HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence - u u CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 40032 (317) 571.2417 Fax: (317) 571.2426 Fax To. M~ Fax: 9/3 . (p 9 ;2 1" From: ~ ;;2~. ~ /J..I ;J.l)~ Pages: Phone: ~ /:qJdAihud /lpd Date: cc: o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle ---rkV~d~~~~ /61-g~ pp \ \ -;I u u Chris White 510 Fox Lane Cannel, IN 46032 A CR White Development, LL C Phone:317~2830 Fax: 317-571-8840 Emall: cwhlte@lncIy.rr.com December 10,2002 ~</-~J\:~ ~\ \-rf1-:~~ -' \ " " .....-'--1<.< ',. .~ {f~~:-/~Y._-- -.::~41",z/'~, /,,,,,..' ~ ...... / .....'/ ',~ ,/ ;: "'/ I"l..( \,/\ ( ',' rr'{fl \ ~ \ /OJ! "'1'" '.-'FlII!" "..\ '-I Ucf cD i i 1--1 lJ 10' 'i \;.:::'\ 4702" , \>, DOCS . l:/ ' 7<':'- _;,,,.---\'"<1 - I Tl?Y \ \ '._L~.~~ John Dobosiwicz City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN. 46032 Re: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm DOc}(et-#4SI:O(}2:'P~ . Dear John: Per our discussion regarding the street lighting for this community we will have a yard light on each lot in lieu of street lights. Enclosed please find a detail of the light we are proposing which has a shield over the top to prohibit glare from going upward. Also I have amended the plat covenants to clarify this matter. I have included a copy of the page on lighting out of our covenants. Please feel free to call me at 523-6116 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~~~ Christopher R. White ;; o (J ;- JUSTUS HOMES INC. '1 R"' OECtCF;VED 10 4702 POST TOP DOCS I /; i'\ /' < -'-JL~/ MX 1035 BK 3 - 60B9.5/CL W - 8" H"":' 21" .. .,~ I, I . , , "11 ;'. ..~J to. ~ ' , , . Q Q JUSTUS HOMES INC. YARD POST MX 1094BK PHCll 84" POST WITH CROSSARM & 300 WATT PHOTO CELL ~ RECflVEO DEe 10 2002 t I ooes - I -;"'" . 20. 22. u u 19. --: \.; >- '\ \ ,j / " "\/ -'{"" GARAGES/DRIVEW A YS. Each driveway in the Subdivision shall be of concrete L~!ial. .f. \r~~~'. ANTENNA AND SATELLITE DISHES. No outside antennas shall be pennit~?~ q/MlJaiv&pn. ,:..:~\ Outdoor satellite dishes shall be pennitted in the Subdivision; provided, however, ~t thel(t1thJ~~,r , I of the satellite dish shall be no more than twenty-four inches ("24"), (ii) only one (t~;Satellite ~~1'be /--) pennitted on each Lot, and (iii) the Architectural Review Committee shall have ~Aetermllt'ea'that the /.:::.; satellite dish is appropriately placed and properly screened in order to preserve\prOperty values an9~~?o/ maintain a harmonious and compatible relationship among the houses in the Subdivision; : i " .., \ f~)/ - ~. ' " !' ( - - 21. A WNlNGS. No metal, fiberglass, canvas or similar type material awnings or patio covers shall be pennitted in the Subdivision. FENCING. No fence shall be erected on or along any Lot line, nor on any Lot, the purposes or result of which will be to obstruct reasonable vision. light or air. All fences shall be kept in good repair and erected so as to enclose the property and decorate the same without unreasonable hindrance or obstruction to any other property. Any fencing pennitted to be used in the Subdivision must be wood shadowbox, vinyl coated chain link or pvc and shall not be higher than six (6) feet. No fencing shall extend into a yard, fronting onto a street, closer to the street than the front comer of the residence. All fencing style, color, location and height shall be generally consistent within the Subdivision and shall be subject to prior written approval of the Architectural Review Committee. Fences are allowed in easements but are erected at owner's risk as such fences may be partially or completely tom down by others if they interfere with the installation. operation. and/or maintenance of the facilities for which the easement has been reserved. 