ciM)t growth p,attena5 fOr our ckies. lam oppo~ ~ . :
commerdallretail developmelil OD these and any 01her comas aIoD8 l~ ~ because
I do not wish to live in 8ft area which'is cOagestecI with ~ aad go" traftic:, commercial .
noises ~ smells,'crime which mail development ~ etc.Allowing for CX)~iaJ
cleveq,ment on t'his c;ona will "open tile CIoor" tOr fiJrCher developmaat to come in and.' "
SOOJll46- street wiD be no ctitfe.ec tbiID. ~ Street or 96* Sttea. This is especiaDy true
since commercia1lretail dc9dopment.. Gre,bomid Pasi and 146. SIn:et is moving I
~ Cast aloDg 14fJb,StJU:t and develoPers haw expt~an idterest in ~ther aJIDerS
aloog 146* Street. ~tetai1 neeclscan be ~ widmt Sminutes or less in 3 dj~
~KmS &om the'romerm que$doa. " .
As ~ "We wish to preserve the natural beauty and Ch8racaer ofour neighboJtlQod
and we are askiDg you to vote .i1Mlt this iub..ion of our I18ightiotbood by developers
wisbing to "line their pocketS" instead oftakiDg our'best interest and desires into '
amsideralion. ' '
As~ we &eJ that che City ofCanDel and the City. ofNoblesYille should develop
this laud in accordance with the cuuaa master plaDs as _D as in accordancie with
~ ofNatmal Resourees guidelines fur the'~ion ofwilcllife and their
babfr.ats. . " . '
As mddems, !18 are aslOng that dewlopers WOJkiDg1mbm Noblesville, IN ~Carmcl,
IN will be R:Cluired to co~ fimcls aarwaIly to aD indqIeudent. ceotraI mna
coDlrODed by tbe ~ity aod. resicleats (SO/SO). We are also MkiDg that aU developers be
held ac:coUDtatile 10r any dryiDg up of.weDs and c;oatRminatfon pfwar.er supplies when
developmeut c:haD3es the waaer table, water qaallty,.etc. Developers wouJcl be '
respoasib1e'tbtl all audDary eosis assoclated with this issUe aa def--hIM by a coUrt 'or by ':
, _ atbitramr. .',
I amalSo n:questiug a referendum on these Isssues &ad .... asIdog that you consider ~'
reciuest as my vote to keep this area in accordance Wida die IIIIISteI' ptaD fbr tbe respec:iM'
cities. . ·
N~5~01 ~f't\.a... ,
Adhs ,LIt/tit, ? 'r ^O~.\1.- ~\7..~ ~.
eGo("" ~. :Jl..}' , I.fit,o ~i .
Phone , "', ...~ E-JPail ~6- e o-DI. i.4 ""
_lamaNob~taxpayer ~lama lUplyer
........Jar. 'n1 ~ ~n.-."i-
- ,
, ,
, ,
, I
, ,
, ,
, :
, .
, '
. .
uec U4 U~ 11:~~p
~111 . b~ac~ Harr1S
41' tu:o 1~.,ti
1 understand that two separate developers have presented ~posaIs for
large commerciaJlretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments &11 outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNob1esville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer doBars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns fur our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaVretail development on these and any other corners along 146th street because
I do DOt wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing fur commercial
develo~ on this corner will "npen the door" fur fiuther development to come in and
soon 146* street will be no differeDt than ~ Street or 96* Stteet. This is especially true
since c:ommeJCiaIheta developmeDt at <beybound Pass and 146* Street is moving
further east along 146* Street and developers fmoe expressed an interest in other corners
aloDg 146" Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions &om the comer in queStion. ,
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking oW' best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Cannel and the City of No blesvil Ie should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resomces guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working withinNoblesville, IN' and Cannel,
IN will be required to contribute fimds annually to an indepe~, central fund
oontrolled by the city and residents (SOISO). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
respDDSl"le fur all ancillary costS associated with this issue as determined by a court.or by
an arbitrator.
I amalso ~g a referendum on these isssues and am asldng that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
cities. . f' ? f7 / I
N..... '.B,ll ~.. is - fA jA- 'i-fj
Address ,~qs.s W~fl Q....-
~~ W 4~o33
Phone l~17) tal,;. f>C,3B E-mail~\kc.~ Caol.(!.(}-M
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer V'I am atarmel taxpayer
u.~ U~ U, &&.~,~
D&&& .. ;:)"ClI~~ nCllr'r'&~
.,&, O&~ &"a
1 understand that two separate developers have presented jroposals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fiill outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel These master plans lOOk several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city p1anner~ and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146tb stteet because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
~ on this comer will "open the door" tOr further developmeDlto tome in and
soon 146* street wiD be no diffe..ent than ~ Street or 96* S1reet. This is especially true
since commerciaJlretail developmeut at Greybound Pass and 146lh Street is moving
further east along J 46* Street and developers have expressed an interest in other torDers
along 1466 Stteet. CUnalt reIail needs can be met within Sminotes 01' less in 3 different
directions ftom the comer in ~n.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration. .
As residents, we feel that the City ofCarmeJ and the City ofNobJesvine should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As reside~ we are asking that developers working witbinNoblesville, IN'and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an indeperid~nt, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SO/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable fur any drying up of weDs and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality: etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or ~
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name ~ - . I L '',,is _' .~t~JM~
~ (/.
Address 14Lt95 WCAAM~ ~ . .
Cruw.& W t.{~DS)
Phone (311) 117\} - tf138. E-~l . he CtMc, twl-~
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer -LI am a 1 taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented lroposals for
large commerciaVretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments filII outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaVretail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
.JlOises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than sr Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commerciaJ/retail development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146th Street and developers have expressed an interest in other corners
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to 'vot~ ,against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets'; instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are ~ asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as detennined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name~ YV- tJ~
no tr
Address 51 q-~ t: I SG.~ >>
~~;.~ ~ <I~(PO
Phone ~c.f- ..313~
~I am a Noblesville taxpayer
I am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented jroposals for
large commerciaVretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments 001 outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to detennine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wiSh to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
'development on this corner will "open the door"for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than 3rt Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commercial/retail development at Greyhound Pass and 146111 Street is moving
further east along 1466 Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the corner in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to 'vQteagainst this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets~ instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this hmd in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central. fund
controlled by the city and residents (SO/50). We are ~ asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and containination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. ,Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as detennined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name~ l fl. rJ A1:nJ
AddresstO/9..3 E. IS~ +I- ~/; I-
Ak6/~s. V /111.: ;IN ~~, 0
Phone YlN-313lc
~I am a Noblesville taxpayer
I am a Carmel taxpayer
1 ~SIUcI dill two.... developers"\'e pruellled ~ fbr
bqc COlDIMICiaIhetaII ~ OD die comer of 146 aad HaeI Dell...... I
uaderuDd ..... bothofdae,.posed dnelopmeDll tall 0'UIIIde ofdle ... of'" master
pIaD fOr tbe City ofNobIesviDe and tile City otC8rmel. 1bese.... pIaDs took several
yean to tbrPm... mucb Iapul tom citIwns and tity p1aaoers, IIIIlIIIIII)' taxpayer dollars
in order to ddamIne the IDOSI efIIc:ient amwtb ...... fbr OIW ckies. 1_ opposed to
~ diweJopmem Oft these aDd aay GIber eomen'" 1~ street because
J do DOl wiIb to 1M ill.. area which Is co"" wiIb "'stop and 80" traffic, COIDIIIef'Cial
nolses8Ddsme.... crime which leI8iI clevelopmeDl brInp." Allowing tbr COIIuldlfKial
clew:L~ OD dJis COIMr wOl-opea tile door" Iw tUrth!r deveJopaIeDllO CODIII: in and
soon J4fIa street will he ID c:lifte.ei4 an at" SINet or 96. SIreet. 1bis is especially true
since ~ devcloptncBt It 0reyh0uDd" aad 146. Stn:et is moving
funher.. aJons I" SUeet 8Dd dewlopea baWl exprasecI.. iaIeral in odIer ClOI"DeIS
aJollll46'- S1reeL Cur.- retail Deeds C8D .. met wkbia ,.......... Of .. in 3 are.eIIt
dhcdons &om Ibe __Ill quostioa. .
As '"'*_ we wtsb II) preserve the .-ural"" .... cbIrKtw or our JICiIbborhood
8IId welle.... )01110 ~ .... tis lDIrusioB oloor ~rhood by clnelopers
wisbiDa to -&De their poCket.tr iDsaeed oftaldDa our best interest_ cIesDes into
consicIeradlnL '...- .',:'.. .
As ~ we intI dBt .'CIty otC8rme18Dd Ibe City ofNobJesYiUe should develop
ibis IBDd in ~ willa tbs CUII'enlIllllllel' pllns 88 well as iIl~ with
DepadmeDt ofNahnlIte8oulees picIeIiDes fOr tilt protec:tion ofwildlifC and their
As resideats, we.. ..... dial developers woddDa wlthID NoblesvUIe. IN aDd Carme~
IN will be required to coll1ibute ftrada R......-.Jly to.. iDdepeMeal, ceatraI t\md
waaoHecI by die city ....1e8icIenIa (50150). We _ also ...... dill aD clewlopen be
held ~ tbr lIlY dryIaa up ofweUs end ~ ofWlllCr supplies wheD
develo,.... ........ __ fIIbIe, __ quail)'. _ DeYeJopers would be
respoaaible lbr aIl8llCiIIeIy colis 8ISadated with tbis I8sue as ddelmiDecl by a COUIt or by
I am aIao .......... a .A__ oa dae isstues aDd _..... dill )'01& COIISider this
request .. my ~ to keep this area In KCOnIaace wiIh the master plan fOr the JeSpeCtive
c_~ is.
Name '&4 L I' .J:P1II~hiP.t!,
Address /33::J.~ 5/49U k' hi"." t.
C~tn~1. ~J ~o'33
pbo~7-'f3/. '='0 ~ E-".uJkCKE.tJII~~;' eo",
_J ama NobIesviIJe tapayer ~I_ a OIrmeJ.....,..
I understand that twO separate developers have presented ~posals fbr
large oommerciallretail development on the mmet of 146 and Hazel DeU roads. J
understand tbat both of tile pmposed developmeals fBll 00ISide of tile scope ofdle master
plaD fOr the City ofNoblesviUe aad the City of CarmeL 1bese IIJI&teI' pIaDs took several
years to tbrmuJate, much iuput 6o1D ciailms 8Dd city planDers, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to dderPWe the ..at etlicieat gIOWIh pattems tOt our cities. I am opposed to
colDlDCldallretail ~ oa1hese aad 811)' other' eomers aJoaa 14(/1 stIa:t because
1 40 DOt wish to 1M in 811 area which is ~oed with "stop 8Dd pp" tratlic, COIDIIleIciaJ
mises and smeDs, erime whicb retail developmeDt briIJp. etc. AIIowiDa lOr c:oJDIDeJeial
deve~ O1lthis comer wm.... the door" tor turtber developmeat to come in aacI
soon 146* street will be DO ditfereDt thaD art Street or fJ6'A SbeeL This Is especially true
since coddDll'daJlrelail cJeveJopnat at Gre,bouad Puss and 146" SUeet is moviDs
further eat aJooa 146* Street anddewlopas IB"" apressed _ iDterest ill olber comers
along 14flh Street. Current Jetail needs C8D be met within SmiDutes or less in 3 different
directious &om the comer III quesdoa.
As reside_ we wish to preseI w: the IJ8IUnIJ beauty aad cbarac;ter ofour nei8hborhood
and we are asking ;you to vote .... this inbusioD of our DI!ighborbood bJ developers
wishiDs to "tiDe their ~bastad oflatina 01a' best inlaest aad desires into
~aIiuu. . "J .
As reside..we feel tbaI'tbeCity ofC8nne1 and the City ofNoblesville sbouJd develop
this land. in accordaaI:e with the cuntDl master plans as weD as in accorcIaute with
Departwmt of Natural Resowas S'11deIineR fOr the pIOteCtion ofwi1d1ife aacI their
As residents. we.are IISIdas that ~ worIdn8 within No~ IN aad Carmel,
IN will be requRd to mlllribute fimds JllllltIAIIy to aD WepeDdem, centJal fimd
COGtIOW by the city 8Dd ~ (SOISO). We are aJao 8lIkiDJ that aD developers be
held accoUDlabJe for Illy drying up of weDs 8DcI co....minat..u ofwalisr supplies when
developmeat ........ the water table, WIler quality. de. Dewdopas would be
respoosible fOr aU UEilIary c:osIS auocJaaed with this idue 88 determined by a court or by
_ arbitnitor.
I BIll also requestiD8 a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name}J)It~Ye.LLeJJ !/odJP
Address /'15"~J./ j)ollEIC.. DIl..
~ t:t/LJ-/}g J- J J:J.I ' J/, 633
Phone gL/b -/1S-J- _E;~ N'J/tL'/fJ-LetJ@ JHdy"fY/., e()~
_I am a NoblesviUe taxpayer ~18Ib a Carmel taxpayer
I undentand that two separate developers have presented,proposaJs for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of l~ and Hazel Dell roads. I
UDderstaDd thai both ofthD proposed deveJopmads iIll outside of the scope oftbe master
plan fur the City ofNoblemUe and the City of CarmeL These _ster pIaDs took several
years to fOrmulate, much input 10m citi:ams 8Dd city planners, and many tupayer dollars
in onIeI'to detelmiDe die IDDSt etlJcieal...... p"'e"~ fOr our dties. I am opJX)sed to
COlDlllel'CiaIIretaiI development on these -any other comen aIoug 146* street because
J do not wish to Ine in an area VIbich is ooogestlIHI with "'stop._ go'" traftic. commercial
noises and smen., crime which retail cIe~ 1IriDp, ete. Allowlng tor COIUII~,iaI
deve10pmeDt on this comer will "opeD the ~ tOr tiutImr cleveJopmeDl to come ill and
soon 1466 street will be DO diffenmt tball art Street or 9({4 Street. This is especially true
siDc::e collllllCJ'dallre clftelopmeDl at Or<.,boUDd Pus aad 1~ Sbeet is moviog
1UIther east along 1~ Street and developers have ~ an interest in other comers
along 1~ Street. Cuneut maD needs can be met witJdn Sminutes 01' less in 3 different
directions tom the comer in question.
As resideats, we __ to preserve the DBhII8l beauty .... dIIIraaer of our Deighborbood
aDd we &Ie askiDs )OU to vote.. this intmsIon of om nei&hborboQd by cJevelopers
wisbiDg to "line their ~ iDstead of..... 018' besllalerest 8Dd desires into
coosideratioD. "
As residents:, we teel that'the'City of Carmel and die City ofNoblesvil1e should develop
this laud in accorctaace willi the curIeat ..... plaDs as well as in accordance with
Dep.au.... ofNatural Resources pideliaes fOr the prote<ltion ofWi1dJife aDd their
Asresidenls, we are askfna that: ~Iopen workias withiD Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be JeqUiIed to amtn"bule fimds ......., to an indepe.adcoI, cemral fimd
coDtroUed by the city aDd le9We...s (SOISO). We _ also asIdog thBI aD cIe'veIope.rs be
heW account.~ for ally ckyins up OfweUs and contRIIIlnRtion ofwater' supplies when
dewlopment chanaes die water table, \1VIIeI" quality, ete. Dewlopers ~ be
responsible fur aD aDCiDary costa associated with this iSsue as determinecI by a cowt or by
aa arbiIraroJ.
I am also requesdna a rdaeodum on daese ~ and am askiDa that you coDSider this
RqUe&t as my vote to keep Ibis .. in accordance with the ..... plan tor the respective
- MI~ #WI' ~
Address '401 Cove.e lJi.
Ch~H(' ~'3 3
phone. e,"t6-t7rz Jl.ouoiI (YIhg!:Jf!:-..J.y. rr.csl<-I
_I am a Noblesvllle taxpayer ~ 8IIl a ~
ut~-.....tUUt uln 1M ......I\,;IUW' ~U
II ,..,..-U..~
'''I' r.uu"UU~ r-~UC
I understand that two separate developers have ~ ~saJs for
Jarse comm.erciBllretail development on the comer of 146 aad Hazel Dell roads. I
UDderstaud tIBIt both ortbe proposed developments fiIU outside of the scope oftbe master
plan for the CiIy ofNob1esviUe and the City ofCarmeJ. 1bese master plans took several
years to formulate, IJIUCh input fiom .,il i~ ami city plaDDers, -1DBIlY tupayer dollars
in oJ1ler to determiDe the moSt etficient smwdl pBtterDS fOr our cities. I am opposed to
COUlDlel1:iaI/retaiI developmeDl on 1hese aDd BOy other comers along J46" SIreet because
. 1 do IIOt wish to live m8ll area which is CODgest- wiIb "stop and. SO" mdIic, COJDmeIOiaI
ooises and smells, aime wbich retail development brings, etc. Allowing tor coDJlDelCia1
developneut on this comer will "open the door" tbr fiJrtla' developmeDt 10 come in and
soon 146ft street will be 110 cliffiaeot tbaD ~ Street or 96* Street. This is especially true
since com~ dewlopment 8l OreyhoUDCl Pass aad 146. S1Ret is moving
fbrther east along 146. Sueet rmcJ dewJopers have expressecI an interest in other comers
akms 146. StIeeL Cummt nail needs can be met withiD Smi~ute$ or less in 3 diftetent
directions tiom the comer ill question.
As residents, we wish to pzesen'e. the JIIlUI8I beauty aDd c:banK;1er of our Deighborhood
and we are askina JOG to vote ewainAt tills intrusion of OlD' neighboJhood by developers
wishiDg to "'tine dleit pockets" instead oftakiDg our best interest and desires iuro
As ~ we:feel that the City ofCarmet aud the City orNob1esWle should develop
this laod in ~ with the current master plaDs as weD as ill 8CCOIdaDce with
DepartmeDt ofNatul81 Resources gJ1iM1m.s for the ,.0Iedi0n ofwj)d]jfe and their '
As ~ we ale astdDg that developers worldn8.witbIn NobJesville, IN and Cannel,
IN wiD be required to CODtribDte fimds AIIIIIISIlIly to 811 iDdepeDdem, cemral fund
conuoDed by the city aDd Iaidems (SOISO). We ~ also _qj that an deVelopers be
beld atCOUDtBbJe fOr any drying up ofweJJs aad COIIt8IDiJ1atioofwater supplies when
developmeDt ~ the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
respcmslble for aIl8DCiDary costs associated with this issue as dete:nnined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also J'eQuePh'8 a reterrllfu~ on these islsues and am as1dDs 1h8t you consfder Ibis
mauesa: as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the masrer piau fbr the respective
N~gtcO ~
Address fl../ 'lfI, ,tvt 01V ~
<:: a 11 ...., f. Q -rtJ
Phone 515 - O~t9 E-mail
_J am a Noblesville taxpayer ~ am a Carmel taxpayer
IK-84-ZUDZ 01:11AM fllDlHltJUIY SAI.U
'...f '.UUI/UUt ~tUt
I undc:ntaDd that two ~ developers have presented ~saJs tor
large cowmerclalhetail dewJopmem on the comer of J aa4 Hazd Dell roads. I
UDderstaPd that both of tile proposed developDPAs &II outside of_ scope of the master
plan tor the City ofNobJesvi1Je and the City ofCarmeJ. These... p1aDs took several
years to iOrmuIate, much input fiom dtizeas and city phnmers, ~ DJaIIy taxpayer doDars
in order to determine the most efficient BJOwth patten\Cl for our cities. I am opposed to
COiDlDCtciallrel8il development OD these and any 01her oomas ~D8 1<<1" street because
I do DOt wish to Jive in an area whkh is cougested with ~ and." traffic, ~Ihh.erclal
noises 8IJd smells, crime which retail cteveJoplllCDl bJiDBs, etC. Allowing tor commercial
dew~ on this c:ome.r will "open the door" 10r &rtber cIeftJopmeut to come in ami
soon 146* street will be no di&.eDt than ~ SIteS or 9fI'- Street.. This is especially U'Ue
sioce c:ommadalhetail developmeDt at 0reyh0uDd Pass aDd 146* Street is moving
tUnher east aIon8 146"- Street 81Jd developers lane eApR:SSed an interest in other comers
along 14t/1 SueeI. Cnm:Dt reIa11 needs can be met withia SlJIinuteS or Jess in 3 different
cIiJectbJs 10m the comer iD question.
As residentss we wish to praerYt the IIIlur81 beauty aad cbaracter of our aeiShborhood
aad we are askiDg you 10 WIe Vind this iDtrusion of our ncipborhoocl by developers
wishing to '1iPe their pockets" iDsr.ead oftatiDg our best iutet'est and desires into
this land in accordaDce with the current JDISter pJaDs as weD .. in acc:ontance with
DeiMbJ1Cllt ofNamral Resources guidelines 10r the protecdon ofwildlife and their'
As residents, we are asking that developers worIcin& wiIhiD NobJesviDe, IN and Carmel.
IN will be required to coDtnDub= fimds aBlDJally to an ~DI, central,tund
CODIJODed by the city aDd n:side--.It& (SOISO). We are also 8SkiDa that aD developers be
helcI accoumab1e ilr ao.y dryiDa up ofwells 8Dd C01lllmiilRtioD ofwater supplies when
clneIopment cbaDaes the water table. water quality. elC. Developers would be
raponsible WI' an auclDary costs ~ecI with this is&ue as clek.mlned by a c:outt or by
aD "~l.
I am also ~I\g a refiftDdum on these issues 8Dd am askina that you consider this
request as my vote 10 keep area iu wiIh the master plan filr the JeSpeCtive
.e.n. If rl D \. i: tJ
Phone S15-0"3ou E-mail
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~ am a Cannel taxpayer
r' -
I understand that two separate developers have presented jJlOposaIs fOr
large COlDIIIeICiaJhetail cteve10pmeDt on the comer of 14sa and Hazel Den roads. I
understand that both of the jJroposed develop"DIS filD outside oftbe scope oftbe master
plan fur the City ofNobIesviUe and the City ofCarmeJ. These master plans took several
years to fol'J'llJIsl"", much iDput fiom citizens and city plaJmers. and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the mosl efticlent growth ~ for our cities. I am opposed to
u>.wnen:iaIIn:IaiI deveIopmeDl on these and any other corners along 146th street because
I do not wish to liw in an mea wbich is ooogestecI with "slop and go" 1I'afIk, COlJIIDerCial
noises and sme~ aime which Jetail development ~ ctc. Allowing fOr commercial
deve~ on this comer will "opeD the door'" fOr further development to come in and
soon 146. street wiD be DO ditfeIent than art Street or 96th S1n:eL This js especially true
since commerdal/retail development at Greyhound Pass and l~ Street is moving
further east along J 4fIb Street and developers have eapessed an interest in other comers
along 146" Street. Cum:nt retaiI'beeds can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 di1felent
dilections fiom the comer in questioa
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and dmraeter of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this *utt~ of our neighbOIhood by developers
wishing to "1ine their pockets" irmead of1aking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that tile City of Carmel and the City ofNobJesvi1le should develop
this land in accordance with &he cum:ol masteI' plans as wen as in accordance with
Departmem of Natural Resoun:es guidelines fOr the protection ofwiJdlife and their
habitats. . , ..
As~ weare askiDgthatdevelopers woddDg ~~~ IN ~ Carme~
IN will be required to contribute fimds AIIIIIIRIIy to aD ~ central fimd
controlled by tbe city and residents (SO/SO). We are also askiD3 that all dewlopers be
held accountable tor any cIryiJJ8 up ofweUs and contamination of water supplies when
development ~ tile water table, water quality, etc. DeveIoperswouJd be
responsible fur all 8ncilluy costs associated with this issue as detenPined by a (X)UIt or by
an arbitldlOr.
I am also RqUeSting a Jeferendum on tbese isssues ami am ukiDa thai you c:.onsider this
request as my vote to keep this area in acCOldance with the master plaD for tbe respec.1ive .
cities. .
Name !lfld!1e/ /~,u/vC"fFIrJ
Adcbess 5/.25 Av'Ar wttl-j
~C'- . Z-,J '-1'&03:3
Phone '317-551-1170 E-mail mllo(2/tryQn e r"L,. ~~. (oNl
_I am a NoblesviJle taxpayer ~I am a Carmel taxpayer
::r (..~.,lbo o"Vrl f(l)(kfi7 ,tV l\Jubks v,~/lt dl-"d ry
-r~ ~ <>-,,:> ........11. ~
I undenIand that two separate dewlopers haw pKscnted proposals fOr
large conunercial/rd8il development on the mmer of 1.wa and Hazel Den roads. I
understand that both oftbe proposed dewlopmennt filii outside of tile scope ofttle master
plan fOr the Cb.y ofNoblesviUe ami the City of Carmel These master plans took several
years to fbrQwt_Istt." much input 10m citiBms and city pJimners, aud many taxpayer doDars
in ordu to determine the most efficient gIOWth patterns tbr our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaJhetail deve10pmeat 08 these aDd any other comers aIoDg 146* street because
I do not wish to live in an area wblch is c:oupsted with "stop ami SO" traftic, CuiIb~,iaI
DOises and smeUs, crime which retail deweIopment brings, etc. AJIowing fOr commercial
~ on this comer will "open tile door" fOr tbrtber dewIopmeDt to come in and
soon 146dt street will be DO different tIIIIa ar Street or fJ6h Street. This is espedally true
siDce eommerciaIhetai development at OreyhouDd Pass and 146* Street is moving
further east aloDg 146da Street. dewlopers have ~~ an iDlerest in other comers
aloDs 146'" Street. Cunent retaitneeds can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directbJs fiom the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to peserve the IIItUr8I beauty aud cbaracIer of our neighborbood
and we are asking you to wte agaiDst this intrusion of oW' neighborhood by developers
wisbios to "tine their podceIs" instead oftakiDg our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City ofCanDelaad 1be City ofNoblesville should deveJOp
this 1aDd in accordance with the CUDent master plans as ~n as in accordance with
Depattml;u1 of Natural Resources guidelines fbr the protection ofwilcl1i1e aod their
habitats. .' . . ".'
As I~ we are asIdoa tbat developers workiog withiD ~~Jesville, IN and Carmel;
IN will be required to coDtribute fimds annll~11y to an ~, c:eutral fimd
controDed by the city and residents (SOISO). We IIIe also asking that all developers be
held accountable mT any drying up of1UeBs and conhllminadnu ofwater supplies when
developmeut dImses the water table. water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible fOr aD BDCiIIary costs associated with this issue as deI~lpp.,.f by a COlIIt or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requestiDs a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
: sh~w"~
--c:=o~ ~~
Phone f>t7..501.. Q\10 E-mail ~~Oc'("1 ~ e., M~ k'AY . Co (V'\
_I am a Noblesvil1e taxpayer ~ am a Carmel uMpayer or -, ,
-------- ~--~---
- ;--
I understand that two separate developers have presented jroposals for
large commerciaVretail development on the corner of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the inaster
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
,'~ _years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in oraer todctenrunetlie'mosf'effiCienqvoWth patterns forour-cities. I a1l10pposed,to~-'
commerciaVretail development on these and any other corners along I 46th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this corner will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than 82nd Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commerciaVretail development at Greyhound Pass and I 46th Street is moving
further east along I 46th Street and developers have expressed an interest in other corners
along 146th Street., Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the corner in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
,- -,- --'- As-residents, we feel that the-City of Carmel and the City of-Noblesville should',develop ~-
this land in accordance with The current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote t keep this area in accordance with t master plan for the respective
Admessg~ T
Phone .7/7- fJ75r- y~VS E-majl
_lam a Noblesville taxpayer -X-J am a Carmel taxpayer
/...' \,\>-'-'~-'! -'>.;,
/ '-" ').;:_. ':.::.../ /"\
i~\,)? At.. ,,<, /
;, ',,'/ Pi:' " ,-\
1<"/ -- t"\ \'\
f--/ nI=Ct\\Jf1) \,:.::--,
/-:1 \' .- ~ (\f',(\,f), \"," I,
i:: - , t"\((\ v (rVf.,. I ,~;
, --i uLU ~-
\:J \)OC<2> ,>/
...._.Qec-06-02 05: 2~A.R i.c:::,h...~_.~.~ne Huber
I UDda~ that t\\'O separate cIeveIopn IBve preltllted ~ tOr
large COIDIIIeI:CiaII development on the miller of 146 and Hazel DeD roads. I
understand that both of tile pmposed clevelopmeDlS &II outside of the scope of the master
plan tOr the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These master' pIaDs took several
years to fbnnuJate. much input fiom citizeDs and city plaDDers, aDd many taxpayer dollars
in order 10 determine the most efticjem growth pattems tOr OUl' cities. I am opposed to
comn~iaIIretaiI ~Iopment on dIese and any other c:omen aIoDa 1~ stRet because
I do DOt wish to live in an area which is ~ with "stop and go" traffic, COuD~leKial
noises aDd IDel~ crime which retail development brings, etc.. Allowing tOr mmmercial
development on this comer will "open the door" fOr fiJrther development to oome in and
soon 146. street will be DO difterena than 8r' Street or 9(fh S1reet. This is especially true
sinc:e COIDIIJeR;iallnuil development at Greyhound Pass 8IId 146. S1Ieet is moving
tbrther east along 146* Street and cteweIopers baw: expressecl an inteRst in other comers
along 146* Street. Current retail ,needs can be met within Sminutes or Jess in 3 different
directions from the comer in ques\ion.
As ~ we wish to presene the aaturaI beauty and cbamcter of our oeighbodtood
8Dd we are asking you to wtc .-- this intrusion afOUl' neishborbood by developers
wishing to uline their pockets" iDstead oftakiDg our best interest and desires into
cons~ .
As residents. we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
I>epanment of Natural Resources guidelines fOr the protection of wild Ie and their
As n:sideJJts. we are Bing tbal developers \\IOI'Icioa wiIbiD'Noblesvil)e. IN am Carmel,
IN will be required to con1ribute fimds _~11y to an ntepeDclept, central fimd
CODtIODed by die city 8Dd resIden1s (50150). We are also askiDg that aU developers be
held accountable fbr any drying up of weDs and CODtamination ofwater supplies when
developmem cDm&es the water 1abIe, water quality, etC. Dewlopers would be
respousaolefOr aU8DcllJary COSIS assodared with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also reqt-m., a re1aendum on these ~ and am asking that JOU consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in acc:cmIance with die IDISter' plan fOr the lespective
Address ~ ~
_C[)J~l.. r.J %O~ ' .
~n)580-l)Sb'l _~':::&l~1~l>"O~.t\e.t-
_ am a Noblesville taxpayer .2L-1 am a Carmel taxpayer
uec-uo-u~ UO:~~A K~Cn & ~ane nUDer
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posaJs for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both ortlle proposed developments &11 outside oftbe scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to fOrmulate, much input &om citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most eflicient growth patterns tilr our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146* street because
I do not wish to Uve in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smeUs, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for coounercial
~ on this comer will "open the door" fbr ~ developmeaa to come in aDd
soon 1~ stJeet will be 110 dift"aeot than 82"" StRet or 96* StreeL This is especially true
since commerciaJhetaD developmem at GJeyJIoUDd Pass aDd 14(j"t Street is moving
further east aJona 146* Street and developers have C'!.qftSSCd aD inteRst in other comers
along 146* Street.. Cunent retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions ftom the comer in qu~ion.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking )'Ou to vote .-iMt this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "Jine their pockets" iAstead of taking OlD' best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City of No blesvi lie should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as wen as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within ;NoblesviUe, IN and Carmel,
IN wiD be required to CODtn"bute fimds annually to an ~ central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50150). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of welts and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible fOr all ancUlary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requestq a reterendum on these Isssues and am askiDa that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in aecordance with the master plan for the respective
:: ilL /11-
Address !; ~ (<I Do (I ~R [}...
U/(t./ffl 'T'IJ Lit D 33
J f'
Phone '~/7- ~ ~O-OS~? E-mail Rlluer:R7g~Ri)/J1.6Y..JJer
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer A...I am a Carmel taxpayer
I uoderstmd that two separate clevelopers haw presenIecI proposals tor
Iarp CODIIIIeICiaIIretail developmem on the c:omer of t4f16 aDd Hazel Dell roads. I
understand dill both of the proposed ~pmcnts 6IU outside of tile scope of the 1IB8ler
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the city of CarmeL These IIIISter pIaus took several
years to fbrmulate, much input &om citizens ad city p~ BUd IIIIPJ)' taxpayer dollars
in order to cleteimJne the most efIIc_ growth patteJ:os fOr our cities. I 8DI opposed 10
commerciaJlrdail de1dopmcnt on these and any 01her comers along 146* street beaause
I do DOt wish to liw In aD .. which is congestecI with "slop 8Dd SO" traffIC, CODIIIIa'CiaI
noises aDd smells, crime which retail dew1opmeDl1Irinas. etc. Allowing tor commercial
deve.... on this comer will "opeD the door" tOr ktJJ&w dfnIeJopmeDt to come ill aud
soon 146" SIIeet will be _ ctitfeIeDItbaD 8~ StRleI or 96* Stnet. This is espedaIly tale
since COIDI!leIdaIIretaiJ deveJopme.nt at GreJbouDd Pass and 146" sireet is moviD&
further east'" 146" StJal and developers IBve expn;sacd _ interest ill other comers
aIoua 14t/J Street. CurrenI retail needs can be met witbiD Smiautes or Jess in 3 differat
directions from the comer in question.
As residentst we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are aslcinS you to vote against this. intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishios to "6oe their JX*bIs~ instead of1aking our best iaterest and desires into
oonsideradon. \_ "<. .'."
As~ we feel thIit the'City ofCarmelaad the City ofNobJesvUle should develop
this land in accordance with the curient master plans as wen as in accordance with
Department ofNaturaJ Resources guidelines fOr the protection of wildlife anet tbeir
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Cannel,
IN will be required to coDtribute fimds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SO/SO). We ate also asking that all de'velopers be
held accountable tOr any drying up ofweUs and contamination o(water supplies when
dnelopment chauges the water tablet water quality, etc. Developers would be
respons101e fur an ancillary costS associated with this ~ as detennined.by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you ccmsider'this
request as m;y vote to keep this area in accord8nc::e with the master plan fbr the respective
cities. ff'~L a. H~ '
Name tEt.-I;;i.A8Grlt -R. 11-(,((9.11 G"s
Address S' .r (" (, 5", ~ I!i";t.f /J~. 5'.
CII-,e.~6 L ,IN. ~~:3 Z1
Phone 'l tI >'17 ;L!I E-DJIIiI
_I am a NoblesviJfe taxpayer ~I am a Canuel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~saJs for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
uodea~ that both oftl1e pIOJJOSed cIeveIopmeD18 &II 0UISidc of tile scope oftbe master
plm fOr the City ofNoblesville aDd the City of CarmeL These master pJams took severa1
years to fOrmulat"7 mucb input &om citizeas aud city planers, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determiM the most eIIicieDt growth patIaDI tbr our cities. I am opposed to
~ cIeveIopmeDt OD dae aud..., 01IIer comas aIona 146* SIred bec:auR
J do not wish 10 Ii~ in _ 8Rl8 which is COIJIestecI with "Brop and go" ~ CiO~claI
noises and smells, crime wbic:b retail developJDeDt kinas. etc. Allowing tbr COIDIDeIdal
~ OIl this comer wiD "opeD the door" tbr fdl'thtr development 10 come ill 8Dd
SOOD 1461' sin:et will be DO cifLal than ~ Snet or 96* SIreet. ThIs is especially true
since ClOIDII1eIdaJ1n developGJC1Il at Oreyhouud Pus aud 146* Street is IIIDviDB
fbnher easI aIoDa 146'k Snet and deveJopas "ve expressed en inlerea iD otber COIDeI8
aIona 146- Street. Cummt JetaiJ needs am be met widaiD Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer ill question.
As resideJb, we wish to praerve the naauraI beauty and charader of ow neighborhood
and we are asIDng you to ~ .-- this intrusion ofom' ~thoocI by developers
wishing to "1iDe their ~ mSteed oftBIdDg OW' best ioterest .. desires imo
....:...--.:.-. ~
CO~IL "'-:. ::
As resideDts" we feel thattbe.ijity of~ and . City ofNoblesville should develop
this laad In accord8Ilce witlatbe cunent muteI',... as weD IS in accordaDce with
~"'bum4 of Natural Resoun:es goldetiDes for the pmtecIioo of~ and their
As m~" we ere askiaa .. developers woddoa within Noblesville, IN aDd C8rmd,
IN will be requited to coam'bbte fimds 8nJ'II18Uy to..~ centtaI. f\md
contIODed by tbe city 8Dd resideDts (SOISO). We 1ft aISD ... that aD de\IeIopers be
heW accoUlllabIe tbr 811)' dryiDa up ofweUs aDd co'''....,'11l1adon.ofwater supplies when
developl~ cMDae5 the watertable, _ qualitJ, etc. DeveIopas would be
respoaibJe tbr aD alldDa.y eostB asociated with this . .. cletenniaed by. court or by
8ft arbitmtot. '
I am alto reqt-etth. a refereddum on these ..... aDd IIIl askiDg that you COIIdder this
request as my vote to he, this lIIea in with the master plm fbr the respective
]),.5 ,
C!.~ ~O 33 . 1"1
pJ3/j) f~.3-tl1.v1 ~E-~ GIIMJlFs ~'J7(iJ jJ,J.. I t.P
-..::::ram a NobIesviDe taxp8yer -ILJ am a CaroIet taxp8yer
I understand that two seperate developers have presented lroposals for
large commerciallretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel DeD roads, I
undeIstaod that both olthe pmpoaed clevclopmeats filiI 0UIside oCtile smpe ofdle master
plan tOr the Cil, ofNoblemlle and \be City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to fOrmulate,. much iDput hID citizeDs and oity planners, and IDlUl)' taxpayeI' dollars
in order to deIenniae die molt efticieDI 8'VWIh ~ tor our ciIies. I.. opposed to
co~"i8JheIail development OD .... aDd any o1ber comers 11Io. I4(/' street because
I do not wish to Ow in 8ft area which is ccmaested with "slop _ go" tmt1ic, C>>IIIIJJIKial
lIOisas and smells, c:rime which retail' development ~ etc.. Allowing tbr comn.en:jaJ
development OIl this comer will "open the door" b fUrther development to amae ill_
soon 1466 stNet wiIl1Je 110 diJL~ 1Ial n-' 8mB OJ 96'" S1net. lhis is especially true
since commeraaJlretail ~ it Oreyhouod Pass and 14B" Snet is movinS
fiuther east along 146- Street and developers "W bF'tJud an iDaerat in other comers
along 146. Saeet. CunaIt resaiI needs can be met WiIhin Smhnatcs or Jess in 3 dIffenmt
directions 10m the corner in quesDoD.
All reside_ we wish to ))Jf:II8ne the DIt1Ir8I beauty and cbaracter of our qhborbood
ad we are asking )'OII.to wte .n.et this iaIrusion of 0111' neighborhood by clcveJopen
wishing to 'lfiDe their ~ets" ....ead oCtaking our best iDlerest aad desires into
consideration. . ,.;'
~~.we~ ofCannelaud Ihe City o~ I_.tm6Jihliiijtt)jj<'~>--' .. .
this land in aeamIance with tIJe'aJI'I'CIIt II8IlerplaDs as weD as in acx:ordance with
Dep.attmcut of Natural Resoum:s 8'Jidelines fbr she pmtec:Iion ofwildJife amd tbeir
As residents, we 8l'e asIdDg that developers working within Nobles~ IN 8Dd Carmel,
IN wiD be required 10 CODIft"buae flmds annually to au indepeadeot, ceotra1 fimd
collb'Ol1ed by the city and ~s (SOISO}o We IDe also askiDa tb8t all developers be
held aceo\1llltlt1e tor any dryjDg up of wells aud c;ont..m.uninn ofwatet supplies when
devdopmeat...... die water table. water quality,.. Dcwlopers would be
respoIt8I"blc for all eariUary c:osI8 ~~ with this iss&t,e as deIamined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requestios a re_ndum on these issaues and em asIdDg that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fOr the respective
-30.... ~~~
... ~
Address $'". "\ ~ ~1.\r.. Drl:-""
~......... ""'Ll, , f\.l \\bo? ~
Phone t:.mail ."I!f' "- ~ If
___I am a NobJesville taxpayer ~I am a {".anllel taxpayer-
I UDders1and tbat two ....e ~pasha~ pre..oect~ lOr
large commerciaIIreta ~ on the comer of 146 and HaBI Dell roads. I
UIIdentand that both oCtile jnposed deve~, fiaD outside oCtlle.scope oCtile muter
plaD for the City ofNobJesville 8Dd the Ciay of Cannel 1hae muter plus lOOk several
)'fin to furmu.... mutb iDput 80m citi2IeDs 8Dd city planners, and .., aaxpa,. dollars
in order to deter..,ine the lII08I eftideat 1IOwtb. ~_ "r our cities. 18IIl opposed to
Q)IIl1IJfftiaJhetaj) development on dJae aad .., other' comen 810.146* SIIeet because
I do DOt wish to BYe in ID.. 1lVhic;h is co.lpS1aI with -stop'" SO" nft'ic. commen;iaI
IIOIses ad smeJJs.. criiDe which retail dewlopment tnJp, etc. ~ for commercial
~ .on Ibis comer wm "opeD die door" b fiIrtIIm deveIopmeoI.lO COIIIC in aad
IIOOD 146fa street will be DO ~. thID 8r' Street or fJ6* SUeet. Tbis is especially true
siDce COIDII1adaIheta developmeat at <ireJlmund Pass aod 146& Stn:et is mo"
fbraber east akma 146* s.. 8Dd developers haw 6pausecf an ..... in oiMr comers
along 1466 Street. Cwnnt RIaiI needs can be met withIa SmLweA or less in 3 difraeat
directions tom tile com. 10 questioft.
