HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes SpecStdy 08-11-99
AUGUST 11, 1999
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Special Study Committee met at approximately
7:00 PM on August 11, 1999, in the Caucus Rooms of City Hall, One Civic Square,
Carmel, Indiana.
Members present were: Bob Modisett~ Pat Rice~ Rick Sharp~ and Paul Spranger. Tom
Yedlick was also in attendance.
Steve Engelking, Director, Michael Hollibaugh, and Terry Jones were present
representing the Department of Community Services.
Add-On Item: Committee to consider Docket No. 24-99 DP/ADLS, Development Plan
and Architectural Design, Landscaping, Lighting, and Signage applications for BK
Partners. The petitioner seeks approval to construct a 5,000 square foot retail complex on
1.5 acres known as the Carmel Convenience Center. The site is zoned B-2/Business and
is located within the Michigan Road (US 421) Overlay Zone. (petitioner will also be
appearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals for consideration of three Developmental
Standards Variances.)
Filed by Jamie Poczekay of American Consulting Engineers.
Add-On Item: Committee to consider Docket No. 25-99 PP/SP, a replat application for
BK Partners. The petitioner seeks approval to replat 2 lots into 1 lot on 1.5 acres known
as lots 8 and 9 of the North Augusta Subdivision. The site is located at the northeast
corner of Michigan Road and 97th Street. The site is zoned B-2/Business and is located
within the Michigan Road (US 421) Overlay Zone.
Filed by Jamie Poczekay of American Consulting Engineers.
Kevin McKasson of Glendale Partners appeared before the Committee representing the
applicant. The current revised plans reflect those changes requested at the previous
Committee meeting.
Pat Rice moved for the approval of Docket No. 24-99 DP/ADLS and Docket No. 25-99
PP/SP, BK Partners. Pat amended her motion to provide for the height of the band to
be at 3 feet. APPROVED 4-0.
Item 1. Committee to consider Docket No. 45-99 Z, a rezone application for the
Buckingham Companies. The petitioner seeks approval for a rezone of28 acres from
R-l/Residence and R-3/Residence to Planned Unit Development (PUD). The site is
located at the northeast corner of Carmel Drive and Old Meridian Street.
Filed by Lynnette Williams of the Buckingham Companies.
Item 2. Committee to consider Docket No. 46-99 PV., a plat vacation application
for the Buckingham Companies. Petitioner seeks approval to vacate the plat for lot 13 of U......
Franke's Subdivision. The site is located on the East side of Old Meridian Street, north of ...
Carmel Drive.
Filed by LynnetteWilliams of the Buckingham Companies.
ZeffWeiss ofIce, Miller, Donadio & Ryan appeared before the Committee along with
Mike Speedy, Brad Chambers and Lynnette Williams of Buckingham Companies.
Zeff Weiss summarized the changes in the PUD Ordinance based on comments from the
Committee at the last committee meeting. Zeff Weiss stated that there are two issues
currently unresolved that relate to the orientation of the primary area as it fronts on Old
Meridian Street. The petitioner is willing to commit to building to the right-of-way line
on Old Meridian and orient the businesses to Old Meridian so long as the opposite side of
the street does develop in a manner consistent.
There were a few minor changes in the Design Vocabulary Definition section of the
Ordinance. The petitioner is agreeable to six foot wide sidewalks where there is mixed
use, retail and commercial; eight foot wide sidewalks along Providence Boulevard; five
feet wide sidewalks where there is residential.
Fencing: Along the perimeter ofOdom Woods will be a six foot fence; otherwise, the
fencing within the interior and along Old Meridian will be three feet, and not to exceed
48 inches.
Landscaping: Height of bushes to be not less than 24 inches to start, and grow to no more
than 48 inches.
Signage: The Department has considerable concerns with the proposed signage and the
petitioner requested a review of the Ordinance with the Department. The issue is the
number of signs and the size of the signs.
There was much discussion regarding the future development of the area and the
requirements of the development. It was felt that the best approach was by guidelines
established by an "Old Meridian Ordinance" rather than strictly a time-clock. Perhaps the
ordinance could be crafted in such a manner to provide an escape clause if the BZA (or
Plan Commission) were to grant a variance to anyone else in the corridor.
There was also discussion regarding the position of the drive-thru at the Bank; stacking
room and the parking lot.
Note of Clarification: Upon dedication, the City will not compensate the owner of the
real estate for any non-loaded improvements located thereon--"ifthe road is dedicated D..
prior to the 2001 date." If the street real estate is not added to the City of Carmel's .
