HomeMy WebLinkAboutL100 Altum Landscape Plan-L102ADJOINERADJOINER(5) Pic-d(2) Pic-d(7) Vib-x(3) Lir-t(3) Pic-a(2) Gin-b(10) Vib-x(1) Zel-s(7) Vib-x(3) Rhu-a(1) Zel-s(1) Zel-s(3) Bet-n(14) Phy-o(2) Lir-t(3) Jun-v(2) Cel-o(1) Lir-t(2) Cor-k(2) Cla-k(1) Fag-g(1) Ulm-v(3) Pic-a(3) Jun-vCedar Fence withMasonry piers, typCedar Fence withMasonry piers, typContractor to locate and stake trees to work withand around the existing trees to remain. Slightadjustments in tree placement is allowed.Landscape Architect to approve staked locationsprior to planting.(1) Zel-s(5) Vib-x(1) Gin-b(1) Ulm-v(1) Ulm-v(1) Pla-a(3) Syr-r(2) Gin-b(7) Rhu-a(14) Ite-v(13) Cor-s(15) Ile-v(2) Bet-n(5) Zel-s(4) Ulm-v(7) Ite-v(1) Lir-t(15) Ile-v(4) Cer-c(2) Tax-d2(1) Que-m2(3) Cla-k2(1) Que-m2(2) Bet-n2(2) Que-m2(2) Tax-d2(4) Bet-n2(2) Que-m2(3) Cel-o2(1) Tax-d2(2) Fag-g2(3) Tax-d2(3) Pla-a2(2) Cel-o2(2) Pla-a2(1) Cla-k(1) Gin-b(1) Pla-a(1) Pla-a(2) Pla-aALTERNATE BID ONLY:POLLINATOR SEED MIX. PROVIDE HABITAT IN THE FORM OF(4) 18" - 24" BOULDERS(4) 24"-30" BOUNDERS2 DOWNED TREES, @ MIN. 12" CALIPER OR LARGERProperty: B3 and US 421 Overlay District/ Multi FamilySurrounding Zoning/Use:Northwest: B5/OfficeNortheast: S1/Single Family ResidentialEast: S1/undevelopedSoutheast: R4/MultifamilySouthwest: B2/RetailWest: B5/RetailBUFFER YARDSRequirements:Type A: 4 shade or evergreen trees + 10 shrubs/100 l.f.Type B: 5 shade or evergreen trees + 1 ornamental tree + 10 shrubs/100 l.f.Type C: 6 shade or evergreen trees + 1 ornamental tree + 15 shrubs/100 l.f.Required:North (west portion): 290 l.f. of Commercial Use @ Type A = 12 shade or evergreen trees + 29 shrubsNorth (central portion): 304 l.f. of Multifamily Use @ Type B = 15 shade or evergreen + 3 ornamentaltrees + 30 shrubsNorth (east portion): 755 l.f. @ Type C = 45 shade or evergreen trees + 8 ornamental trees + 113shrubsEast: 815 l.f. @ Type C = 49 shade or evergreens trees + 8 ornamental trees + 122 shrubsSouth (west portion): 222 l.f. @ Type A = 11 shade or evergreen trees + 22 shrubsSouth (central portion): 542 l.f. @ Type B = 27 shade or evergreen trees + 5 ornamental trees +54 shrubsSouth (east portion): 327 l.f. @ Type A = 13 shade or evergreen trees + 33 shrubsWest: 775 l.f. @ Type B = 39 shade + 8 ornamental + 76 shrubsProvided:North (west portion): to be submitted with future commercial developmentNorth (center portion): 5 existing evergreen trees to remain + 10 shade or evergreen trees + 3ornamental trees + 30 shrubsNorth (east portion): 24 existing evergreen trees to remain + 21 shade or evergreen trees + 8 ornamental trees + 113 shrubsEast: 5 existing evergreen trees to remain + 69 shade or evergreens trees + 8 ornamental treesSouth (west portion): to be submitted with future commercial developmentSouth (central portion): 27 shade or evergreen trees + 5 ornamental trees + 54 shrubsSouth (east portion): 13 shade or evergreen trees + 33 shrubsWest: 39 shade + 8 ornamental +81 shrubsSTREET TREESRequirement: Provide 1 shade trees per maximum 25 l.f. and minimum 50 l.f. In a median, provide 3 shadetrees plus 10 shrub/100 l.f.Required:East/West Entrance Road @ 337 l.f. = 7 to 14 trees both sides of streetEast/West Entrance Road Median @ 210 l.f. = 6 trees + 21 shrubsNorth/South Road @ 712 l.f. = 15 to 29 trees both sides of streetProvided:East/West Entrance Road: 7 trees per side = 14 treesEast/West Entrance Median: 6 trees + 21 shrubs/grassesNorth/South Road: 16 + 15 = 31 treesPARKING LOT PLANTINGSRequirement: Provide 1 shade tree + 5 shrubs/10 parking spaces; each parking space shall be within 66' of ashade treeRequired: 248 parking spaces (non garage) = 25 shade trees + 124 shrubsProvided: 25 shade trees + 125 shrubsINNOVATIVE LANDSCAPE DESIGNB. Bioswale consistent with water quality calculations in Chapter 700 of the Stormwate Technical ManualE. Native trees make up at least 75% of the total tree countUS421 GREENBELT (by Commercial outlot development)Requirement: Provide 3 shade trees + 1 ornamental tree/100 l.f.Required: 648 l.f. = 19 shade trees + 7 ornamental treesProvided: 1 existing evergreen tree + 1 ornamental tree+ 18 shade trees + 6 ornamental trees0Scale 1" = 30'-0"60'30'15'North8AB3456712CDEFGH83456712ABCDEFGHDESCRIPTIONDATENO