As reskletu. we wish to pn.telL ..e the D8llII'8I beauty and ch8racaer of 018' neJshborhood
and we are asIdna you 10 VOle .._ this iDIrusion oC our nd&hborhood by de\'elopers
wisbiDg to "tine their podrds" ipsaead oftaJdaa ow best iDterest IIlCI desfres into I
coDSider~ '.'.'::i. "'. . '__."_... '. '..
~.nli ~.,..'_.~\H...eft:, ofCarmel....1beClly of~.'~1if~"'Pt",,-:...;i~.~~'!.~;;~:.,.;.....:.:~--:
this IIIIld ill accordance \'riah the cuneIII masteI' plaDs as welles in aamdance wirh
DqmtaDedl ofN8b.nI Raources pIdeIiIIes tbr die protection ofwildJifi: aDd their
babilals. .
As reSfdenb. we 8.Je askinJ that dewIopers WOItiDs withia Noblesville, IN aod Carmel,
IN will be JeqUiNcl to cxmIn"bule fimds ......Iy 10 _ indepandeat, central ftJIId
CODbOIlaI by the d1y aDd ..~Hfents (SO/SO). We IDe also asking tbat . cIewJopers he
held accountable tor &II)' dryina up ofwals aud comam1ftldion ofW8ler supplies .when
~ cJua"P' the -table, waICI' quality,.. DewIopers woaJd be
responsible tOr all fIIItI"IWy COltS II5IOdated with 1bIs issQe as deleradDecl by 8 C01Ut or by
lID arbiIrator. .
I am also ftXI1....... a ft:.~ on these I.... aDd am 88kIDa that you coasidct this
request 8S my ~ to keep this an!8 in the Ian &he n:speaive
N8IDB ':}/V
Address 9' LfCf nn. fDL C On-
(~.AfbtfE L IIJ 4"'f)~.3
Phone3f'7 -1,,, ....f'1~\ E-mail-A. Y .t.i..C 0'"
_. .~I am a NobJesviDe 1Upayer ~ am a Carmel taJqJa}W
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~saJs for
large conurtel'ciaVretan development on the (l()nte{ of 146 and Haml Dell roads. I
understand tb8t both of the proposed developments mil outside of the scope of the master
plan fur the City of No blesvi lie and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to tbrmuJate, much input :from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. 1 am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146tb street because
J do not wish to Bve in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, comrneJ:'Cial
noi5es and smells, crime which retail development brings, etC. Allowing for commercial
development on this oomer wUl140pen the door" fur fiuther development to <:ome in and
soon 146* street will be 00 different than sr S1Ieet or 9(,. StreeL TbJs is especially trUe
since commerciallretail deveiOpniem at Greyhound Pass and 146* StJeet is moving
further east along 146* S1reet and de\leJoperi have expressed an interest 10 01her comers
along 146. Street.. Curreot retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As reside. we wish to praerve the natural bemq and cbarxter of (JUl neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote ._ this iDtrusioo of our ncipborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" iDstead of taking our best interest and desires into
As n:sidents, we fee) that the City of Carmel and the CityofNoblesville should develop
this laud in accordance with the current master plans a5"\wll as in accord8nce with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines fOr the ~ ofwildliJ.e and their
habitats.. .
As residents, we are askiJJg that developers working within Noblesville, IN and. Carme~
IN will be required to contribute funds nnuaUy to an ~ central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SO/SO). We are also askiDa that aU developers be
held accountable for any drying up ofweDs and coDlaJDination ofwate.r supplies when
developme.al changes the water r.abIe, waler quality. etc. DeveJopen would be
RSpOJJSible for all anclUary costS 'CNQI'istted with this issue as determined by a oourt or by
an arbittator'.
I am also recp~ a refbeodwu 08 these isssnes and 8Dl asking that you consider this
= as my vote to keep this area ill accordance with the aster plan for the respective
-_.&/ lie, -SOUPS ~r,~....
Address J 4{)./ I AVlo,v WCit./
/: <'ll-{3~foS/
I am a Noblesville taxpayer
I understand that two ~ developen have preseotecl J'lVposaIs fOr
larse wmmerciallretail development on the c:omer of 14()'D aad Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the jmposed developmclds fiill outside of the scope of the master
plan lOr the City ofNobJesviDe and the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to formulate, IDIICh input &om citi7P.ns and city planJlen, aod many taxpayer dollars
in order to det~ the most efficieat growth pattWDI tbr our cities. I am opposed to
ooilhuladallretail developmem on these and any other comers along 146h stJ:eet bec:auK
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop aDd go" traffic, collUllel'Cial
noises and smeBs, crime which retail development briDgs, de. Allowing 1br commercial
d~ on ~ comer will "open the door" fOr furd1m: development to come in and
soon 146'" street will be DO different than ~ Street or 9fJh S1Iat. This. especiaUy true
since commercia1lretaU deWtopmetlt at 0tqrIJ0und Pass and 146* Street is moving
further ease along 14611& Street and developers have expessed an interest in other comers
along 14611) Street. Cmrenr retail needs can be met within Sm"'"'- or less in 3 differem
directions from the comer in question.
As residenrs, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and dIaraaer of ~ur neighborhood
and we are asking )'011 to vote agaiDst this iDbusion of our meighborbood bY developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftaldog our best interest and desires into
As residenrs, we hi that the City ofCanneJ aDd tbe cay ofNoblesville should develop
this Janel in accordance with the cmrerJl master plans as..~D as iD accord8ooe with
Department of Natural Resoun:es guidelirer for the pmteaion ofwi1dlife and their
habitats. ~
As ~ we are askiDgtbat developers wortiJJg within NobJesville, IN and Carmel.
IN will be required to c:ontributefimds ammally to an iDdepeDdeJlt, central fund
WDtroIled by the city and residents (SOISO). We &Ie also asking that all developers be
held acc:oWlCable fur any dryiDg up of wells 81Jd contamination of water supplies when
development dIaoaes the water table, water quality, etc. DeYeJopers would be
JaPODSible lOr all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitndur.
I am also requestiDg a ~ on thI::se.isssues and am asIdns that you CIODSicIer this
request as m, vote to keep this area in accorcJance with the master pJan lOr tbe respective
::~nc(,f S Yo NP? ..tdil;/~
Address /l/~../I A-VlUJV Watl
Phoae ~43-f).f9S-1 E-mail ,cOVl
_1 am a NobJesville taxpayer ~I
t.. ;
:.~ ~
i .;
I dDdemaDd dJII twO 1etM- developers law pre&eDted propo." lOr
I8rp coJlllllfft1aJlretal1 clevelopmeAt Oft tile comer of I ~ and HueJ De)) roads. J
UIldersraod tbat both of'" PIOposecl developmems filII outside of. scope oftbe master
plan fbrthe City ofNobJes,;ille and the City of CarmeL These DIStel' plans took several
~ to tbrmulate. muc;h iDput tiomdtbata 8JJd ~ity plaDDers. and mmy 1mqJayer doDars
lIB Older 10 daaDbDc the .... efticienl pnWh pauems tbr ourcides. I am opposed to
co.......~ia1IJeIaiI cine.... on 1bese -IDJ other comers'" 146* street because
I dD noc wish to Iiw iD 8D" which is eoJJ8eIled with "stop and ph ttaftk; mmmen:iaJ
miles and smeUs, crime wlDeh retail developmtDt brings. etc. Allowing for coDJIDelclal
cIeve~ Oft tills comer ~ ~peD tile ~ fOr fbnber de\'eIopmeat to come ill IftcI
SOOII 146. SIIeet wiD he lID --._ tt.. art S1ft!II!I or 96. S1reeI. nil is espetiaUy trUe
-- ~ de\;....... at Gre,1M>uud Pass aud l~ Street ismovin,
fbrtber eaSI aIons J46. S1J* and developers ha~ ~...81lld _ ..... iD otheJ' comers
... 146* Street. CuneaI ~ needs can be met within Smm-s or less in 3 difFereat
directfoas 80m die comer" question.
As taillems, we with to ~ we the DatUr8l beady aud ch8l'aael ofow neipbcnbood
and we are askiDa JOB to ~ apinst tills inlmsloa of our ~Good by developers
wIIhIDs to .,. their poc"" instead oftakiDg 0... best hfkt. and desires into
COIIStdaation. '
As residems"we filel 1hBl.tIi!t City ofOnlelIllld the City ofNobles\li11e should develop
ddllIad ill aclCOnIaace witti.... cunaa...... ,lIDs as well as in acordlace wiIb
DepaI.... ofNannJ~ pille" fbr the ~ft ofwildJife and their
...,... ~
As IIIictwIts, we.. 88kiIII tbat deveJopera workiaa witbift NobIesviIIe, IN and Carmel,
IN wBI be ftlqUIied to COD1Itbdte finis annually to III indepeDlfent, c:entI8I fund
COIIImIIed by tile city 8DII nlsiclcats (SOISO). We 8Ie also .... tIat aD de\lelopen be
held 8CCOUIII8bIe fOr Illy cIrJIn8 up ofweDs aad (OfttAm11\8lion ofwater SUfPIIet whea
deveIopmeat m..1,- the wilter18ble, __ quality, etc. Developers would be
IeIJIOIIIIbIe 1br aU 1IIdJIary!c:osls ISSOCIated wbh this ique as delenniJJed by . COUIt or by
.. '-"'1401.
I am also requesting a nArindum Oft these isssues and am asJdng1hat you consider this
request as my vote to teep ids area In accordance with the master plan fbr the respective
AdlIraI ~r.f A~ J..
~tl~u;u,..;r~ tJ~".
Phone '7 - ; E-mail 1IRA.cU.(J~ AJi,AJtS.c.4W\,.
_X,.J am a NoblemUe t.yer _lam a Carmel taxpayer
'J I
i" ,
~ ;
~l l
:,: \
!.: (
(; ~
r '.
t: ~
:'. y
;~ ~
" 1
~.~ :!
. <
J understand that two separate developers have presented .roposaIJ for
1arp commerclallreuil dev,lopment on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
1IIIdenIInd that both orllle poposed developments filII oUlSide oCtile sa>pe oftbe muter
,lID ftw the City ofNobles\ilUe and 1he City of Carmel 1bese muter plans took sevwaI
,... to tbrmulate, mucb input ftom cttbeas and city P-1eIS, ami IIIBI1)' t8Xp8.7eI' doUars
in order to detenniDe the . efticle.lll powdl paaems fbr our ctdes. I' am opposed 10
commeKiaVretaiI dewlopalcnt on these and any other comers aIoIrIl46* street because
I do 1101 wisb to live in an ~ which is conpsted with "stop and go" tJ8ft1c:, COIIbDeKiaI
noises and ~ aime wliK:h retail development brinss. etc. AJIowiDs ror c:oaDIIIIZiaJ
dew:~ OD this COIIII!f~ "open the door" tbr ftutber developJDeDt to come in ad
ROOD 146* SII'eeI wIJ be 110 dit't'erent d8la2*' Stteet or "SueeI. This Is espedaIly bUe
since COIJI1IIeICiaII ~. OreyhoUDd,. _ 1464 Stnet is moviDB
ftuther east aIoag 146* SIniet 8Dd developers have expressecl811 ioIel.....4 in other comers
aIoDlI4f!'Street. eurr.w.iI needs can be met wIahiJJ SmiDutesorless in 3 d~_
~..Io.. tbe comer ....qaestloD.
As ~ we wish to ~ the D8IUraI beauty aDd cbaratter of our neighborhood
wiIIIins to "tine dIeir ~ bwead oftaldn& our best inreresIaad desires inlo
CIJIIIideI'8Iio ',' .
As residenIs; we teel that ...tity of Carmel and the City orNoblesville should develop
1his land in accordance will the CUI'I'eat master plans as well as in accordance with
Dep8tlJn&m ofNaaural RestUl'CeS Suidellnes fbr the protection of wildlife and their
b8bitets. ;
As residents, we are asldq'that developers working within Noblesville. IN and Carmel,
IN will be requftcI to co"'bute fimds 8J1D118J1y to an iDdependenI, central fund
c:onbOlIed by the city and Itsidems (50/50). We., also .... thBt aD developers be
IIeId aa:oumabk ... Bay ~ up of...eBs 8Dd co....n)..i(m ofwarer supplies when
development c:han8e8 the Water.... W8IeI' quality. etc. DevelopeD would be
reapollll"ble fOr all ancillary oosts associatecI with this iSlue as determined by a court or by
_ .Wb....... .
I .. also nquestin8 a reftt4uclum 08 tbese lsssues .... am. asIda8 that JOu coDSfdet this
request 8S my vote 10 keep this area in accordance with the master plan fOr the respective
cJda. :
NIIDt "P,4Iht.I" \04 ut.S
-- ;:~~:.
:; ~
; .
. ,
.~ t
. ~ :
J .~
't" ;:
. ;
: "
~! ,;
:-1 :.
: t t
"r ;"
Phone i E-mail
~I am a Noblesville ~yer _f am a Carmel taxpayer
Edward and Susan Kaake
14577 Chelsea Court
Carmel, Indiana 46033-8571
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Re: Rezone Application Docket o. 164-02-;Y
Rezone of the SE comer 146th Street an Hazel Dell Parkway
November 22, 2002
Dear Commission Members:
We bought our home in the Ashton subdivision, which is on the South West comer of 146th and
Hazel Dell, with the knowledge that both Carmel and Noblesville zoning for properties for the
other 3 "comers of property" at that intersection were zoned for residential only, with some kind
of "large lot only" stipulation. Our home is on that comer.
public need is always a primary concern in property usage; and ask "what is the need in this
case?" Does Carmel, with all the "Office Space for Rent" signs, need more? All we can see is the
developer's "GREED". That is not much of a public need, is it?
A second issue is roadway accessibility - and neither 146th Street with its recent widening, nor the
new Hazel Dell Parkway was designed for anything but right of way thoroughfares. Strip malls,
commercial office buildings, multiple units or tract housing, and other commercial uses were and
are not in the master planning by either Carmel or Noblesville. A lot of people made decisions
based on those plans - approved by your Committee. To change them is a breach of faith.
Lastly, we take exception to the petitioners' deception of portraying the request as a "medical
complex". In truth, a rezone would allow "any kind of offices" for whatever purpose the
developer can lease them for - and medical is definitely a usage that will not be met by demand -
let me translate - the docs in the area aren't going to be roosting at that intersection. To advertise
this petition as a boon to the medical facilities, as a "social good" for our City is pretty cheap.
Thank you for considering our objection to the rezoning petition.
;Rp !~~
Ed and Susan Kaake .
Cc: Plum Creek Partners
Nelson D. Frankenberger
146m S
I understand that twO
Jarp c:ommercia1heta
undeIsaand that both of the
plan fbr the City ofNobJesviiC
years to formulate, much .
ill order 10 determine the
mmmadaJhetail deve
I do not wI;h to live in an
moises aud smells. crime .
cIeve~ oatis comer .
soon 14cJda stRet will be DO
since ~retaiI
&rtber easI aJoDs 14(/4 s
along 14fJl Street. Current
ctirectlcms tom tile comer
As residents, we.wish to
and we are askiDa you to
wishing to "tiDe their
As ~identt, we feel thIi'
this laud In aCCOldaor:e with
Department of NatUral Reso
As resideldS, _ are asking developers woddng wiIhIIl NobJesviUe.1N aDd Cannel.
IN wiD be ~ to coDlli bads pmlAQy to.. indepeDcIent. ceutr8I fimd
CODtIOUed by the city aad' (SOISO). We are also asIdD8 that 811 developers be
held aceountabIe tOr any 'up of wells 8Dd contamiDation of.... supplies when
deve10pmeDt cbaDges the tabJe.water quality. de. Dewlopas would be
respoDSibJe fbr aDancilJary associated with this iSme as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a
request as my vote 10 keep .
haw p:eseotecI j)IOPOsaIs fOr
on'" a>mer ofl4fIA and IIa2d DeB roads. I
developmanas iII1 outside of the scope oCtile master
the City of CarmeL These JMSter plaDs took several
citize:Ds 8Dd day plaonen, aad many taxpayer dollars
. powth p8Ita'IIItbr our cities. I am opposed. to
these aDd lIlY odIer COD88 aIoag 146" stIeet because
. is conaested with "stop 8Dd go" ~ CODIII18IdaI
deveIDpmeDt briDp. eta. AIIowiq fOr commercial
the door" fOr fUrther' cIewlopment to come ill and
tbaD ~ S1net or 96* Sueet. This is especially uue
II GreyhoUDd Pass ad 146. SUee:l is moviDg
developers have ~ aD iDtGest in other comas
Deeds can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 cli1henl
. the DIIturIl beauty and character of 01U' neipbolhood
. Ibis iDIrusion of our JJeiahbodIood by developers
oftakiDg 018' besl Jaaeresa aDd cIesiIes into
of Carmel and the City ofNoblesviDe should de1PeJop
c:mteIIt master pJaDs as weD as in accordaDce with
guidelines fbr the proteCtion ofwildlifc and their
on ~ isssues aad am askiDa that you COD!Iider this
in accordaDce with tbe master plan tbr the n=spective
"-L.J - a Carmel taxpayer
I undenIand that two
large collllDfllCia1het dIM
UDdastand tbat both oftbe
plan fOr 1he CIty of NO
years to fOrmulate, much
in Older to cIctetmine the
commerciaIhetai cleve
1 do not wish to live in an
noises and smells, crime
de1do~ on this comer
soon 146- street will be no .
since COJDIDa'CiaIIrdaD
fUrther east abta 146* S
aloug 146& Street. Cumul
ctirectioDs 10m. the coma: .
As resideDts, we wish 10
and we are askiDg you to
wisbiDs to "tine their
consideration. . .
As reside. we mel t68t
this laud in aa:ordance .
0epaItment of Natural
As residents, weare
IN will be requiral to
commlled by the city ItDd
held 8CCOUIItabIe mr 8DY
development ~ the
respomible lbr III ancDl81
an arbitrator. I
I am also requcstiDg a
lequest as my 'VOte to
146m S
have pIbtJItelI C~ tor
on tile come:r of) aod Hae1 DeB roads. J
clevelopDlDts fiIll outside of the sr.ope of the master
the City ofCanDeL These master plans took sewral
m citizens and city plalmen, aad many taxpayer doDars
gro'Wtb. patted for our cities. I am opposed to
these -IDJ other comers alcmg l~ SUeet because
. is conpsted willi "stop and go" traftic, commercial
retail cteveloplD8Dlllrinp, etc.. ADowiDg tbr commerdal
"open die ~ 10r tiJrtbIr de'velopmeDt to come ill and
thin n-' S1net or 9(/A $Ueet. This is especially true
. Greyhound Pass and 14tfA StIWt Is moving
developers have -.-essed aD interest in other c:omers
needs can be met withiD Smirnd~ or less iD 3 ctitferem
the DIIbnI beauty aDd cbaracter or our Ddghborhood
. tbis intrusion of our neigtahnthood by developers
'. instead oftakiDg O\D' best iDterest and desires iDto
.' ~.. ity ofCarmeJ and the City otNob1esvilIe should deveJop
aIirmt IIIIISI.tD' pJam as weB as in accordance with
pideliDes for the ~n ofwitcllife and their
developers WOJkiDg wiIbin Nob1esviUe, IN aad Cannel,
fbDds ......tly to lID independeDt, cenlrIl fiIDd
(SO/SO). We Il'e also asJdas that all developers be
up ofweDs and COJIbUn~tfou ofWIiB supplies when
tab1e, water quality, de. Developers wCNJd be
associated with tbisusuo as determined by a court or by
OD these isssues aDd am askiaa tbal you COI8iIJer Ibis
area in accordance with the master plan tOr the respective
~I ama Carmel taxpayer
. I
Hancock, Ramona B
Wednesday, December 11,20028:16 AM
Current zoning on property at Hazel Dell and 146th intersection, Carmel/Noblesvi
Dear Commission members:
Our names are Jeff and Charlene Kallach and we live in the subdivision of
Ashton in Carmel. The development in located on one of the four corners of
146th and Hazel Dell Parkway.
We moved our family to this area in March of 2002 and were drawn to the
Ashton subdivision for many reasons. Some of those reasons being the feel of
being kind of out of the city, but still very close to lots of conveniences.
We enjoy the quiet, almost parklike setting we call home and enjoy the
absence of all the traffic which commercially surrounded properties seem to
generate. We like to see the stars in the dark sky surrounding our home and
enjoy hearing all the nature that goes on in our little slice of Carmel. We
had only been here days and my husband and I kept saying to ourselves that we
felt as if we were on vacation in our own yard. It is very peaceful.
The recent surge of activity by developers to try and effect zoning changes
on the properties surrounding us has prompted us to write to you to let you
know that we hope that you will not support any development that would spoil
the park-like living that we have come to enjoy in our short time here in
We are concerned with the safety of our neighbors and ourselves as we try to
enter and exit our homes. Hazel Dell and 146th Street are already very
heavily traveled roads and we are wondering if commercial/retail development
is allowed on these corners what kind of dangerous situation are we going to
be dealing with just to leave our homes. Taking left hand turns on to either
road with just the current traffic situation can sometimes be a dangerous
Our daughter attends Cherry Tree Elementary School on Hazel Dell and we worry
about the safety of entering and exiting the school when the added traffic of
acres upon acres of commercial/retail and high density housing are added to
the already heavily traveled Hazel Dell "autobon".
We are concerned with the noise, the glow, the crime and the many other
elements that commercial development can add to a residential area.
Our request of you is simple to us, we are asking for your support to help us
to maintain a residential zoning of the properties that surround our
development of Ashton. We are hoping that Carmel doesn't want to open up the
corridor of 146th to be the next commercial mile. We feel that we have
plenty of commercial opportunities to support the communities of Noblesville,
Westfield and Carmel all within miles of our homes. We are hoping that you
will stand up and help us maintain the integrity of our neighborhoods and
work with Noblesville to help them become a community that compliments it's
Carmel neighbors.
Thank you in advance for the time that you took to read this. It is truly
i'- ...
Jeff and Charlene Kallach
14470 Plymouth Rock Drive
Carmel, IN 46033
home: (317) 569-7298
I understand that two separate developers have presented jl'9PO~ fOJ: ~~~
.~.'-~--Iarge-comme:rCiaIli'etaildevelopmeitt on the- comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments filII outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesviIIe and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city plann.ers, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaVretail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than sr Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commercial/retaiI development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146th Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retaiI needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions :from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to~v:ote.against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "Iipe their pockets'~ instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesvilIe should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department ofNaturaI Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds ann.uaIly to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contabunation of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
Address ~gR C/1AJ 70N )/2.
~_ __'-_0 ,__".__
C..4~/7},IE/ ~ :z;; J ~~.~.3
Pho~.7/7 )&'4'1-~3~/ _E-&! ~~4JLe-tU Ie:. 3~/(Jgao(.I ~~
~~ am a NoblesviIIe taxpayer pI am a Carmel taxpayer
I under~~~~t t~() ~p~a!~ ~e~~lopers ~ve prese~ted jroposals for. .
---large commerciaJ7retail development on the corner of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determii1e the most.efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this corner will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than 8200 Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commerciaJ/retail development at Greyhound Pass and 1461h Street is moving
further east along 1461h Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you td'yote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their poqkets~' instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we fuel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and cont~tion of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
n:<!uest as ~: this. area in accor4il8nce with the master plan for the respective
citIeS. ..~.'. '-, W \ ~
Name -Sf~ U. ~"1
Address 5S-B~ t'AAJ /d'id
C/lp?t.jn~L J ~ 4t~o.33
Pho(e3/7.J8~~l-? 6Lf I E-maiL$""14..-'-€ tel ~
I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~I am a Carmel taxpayer
,3o(~ &to/' Co;ry
I understand that two separate developers have presentedJH'OposaIs tOr
large commen:ia1InWI development on the corner of 1~ and Hazel Dell roads. 1
understand that both of the jnpoaed de\'elopmenls filii oUlSide of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville aDd tbe City oiCarmel These master plans took several
years to fbrmulate, much input &om citiD:Ds aud city plaDDers. and IIIID.)' taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efticieDt growth patterns fbr our cides. lam opposed to
c:ommerciaJlretai) de~mem on these aad any otba' comers 810. 146-' street bec.~
I do not wish to live in an area which is coogested with "stop aad go" trafIJc, COJDIJIflICial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, cW. Allowing tOr commercial
develo~ on chis comer wiD "open the door" for fiDtha' development to come in 8Dd
soon 146-' snet wiU be 110 ditfaent thaa a-" S1net or 96"" S1Ieet. This is especially true
since commerdaJheIaiI development at Greyhound PIIss ... 146-' Street is moving
funber east along 146-' Sueet aDd developers law expressed aD inten:st in other comers
along 146111 Street. Curreut retail needs can be met within Sminutes OJ' less in 3 diftetent
directions from the comer in question.
As residentS, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and cbaractcr of our neighborhood
and we areaskiag you to. vote agaiast this intrusion of our oeJshborhoocl by developers
wishing to ''line 1heir po~: instead oftakina our best interest and desires into
CODSideratio.. '" '.' ".
As resi~ \Ve feeltbat the City of:CarmeJ.aDd the City ofNoblesvi1le should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines fur the protection of wildlife aDd their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel.
IN will be required to c:ontn"bute funds annually 10 an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and resideDls (SO/SO). \\'e 818 also asking that all developers be
held acc:ountab1e for any dryins up ofweUs and coDWDinatioo ofwater' supplies when
development ch8llges the water tableJ water qualityJ etc~, Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary oosts associated with this isSue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum 00 these isssuos and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to ~ this area in KCOrdao&:e with the master plan tor the n:spective
1 understand that two separate developers have presented jroposals for
large commerciaVretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaVretail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than 82nd Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commerciaVretail development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146th Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name c.~ 1_ L ,
Address (1<{ 03 )J~~hr-
Phone Y;Vc? /II~~ E-~
_1 am a Noblesville taxpayer ~I am a Carmel taxpayer
a \ TI]J'~
'v~ ~~(S'"
/OJ ,/ A >"
'erN ~ /\
\~ DOCS /::!
.''\ / ./
I understand that two separate developers have presented jroposals for -:(/ /':~ (<~~/
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. 'i<~?;/'t7p,c;T---'\~~Y'
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master-,---L- '
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than 82nd Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commercial/retail development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146th Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
" ,
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Nwne gyL /~/
Addre s /vv?3 !lorw~/~
~, Ch
Phone fV9:l / Y E-mail
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~; Carmel taxpayer
11.IIlderstadd that two separate developers have presented_proposals tor
large commercial/retail develop_lit on the comer of l~ and Hazel Dell mads. I
UDderstand that both oCtile propo&ed developments 1811 outside of the scope oftbe master
plan lOr the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. these master plans took several
years to formulate, Dnlch input &om citizens and city planners, and DIlDY taxpayer doUars
in order to determine the most eflkient growth patterns fOr our cities. I am opposed to
comm.erciallretail development on these and any other comers alons 1461h street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smeUs, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowiug for collllDel'<:ial
develo~ on this corner will "open tile door" fOr tUrtber development to come in and
soon l~ stIeel will be DO difIiere6t tbaa 8~ Suees or 96. S1reeL 'Ibis is especlalIy tIUe
siDce commerdaIIretaiI development 81 Greybound PISS and 14f1a Sueet is moving
further east aIoogl4fi" Street 8Dcl developers have expressaclan iDterest in other comers
aIougl4f1a Street. Cummt mail needs caD be met within SmiDutes 01' less in 3 di8aent
directioas fi'om the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and charattet of our rieighborhooct
and we are askins you to vote against this intrusion of our neishborhood by developers
wishing to.,ine d1eir pockets" instead oftaldng our best inteIest 8Dd desires iDto
As residents, we teel that the City of Carmel and the City o(.l.-loblesvllle shoutd dewlop
this !aDd in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
DepartlnBnt of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection o(wildlife and their
As residents, we are -ins thai: developers working within NobleswIe. IN and Cannel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to anindependeut. centtal fund
controUed by the city and residents (50150). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable tor any drying up of wells and contamination ofwater supplies when
development c.....es the walertable, water quality, etc. Developers would be
respoasible fot all ancillary costs associated with this issue as detenained by a court or by
ail arbitrator.
I am also requesIiDg a referendwn on these isssues and am ask.ing that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordaJ1ee with the master plan for the respective
~v~~~ p(1~
IV U6IR( vlle;h) Vt,Oi cJ
~ Po flitS ~~~ ,vcr
~I am a NobJesvi11e taxpayer a taxpa)'er
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posaJs for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fidl outside of tile scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel These master plans took several
years to furmulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efllcient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaJ/retaiJ development on these and any other comers along 1 ~ street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retall development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" fbr fbrther dewlopmeDt to come in and
soon 14f1h lIbeet wm be DO ~ than ~ Street or fJ6h Street. This is especially tlUe
~ COIIIIDeI'CiaIIretail development at Greyhound Pass aod 146"- Street is moving
fbrthereasr along 146* Street and dewlopers have CAJIA~ an interest in other comers
along 14601. Street. Curieot reI8iI ~ can be met within SminulJeS or less in 3 different.
directions &om the comer in questlon.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
aod we are asking you to wte ...... this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" iDstead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration. .
As resideDts, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City of No blesvil Ie should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with.
Depattwedl ofNatural ResoUlCeS guidelines fur the protection ofwilcllife and their
habitats. 0". .
As ~ we are asking that developers worldng within Noblesville, IN aDd Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute fimds IIInlDUlllyto an ~) ~ fund
CODIroIled by the cilyand resideDts (SOISO). We are a&o asIdog that all developers be
held accountable 10r any drying up of wells and coqtaprination of water supplies when
development changes the water tab1e~ water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible fur all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also ~ a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fur the respective
cities. .
NlIDll'-.:::J e.<<' K-.l ~ 0 '"
Address 5( O~ . ~(\'CA.. -tr~
Co.R~ ,~. '-.{\oon
Phone 3(?".gc.f~-o1..c..( E-mail --::rk(&v.",,~r~o....l.o"'"
_, am a Noblesville taxpayer ".,....., am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posaJs fur
large commerciaJlretail de~lopment on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both oftbe proposed developments fiill outside of the scope oftbe master
plan for the City ofNoblesvine and the City of Cannel. These master plans took several
years to mrmulate, mucll input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efticient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciallretail development on these and any other corners along 146. street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is coopsted with "stop and go" traffic, COJIl1J1el'Cial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" tor tbrtber developmamt to come in aDd
SOOD. 14f1b street will be lID ditferaa than ~ Street or IJ(/1 Street. This is especially true
since commerda1freIai development at Greyhound Pass aDd l4fla Street is moving
further east along 14fla Street and developers have expIessed aD iute.d4 in other oomers
akmg 14(/h Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sdliaules or less in 3 difreaeut
directions ftom the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote .ind this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration. .
As residents, we feel tImt the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
Dep&dlUl3Il of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection ofwildli~ and their
As residents, we are askins that developers wOrking within Noblesville, IN aDd Carmel,
IN will be required to CODbibute fimds annually to an independ~ c:eatral ftmd
controlled by the city ami resideDls (SOISO). We are also asking tbat an developers be
held aa:ountabJe fbr any drying up ofweDs and contahai..ion ofwater supplies when
deveJopment clumges the water table, water qualily, etc.. lMelopers would be
responsible for all a.wl1Ary COSIs associated wiIh this issue as def~ ...i~ by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep tbk area in accxmIance with the master plan fur the respective
=-9~ 1tl:::RLeV
OO~ 7iJ i6t3.3
Phone 81/K'-~~ I _E-..yJ
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer -1L-I am a Carmel taxpayer
] UDderstaDd that two separate developers have presented ~posaJs fOr
large ooOllJJel'Ciallrd development on tile comer of 146 and Hazel DeB roads. I
wdtout..d that both ofdle proposed cIevelopJrwds filii outside ortbe scope oftbe master
piau fOr *' City ofNoblesvi1le aDd *' City of CarmeL These master pIaDs took sewnl
years to jbnnnlAtP, JDDCh input hm cia:.. aocI city p1ann~ aDd maay b<<9&ler doJlars
in cmIer to cletenni.~ the most eftlclent gmwth pattems fbr our cities. I am opposed to
COIIIIIBCiaJhe1 cIewIopmeut OD these aDd any other comers aJoDll4()'l stteet because
I do DOt wish to 6ve in aD Ilea wIIicb is ccmaested with -stop aDd go" traffic, ~_
IIOBes aDd smells. crime which retail cIeveIopment briDp, etc. Allowing b commercial
developmeatoo. this comer will "opeD the door" mr further development 10 come in and
1OOIl1466 street wm be 110 dilL,. thaD n-' Stteet or 9(/IJ StIeet. This is especially uue
since commerciaJIreIa dnelopmeDt at Greyhomd Pass and 146* Street is moving
fUrther eastaloDg 146. SIIeet BJJd ~pers law Aplt.SSCd an ~_ in other mme:rs
aIons 1461b Street. Curreot Iemil oeecIs can be met witbIn Sminules or less in 3 difterent
directions fi:om the comer in question.
As reaideDts, we wish to pRSerVe the naturallJeauty and duuacIer of our .....hnrbood
aDd we IDe IIIkiDa JOB to wte ..... this .iohuSiou ofoor ~ by developers
wishing to "IiDe their pockets" ~ oftakiDg our best interest aDd desires intO
CODSideraIioD. \...... _ .'
As ~J we teel1bal1Jlc abr of Carmel and 1he City ofNobIesviIIe should ~elop
this: land in aamdance with the cuneiIt master pJaus as weD as in acx:ordance with
Depanmeul ofNatund Resouroes guidelines fbr tbe 9mtection ofwildJife and their
~. .
As reuteDls, we are as1doa that developers WOl1h.a within Noblesvillet IN 8dd Carmel.
IN will be required to cxmtribute &mils 8DIlU8lly to an iDdepencJettt, central fund
CODtroDed by the city 8Dd resideets (SO/SO). We m= also asking that an dnelopers be
he1cl 8CCOll11t8b1e for aoy ckying up ofwells aocI ()OlItMnhuation of WIller supplies when
deveJopmeat cht,.. the waIer~ water qaaliIy, de. DeYeIopers would be
responsible tor all ~,..., costs associated with this issUe as determined by a com or by
an arbitrator.
lam also requesting a referendum OD these isssues and am askiDa that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area iD. accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name SUSIe, ~tIl
Address \573'\ \h.;.t tW.t ~
jJ ~~\'-S~l\\t.. >:-..,. q.~oCtJ 0
Phone~ 3-0~o' E-mail S~lv.([".Sf@y~hoQ...coM
-L1 am a Noblesville taxpayer ~ am a Carmel taxpayer
I ~ tbatt\\'O ~ developershawpreseoted ~saIs fOr
IarpCC)lm~ developmemon tile comerofl and Hazel DeB roads. I
WIdentud that both ofdle jmposed cIeveJopments fiID outslde ofdle scope oftbe master
plan tbrthe City ofNob1esvBle ami the City of Carmel These IIIISIer pIaos took several
~ to fbrtm.~, much iDput ftom~8Dd dtyplaDnen. 8Dd many 1axptyer doDars
in Older to ~... the most efticleDl8lOwth paUaDs fbr our cities. I am opposecIro
comn1e1claJhetail dewlopmeut on these 8Dd 8IJ'f other comem along 146* street because
I do DOt wish to Jive iD an area wbidl is c:o~ with "slop aad go" trafIic, CO.....~Clial
noises and smells, aime which retail cIewlopmeDt tlriDp, etc. AIlowiDg fur oommerclal
dewIopmem on this comer wiD "open the door" fur Ibrtber dew:lopmeal to come in and
SOOD 146'" street wit be DO dilreleoa thaa n-' Sued or "Stleet. This is especially true
since CQ..b.~iaIIretaiI dewJopmeDt at GreyJIound Pass aod J4()'b Skeet is moving
fUrther east along 146* Street and developers haw expressed an interest In other comers
aIoag 146* Street. Current teI8il needs can be met wiIhin Sminutes or less in 3 ditferem
directions ftom the comer in question.
As resiMl1tS, "We wish to preserve the D8bJr8I beauty aDd charat:ter of our neigbhorhood
and we _ asIdDg you to \'Ole ....tbis intrusion of our neighborbood by de~petS
wishing to "line their poqkets": instead ofmJdDg our best interest and desires into
eonsidemtion. ~ ::~'.:1-.. ....; ~~.
As residems; we tee) tbai the City of Carmel mI the City ofNobJesville should develop
this land in accordance with the ~ master plans as well as in accordance with
Departme. of Natural Resources-guidelines fur the protection of wildlife and their
As resideIds, we me asking that dnelopers ~ wiIhin NobJesWle, IN aod Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute fimds MmUJl1'r to an incIepeodeDt, QDral fimd
CODllODed by the city and resideots (SOfSO). We lie also MkiDs dial all developers be
held 8CCOUDtabIe b any dryiDs up ofweDs ad contAmination ofwater supplies when
deveIopmeDt dIaDges the water table, water.quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all anei1LlI)' costs associated with this iSSue as dP.t-ined by a court or by
m.h~. _
I am also requesting a retereodum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
~L 4LP3Ih.LLe- -Ill r./48;.lb--
Phone 3t7 -Vr/3-z>~q' B.mail ~('cJf).:JJ35?(f/P~..C~
--Xj am a NoblesviUe-taxpayer _I am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented lroposals for
large commerciallretail development on the corner of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both oCthe proposed developmems fidl outside oftbe scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate. much input from citizens and city Planners. and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efticient growth patterns ror OlD' cities. I am opposed to
commerciaJ/retail development on these and any other comers along 146111 street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smelJSs crime which retail development ~ de. Allowing for commercial
developmein on this comer ~ "open the door" tOr furtbeI' dewloptuedl to oome in and
soon 146. street will bem different tban art Street or 96. Street. This is especially true
since COJDIIIeIdaIhet development at GreyIIound Pass and 14(;* Street is moving
further east along 146* St1eet and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
alcmg 146111 Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 difl'ggg
directions from the corner in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you tc! vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration. ',",.'
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
Department ofNatmal Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Nob1esviJle, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contn'bute fimds annually to aD independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SOISO). We are abo asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development chaDges the water table, water quality, ere. Developers would be
responsible for aU ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a rererendum on these isssues and am asking tbat you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name.ir-161ia.n ~~phtv- ~.~
Address . it\l \
LmrMIl \ I tJ %O':3~
Phone 5"1 J "OJf6~~ E-mail
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer 'X... I am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented jroposals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments filll outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaVretail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this corner will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than 8200 Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commerciaJlretail development at Greyhound Pass and 146ch Street is moving
further east along 146ch Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146ch Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this Jand in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are f!lso asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
~V( s to (~US
ss- ~ 0 ~ Sa(eWl bv: S
CCiVVVleL T J\1 ~ too 3:3
Phone (tH 'l. "'Vqq 3> E-mail k. ko I 6 V s e Q 0 L (() IiV?