23. SWIMMING POOLS. SPORTS COURT AND PLAY EOUIPMENT. No above-ground swimming pools shall be pennitted in the Subdivision. No hard surfaced sports courts of any kind shall be pennitted on any Lot except as approved by the Architectural Review Committee. No metal outdoor play equipment shall be pennitted in the Subdivision. 24. SOLAR PANELS. No solar heat panels shall be pennitted on roofs of any structures in the Subdivision. All such panels shall be enclosed within fenced areas and shall be concealed from the view of neighboring Lots, common areas and the streets. 25. OUTSIDE LIGHTING. Except as otherwise approved by the Developer, all outside lighting contained in or with respect to the Subdivision shall be of an ornamental nature compatible with the architecture within the Subdivision and shall provide for projection of light so as not to create a glare, distraction or nuisance to any Owner or other property owners in the vicinity of or adjacent to the Subdivision. ~1iUi.~..:r""tl;... I, have uniform "dusk to dawn" front yard lights as designated by the developer which shall include a shield ovet:thetop of the light to prohibit glare from going.upward. 26. SITE OBSTRUCTIONS. No fence, wall, hedge or shrub planting which obstructs sight lines at elevations between two (2) and six (6) feet above the street shall be placed or pennitted to remain on any comer lot within the triangular area formed by the street property lines and a line connecting points twenty-five (25) feet from the intersection of said street lines, or in the case of a rounded property comer, from the intersection of the street lines extended. No tree shall be pennitted to remain within such distances of such intersections unless the foliage line is maintained at a sufficient height to prevent obstruction of such sight lines. 27. VIOLATION. Violation or threatened violation of these covenants and restrictions shall be grounds for an action by the Developer, the Association or any person or entity having any right, title or interest in the Real Estate, and all persons or entities claiming under them, against the person or entity violating or threatening to violate any such covenants or restrictions. Available relief in any such action shall include recovery of damages for such violation. injunctive relief against any such violation or threatened violation. declaratory relief and the recovery of costs and attorneys reasonable fees incurred by any party successfully 4 u Q CITY OF CARMEl. Department Of Comnfunity Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4€032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax To: ~&h ~ Fax: 9/3 - b?cXf From: ~ jL/ Pages: Phone: Date: /c? - &, - 0<3\ R~ ~~X)~ ~ = J-et(~.?~/~~ /o/'-t!Ja rP 12/04102 14:24 FAX HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD U () HAMILTON COUN1X:DJD;~ /. \..->/ "Zj ,_,'" HIGHWA Y DEPARTMENl/JY ~~<\~\ /,., RECflVED \>~j 1'-'1 DEe \ 4 2002 \~~" \--i, \.;<. OCs ,..e1/ \:\.. 0 /:. .:~j '\.;-:: " 1 ,~./ j.... 7-___ _-----.--(\;.>' '.1, I (_~TT \,;/ -~.",:-'-.J_, ,-' Ig] 001/002 -.'5' December 4, 2002 Mr. Rich Kelly, P.E. EMH&T Inc. 6994 Hillsdale Court Indianapolis. Indiana 46250 RE: Villas at Sweet Charity Farms /5/- Od".qo Revised Primary Plat . S of 141 at Street 1 E of Towne Road Clay Township Dear Mr. Kelly: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal received 11/07/02 containing the revised plans for the above-mentioned project. After reviewing the plans the Highway Department has the following comments (I have maintained the numbering from the October 3, 2002 letter): 1. OK. 2. 