September 5, 2023
CARMEL, INDIANA 46077 530 E. Ohio Street · Suite G - Indianapolis, IN 46204
317-655-7777 · 877-746-0749
www.cecinc.com 5825 Lawton
46216317-485-6900 | www.context-design.comInset Matchline, See Sheet L103 Inset Matchline, See Sheet L101LANDSCAPE PLAN
L102ALL PLANTS SHALL BEINSTALLED PER DETAILS ONL500. REFER TO SHEET L500.REFER TO SHEET L501 FORPLANT SCHEDULES1.Refer to Project Manual for Planting Specifications and Topsoil requirements. Refer to Plant Schedule and PlantingDetails for additional information.2.All materials are subject to the approval of the Landscape Architect and Owner at any time. Landscape Architect toinspect all plant locations and plant bed conditions prior to installation. On-site adjustments may be required.3.Rootballs shall meet or exceed size standards as set forth in 'American Standards for Nursery Stock'. MAIN LEADERSOF ALL TREES SHALL REMAIN INTACT.4.Remove from the site any plant material that turns brown or defoliates within five (5) days after planting. Replaceimmediately with approved, specified material.5.Plant counts indicated on drawings are for Landscape Architect's use only. Contractor shall make own plant quantitytakeoffs using drawings, specifications, and plant schedule requirements (i.e., spacing), unless otherwise directed byLandscape Architect. Contractor to verify bed measurements and install appropriate quantities as governed by plantspacing per schedule. Plant material quantities shown on plan are minimum quantities. Additional material may beneeded to meet spacing requirements and field conditions.6.Seed all areas disturbed by construction activities that are not otherwise noted to receive pavement, planting bed, orsod treatment.7.The Contractor shall install and/or amend topsoil in all proposed bed areas to meet Specifications. Contractor shallcoordinate quantity and placement of topsoil. Landscaper shall verify depth of topsoil prior to plant installation. (Referto specifications for topsoil source and placement requirements)8.All tree locations shall be marked with 2x2" stakes prior to planting for review and approval by the Landscape Architect.Any plant material installed in an incorrect location, by the judgment of the Landscape Architect, shall be reinstalled atthe Contractor's expense.9.All plant beds shall receive 3" minimum of shredded hardwood bark mulch (unless otherwise noted).10.Verify all utility locations in the field prior to beginning work. Repair all damaged utilities to Owner's satisfaction at noadditional cost.11.The Contractor shall maintain all plant material and lawns until the project is fully accepted by the Landscape Architect,unless otherwise noted.12.All workmanship and materials shall be guaranteed by the Contractor for a period of one calendar year after FinalAcceptance.13.Install all plant material in accordance with all local codes and ordinances. Coordinate with the Owner to obtain anyrequired permits necessary to complete work.14.Contractor shall test all tree pits for drainage. Any tree pit that holds water for more than 24 hours shall be installedusing tree pit drainage.15.Tree Protection Fencing is the responsibility of the Contractor. Minimum protected area shall include the full drip line ofthe canopy. NO construction activities, material storage, etc. may occur within that area. The Contractor shall ensurethat no soil compaction or tree damage occurs in any Protected areas, at any time during the construction process.16.Trees shall be matched in groups unless otherwise noted.PLANTING NOTESORDINANCE CHARTArea to receive seeded lawnArea to receive native seed mixSEDGE MEADOW COMMUNITYArea to receive native plugsSHALLOW WATER EMERGENTArea to receive native pollinator seedmix. Contractor to provide 8 boulders,and 2 downed trees for fauna habitatwithin this area.HATCH LEGENDArea to receive native seed mixWET MESIC/MESIC COMMUNITYArea to receive low mow turf seed mix