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer XI am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented rposals for
large commerciaVretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City of No blesvi lie and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this corner will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than 8~ Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commerciaVretail development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146tb Street and developers have expressed an interest in other corners
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to 'vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pocketS" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this l~d in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SO/50). We are ~ asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name I \M /4,( ~ V\. r
Address J S- ~ lo. re~ jJ f'. !; ,
r:~r-~{ u "607J
Phone jtfp- cNq J E-mail-l<m(~usaool.CI{)lff7
I am a Noblesville taxpayer -L1 am a Carmel taxpayer
I understaDd that two separate developers baWl presented~ tor
large c:ollJlllel'CiaJlM dew10pmeDt on the comer of 146 aDd Hazel Dell roads. I
~ that both oftbe pmposeddew:lopmems mn outside oftbe scope of the master
plan fur the City ofNoblesville and the CiIy ofCmmeL These master plans took several
years to tOrmnJatp") JDDCh input 10m ~I;~PS and city pJsnmers, and many taxpayer doDars
in order to dele. "l~ne the most eft'iciept growth ~rn& fbr our cities. I am opposed to
C01IIIIIeIclaII development on these aud any other comers along 14(/1 SIleet because
I do not wish to live in an ana which is c:ongested with "stop aDd pp" traffic, oowaaercial
mises and smeDss crime which retail dew10pmeDt brings, etc. AIIowins 1br c:ommercial
~ OIl this comer wiD "open the door" tor fiDtI:a dewJopment to come in 8IJd
soon 146h street will be 110 ~ thaD art Street or 96. Street. This is especially true
since COJDDJeJ:Cia1Ir deveJopmeot at Greyhound Pea aDd 1~ S1Ret is moving
fiuther east 8Iong 146. Street and developers have expessed an interest in other comers
aloDg 14f1h Street. Cuneot retail needs can be met within Sminutes or Jess in 3 different
directioDs nom the comer in question.
As r~ we wish to preserve the natural beauty and cbaracter ofourneipborbood
and we are asking you to vote SlI8'.... this iDtrusion of our neigbborbood by developers
wishing to "line their pot1rets't instead oftakiog our best interest and desires iDto
consideration. ,.,' .'}
As resi~ we teet that u.e'CiIy of Cannel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in acoontance with the current master plans as weD as in accord8Dce with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection ofwild1ife and their
As resideDts, we are askiD8 that developers woddDg within N~ IN and Carmel,
IN wiD be required to CODln'bute fimds 8DDU8Ily to an iDdependent, central fimd
controlled by the city aDd residents (SOISO). We ate also askiDg that an developers be
heJel KCOUDtable in' any drying up ofwells and conl~,nl__ ofwater suppHes when
development cbanges the water table, water q1.8Jity... DeYe10pers would be
responsible fOr aU ancillary costs essociated with this &sue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues aDd am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
CfJl-I6 J~(.~
Address 'i~ {pq; tz\Opl~~ ~ Uy
6rw, J I /tJ '1{fRCi/??
Phone ~lt-~ ~ l'f~ E-mail
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~I am a Cannel taxpayer
I budetSbaud that two -PIlate developers haw p<<:scnted.pmposals tor
large ('.()IIl~iaIIretail c1eve1opmeDt on tile mmeI' of 14()"18Dd Hazel DeB roads. I
UDderstaDd that both ofb pl'Op)Seld deve10pmeDls filii outside of tile scope of the master
plan furtbe City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These masIer plans took several
years 10 tbrmulJfP.. much input ftom uila:emr. aDd city PIaDDers. aDd many taxpayer doDars
in 0Jdet to det~miM the most efficieDt growth patterns fOr our cities. I am opposed to
C1.mn-e:...iaJhetaiI dewlopmeot on these and any o1her comers along 14(/1 street becauge
1 do DOt wish to 1M in an area which is co~ with "slop and go'D ttaf6c, colDIIIeICial
noises and smeDs, crbne which reIail development briDp, etc. AIJowing fur COJDIIleIdal
developMent on this comer wil ''opeD. the door" fOr fbrther development 10 come in and
soon 146- street will be DO difiaent than azmt Street or 96* Street. This is especlaI1y true
since CODJIIJeI'CiaJh development at Greyhound Pass aDd 1466 S1reet is moving
funber east aIoDg 14(/1 S1teet and dewIopen haft ~ an mteresl in other comers
a10Dg 146* Street. CuneDt retail needs can be met within SunnulP.A or less in 3 different
directions tiom the comer in question.aAs residents, we wish to pmICI ve the natural beauty and cbaracter of our neighborhood
wishing to "Hnetbeir ~ iostead oftaIdDg 0111' best ~est aad desires into
coDSideradon. '" .,. .'/
As reside,~tS, Vt'e met that tbe City of Carmel aDd the City ofNoblesville sbould develop
this land in accoMaoce with the cuDent 1DISter plaDs as welles in accordaDce with
Department of Natural Resources guide~ fOr the protection ofwildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers woddng within Noblesville, IN and Carme~
IN will be required to contn"bute funds M1IUIRIly to an iDdeperitdent. ceatral fimd
controDed by the city and resideDts (50/50). We are also as1dog that aD developers be
held accountable tor any dryiDs up ofwe1Js aDd eontAmlnAdon of'Wlltm supplies when
developmeDt ....... the water 18ble, WIder quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible fur aD ancillary costs associated with this i'bue as detelmined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
1 am. also Jeql~ a retfnDdmn on these isssues and am asking that you CODSider this
request as my V01e to keep this. with the master plan fur the respective
Phone 7;J::r ~=r, -011 fA E-1I!lill
_I am a Nob1esvUle taxpayer L-I am a Carmel taxpayer
Hancock. Ramona B
Tuesday, December 10, 2002 6:09 PM
RBNoonie2@aol.com; Schmidt4some@aol.com
Land Development
Ms. Hancock,
We would like to have the opportunity to express our opinions on the current plans for Cherry Tree Estates. We should
make it clear that we understand that Carmel is a very attractive city for both homeowners and developers and that vacant
land will be developed, but feel the proposed plans are not in the best interest of many involved.
The density of the housing is our first concern. First of all, this will create traffic problems directly across the street from an
elementary school, with this being the biggest issue of all. The only way to channel traffic away from the children is to
send it through the winding roads of Plum Creek and Delaware Trace, creating a nuisance and danger to those involved.
To make matters worse, there have been attempts for years to place high density housing including apartment complexes
on the north side of 146th street. I attended a meeting held by the developer three years ago where he made it clear that
there would be a traffic problem south of 146th but it would be something Carmel would have to "'deal with". These
potential issues have been hanging over our heads for four years now, and I see no sign of them going away.
The density of the houses proposed is another issue. We moved to Carmel to escape the clutter we lived in previously,
having spent 7 years living just off of 96th and Allisonville. Many of our neighbors did the same. Carmel allegedly prides
itself on land preservation and maintenance of the environment, but sometimes it is hard to see where. In Delaware
Trace, we basically have two retention ponds to avoid flooding and a wildflower preserve that mainly serves as a mosquito
breeding ground. Plans for Cherry Tree Estates are even worse, which says a lot.
We again fully realize that any vacant land in Carmel will eventually be developed in some way, but hope that the city will
protect the safety of the children attending school or living nearby while also protecting the rights of those already living
Dave and Kim Kovacich
5251 Cheyenne Moon
I understand that two separate developers have presented lroposals for
large commerciallretail development on the comer of 146 and Ha7..e1 Dell roads. I
understand that both of tile pmposed developments BaU outside of the scope oCthe master
plan for tbe City ofNoblesvilJe and the City of Carmel. These mastcr plans took several
years to furmuJate, much input &om citizens and city planneTs. and many taxpayer dollars
in order to derennine the most efficient growth paUemS fot our cities. I am opposed to
commercia1lre1ail dcvelopment on these and allY other comers aJoog 146. street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
DOises and smoUs. crime which retail development brings, de. Allowing fOr commercial
deveJo~nt on this comer wID "open the door" tor 1brther development to come In and
soon 146ft street wit. be no ditTerenl than 82l1li Street or 96th StJeeL This is especially truc
since commerciaJlrelail deveJopmem at Greyhound Pass and 1 46th Stteet is moving
further east along 146lb Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 1461h Street. CUrrent rctait.needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
dircction.~ fioom the comer in question.
As residents, we wjsh to preserve the natural beauty and character of OUf neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this luttusion of our neighborhood by developers
wislUng to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration. .
As residents. we fOOl that the City ofCarmelaod the City ofNoblesviJ1e should develop
this land in accordance with the (;Urrent master plans as well as in accordance with
Department oCNatural Resources guidelines fOr the pI01eCdon ofwiJdlife and their
habitats.. "
As residents, we are asking that developers working w~ Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN wiD be teCluired to CODtll'bute funds annually to an indepeDdint, ceDtra1 fund
coDlroDed by the city and residents (50150). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable tor any dryins up of weDs aDd contamination ofwater supplies wben
development changes the watertable, wa!er quality. etc. Developers would be
responsible for aU ancillaly costs BSSOclated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also rcqucstins a referendwn on these isssues and am asking that YOlJ consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Address~t:;3aJ '991'~~ ~
tl4Annd....,tIIIt 4ittf.3-?
Phone~._ 3'1f"'S99i E-mail
_I am a NobJesville taxpayer ~I am a Cannel taxpayer
r understand that two separate developers have presented lroposals for
large commercial/retail development on the Comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of tile proposed developments fBll outside of the scope of tile master
plan for the City ofNobJesviUe and the City ofCanneJ. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planders, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most. etrICient grovAh patterns for our cities. 1 am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146'" street because
I do not wish 10 Jive in an area which is congested witb "stop aDd 80" traffic, comme1cial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" fOr further development to CORIO in and
soon 146'" Sl1'eet will be no different than 8~ Street or 96* Street. 1bis is especially true
since commerciallre1ail development at Greyhound Pass and 146lh Street is moving
funhcr east along 146lb Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146" SlIeeL Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions from the corner in question.
As resideDlS, we wish to preserve the oatural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of OUl' neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pOckets" instead of taking our best interest and desires Into
eonsiderat~D. . ' . -:. ~~. ,
As reside~ we feel that the City ofCarmCl aod die City ofNoblesvillc should develop
this land in accordance with tbe current master plans as weD as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the pmtection ofwlJdlife and their
As residents, We are aslcing that developers WOJiring within NoblesviJle, IN and Carme~
IN will be required to contribute funds aDIlually to 811 independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SOISO). We are also asking that aU developers be
held accoUDlable fur any drying up of wells and contamination ofwator supplies when
dcvelopmcm1 changes the water table, water quality. ~ Developers would be
responsible for all ancDlary costs associatecl with tbis iSsue ~ determined by a court or by
an arbitrotor.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordanc.e with the master plan for the respective
Name to,'lIrfAYIl Kn:..PJ-
Address fj3rt e.tppji)1~ ~ ~ ~1
eo.. V'\/71Il!,. :C" 4/ ;/II3-S
Phone BY ,r-'5?ff- E-mait A!o,ef[lfJ,/@ /It)t... dQrJ
_1 am a NoblesvilIe taxpayer ~I am a armeltaxpayer
- - - -- - --.-. ....&. w.........~..... "",,~gQ
-.. ---
_. ~ ..' ,. ,- .
J undennand that twO IIOpII'8tO deve~ have prcseatedJ-posals fOr
1qe 1oiUdID..iaIhetBJ1 development OIl the COI'JIef of l~ and HlZel Den tOads. 1
~ that both of tile proposed ctewlopmems &110QtSide oftbe .-.ope oftbe....
plan fOr the City ofNoblesviUe II1II the city of CarmeL These nster plans took sewral ,
".. to formu1ate, much iaput fiom "itit.ea8 8DcI city pllaDcn. and IIIIIIJ taXpayer dolllrs
in order to "'udne the most efBcleat growth pataems ibr our cities. 1 am opposed to
co~ deve10pmeIIl 011 these ud any otber,comers alona 146. meet because
1 do DOl wish to Ihe 111_ area which Is COIJlCud with "stop and 10" traftic, COJDJDen:laI
ooises aad ameUs, crime whfch retail developmeat briDp, ete. AIlowlDa for ~ial
cIeve~at on thiI comer will "open the ~ tbr fbIther developmeDt to come in aad
SOOD 146* SUeet wiD be 110 ... than a-- su. or fJfIA S1reet. This is ell*laIty trUe
since co.....ercJaIINtaD development at Greyhound Pass and J 4t/'& Street is movlDa
fiBtber east a10ns 14tA Street and deYeJopen have exprelSed an bIbnst in other comers
aloDa 14tfA Stnet. CuneIlt teI8ll..- C8ft be met within Smiautes or less in 3 ditfaeDt
cUrectioDs tom tl1a coraer in quesdoD.
As res..... we wish to praerve die DItUI8I beauty 8IJd cb8racter of our neishborhood
wiIhiD& to II" t1Ieir pockets" instead oftakina our beslln&enISt and desfres into
~ -
As reaicJeatJ. we'" that tile CiIy of Carmel and die City ofNobIesville sIIouId develop
this 1aDd ill IICCOnIIaIa with the current .... plus as weD 81 in accordance with
~ of'N8tural RaoURleS pldeliDa mr die pmtec:tioD ofwiJdUfe IIIId 1IIeIr
As Rlldentl, 'We 8I'e askIDa tbIt developers workiDs witbiD l'lobJelMUe, IN and Carmel,
IN will be teq..Jred 10 GOIIIribute fiIIIds IDII1I8IIy 10 aD indepeadeIIt, CIeIIII8I fiIIId
eoatrolleci by the city IIId resideDts (SOISO). We lie 8Iso BSIdna ... all deveIopen be
_lei BCO\JIIfabl- In' _ dryina up ofweUs ad CODtIInIDatioD ofwater' supplies wilen
dewlopateat chaapI the __ table, WIlIer qudty. etc. Dewtlopers would be
rcspoDSib1e fbr aIIancUIary costs aaoc:iated with this issue as determined by a comt or by
I am also i'eq'.... . ...on these ..._ 8Dd am akIna that you ooD8ider this
request as my vote to keep this area in 8CCOIdance willa the IIIlISter plan tbr the respecdve
= ~IL 'Jlkss ~
Address S'20 c.a~..
~al, %N
Phone S., 'eo ...... _~f(Jl&__~~y. u. '-'
_lam a Noblesville taxpeyer -l!!L11UD a Carmel taxpayer
I understaDd that twO seperate dew10pcrs bave pre.ta~1s fot
large coJ.llllleleiallr development OJl the comer of t and H8m1 Den roads. I
undetstdnd that both of the proposed cJevelopmcllt5 mn outside oftbe scope of the IIJIS1er
plan for the City ofNoblesville'" the City of CarmeL These muter pJam took several
years to ftmnulate, much input fi'Om cltftDS 8Dd city pJamJer:s, and many laApa,eJ dollars
m order to determi'De the moat cfticiellt growth pattems tOr our dties. I am opposed to
c::ommerciaJlretail developmeat on these and. my other comers aIoDg 14fIA street beea1_
I do DOt wish to live in an area whicb is cougested with "stop and go- tnIfBc, commen:iaI
DOises and ~ crime which retail devdopmeDt briDgs, e1x:.. Allowing fbr commen:ial
deve~ DB this comer win "open the doot"t fOr fUrther development to come in and
soon 146'" street will be .no ditrereDt than ~ Street or 96" Street. This is especially tnJe
siace comaerciaIIrctd development tit Greyhound Pass ancI146* Stteet is moviog
further east aIoDg 146. Street and developers haw expressed an interest in other comers
aJons 146* Stteet. Curreat retail needs am be met within Smhmtes or less in 3 ditferent
directions from the comer in question.
As ~ we wiIh to p:ererve the JJ8tural beauty aud du1racter ofournefshborhood
and we are askiDg )'OU to vote against Ibis b6-iu4 of our ncishbOJbood by dewlopers
wislDng to "line their pocketsft;instead oftakiDg our best imeJeSl tmcldesires into
....:..e-Btio. ;-, ,
COJJlljPoP;il 0. \.' ":"i _
As residents,"we feel that tbe City of Carmel and 1he City ofNoblesvilJe should develop
this land in aeconfance with the curri:nt master pJam as weD as in ar.cordance wlth
Department ofNamral Resomc:es guidelines for the ptOteCtion ofwildlifc and their _
As residents, we are asking that developers working within NobIesviJJe, IN and Car.meJ,
IN wiD be ~ired to CODtribDte funds AftIII1811y to an iDdepeJJdent, centraltimd
c::oDlro1te4 by the city aDd residents (50150). We are also asking that all dewlopers be
held accountable fOr 8DY dryiDg up of weDs 8Dd c::oDbnnination ofwater supplies when
development ~ the watertahle, water qusIity, ttc. Developets would be
teSpOmsible for aU am:iDary costs assaciatecI wish this iShe as detennined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
1 am also requestiDg a I-e.lk~ on these isssues ad am asIdDg that}'01l CODSider this
request as my vote to Jceep this area in accordaBce with the master plan tbr the respective
Name 1/1d- tS:t:3
Address R3"3K /JbU<' ()r
&r~{ TN q603~
Phone $00--0:3.' 8' E-mail fvt h "'('-';:510 <!2. 0..01.:. (.0 --
_I am, a Noblcsvil1c taxpayer ,,-- I am a Carmel taxpayer
I UDderstand tbat two separaIe developerS line presented ~posaJs ibr
_ commeIdaIIretaU development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. 1
UDderstand that both of the Proposed development& filiI oat8ide of the scope oftbe master
plan for the City ofNoblesvjlJe and the City of Cannel. 1bese ma..~er plans took several
years to (onnulate, much input &om citizens and city planners, and any ~yer doJJars
in order to detenniae the most et1icient growth patterns ilr our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaJ/retail development on these and any other corners along 146* street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is c:ongested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises aud smeUs, crime whicb rerail development brings, etc. AIlowtnS fur commercial
cIe1IeJo~ on dJis c:omeI' wilI-opeD the door" fOr 6riJer development to come ill and
soon 1461l Street will be no dimmmt thaa 12-' Street or t)6"t Street. This is especially true
siDc:e comm.erciaIIretaD dewJopment at GIeybound Pass aDd 146* Sueet is moviGg
further east aIoJJg 146'" StIeeI and developers IJ.aw CKprCSSed an interest ill other comers
alo. 146* Sbeet. Cummt retail needs can be met within SmiDutes 01' less in 3 di1lbent
directions ftom the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their po~kets" instead of taking our best intc:rest and desires into
As residents, we &el tbatthe 'City of Cannel and the City ofNob1esviUe should. develop
this Jand in accordance with the current master plaos as weD as in accordance with
Department ofNatur.al Resources guidelines tbr the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, WI: arc asking that deveJopers working within NoblesviUe, IN and Carme~
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controDed by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that aU developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for a1lsJJCiJlary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a reterendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this atea in. accordance with the master plan fbr the respective
ur~( r>> 4'&0'3""3
Phone s-Ho -o~(o~ E..mail
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer c-.--t am a Carmel taxpayer
I uoderstaDd that two Sfipwate developers have Pese.t~ fbr
large commercialhelail de\IeIopment on the comer ofl ad Hazel DeB mads. I
\aDderstaIJd that both oftbe:imlmed ~JN~IR 61. outside oftbe scope of the master
plan fbr the City ofNoblesvilIe and tbe City ofOlrmel. TbDse master plans mole sewral
years to tb~ mueh iDput 10m cltir.eDs and city planners, aDd IDIIly taxpayer dollars
in cmIer to defNmine the most efIlcienI growth patterna fbr 01B' cities. I am oppoaecI to
commercia1Ireta development on these and 811)' other comers aloDa 14tfa street because
I do DOt wish to live in an mea which is coDpSled with "stop aad go" 1I'atIic, commercial
noises 8Dd smells, crime which retail deve10pmeDt briDsst de. Allowing iJr <<'ftlmet'Gial
dewIopment on Ibis comer wDl c~ the door' fbr further development to come in and
soon 1466 street wm be 110 ditferan than a- Street or 9(}h Street. This is especially true
since commercialIreta development at Oreybound Pass aDd 146* StIa:t is moving
further east aIoDa 146* Street 8Dd dewlopers have upressed an interest in other comers
along 146h Street. CuneDt retail needs can be met within Smmm- or less in 3 difterent
directioDs i:om the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the DBluraI beauty and character of our neighborhood
aod we are asking JOB to 'VOte .,.i.. this iDIrusion of 0" JJeiahboIhood by developers
wishing to &SJiae their poc;bts"; instead of taking our best interest 8Dd desires into
CODSideratioD. .."';'h,.
As reside'; we feel that th8 'City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in BCCOJdaDee with the euuem JJIISIer plaDs as weB as in aa:onIance with
~ ofNattnal Resources pideli1tes fOr the protec:don of wildlife and their
As ~ we are asking that developers woddna within NoblesviDe, IN 8Dd Carmel,
IN will be requfred to CODIn"bute fimds ......lly to an mepend_ central fimd
controlled by the cily and msfdmIIs (SOISO). We am also asking that aD developers be
held accoUJ'tab1e mr any drying up ofwells aud contantinarinn ofwater supplies when
developmelll c~ the water table, wateI' quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible fOr all ~i1hny costs associated with this iIsue as cIetenDiDed by a comt or by
an arbitrator.
I am also reqt~ a retereDdum on these ~ and am askiD& that you CODSider this
request as my wte to keep this area in accordance with the master plan ibt the ~
= ~~J f#~)
,.""j{ 0]1-.7 C /~'#t <S}-- .
flJolktvlllc.-.::::r:AJ 'tlLoXl
B-mail-fJ,~,)JO /JoL,~
~ am a Carmel taxpayer
1IJ:.\i-UO-Ul: rKl UO..1:) I1Il \rKtftl LftlW) "ntfll"ftL
rftA nu, 'o:)q~r~Jq
r. UJ/UJ
I understaod that two separate deYdopers have presented ~sals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Den roads. I
understand that both oftbe proposed developments filii outside oflhe scope of the master
plall fur tlJe City ofNoblesviUe and the City otcarmcL These master plans took several
years to timnulate, much input iom citizens and city plannets, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most eft1clent groWlh patterDs tbr our cities. I am opposed to
cornmerciaJ/retail development on these 8Dd any o1hcr comers along 146* stn:et because
J do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" tralfiCy commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail dcvelopment brings. etc. Allowing for commercial
develo~ on this comer wiD "open the door" tor further development to come in and
soon 146" street will be no difLent tbaD B2ftlJ Street or 96'" S1reet. This is especially true
since commereiaJ/mall development at Greyhound Pass and 146* Street is moving
further east along 146- StJeet and developers have expressed an inte.~ in other comers
along 14611a Street. Current retailoneeds can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer jn question.
As residents, we wish 10 preserve the natural beauty and character of Out neighborhood
and we are asking you 10 \IOte against this intrusioll of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to Kline their pockets" instead oftaIdDg OUt best interest and desires into
consideration. -
As residents. we feel that the City otCannel and the City of No blesvi lie should develop
this land in aecordance with the current master plaDs as weD as in aoooldance with
Department otNaturaI Resoun:es guidclilleS fur the protection ofwDdJff'e and theiT
habhats., ,
As resideDts, we are asking that developers worlriDg within Noblesvil1e, IN and Carmel,
IN wiD be requited to contribute funds 8D11U8l1y to an independeht, central fund
controlled by the city aDd residems (50150). We am also askiDB that all de~lopers be
held accountable for aD)' drying up of weDs and contaminatiOn ofwatcr supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, elc. Developers would be
responsible fOr allallCiDary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a re1ereDdum. on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
'r as my _to keep ~ with... .- plaa Iiw the....,.,..t..,
"-~. .
Address /1'5'58 ))ovtlZ-
hJUrrel.., TN ~3
Phoae 'i41r 72ldJ E-mail k\Jm.e~' ncr-
_I am a NoblesvilJe taxpayer _~_J am a Cannel taxpa;
I)t\i-Uti-~ .. J( 1 U6 : j4 HI1 \iKtH I Ut~ \ilttn UiHL
rttA NU. lOOqUU)l\Jq
r. uou,)
I understand that two separate developers have presented lroposaJs for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fidl outside of the scope of tile master
plan fOt the City of Nobles vii Ie and the City of CarmeL These roaSlCl' plans took several
years to formulate, much input nom citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order 10 determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaUretail development on these aDd any other comers along 14(/s street becat.se
I do not wish to live in an area whidl is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
nobes and smc~ erime which retaU development brings, etc.. Allowing for conunercial
development on this COma' will "open the door" fbr fiarther development to come in and
soon 14611t street will be no diffetent than ~ Street Of "Ita Street. This is especially true
since commercia1lretail development at Greyhound Pass and 146~ Street is moving
further east along 14611t Street and developers have eAI'&cssed an interest in other oomers
along .46th Street. Current retaiJo;needs can be met within SmiDutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As1'eSidems. we wish to preserve the Datural beauty and clJarader of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking DID' besI jntcreSt and desires into
consideration. "
As residents, we teel that the City of'CarmeI and the City ofNoblesvjJJe should develop
this land in accon:lauce with the CUlrent master pJaBs as weO as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines tOr tbe protection ofwiJdlife and their
habitats. .. .;.
As residents, we are asking that developers working within NobIcsviJJe. IN and Cannel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independCnt, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50150). We.. also asking that all developers be
held 84X0unaable fur any drying up of wells and contamination ofwater supplies when
dewtopment changes the water table. water quality. $;. Developers would be
responsible rot allanciDary costS associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
1 am also requesting a rererendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance whh the master plan for the respective
:: gJ., f. ~
Address(/J'I $$ I 1k1l~A. AIL
_eM./llee/ :rA/ ~033
PhoneJ'" . ZZ(,o _ E.mail-'tW~ ~ AJ~L
_I am a NoblesviIJe taxpayer ~I am a Carmel tax yer
......' v"', u.. .........u ..~ . uu ........ ....c;rc;r
.,n~ U& - UU&A.;rV .,ua.
I understand that two sepamte developers ha~ presr;~posals fbr
1arge commercial/reta 4e~pmeDt on the comer ofl amd Hazel Dell roads. I
Uudelstand that both oftbe pI'OJX)sed dewlopments mil outside orthe scope ofme mester
plan fur the City ofNobJesviJle aDd the City of Carmel These master plans took several
years to furmlllate, much iDput hID citAeDs 8Dd city pJannlDt and lIIIIDY taxpayer doDars
in order to determiDe the most eflicieDl gmwth paUmIS tOr our cities. I am opposed to
rom~iaJIretail developmeut on these and any otha:r comers a10Dg 146th street because
I do DOt wish to live in an mea which is conpsted with "stop aDd goD 1raf6c, COuu4tacial
noises 8Dd smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing tbr CuJnmelCial
developmeaa on this CC)I'IB will "open the door" tbr Jbrther dewlopment to oome in and
soon 14()'h street wiD be DO diifed:Dt than ~ Street or 9f}h Stteet. This is especially true
siIM:e colDlDelCialhetai developmeDt at Gm,ybound Pass aDd 146h StJeet is moving
furt1mr east along 14' Street aod developers haw ~ an iIIIerest in other comers
along 14th Street. Current retail oeeds can be met within SmiauIes or less in 3 different
dftctioDS ftom die c:omer in question.
As teSideots, we wish to praene the natural beauty and cbar8cter of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote .iraq this iDImsioD of OlD' neJabborhood by developers
wishiDg to "line their pockeIs" instead oftaldDa our best iDtere:st and de&aes into
coDSideration. .
As residents, we feel that the City ofCmDeI and the City ofNoblesviDe should develop
this land in 8CCOrdancewith the ..uuent master plans as weD as in acconIaoce with
Department of Natural Resomces SUide6nes tbr the protection ofwildtife aDd tbeir
~ . .
As residents, we are asking that developers working withiIf~ IN &ad Carme~
IN will be required to c:onin1Jute funds anm)R1Jy to an independent, central fimd
controlled by the city and residenIs (SQlSO). We ale also asJdng tbBt an developers be
held aceouotabJe fOr any dryiDa up of wells and ~nfAminatL)11 ofwaler supplies when
developmeal cbanges the W8leI'tabJe, water quality, de. Dewi>pers would be
responsible fOr all pclUary costs associated with 1bis issue as detemUded by a court or by
an arbiharot.
I am also reqt~ a fefeaendum on these isssues and am asking tb8t you consider tbJs
request as my vote to keep this area in KCOrdance with the master' plan ibr the respective
cQies. .
Name Yo~~ k\U{!)J1
Address 5/00 PuH,'n PI
Carmel. IN 'l-t033
Phone 7& 511 - q 172.. E-mail Ko~M()t:won @o.ol. c()M
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer --X- I am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers ha~ prest'.nted_proposaJs for
large c:omme.roia1h:erail development on the comer of 14(i'II BOd Hazel Den roads. I
understand that both oftbe proposed ~pmeats WI outside oltbe scope olthe master
plan fOr the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to ibrrotJlate, much input fiom citizens and city plaoners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to detennine tm most efticient growth patterns tOr our cities. I am opposed to
C:OlDll1elCiaIIretail development on these and any other comers along 146'" street because
I do not wish to me in aD area which is coQgeSted with "stop and go" trafIK; collllllereia1
noises and smells, crime which retail development ~ etc. ADowing for commercial
develo~nt on this c:onter' wiD "open the door" fur tiJrther developmeol to come in and
soon 146* street will be no ~ than ~ SUeet-Ol' 96* Street. This is especially tme
sinc:e commerclallretail developmeDt at Greyhound Pas and 146* Street is moving
further east along 146h Street and developers have ~ an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current reI8iI needs can be met within Sminutes or Jess in 3 cWferent
directions nom the comer in ~D.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intnJsion of our neighborbood by developers
wishing to "line their poekets" :instead oftaldng OlD' best interest and desires into
A$ resid~ we teel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNob1esviDe should develop
this land in accordance with the "uutail ~ plans as wen as in accordance with '
Department of Natural Resourees guidelines 10r the protection ofwildlife and their
As' we are . tbat develo I,
will to contn"bu1e fimds
lied by the CitY
accoUDtable for any of . . D ofwater' supplies
ve10pment watel'1abIe, water quality, etc.
I' an aocm.y costs 8S!Oclated with 1his issue IS determined by a co
also teql~ a reX:rendom on these ;~ and am. asking that you c:onsida: this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordaDce with the master plan 10rtbe respective
c' .
\ ....-....\
f=' \
- 'I
December 19,2002
Carmel Planning Commission
City Hall \
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Dear Sirs:
I have just finished reading an article in the Indianapolis Star concerning the potential development at
146th and Hazel Dell. Frankly, I do not know how the council can entertain such a development since
Carmel clearly lacks the infrastructure to support more growth. There are townhouses being constructed at
116th and Hazel Dell and a subdivision planned for development across from Cherry Tree School on Hazel
Dell. - -
May I ask where you intend to school these children? The current elementary schools are at capacity and
our sub-division is slated once again to be re-districted (our third). Do you think it is fair for these children
to be shuffled to different schools every three years just because of the council's need to yield to
developers' greed. Not to mention that the high school will become as big as a college campus in a few
years. Furthermore, the traffic on Hazel Dell borders on hazardous at rush hour. Roundabouts are
ineffective once there is a significant increase in traffic and I am assuming they will soon have to be
replaced by stop lights to prevent accidents.
It is a shame that this council has not enacted laws to preserve the beauty of this area as so many other
towns have done. Must every parcel of land be developed on the east side of Carmel? What you are doing
to this town and its residents is truly a disgrace! Pretty soon it will mirror San Jose, California - a parking
lot of malls, overcrowded housing and horrendous traffic.
(_...j 0
Jeanette Leach
5773 Meadowlark Place
Carmel, IN 46033
I uodastand that two separate dewlopers lave presented ~posaJs for
large collllllelCiallretail development OR the corner of 146 and BIZet Dell roads. I
understand thai both ofw pIOposecl developmeDts tan outside of the scope of the master
plan fur the City olNoblesville and the City ofeannel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much iDput &om citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most e.fficient growth patterns tOr our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retaD development on these and any other comers along 14({b StneI bKause
I do DOt wish to live in an area which is coopsted with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises 8Ild smens, crime which teteU development brings, etc. Allowing fur commercial
~ OR this corner wiD "opeD die door" fOr bther deve......to CODII in 8Dd
SOOIlI466 saeet will be 1M) ctiftCreDt than 82'" Stnlet or ".. Street. nus is especiaDy true
since commerclallret8il development . 0Jeyh0uad Pass aDd 146* Street is moving
ftJnher east aIcma 146* san. 8Dd dewlopen have e....~ 8D Delat iD other comers
810. 146. Stteet. CUINIIt ftlI8iI__ can be met withiD Sminutes or Jess in 3 different
directions &om the corner jn question.
As residents, we wish to ~e the natural beauty and character of ow neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intnasion of out neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftakiDg our best interest and desires into
consideration. .J-
As residents, we feel that the,~ity OfCBnUeI and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance With.the cum:nt master plans as well as in accordance with
Department ofN8lu1'Ill Resources guidelines for the protection ofwikllife and their
As residents, we 1ft askina thai developers woJking within NoblesvilJe, IN and Carmel,
IN 'will be ~ to wnlnDute funds annually to an independent, centrIl fund
controlled by the city aud residents (SO/SO). We are also eskiDa tbat all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamiJlation of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. ~lopelS would be
responsible for aU ancill8ry costS associated with this issue as determined by a comt or by
an arbitrator. ..'0
I am also requesting a refen:nclum on these isssues and am ask'" tb8t you ClOJISider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordanc:e with the master plan tOr the respecme
Name ~_/ o5Bt!?~ Lob~/S
Address IY3Y? /'fIlJ#-~ WJ9Y
C~mp.L_ //J,/J)/~A 9'~~'.I
Phone ~i-.tI3 7 0 B-mail~",,/.I '~~AlIJY. R,d~~IIfI'"
_' am. Noblesvilte taxpayer ~I am a Carmel taxpayer
1 ~otaud that two separate developers hPe "'[lCnted~posa1s fur
large c:o-.nerci8lhelal1 c1ewlopmnl Oil tbe comer of 146 and Hazel Den roads. I
dDdeIstaDd that both of tile JII'OPC)SeCI clevelopmems fiaIl outside of. scope of the master
plan for the CitJ ofNoblemlle .... tile City of CarmeL 11IesB muter plans lOOk sm.nI
years to lbnnulate, DICb bJput tom cilbeas mJ city pllmners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to detamiDc the most efticieal powIh pa1temI fbr o. cides. I am opposed to
colllllJfJlCiaJlr dewlop_ OIl these aDd any other comen" 14(/1 street because
I do DOt wiBb to live in an 8Ia wbida is co.~... wIIb "Itop end SO" nftic, ev.uu.-"ia)
noises ad smeDs, crime wbich I'8I8iI clevelopl)ellt brings, eIC. AIIowiD8 fbr commercial
de\IelopIIlCIlt on dais comer wD.l *opeD die ~ tbr 1Urther deveIopmeat to ClOIIIe in aud
soon 146'* street wiD be lID diffet~ d81 am' Street or ,,* StIeeI. This is especially uue
since ~ia1IretaiJ dewlopmeut 81 GJeybouDd Pass and 1'-' S1Ret is mol'ing
further east a10nI 146* 8aeet.. dIMtIopers DaW Cap...saed an iDteNst ill other COiners
alans 146* Street. CUrreat reI8iI needs am be met withiD Sminlates or Jess in 3 different
din:erions fiom tile COmt.I' in question.
As residents. we wish to presetYe the nawral beauty and chanu;ter of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote apinst this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of takjng our best interest and desires into
consideration. .j.
As residents, we teel ~__lcilY of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in 'ac:corda:lx:e Vriththe eum:ntmaster plans as _U as in ~ with
Department of Natural ResoUlCe8luidelines for the proteUion ofwUdlife and their
As residents, we are &SkiDs that developers working within Noblesvilk; IN and Carmel,
IN will be reqQired to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fimd
collbOUed by the city and residents (SO/SO). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any dryins up ofwdls and (l()IJtaminA.lnn ofwater supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. ~1opeIs would be
respoDSible for all ancillary wsts associated with this issue as determined by a oowt or by
an arbitrator..~
I am also requestina a reftmmdum on these isssues and' am asking that you consider this
ft:qUest lIS my vote to keep this area in IUXXIrdance With the master plan tor the respective
Name ~U.su. (JIJ. ~/\S
Addn!ss 1~3~ Avi'1M ttJ~
Car/(JeI/:z:N ~o 3
Phone ~W-l>39t> H-maD /ODJn;~~)Mr~,.r"e.."m.
~I am a Noblesville tlXpa)'er ~J am a Carmel taxpayet'
I understand that two separate developers have presented .rroposals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaVretail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than 82nd Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commercial/retail development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146th Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
cities. .L . ~ /
Name v= ~
Address 5/ ( I
Wqybl-er W~ ~()t(+i
-I- ~
/ JV ~ 6 () 3]> RFC~IVED
(~ ~ .
Phone ~~ !:J66-0.:>7t. E-mail l €-1 J- y~ ljP( hoo. (o~;~S
_lam a Noblesville taxpayer XI am a Carmei taxpayer
~"'-"'II:I-CI:IDC 11:1, .~... rmJI"'.LU::Jn""'1 60 ~. .;).1 r tr1b ~
I understand that two separate developers have presemed ~ for
large coDlllleldaJhetaD development on the comer of 146 and Huet DeB roads. I
UDderstaDd that bothoftbe proposed developments fitJl outside or1lJe scope of the master
plan tot the City ofNoblesvUIe and the City ofCarmeJ. These masteI' plans took several
years to fonmdate, IIlUC;b input from citi7.I::.DB aud city pJanners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efticient growth pattems tOr our cilies. I am opposed 10
comlllBtciaJ/man deve10pmeut on these and BDY other comers along 1 ~ slTeet because
J do not wish to live ia aD area which is amgested with "'slOp aod go" traffi~ COJllllleJCiaJ
noises and smells, aime which retall development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
. deve1oJnD:cat on thiJ comer will "open the door" mr fUrtha development 10 come in and
soon 146'" st!eet will be no di" than sr Street 01' 96* SIRet. This is especially true
since cnm~ia1heIai1 dewlopm8Dl81 (ftyhouod Pass and 146111 Stteet is moviDg
fbnher east along J46* Street and developers haft expressed an iDlerest m other comers
along 14fJ* Street. Curreat retail.v,eeds am be met within Smimites or less in 3 different
direc:tioos &om the comet in questiou.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our nejghborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "tine their pockets" instead of taking. our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Cannel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
th;s land in accordante with the c:urrent master plans ~ weD as in accordance with
Department ofNatutal Resources guidelines for the protection ofwildUfe and their
Mb~~. .'
As residents, we are asking that developers working within'N01>lesvillc. IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independei1t, umral fund
conu-oUed by the city and residents (SOISO). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development cbaDaes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all anciUary costs associated with tbis issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitralOJ'.
I am abo requesting a referendum on tbese isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in ac:cotdanc:e with the master plan for the respective
~!J~I!.'Nz/~ D/L
(7~n. 7;' {'OJJ
_ )8'2. -o~ - E-1IIliY f:~ @. ///'st.:..... - ~
~I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~Iiiin a armellaXpayet'
. ~;/f.t
DEC-10-2BB2 07:51 FROM:LUSHIN & ASSOC. 317 Bq6 98BB
TO: 7763B29
J understaod that two separate developers ha~ presented aEposaJs tOT
large COmlnercialhetai1 development OD the comer of 146 and Harel Dell roads. I
understand that both of tile proposed developmentS fall outside of the scope of the master
plan ibr the City ofNoblesvilJe and the City of Carmel. The$e master plans took several
years to fOnimJate, much . tiom citizms and city plaunen, and many taxpayer doUars
;n order to determine the most efficient growth patterns fbr our cities. 1 am opposed 10
","1II11Q"ialfretajJ development on these and any other comers aloOS l461h stJeet ~
I do not wish to live in an. area which is COD8csted with "stop and go" ttaOic, commen:ial
noises and sme~ crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
~ on this eomer wiD "open the door" tor fiJrtber deftlopmeDt to c;ome in and
soonl4tfb Stteet wiD be GO difJemlt 1han ~ SUI'a or ')6. S1reet. This is especially tme
since COlDJDCI'CiaIIretaiI dneJopmeat at ~ Pass 8Dd 146* StIeet is moving
further eB aloDg 146fa Street and dewlopers have ""AJ"lISsed an iD1erest in otbeJ' comers
along 146* Street. Cm:reot retail needs can be mer withia Sminutes or Jess in 3 diflerem
directiolJS &:om the comer in question.