Thoroughfare Plan at some date in 2001, the owner of the real estate's obligation
terminates. The City of Carmel should adopt the "Old Meridian Ordinance" within 18
s:PlanCommission\SubdivCommittee.1999aug 2
months of the date of adoption of the PUD. The petitioner suggested a six months
window in which to market exclusively and would not return unless the buildings were
oriented towards Old Meridian.
The Committee suggested and the petitioner agreed to 70% brick wrap on 100% of the
building; aluminum on the facia boards, the remainder to be "Hardy Plank" or its
Design Standards incorporated into the Old Meridian Overlay should also be
incorporated into the Ordinance and given a sunset.
Signage: Mike Hollibaugh commented that there are a total of eight ground signs in
addition to the Providence signs plus each tenant sign. The Providence entry sign is 60
square feet with 48 square foot sign, etc. etc. continuing on. The frequency and volume
of the sign area is in excess of what would normally be seen in a subdivision, let alone in
an area trying to be coordinated as part of an overall, master plan. Mike Hollibaugh
asked that the committee consider removing the Providence announcement monument on
the comer of Old Meridian and focus the attention on the entrance to the development
itself Mike further asked the committee to scale back the square footage of those signs
to no greater than 32 square feet; hopefully, in the interior, the signs will shrink further.
The petitioner stated that the sign at Carmel Drive and Old Meridian is very important
and fundamental as well as the tenant identification signs on either side of the curb cut.
The second location for the Providence sign may be overkill. It is recommended that the
announcement sign away from the entrance to the project and the second, multi-tenant
ground sign, and the square footage be reduced to be more consistent.
The petitioner agreed to a 48 square foot announcement sign, copy to say "Welcome to
the Old Meridian Corridor" with the Providence logo on either side; two entrance signs
will be 32 square feet or 48 square feet, interchangeable with the merchants signs. The
signage will be subject to approval of the Old Meridian Task Force. The ground signs
will be eliminated. The petitioner agreed to construction signs of32 square feet in size
and that they will be removed 7 days after the completion of a pertinent construction area
and the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. There will be one 48 square foot sign for
the apartment area.
Bob Modisett moved for the approval of Docket Nos. 45-99 Z and 46-99 P.V., for
Buckingham Companies incorporating changes requested by the Committee this
NOTE: The Agenda was re-ordered to move item 3 to the last item to be heard.
Item 4. Committee to consider Docket No. 56-99 DP/ADLS, Development Plan
and architectural Design, Landscaping, Lighting, and Signage applications for REI
Investments. The petitioner seeks approval to construct a 261,577 square foot office
building on a total of 13.534 acres known as Meridian Pointe Office Park. The site is
located at the southwest comer of 106th and Meridian Streets. The site is zoned B- D..
6/Business and located within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone. ..
Filed by Axis Architecture Plus Interiors.
NOTE: Bob Modisett announced a conflict of interest and recused himself from the
meeting on Item 4, Docket No. 56-99 DPf ADLS.
Julie Hall was in attendance for REI Investments.
The full Plan Commission referred this Docket back to the Committee for further analysis
of the traffic data. The petitioner's presentation to the Commission was based on a
Traffic Impact study made in 1991.
Mike Hollibaugh reported that the Department of Community Services is currently
working with HNTB on the review of the Duke project at 96th and Meridian. The basic
question is whether or not the existing traffic condition in that area is worth evaluating
with the impact of the additional square footage--in other words, Do we need to have a
modern traffic study VS the traffic update done in 19917 From a square footage basis
only, the proposed project is less than originally proposed and evaluated with the '91
After further discussion, this Docket was referred to the Executive Committee that will
meet at 6:30 PM prior to the full Plan Commission meeting on August 17. Essentially,
the Plan Commission is requesting verification that the assumptions made in 1991 are
still valid today. If the Executive Committee is satisfied with an update of the 1991
traffic analysis, this Docket will be forwarded to the Plan Commission.
Note: Docket No. 56-99 DP/ADLS for REI Investments will appear on the August 17
Plan Commission Agenda, subject to referral by the Executive Committee.
Item 5. Committee to consider Docket No. 57-99 DPfADLS, Development Plan
and Architectural Design, Landscaping, Lighting and Signage applications for Max &
Erma's Restaurants, Ine. The petitioner seeks approval to construct a 7,744 square foot
restaurant facility on 1.6 acres. The site is located near the southeast comer of 126th and
Meridian Streets within the Hamilton Crossing East Complex. The site is zoned B-
3/Business and is located within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone.
Filed by Phil Nicely of Bose McKinney & Evans.