141st Street will need to be widened 3' plus a 3' stone shoulder from the west property line to Saddle Creek Subdivision on the south side of the road. The stone shoulder is also needed along the accel/decellanes. The Highway Department will expect the widening to occur across the entire south side of 131st Street to Saddle Creek. Please provide estimates of the road widening. 3. OK. 4. OK. 5. A typical street section and pavement section must be included on the Preliminary Plat. The pavement section Is not included. 9" of stone, 3" binder and 1" of surface is the required section. 6. OK. 7. OK. 8. OK. 9. OK. 10. OK. 11. OK. 12. OK. 13. Further comments will be necessary during the construction plans review. 1700 South 10'b Street Noblesville, In. 46060 www.co.hamllton.in.us Office (317) 773-7770 Fax (317) 776-9814 12/04/02 14:24 FAX '" u HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD o IaI 002/002 If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Sincerely, /t-IZ--A Steven J. Broermann Staff Engineer - cc: Jon Dobosiewicz Jenny Chapman G:\USERS\SB\02TAC\ 1 G-03-02vlDassweetcharlty.doc i"'J u U ~71-8840 p.2 No,", 2B D2 09:5011 Cl'\ris Whi't.e Ch.....Whlte &10 FOx LIllie Carmel, IN 48032 ~. C R W hit e D eve 1-0 p men t " L L C Ph0n8IS17~283a Fidei 317.-71,-8840 E....'h awhltellndy.rr.OOfII , ' John Dobosiwicz City of CamtGl . ODe CiviQ Square Cannel. IN. 46032 Re: 'lb. Villas at S'\\'eet Charity. Pann DockeU 151.o2-PP , . ~ RECF!VED '.:;,'! 27 ',I"d , ,DOCS , Novembei- 26, 2002 i \ \ >/' Dear 1ohn: Per our discusliOll regarcIiD& the. street improvetnents to 141. S~ 1U4tUS iswillins to CODStrUet other improvementS aloug 141at Street iI1lieu ofwideniDs the -.ire secticm to twO lanes with a curb . and gutter on 1he south side of'the ceritet1i=. We have shown tho oJf-site improvement of widening the . roadway with 3 feet ofpavcmcnt and a 3 foot stone shculder approximately 600 feet _ of our site and are wiWns to do additional'work to equate to tho estimated costs of the roa4 'Widc;aiDs. These improvemcots will be deI:ermined at 1IIe JeClO"ldary plat stap with the Couniy Highway Department and the City of Carmel. The estimated cost oftbe 2_ widenh1a with curb and gutter less the stone shoulderwideoiDg is as follows: . Additicmal Pavement (987 SY @ Sl6.7S/SY)- CUrb ( 113'LF @ S6.35JLFF , Less stone shoulder (.113'~F/3 @ 512.00)- Total: S 16,533 S 7,207 $ (4,540) $19~OO lulu! will agree to ped'orm S 19.200 of off-site improvemeDts to 14111 Street with the first section of dove! mePt. . . op .. Please teel fiee to call me at 523-6116 if you have any questiODS. Sincerely, . Od:-'~4J~ Christopher 1l White Cc: Rie'b KelJoy - EMHT Walt 1ustus l 'd 19l0'oN 80L8 L69 819 ~dH:8 Zaal 'a'AoN ;;, . u U .671-8840 p..3 Nov 26 02 CS:BOa. Chris Whit.. /~ A RCf"CII/CD \Ll~..Ji J ': I... .. '}' fr( )0ii') f.. ,,-1/,. DOCS' PRoPOseo HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION BUDGET FOR 20Q2' JUSTUS HOMES ..1418T STReE1' ANNUAL BUDGET Lake MaIntenance: Algae Control $ '1,750.00 . , Levm Car.e: Mowing: . 2e @ $SOOlea $ 13,000.00 FertlllzerlWeed Control: 4 CD $300 $ 1,200.00 Total Liwn Care: $ 14,200.00 Mulchlngl$easonal Flowers $ 1,8,00.00 Common Area Maintenance: Fountaln,L.ightlng!ln1gatlon Maintenance " $ 2,700.00 Common ElectrlolStreet Llght&lWater $ 1,600.00 Snow Removal (3. Or more): 4 G $325/each $ 975.00 Accounting Fees . 2,000.00 Postage/StatIonery $ 250.00 . Insurance '. 2,000.00 Legal prees $ 1,000.00 propety Taxes (Common Area) $ 3,000.00 TOTAL $ 31.175.00 12 Month Fiscal PER UNITIMONTH 52 Unitt $ 2.8() $ 22.78 $ 2.88 $ 4.33 $ 2.40 $ 1.56 $ 3.21 $ 0.40 $ 3.21 $ 1.60 S '4.81 $ 49.915 8 'd' 19l0'oN 80L8 L69 819 ~dvv:8 lOOl 'Ll'AoN .;c- . u u ~~: ; ~ --- ,,---/-... ,... .