As residentS, we wish to preserve me natural beauty aDd character of OlD' neighborhood
and we are askinS you to vote against this intrusion of OlD' Deighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftakmg our best interest aud ~esires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNobJesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as weD as in accol:dauce with
Department ofNawral Resources guidelines tor the protection of wildlife and their
As resJdems, we are asking that developers working within Npblesville, IN and Cannel,
IN will be required to contn"bute fimds annually to an inclependen!t (:entraJ fund
controlled by the city and teSideOlS (SOISO). We 818 also askiog that all de\'elopers be
held KCOuntable fOr any drying up ofweUs ami contamiwnioD of water supplies when
dcve.lopmenl changes the water table, water quality, etc. DewJopers would be
responsible fOr all anclDary costs associated with ~.s issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requestiog a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consicla'this
request as mY vote to keep this area in accerdaooe with the master plan for the respective
Name S~H ~1!lO ~,,-:.....
Address~' S I ~ It.. ~b&NLL.. iV .
O~EA- l.J 4-(Oo~~
Phone, ._.~E-mail ~~ Lu<;~(J,. c.~
_( am a Noblesville taxpayer ~I am. a Carmel taxpayer
~~/U.'U~ wnu ~o;~~ rAA ~~I aOl ol~a
I understand that two separate dewJopers have p1esen1ed ~posak for
large commerciaJlretai1 dewlopmeat OD the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell ro8ds. I
understand that both of tile pmposecl developmelds &J1 outside oftbe scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesvi1Je aDd the City of CarmeL These!DlSter plans took several
years to tOrmn....") much input fiom citizens 8Dd city pJamers, and many taxpayeI' dollars
in older to detd'mine the most efficient gmwth patterns fOr our cities. I am opposed to
commerciallretai1 dewlopment on these ami any other comers akmg 146th stftlet because
I do not wish to Jive in an area which is congested wiIb "stop and gon trafIic, conlll.dCiaI
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
dew~ on this corner will "open the door" fOr further development to come in and
soon 146fh sareet will be DO ~Dt than ~ Street or 9(,th Street. This is especially we
since CCi.mmelciaJlretaD. developmeDt . Greyhound Pass and 146'" Street is moving
further east aIoDg 146th Street aod developers ba~ expressed aD Mte..esl in other comers
aloog l~ Street. CUrrent retail Qeeds can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions fiom the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote apinst this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that tbeCity of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in acoordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resoun:es guidelines h the protection ofwDdlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within'NoblesviJle, IN aNt Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independeUt, central fund
controUed by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
respoDSl"ble for aD ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by 8 court or by
an arbitnarot.
I am. also requesting a reterendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider thW
r as my vote_1o --T~~ ~1be -pion fi>r1benspec:tiw
- c7-~ ~ (!.,?~ ~1'2-~T"- ,)
Address /4 r;-l( C- VV~f!::.o-l-'-1 1).2.,
C,A. ,-,...""" &:-t-! ;r:: t.J q , (> 35
Phone t4/7).r-4 I - t> g I , E-mail {\It Clt r 0 -t+ i '- ~ ~ /H' L ~ ~...""'-'\
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer _I am a Cannel taxpayer
~~/U4/U~ WAU ~a:~u rAA ~~I ~GI a/va
I undersland that two separate developers have presented proposals tOr
large commerciaJlretail development on the comer of 14(lfi aDd Ha7.el DeB roads. I
understaDd that both of tile proposed developments fidl outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNobJesville and the City of Carmel. These master' plans took several
years to fbrmulate, much input fiom citizens ancl city p~ and many taxpayer doDars
in order 10 determine the most efficient growth patte.I'm tor our cities. I am opposed to
commerciallrelail deveJopmeDt on these 8Dd any other ooroet'S along t4({A street beeause
I do not wish to Bve in an area which is congeated with "stop and go" traffic:, commercial
noises and smells, erime which retail development ~ 4*. Allowing tor commercial
development 08 this comer will "open the door" fOr further dewlopmeDt to come in and
soon 146tJa street wjJI be no difLent than ~ Street or fJ6b Street. This is especially true
since commerciaJlretail deveIopmeut at Greyhound Pass and 14(i'b Street is moving .
funber east along 146'" Street and developers !me expn:ssed an mtetesl in other comers
along 14({A Street. Current relailpeeds can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 di1Ierent
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the uatural beauty and character ofoUl' neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As reside~ we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNobJesville should develop
this land in accordanee with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection ofwildHfe and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within-NoblesviJle, IN 8nd Carmel,
IN will be required to contribUte funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SOISO). We 8Ie also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of weDs and contamiliation of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality~ etc. Developers would be
respoDSlble for all anciJlary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
J am also reql-n..g a reterendum on these isssues aud am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep . area in aecordahce with the IIIIISIer pbm ror the respective
\41\.........,,;.. ~,.... \).
Address IlIr;- #C" w~ .,. ~;z.J.-"'" \> Q.. .
CA~E.l.-.;r::::-~ L{ 6 O$S
Phone (~/1) ~~ I ... tJ tg. I , E-mail ~ ~ ,. 0 * i AA tf2 T G e. . ~# W'\
_1 am a Noblesville taxpayer -L.-I am a Carmel taxpayer
J understand that two separate developers bave presented ~saJs for
large commeICia1lletai1 development on the comer of 146 and Hazel DeD roads. I
WKlerstaDd that both of tile proposed developments fi1I1 outside of the scope oCtile master
plan fur the City ofNob1esville and the City of CarmeL These mastel'plans took several
years to furmu~ much input from citir.eDs and city plaDners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns fur our cities. I am opposed to
commercia1lretail development on these and any other comers along 1461h street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and goft traffic, commercial
noises and smells, aimewhich retail development brings, ere. Allowing mr commercial
development on this cornel' will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than n-t Street OJ; 96th Street. This is especially true
since commerciaVretail development at Greyhound Pass and l46th Street is moving
:further east along 1461h Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 14t)'h Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 difterenl
directions from the corner in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote asainst this intrusion of our neighborhood by dewlopers
wishing to "line theii- poctets" instead oftakiDg our best interest and desires into
consideration. ".' ..' '. ~j
As ~ We feel tIIIt the City of Carmel and tile City ofNoblesviUe should develop
this land in accoJdance with thC curreDt master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines fOr the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we-are asking tbat developers worldDg within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an indepen~ central fund
CODtIOlIed by the city and residents (SO/SO). We are also asking that aU developers be
held accountable tbr any drying up of weDs and contamination ofwater supplies when
development changes the water table, ~ quality~ etc. Developers would be
responsible fOr all ancillary costs associated with this issUe as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fo1' the respective
Name 012v~E:... M o...~
Address ~ ~ ?L"ll"~\\\1i"' ~'K.. 0(2
C~''''~ IN %u33
Phone 311 58'2- l B~ ~ E-mail
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer 41 am a Carmel taxpayer
I UDderstaDd that two separate deYeJopers haw pracn1ed~ for
large collUlleleiaJlreras1 development on the comer of 146 and Hazel DeB roads. I
w.deIstaIlcl1hat both ortlle pJ01JOSed developments filii outSIde of the scope oftbe master
plan Cor the City ofNoblesville and the City ofCmneL These master plans took several
.yeatS to fol'lUt1hte. much input tom citizens 8Dd city p1amJet'S, and IDIID)' taxpayeT dollars
in order to deIeImJne the most eflicieDt growth pauems far our cities. I am opposed to
COIJIJIlerdaJha deveJopmenl on these and 8I1J other comers aIoJJg ] 46. StteeI becPse
I do DOt wBh to Jive in an area which is congested with "stop and go" 1raftic>> COIII1JIeR;ial
noises aud smells. crime which retail dewlopmeIit ~ etc. ADowiDS fur commen;iaI
develo~nt 011 this COD8' will "open the door" fbr tbrther developmeat to come in ami
soon 146. sbeet will be no dIffer,mt than ~ Sueet or 9fI't Street. This is especially true
since COiWIleR;iaIIretaiI development at Greyhound Pass aud 146111 SUeet is movins
further east along 1466 Street 8Dd developers have expressed an jnterest in other comers
along 146. Street. Cdner1t retail needs can be met within Sminutes or Jess in 3 different
directious tiom the comer in question.
As resideJIts, we wish to prcsene the lI8lural beauty and dJaracter of our neigbbolhood
and we are asldDg JOu to vote apin9t this intrusion of our nei&hborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of18ldDg our best imaest at desires into
consideratioD. ~,
As~ we teelth$l'..City of Cannel and the City ofNoblesville sbould develop
this land in acc.o~ with1be currtD master plans as weD as in aec:ordaoce with
Depanmenl of Natural Resources guidelines tOr the protec.tion ofwil4Hfe and their
& residents. we are askiog that developers working within NobJesy~ IN and Carme~
IN wiD be reqUired to contribute fimds annually to an jnd~ ceatra1 fimcI
controllecl by t1le city aud Iaidents (SO/SO). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable fbr any dryins up of weDs and contalniDatioD of water supplies wbeu
deveIopmeDI c:haD8es the water table, water quality, etC. Developers would be
respomibJe for aD ancUlary costs IlSSOCiamI with this issue as determined by a court or by
8Il III bJIr.dOf. '.
J am also 1Up1P4Jli. a rdnmdum OIl these isssues and am askiog that you consider this
request as my wte 10 keep this an:a in 8CCOIdance wilh the master plan fur the respective
- 'Bn..q Nlcr....,.q 1b r~
Address 55'2-1 WIf\ LkVA.ll ~
~wt..l ,.:oJ. ~~
Phone '0<. '"i~ E-mail
~l am a Noblesvil1e taxpayer ~J am a Cannel taxpayer
1 undenand that two separate developers haw presented proposals for
large COWIJlen,laJhetail cleveJopmenl on the COmet of I~ and Hazel Dell roads. I
l,4deutbmd that both of the pmposcd deveJopmeaIs WI outside oCtile scope oflhe master
p)an for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel These master plans took seveml
years to fimnuJate, much input 10m Gma.os 8IICI city plamlas, aDd many taxpayer doUars
in order 10 determine the most efticient sm. paUems for our cities. I am opposed to
COJ1IIIIadaIIre dewlopment OD these aod 8IlY other comers along 146* street because
I do DOt wish to live in an area which is cougested wiIh "stop aDd yp" ttaftic, COIPIDel'eial
lJOises and smeDs. crime which retail dewIopmeut briags, etC. Allowing for Q)mmm:ia1
&M~ on tbis eomer will "opeD tile ctoort fOr further' de1Ielopment to come in and
soon 146* Street will be DO difTaeut IbaD ~ Street or ~ SIreet. Tbis is especiaDy tnle
since commerciallretail developmeat at Greybound Pass aod 146* StIa'4 is moving
funher east aIoog 146* Street aad developers ba"" expressed aD iDteI~ in other comers
along 146'" S1reet. Current rel8i1 ueeds can be met within 5miDutes or less in 3 cIlfferent
directions hill the comer in question.
As residents. we wish to presene the natural beauty aDd cbaracter of our neighborhood
aDd we are askblg you to 'VOte against this inIrusion of our neigbborhood by developers
wishiDg to "tine their pockets'" insIead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration. .~
As reside_ we teel tba1: _ City ofCarmet and the City ofNoblesville sbouJd develop
this land in aa:ord8Dce with the current master plaDs as wen as in accordaDcle with
DepaItmeDt ofNatural Resources guidelines tor the protecdou of wildlife and their.
As residems, we are askiDg tba1 developers working witIUD NoblesviUCt IN and Carmel.
IN will be required to c:oDlribute fimds amwaJIy to an iDdepeDdaIl, central fimd
cOnlrOUed by the city and n:sideDts (50/50). We &Ie also askiPa that all developers be
held 8I:COUIltabJe tor any drying up of wells aDd contamination ofwater supplies when
dewlopmeat dte~ 1he water table, water quality, cu. ~ would be
responvole for aU 8DCI11ary costs associated with this issue as cIetot1Nned by a court or by
an arbitrator....
I am also requeatios a afereadum on these isssoes and alP asking th8l you coosider this
request as my vote to keep thB 8R8 in accoldance with the master plan tor the respective
Lm'"' Mea ~rl..l\
tp2.., WInt.k l-.a t' W"-i
ell V"""! 1.D.L 4t.o~~
Phone '10'" -loq<; E-maH
_1 am a Noblesville taxpayer ~I am a Carmel taxpayer
** TOTAL PAGE. B2 **
i '
I UuCbstaod tIJBt two ~ de~1opers blwe praented.proposak for
Jarse commerciaJlrelail dewlopment on the comer of t.wa 8Dd Hazel Dell . I
understand that both of the jxoposed developcem tB1I outside oftbe scope 0 the lUlUIl ~
plan for the City ofNobJesville and die City of CarmeL These III8SIel" plans 'seveml
years to furmulate, mud1 input fiom citizeDs tmd city plaDDers, and many 0011101 rs
in cmIer to detamine the most e&ieieDt gmwth patterns b our cities.. 1 BIll 0 t(1
co~iaIhetaiI deveIopmalt on tIae &lid any other corners 8Iong 146* '. becall!'!
I do not wish to Bve iD an area wbk;h is ~ecl with "stop and 80" ttaftic, :it 1
noises BOd smeDs. aime whkh retail development brIDgs. etC. A110wiDa fbr i;ll
develo~ on this coma wiI1 "open die door" tbr fbrther development to in 81):
soon 14~ street wiD be 00 different tban a-' Street or f)({A Snet. This is . iaIly t:.., ~
sim:e ~ciaVretaiI de~ at <Ryhouacl Pass and 146* Strat is .
tbrther east along 146* S1reet aod dfteIope18 have e~<:ssed an iDteR:st in 0
alona 14(/1 Street. Current..1 needs caD be met within Sminutes or less in
directioDs 10m the comer in questioD.
As residents, -we wish to pm;erve the natUr8l beauty and character of our De
and we are askiDg you to vote apiDst 1bis intrusion of our ndahboJhood by
wisbins to "line their pockets" iDstead oftaJdug om best interest 8Dd desira
consideration. ~_
As resideDts, we teel that ~_ ~ity of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville silo
this land in aa:ordance with the current master plaDs as weD 88 in accordanoe
Department of Natural Resources p.ideHnes for the protecIion ofwild1ife and
As iesideDIs, we are 89kiDg that deve10pen woddDs within Noblesvi~ IN
IN will be ~ to conuibute funds AftnnAlJy to an inclepeodent, centr8l
coDllOl1ed by the city 8Dd Jesidents (SO/SO). We &Ie also BBkiDa that all cleve
beJd accountable fOr 8Ily drying up ofweUs and amtamiaation ofwatet supp
development dlaDges the water table, water qualityt de. Developers would ~
responsible tOr aU aacUJary costs assoclated with this issue as determiDed by a . urt 011: y
an 1II'bitrator. ..'
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssuet 8Dd am asldDg tbat you thi~
request as my vote to keep this area in accordmc:le with the master plaD fur the: . lr-;
Pho)Ie~\ct ,qj.i~
-L I am a NoblesviDe taxpayer
E-1IIIiI ",un qjir~@ Q.I) I .
~I am a Carmel taxpayer .
I under&tand that two separate dtMlopers have prenJted J1mposals fbr
Jarse co~developmem on the comer ofl~ and Hazel DeD
UD.deIstand that both otthe proposed developments filii outside otthe scope 0
plan lOr the City ofNoblesville and the Cly of CarmeL These master plaDs
years to forPJlllate. much fDpat &om citizals 8Dd city planners. 8Dd IDIDY
in order to determine the most efticieDt gmwth patterns fbr our cities. I am 0
commcrciallretaB development on these aBd any other comers aJoog 14(/1
I do not wish to Bve in an area which is CObpSted with "stop and go" traffic.
noises and smeDs. crime wbich IetaiI developmeDt brings, etc. ADowiDg for
dewlopment on this comer will "open the~ tor 1brtber dneJopmeat to co
soon 146* SIIeet wDl be no dIfl'tleDt thID ar Street or f)(/' Street. This is
since COJDD1eIdaJImai developmeat at ~ Pass and I46*- Street is
fUrther easl akm8 1~ Sued and clevelopt:rs lave ~eskd aD imerest in
aJona 146* Street. Cunem ret8iI needs caB be met within Sminutes or less In
directions from the comer in question.
As resideDIs. we wish to presene the natmlII beauty aDd dIIracter of our .
aod we are asking you to vote .ma this iDtrus10n of our neighborIIoocl by
wishing to "tiDe their poclcets" iDstead oft8kiDa our best interest aDd desires .
CODSideratioD. . .
As residents, we teel tluifthe qity of Carmel and the City ofNoblesviJle
this land in accordance with the cummI master plaDs as weB as in accordance >
Depanment ofN8lUIal Resources guIde....1Or the pA~n orwilcllife aDd
As mide~ we are asking ~ clevelopen:worIdus wiIhin NoblesviI1e, IN
IN Will be requked to contribate flmds annimlly to 8D ~nt, central
controDed by the city 8Dd n:sidents (5OISO~ We lite also asking that aD cleve be
held accoUDtable for any dryioa up ofwe~ aad contaminatioD ofW8ler suppUe #
dewJopment cllaD8es the water table. WBIeIt quality. etc. Developers woukt be ~
responsible for all auciDary costs assoclat1 with this issue as determined by a .
an arbittator. I'.
I am also requesting a referencLun OIl tbese Isssues end am asking that you co
request as my vote to keep this area In ~ with the master plan for the
cities. ~ ~
Name .
Pbone R- J r-,. 9 cf 1>r"-
~Iam a NoblesviBe taxpayer
//A . .Iey.~~w'l(~ ;J/^30--- /D'OcV
/' b~ _ j ~lr -,ft'V (V'
~~ tIGHBORHOOD UPDATE 11-28-2002
i ",I ~
You are aware that there is a developer who is once again trying to develop a giant
commercial/retail development on the northeast and northwest comers of 146 and Hazel
Dell Parkway. We have now been notified that another developer is presenting his
proposal for the southeast (Carmel side) of this intersection. If these developers get their
way, we will have major commercial development on 3 of the comers at 146th and Hazel
Dell Parkway. This letter will recap the proposals and list ways that you can help to
1. Plum Creek Partners, LLC is again proposing commerciai development, which
will overlook the Ashton sub division and back up to Ashmore Trace. The
proposal is for a large medical office complex on the approximately 11 acres of
land that is now vacant and used to be a large horse farm. The proposal was
1 turned down by the Carmel Plan Commission about 20 l11()ntbsago..and now it is
;rtJ"" 0.. up (~iC9PSideiaHon-agalii,--Youwere successfulin stopping the development
C,) .' during the last few attempts to take over this corner and we are asking, for your
'\11 NO. I Y-\. help again. An important meeting will be held at 7:00p.m. on Tuesday,
\ ~'" .....~ r> ~.~ December 17, 2002 where pu. blic input wi.1I be heard concerning this comer.
e/"'~1JG:~ This meeting wiUbe at the C,annel City Hall (Cou..cil Chambers on the 2Dd
\ t ~ I}f' ~ {) ~ floor.) located,at One ,Civic Squ. are in Cannel Please mark your calendars
V \;1 . . \.-1' .,~ and plan to att,end to voice your opinion. .
r-J _ \ ~r ~~-rBrenwick Development is proposing a large commercial/retail/ apartment
\)I' - \ . ((~ ( ": . {, complex on the northeast and northwest comers of this intersection. The
~\~V;"i'V}Q V/ ~com_me~al de~pment proposed for this. comer is as large as the .
\}... ., 9- t v ~ j..J 4' commercial space and apartments encompassmg Wal-Mart at 151 st street gomg
t I ~35 "t.Yt?,'\\":. €fS\ to include the apartments behind Wal-mart, going south to cover the land
(1,. L l) .; v ~.~ the ap~ents south including Menards, th~ Golf center, the Regal Theatre,
\\~o\'V' I \ . t~oing west to mcludethe Marsh complex and gomg north back to Wal-Mart. (All
(j}-~ ,,~~~\~. of the land mentioned here comes up to 130 acres acc~r,tjn.g to the plan
ti CJ.... ~ commission in Westfield.) Do you want that on your ~fuer? The proposal calls
\17/:"....... _~~ I "\" for a 50 foot tall medical office building overlooking the Ashton sub division.
/ :,y n' '(How many medical offices could we possibly need at this intersection?) If this
;' , ,...", It.... . ets approved, we will have approximately 6000 additional cars traveling our
, I': ". . . already congested roads. We will also have increased lighting, lighted signs,
il j. rr ('\ \J-' oading docks, smells asso.~ted with retail, crime associated with retail, etc. Dg.
\) \.-. you want that in your bac~yard? po you feel that our rural area should be Ne)
II - (\ ,;{ I n hti l./ stripped from us against our desire to remain a residenti~tar~1l1 An important
tV vrJ vy/ \.J..;x. ~l\ meeting will be held at 7:00p.m. on Monday, December 16.. 2002 at the . t,
l::.ij~ \ l):v-\ " ~ Noblesville City Hall building located at lOt. Street (Allisonville Road) and )-
tr~ , ,'r ~~~o Conner Street (S.R. 32). Please plan ~o attend and voice your opinion. .
(Y ,0'" "" ~ ~ ., . ~ i0 ~' "1"
?:M,. ~~. ~ ~~~V)." .J1 ~ S/'~ ~~, "Q~~\ N/ Y ~
~~",. 'icr&~\~ ~ y ii'ar.??<~\/'~L~ \
~ ~~~~ \r ~ ~' ,~"J~" ~j'~
I understand that two separate developers have presented jroposals for
large commerciaVretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. J
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesviIIe and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaVretail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer wiIl."open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than 8200 Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commerciaVretail development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146111 Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesviIIe should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within NoblesvilIe, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
) r /?
,. a~. /1~ ( Or. ",,;/ 1'1 v~r", )
Address IY}J't: A Vi";" l.,.(,J{1y
{,r.1" ~'" ,,/. 1)1 '7 l,033
Phone 3/? ~ k"/t ," 5-~1 '13 E-mail
I am a NoblesvilIe taxpayer L I am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented lroposals for .
large cOlI1!PerciaVretail deyelapment on the comer Qf 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
imderstand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am ~sed to
commerciaVretail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
-j do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than 8200 Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commerciaVretail development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146tb Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within NoblesvilJe, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SO/SO). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be .
responsible for all ancillary costs aSsociated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
citie~ ._
Na~ ){;~fZt) };1~ -#
AddresS(13f6 l~ t.~
G~'{ ~ ~/I{,j3
Phone ~'IIP ,59'13 _E~
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer",A-I am a Carmel taxpayer
.. ~
.... 'ir f f f!ftlllUUfli i:J~j!JI'lltf!lli;f-l ~
. . I\:l. " t . ~ J I J. I \1 l f .. ....,.;. 0
!f.- ~; & uJ 1ft.. Ir ~t "llll. r . n ..;
... II I . "I~ i 0._" I i I .
"'c: ~ Z I g.. ~R lr.'''Sf I .
t ~ t~ i t 1 II rl~ (sfll
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'" :r w- r-l .. t " 01" IF t Sa' tf} rn
:' " 11' If' ,~, if' ,tiJI'" "~'I ~Jll' liff ItI'rJII' ,,',' ~
; !,,' , I ,If, It I" J, r r I\~ .11 r n J.
',' . !l'1 .f '.!l! [ , , .f. ! If .. .. S f J.. II E j
, ~ , i ! t.. i 1 f II; i .U 8 fIr z ~
I understand that two separate dewIopers bave presented ~posals for
large commercial/retail developmedt OD the comer of t 46 and Huel Dell roads. I
und.erstaocl that both of the proposed developments fill outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNobles'Ville and the City of CarmeL These master plans toOk several
yean to furmulate, much iDput &om cimens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determiae the most efficient growth pattems for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaJ/retail development OD these and any other comers aloug 146b Slreet because
I do Dot wish to live in an area which is cougested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
nQises and smells, crime which retail developmeDl brings, etc;. AJlowing for commercial
developmeat OD this comer will "open the door" tbr fUrther developmeot to cmne in aDd
soon 146Ga street wDl be no diffi:reDt than art Street or 96* Street. Tbis is apecially true
sinGe COIIIIDa'CialIretail deveIopmeat at GreyhoUIICI Pus and 146. Street is moving
fiIrtIIeI' east along J46. Stn=et and clevelopers haW) expressed an intaest in other corners
along 146" Street. Cuneat retail needs QID be met witbia Smimttes or less in 3 diffeiem
directions &om the c:omeriP. qnestion.
As ~itf~s, we wish to pieServe the natural beauty aDd cbarauer of our aeighborbood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftakiDg our best interest and desires into
~~~ .
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City oCNoblesviJle should develop
this land in accordance with the current master phms as well as in accordance with
Department ofNatural Resources guidelines tOr the protection ofwildlite and their
As residents. we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carme~
IN will be required to contn'bute funds annually to BD'mdependem, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SOISO). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any dryiDg up of weDs and contamination oCWIIer' supplies when
developmeDl cbauges the watertab1e, water quality, etc. DevelOpers would be
re5pOlJSible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requestiDg a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request IS my vote to keep this area in accotdance with the master plan Cor the respective
cities. .
Name f,teE6' VttOfU,,..,J
Address I LfL/ g 1.- ltIllv€,f!/..Y Pt.-hi';
( 1J {H,f f'L. r tI qho" 3-
PhoJ1e Ktf1... If' '5 S . .E:~ ;fVlOt'IJ"f1~';;~f'
_1 am a NobJesviDe taxpayer +-1 ama CarDiel ~
'VV.. ft.-Aft !I.""y 9ft"'. tAT I.T
I understand that two separate developers ha'\le presented ~posals for
large commercia1lretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
UDderstand that both of the proposed deveIopmeIlts &l1 oUlSide of the scope of the master
plan tOr the City ofNoblesville aDd the City of CanneL These master plans took several
years to fi)lmulam, much iaput &om citiams aDd city planoeis, and many taxpayer doDars
in order to determine the most efti<:ient gmwth pattems for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaJlretai1 development on these and au;y 01her comers along 146da street because
I do DOt wisb to live in an area which is congested with "stop aud go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, aime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for coDllllClCial
~ on this comer will "open the door" for further deve10pmeut to come in and
soon 146. street wiD be DO dif&:re<< than ~ Street or 9tfIA Street. This is ~.Ily true
since COIJJOIaCiaJIre dewJopmeot at Greyhound Pass and 146. Street is moving
.further east along 14fih SII'eeI aad developers blwe expressed aD iDterest iD other corners
along 146da Stteet. Cum:Dl ftC8iI needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 differeDt
directions fiom the eomer iDquestion.
As residents, we wish to ~ the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their podcets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we reel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in acCordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of NatUral Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Nob1esville, IN and Cannel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an:.independent, central fund
C01dlo1led by the city and reNeIlII (SO/SO). We are also askin8 that all developers be
held accourdable 1br aoy dryiDs up ofwells and ~ ofW8ler supplies when
developmem ,..hA~ the wata~ waJer quality) etc. Developers would be
responsible for all Andl1$1T)' costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a re1enmdum on these isssues and am asking that yol1 consider this
request as my vote to keep lhis area in aecordance with the master p1aJJ for the respective
Name NIbJ'1 V/lto~,q,J
Address ILf'l':J- W"VE:U.y 11(l.,I/1t'
C.A1VW e:l- / "J:;J J..( 60 j~
Phone &tftI- 1./3 ~ E-mail
_I am a Nob1esvilleUlXpayer ~I am.
TV." Tn: on >;I.l.T. :rnn:r/nT I%T
Co..c 1 1 Co .. j 0 211
I undet$l8Dd that two separate developers have presented ~posaJs fOr
large commerciaVretail development on the comer of 146 aDd Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments filiI outside ofme scope of the master
plan fOr the City ofNob1esvil1e and the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaVretail development on these and any other comers along 14~ street beamse
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for COll1ll1eJ'Cial
clevelopmeul on this comer wiD "opeD the door" fOr ~ development to come in and
soon t 46. street will. be 110 differeat than ~ Street or 96. Street. This is especially true
since C(Mnnlel(;iaJIretaD cIeveJopmenlat GIeybound Pass and 146. S1reet is moving
further east along 1466 Street and developers have expressed an interest in other COiners
aloD8 14f1t Street. Cunent retail needs can be met within Sminutes 01' Jess in 3 dHrt..dIt
dftctfons ftoom the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote .- this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
~g to."JiBe their ~" instP.ad oftaJdng our best iDterest and desires into
consideration. '. , . .
As resid~ we fi:el diat the' City of Carmel and the City ofNobiesvme should develop
this land in accordance with the cufreot master plans as wen as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city aDd residenfA (SO/SO). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development c:banges the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
I undeutancl tbat two seperate cImOOpers have present~saIs for
large c:ommerciaJhaai dewlopmeut on the comer of 1 and Hazel Dell roads. I
UDdetItaDd that both of the JIIOPOS'C'd developments filii outside of tile scope oftbe muter
plan for the City ofNoblesvDle and the City of CarmeL These master pJaDs took several
yam to ftmn1llAte, much input &om citiIJens and city pl8Dners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the IIIOst efticieDt growth pattems fbr our cities. I am opposed to
C01DIIleICiaIhe development on these am any other comers along 14611I street because
I do not wish to 8ve in an mea which is c:ongested with ...., and go" traffic, CODDDeI'CiaI
noises and smells, crime whicJuetail developmeul brinp. etc. Allowing fOr commercial
~ on.... comer will "open the ctoortt fOr further cIew:Jopment to come in aod
soon l46f&street will be 110 clifreent than ~ Sueet or 96* Street. This is especially true
sinc:e c:ommerdaIIretail development at Greyhound Pass and J4611a SUUt is moving
fUrther easI aIoDg 146da Street aad cIeveJopas have ~~Bsed an interest in other comers
aJons 146'6 Street. Oure:at retail Deeds can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
dBectioDs ftom the comer in question.
As residents. we wish 10 JftIeIYB the natural beauty and character of our neighbothoocl
wisbiDg to "line their JKPcets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
coDSideradoo. "" :
As ~ we feel thafdJe'City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesvil1e should develop
this land in accotdance with the current master plans as weD as in atCOrdance with
Departmeol ofNatural Resources guidelines tor tile f)IOteCtion of wildlife and their
As'residents, we ~ askina that developers working wilhia NoblesviUe. IN and Cannel.
IN wiD be requirecllO coDlribute fimds annually 10 an iDdepeudeDt, central fimd
conIIOlIed ~ the city ancIlesicleDb (50150). We me also asking tJ.t all developers be
helcl accountable tOr any drying up of_lis and conr.minsttioD of watu supplies when
development ~ the W8Iel'~ waaer quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible fbr aD aociDary COSIS assodated with this issue as cletenniDed ~ a court or by
aD arbitndor.
1 am also requesting a rebencIam on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master pJan. for the respective
Name "1' ..~'"\ """'-- """1
Address s~~s I. '\a\~ ~
~'-\&.~"Ju.... I 'Ih. "\to ....0
Phone ''l.. -\,,\,~ E-mail
~I am a Noblesville taxpayer _I am a Cannel taxpayer
I understand that two separate dewlopers have preseDted ~posals for
large tommen:iallretail developmeat on the tomer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments &1l outside oCthe scope oCthe master
plan for the City olNoblesville and the City of CanneL These master plans took several
years to fOrmulate, much input &om citi1Jens and elty Planners. and many taxpayer dollars
in ordu to determine the most eftlcient growth patterns for our c:ities. 1 am opposed to
commerc:ialIretail developmeDl on these and any other comers aloDll46dt streel bec:ause
I do DOt wish to live in an area which is congested with "SlOp and 80" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, aime which retail development brings, etc:. Allowing for commercial
de~~ on tbk comer wiUt'opea die door" iOr Amber developmeat to come ill and
soon 146* SlI'eeI wUI be DO difleaeut than I~ SIIeet or IJ6"t S1reet. 'I1iis is especially true
since c:ommerciaIIreI dewlDpmeat. Greybouad Pass and 14(/A Street is moving
fUrther eat 810. 146da SUed'''' ~pen haw eapt~ an iDtens iD other ClOI'IICI'S
aJona t4(/A StJeet. CUInIII Jd8iI Deeds can be met wiIbin SmmJJleS or less in 3 different
direaions &0111 the comer in question.
As residents, we wish 10 preserve the natural beauty and charaaer of our neighborhOod
and we are asking you to vote apinst this iDtrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
considemtio... ,
As residenrs, we feel that the City of Carmel and 1he CkY'ofNoblesville should develop
this laud in accordance with the current master plans as WeU _in aeeordance with
Department ofNannl Resources guidelines fOr the plOtedioD of wildlife and their
As reside. we are asking that developers working Mthin Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be requind to c.ontribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
cxmtrolled by the city and residentS (50/50). We lie also askins that all developers be
held acc:oumable fur any drying up of weDs and coJllAmb'u\don of water supplieswben
development changes the waa tabk\ water quality. etc. Dftelopen would be
respousible for all ancillary oosls assoclated with this issue as detamined by a eoUll or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a .etbeddum on these isssues aud am askin8 that you oonsider this
request as my vote to keep this ara in accordance with the master plan fbr the respective
- J:...o.Uf, mLl"~'-i ~~
Addtess~5 ~ ~
C flANYo.Jj (~ 4 tJ 0 3 3
Phone 3 J 1- ~qv... Y11~ E~mail
_I am a NobJesville 18Xpayer -X--1 am a CarmeIl8Xp8yer
.,. \,r "?1,()2.'t
I understand that two separate developers have presentecl ~poSBIs for
large commercialhetail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both ofdle proposed developments 6111 outside ofllle scope ofme master
plan for the City ofNoblesvillc and the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to fommlate, much input &om citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to deletoline the most eflic;ient IPVwth patlems fOr our cities. I am opposed to
COlllllleR;iaIIretail deveIopmeat on these aad 8IIJ other comers aIoDg 146lla street because
I do not wish to Ow in an IIftlII wbida is ampsaecl with "stop and 8Oftlraftic, conImereial
ooises and smells, crime wbich retail deveJopmena briDp, etc. Allowing filr commen:ial
development on this COI'Mr wjll "open the door" 1br ..... development to come in aDd
soon 146* street will be 110 diftbem than art S1Ieet or ~ snea. This it especially true
sUx:e co~ clevelopmelll. GreyhouDd Pass aad J4(/" Sbeet is movina
further easaalona 146* Su= and devdopas !lave expressed an intens in other cx)1'IICI'S
aIoDg 14(/t S1la:t. CUnan nail needs can be me! wiIbiD SmiDuces 01' less ill 3 ditl;..tDl
directions &om the comer in .-.ion. ,
As residems, 1W wish to preserve dae IIItUraI beauty BDCI duuacrer of our neighborhood
artd "We are askiag JOB to VOle apinst dais iDIrusion ot our -'8hborhood by developers
wishin& 1:0 (C1iDe their podrds" instead of taking our best iuIeres& and desiIes into
coDSfderadon. ".." ",
~ residems, we fi!el tbII.*City ofCarme18DC1 die ~'of~bJesviJle should develop
this land in accordIIIce with die curreut masta' plans as' weB as in accorda..c: with
=.s.ban.a4 ofNatural Resoun:es guidelines fOr the pmtec;ticm of wildlife BDd tbeir
As ~ we are 8skiDa daB de~s WOltina widaia NobIesviUe, IN and Canuel,
IN will be required to colllribute fimds 8IIIIU8I1y to an incIepea.-lenr cemraI fintd
colllloOed by che city aDd ~ (SOISO). We am also asIdaa ~ 811 developers be
held acco.... lOr aay dJyinc up ofwells 8Dd CODtamiuatioD ofwarer supplies when
cleveJopn.:ut cbaDaet ~ water tabIt, water quality, etc. DeweIopers would be
responsible fbr aD --I'-y costs fISSOf'hred wiIb this issue as deta~ by
an arbiIaarm. a mUd or by
1_ also recp-, a Jelbeudwa 011 these isssues...
~ as my "Ute to keep dais .. in ac:COIdaoce _.l.L ~ asIdDa that you CODSider dais
cities. -- .... DIBSf.er plBD fOr the JeSpeCtive
~-1 '.lr4f; B WE t-1i:~A/
~\M..(:;{ piN ~33
Phcmci?D- 8"':8' 9" _E-mail .
_1_. Noblesville taxpayer - V,-
~ .... a Carmer lIXpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented proposals ror
WI;C oommereialfldail development on the comer of 14f/A aDd Hazel Del1 roads. J
understand that both of the poposed developments fall outside ofdle scope of the master
pion tor the City of Nobles vii Ie and the City of Cannel. lbese master plans took several
years to formulate) much input from citizens &lid city p~ and many taxpayer dollars
in order to ddemine the most efficient growth patterns tOr our cities. 1 am opposed to
oomrnerciallrelai1 development on these and any other waterS along I ~ street because
I do not w;sb to live in an area whicb is congested with "5top and SOW traffic, COIIIIIleJCiaJ
noises and smells) crime whicb retail development ~ etc. AJIowins fOr commacial
development on lbis comer wiD "open lbe door" b fudber devclopmeDl to come in and
6000 146th SII'eet will be no different than u-' Street or ~ Stteet. This is especially true
since commercial/retail developmm'lt at Greyhound Pass and ) 46. Street is moving
forther east a10ua 146- Street and developc::rs have expressed an iDterest in other corners
along 14611l Street. Current retail needs can be Ioet within Smitwtes or Jess in 3 cWferent
directions Will the COI'DC{ ~ question.
As resid~ we wisli to~ the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we ate asking yoli to~e apimt this intrusioo of our neighborhood by developers
Vltishing to "line their pockets" instead of1aking our best intereSt and desires into
,As residents, we feel that the City of Cannel and the City ofNoblesvilJe should develop
this land in accordaDce with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
Department ofNamraI Resources guidelines mr the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working witIUn Noblesville.1N and Carmel,
'IN will he required to mmn"bute fimds anlDudly to an independeDl, central fund
controlled by the city and residenls (SOISO). We are abo asking that all developers be
held accoumable for any drying up ofwells and comamination of water suppHes when
development ~ dae water table, water quality) etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary coStS associated with this issue as determined by a mUll or by
an arbittatDr.
J am also requestiog a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you mnsider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name A..toA ...~~ L \.J
Address ,~C\ ~ r ~ GfQ..Q.., 'Q." b .....", Qo.ao
_ .c......O"'Y,-"'---- I -:z:~ ~o~ ~
Phone 1et\%- G.,c~ .E-mail
.__.1 am a Noblesvilte taxpayer ---L...l am a Carmel taxpayer
doa:ao ao ..0 oaa
I . cI
I Imderstand that two separate developers have presented lroposals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. J
understand thai both of the proposed developmems filii owide of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
if! order to detennine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. J am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146da street because
1 do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and gon traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for oolIUllercial
developUlCt\lOO this OOl'llCC' win "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146. street will be no ditferent than 82'" Street or 96. S1reet. This is especially true
since commerdal/retail development at Greyhound Pass and l~ Street is JJJOvmg
fuJ1her east aloDg J 46. Street aod developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146tb Street. CUII'CIIt reraiI needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions &om the CQ1IIel' m question.
As residentSt we wislito, ~ the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you'to <Vbte agaiI& this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to uline their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
AK residents. we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
',his land in ~rdance with the current master plaos as weU as in accordance with
Dt..-partment ofNatw'a1 ResoUltes guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
A.c; residents, we are asking that de\'elopers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SOISO). We are tUo askiDg that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up orwells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
un arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking tbat you considez this
r.equest as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
:1" ",n; ~..."", ~,,~ ~ ;)i; i11w II'fkJ
\"\::"SA@' r~ ~..o u..-.-=- ~
. I
Phone "0'\ t& - C\-. c., E-mail__._ ___
..___1 am a Noblesville taxpayer -LI am a Carmel taxpayer
SOLS-818-L u:
d02:20 20 ..0 OitO
=-sa.::=,::n=":n:r~~~~nroads. I
undelSland that both oftbe pmposed developments f8II ouIside oCdIe scope of the master
piau tOr the City ofNobJesville and the City of Carmel These masrer plans took. several
years to fbrnmlsltP.. much input fiom citizens and city ~ and many taxpa;yer dollars
in order to deIermine the most efticieut growth p*,twD& fOr our cities. I am opposed to
COIlUne.dallrefaiI dewIopmeat on these and any other comen; aJoua 1~ street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is ~ with "Stop and gp" traffic, OOuuuQ'CiaI
noises and smells, crime wbida reIaiI development brinp, etc. ADowiDg fbr c;o~iaI
deveIopnat onlhis comer wiD "open the door" fbr fiIrdIm development to come ia and
soon 146. stIeet wiD be no difI'erent than art Street or fJ6'h StteeI. This is especially true
since ~ deveIopmem. Greyhound Pass and lW' Street is movins
further east aIoDg 146ft Street &lid developers haw cxpesscd BD aaesl in other comers
along 1466 StteeI. Current reIail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directiolB fiom the mmer in question.