Phil Nicely of Bose McKinney & Evans, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis, appeared
before the Committee seeking approval for the construction of a 7,744 square foot
restaurant facility. Christopher Holgate of Max & Erma's and Steve Granner of Bose
McKinney were also in attendance. The petitioner will be appearing before the BZA for D
a Special Use and variances for the size of the building and signage on two sides~ the size
of the signs would be within the allowable under the Ordinance. ;
A walkway runs from the restaurant to the Hampton Hotel and retail area next door.
There is an outdoor seating area and a fountain within the pond. The proposed Max &
Erma's is ahigh up-grade from the normal Max & Erma's Restaurant. The neon band
along the top of the building is an architectural highlight. The signs are green to match
the awning.
Steve Granner commented that a Special Use approval is no longer needed for a
restaurant facility within the corridor. The size of the sign, as shown, meets the
ordinance. The petitioner will still be appearing before the BZA for the number of signs,
the size of the building, and the percentage of retail area.
Steve Engelking reported no outstanding issues from the Department but did comment
that if the Plan Commission does approve the development, it sends a message to the
BZA that the variances should be accepted. This is the first project to come before the
Plan Commission with a 15,000 square foot or 15% retail variance necessity. The new
ordinance says ....."15% within a structure ofan office building may be retai1." What is
proposed is a stand-alone, less than 15,000 square feet offioor space, not footprint. If the
BZA does not approve any or either of the variances, the project dies. Whatever the Plan
Commission's decision is needs to be communicated to the BZA through the Plan
Commission representative.
Rick Sharp felt that the most equitable course of action was to table this project until the
BZA rules on the variances.
There was discussion regarding "marrying" the restaurant to the Hampton Hotel next
door. Currently, the plans are for a landscaped, outdoor walkway between the Hampton
and Max & Erma's Restaurant.
Pat Rice moved to table Docket No. 57-99 DP/ADLS until the Board of Zoning Appeals
has ruled on the variances. This motion died for lack of a second.
Bob Modisett moved to approve Docket No. 57-99 DP/ADLS conditioned upon the
acceptance of variances before the Board of Zoning Appeals, seconded by Paul Spranger.
Clarification: The neon, architectural band at the top of the building was eliminated.
Mike Hollibaugh asked for clarification regarding the materials used in the walkway
between the Hampton and the restaurant. David Lash of Wool pert stated that in the
approved Hampton Inn plans, the walkway is a painted stripe from the Hampton Inn to
the landscaped island, and on to the Hamilton Crossing East Development, and striping
from the proposed development to connect into the already accepted striping--it is only
white paint on pavement. The pavement is hidden from US 31 by the building and will
not be visible.
The Committee asked that pavers be used to match the circular area.
The vote on Bob Modisett's motion was 2 in favor, two opposed--no decision. The
Chairman tabled this matter to the September Special Study Committee meeting.
Item 3. Committee to consider Docket No. 84-98 CPA, proposed amendments to
the Carmel/Clay Comprehensive Plan, specifically Chapter 6, the Thoroughfare Plan.
Filed by the Plan Commission.
Rick Sharp suggested that the following should be agreed upon: The Blue Ribbon Task
Force is not going to review the Thoroughfare Plan anytime soon; and the Committee
will concentrate on 4 or 5 items that were touched on at the Plan Commission meeting.
River Road, between 126th Street and 122nd Street, is proposed to change the status to a
collector street.
Medalist Parkway was addressed in item number one.
Far northeast side collector streets: Refine recommended collector alignments.
Recommendation to decrease secondary arterial from 100 feet to 90 feet of right-of-way.
Change Main Street Boulevard to 100 feet of right-of-way from 90.
Delete Hoover Road at the point where it has been vacated by the County (between 131 st 0
Street at its terminus just north of Claridge Farms--it becomes part of the Village of ..
The proposed collector street west of Towne Road running north from 116th Street,
through the new Park site, would split the Shelborne Road school complex site is
opposed by the Carmel/Clay Parks Dept. Mrs. Perelman is also opposed to the location
of the collector street and will rescind the property for the park site if the road goes
through. The Department's feeling is that the road could be incorporated into the site.
The park will be a traffic generator as a point of destination. If it is a central park site, it
will likely have more intensive activities than a typical passive site. The general feeling
of the Committee was to leave the road network up to the Parks Department rather than
incorporating a public street into the park site.
The Committee decided to continue with up-dating the Thoroughfare Plan at its next
meeting, but it would be discussed where it falls on the Agenda and not put off at the end
or continued to another meeting.
There being no further business to come before the Committee
adjourned at 11 :25 PM.