As resident$, we wish to presene the nabB'aJ beauty and dJaracter of OlD' neighborhood
and we are asking you to ,ue apiast this in1rusion of our Deighborbood by developers
wishing to "line their ~instead of taking our best ddeSt and desira into
consideration. ,'f
As residents. we teet that tbeCity ofCarmel8lld tile City ofNobJesviIle should dewIop
this Jaad in accoldalice with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
~bdeDl ofN8b1181 Resources guidelines fOr tbe pmtection ofwilcllife and tlleir
As ~ we'are asking that developers workio& within NobIesvilIe.lN and Carme~
IN will be required to contribute fimds ......l1y 10 an indepeDdent, central fund
conuoDed by the city aDd PSid-q (50150). We me also asking that aD de\oeIopers be
helcl8CCOUlllahJe fOr aoy drying up ofweDs aad conblmiftll'ino. ofwata supplies wilen
development changes tile water 1abIe, wa1Ilr quality, etc.~DeveIopers would be
respollSlble lOr aD 8J1Cillary costs associated with this issue as dde.~ by a court or by
an arbiImtor.
I am also requesting a reterendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fur the respective
N::J;' ~ -:JOfle.fJ.flied~
A 5</710 WoaJ.{'~ ~
CArnvl LII '-/fI033
Phone 3t1--6X"O -CZ, *' 7' E-mail "(d a.ne dOl. Cott'\
_1 am a NoblesviUe taxpayu ~I am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented lroposak for
large commerciaJ/retail de~lopment on the corner of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that hoIh oftbe proposed deveJopn'lP.ld$ &II outside of the scope of the master
pJan tor the City ofNobJesvilte and the City ofCarmcL TbI:sc masta" plans took several
years to formulate, much iDput fiom citizens and city planners, aad D&lY taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most eJ&ieot growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
COIJIIIlt:I'Cia ~pmeot on these and any 01ber comers along 146'" street ~use
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "slop aod go" traffic, CODUnelCial
noises and ~ crime which rerail developmeDt brings, de. ADowing tOr COlllDlelCiaJ
dewlopmeut OIl this comer wiD "opeD the door" fbr further developmeat to mme in and
soon 14611I street wiD be DO di&re.4 than ~ Street or CJ6"t Street. This is especially true
since COJDDJeR:iaJIIe development at Greyholllld Pass and 14611I Street is moving
further east aIoo8 J46da Sbeet 8Dd developers haw ~wsW _ iDtaest in Other CXH'IIerS
along 146da Street. Cunmt recaa1 needs can be met within S,.,mm- or less in 3 dift'e.eut
directions ftom the corner in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of OlD' neighborhood
and we are askiDs you to ~wte.-m- this intrusion of our neipbodlood by developers
wishing to "line their poc:kef3"'iDstesd of taking ow best interest aad desires into
consideration. ". ' . ::..'
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plaos as weD as in accordance with
Department ofNalural Resources guidelines tOr the protection ofwUdlire and their
As residenrs, we are asking that developers working within NoblesviJle, IN and Carmel,
IN win be required to CODttibute funds annually to an independent, a:otraI fund
controUed by the city and residems (SO/SO). We are also askins tI& all developers be
held accountable tbr any drying up of wells aDd confllmmaOOn of water supplies when
<Je\lelopmeDt changes the watertab1e, water quality, etc....nevelopers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a reBendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
-.q-4 ~,1 iT." Mt,l,"~"iJtr
Address .j?r]O ~o/';;;'I/ Or
C.,.~I f,.v yt()sJ
PhoneJ/7 4"80' ?7" _E-rrpiI4/e./~a,~t lJ 1Lf/1. coJVJ
_1 am a Noblesville taxpayer ..L.-I am a Cannel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posaJs for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments filII outside of the scope of the master
plan fur the City ofNoblesviUe and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input &om citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns fur our cities. [am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146lh street beause
I do.not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this COl'I1a" will "open the door" fur fbrtber development to come in and
soon 146tb street will be DO difterent than ~ StIeet or 96111 Street. This is especially troe
since commerciaJhe1ail development at Greyhound Pus and t4(/'a Street is moving
further east along 1~ Street aDd developers have exptessed an interest in other comers
along 146* Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or Jess in 3 different
directions from the corner in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to.. vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to ~line their poekt$" instead oftaldng our best interest and desires into
consideration. \..~)
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City of No blesvi lie should develop
this land in accordance with the current master pJans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
habitats. .
As residentS, we are asking that developers working within NoblesvUle, IN and Cannel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an indepe11den4 central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50150). We are also asking that an developers be
held accountable for any drying up ofweUs and contamination ofwater supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc::...Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am. also requestine a reterendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name-Je()n~ ~~
Address 55&Ji' (1.,,~. 7Jy ,
. lk "'n1.~ 1 ) AJ t.J" D3"3
-I.!~~ ~";a=ye<~b~,T}eJ
1 lUlderstand that two separate developers have presented llOPOsals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments filll outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City of No blesvi lIe and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer doUars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns tOr our cities. [am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146* street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, COlDlI1el'Cial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
develo~Dl on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146111 street will be DO different than ~ Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since co1llD1eldallreta development at Greyhound Pass and 1 ~ Street is moving
fiuther east along 14'" Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146lb Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to. vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pocket~~ instead of taking OlD' best interest and desires into
comideration... ..
As residents, we feel that the City ofCatmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within NobJesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that aD developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc~. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as detennined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name ~ S /lJ t1 ~N
Address S S 9 K C A...rr-~'\.I .LJil..1 ,/ L
C.4 p""., E ~ ~ ~/ 0 _'? r-
Phone 1!i ~ ~ - ~ sa- '/ E-mail ~ttJot2.."itl....\l@I..vJ}~e.e.Co..."...
_1 am a Noblesville taxpayer -'6 am a Carmel taxpayer
I u..derata..d that two ~_ cle\dQpeIS"w p:WOIIIed pmposaIa tor
1rqe C6iAbaCKiaIIIetd clewlo,plDBDl OD die CDIIIeI' of 14fJ1i aDd Hazel Del mads. 1
W1de&.... tIIat tJodl of. Pmposed~ Ia1I ouIsilIeoftbc scopeofdle"""
pIIa fbr the City ofNoblaviDe ... die City ofCanDel Theae IJI8Iter pJaaa toOk 8IMI8J
yell810 am."'ew IIIIICh iIIput fiom ddrns'" dty pIaftMn, aDd ..., ta.pa)tIt ....
in order to dt.IenDine the most e&1c:ieJJl puwth pattemB b our ciIies.. I- opposed to
~ dewIopDeat oatlJese -lIlY 0_ COIIIID aIou& l~ street becalle
I do IIDl wish to 1M ie_mil which is c:oqpstecI with ...,8Dd.,'" traft'k;~
noises.... smells. aime wbida rebIiI cIIM:IopmeDt ~ de. AIIowIDs fOr ~
~ on this comer will............ &arda 4eveJopmBDtto c:ome iaand
SOOIl t~ ttnlet wiI be DO differeat... a-' S... or "* &Ieet. TIlls Is apecJaDy true
siDce c:ommerciaI/nda development at Greyhound Pus aad 146. Street is moviDa
fiIrdrer east" 14tJ'b SUeet and dndopen haw ~ aD idenIst iR othet comers
aloDg 146* Street. .Oureat ftIt8il aeeds C8Il be .. witbin Sml",~... or Iesa ill 3 ditfeM.
directlolls 10m dae ~ ~ quesdoD.
As ~ we willi 10 praerve the ~ beIIuty ad c:bIIrKter ofour-iJbbotIIood
wisbiDa to "fiDe their pofhts" iD8tead oftakiDa our best intenlll and desires iDto
As res.. VR: fW did die City of Carmel.... the City ofNoblesviDe sbouId develop
dIis .... in arxordace willa die CUIRftt..... plaas 811 weD 88 ill accord8Dce whh
1>epBIImed olNatural Raoun:es guideliDes tbr the pnadio4ofwildlife and tIIIir
As~ we are askiDa that dcMIopen worIdDa witbiD N~ IN 8Dd Carmel,
IN will be NqUiIed 10 ~ fimds .-.1'1 to 8ft IDdepelIdeuts ce:ntraI fimd
comrolled by the city"" ,flSI.IeaIS (SOfSO). We.. alto .... that.. dewIopera be
IIeId accouAtable tbr aD)' cIr1iaB up of_Os aDd ~"MhUdW of WIder supplies when
cIeWllopmeDt _'" abe war....... __ quality. -. Dev8Iopem would be
respoDSible fbr aD pcH1aty c:ostB ISIOCiatedo with this issue 88 M.-.wiaed by a COIDt or by
aD ..bibator.
lam also ~ all~OD these I.... aDd am"'" that JOU CODSIdertbls
request as ..." wte to keep this area III ~tdance with tile __ plaD tbr the llcSpedhe
~, rJU 11t1033
PbDne ;j/l- 5of;. ~ 1ftJ i B-mai1Tf. e
_lam a.NobIesville taxpayer "/1 ama Carmel tax.pa,a'
dBZ:90 zo-or-~
I ........1bat two aepIrIIU. deveIopIn". pre!Je~" tbr
larp~deveIopmentOD die COI'IB'oft _ HaelDeDmads. I
uodetstand dJat bolh ofdle proposed ~... &11 outside.ofdle scope ofdle.....
pIaua fOr the City of'NobIesviDe ami the city orCmDel. n.re...... plans took several
years to fbrmu_p IIIIIdl input &om citizeas... city ~ aad...., .....yer dollln
in Older to cIetenDIDe die most ~-- JPOWth paa.:tMll fbr our cities. 18111 opposed to
co~dewIuptDeD1 OIl" -8IIJ oilier COIlIIDaIo. 146* sIIeet because
I do DOt wish to 1M ill _.. whicIl is co-.Jfed willa ..., aad yp" trIfI1c, co.-.cial
noises aDd smells, crime which nuiI cIewIopmeDt briop. etc. AIIowina tbr c:ommen:JaI
~ on dIis aII'IIa' will.... die door" .. fbdber cIewIopmat to CXDDe ill 8l1li
sooal46* street will bellO diIli:rent tbaal2*' Street or .. StIeet. 1bis is ~ly true
since COIIIIDeIdaIhet dneIDpmeat at Grcyhow1cI....... 146* Street is moviaa
fiBtber.. .... 14(/a SUed and dew:1open Ime Cllpfmed _ iDtIIat ill other ClOIDeIB
aIona t 4(/' Saeet. 0...- Jetail ft8ecIs am be DId widUa Slftl...... 01' ... in 3 4Jftina4
cfftctioDs 10m.. coIDe:r ~ queslion. .
As residents, .. wi8IllO ....... the..... beauty aad c:Iuncter of our JIeiahbodmocf
and lINt an: 8skiDs JOU to wore epinst tis fmrusIoa of 01Ir ~ by ctewIopas
wishing to 44Jiae their pocbts" instead oftakiJa our best interest and desires into .
As ~ots..we feel that the City ofClrmelIlld the City ofNoblesvUle should develop
tJds Iud iD accordaat;e with the '_1_ ...... plaDs as welles ill accoldanc:e with
~_ ofNICUnIl RaouIas .11dI!I., .. the pOtectioD ofwildliftt aud 1IIeir
As ..:dencs. we &Ie askiDs thBt developers ~ witbia NobIesviIIe, IN .. 0IrmeI.
IN will be .-.uheca to ~ fimds 8IIIIUII1)' Co q ~ caIb'al ftmd
COlItIoW by the city ....~ (SO/SO). We In aim 88kia& tII8t aD cIeveIopers be
held accol~ b 8DY cIryiDa lip ofweDs aadCOld8~ of.... ~ wIaen
~(,"'.-'1lJ tile watertabJe. ~ quaIky..etI:. Dewelopn would be
rapoIDSI"b1e fOr all AIIOJ"1Iaty costs 88sodated witb tbIa i8IIue. clet.elwiDecl by a CX)uJt or by
I am also reqt~~ a a.&..~ OR these 1n... _ BlDa8kiaa that JOU eoasider tbis
request 8S ray vote to keep this 8Ial ill aa:oldance with the IIIII8ter pIaD fbr the teSpeCtive
Name 120 Gi-aR ~~AI'1
Address 5$"~f ~~Q~/O~
C ~~~ \ T IV 't CAa3.J
Phooe~110-=1'o7 E-mail ...~...M Q.od-f."e.t
_' am a Noblesville taXpayer . ""'-1 am a I taxpayer
d6~:90 ~O-Ot-~ao
I understand that two separate developers have presented lroposals for
large commercial/retail developmeDl on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both oftbe proposed developments fi111 outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNobJesviJ1e 8IId the City of CarmeL These master pJaus took several
years to fonnulate. much input &om citizeos and city p~ and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficiem growth paltems filr our cities. I am opposed to
~.iaJIreIail development on these and any other comers alons 146'" street because
I do not wish to Hve in an area which is congested with "stop and go'" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, ete. Allowins fur collUllelCiaI
deve~ OIl this corner wDl "OpeD the door" fbr 1bnber development to come in and
soon 1466 SIreet wiD be no difftreDl tbID n-' Street or 96* Street This is especially true
since ~ developmeut'. <hybouad Pass aad 14(/1 Street is moviDg
further east 8lcmg 146* S1Net and cleveIopers haw expressed an iDteIest in other CC)merB
along 146* SIreet. CUrre8t retail needs caD be met wiIhia SrrUnl1tes or less in 3 difTerenl
directious tom the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to'P*, we the natural beaut)' and character of our neighborhood
and we aJe'askiDg you io vOle agahIst this imrusion of our neigbborbood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" iDstead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration. .
As residents. we teel that the City ofCarmeJ and the City ofNoblesvilJe should develop
this Janel in 8(X;()rdance with the CurreDt master plans as weD IS in ac:<:OIdam:e with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection ofwild1ife and their
As ~ we are askiDg that deYeJopen woddDg wItbin Noblesville.lN aDd Carmel,
IN will be ft!qUiIed. to coDtribu1e 8mds RnnllSlllly to an ~ c:eD11811bnd
coDlroDed by the city .... residents (50150). We are do asIdug that all developers be
held aaxJUDbIble - aay dryiDs up ofweUs and couramiDatioD ofwater supplies when
developmalt ~ the water table; water'quality. etc. DewIopers would be
respousible tor all BDCiU8ry costs associated WiIh this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator. .
I am also req..-t"'s a referendum on these isssues and am askins that you <:ODSider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plaa fbr the respective
Nome ~Ii) PJk-FREYM~
Address S-~ $~ ~
~ 'I IN N.,6D6:l
Phone 5/3 t::I.S?If-- E-mail ro~JlLMt . ~
_1 am a NobJesvme taxpayer ~I ama Carmel1:1lXplYm'
Get Wc:e2I: GB a30Z ee .OClQ
66L I 0lL L u:: "ON xt1.::f
3(\0:> ~1t:8.:f: ~.:f
I ~l'ILau.d dJBt two -.-_ developers haw ~ proposals mr
large COJDIIleICiaIII cleveIopmeat OD 1he corner of t4f)6.. Huel DeD roads. I
undeastaod that both ofdle ProJmecI developlllCDtS fid1 outside of tile scope of tile master
plan fOr the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These master plans took sewral
years to formulate, much input fiom citizens and city pJaaners. and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns fur our cities. I am opposed to
oommerciaJlretal1 development on these and any other comers along 14()"a street because
I do DOt wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop 'and so",traffic, commercial
noises and ~ c.rime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
develo~ on this comer will "opm the door" 1br fUnber dewlopment 10 come in and
soon 146. street will be DO diftaent than 82114 Stl'eetor ~ SUeet. 1bis is.especiaIly true
sbJc:e ~cIndJpmeDt at Greyhound Pass aod J4(/a Street is moving
further east aloD& 146* Street 8Dd clewlopen IBve expfl:SSld an iDtcnst in other comers
along 146'" Street. Cunalt JetaiI needs am be met within SmimIIes or less in 3 di1fereDt
direcdolll from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish io~~e the natUral beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion. of our oeighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftakiDg our best interest and desires into
As residents, we reel that the City of Carmel and the City oCNob1esville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Depanment of Natural Rao~ guidelines Cor the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers workirJs within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to coldribute fimds auauaUy to an ~ c:eDttBl fund
amtmDecl by the city aDd ~, (SO/SO). We In aim askiDg that all developers be
beld 8tCOUIIIabJe b any cIryiDg up ofwells aDd COIIIaIIIioatio ofwater supplies when
development cha..-tbe _ table. water quaJily, etc.. DeweJopas would be
respoasible fOr aU aDCiDaIy costs assodated with this issue as c:IeIer~ by a court or by
an arbitunor. .
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you comider this
request as my \tOte to keep this area in accordan<:e with the masta' plan Cor the respective
Name ....\~, t>A\.-F~
Address S~ ~~ C-l RLt..€-
('--,"M<M~ I I rtJ ~(90~3
Pho~ 1 ':> B-q56~E-mail 1:::cr'?~Ef ~ A OL. . c.o~
_I am a Nob1esvUle taxpayer ~I ~ a Cannel ,taxpayer
ld Wd00:29 2002 Be .::)d(J
66L t 9ll L u::: .ON Xl::Jj
3nOCl ~3H1~3.:l: loQI..:l
I understand that t1llID separate developers have Jngem::e- for
... COIDIIlCIdaJhet development OD the comer of 1 BDCl Hael Dell roads. I
undastaad that both or... proposed cIeveIDpmeaI& filii oUl8ide of the Scope oftbc muter
plan for tbc City oCNoblesvUle aud the City oCCarmeJ. 1bese master pIaas took fEveraI
yaIII'8 to tbrmulate, JIIIIda inpaI80m cldleDs 8Dd city pIIDDers. aDd may l8XplyeI'dollars
in order to determine the most efficieat gmWIb paIICIDS fOr our cities. I... opposed to
commercialhelail development on these and any odD' COI1BS aJoDl 146* sareet because
I do DOt wish to6ve iD 8ft ... whida is co..... wirb "Baop and ppH tr8ftic. COJIWltRIaI
noises_ smeDs. crime which retail dewIopmeut briDgs. ate. Allowing fbt co~,,;..I
~OJl'" comer wDl"opeD die....,. fbr ~ development to come in. aDd
soon 146* Sbeet wDIlJe DO difJaeJd dill sr' StreeI or 96* S1IeeL This is ~Iy uue
siDce COIIUIIeIdaIheI development at Greyhound Pus and 146* Street is moviDe
further east aJoas 14(/6 SUeet 8DII clevelopera haw apt eased 8ft inIcNst in othar WmenI
along 146* Street. eun.1Itail needs C8ft be IIIBt within Sminutes or less in 3 clitrereDt
directions tom the comer ill questbL
As resideIa, we wish to preserve the aatural beauly aDd characar of 018' neighborhood
and we are asking you to \'Ute ... this intrusIoa of our aeigh1Iorbood by dneJopers
wishing to "line their pocketi'u...d of taking our.. interest and 4aires imo
ccmsideratioD. . ':..'
A4 R&__ we teel1bau1W:.CIly ofear.iand tile C'1ty ofNoblesville should develop
this !aDd in 8cco1daace wid11be CIII'nmt maSter plans 8S well as in accon:lance wiIh
DepaItmeut ofNaanl Re8ouR:es pideJines mr the paotection ofwDdlife and their
As~Ss we are 88kiDa th8t developers WOItins wi1bia NobIBsviIJe, IN and Carmel,
IN will be mpdted 10 coDll'lbute timds .....IJy to III Indepmdeat, c:eidraI fimd
collllODed by the city and ~ (SOISO). We... also askiDa dIat aD developers he
beJel accolDllable fbr.., dryios up ofweDs ad COfttAn...ion ofwaaer supplies wIIea
deveJopmma chanca the water table, WIler quality, ate. Dewlopen would ..
respoDSlbJe fbr all I~lary costs associated with this _ as deIenDIaed by a court or by
... aahih.,.
I am also lIqUeSIiD&a refinDdum on these --_ 8Dd am.... ")IOU COIIIicIer..
request as III)' vote to keep Ibis area in acconlance with the master pJaa tbr the ~
. .CCfYY\
1"- ...,-...,,.. , ..,J~..........
. .
I understand that ~ ~ate developers me p11DWl~~ fur
large ammJ.erdaI/reta development on the corner of 1 and Hazel Den roads. I
uoderstand that both of the proposed developmeuts fiill outside of the scope of the master
plan fur the City ofNoblesvUIe and the City of CarmeL These JDISIer plans took sevemI
years to fi>rmv~ much input &om citizens and city planners, and DaIlY taxpayer dollars
in order to determioe the most efticieDt growth patterns _ our cities.. I am opposed to
ammJ.erdaI/reta developmeat on dJese and any other oomers along 14(/h street because
I do DOt wbh to live in an area which is congesled with "stop and go'" traffic, COJ4wt;acial
noises aud sme' crime wbieh retail development brings, de. ADowiDg fOr ~mercia1
development on this comer will "open the door" fOr fiuther deveJopmerJt to COllI: in and
soon 146* street will be Do ~~ than ~ Street or 96111 StIeet. This is especially true
since ~jaIJretaiI development at Oreyhouod Pass aDd 146"" Stn:et is moving
furthel- east along 14(/2 Street and developers have ~essed an inteIest in other comers
along ] 4(/A Street. Cuneot retail needs can be met within S~ or less in 3 differem
directions iiom the comer in questii5n. _
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration. - .
As resideots, we hi that the City ofCarmel8Dd 1IJc City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordaoce with the current master plans as weB as in aa-.ordaDce with
Depadwcm ofNaturaI Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As resideots, we are asking that developers working within NOb~ IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute fimds A"nnally to an independeut. ceaIral fund
controlled by the city and residems (50/50). We are also -asIdng that all dewlopers be
held accountAble fur any drying up ofweUs and contmninatL..a ofwater supplies when
developmeat cha~ the water table, water quality, eIC. Developers would be
respoDSlole fur all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
m~~~ -
I am also requ~ a referendum on these isssues and am askJng that you consider this
request as ,r ;ote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan tbr the respective
cities. ~ ~ p~
Name Sh"-ro,", P...:h.r:>o^
Address S36;t. A'-Pff'-;"j ~ro6Jt., UJo..y
(or ^'--e. ( ~ r tJ 46 0 "3 3
Phone 57 I ' S 4-5 --b E-mail: J; I t.J (,,; => f l--e r e J fA .... (/, 60 "'-
_I am a NoblesviUe taxpayer ~Iam a Carmel taxpayer
... ""', ..;J
/ ...
12- 6-02; 7:66AM;
; 1
cr-~b -~02~
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Ha2el Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments &11 outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to detennine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
oommerciallretail development on these and any other corners along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this corner will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146tb street will be no different than 8~ Street or 96th Street. This is especWly true
since commercial/retail development at Greyhound Pass and 1461h Street is moving
further east along 1461h Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current ietail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to. vote against this intrusion of om neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their poCkets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as wen as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SO/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
- ~SJi~
Name /in, 0 J-J...v .:r-J-ersC^
, .
Address S.3.S1 ~pJ'^:j B(oCl/c.. ~ IY
L c:=t r f't'A L. LtC-v J 3
Phone $7/-17t.t sl,,:. E-mail
_1 am a Noblesville taxpayer l.--hIiil a Carmel taxpayer
# 1/ 3
Carmel Plan Commission
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Dear Plan Commissioner,
I am writing to express my objections to two large proposed developments on the
corner of I 46th and Hazel Dell Roads. I live in the Spring Creek subdivision, just south
of 146th street off of Hazel Dell. The large increase in traffic and noise that these
developments would bring would have a largely negative impact on the beauty and
natural character of our neighborhood. I have no objection to the land owners developing
their property but believe it should be done within the scope of the master plans for the
cities ofNoblesville and Carmel. In this respect, tasteful development of these properties
for residential housing would be the most desirable. Please help us preserve the appeal of
the living in this area that comes from the lack of retail businesses and problems
... associated with them.
g' U,:~I_--1 (.~.
, '>~y - _,:J..
\/ --<., ~
~ . ~ ./
"'Ji'I ~ v,_
f~h It. 4'1 \:.--\
~-1 /JEt'tCf"//ltD \--:\
~:I If) n '
9 IJ. 4Ja,
\~-.\ '0(10 ~
, /" Vu
,...:~~ ;r/'",'\ \ \/
"...L...',.:. '
I understand that two separate developers have preseated .f1'OposaIs for
large colDlllelCialheta development 08 the corner of 14()"18Dd Hazel Dell JOads. I
undelstaacl that boIh of tile jmposecI developments filii outside of tile scope of tile master
pJaa tor the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These lIIISter plans took several
years to ror-~, much iDpat fiom c:idzeos and city ~ 8Dd _, taxpayer dollars
ill order to detamine the most efticleaI growth pItIelDI fbr our cities. I am opposed to
eommerciallrelail dewIopmeat on these ami any o1bl:r comers 810. 146'" street bec:ause
I do DOt wish to Bve ill aa area whidl is coupsted with "stop aDd I!P" ttaftic, commen:iaJ
noises and smells, crime whidJ retail development brinss, etc:. Allowing fur COIIIIDInial
cIewJopmeat on tis comer will "open the door" fOr fiatber dnelopment: to come ia aDd
SOOD 146* stIeet will be no diftbt:Ol thaa a-' Street or ~ StRet. This is especially true
since oommerdallretail development . Greybouad Pass and 1466 Street Is movIDg
fiJnher eas& aJona 146* Street and developers haw expessecIaa iateresl in other comers
along 14flb Street. Cumm retail needs c:aa be met wiIhin Smirrt....- or less in 3 difJi:rent
directions &om the eomer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of oW' neighborhood .
.and we are asking you to vote apinst this intrusion of oUt neighborhood by dewJopers
wishing to "Iiae their pockets" .umeadoftaking Om' best merest aad desires iDto
consideration. ' ".
As reside~ we feel that the City ~t Carmel and the City ofNoblesviUe should develop
this laDd in accordance with the current master plans as well as in 8tOOrdance with
Deparbnent ofNaturaI Resoun:es guidelines tor the protectioa ofwilc:llife and their
habitats. '.
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Cannel.
IN will be required to coDlribute fimds amwally to an independent, central fund
controlled by the c:ity and residents (SOISO). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable fur any drying up of wells aud contamination ofwater suppUes when
development c:haoges the water table, water quality, de. Developers would be .
responsible for all anciUary costs associated with this issue as~ by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordanc:e with the master plan fOr the respective
__6l>~~ wr
~ Lf{,833
Phone2e-~IS()~Lf E-mail tAlPdfJ1@my./l/L · CoY)
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer -f-I ama Carmel taxpa~
l~/~b/~L ~~:l~ I~~~~
I:.t<IlIUJ ~y~ I ~
r-~ ""
I UDderstand that two sepuate developers have presented ~saJs for
-ae commeroiallretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Den roads. I
uoderstand thal both of the proposed developmads filii outside of the ~pe ofthc UJIStCf
plan for the City ofNoblesvi11e and the City ofCarmeJ. These master plans took several
years to formulate. muth input fiom citi7ens and city planners, and many tupayer dollars
in order to determine the most eftkient.powth patterns for our cities. I 8111 opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers aloDll4(/A street because
I do not wish to live in an &lea wbieh is congested with "stop and go" trafIie. oommereial
noises and smeUit crime which retail development brings, etC. AIlowina for commercial
develo~ on this comer will "open die ~ tOr fiuther developmt'lll to come in and
soon 146* street \WI be 110 di&:iem than n-' Street or 96* Street. This is especially true
since co~ development at Oreyhouad P8ss 8IJd 146~ ~ is movmg
further east aIons 14tfA StRet and dneJopers haw expaessed an intaest in'other coman
a10na t 46* Sheet. CunaIt mall needs can be met within Smmu1es or less in 3 ditTereut
directions &om the COrnel' in q-uepm.
As resideDtSt we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neipborhood by developers
wishing to "line their ~kets'. instead of taking our best interest and desira into
As residems, we feel that the City ofCarmeJ aad the City ofNoblesville-shouJd develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance wi1h '
Department of Natural ResoW'CeS guidelines ror the proteetion of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers workina within Noblesville, IN _ Carmel,
IN will be required to conaibute funds annually to an Independent, central fbnd
<:oIlUODecI by the city and residents (SO/SO). We ate also askiDg.tbat aU cIe'VeIopas be
held accountable tbr any drying up ofweUs and contamination of'water supplies when
developmeDt changes the Wale! table, water quality, etc.. Developers would be .
responsible tOr all ancillary OOMS associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I BID also ftlquestlDg a reterendum on these isssues and am as1dns that )'OU consklel- this
request as my vote 10 keep this area in KOOrcJanu with the master plan fOr the respective
-4=-1 am a Cannel taxpayer
l~/~b/~UU~ ~~:l~ '~U~~~~
tJ<Il'IUJ ~y~ I ~
J-'AbI:. tH
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posa1s for
large COlllDlel'CiaJlretail development on the corner of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments filll outside of the scope oCthe master
plan fOr me City ofNoblesvDle and the City of CarmeL These master plans lOOk several
years to fonrulate. much iDput &om citizens and city p~ and maDY taxpayer doUars
in order to determine the most efficient srowth patterns Cor our cities. 1 am opposed to
commercial/retail dewlopment on these and any other comers along 146tb street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is consested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smeJJs, crime which retail deveJopmeDl brings, $. AlJowins mr a:muuercial
develo~ on this COnJef will "open the door" for further deftlopment to come in and
SOOIlI46* stIeet will be 110 ditYaent1ban r:;t"J Street or 96* S1R:eL This is especially 1rUe
sDM;e oommadallretaiJ developmcot at 0Ieyb0u0d Pass aod 1<<Jb SIn:ea is moving
further east 8IoDS.146* Street and ~pen have expressed aD inteIesa in other comers
aloua 146* StJeet. 0Dmt mail needs can be met witbiD 5minutes or less in 3 difkent
directions &om the comer in quepion.
As residents, we wish to ~.the DatUral beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by deveiopers
wishing to "One their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Cannel and the City ofNoblesvjUe.should develop
tbis I8IId in aa:ordance with the current master plans as wen as in accordance with
Depanment of Natural Resources guidelines tor the proteCtion of wildlife aDd their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within NoblesviUe. IN and Carmel.
IN will be required to eonln'bute funds annually to an independent. centJaI fund
collllOUed by the city and residelllS (50150). We are also askiDa ~tbat aD developers be
held accountable for any drying up ofwclls and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all aociUary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I 8IJJ also requestJoa a referendum on these jsssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this atea in accordance witb the master plan fOr the respective
AddJeSS I "S~ ~u., Dr
(' tU"~ t:::o-j ~.(oO ~~ .
Pho~rl') Slo.Co-('f)t.I~ E-mai1~ ~ e.fIt(c.o.c.o~
_I am a Noblesville tapayer ~11IIIl a Carmel taxpayer
PHONE NO. : 317 849 9385
Dec. 11 2002 06:49PM P2
I undefstand that two ~ate cIeve10pen haw 9leSCDted proposals tbr
1Iqe CODll1IaCiaI/Je cJewlDpmeDl on the corDer ofl~ aDd Hazel Den mads. I
uueft.,..4aud that boIh of tile poposecI deveIov"'IleD1$ &II out8ide of the scope of the .....
plan fOr the City ofNoblcMlle 8Dd the City of CarmeL These master pIaDs took sevenl
years to fbr-~ 1imda input loin ~W,DS and city p~ aDd IDIIDY taxpaya' dollars
in order to d~ine the most ef&Iept gmwdt. p8IIem5 fbr ourddes. I am opposed to
commerciallmail4belopmeDl on these and aay other ClOl1leI$ a10ug 14(}lt street because
J do DOt wish to &ve ia an...,. wbic:h Is c:oopsted willi "stop 8DCI go"1ndIic. ~iaI
noises aud ~ crime which.JeIail ckMJopmeDt ~ ax.. AIbwiDa fur COJIIIDI:fCiaI
~ OD this corDa' wiD .... the door" 10r fiutIu:r dewlopment to come in aDd
socml46dt SIl'eet will_ DO cIUtermt dim a-' StIeet or 9(/b Stleet. This is especlaJly true
sinee COIIDIleICIaIIm deYdopmeat at Greyhound Pass aod 14(/a Street. moviog
fbdheI' east aIoua 146- SIIeet _ cle.eJGpn J.ne expJ essed an interest in other comers
aloD8 146* StIeeL CuIreIIl retail oceds can _ met wiIhia Smiautes or Jess in 3 dHfetent
direetions ftom the comer in queSdoo.
As ~ we wisIa 10 pNSen'8 the....... beauty aud character of our neighborhood
and we are astin& yoII to wte .~ this ..utioa of our IJeishborhoocl by de-velopers
wisbiDg to "'tine tIIeir ~ instead oftaldog our best interest and desires into
As residents, we teel tbat tbe City ofC8nnelaud the City of No blesvil Ie Should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as weB as in accordanc;e with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines tor the protection ofwildJife and their
As residents. we are asking that developers working withm)'.loblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to CODInDute fimds ~ to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50150). We &Ie also asking that all developers be
held ac:c:ountable tor any drying up of weDs and contamination ofwater suppHes when
developmeDt dumses the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible fOr all auciDary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also recp~ areh-endum ontbese isssues and am.asldng that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the fCS1'V'Ctive
cities. . r-
_-fJ./EN'1 :r flCfll4f
Address S2.t:1( f\rt.~t\u c.r\:",
. ,
Orrv4 .,r-J <..i~O~
Phone <';1/ - r2.l~ '1 E-mail St\RW:1-~ A s.@ A. ~'-. (. ~
_I am a NoblesvWe taxpayer X;LI am a Carmel taxpayer
PHONE NO. : 317 849 9385
Dec. 11 2e02 06: 49PM P1
I UJIdersI8Dd that two separate ~ ha~ pesented proposals ..
lIrge commerciBJ/IetaD. deveJopIIIDII on tile comer of t4(f6 aDd IlaDl DeB roads. I
UIIderstaad that both 01. jMoposed cIeveIopraeDIs taU o\ftSide of the scope of the master
pJaa tbr the City ofNoblesvil1e aDd tho City of CarmeL These master pIaDs toOk several
years to ~ much inp1Jt 10m ddzea&.. dty plaDDers, and many taxpayeI' dollars
jn o1derlO ddal4iDe the most e&icieat 8lOwth pattans fbr our ciIies. I am opposed to
eo.wu.etCiaIheIai1 developmeot OIl dIese and any other comem aIons t4({b street becallSC
I do not wish to Ii'Ye ill an area which is coDpSted with "stop and go" traffic, wmmerc:;iaI
noises _ smells. crime wIDch mail dneIopment briDp, Cle. Allowing tor oondllel~ial
~ onthls comer wDl "opal the door" fbr fiDdler development to come in aud
8OOJl146""'st!eet wiD be DO dif1aent 1ban ."... S1Ieet or 9t1' Street. This " especially we
since coDUlleleiallrelail dewelopmeJJlat GreyIJouncl Pass and 14G'- S1Ieet is moving
tbn:IIer east aIoDa t 4tf't SIred and clweIopers have ...-peued an iDI.erest in other comers
a1cmg J4(/'- StRet. Current retail needs c;an be met within SIDinutes 01' Jess in 3 differeJlt
directions 10m die comer in queldou.
As resideDls, we wish to pI"'-W <Ie the uaturaI beauty and dJanctea of OUl: neighborhood
wishing to "line their poclets" iDstad oftakiDg our best iaterest and desires into
As residents. we feeltbat the City of Carmel aDd the City ofNoblesville ~Id develop
this land in accordance with the current maater plaDs as wen as In accordaDce with .
Depanment of Natural Resources guideBnes fOr the protection ofwiJdlife and their
As residents, 'We are asIdDg that developers WOJkiDg witbin.,~o\Jlesvme.lNand Carmel,
IN will be RqUhed to 00DIrl'bute t\mds AnIInRny to an ~. a:DIr81 fund
C,"Qntrolled by the ci1y aud resi4ds (SOIS0). We In also askiDg that aD developers be
held ac:countab1e fOr any dryiDg up ofweJ1s aod Q)JIIAM'ftAtWa of water supplies When
development cbaDaes the water table, water quality. etc. Developers would be
n:&poDSJole for aJI,aaciIIary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
au arbitrator.
I am also recp~ a retetendum on these isssues and am asking that you amsider this
request as ~ vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fOr the respective
Address ~'i\ f\r'~hC> Crt-
G::r ~ , rJ ....u {)s.:3
Phone 5,1- ()5, E-mail St\Yll:..'~f\S,(""~iqc)L._\~
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ---2s:J am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers ba-ve presented_proposals fur
large comm.erciaIIretail development on the comer of 1'f6'B and Ha2e1 DeB roads. I
understand that both of the Proposed developmeuts fidI outSide oftbe scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville aud the City ofCarmeJ. These master plans took several
years 1D formulate, much input fiom cimJeos and city plaDners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most ef&ieDl growth pattems fOr our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaJlrelail development on these and any other' corners along l~ street because
I do DOt wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and pp" traffic, oommercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brinsst etc. Allowing tOr commercial
deveJopmeut on this comer will "open tile door" fOr further dewlopmBDt to come in and
soon 14fJb street will be no diffe>t than ~ Street or 96" Street. This is especially true
since commerciaJIretajJ developmeDt at Greyhound Pass and J 46* Street is moving
further east along 1461Ja Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146" StIeeL Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions ttom the comer in question.
As residelltSt we wish to preserve the natural beauty and cbaracter of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their po~ets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration. ,",:.
As residents', we feel thai theC:ity of Cannel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Deparunent of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection ofwiJdlife and. their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds 8DIl~ly to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SOISO). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable fOr any dryiDs up of wells and col1tAmination of water supplies when
developmeDl changes the ~tab~ water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible fOr aD ancillary costs aaociated with this iSsue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I 8m also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
-E:~ I/ltUtfd;QIJ(J/, tAn?
-,x-I am a Carmel taxpayer
(3,~ ~
Phone 311- ~43 - ,..;27;20
_I am a Noblesvl1le taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posaJs fur .
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel DeD roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments filll outside oftbe scope oftbe master
plan fur the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to furmulate, much input :from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to detennine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaYretaiJ development on these and any other comers along 146'" street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "slOp and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
de-velopmeilt on this comer will "open the door" fhr further development to come in and
soon 146'h street win be no ~ than ~ Street or 9fIt Street.. This is especially true
sDx:e commerciaIIreta development at Greyhound Pass and 1~ Street is moving
further east along 14611I Street and developers have upessed an interest in other corners
along 146'" Street. Current retail needs can be met within Smimltes or less in 3 different
directions :from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their po1:lcets'" instead oftaldng our best interest and desires into
consideration. ". .. ' , _ '}
As residentS, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNob1esvil1e should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the proteedon of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesvil1e, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SO/SO). We are also asking that all developers be
held acc:ountable for any drying up of wells and contaminAtion of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this iSsue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you oonsider this
r: mrzm a in oa:oRlalll:e wid> the - pion '" the respective
NJR~~ ~,//~L./,f;? J?LtI#J'Z-
Addreos S--f?/ S"~6Jh c./;eL!.L~ /lS,frPP ~..u)
C"',I!#:~ T# 4~.?3 l"-~ (/;p/II~ ~
Phone f74f' -;J.7~P E-mail p/o;l~z.6 fiJ QIfJL{):?A1.
_I am a NoblesviJle taxpayer XI am a Carmel taxpayer
.,-""'" ..,..... ~-....... -.-. -- ......
I .....stand that twO sep8l1lte cIeve10pers ha\le pell8ftlCd ~ ibr
IarBe commercia1lntlil development on the co~ of 146 _ Rael Dell roads. I
unclentand that both of the proposed developments 1iIl outside of the scope oCtile master
plan for the City oCNoblesviJle and the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input fiom citizens and city plllnners. end many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most eftkient growth pattems mr our cities. I am opposed to
commerciallretail development on these and any other corners aIcma 146. street because
I do not wish to Bve in an area which is conaestecJ with "stop and go" trafl"lCt liQlDlDel'Cial
noises and smells, ~ which retail development br~ et~. Allowing for commercial
develoJnD:Cnt on this comet' will "open the door" fOr tbrther development to come in end
soon 146. street wl1l be IlO di1B:.reDt than 82- Street or 96" SIreeL Tbjs is especially true
since c:o.r~mlU~iaIIretaiJ development at Greyhound Pass and 146" Street is moviq
further east along 1466 Street and developers ha,,-e expressed an interest in other comers
along t 4ff' Street. Current man__ can be met within Sminut.es 01 less in 3 different
direaions hill tile comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and. cbaractet of 01D' neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote "8"-- this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" _cad otlakins OlD' best interest aucl desires into
As residents, we i:ellbat the City of Cannel and the City ofNob1esville should develop
this land in accordance with the ~urrent master plam as weB as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines fbr the protection ofwilcllife and their
As residents, we are askins that developers woJ'km, within'NobiesviUe. IN and 0mneI,
IN will be required 10 (l()Iddbute flmds annually to aD independent, central fimd
OOlltlOlled by the ~ity and reslclents (SOISO). We are also askiDB that all developers be
held aM:COuntable for any drytna up ofweUs 8Jtd CODIaIRination of water' supplies when
development changes the water table. water quality, etc. DeveIopen would be
responsible fOr aU ancillary c;ostB associated with this issue as deteu4med by a court or by
an arbibatof.
I am also req~B a referendum on these lsssues and am asking that you consider tbJs
::: ~ tftp'7J:..rdaDcewiththemasterPlanCortherespective
Name . .' vJ b<try tAl ,IJ~
~ /fI4() '1 ~~/~ b-. w
f'J:trM# /U 1/WJ33
.- ~ f/#!P E-DBiI 1t1t"tls3@..a{);;~
_I am a Nob1esvilte taxpayer .lLl am1 I taxpayer
......... - ...
I undentaDd that two separate clewlopas have praI8Ilt8Clproposals fbr
.... commaclal/retail develop- on the cormr of 14C)'D and Hazel Dell roads. I
und.erstaDcl that both of. j,mpoaed deve"~ tall outSide of the scope of the IlUIIteI'
plan for the City ofNoblesvll1e and the City of'Carmel. These mBStel' plans took several
years to form..]atP, mua:h inpul ft'Om citizens and city planners, end many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efftdeut growth patterns in' our cities. I am opposed to
oommerciaVretaiJ development on these and any otlJer corners alons 146* Sb'eet because
I do IIOt wish to Ii-.re in an area which is congested Mth "stop aDd go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime whicb retan development bringst etc. Allowing toT c;ommercial
dew~ on tbis comer will "open the ~ fbr tbrther developmeDt to come in and
soon 14fida street will be DO diffelent than art Street or 96* Street. This is especially true
since commercia1/relail development at ~bound Pass and 146. Street is moving
fwther east aloD8 1466 Street and developers ba~ expressed an interest in other cornen
alona 14()'t Sueet. Cunen1 retail ~ can be met within Smimdes or leas in 3 different
directions 10m the comer in question.
As nesidents. we wish to preserve the natUJ'l.l beauty and. cbaractel' of OUl' neighborhood
and we arc asking you to vote apinst this inarusmn of' our neiBbborbood by developers
wishing to Kline their pockets" iDsteed ofl.ldng our best interest and desires intO
co~adon. .
As residentS, we &,el tbat the City oCCanneI and the City ofNobJesvil1c should develop
this land in Kcordance with the current master plans as we)) as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources suJdeHnes for the protection of wildlife and their
As residentS, we are asking that developers worIdDa withinNob1es~Ie, IN and Cam1eI,
IN will he requfred to contribPte fimds 8I1JIIJ8I1y to an IIldependeot, central ftDId
contmIled by the city and residents (SO/50). We are also -ins that all developers be
lleld accountable tbr any drying up ofweUs and contamination of water supplies when
developmellll'~ the water table, water quality, etc;. Developers would be
responsible for all anciUary costS asso.:lated with this issue as determined by a comt or by
aD arbittator.
I am also requesting a relnndum OD these Isssues and am asIdDg that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area iD acc:ordam:e whh the master plan fo1' the respective
- S<..~,Q~
Address ,~4oC\ ~~ ~.
C~~ 1:I:'f..l ~(.o~
Phone i"ep, - (" ~ ~~ .B-1DfI1
_I am a NobJesviUe taXpayer -1L-' am. Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two sepal ate developeq ha-we presented ~posals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 aad Hazel Dell ro~ I
Uuda~ that both orthe proposed developments &lI outside ofabe scope of the master
pJaa mr the City ofNobJesyjDe and the City ofCarme1 These IIIISta' plans took sew:nJ
,... to tbrmaa1atP.., much input tiom ciliH:O!I and city pIadners, aDd many taxpayer dollars
in order to detenoioe the most cflicient growth paUems fur OlD' cities. I am opposed to
commen:iaJhelail development on 1bese aad any other comers 810111 146* SIIeel because
I do DOt 1Vish to live in an area which is congesII:d with "IIop _ go" 1Iaftic. WllUJ_,iBl
noises 8Dd smells, crime which Ie18iI dewdopmeDt lIriDSSt ere. Allowing tbr comme.rclal
deYelopment on this comer will "open dB: cIooi' tor fiJrtIIer dneIopmeDt to come in aDd
soon 146. street will be 110 ditI.teDt tIBl82'" &trees or 96* Street. This is f\~lty ttoe
since commen:iaJhelail deftlopment at Greyhound Pass and 1466 StJeet is moviag
fiIrtIIer east aJoug 146* Snd ... developn haw expI'" 8D intaat in other amIa'S
a1oDlI~ Street.. CUImIt n:taiI needs can be met within Smiuutes or IeSJ in 3 different
diIec:tioDs 10m the comer in q1Iesaiou.
As ~ we wish to PJeserve the D8tIlr8l beauty and cbaraaer ofoor ~hnttIood
and we are as1dns you to vote apiDSt this ~udm oIoUl' neipborbood by dewlopen
wisbiDg 10 "line their pocbts" instead oftakiDa our best iDIerest 8Dd desires into
As ~ we feel that tile City ofOumel and the City oCNobIesvilie sbould develop
this laud in accordance wiIh the ,uuem IDII8teI' pIaus as weB 1m in accordance with
ne,a.hm;d of Natural Raoun:es pideIiDes fDr the pmtec;tion ofwiWlite and their
As ~ lIVe are asIcina 1bIt deftIo~. ~ wltNn Noble8viIle. IN and Carmel,
IN will be JCqUired to contribute 1imds .....Dy 10 .. indqJeDIeDl, ceaIraI fiIDlI
COIltzOUed by the city 8Dd n:sideats (SOISO). We lie also astiDg that 811 developers be
.... accoumabJe fisr any dryiDa up of wells aDd CC)dIAm:,MtioD ofwaler supplies when
cte.doplllCllt .....~ the Wlltertable. WIller quality, etc.. DewIopas would be
IeSpODSible fur BIIanciJJary costs BSSOC;iIIted with this issue as detenninecI by a court or by
_ .bita.r.
I am aim req.~ a reD~ on these isssues IDd am askiDa that 70U co... dm
request as my vote to keep this area in ilCQJnfanc:e with the IDiISteI' plaD fOr tile aCSJ*Dve
C'r~~~ -::r:~ 4L033
PhoDe~' 'J ,. <6'-\-b ~L.t~
~I am a Nob1esvi1le taXpaya
~18IDa 0n1c1 taxpaJCl'
'''-- ~.
1 undeIiIIIIDd that two ~ate developers haw PJeSe~h! fbr
large colJJllll:rciallretail dewJopmeDt on Ibe CXJmer of 1 8Dd Hazel DeB roads. I
UDderstand that both of the pJOJJOIIId clcveJopmmda &II oUlside ofthc scope ofthc masta'
plan .. tile C'1ty ofNobIesville ... the City ofCanucJ. 1hese master plans took several
years to bmuJatc, much input fiom ",iti-u. aud city plamJ.ers, and II18II)' tDpaya- dolJlllS
in order 10 deteaw* the most e8iciall growth paIIaDI mr our cities.. IBID opposed 10
commerdaJIretai development on these 8Dd.., 01111% c:omc:rs aIoD8 14(/1 stJect because
I do GOt wish to live in aD an:a which is Q)~ willa "stop 8Dd go" Uaftic, COwulal:iaI
noises II1II smells, aime whidaRt8il dewJopmeDt briDgs, ere. ~ fur COIlIIII8RiaI
&Mlopmeat on this comer wiIl-opm die door" tbr fbdher deveIopmeDt to come ill and
soolll46'h street will be no ditrereat tI8I a-t S1net or 'J6"& S1Iect. nus is espec:ially true
since commerciaJlre1ail de~ at GreyIIoUDd Pass 8Dd 14fJh S1net is moving
fbrther east aIougl4dA StIect and developers haw expressed aD iDterest in otbllr CXH'IIaS
aJona 146* Street. Cunena retail needs C8Il be mr:t wiIbin Sminutes or less ill 3 ditfeleDl
directioDs &om the comer in ~"L.1l.
As PNeDts. we wish to paerve the DIIbIrBI beauty 8l1li cbBaa:teI' of our ocighbodlood
and we are askiDg ,ou 10 wte ..,.m.. this idbusiuu ofour DBipboIIlood by deftJopers
wishing to "IiDe their pockets" nl$tead oftakias our best intaat and <<sires ao
As.~ we feel that the City ofCIrmeJ and the City ofNobJeniJ1e should de~lop
this laDd in accordance with the cuneat 1IJ8Ster pI8Ds as"weII as in accordance with
~~ of Natural Resources gaidelines fOr die pmtecIion ofwildlife aDd tIIeir
As n:siden1s. we are askiDa that dewIopers woddDs ~ NobJesvDJe, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to amb1"bute fimds AmIIut1ly to an independeDt, ceottal fbnd
CODtmDed by the city and ,~"da (SOISO). We are also 8skiai d8t all dewJopas be
held aa:ouoI8bIe tor 8DJ dr,iDg up ofweBs aDd CC'ftI9IU:--,ton otwater supplies when
development dlu.lges the water 1abJe, water cpmBIy, B. Developers would be
respolldble 1br all aneillaty COlIS --:.-I willa dIis issue as detwlninII!CI by a COUll or by
8Il arbitrator.
I am also ~iiq; a refb~um on dJese isssuesaDd am askiDa that you coDBidet this
request as my vote 10 keep this BRa ill accordance with the IDI!IlK pIm fOr die respective
~_tJJegi ~ f4uf!ot--
Address I/a. n n~
f IIV t-f 0'33
I understand that two separate developers bave presented proposals fur
large commerciaJ/retaildevelopment OD the comer ofl~ and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the ProPOsed developments filii outside of the scope of the master
plan fur the City ofNoblesvllle and the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to formulate, ~h input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to dt:ka~ the most efIicient srowth patterns fOr our cities. I am opposed to
oommelCiaJIretail development on tbese BUd any otla' c:omers along 14()'h street because
I do DOt wish to live in an area which is consested with "stop and fP" traffic. co~iaI
noises and smells, crime which retail developJDeDt br~ etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer wiU~ the door" fbr fiIrther cIeveIopmeDl to come in and
soon 146* street wDl be DO ditTereDt than ~ Street or 96*' Street. This is especially we
since oommerclalJretail deveJopmeDt at Greyhound Pass and 146* Street is moving
further east along 14(;"1 Street and developers haw expressed an iuteadlt in other comers
along 146* StIeet. Cunent retail needs can be met within Sminutes or Jess in 3 ditreteat
directioas fi:om the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to presene the D8tural beauty and cbaracter of our neighbodaoOd
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftakiDg our best iDterest and desires into
consideration. ..
this land in accordaDce with the CUlIeat master pJams as well as~in accordance with
Department of Natural Resoun:es guidelines fbr ~ prote<:6oo ofwildJife and their
As r-idP.nt1l, we ~ asking that dewlopers . within NobIesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be requiled to coDlribute fimds ...nlla1ty an iDdependeut, central fund
CODIroDed by the city aDd ~ (SO/SO). We also askiDg that all developers be
helcl8CC01llltable tOr any dryiDa up ofweBs 81!d .. ofwater supplies when
development chaDges the water table, water ,de. Developers wQuld be
responsible fbr aIIsJlCil1ary c:oSIS 88SI)o!ip0ll . this issue as determined by a court or by
an _bihatur.
I am also ~ a referlYldnm on these . and am asking that you oonsider this
request as my \'Gte to keep this area in with the master plan fbr the .IGSpeaive
. Mer
I understand tbal two aepaiate developers have p-eseuted ~posals for
large commercial/retail development on the corner of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of tile proposed developments filII oUlSide of tile scope of the master
plan 101' the City ofNoblesviDe and the City of CarmeL These master pJaas took several
years to formulate, IDICh input 10m citbams and city plaoDers, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most el11cient growth patteros fur our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaJlretail development on these and any other comers along 14(/1 street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is conaested with "stop and go" traffic. COlllJllel'Cial
noises and sme~ crime whic:h mail cle~Jopmall bJiDss, etc. Allowing mr commerdal
develo~ on this corner will "open the door" tOr fiutber development to come in and
soon l46th street will be no clilib:en1 dBn 82'" Street or fJ6h Street. This is especially true
since colDlllelciallret developmeDt at Greyhouud Pass and 146. Street is moving
further east aloD8 146* Street and developers have expRSSed an inteftSt in other COrned
along 146. Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions ftom the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborQood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to Uline their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents. we feel that the City of Carmel and the Cit)':ofNoblesvil1e should develop
this land in accordance with the cum:ut master plans as wen. in accordance with
Department of Natural Resoun:es guidelines tor the protec.tion of wiIcIlife and their
As residents, we are asking that ~lopers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be requin:d to comribute fimds ammally to an independent, ceatraI fund
controlled by tbe city aDd residents (50150). We &Ie also asking that all developers be
held aa:o.-ahle for any drying up ofweUs and cornminatinn ofwater' supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for allancillary costs associated with this issue as determined b)' a court or by
mwnm. .
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
cities. .
Name~ ~~
Address .52,,'5/ r~ ~..L.
~ "'1io 3-~
Phone g L/{, .91tJ 7 E-mail ""1" e /IS. c;J Ir;d Y .1').#-
_I am a Nob1esville taxpayer t...-""1" am a Cannel taxpayer '
I understand that two ~ developers have presented JXOposaIs tOr
large commerciaJlretail devetopmellt on the comer ofl~ and Hazel Den roads. I
understand that both of tile proposed dew:Jopmems fidI outside oftbe scope of tile master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These.master plans took several
years to tbl1lllllate, mudl iDput &om citi:IJens and city p1annen, aDd many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efticieDt growth pattems tor our cities. I am opposed 10
commercial/retail de\lelopment 011 these and any other comers aloo8 146* street because
I do not wish to Bve in an area wbidl is coagested with "stop aud 80" ttaftic, c:iOJDIDeIclaI
noises and smells, mme which retail development brings, ete.. AIIowiDg for colkduerdal
~ on tbis comer wil1--open the door'" for fUrther development to come in and
soon 14tJb street will be DO ....eDI. thaD ~ Street or 9d'* Street. This is especially true
since commerciaJ/retail development _ ORyhouncl Pass and 146th Street is moving
fmtber easl along t 46. Street and developers have expressed an ioten:st in other comers
along 146" Street. Cunent retail needs can be met wilhin S...;ftn~ or less in 3 different
directions fiom the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve tile natural beauty and character of oUr Deighbo~
and we are as1dna you to vote against this iDlrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest aDd desires into
As reside_ we feel that the City of Carmel and the City;o(Noblesville should develop
this land in acconIance with the current master plaDs as.~u in accordance with
Depa.buent of Natural Resources guidelines for the pmtectioi ofwi1dlife and their
As ~ we are asking that oo,elopers worldna within Noblesville. IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to ClOJllribute 6mds mnIIwJly to an independent, centtaI fund
controlled by the city and residents (So(5O). We are also askiD& that all developers be
held accoUldabIe for any drying up of weDs and ~lQminatinu of water supplies when
development cbanges the water table, water quality. etc. Developers would be
responsible fur all aDcillary costs 8SlJl)d~ with this issue as deldmined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a retereDdum on these isssues aod am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
_~ k I<-e.nSKer:5 _
Address 5'25 I 7d~ f~
~ 4C,(}~3
Phone g if' -q 707 E-mail ~ R1<eflS@ 1I--d 'I. (lv!-
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer -1.Lf am a Carmel taxpayer
....111:"..\0 U3."IQQ~'C. rH^
~e~-8~-.~ ODi~.aft
troft 1~lr~~b~~~~~.~..~...UU..686 page 1/ 2
I understand that two separate developers have presented lroposals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both ofllle proposed developments &11 outSide of the scope of the master
plan fur the City ofNoblesville aud the City of CarmeL These aster plans took several
years to fOrmulate, much iDput fiom citimas aDd city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most eftlciem growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
COllllllerCiaIIretail developlllelll on these aad any other comers aIoug 146- street becau&e
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with (estop and go'" traffic, commercial
noises and smells. wime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for comm~jaJ
development on tbis comer will "open the door" tor further development to come in and
soon 146. street will be no ~ than 81" S1teet or 96- Street. This is especially true
since commerciallretail deveJopn:aent at Greyhound Pass and J 46'" Street is moving
further east along 146'" SueeI and developers have expressed an Inrefest in other mmers
along 146* Street. Current retail Deeds can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions from the corner in questibn.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
. wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City otCarmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop,
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well 8S in accordance with
Department ofNatu1'81 Resources guidelines fur the protection ofwlldlife and their
As resideJJ.ts, we are .kiDg that developers working within ~Qblesvill~ IN and Carine~
IN will be required to contribute fUDds AnnUAlly to an independem,. central fund
comroDed by the city and resideals (SOISO). We are also askiDg that an developers be
bdd a<<ountable fOr any dr)in8 up ofweUs ... eoJJtAaftnahon ofwater supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Dewlopers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
NameJA-ftt+A€t.r l- f3.~~
Address t;5O? PrnJElI-~.J e-
~O~I~I'LJ. ~
E-mail t:dHiSJe. ~ e.A.oL-. c..co.v\
_I 8II't a Car.mel taxpayer
P!!!:r 311-6{P,.-z.l4;.z..
-t~.._J BIll a NobJesvJ1le taxpayer
~~n~ u~.ft&aa~l~ rH^
~e~-8~-84 8e'~laft
troft 1~lr6Yb~..~................ P8ge 2' 2
I understand that twO separate developers haw presented proposals for
large commerciaJhetail development on 1he comer of l~ and Hallet Dell roads. I
understand that both oftbe proposed developments fall outside oftbe sc:ope oftba master
plan for the City ofNoblesvi11e and the City of Carmel. These master plans lOOk several
years to formul~. much input :&om citizeos and city planners. and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efticleUl erowth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercialhetail development on these 8Dd any other comers along 146"- street because
I do not wish to live in 8D area which is congested with "stop and 80" traffIC, commercial
noises-and smelb, crime whic;h retail development brin~ etc. Allowing for c:ommen:.ial
deveJo~ on this comer will ~pen the door" tbr tUnber development to come ill and
soon 146* street will be no different than 8~ Street or 9f1i Street. This is e5peCwly true
sinr::e commerciaVretail developmeut at Greyhound Pass and 14(/1 Street b moving
fUrther east along t 46dl Street and developers '-ve expressed aD interest in o1her comen
along t4fl' Street. Current rdaiI needs can be met within 5J'Qinutes or less in 3 different
directions tom the comer in~ion. . -
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty aJ1d cbarac:tet of our nejghborbood
and we are asking you to vote against this -iDIrusJon of our oe.ighborbood by developers
wishing to "'line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents. we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville shou'kt develop
this'land in accordance with the t1JlTent master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resourc:es guidelines for the protection of wildlife and tbeir
As residents, we are ukiog that devetupers worlcing within NoblesviUe, IN aDd Carmel,
IN will be required to CODtrlbute fimds AnIDJally to an ~ central fund
controlled by the city and residents (SOISO). We ate also as1dDg that aD developers be
held acc:oumable fur any drying up ofweUs and COJ)tsmb}attoD of water supplies when
development chaqges the water table, water quality, *. ~lopers would be
~ for all apclDary com associated with this issue as determined by a court 01' by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Pho~'-~~-~~ _. ....E-mail r-.~S'lcz..1@dOI.~""
L.-fim a Noblesville taxpayer _I am a armel taxpayer
I UDderstaDd that 1\\'0 separate developers have praemed jJlOposaIs fOr
large C:OllBllerciaJhetail de~lopment on the comer of 1~ 8Dd Hazel DeD roads. I
understand that both ofllle proposed deftJopmeDIS &II outside of tile scope of the master
plan tor the City otNoblesville and the City of Carmel These master plans took seveI1l1
yeatS to fbrm..'" much input &om citiams 8J1d cily pJanners. and many taxpayer dollars
in order to deIermine the most efticienl growth patternS tbr OlD' c:ities. 1 am opposed to
commerciallretail deveJopmem on these aDd ..yother comers alona 146* sueet because
I do DOt wish to live in an area which is congested with ..., and go" uaffic, commercial
noises and smells. crime whieh retail developmeat ~ etc. ADowiDg .or amunercial
~Iopment on Ibis coma' will "open the door" fur fiDther cIcveIopmeDt to come in aad
soonl46'h street will be lID d&em than ~ Street or 9f1' Street. 1bis is espeeially true
since C;Old4le1CiaJIretail deve10pmea at Gleyhound Pass and 146* Street is moving
further east along t 46. Street and developem lave expressed 811 intfIrest in other comers
along 146. SbeI. eum:r. retail needs caD be meI widrin Smiuutes or less in 3 difrerent
directions from the corner in question.
As residents, we wish 10 preserve the aatural beauIy and c1Iar1M;ter of our Deiahbothood
and we are asking you to;. vote apimt this iDlnJSioD of OlD' ueighborhood by developers
wishins,to "line their ~.., instead oftaJcing OlD' best interest and desires into
consideration. ,..,
As residents. we feel that the City of Cannel and the City ofNoblesviDe sbouJd develop
this land In accordance wiIh the ament master plans as weD as in accordance with
Department ofNaIuIaJ Resources pidelines fur the proteCtion of wildlife and their
As ~ we are askiDa that developers working widlin NoblesWle, IN and Cannel,
IN win be required to coDlribule fimds annually to an independent, central fimd
contmllc:d by the city and msidenIS (50150). We are also askiD8 that all developers be
held &ccounaable tor any drying up ofweUs and co~lUlticm ofwater supplies when
dewlopment changes the water table, water quality,,, Developers would be
responsible mr all aociD8ry eoSlS associated wilh this is~ as detenniDcd by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a refbrendum Oft these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fOr the respective
&-liql'.'l, IN' ~~~3~ ~
Phone 3n - Of) 5-q~1J7 E-mail
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~ a Carmel taxpayer
I undentaDd that twO separate deveJopen have pracnteclEposaJs fOr
large commerclaJ/reIa dewJopment on the comer of 146 amd Hael Den roads. I
1WIelstaDd. thai both of tile propoeed cle\l81op1llel1t8 filiI oUlsicle of tile scope of. master
plan for the City ofNob1esviJ1e and the City ofCarmeJ. These master plans took several
years to fol"N"'. much iDput 10m citiJeDs 8Dd cky plaaDen, amd IDIIDY taxpayer dollars
in on:let to detetmine the most efticieat growth pattmDs for our cides. I am opposed to
commerciaJlrelBil development on these aDd any other comers along 146. street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop aDd 10" traffic, co~ial
noJses and smeUs, crime which retail development brings, $. Allowing for commercial
development on thfs corner will "open the door" tor fUrtber development to come in and
soon 146* __ will be 110 ditraeIIt thin a- Street or 96* Street. This is especially uue
since coJ'lJlllel'dalhe de\tek;pmeIII at Gmyhound Pass and J46'" ~ is IIIOviDg
fiD1ber eastaloDa J4(/b sa. and developers haw expressed an interest in other comers
along 146* Street. Cumnt IdaiI needs can be met within Smmntes or less in 3 different
directions &om the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishinS to "line mea pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration. ~
As residents, we feel tbaniw:Cky of Carmel and 1be City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in acconlance with the current master plans 88 well as in acco~ with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection OfWl1dlife and their
As residents, we are askins that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN Will be requb:ed tD contribute ftmds AnnU.811y to an independent. central fund
controDed by the city and residentS (SO/SO). We are ako asking that all developers be
held accountable ror any dryins up ofweUs and contAmtnetion of water supplies when
development c:ban&es the water table, water q1mIity, etc. Developers would be
respo.ible 1br all ancillary costs assoc;iated with this issue as detennined by a court or by
an arbitrator. .:.
I am also requesting a reftnndum on these isssues aDd am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name '\i-\.~~ ~'-tts-\s
I uncle-saud that two separaIe developers lave preseated proposals for
large ~ cIeveIopmeDt OIl die c:omerof J4(}A aDd Huel DenJOBds. I
UDderstand that both oCthe ~9C*d developments fiIll outside oftbe scope of the DIStel"
plan fOr the City ofNoblesviUe aad the City of CanneL These DJBSter phms took several
years to bmulate, much input &om ,,~ 8IId city pWuus, and IIIII1y tapayer doDus
in order to cIetennine the mo. efticiem RIOwth pIIlteIDS Cor 01B' cities. I BID opposed to
c:ommerciaIIn:t development on these and Illy ok c:onas aIoogl46tb SIn:et because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smeDs. crime which retail development briDgs, etc. Allowing for coDDDCn:ial
deve~ oa this comer wiIItsopeo the door" Cor timber development to come in and
soon 146. street wiD be 110 diftta.. than art StIeet 01' 96* Stteet. This is especlally true
since c:ollllllClCiaJhet clevelopmem at Greyhound PIss and 146" S1reet is moving
fUrther east aJona l~tb Street and developers "W ~,.essed an iaterest in Other comers
aIoug 14flt SIreeL Cummt reI8II needs can be met within SmiDutes 01' less in 3 different
directions &om the corner in question.
As residems, we wish to preserve the I2atur8l beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest 8Dd desires into
consideration. ""
As residents, we feel that 'theqity of Carmel and the City ofNoblesvil1e should develop
this Janel in accordance with the CU!IeI1l master plans as weD as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection ofwUdllfe and their
As resideDts, we are asldng that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to con1ribute fimds annua.Ily to an independent, central fund
contrOlled by the city and residents (SOISO). We lie also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any dryina up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table. wateI' quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for aU ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a coun or by
an arbitrator. ".
J am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asldDg that you consider this
AdIhos N~ 1l..J~~ {),-,v f
C.r~\ :r-JJ '-I"ol~
PhoneJ.e ~ <lS g", E-mail -
~I am a Nob1esviJ1e taxpayer -V.-I am a Carmel taxpayer
r ij t +t) '17 ~ -- 3 t);;). r.;
I understand that two separate developers have presented ~posals for
large commerciaJ/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
undeilSlaIld that both of tile proposed developmenas JBll outside of the scope of tile masteI'
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel These master plans took several
years to fOrmnhlt~ much input iom citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer doDars
in order to detamine the most efficient growth paIteIIIS tOr our cities. I am opposed to
COJDJDeICiaJIretail development on tbese 8Dd IIDY otb&:r comers aloD8 1466 street because
I do not wish to live m. an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
l10ises aDd sme~ crime which retail development ~ etc. Allowing fOr commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" tor further development to come in and
soon 1466.Sheet wm be 110 difJaeot tIIm r:r Street or 96* S1Ieet. This is especially true
since commereiaJlretail development at Greyhound Pass and 146. Street is moving
fUrther east along 146. Street aDd developers have expressed an interest in other 00I'IIeU
aIcmg 146" Stred. Current retail needs can be met within SmiDutes or less in 3 clitferent
directions from the corner in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote asainst this intnJsion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their poCkets" .instead of taking OlD' best imerest and desires into
consideration. . .',.'
As residents, we :reel that the City of Carmel and the City of No blesvi lie should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines fur the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within NobJesviJle, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to eoutn"bute funds RnntlRl1y to an independent, central fund
ccmaoDed by the city and resideoIs (SOISO). We are also asking that all developers be
held 8COOUldable fur any drying up of weDs aDd contamination ofwaaer supplies when
development cbaDges the water table, water quality, etc.:., Developers would be
respo.w"ble for all anciUary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider ~
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
cities. H. J"b it '" Kb+t-,
Name-.M{....V:.Jt-Jfi- F: I<{)+t, ?l~~;(. qtJtl-;
Address Jl..f:)~9 Wa..v.t.rly pro
C!..a..v...",..{../ :r:",. J..ffq D 3-3
. I
Phone ~.3 - 0.3 ~ f E-mail
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~I am a Carmel taxpayer
1 understand that two separate developers have presented jroposals for
large commerciaVretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. 1
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City of Noblesvilleand the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. 1 am opposed to
commerciaVretail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
1 do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146thstreet will be no different than 82nd Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commerciaVretail development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146th Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City ofC~e~ and the City QfNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection ofwildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
1 am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name if .:r {j"t K . 5 A'.f+-1:l
Address I '3 '3 ~ S ( ()\.FY. 'TR AiL
L ~Me.L
, N it 6 0 3~
\ "
Phone ~ I S- - 0'7'7 t
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer
E-mail / .:" .
~ 1 am a Carmel taxpayer"l
I' '.'
. t'..::;
,,~\; t:
"".{\ \\1
\.\\:.:.' 'O\J\;S
I understand that two separate developers have presented jroposals for
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146th street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comer will "open the door" for further development to come in and
soon 146th street will be no different than 82nd Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commercial/retail development at Greyhound Pass and 146th Street is moving
further east along 146th Street and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146th Street. Current retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up of wells and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
lam also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name '"b-f. C H-1'rN 1) 1\1\J Ai- S /1 '1+1\
Address I 3 ~ '5b
S IOU }:. '~ A I L
e.. ~ iIY\ e L j
N Lt60~3
Phone ~ I '5 - 0 (I 6
I am a Noblesville taxpayer
t.--f am a Carmel taxpayer
uec 11 U~ lU:~4p
Frank Sanciorcio
(317) 844-95~U
I awdersIand dial two sepeaate developers haw presented ~ :fbr
large COIDIIIeft:iaJIretail development on the comer oft46 and Hazel Dell roads. I
tl4deisblud that both oflbe imposed dewJopmeDIS filii outside ofabe scope oCIbe master
plan fbr the City ofNoblesviDe and the City of Carmel These master plans took several
years to tbrrnn'-> much input fiom. citizeas aDd ciI.y p~ and DIUlJ taxpayer dollars
in older to det-hIP. the most efficient BlOwth pat~IIIS fOr our cities. I am opposed to
c:ommadaJ/nUil development on these aud BDy otheI' oomers aIoDg 146* SIreet ~
I do DOt wish to Iiw in an area which is co~ with "stop and I!P" trafIic. ~cia1
noises 8Dd smeDs, crime which retail de\lelopmeDt brings, etc. ADowiog fOr COlllllleleial
development on this comer will "open the door" tOr further development to come in aDd
soon 146'" street wDl be no diffimmt than frJ."'! Street. or 96"" Street. This is especially true
since commerciaJlretail deveJopmeat at Greyhound Pass and 1466 S1Ieet is moving
further east aIoDg t4()'1 Street 8Dd cte.eIopers haw exp:esscd an ~ ill otber comers
along 146* Street. Current retaiI..- can be met witbin Smin1wtes or Jess in 3 different
directions fiom the CODI8I' in question.
As residents, we wish 10 preserve the DItuIaI beauty and daaractei of OlD' ueighborhood
and we are asking you to vote 9inst this iDInaion of our oeigbbolhood by developers
wishing to "line tbeir pocbts'" instead of18kiDg our best hIterest and desires into
ccmsideaaOO.D. .
As residents, we feel did the City of Cannel and the City ofNoblesviJle should develop
this laud in accordance with die curreut master plans as wen as in acconIaace with
Depadmeol ofNatmal Resoun:es guidelines _ the protection of wildlife and their
habitats. ". . .
As ~Its, we are askiag that developers workiDg witbin ~ IN and Carmel,
IN wD1 be re.fuiled 10 contribute funds AnIID8l1y to an indepeDdeo( central fund
controlled by die city aud resideDts (SOISO). We are Uo askiIJg dI8t aD developers be
held acooUlllable tbr auy drying up of weDs and co.d...\.~nation ofwater suppBes when
developmeot changes die Water table, waB quality, etc.. Dew:1opers would be
responsible 10r an ancillary c:os1S MSOCiated wiIh this issue as determined by a court or by
an aabihdtof.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fur the respective
Name--FR.ArJlL SANG.fOe, 1'0
Address bU I ~
CIdZ.Ma- . I AI
( "
Phone (30) Stf1- 9{)JD
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer
t.//po $..3
E-mail JIi^."; F@ 1c-hol ~ Cth-..
V'tam a Carmel taxpayer
uc.....-oJ-~ QIO....JO
::x:L..l1NU U'11~ I 1'"
'>l..( ::>':1tS ':R:I(J( t'. ~/W
I uncIc:ntaad that two separate developers _'VC pmIf ~posaJs 1br
hqe commercialltetail ~ OD the amICI of 1 and Hazel DcII roads. I
UDderstaod that both oCtile ProPosed dewlopments U outside oCtile scope of tile master
plan fur the City ofNobJesville aud the City of CarmeL These master plans took sevaaI
yean to formt'....." much iDput ftom eiIPeDs &lid city planDers, and many ~ dollats
in older to determine the most efficient lP'Owth patterns fOr our cities. I am opposed to
comn~iaJhetajJ de'VClopm.eat on tIIese and any other canas alPDg 1~ street beamse
I do DOt wish to Hve in an area wbidl is amgesIed with "stop and 80" uafIic, c:ommen':ial
noises and smells. aimewhich retail clhelopmem brinp. *- ADowing mr ammercial
deveIopmem 08 this comer will "open the cJom- h fbrtber development to come in and
soon 14(/1 street will be no dift"elola than ~ S1reet 01' 96" S1reet. Tbis it especially true
siDf.e colDlDeldallretai1 ~ at GreybouDcI Pass'" 14(/\ S1JeeI1s JIlO'YiDg
fi:&nher C8St aIoDg 14fl" Street and developers have ~~ 8D intaest in other comers
along 14(/l SIreet. Current JetaiI needs can be met within SDrinutes or Jess in 3 different
directioJJs hill tile COmei' iD questipa.
As resideuts. we wish to ~ tile IIIlUI1II beauty and duaacter of our ucighbodlood
aud we are askiDg you to \'Ote 9in. this intrusion of our neighborhood by deveJopen
wishiDg to "line their po<:kets" iDstcad oftaldng our best interest and desires into
As residems, we fi:eI that the City of Cannel and 1be City ofNoblesville should deYeJop
this land in accordaec:e with the \.UIreut master plans as weD as in aec:ordance with '
Depat~Dt ofNataral Resources pideUnes tOr the ~ ofwildH& and their
As reBfdeQts, we are askiDg that developers workias wiIbin NobJemJle, IN and Carmel.
IN will be required to CODIribute fimds annIIAlly to 8Il indepeJtdeDt. central fimd
ccmtroIlecJ by the city and.-esiclellts (50150). We are also utma that aD dew:lopc.n be
held 8Ca)UOtab)e fbr any dryins up ofweJls and ~ ofwaaer supplies when
cleve10pmem c.... the waIa ta1JIe, water quality, etc. DeVelopers would be
respoIDible tor aD anclllary costs assocDded with this issue as detAnnltud by a coun or by
an adWab. .
I am also ~ a refereadum on these isssucs and am asking that you comider this
request as my vote to b:ep this area In accordance with the mala' plan ror the respecti""
Name Lau~'~ St.'d~
Address ('-J" ~ c.rr-S wo Lf) L AN ~
~ ~L ( IN VlJ,ln:3
Phone Pi S' ~ c..f 3 E.mai1 +., SLI~.h.o ~O).i ( . ~
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~ am a Carmel ~er
I -
large eominacialhetail ciewlopmeDt Oil the conier of 146" aDd H8ml Dell roads. I
UJidtlatoud that both oCtile proposed deveIopmeata 611 oUI8Jde of the scope of the masler
plan fOr the City ofNobleMUe aDd the City of CarmeL " These master plans wok several
years 10 tbnnulale, much bJpaI ftom ~ and ckypJaauers, 8Dd fD8DY taxpayer dolt8rs
in order to "detemrioe tire most eflideDl growth pattaD51br our dties. I am opposed to
couuu.erciaJheta ~ on these and any othec comers aIoug 14f1t SIIeel bealur
I do not wish to liw in an area which is consested with ''stop and go" traftic~ commetclal
noises and smells. crime whiCh retail deveJopmeDl brings, etc. Allowing fOr commercial
deve10pmeut on this comer will "opeu. tile c:ioor>> tbr"tbrtha: development to come in and
soon 1466 street wm be DO di&a:ea4 than ~ Street or ')6* Street. This is especially true
since ~ deveIopmout at (ftyhouad Pass and 146* S1n:et is moviDg
further east aIoos 146. Street aud devdopers bavo expressed aD Dmest in other cc:araers
aIoDl 146Cb Street. Cuneat retail aeeds can be met wJddn Sh,hQJ!a or less in 3 diftbeat
dncdons fiom the comer in question.
.4.8 ~ we wish to preserw the1J8tUlal beauty aud character orom neJ&hborhoocl
wishing to '"line their pockets" .instead oftakiDg oW' best ~ilSt and desires into
As resideDts, ~ teet that the.City ofCarmel8Dd the City ofNoblesville should develop
1bIs laud ill accol'dam:e with 1he wu-' IDIISter plaus.. weD 88 .. accord8lKle with
~bue.4 ofN8ba81 ResoIliCeS guideJtaes tbr the paotecdoa ofwildlife and 1heir
A:5 RSidads, we arc II!idD8 tbBt. ck:vdopea ~ wiahht NobIesvi11e, IN and Carmel,
IN will be JalUired ~ COIIIriI:ruIe.... -Ily to ID iDdeJxudeIIt.. cemraJ ibDd
COlIImIled by the city aud R:SideuIS (501SO). We ale also as1dag that aD cte.elopels be
held accoWltable fur any drying up ofweJJs and CO~D of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. . Developers would be
responsible for all ancilJary costs associated with this issue as determined by a OOll11 or by
m~mm. .
t'amalso reqvestiDg a ~e4dum OD these ~ aDd am eskiDg that you CODSidertbis
requesI as my VQ1le to keep this .. in accoJdaDge with tile ...... plan tbr the respective.
Name p..JV\i, ~e: \I'Ej2.S
Address t;;1f~q W eoDF' El.-t> bIZ. .
c..A~eL 'N ~~
Phone ~~t" - crtfq I
_I am aNob1esviUe taxp,aya'
-y-I am a Carmel taxpaYer
U~~-UO-LUUL-rKl U~:~L ~ U&~I" L~jl'~
1.1'\1\ ..'v. "'1' .,J, 'IJ oJ" I V
. -~
i) ,
I ~ that twO sepuatc developers have ~ proposals fOr
IaJ:ge c.ommerciaJ/ret deveJop0W4 on the comer ofl~ sOd 8ueI Dell roads. I
undeastaud that both of the pmposed ~pments &IJ outside ofttle scope of the master
plan fOrthe City ofNoblesville aud the City of CarmeL These 8I8Sf8r plans took. several
yecn to f'ormJ)~" JDUCh iDput fi'om citizens and city p~ and many taxpayer dollats
in order to detemiue the most ef&cient growth patterns for our ciIies. I am opposed to
commerciaJlretail development OIl these and any odaer comers mag l~ street because
1 do not wish to live in an area which Is cougested with "stop and f!lJM. ~ oommercial
noises and smeDs, crime which retaiJ development brings, etc. .Allowing mr commercial
develo~ on thiscotlla' will "open the ~ 1br 1Urtber de\le1opmeDt to eome in and
soon 14f1b street wiD be no ttiffereDt1ban art ~ or 9tfh Street. This is especially tnJe
since COIIIIJlaCiaI/r developll1el1t at GJ:eyhound Pass and 146* Street is moving
further east aloDg 14tJh S1reel BOd. deveIopas ha~ exprascd an interest ill other COl1JerS
alooa 1M)" Street. Cuneat mail Beeds can be :met within Sminutes Of Jess in 3 d~eQt
cJiR:aions fiom the comet in question.
As residents. we wish to preserw tbe natural beauty and ~ of our neighborhood
and we are askiJ;Ig YO" to vOte -.... this iotmsion of Out neighborhood by developers.
wishing to -Jine their pockets" insae=uf oftakiDg our best Imerest and desUes into
As residents. 1llIe feel that the City of Cannel ancI1he City ofNoblesville should develop
tbi; laud in accordance with the cunent UIISter plaDs as weD as in accordance with
Depattmeot ofNatmal Resoun:es goideJine! fhr tJJe ~ofwildlife and their
habimts.. .
As ~, we an: askiug that developers ~ withirlNobksvnle, fN and Cam.ael,
IN will be required to contribute ftmds ."nu.lly to au indepewmt central fund
controlled by the cily and resickus (50150). We ale also astiog that all developers be
held aecoODl8ble fOr lIlY cIryJns up ofwells and CO\'Pminfllion ofWBIer supplies when
development cbauges the water table, waIei quality, er.c.. ~Iopen would be
responsible :lOr all anciJJaIy wsts associated with this issue as detenniaed by a court flf by
I am also requesting a xeJaendmn on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this. area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name_~.... ~ V1
Address S"\b~ \)JQa!.~ ~~CL
~ :L~ "fa~ ~3
r .
Phone "'l...s"\8"~\ .E-1p8il ~~~~*.~
_1 am a NobleMUe taxpayer ~l am a Cannel taxpayer
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I undeIstaud that two separate cIevelopers have pzegemed.JBOposals fbr
large co~iaIhetail ~ on the comerofl~ and Hazel Dell roads. I
uode!Stand thIt both ottbe pIOp)secI deveJopDleftts &II outside olthe scope oftbe master
plan fur the City ofNoblesv:ille and the City of CarmeL These master plaDs took sewra1
years to tbl'lllUl8le, much input 10m cilbJens aud city plAnners. ami many !&;payer doUars
in order to detei~ the most efticient growth patterns fOr our cities. I am opposed 10
commerciaIIreta dewIopmeat on these and any other comers along 1~ street 1)Pr~
I do BOt wilh to Bve in an area which is CODIl!sted with "stop 8Dd go" traffic, collllDeldal
noises and Arne", aime which retail dewIopmeat brings, etc. ADowiDg Ibr ftHIIIrIM'CW
cbeJo,.m on this co... will "npen die door" fOr 1brtber cle\te1opmeDl to COIUe in and
soon 146'b stn:et will be DO difremIt tbaa ~ S1Ie8t or 9({A Street. This is especially true
since ro"'.~iaIIretaiJ development II Greyhound Pass aad 146* Street is DlOWig
further east along )461h S1reet 8Dd deYelopas have ~~ an iaterest in other anners
aJoag 1~ S1Ret. Current retail needs can be iDet wiIhin 5J11iqIl~ or Jess in 3 diJJerent
directions fiom the comer in questioa.
As residents, we wish to preserve tbe DIIt1iral beauty aDd character of our neighbomood
and we are askiag you to vote aptrw this WttuSivu of our DeighbodJood by df:\'elopers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead ottakioc our best interest and desires iDto
cODSideration.: _
As residents, we feel ... the~ity of'Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in aCcordance with the c~ master plaDs IS wen as in acamJance with
Obp8ibh6l1t of Natural Resources guidelines fOr the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, ~ are asking that developers workiDg within Nob1esviDe, IN and Cannel.
IN win be required to COIIIribuSe fimds RftII1I~11:yto an ~, ceotn1 fund
controned by the city aad residents (5OISO). We are also asking that aD developers be
held accountable fOr any dryiog up of wells ami rnntamination ofwarer supplies when
deveJopmeDt dJanges the water table, water quality, etc.. DeveIopeIs woW4 be
responsible fOr aU lIIIr:i11ary OOSIS associated with this . as detemUned by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am askiDg that )'011 consider this
request as my vote 10 keep this mea in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name /tfll,e." ~ ~~( I4htl ~~
Address 55S3 E. /t./9J .sr-
If/tJb/~L)/llc :I;J ~O{,O
PbDne~/7- 77.3' 7'3~ l, E-mail $TiLL.Sr &~jt/ D ~ c:2>~
XI am a Nobles:vnle tlJq)ayet _I am a Carmel taXpayer
UI,;;'--J.'-~ J.J.oUJ
rt!:;' ,.1t1i\ rtr:rL ~'H'!:; UI'QJUr":)
j.&., ..uJ o,JtJ...., .. -... --
I undeaAa..d th8l twO separate developers)me ~ !tted jJlOposaIs fbr
large coDllDCl'Cial/let development on the comer of l~ aad Hazel DeB I08ds.. [
ulldeu...ct that both ofllle jmposccl deveIoV'nem~ &aU ollbdde of'" soope of tile IDBStef
phm fbr the City ofNobIesville and the City of CarmeL These IIIIIter pJaua took several
yeIIJS to tbnmalate. much iDput 10m citizeDs aad city P....... .... DIUlY taxpayer dollars
in order to deh:LmiDe the lII08I eIIicient powth p8tte1bS fbt 0111' cities. I am opposed 10
co.uuuerciallrelail dewIopmeat on these aad IDJ odIer coaas" 146'" SIreet bec8use
I do DOt wish to live ill aD l18li wbIch is couacsted with "stop and yp'lt traflic, e4"ftmercial
noises _ sme" crime which JetaiJ development briDp, etc. AIIowiD,g tOr CODUDeI'G"
development on this comer will"" the door" fix fiuthIr cIeveIopmeal to come ill aDd
soon 14tf'l saeet will he 110 ~ than aM S1IeIt or ~ S1reet. "Ibis is especially true
sin~ C4)0....~ dewIopmeat It (RyIIoaad PIss aDd 1~ Street is moms
tbrtIJer.. aJoDa J" SIIe8l aad developers "W Gp.a.ABd .. iDteIal in other comers
along 146111 Street. Cum:nt nt8iI needs caa be .. witbin SmiDutes or less in 3 cliffe-em
dlrectkms 80m tile corDa' in ~ .
As resideDts, we wish to 9t~vi the -.nl beauty 8Dd dIarader ofoUr aeiahhorbood
and we &Ie as1dDa you to WIe ....1.. dais ImrusioD of 0111' aeiahbodmod by developers
wishing to '1ine tI1eir poc:Jceu- iDsce8d oftlldna our best ia&::lest ami desires IDto
this land in accOJdaDI:e with the caneat 1DBSk%.... as weD IS ill acconfaftce with
~~ ofNaaural Reso1nes tp.NJeIina fbr die pmteetion of wildlife 8Dd their
habit... .
As ~ we arellllldng that developers woddDa ~.~ IN 8Dd Carmel,
IN wiD be requiIal to cxmaibale fimds JIDIIUIIIy to aa ~..... c:entraJ fimcl
CODboOed by the dly ami mldGl (SOISO). We are also sskiaa" aD developers be
held KCOUDl8bIe fOr., ckyIag up ofweDs ad "".~m:'llIIfIon ofwatel' supplies wIleD
~1opmeDI........ die --tabID. water q.IJtJ. ere. Developers would be
respousibJe fbr 81111Ci11ary costs ~tcd with Ibis Issue 88 delaud4ed. by a C01IIt or by
aD ....db-.
I am also requesdDs a refinnclum on these isssues 8Dd am askiDg that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordaace with the DIISter plan mr the respective
Name-bJM'~ S'~IA
Phone g-I.//I ~~ E-..-f,,,
_I am a NobIesviIIe ~ ~ii a CaIraICl fDIIaYet
TOTRI... Po 01
I understtUld that two separatc devclopers have presented lroposals for
large commercial/retail development on the corner of 146 and Huzel Dell road.;;. 1
unden.1and that both of the proposed developments fall olltsideofthe scope of the ma....ter
plan for the City of Noblcsville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer doJIars
in order to dClermine tbe most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commen:iaVretail development <In these a:nd any other comers along 146lh street becau...e
J do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "SlOp and go" traffic, commcrcial
noises and smells, crime which retail development brings, eUi. Allowing fur commercial
development on this comer will "'open the door" fbr further development to come in and
soon 146lh street will be no different than 82nd Street or 96th Street. This is especially true
since commcrciaVrctail development at Greyhound Pas.o; and 146. Street is moving
further east along 146lh Street add developers have expressed an intctcst in other comers
along 146lb Street. Cum:nt retail needs can be met within Sminutes or Jess in 3 different
directions from the comer in question.
A'S residents~ we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pqckets" instcad of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration. ~.
As rcsidem~ we feel th:1t the'City orCarmel and the City ofNoblesville should dcvelop
this land in accordance wilhlhe current master plans as well as in accordance with
l>epartment of Natural Resouroes guidelines for the protection ofwildJife and their
As residents. we are a....king that developers working within NoblesvilJe, IN and Carmel.
IN will he required to contribqte funds 8MUally to an independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residenL<; (50150). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable fur any drying up ofwetJs and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the watet' table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this i.fsue as determined by a court or by
an~h~~r. '
J am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the m.-pective
Phone 3oC( -~~~ .. .__E-u,.il r"-tY'\Q..--t @ '~. r-w-, ('~
__I am a NoblesvilJe taxpayer _'./ I am a Cannel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented rposals for
large oommcrc:iaVretaJl development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
W1detstand that both of the proposed developments fall outside of the scope of the master
plan fur tile City ofNoblcsville and the City of Cannel. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input &om citizl:ns and city planners, and maoy taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns for our cities. I am opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 146111 street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "SlOp and go" ttalfac. commercial
noises and smcJ1s, crime which retail development brings. etc. Allowing for commercial
development on this comet' will ~pcn the door for further development to come in and
soon 146lh street will be no different than ~ Street or 96111 Street. This is especially true
sinee commen;:iallrew1 development at Greybouad Pass and 146'" Street is moving
funher ea... along l46da Street and developers haw expre$8ed an interest in other comers
along 146. Street. CllI'tCnt retail needs can be met within SminuteS ot less in 3 different
directions from the comer in question..
As residents. we wish to pICSCJ'VC the natural beauty andcbaracter' of our neighborhood
and we arc asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their JXlckeLS" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration. '.. .
As residents, we feel that the~tity of Cannel and the City ofNoblesvillc should develop
this land in accordance with the current m.'\Ster plan~ as well as in ac::conlance with
Department of Natura) Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers workiDa within Noblesvil1e. IN and ('.armel.
IN will be reqUired to conuibute funds annually to an independenI. eentral fund .
controlled by tbe city and residents (SO/SO). We ale also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying lAp of wells add contamination of walei' supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
respon.'iible for all ancillary costs associated with this iJsue as detennined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
J am also requesting a referendum on these L'iSSue5 and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordaJ.:e with the master plan for the respective
Name.. ~;' tI.l 1).... J..__.~.1A.L~ (' l-
Address '5CQ() V~.!.CiuL Pl~t-t
lll.n,,'\~Li...f~ %033
Phune . 5~O .- at I ~ .'._ E-mail rs:.lV\il.r t ~.i~~V' rr . CtHY\
.___1 ant a Noblesville taxpayer -LI am a Cannel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have preseoted ~saJs for
large (".()IJUUCR;ialfretaiI development on the comer of 146 and Hazel DeD roads. I
uoderstaDd that both of the proposed developments fall outside ofd1e scope of tile master
plan for the City ofNoblesviUe and the City of CarmeL These master plans toOk several
years to tbrmulate, much input ftom cjtizeDs and city planners, aud 018Il)" taxpayer cIoUars
in order to determine the most efticleot growth patterns for our cities. I... opposed to
Q(Ullnaciallretail development nn these and any other corners along 146'" street because
I do DOt wish to live in an 8IQ which is c:oogested wiIb "stop and go" b'a8ic, commercial
noises and smells. crime wbicb retail development brings. etc. Allowing fOr COIIDIlaCiaI
de~1opment on this coma will ~pen the door" tOr further development to come in and
soon 146. street will be no dilTaem than 8~ SIJeet or 96* S1Ieet. This is especially trUe
gince commerciaJlret.ail development at Greyhound Pass and 1 ~ Sueet is moving
fbrther east along 146" Street aud developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 14(/A Street. Cummt retail needs can be met witbiD Sminutes or less in 3 differem
directiOns from the comer u. quc:stion.
As residents, we wish.~ ~ the nat1nI beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you. toVc)le against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockers" instead of takiog our beSt interest and desiR:s iIJto
As residents, we ~l that the City orCJlnnel and the City ofNoble.sville should develop
this IaDd in aecordance with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines tbt the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that deveJopas working within NoblesvUle, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to comribote funds ammally to an incIependeat, c:entral fund
controlled by the city and reswP-lJts (SOl SO). We are ~ asking that all developers be
held KCOUDlabIe fOr any drying up of weDs and contamination ofwatel supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, de. Developers would be
responsible fur all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requestiDg a referendum on these jsssues and am askfng that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan tbr the respective
Narne_j/Lb~~ ~d
Address I 0
Jrwui, J2t
Phone B~ ~ -t1' '1q~
I am a Noblesville taxpayer
;;>4-' am a Cannel taxpayer
SO/.8-818-L IE
clOZ:ZO ZO ..0 oao
I ~...d that two separate developers have pI~ ~saJs fOr
large colDIIJa'(;illl/retail"dewelopment 0Il1hc comer of 146 aDd Hael Den toads. I
amdtnIaDd tbIt botb ofllle proposed de-ve1opmeDts filii oUlside of the scope oCthe ~
plan for the City orNoblesville and the City of Cannel 'Ibeac master pIIms took several
yeers to tbmmlate,. much input ftom citbams and dty plamBs. end many taxpayer dollars
in order to detennine the most elT...1ent pJWlh paaems for our citles. I am opposed to
con~iallletail de~1opmeDt 011 these and any other mmers Uma 146* street because
1 do DOt wish to 6ve in an area which is co..... with "stop and go" traftk. conm~iaI
noises aod smeUs, crime wbieh retail dcwlopmeDl brings. etC. ADowing fOr commen:ial
developmeDt OIl this CXN:Der will "open the door" fOr IiIrdIa' developmeDlIO COllIe in aad
soon 14681 sueet will be no diB'enmt dan a-t Street or 96* Street. This is especially uue
since commereJa)IreIBil develo,.Denl at Greyhound Pass and 14611I StIeet is moviDg
fUrther easl along 146*' Street and deveIopen ba~ ~esaed aD inten:st ill other c;orners
abng 14681 Street. Cunent nuiI needB can be met widDn Sminutes 01' less in 3 diIFerent
directions &om the comer ill questioD.
As residents, we wish to preserve the ..... beauIy 8Dd character of our neighborhood
aDd we Ite asking you 10 vote epinst this inInIsioD of our neighborhood by developers
wisbing to "tine their ~" instead of taking 018' best interest and desires iIIIo
consideration. ' ,:.: .".
As n:sidenls..we teet that.l~ity ofCannd .m the City ofNobleaviUe should develop
this land in accoldanc:e wiIh the amem masteI' plans as weD as in acamIance with
J)eparImeIa ofNaturaJ Resources guidelines tor the protection ofvn1dlife 8Dd their
As iesideDts, ~ are 88kiqJ that developers working withiD Nob1esviIJe. IN and Cannel.
IN will be requRd to c:onIribute fimds ___Ity to an iDclependent. ce:nII'BI fimd
CODllOI1ed by the dry and leSideats (50150). We &Ie also askiDc that aJI clevelopers "
held aa:oUDtab1e fOr any dry.. up of weDs and collt.mftuation of water supplies when
~ cbfmaes the watertablc; water quality, etc:.. Developers would be
responsible ibr aD ancillary costs lISSOdatecl with this ~ as deIermiDed by a court or by
-~. .
I am also requesdlJl a retaendum on Ibese isssues .. am asking that ,ou 00II$ider this
request as my vote to keep lids area in accordance with the master plan fbr the n:spec;tive
\ 4ti>'3
Phone _'\"" (\\ \.t\- -"nn h n~c;- 00\. U)~
_I am a Noblesvitte taXpayer +1 am a Canne-t;yet'
I UDdersIaDd 1hat two separate developers have present.ed~ for
large COiMIeI'CIaIhetail clevelopmeut on the CODa of 146 aDd Hazel Dell roads. I
UDdersIaDd that both of the ProPosed ~loPJl*dS tall 0UISide ofdle scope oftbc mast.
plan fOr die City ofNoblesvil1e IIDCI the City of CanneL These u.ster plans took several
years to ro.......lAtelO IIII1Ch iDput hm citirens and city pIamJenr, audlDllDy bIllpIlyer dollars
in cmIer to determine tile IDOSI eflicieDt gmwth. paaems fOr OUt cities. J am opposed to
commerclaIIreta1 development on these and aay other comers 8IoDll~ stJeet ~IKe
I do DOt wish to 6ve in an area which is congested with "slop and p" traffic, co..dDel'CiaI
noises and smen~ crime which retail ~ brinp. etc. AIIowina mr commercial
cleve~OII1bis comer will "opeD tile door" tor tunher deveIopmeaI to aHDe iD BOd
SOOft 1 ~ SIIeet will be no ctifferem than ~ Stteet or ~ S1nlet. This is especially true
since comnaerciaJlrelail deye]opment 81 Greyhound Pass &ad 146" Sareea is moviDa
further east 8IoDg 146* Street ... developers have expressed ID Intaat in Other COm.eJS
alons 146* Stn::et. Cunc:nt retail needs caD be met wilbin Smmmcs or Jess in 3 ditferenl
directious 10m the c:omer in question.
As .aide.u. we wish to ~ the natuml beauty and character of our neishborhood
and we are asking,au to vote ~ thD intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishiDg to "line their poctretsMiDstad oftakiDg our best interest 8Dd desires into
C08Sidtt~D. , ...:;... ,~.
As residents, We &:e11bBltheCky otCannel aod the City ofNobIesvIBe should de\telop
this land ill IICCOId8oce with the C\:II'rint IDIIler plans as welles in 8(D)nIaoce willi
Department ofNaturat Resources guideHnes fbr the proteetion ofwildlife and their
As resideDIs, we.are BSkin8 that developers worldnS within NabJesvUle, IN and Carmel,
IN willlJe required to contribuIe timds 8D11U&lly to an iDcIependeDI, ceoIr8l fimd
controlled by the city aDd residents (SOISO). We are also asking that all dew:Iopers be
held accountable fur 8DY drying up of wells and wmaminatioa ofwater supplies when
development cbanps the water 1II~ wat. quality, de. DewIopers would be
respGDSible ibr all ancillary costs associated with this issue lIS detenDined by a coun or by
.. arbltrator.
I BID also recp---. a NInndum on tbese isssue~ and am asking that 1011 cousicIa' this
request as my vote to bep this area in BIXlOrdaDce with the master plan for the 1espec.tM:
Address \ ~'
~ 4l.(J3~
Phone ~. Qgl" ~ -It". 4 ~ ~ t . lOrn
_1 BID a NoblesviDe taxpaYeI' ~18ID a Carme ....yer
, undentaDd \bat tv<<) ~ate dae\o\ltl'S have presented proposals for
~~~~lopmeotonthe comerofl4(}fi and Huel.DeDmads. I
l~ tbat both atdJe ~posed dPdopmeots &II outside oldie scope olthe master
~ b\lle Cily ofNo'b1esW1e aod 1be City ofCarmcl. These master plans took several
7eatS toJb1mu-.. JDUdJ iDput Iiomcil:~/1S and city p~ and many 1aXpByer dollars
itJ onIer to deted... tire most efticient growth paItemD tor 018' cities. I am opposed to
CiOIDIDeIclaIIr ~ on these and any 01her oomers aIoD8 146* street ~!;f'!
I do DOt wish 10 live in an area which is ~ wiJb "stop and pp" traffic:, GOIDIDetcial
mises 8Dd smeDs, crime wJJichrelail dneJopment briogs, etc. Allowing fOr co1DlJ1eKial
~ on this cxmaer will "opeD the door" fbrfurther de\oelopment to come in and
soon 146"- SIIeet will be DO difI'ereot than ~ Street 01' 966 su.. This is especially true
since ~..~ cIevelopment at Greyhound Pass aDd I~ Street is moving
Mithea: east aIcms 146* SIn:et and developers haw CllJll'esscd 8ft interest in other comers
aJong J46'" Stnu CuDent.relail needs can be met within S1lmnJteS or less in 3 different
directioas fiDm die comer in question.
As ~ we widJ to preserve the natural beauty and cbarac:ter of our neighborhood
and we are asking you 10 vote against this iDImsion of om' ~ighIlIJd1ood by developers
wishing 10 "Jiae their pOdtets?' instead oftakiDg our best Deresl aad ~~ into.
CODSideration. "
As 1esidentS, we fi:eJ that the City O{CarmCJ and the Cily ofNobJesvilJe should develop
this lalJd in accordance with the cum:ot master plans as wen as in ac:c:ordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines fOr the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, weare asking that developers working within NoblesviJ~ IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute fimds Anmlal1y to an inciepeDcIeDt, cemraI fund
c:ontroDed by the city and residents (50150). We are also askiog tbat aU developers be
held acconntable fbr any drying up ofwveDs and CODtamination ofwater supplies when
development cbaDges the watel'tabIe, wateI' quality. etc.,. Developers would be
responsible fOr aD ancillaly costs asociated with this issUe as detPl'lnmM by a court or by
an~. .
I am also reqnfld~ a referendum on these i$SSUes and am a*iog that you consider this
request718S lIlY. te to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fOr the respective
cities. Q
Name ".u...d,) IJfI.d;))I~) .
Address 6" ff)'] VI.~.yx1A(J.JuJ~'
rf /
L~71Yl{Lf .
Phone !] /f:J - rJ52l..f E-mail
_I am a NoblesviUe taxpayer ,,/" I am a Cannel taxpayer
fJt-OE NO. : 2194368569
Dec. B9 2002 11: SlAM P02
1 understand that two separate developers have presented poposaIs for
large commerciaIIreWI development Oft the comer or I ~ miclllazel Dell roads. 1 .
understand that both oftbe proposed deveIopmeDts filU outside of tile scope of tile ID88ter
pJao fOr tIJe City ofNobIesviIle and the City of Carmel. 'I1IO$C master plans took several
years to tbrmuJat.e. 'much iDput ftom eitizens and city pJaoners, aad DI8Dy taxpayer dollars
in Older to determine the most efticleot IIOwth p8ItemS fOr our cides. 1 am opposed 10
commereiallrctail development on these 8IId any other comers along 14(/a street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is CODge8Ied with "stop and 80'" 1raftic, COIIUIIeICiaI
IJOJses and smells. crime which retail developmenl brings, etc. Allowing fOr coJJUDel'Cial
~ on this comer will "opell the door" fbr further development 10 come in and
soon J 46. street WI'1 be no dif'renmt than ~ Street or 96h 8net. This is especJally true
since eommerciaIIreIaiJ development at Grcybound Pass aod 146" S1met is movina
further east aIoDg 146* Street and 4eveJopeis have expressed an interest ill other COTIlerS
along 146111 Street. Curreal rel8i1 ueeds C8ft be mea within SmiDutes or less ia 3 cII&ereDl
dfrectiona tom the comer in queslIon.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty aDd character of our Deipborhood
and we are askinS you to VOle apiDst this Intrusion or our aeigbborbood by deYeJopen
wishlug to "line tIJeir pockets" iDstead oflakin,g our best interest and desireS into
As residents, we feel that the City ofCarmelIlDd 1he City ofNobJemUe should develop
this land in acc;ordanc:c with the cummt master plans as weD as in acconIance with
Department of Natural Rcso1D'CeS guidelines fOr the protcclio~ofwiJdIife and their
habitats.;' . .
As feIIidents. we arc -ins that deYeJopen workiDs within NobJesvilJe, IN and 0vmeI.
IN will be requin:d 10 contribute fUnds ammal1y to an imtcpencIall, ceutraI Amd
CODboDed by the city 8Dd resideD1s (SO/SO).. We aN also asking 1ha1 all developers be
held 8CCOUDtabIe mr 811)' ckyiug up ofweJls and COId8miDatioa of water supplies when
de\'elopment cbaIJaes the water table. water quality, etc. Developers would be
respoIISI'bJe for all andl'" costs 8SSOCiated with this issue 8B detennined by a court or by
.. arbitrator.
J am also requesdng 8 rdlendum ~D these isssues and am asking that you consider th!,
request as my vote to keep this area in acconlance wiIh the muler plan for the respecuve
cklea. ,1.1 tJt:
Name :il k'-\ (t.(,L, .1Ll./
---. L/l,o ??
Phnne~ r ,qyq ~ _.__E-ril~1JGtJ 6) N&:,rOflt
_I am a NoblesviJle taxpayer +-1 am a Carmel taxpayer
DEC-06-2002-FRI 09:41 AM DELTA EXEClJflVE
FAX NO.317 573 3478
I understand that two separaIC developers ha~ presented ~posals fur
large commerciaJhetail cle\dopment on die comer of 146 aDd H.,I Dell roads. I
UDdetsu..d that both ofabe proposed dewJopmcnts JaIl oulSide ofthc scope of tile master
plan fur the City ofNobles"jlle and lhe City of Carmel These master plans lOOk several
years to formulate, much iuput 10m citizeDs 8Dd city plllnners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to deteldliae the most eft1cteat 8lO\lth. paUems fOr our cities. 1 am opposed to
commerciallrew' development OD these and lIlY other comas aIoog 1 ~ street because
I do not wish to live in III area which is GODP8fiOd with ';top .... vp" uafIic, commerdaI
noises and ~ crime which 1'daiI developmeat brinas, etc. Allowing for comDleJ'eial
deveJopmeni on this comer will ~ the cIoor" tor furtIa clewlopamDl ro come ill and
soon 146* street \ViII be DO ditfaent tblll 82*' Street or 9fI' Street. Tbm is especially true
since commefdallretail develOpment at OreyboUDd Pass and 146* SUeel is moving
tbrther east along 146dt Street and developn have exptased an inIerest in other COrDers
810,. 146* StIeeI. Current I\Dil needs C8D be met wiIhIn 5minutes or lass in 3 diffaent
directions &om the comer III question.
As raidents, we wish'to preserve die natural beauty and obarBter of our neighborhood
and we ale asklDa you to vote .-iMt.this iaIrusiou of our uolgbborhood by devetoPers
wishing to COline their pocketS" instead oftaIdDg our bestlaterest and desires into
As resideDlS, we feelm. tile City of Cannel.... die City ofNoblesvil1e should develop
this land in accordance with the cuneot master plans as .,It as in accordance with
Department of Natural ResoURle8 SUldellnes fOr the proiectioit ofwilclllfe and their
As residents. we are asking that developers woddns within NoblesvUle.IN and Carmel.
IN will be required to contribute thnds 8IIIIU8Ily to an bIdependent, central ft.md
CODIroIIed by the city and residelds (50150). We are also 88IdDg dial all developers be
held accountable fO.. any ckyiDg up of weill and co.....llNltlon ofwater suppUes when
development cIIaops the water table, WIlIer quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible .tOr all ancillary costs associa~ with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesdog a referedduna OD these .aes aod am asIdns dIat yoo coDsicler tbis
request as my ~c to keep this area In accordance with die master plan for lbe respective
.kln. . ". f. (:. /
1'~ , I' .
Nome d+- I ):f;:
Addtess~ l/91 tD J)DIHY ~-
~ (,l.rf11L( :w t/(,(J5 "3
Phone ~/f .;1Y93 ~il1~~ (1\0 \7O,Jd)f1oL. ~(J/f/'
__.I am a Noblesvllle aaxpayer 7--( am a Carmel taxpayer
&.lI:."--u.J>-~ I:IU',)~
XL.ttrtll U11 ~ I 1 '-
..ll'( ::>~ ~( t'.tlYW
I uoderstancl tbat two sepalate dew:Jopers haw presented.proposals tOr
large commercial/retail development on the comer of 1~ and Huel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments 18lI outside of the scope oftbe master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took se~a1
years to fbrmulate, much input fiom citizens and city PIaDners. and .-ny taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns Cor our cities. I BID opposed to
commercial/retail development on these and any other comers along 1 ~ street because
I do not wiM to live in an area which is oongested with "stop aad go" traffic, oommercial
noises and smells, crime wbjch retail development brings, etc.. Allowing for commercial
de~ OD this comer wm "opeD. the door" tbr tbrtber cIevdopmcm to come ia aod
soon 1466 street wiD be no diD.ete.Gl thaIl n-' Street or fJ6"b Street. This is especially trUe
since COlIIIIJI:!I'CiaIhetaD de\l8lopmeDt III 0Ieyb0und Pass and 146* Street is moviDg
further east aIoag ) 46" SUeet IIIIIl dewlopers have -..~ 8ft iaterest in other mmers
aloDa t4fl'* StIeeI. Cum:nt R:IaiI Deeds can be met wiIbiD SmDmtes or less in 3 ctiffaent
directions &om the comer in questil)n.
As residents, we wjsh to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote ..... this intmsion of our ne.i8hborhood by developers
wishing to "line their potikets" iostead oftaldng oUr best interest and desires into
As residents, we fee) that the Cicy ofClID}.Cl and the City ofNoblesviJle should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with "
Department of Natural Resources guidelines tor the protec:tion ofwildJife and their
As residents, we are asIdog that developers \VOIting within ~0b1e$YiUe, IN and Cannel,
IN will be xequin:d to wntribute funds annually to an independent, central fimd
conuo1lecl by the city and residents (50150). We are also asking that aU developers be
held accountable fOr any drying up of weDs and contamination otWaler supplies when
development clJauaes the water table, water qualit;y, etc. Developers would be
responsible for aU aocillary costS associated with this issue as det~oed by a court or by
8ft arbitndor.
1 am also isssues aDd am a*Ioa that you consider thE
Jequest as _ with the maSter plm fOr the respective
Address III l/ i 2.. Co ~'"'" 0 (aL ~
c.ar~(.''''' L/v(f3'~
Phone 3t1-'.S"~l/~ E-mail -r1Je..I~ho~;-t.~
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer --< I am a Carmel taxpayer
TOTAL P .1213
1Z/1llZUUZ lHU 6:1B 'A! 41~ USIU SIt VIDCeDI llleG. care
I understand that t\\'O separate developers have presented J'l'Oposals for
large commereia1lretail development on the comer of 1~ and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments JBll outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNob1esvi11e and the City ofCar:meJ. These master plans took several
years to formulate, much input from citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns tOr our cities. 1 am opposed to
commerciaJlretail development on these and an.y other comers along 146da street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is congested with "stop and gon traffic, commercial
noises and smeUs, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for mmmercial
develo~ on this comer wDl "opeD the c1ooi" tOr fiIrtIa developmeut to come inamd
SOOIll46""__ wiD be lID difLe.41haD 82-' Street<< f)(/a S1reet. 'Ibis is especiaJlJ true
since commercia1IIeaU devdopmaJt at GIeyhooDd Pass and 146* Street is moviDg.
tbrtJ. east along 146" StRet8Dd deve10pen have expessed aD iateaal in other c:omen
along 146" Street. 0arteIIt retaiJ.peeds QUI be DId within Sftdm.. or Jess in 3 difD:rem
dm:ctioDS Bum the comer in question.
As residents, we wish 10 preserve the natural beauty and cbatacter of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pocketS" instead of taking our best Interest and desires into
consideration. .
As residents, we feel tbat the City of Cannel and the-City ofNoblesvil1e should develop
this laDd in accordanc:e with the current master pJans as wen as in accordance with
Department ofN&tur8l Resources auideliDes for the protection ofwJldUfe and their
As resicht~ we ale askida that developers workiDa withiDNqbtesviDe, IN aDd oirmel,
IN will be mquind to CDDII'lbote fimds ~Uyto an ~ ceatralfuDd .
CODtIODecl by the city aud RSideDtS (SO/SO). We lie also asIdna tIBt aD dewlopers be
held account8b1e tbr ally drying up of weDs aad contamiDation ofwater supplies when
development changes the watertabJe. water quality, etc. Developers would be
re5pODSjble for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a murt or by
an arbitrator.
I am.aIso requesting a reterendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area ill acco~ with the master plan fur the respective
Name--Bn-v bCU"""'-. -r;;: e. +f €. V""
Address 0 a c,f '7 C /r.. 'f?.iQ.Yl n€... Jt1.o0'1
C~fhe.I.-rAJ l./Go.3 ~
Phone 6 1'7) * S"tf? "8'''3.l_E-maj!~T.reHeY Qa.ol.<::c:~
_I am a NoblesviUe taxpayer "--1-1 am a Carmel taxpayer
lZ/lZ/ZUUZ llU 5:16 fAl 41~ tillU st. vIncent tiled. care
Ig) 002/002
I understaod.1bat two sepaato developers have p:eseIlled poposak for
Iarp c:olDdleldallretai development OD the come:r of l~ aDd Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both ofb proposed ~ &n outside oldie scope of tile mast<<
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These IIIIStcr p!aDs took smn1
years to tbrnmw...~ much input ioJD ..iI~ 8Dd city planners. 8Dd JIIUJ1 taxpayer dollars
ill order to demmine the most e&kieut 8JOWIh paUems fbr our cities. I... opposed to
COJDJDeICiaJhaa developmeat on these and any 01IIer c:omers a10Ds 146* Sb'eet becbse
I do not wish to INe in an area which Is CODgeSted with ~p 8Dd go" fIafBc; CODIDlerCial
miles aDd smells, c:riRPe wbidllelail deveIopmena Ilrinp. etc. AIIowiDg fbr mnm~Ja1
de\le~ on this comer will "opeD 1be ~ b fiIItber deveIopmena to come inud
SOOD 146" stIeel will be DO dif(e.~ tIIiD art S1reet or 'XI" Street. This is espedaIIy 1IUe
since COIDlDeICiaJIJe deveIopmena . Greyhoaod Pass 8Dd 1~ Street is moviD8
fUrther east a10Dg 14f1'- StnIet aDd de\'e1opers ba~ apessed .. iDterest in other comers
a10Da 14(/11 streei. Current ld8il~ caD be met within Sminutes or less in 3 dif&reat
a . -- ..s... . ".
mlODS IIWII UBI comer 111 que5t1OD.
As resideDIS, we wish to preserve the ratural bI:aJq 8Dd cbaracter of our neighboJhood
aad we are askiDa,em to vote ~:.oSt this iukuUm of our ....homood by devdopers
wishias to "BDe their podG:tsllt lDstead oftaldDg our best iDb:rest aud desires iDto
ccmside:ratIon. .
As ~ we feel that the CilyofCarmel8Dd the City ofNoblesY:iUe should cIeveJop
thfs Jand ill aceoldance wIIh the cum!IIt master plaDs as well as in ~ with
DepaitmeDt ofNatmaI Resoura=s guide1iMs tor the proteclion ofwDdHte aDd tbeJr
babbta. '. ." .
As residents. we are astiDa that developers WOJkioa witbiD:No1;JllsvDJe. IN and CarmoJ.
IN will be Jequired to c:oJdribute fImds ."""Any to an iDdeiMl.... ceatral fimcl
CODtIoIlecl by the city aDd resideob (50150). We are also asking th8t aD developers be
held accoUDt8blr: for 811)' drying up ofweUs and cnr....m.... Jon ofwater supplies when
dewlopmeDt cM~ die waBtabJe, Mter quality. e&c. DewJopers would be
rapoasible for all aaciII8Iy GOSbI88IIOCiated wiIh this isaue as determiDed by a court or by
an arbitraIor.
I am also reqw:stiDg a re18rendum on these isssues aDd am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan tor the respeG1ive
''<..oloee..+ IQ e..:t-'fU
5~ ~ -, CA" e.tJ fU\lrv<2.- 1'1C9(9.N
CA.rMe<- I AI '-f (, 0'3:5
Phone S-iD , - a ~"3 ~ E-mail Il. T ~ f.,rtc:.,ll.. €? ~ cJ <... ~
_1 am a NoblesviUe taxpayer .2'::......1 am a Carmel taxpayer
~t~. ~ LUUL I:LlrM
NlJ. 4 j,O r. ~
I understand that twO separate developers have preseated ~posals for
large commerciaJlretail development OD the comer of 146 aod Hazel Dell roads. I
UDderstand that both of the proposed developments &II outside ofdie scope of the master
plan ror the City of No blesvi lie and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to fOrmulate, mucIa iDput 10m cilicos aDd city plah""', 8IId IIIBII.J taxpayer dolJan
in order to detefJrbae the most efticieat growth pIIIterDS for 0111' cities. I am opposed to
C01DIDeICiaIhetaiI ~lopmenl OD these aDd any other comers aJona 1~ SIIeet because
I do DOt wish to live iD an ami whic;h is oougested with "stop aDd 80" traftic, c:ommercial
noises aad smells, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for COlDIDeICial
~ OD this comer wiD -Open the door" fbr further deveIopDlClll to mOle in ami
soon 146* stIeet will be no cIifti:reDt tbIm &rI Sueet or" Street. This is especially vue
siDc:e coDlllM':lCi8llre developmeJa at Greyhound Pass aDd 146. SIIeeI is moving
funher east IIkmg 146* Street 8Dd developers have expressecIan interest ill other comers
aIoq 146. S1Iat. Cum:nt tetai! needs can be met within Sminutes or Jess in 3 dift"erent
dirutions ftom the comer: in queStion.
As residents. we wish to preserw the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
ami we 1ft akiug JOU 10 vote 91nct this iatrusJon or our JJeiahborhood by cfewelopas
wishing to "tiDe their pocbIs" instead oftaJdns OlD' best Interest and desires into
this IaIld in aa:ordaDce with the cunent master plam as weD as in aa:ordanc:e with
~ of Natural Resources guidelines fOr the proteaion of wildlife and their
Mb~. .
As reskIems, we are asking tbat developers 1lfOJ'Idas withilfNoblesviDe, IN aDd Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute fimds AIIIIU:IIlly to an iftdePencIent, cenual fund
controlled by the city and residents (SOIS0). We IR also as1dDs that aD developers be
held IK:COUDtabIe for any dryina up olweUs and eontaminatioJl ofwater supplies when
development damps the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
respomible for aU ancillary costs associated with this Issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a re___ OD these isssues aDd am asking that you consider this
request as my 10 keep this. with the IIB1tcr' plllD for the respediw
cities. :
::fouu Wflf.Sr RD~
IllS ?f teAcJt.-<<" III 'r MIUL
(!N~ (tv 4uon
Phone 7 ()(P. (I 2 " E-mail 1AJ4({it.cf..j I ~ r.r,411 ()lJ. ~{)VC1
_I am a NobIesville taxpayer ~I am a Carmel taxpayer
.. 1J~l;. ~. lUUl 1: lbYM
NU. 43,0 P. 1
J understand that twO separat.e developers have presented .r:oposals for
large t()mmerciaJlretail development on the comer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both of the proposed developments fi.U outside of the scope ofme master
plan rorthe City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel These master plans took several
years to formulate, much inpul&om citizeos and city p~ and many taxpayer doJJars
in order to determine the most eftlcient growth patternS for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciallretail development on these and any other comers aloUS 146* street because
I do not wish to live in an area which is CiOngested with "stOp and SO" traftk, commercial
noises and smells, crime which retall development brings. etc. Allowing for conunercial
~ 011 this comer will "open the door" fbt bther dewJopmeDt to come ill"
soon 146. stIeet will be no different than ar Street or 96* Stteet. This is espeQaJly troe
since COJJJIJleIdaIIr development at 0reyh0uDd Pass aod 14(/a Street is moving
further east aIons 146rb S1reet and ~pers haw expressed an interest in other comers
along 146"" Street. CUrrent reraiI.DCeds can 'be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directioos hm the comer in queStion.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natuml beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we ate asking you to "Dte 88'l'mtt this intmsion of our neighborhood by developers
wfsbing to "line their pockeas" instead of taking om best interest and desires into
consideration. '
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesviJle should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
Depanment of Natural Resoun:es guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residems, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville. IN and Cannel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to an independent, central:fund .
controlled by the city ad residents (SOISO). We are also askins that aU dewlopers be
heJel accountable for any drying up of weDs and contamination of water suppHes when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
respoDSible for aU ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a ret:rendum OD these isssues aad am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordala with the master plan for the .respective
: .~kll1
~ ii1...~. CO""
~Iama I
Phone 7().[-1(~
~I am a Noblesville taxpayer
, ~
.- .;.
I undctsaancl that two separate dewlopers have presented~saJs for
large commerclaJlRUil deve10pmeDl OD the comer of 146 aDd Ifa2el DeB roads. I
underscand that both oftbe proposed developments filii outside of tile scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These master' pIaDs took several,
years to formllhttp.7 mueh input tiom citi2eDs and city p~ and many taxpaya' dollars
in order to determine the most efficient gJOWth patlerns for our ciIies. I am opposed to
eommerciaJlretail deveJopmeot OD these and 811}' 01ber comers along 14()'A street bocallSe
I do DOt wish to Jive in an area which is congested with -stop aud &0" ~ commercial
noises ami smells, crime which retail development tJrings. etc. Allowing fOr commercial
~ on this comer will "open !be door" 1brfbrtl:a' development to come in and
soon 146ft stRet will be no c&f&a~Dt than art Street or ~ Street. This is ~lty true
since COIDIIleIdal/re deve10pmeDt at OIeybouad Pass and 146'- StIeet is moving
fUrther east aIoD8 146. S1Ieel and developers have axpftssed an iDterest in otbel' comers
along 146* Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or Jess in 3 dUferent
dfrectioDs 10m the comer in queStion.
As lUidents, we wish to preserve tile DBturaI beauty and dmader of our neighborbood
and we are asking JOU to vote ..-iMt this iDtrusion of our Ddgbborbood by developers
wisbiDg to "line their pockets" instead oftakiDg our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville slIould deve~p
this laDd in accordance with the curreut master plaDs as weB as in 8CCOIdance with
Dtpa.1we4t of Natural ResoUftleS SUideJines tbr the protection ofwild1ife and their
As reside. we are asking that clewlopers workiDa wiIhin,lIloblesville, IN aDd Carmel. .
IN will be required to contribute 6mds 81'n.,.l1y to aD ~ ceottaJ fund
COD1IOI1ed by the city anclleSidenls (SOISO). We are also askioa t'bat all developers be
held ~ tor any drying up ofwens aDd COJII&...t_tion ofwater suppHes when
developmeut chR..,. the water 1abJe, water quality, etc. Developers would be
respoDSible fOr a1I8DCJ1Ja,y COSIS associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also Jeq1~"<< a refeIeDdum on these isssues 8Dd am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in acco!daDce with the master plan tbr the respective
Name--H ~\Z..lL y..{ t1 ~~ cJ~
Address S 3.~Ot. ~'W~ ~ UJ"t{
C.JhJ-m...c ~ 4<eD.33
Phone ~t~ l{)~.-E-mail OuB~@~c..oM.
_1 am a Nob1esville taxpayer am a Carmel taxpayer
~ 7 --, /..q - .!;iDdJI
I undeJStand that two separate developers ha~ ~ proposals fOr
large commerciallrelail ~Iopment on the comer ofl~ aDd Hazel DeB roads. I
understaDd tW both ofdle ixoJx>>secl cIeveJopmeDts fill) outSide of the soope of the JmISter
pJan tor the City ofNob1esville aod the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to tb....~, much iopat ftom citiz2ns and city plam1els, and IDIIDY taxpayel" doDars
in order to determiDe the most efticieul growth pdtemS tOr our cities. I am opposed to
co~ cJeveJopment on these aDd any other comers aIoDg 1~ street because
I do DOt wish to live in an mea which is congested with "stop and go" tnd1ic, COIJIIIJeIclal
noises and smeUs. crime which retail dewIopmeot brings. etc. Allowing tor CODIDlelCial
deYelopment on this comer wDl "open the door" tor fiJrther dewIopmeot to come in and
soon 146hstreet will be DO 4IifrereDl than sr Street or 96* Stteet. This is especially true
since commen:iaIIreta development at Greyhound Pass and 146* Street is moving
further east akmg 146* S1.1eet aod developers haw ~uBed an iaIerest in other comers
along 146. Street. Cuneot retail needs can be met within Sminutes or Jess in 3 different
directions fi:om the comer in question.
As restdems, we wBh to preserve the natural beauty aad cbamcter of our neighborhood
wishing to "fine their ~ instead oftakiDs our best iDterest and desires into
consideratiOn. '. -' .:}
As residents, we Jeel tbat the City of()mne' and 1be City ofNobIesviIIe should develop
this land in accordaDce with the ameot master plans-as weD as in accordaDce with
QepmtweDl of Natural Resources guidelines fOr the protection ofwildJife and their.
As ~ we are asking that developers woddDs within Noblesville.lN and Carme~
IN will be required to CODtribute fimds annually to an independent, centmI fund
controDed by the city and resicJP.nVr (50150). We are also asking that . dew10pen be
held aceouatable fur any drying up ofweUs aDd contaminAtion ofwaaer supplies when
dew10pment changes the water table, water quality,,, Developers would be
respDDSlDle for aD anclllary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitratur.
I am also req1~ a ~e..dum OD these isssues aod am askiD& that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this rna in accoJdance with the master plaD fOr the respec.tive
c~ - .
NaoE ~jUb~
Address ~-rJ O'~D~
(JOYnu./ , telA. ~33
phon{3(7) 31 {; - ~I E-mail 6;'e;~{))ei)te ()~ JIJ;eI, JIlel-
_ 8m a'Noblesville taxpayer ~I am a Cannel taxpayer
I undt.tstand that two separate developers have plesePted.poposam fur
large commerciaJlretail development on the aJJ'IIeI' of 1~ aod Rael Den roads. I
1.wderstabll that both of the proposed deveIopmeuts filii outside oftbe scope ofme master
pJan for the City ofNoblesvUJe aud the City ofCarmeJ. These master plans took several
years to 1brmuJate, much input tiom citizens and city planners. aDd many taxpayer dollars
in order to dektmine tile most efticietn gmwdt pattems for our cides. I am opposed to
commerciaJhetai ~lopmeDl on these aDd any otber comers along 1461b street because
I do not wish to five in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smeDs, crime which retail development br. ete. Allowing for COJJJIIaCiaI
dewlo~ OD this comer will "opeD the door" for fbrt1Jer developmellt to come in aDd
soon 146* street wm be DO ditJeIem tIBn ~ Stn:et or 96* Street. This is especially true
since commerciaJlretail development at Greyhound Pass and 1461b Street is moving
further east along 14d" Stteet and cIeYeIopen have expressed an. interest in other comers
along 146h Street. Cmrent tetail needs can be met within 5minntes or less in 3 different
directions tom the comer in question.
As ~ we wish to preserve the DIIlur8l beauty and cbaracterof our nel8hboJbood
and we are aslriDgyou ~ wte ~ this iottusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their ~eUf iDstead oftakiDg our best ioterest and desires into
As residents, we teel that the City of Carmel aDd the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accom.ee with the curreot master plans as wen as in accordance with
DepaItmwt ofNatural Resources guidelines 10r the protectioD ofwilcllife and their
habitats. <
As residents, we are astins that developers working within NobIesville, IN aod Carmel,
IN will be required to coDtnDute funds annuAlly to an -independent, c:emral fimd
controlled by the city and reside.", (50/50). We 8Je also asking that aD developers be
hekl accouotabJe tOr any drying up of weDs aod contAminatinn ofwater supplies when
development CmT- the water'tabJe, water' quality, ett. Developers would be
responsible fOr all ancillary COSIS associaIed with this issue as detelmined by a court or by
an _bitudOl.
I amabo recp~:"8 alefel~ on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
tequest as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fDr the respective
Address 52"f1 Ar~
C. A<lJ\el. l::w.. 41of>33
phonep,11) <2/& - D 5 31 E-mail JOelW6inefi;J-:>~1iob.al ,; tlef-
_ am a Noblesville taxpayer 1-1 am a Carmel taxpayer
. .... "'__~_.'...,.. .', ....~ :.. ~ u:.::........... .' ........
. ......
. .......... ...~'...u....
....... ............:................__...... >':::
I understand that two separate developers have presented~posaJs for
large commerciaJlretail development on the OOD1ef of 146 and Hazel OeD roads. I
ldlde.stand that both of the proposed developments 1811 outside oftbe scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of CarmeL These master plans took several
years to furmulate, IIBICh iDput ftom citizens and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficient growth patterns tor our cities. I am opposed to
COllDl1elCiaIhetaiI developmeut on these aud any other comers along 14f1b street because
I do not wish to five in an area which is congested with "stop and go" traffic, commercial
noises and smeJls, crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing tOr commercial
development on this cotneI' will "open tbe door" f.br tUdher development to come in and
soon 1~ street will be no different than ~ Street or 96* Street. This is especially true
since co~WlretaiI developmeot at Greyhound Pass and ] 4(i'k Street is moving
further east along 146"- Street and developers ha"Ye exp:ased an interest in other comers
along 146tb Street. Current reIai1 needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions from the co~in question.
As residents, we wiSlito'Preserve the natma1 beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residen~ we teel tbat the City of Carmel and the City of No blesvi lie should develop
this land in accordanc:e with the current master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers working within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to contribute funds annually to ~ independent, central fund
controlled by the city and residents (50/50). We are also asking that all developers be
held accountable for any drying up ofweUs and contamination of water supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible for all ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
Name~(l~ uJ~
Address 55wP iYJv.er C l YLLt
~JVrVJ.....k. 4t, O~ 3 .
Phone 311.&4lP 'O&ll\D E-mail c.uJ In+J-f-d aJ hd-mA1L . <!C"vYt
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~ am a Carmel taxpayer
-- ----- -___ ___...."'...T VW.J..ntl'lTu
~.,yy,y. ~~.v. rAA ~~. O.V~..U
,l.AQ "".......uc. 1U.... nuftft
- ~o.t' ~~
I understand that nuo ~ developers have p-esellb:d poposaJs !Or
large com81erciallretaJ1 development on the (lOIIlBf of t4fl" am1 ~1 Dell tOads. I
undentand that both of the proposed deveJo~ filII outSide oftbe soope of the master
plan for the City ofNobJesvi11e and the City of CarmeL These masla' plans took several
years to fOrmolate, much input ftom citizIaIs and city p1aDners, aDd IIBIl)' taxpayer doDars
in order to determine the most eftlcient 8IOwth paI:tem$ iQr our cities. I am opposed to
commerciaJlretail clew10pmeut on these and any other comers aloug 146'" sm:et because
I do DOt wish to live in an area which is ccmgested with "stop and SO" 1r8IIic, COIIIIIleJ.'Cia
noises aJJd smeDs, aime which retail developmeot brings, etc. AIIowiDg tor commercial
deveJopmeat on tIDs comer wiD "open the door" fOr fiutbcr dew;lopmat to come in and
soon 146" street wiD be lID cJifIerent than 8T' Street or 9(jh Street. This is especially true
since comtnerciallretBil developmeDt at 0Ieyh0und Pass aDd 146* Street is moving
fintber east aJona 1~ Street 8Dd developers have expressed an intaest in other comers
along 146* Street. Current retail ~ can be met within Sminutes or Jess in 3 ditfe.reDt
directions nom the corner in question.
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are as1dDg you to vote against this inInasion of our neighborhood by developers
wisbiDg 10 "Une their pockets" instead of taking our best interest and desires into
As residents, we feel tbat the City of Carmel and the City ofNobJesville should develOp
this land in accordance with the CUJ:reDt master plans as well as in accordance with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection ofwildUfe and their
As residents, we are asking that developers workiaa within'NobiesviJle) IN aDd Carmel,
IN wiD be required to CODtn"bute fimds 8IlDDiIIly to an iDd.epeDdent, cemral fimd
comroDed by die dty and resicIenIs (SOIsO). We are also askiDg thai aU cJevelopers be
held acco1Jl1t8ble tor any drying up ofweDs aul contamination ofwala' supplies when
developmeat c~ the water1abJe, WIlla' qualily7 etc. Developers would be
respoJJSible mr aI1aociDary colts associated with this issue &4; ddermined by a cowt or by
an arbitrator.
J am also requestiDg a rotereodum on these _- aDd am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordancle with the master plan fbr the respective
clUes. I.. ~ },~ . .
Name .. \AJ ill .'NO
AddnlSS 5~? 1Z1~ ~.t: vJ~
[.a.v""'.QJ IN tfb(J ~ 3
Phone -?dfo-oq~ E-mail ~ -
_I am a Nob1esville taxpayer ---X.} am a Carmel UDqlayer
..., .VI'... AA......V..... VA. Y' ........ V
"- - --
_ AI!!:t VV............. ........ ""......
I ~if1aOd that two ~ developers have presc:uted poposaJs tor
large commerciaJIreta development on the coma: ofl~ -' Hazel DellIOa4s. J
UDderstaad that both of the ProPOsed 4ew1opmems fitll outside of the scope of tile master
plan for the City ofNobJesviUe and the City of CarmeL These master plaDs took several
years to furmnl*~ much input &om citia...s 8Dd c:;ity pJanners, and many taXp8YeI' doUars
in 0Jdcr 10 dc::tggWae the most efticieat growth pattems fur our dUes. I am opposed to
colDll1el'Cialllet8iJ deveJopmeot on these ad any other comers atollS 146* street because
I do not wish to Jive in an 8ft8 which is congested with "stop and go" traf6c, commercial
noises aDd smeDs, aime whicih retail dewlopmeat briuPt elc:;. AIlowiDg tOr C01llllleroiaJ
deve~ on this comer will "open the door" for fiuther dewJopmeat to come in and
soon 146"- street will be DO di&.eot than ~ Stftd or 96. S1reet. 'fbjs. espec.ia1Iy trUe
since oommerclaJhetail deftlopmeot at GreyhoUDd Passaod 1~ Street is moviDg
fUrtht% east aIoDg 1~ Street BJJd developers bPe expressed an interest in other eomers
aloug 1 ~ Street. Cuneat raailJ.Bds C8D be met wiIhin Smiautes or less in 3 difterent
direc:;tioDs ftomothe comer in queStm
As resideDtst we wjsh to preserve the 1lIItDmI beauty and clBKter of our neighborbood
8Ild we are as1dDg you to vote ~ tIW; intrusion of 01ll' neigJaborhood by developers
wishing to "line their podceIs" iDstead of taking our best iDlaest 8Dd desRs into
As I'l$~ we feel that the City of Carmel aud die City ofNobleMlle should develop
this land ill acconlaDce with the cuneat master pJaas as wen as in accordance with
Department ofNatmaI Resoun:es pide1ines tbr the protection ofwiJd1ife and their
As residents, we are asIdug that devdopea woddDg withirtNoblesviJle, IN "and Cannel,
IN will be required to c:omribute fimds amn..Dy to an inclepeDdeDt, c:;emraI fimd
controlled by the city aud residems (SO/SO).. We am also asking that all developers be
held EeOuDtabIe for aay cIryiDg up ofweDs aud l'nnhlllnin_inu ofwaa supplies when
deveJopmenl daaDges the wm:r table, WIder' quality, ete. Developers would be
IeSpODi:ible tor an aJJC'in~ costs associated wiIh this issue as determined by a c:ollrt or by
an ad,~.
I am also ~ a u:Lendmn on these isssues and am asking tbal }IOu consider this
request as ~ vote to keep this area in KOOldance with the master plan fOr the respective
Name LiS~ ViJJi<<.l'S
>3'~ ~~W..~_
GV'~t, 1~ _~35
Phone '766~'h~ E-mail-
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer -.J/.:- I am. a Cannel taxpayer
DEG 12
December 2, 2002
Carmel Plan Commission
Noblesville PIan Commission
~ '/
From: Greg and Karen Willman
14585 Dover Dr.
Carmel, IN 46033
This letter concerns the proposed re-zones for the northeast and northwest corners of 146th and Hazel Dell
which will be heard by your respective groups on December 16th and December 1 "ft. We will be in
attendance at this meeting, as we have for all of the meetings on this topic, despite the met that we would
rather be home attending to our 6 week old son.
We oppose these requested re-zones, one of which, if granted, would result in a 3-5 story office building
directly across the street ftom our home as we live at the 146h entrance to Ashton. We moved to this area
because we wanted a true suburban or bedroom community setting. We moved here because of the
schools, because of the neighborhoods and because of the LACK of commercial and retail development.
Even though there was a lot of undeveloped land around our home, we felt confident, based on a recently
completed, tax payer funded comprehensive master plan, that the development that would take place
around our home would be consistent with what was currently in the area and, most assuredly, would be
consistent with the master plan and the land zoning and uses that it specified. Unfortunately, your
willingness to consider changes to this plan and therefore specific changes to zoning and approved uses
indicates that our confidence and trust in the process may have been misplaced.
It is our request that you honor the c6nUnitments, financial and otherwise, that homeowners and residents
of the area like ourselves have made by honoring your own commitments to the master plans that were so
meticulously developed and enthusiastically committed to only a fuw years ago. To do otherwise would be
to undercut those who have chosen to live here and to truly invest of themselves in this community and to
instead reward the arrogance of developers who purd1ased land, knowing how it was zoned and what uses
were approved, but who now say their investments can not be made to be profitable ones unless you bail
them out. Bright men like George Sweet, Mark SifJim and Corby Thompson surely would not have
purchased land that they could not profitably develop under it's current zoning. And even if they make the
argument that they did, that would mean they did so knowing they could strong arm the planning
commissions into changing their plans to accommodate them. simply because they told you to do so.
It is our hope that the process of planning and governing in the Carmel, Noblesville and Westfield areas has
integrity. We have heard that this review of the master plan is simply a routine review that is done every 5
years. The problem with that explanation is that it's been 7 years and the only thing that kicked off this
review was a request ftom a prominent developer. To bow to that kind ofpressure and to disregard the
integrity of the process and the overwhelming desires of the citizens of the area would be disappointing, to
say the least. There is plenty of land left in Carmel and Noblesville that can be profitably developed within
the context of the master plan. Please stand your ground and allow our communities to develop in the way
that was attended based on all of the previous hard work done by your two groups and relied upon by the
citizens in this area.
Thank you for your time in reading this letter and for your consideration in this matter.
Greg and Karen Willman
14585 Dover Dr.
Ashton Subdivision
Carmel, IN 46033
1 understand that two separate developers have preselJted jJIOposaIs for
large commerciaJhetail development on the oorner of 14()'D and Ila2I Dell roads. I
understand that both of the Proposed developments fill) outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesviJ1e and the City ofOameL These master plans took several
years to rorro.dAft\ much iDput &om citizens and city plaJmers, and many taxpayer dollars
in order to determine the most efficieDt growth patterm for our cities. I am opposed to
oommen:iaIIreIail development on these and any other comers along t46"-.street because
I do DOt wish to Jive in an area wblch is congested with '"stop aod go" ~ commercial
noiseS and smells. crime which retaiJ development brings, etc. Allowing for mmmerciaJ
develo~ on this corner will "open the door" tOr further development to come in and
soon ]4~ street will be no different than ~ Street or 9f1"- Street. This is especially trUe
sin= COlDlllCR:iaIhetail development. Greyhound Pass and 146'" SUeet is moving
further east along 146* Street and developers baYe eqa~ an interest in other comers
along 146111 Street. Current JeIaIl needs can be met within Sminotes or less in 3 different
directions ftom the comer in question.
As residems, we wish to preserve the nalmal beauty and character of our neighborhood
and we are asking you to YOte~ this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
wishing to "line their~,,.ead of taking our best interest and desires into
consideration: ". ' " ":" "" "..
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNob1esville should develop
this land in 8a7OrdaIM;e with the cummt IDISter plans as weU as in a~rdaDce with
Department of Natural Resources guidelines for the ploteWon of wildlife aDd their
habitats. .
As residents. we are asking that developers worldng within Noblesville.1N and Carmel.
IN will be required to mnaribute funds Slnm~l1y to an independent, central fimd
controOed by the city and residePts (SOISO). We are ako askiDg tbat aD developers be
held accountable fur any drying up of weDs and co~ion ofwater supplies when
development changes the water table, water quality, de. Developers would be
responsible fur aD ancillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arl>ittatur.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking
request as my vote to keep this area in accontanc.e with the
Name G ~ /,J, 11 Wl5IM
Address-.J'+~~ r ~~ lnr.
~ I ']:1\1 l.{CpO ., 3
Phone 317, ~I <1 ,~() E-mail 1wnl~@'tl~,fec1 Ie. C<nvt
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ,'Jo-I am a Carmel taxpayer
u consider this
I understand that two ~ developers _\'e pIIt: flCll(f'd ~posaIs for
large commerciaJIretail cIeve1opm.eDl on the oomer of 146 and Hazel Dell roads. I
ldlde..sa.wd that both of tile proposed developments fillI outside of the scope of the master
plan for the City ofNoblesville aDd the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to furmll1AfP., much input from citiams and city planners, and many taxpayer doUars
in order to determine the most efficient growth pattems for our cities. I am opposed to
commerciallretai1 development on these and any other comers along 146111 street beca11Se
I do not wish to Jive in an an:a whi.;h is coogesaed wilh -stop and go" 1I8f6c, COJIIII1ereial
noises and smells. crime which retail development brings, etc. Allowing for COJIBDelCiaJ
development on this comer will "open the door" fur fbrther ~Jopment to come in and
soon 146. street wm be no different than ar Street or g6h Street. This is especially true
since colDlllefCiaJlnUil development at Greybound Pass and 146* Street is moving
further east along 146. Street aDd developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 146tb StIeet. Current recaiI needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 different
directions fiom the comer in question.
As residentBt we wish to preserve the na1uraI beauty and character of our ueighborbood
and we are asking you 10 }'Otc .inst this intrusion of our neighborbood by developers
wishing to "line their pock~.iDstead oftakmg our best interest and desires into
consideration. \.' ',t--' "
As residents. we teel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesviUe should develop
this land in accordance with the ament master plans as weD as in ac:conIance with
Departmeut of Natural Resources guidelAs fur the protection ofwildlife and their
As residents, we are as1dog that developers wmIdng within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to con1ribute fimds annUAlly to an independent, c:entmI fimd
controDed by the city and residents (SOISO). We lie also asking that all developers be
held accountable f.br any drying up ofweDs aDd contQminJiion ofwater' supplies when
developmenl chaDges the water table, water quality, etc. ~DeveJopers would be
responsible lOr a1IaDCillary costs associated with this issue as determined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also reqt~ a referendum on these isssues aDd am asking that )'OU cxmsider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the IDISler plan for the respective
cities. ~
Name ~ W~~ - , ,~If ~N~
Address , ~'ft S ~ thr.
t'~ t T:f'I t.t(.o ~:J
Phone 3 t 1~ s-f I - cr 3' 0 E-mail K Lw; ll~tAM ~ YO-k 00 . ~
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~ am a Cannel taxpayer ,
J undersland that hvo separate developers ha~ pesentedpoposals fin
large ~iaIheCail deYdopment on the comer ofl~ and Hazel Dell roads. I
understand that both otthe proposed developmentS &.11 outside of tile scope of the master
plan for the City ofNobJesvilJe ami the City of Carmel These master pJans took several
years to formulate, much input i'om citizens and city p~ and many taxpayer' dollars
in order to deteuniue the most efficient srowth patterns lOr o. eilies. I am opposed to
",JIJ1DereiaJherail developmeDt on these and any other oomers along 14{{A street because
I do not wish to Jive in an area which is ~ with "stop and go" traffic, commerdal
noises and smells, aime which retail developmem brings, =. Allowing fOr COJDI1Jgdal
de\Ielopmeut on this c;c)IJB wiD "open the door' tor further deveJopmeol to come in and
soon 146. street will be DO difFeae.4 than ~ Street or 96* Stteet. This is especially true
since commereiaJlretail development at Greyhound Pass and 146" S1Ieet is moving
fi.uthcr east along 146- Street aud developers have exp.e$Kd an interest in othes' corners
along 1461h Street. Cunaa retail needs can be met within 5minutes or less in 3 different
directions fiom the comer in quesIioD.
As residents. we wish to presetve the oatoral beauty and character of oor DCighborbood
and we are askiDg you to VOle aaaiDst this iDlrusion of OlD' neighbodlood by developers
wisbiug to "'line their pockets" instead of taking OlD' best iDIen:st and desires into
As resideuts, we leel that the City Of Carmel and the City ofNobIesville should develop
this laDd in ac:oo!dance with the Currebt masIer plans as weD as in a~ with
Dep&tbllll;.ul otNatuml Resources guideUoes tOr the protedion ofwildIifC and their,
As residems, we are asIdoa that developers worJdas widUn NobJesville, IN aod Cannel,
IN wiD be required to contn"bule fimds annually to an iDdepeudent, central fimd
controlled by the city and l'eSidents (SOISO). We are also askjog that all developers be
held aa:ountahJe fOr any dryiDgup ofweDs and Q)DtAmbultioDof water supplies when
deve~ clmnges die water table, water quality. etc. DevelOPers wouJd be
respoDSibIe fOr aD anciDaJy costs JlI~ed with this issue as de~ by a oourt or by
an a..bitu4ur.
I am also Rqt~ a refinadwn on these isssucs and am asIdog that you C01ISider this
request as my \'Ole to keep this mea in aa:orcIance with the master pJan'fbr the respective
Namo d3tidJorrA WQ~J;j ~ ~
Address I cfJf 6 iJf!;rJ.P" /Jr.
-Co.n1ul, f.-7j/ Jt/ttJ~
Phone '/fJ~w{) /9 r E-majJ
_I am a NobJesvilte taxpayer ~I am a Carmel taxpayer
--............- --.. --..-- ..- --. ..-- -.--
I understand that two separate developers have presented tEPOsaJs for
large commerciallretail development on the comer of 146 and lIReI Dell roads. I
m.deIstand that both of the imposed developments &11 oUlSide of the scope of the master
plan fbr the City ofNobJesville ami the City of Carmel These master plans rook several
years to rormn-. much iDput :&om citi2Jens and city plaDners, aDd many taxpayer dollars
in order to detamiDe the IOOst efficient growth paaems fur OlD' cities. I am opposed to
cowaue.,iaJheIai1 dewlopmeut on these and any olber comers aloD8 146'" street because
I do DOt wish to Jive in an area which is congested with "stop and SO"" traffie, commercial
noises and smeJJs, aime wbich retailde~pment ~ etc. Allowing fOr COD~ial
~~ on tbis comer wm "opc:Il the door" fOr further development to come in and
800Il 146'b stnlet wDI be DO different than ~ Stnet 01' fJ6'h Street. This is especially true
since COJDJDetCiaJIretaiI development 81 Greyhound Pass and 14611I Street is moving
fiDther ast along l4fIA Street and developers haw expressed an interest in other comers
a.1cmg 14f11 Street. Cumut retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 diJferent
directions ftom the comer in queStion.
As residents, we wish to pJeSerVe the Dat1Jr8l beauty add character of our neighborhood
and we are asIdag you tv vote agaiDst this intrusion of our nejghbolhoocl by dewlopers
wishing to "line their pockets" instead oftakmg OlD' best iD1erest and desires into
As residents. we feel that the City ofCarmeJ and d1e City ofNoblesville Should develop
this land in accontanc.e with the current master pIaDs as wen as In accordance with
Department of Natural Resoorces guidelines fOr the protection ofwikDife and their
As residents. we are askiDg that developers workiag wiIhio,~o~ IN and Cannel,
IN wiD be J:equiRd to coD1rlbute fUnds ammaUy to an fndepeDdent, c;entral t\md
oomroned by the city and residems (SOISO). We ate also asldng that an developers be
held ac:coumable JOT any dryJaa up ofweJJs 8Dd contAminAtin1l ofwaaer supplies when
developrneut dJaDaes the water table, water quality, etc. Developers would be
RSpOnsible for aU ancillary costS associated with this issue as detennined by a court or by
an arbitrator.
I am also reqt~ a refereDdum on these isssues aad am asking that you consider tIUs
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respeaive
Name Jo h".., \A) o~"(" ~
Address I 't S f to 1:) 6 ..,......,. ~r'\ ~
c......... j'Y\1!,..\ , IN 'tE> 0 31.
Phone 706 - Of f'f E-mail :Soh,.} _ Wo-e.rl ,,~ C!.J.(IL. j . CAl"t1
__I am a Noblesville taxpayer V I am a Cannel taxpayer -;::r-
......~._....H ".,~.,." ".",,-...._ .....'.__'r.'...'
Subj: 146th Street & Hazel Dell Rezoning
iDate: 1219120025:18:36 PM Central Standard lime
:From: john.woerlv@cgey.com
iTo: Rhancock@ci.carmel.in.us, jyelton@noblesville.in.us
i~~~'!!_~~ .r1?~liP-s.!________"___'___~__'_'________M_ _~__"'___'_____________'_____'_________'_'__
As a landowner in the Ashton subdivision I am writing in opposition to the
rezoning of the 145th Street and Hazel Dell corridor. This area of the
community is not in need of commercial development! We do not want the
property to be rezoned. We want the area to be developed as currently
zoned! Creation of more shopping will only create more congestion to an
already busy thoroughfare. This rezoning would only duplicate shopping and
medical/office developments that are in other locations.
PLEASE listen to your community and look at the numbers of people that will
be attending the hearings on Monday and Tuesday evenings! Please
represent us by defeating these rezoning proposals!!!
/::\;~\J~ "'
''"'\ \,'.1;0'..-.--<-.:'- { " "
<<.. )/~.,_. -- .J..... /. r...'"
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Ii:! Daf- -1'2 vED
~\ DOCS i:ua2
\( )\
~ ./ )'-,
'-.J(; ,,'I
'__~.' I \ .."
John Woerly
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
10 West Market Street
Suite 1300
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317)~77-1171 Fax: (317)Q77-1301
CapComm: 9795647 john.woerly@cgey;com
, .~'}
'.~ .-- ~ _."IS information that may be privileged Utmtifidentia~
.. _-" -~'~"'-I,,:,,,;._.1y-wf-the Cap Gemini/Ernst & Young Group.1t islhlancJed
---;':"'_~..i.u~I"UII h)'whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended
- ~71OO:are-not:authorized to read, print, retain, copy,
di~seminate, distribute, or use this message or any part thereof. If you
re&eive this message in errorrp'-~rl'the---~~er immediately and
~.aU~.9.f,~,message - '~
I undersIaDd th8I two separate developers June presemedJHOposals fOr
large commereiallretail4eve1opmelll on the comer of 14(i'D and Hazel Dell roads. 1
understand that both of tile pmposed clevelopmems filii outside ofrhe scope of tile master
plan for the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel These JnasIer plans took sevaal
years to fimnulate, much iaput 10m citlans and city planners, and many taxpayer dollars
ill order to detauPi1e the most efficient groWlh patterns ror 0.. cities.. I am opposed to
COmtnl:l'eiallretail dewJopment on these and any other corners aIoDg 146* street because
I do not wish to !hie in 3D area whidI is COD8ested with "stop and SO" traffic; ~ial
noises and smells, erime which retail developmeut brings. ele. . Allowing Cor commer'Cial
cIeve~ on this comer wiIt.~pen the door" fOr further c:Ievelopmem to come in and
soon 146* street will be no ctitferem than Sr- Street or 96. Street. This is ~Iy true
since commerciallretai1 development at OreyhoUDCl Pass and 14()'1a S1Ret is IIlOviDg
further east along 146* StIeel and deveJopers have expnssed an iDterest in otber comers
aIoDg J 46. StIeeL Current retail needs can be met wiIhiD Sminutes or less ill 3 diftit'ent
direc:tioDS &om the comer in question.
As residePts, we wish to ~ the DItUr8I beauty andc:baracler of Out nei8hbodJOod
aud W8 are asking yQu to ~e apinst this iDIrusion of our ueighbodloocl by de\dopers
wishing to "line tileii' podtets" iDstead oftakiDg our best interest aod clesin:s into
considelan. /'. '
As residents, we feel that the City of Carmel and the CitY'OfNoblesville should develop
this hmd in KC:Ordaoce with the curreat master plans as ~U as in ac:c:ordance with
~1meIlt of Natural Resoun;es guidelines tOr the protection of wildlife and their
As JeSideoIs. we are askinslbat developers worIdns within NoblesviDe, IN aDd Carmel,
IN will be required to ClOldribute fimds annually to an independent, ceatraI fimd
coDllOlIecI by the city .. raidads (SO/SO). We am also askiD& that all developers be
held acooumable tor any dryiDg up of wells aDd ~.mrHIhon of water supplies when
dewJopment ....the water table. water quality, elC. DewJopers would be
responsible for an aDCi1Jary Q)SIS associated with tbis issue as determiIIed by a court or by
an arbiImtor.
I am also ftlCI'....i. a reter:eadum on these isssues aDd am askio8 tbat you collSider this
request as my wte to keep this area in accordaDce with d1e ..... plan for tbe respec:the
Name 6 et'\ eX\.{
AckIress.JIDc; dalrty R.i~l' RI.,' Ca.l'1'/el
IN 4/'033
Phone (3J7) ,6'- qat' E-mail ~enexlA @ya.h"c. (0,.,
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer ~ am a Carmel taxpayer
I understand that two separate developers have presented jJIOposak ror
large commerciaJlretai1 development on tbe corner of 14()'A and Hazel Den roads. I
understand that both oftbe proposed developments U outside oftbe scope of tile master
plan fOr the City ofNob1esville and the City ofCanneJ. These master plans took several
years to furmn1at~ much input tiom citizeos and city ~ and many 1a1lpayeI' dollars
in older to determine the most efficieat growth patterns ror our cities. I am opposed to
COllllDel'CiaIhe1aiI dewlopment on these and 8IIy other comers along 14flh street because
I do DOt wish to lYe in an area which is congested with "stop and go" 1IafIk; COaihuetGiaI
noises and sme~ crime which retail development brings, ete. Allowing for commercial
developmemon this comer will "open tile door" fOr further development to oome in and
soon l46tb street will be DO difreleut than art Street or 96" Street. This is especially true
since commercialhetai development at Greyhound Pass and 146. Street is moviDg
further east along 146. StIeet and developers have expressed an interest in other comers
along 1~ Street. Current reran needs can be met within SminUleS or less in 3 diffaent
directions &om the comer in question.
As residfl!nts. we wish to preserve the D8lUI'8I beauty BDd character of our ~d1ood
and we are asking you to 'VOte asainst this intrusion of our neighborhood by developers
~ to. "line their pock:ets" "'stead of taking our best interest and desires into
COllSldemtion. . . . "
As Jes;deats, we teel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesvil1e should develop
this Janel in accordance with the current master plans as weD as in accordance with
Depanment ofNaturBl Resourc:es guidelines fbr Ihe proteUioa of wildlife 8Dd1heir
As residents, we are a.skins that developers working within NoblesviUe, IN and Carmel,
IN will be rtl{uiaed to contribule fimcIs .........lly to aD iOOependeot, cenaraI fimd
controlled by the city aDd residents (SO/SO). We are also askirJs that aD dewJopers be
held accountable tOr any drying up ofweDs and ~minat;on ofwatel' supplies when
deve10pmeDt dJaDaes the water ~ water quality, de. . Developers would be
responsible fur all ancillary costs associated with this ~ as determined by a court or by
aD arbitrator.
I am also ~ a zefaendum on tIae isssues and am asking tIIat you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accontanc:e with the master plan fbr the respec;tive
N.... ~I\~t ll:. ~htt .;1 L JI~
Address_\l\~,\~ \i\\i~ \\61\ Cifilf._
<Mme.\ \DJ L.\\rb?>'>
Phone <2>~'5f\\..Ql..D-;)"'\ ~mail~Cln@ Qo\.Com
_I am a Noblesville taxpayer I am a I taxpayer
I UDderstaDd that nuo ~. developers ha~ prc:stDled ~ fbr
large commerciaJlretail dewIopment on the comer of 146 aDd Ha2Jel Dell roads. I
~st.alld that both of tile proposed deYeJopme:ols fiI1l outside of the KOpeofthe master
plan tor the City ofNobIesviJJe and the City ofOumel Tbese masIer plans toOk sewraI
years to tbl'llllJ~ much iDput from citi2Jens 8Dd city ~ aDd many taxpayer dollars
in orela' to detea..de the most ef6cient growth patterns fur our cities. J am opposed to
colDJllelclaJlrel dewIopmelll on these and any other comers along 146111 street because
) do not wish to live in an area which is coogesIed with "stop and SOft ~ c:ommacial
DOises aDd ~ c:rime which n:tail cIe'velopmeot brings, etc.. AIIowing.tOr ~
deveJopmeat<oo this comer will "open the door" 1br fiuther clewlopmeot to come in aod
soon 146* street wiD be DO <tift"erem than ~ Street or 9tJ'A Street. This is especially trUe
since c:ommerciaIIret development at Greyhound Pass and 146* Street &. moviDg
tbnher east 810.. 146'* Street and deftlopers have ex.pussed an interest ill other comers
aloag 146111 Street. Current retail needs can be met within Sminutes or less in 3 diffment
directions from the comer in questioq,
As residents, we wish to preserve the natural beauty and ~Ier ofoor DBighborhood
and we are asking you to vote against this iDtrusion ofour ~bod1ood by developers
wishing to "Jine their pocbts" instead of taking our best m.. and desires into
consideraticm. . ..'!
As residents. we feel that the City ofCarmel8Dd the City ofNoblesville should develop
this Jand in ac:cordaace with the QdIeot masler pJans as weD as in aa:onIance with
Departmealt of Natural Resources guidelines fOr the protection ofwildtife and their
As residents, we are asking that developers worldog within Noblesville, IN aDd Carmel,
IN will be mpUred to CODIribote fiuIds 8IIDUIII1y to an independeat, central fimd
controlled by the city and residents (SO/SO). We me also asking that aD developers be
held aa:oUDtabIe fbr any dryiDa up ofweUs aad contamination ofwater supplies when
development .nget: the water table, WIlIer quality, eb:..peve1opers would be
respoDSlDle fbr an aneilJaJy costs associated with this issue as ~Jned by a court or by
an arbitrator.
1 am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am asking that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan for the respective
N.... ~ &. 7riher ~~.~
Address-'Ll~'\~ \Uh\tc.. \\0.1\ Cird~
CA!mu, IN 4~l)33
PboneJ2.\'\) ff\\-q\D~q E-mail \-n7~" @ 0.0\ . Cem
_I am a Noblesvil1e taxpayer ~I~ I taxpayer
** ze. 3m:Id 1t:IIOl **
1 undersr.and that two separate developers have presented ~posak for
large COlDlllerCiallretaiI development on the comer of 146 aod Hazel Dell roads. I
uncIea~ that both oflbe proposed cIewlopmem &II outside of1he scope of tile lIIISter
plan fur the City ofNoblesville and the City of Carmel. These master plans took several
years to fimnWate, IllUCh iDpUl 10m eft.. 8Dd city planners, and many taxpayer dolJars
in onIei to determine tile most eflkieDl8lOwtb paUems for our cities. I am opposed to
eoaumeadallretail dewlopmeut on these aad any otbel' comas aIoD& 1~ street because
J do not wish to live in an area which js t'OJJgeSted with "stop and go" traftic, COmrneR;ial
DOises and smells, crime which retai1 development ~ de. Allowing for commercial
ckwe~ on this c:orIla' wiD "open the door" fOr fiarthct' dewIopmeIlt 10 tome in and
9008 t 46'h stJeet will be no differeat than 82*' Snet 01' 9(J'A Stn:et. This is especially true
sinc;e commerciaIfretaiJ developmem at Gn:yhouud Pass and 146* Street is moving
further east aloDg t~ Street and developers have ~essed 811 interest in other <lOJ'IImJ
along 146* Street. CQrrem retail needs can be met within Sminures or less in 3 dHferent
directiol!S from the .coiDer'in questioa
As resideDlS, we wish to presente me nitura1 beauty and character of our neighborhood
wishing 10 "line their pockets" instead oftakiDgour best interest and desires into
. WllSideratlon.
As residentS, we feel that the City of Carmel and the City ofNoblesville should develop
this land in accordance with the current master plans as wen as in acoordance with
Depa. tu.ent of Natural Resources guidelines for the protection of wildlife and their
As Jesidents, we are askinl that developers workin& within Noblesville, IN and Carmel,
IN will be required to ~ibdte fWrds AlIItIl8IIy to aD independent, central ftmd
CODtlOUed by the city and ~ (SO/SO). We are also askiDs that all developers be
held accouotabIe fbr any drying up of wells aDd. conlamiDadon of water supplies when
development chaD8es the water tablet water quality, etc. Developers would be
responsible tor all ancillary costs associated wRh this issue as determiJJed by a COUlt or by
an arbiIraror.
I am also requesting a referendum on these isssues and am aslciIlg that you consider this
request as my vote to keep this area in accordance with the master plan fOr the respective
Name UUA zl..ftl j
Address J'Iif 7, C),err,Y ~,'J.jf! tJ.
C~rmel, fA! 46033
Phone (317) b1'...1011 E-mail hW>..2~f1I2.O@h()t...al/.~..1
_, am a NoblesviUe taxpayer ".X.-I am a Carmel taxpayer
~__.._ _, _...._ _._ t__ ...___ _...... ----..-- ..... ---~.. - ~.........