~ \ , iii!!!!!!!!!!! iiiiii ~_ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ll..iiiIiiiim_~__~ "A!i!!il!E!!!!!!.;;;;;;;;"l; f;; REeF =--- - _1& \ J - \ - " NDY 27 2002 DOCS // j" /' ' \. - EVANS, MECHWART. HAMBLETON & TILTON. INC, CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS ,., I -, , " ", '" \/"" Facsimile Transmission Date of transmission: 11..26-02 Number of sheets Including cover sheet: 1 To: Name: Mr. John Dobosiewicz Company: Carmel Department of Community Services Fax Number: 571-2426 Voice Phone: 571-2417 From: Name: Ms. Lynn Rigney Fax Number: 317.913-6928 Voice Phone: 317-913-6930 Job: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Carmel Plan Commission Docket .151-o2-PPE EMH&T #2002-1228 Fax Notes: Mr. Doboslewlez- The fOllOWIng Items were omitted from the package delivered to your office today. A copy of the correspondence from Chris White and the proposed homeowners association budget will be mailed to you this aftemoon. I apologize for eny Inconvenience this may hava caused. Thank you. Lynn Rigney c: EMH&T File Non 10 RECEMNa OPIIR.4TOR: IN THE EVENT TJUNSMlSSION IS NOTCOMPLETB PLEASE CALL 317.913-6930. 6994 HII/sclaJe COurt, Indl8napoll8. Indiana 48250 (317) 913-8930 fax (317) 913-8928 Founded 192B l 'd 19GO'ON 80L8 L69 819 ~dvv:8 GOOG 'LG'AON u (;) ===== =. -=== == & {~~:,:- i- I'->.~.. _t. .i..t .:~..,-.,,, : -\ './ "\ - , ~ _ RECF/VED NDV 27 2002 DOCS \-,- \ \,-" ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS / ", '- ~- 'j \.~ I \ - ~ : ;-'J /-=~ /'~,"~/ \ ,/ , ., November 27,2002 / ".-\ >'~.-' Mr. Jonn Dobosiewicz Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, Docket Number 151-02-PP Dear John: Please find enclosed the revised Primary Plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm. The plat has been revised per comments made at the Plan Commission meeting held on November 19, 2002 and at your meeting with Mr. Chris White on November 22, 2002. The revisions include the following: 1. The location of the stub street at the south property line has been moved to the west. 2. Additional landscape material has been added behind the lots along the south property line in accordance with a Class B Buffer. 3. A storm structure and sewer has been added for additional drainage at the southwest corner of the subdivision. 4. Shade trees have been added along the west property line and the southeast corner of the subdivision per DOCS comments. Also enclosed is a letter directed to you from Mr. Chris White addressing the off-site improvements of 141s1 Street and a proposed Homeowner's Association Budget for the community. I trust that the enclosed documents address all comments regarding the primary plat and that we are ready for approval at the Subdivision Committee meeting on December 3, 2002. Sincerely, EMH&T, Inc. tt c: Mr. Walt Justus Mr. Chris White EMH& T File 6994 HILLSDALE COURT, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46250 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 Q C,J CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4E032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax ,/7 aL./ / J To: ~ A'. 7J e //~7 // Fax: 9/ 3~ (Q~0l? Re: ~6 of0'~/~ a/7J/l'J//~e CCI From: Vcv; Pages: ~ Date: //-;( 7- O~ Phone: o Urgent 0 Far Review 0 P.lease Camment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle flode-/ A/t. /$-0;< ;qo 7;1e ;/,c lias ar .::>yyed~r/? ,-- /-~,~ Nov 26 02 09:4?a Chris White 5?1-8840 p. 1 ~ CR WhiteDevelopment,LLC FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET, TO: PROM: Chris White :r 0 h..J 1)0 bes " e ("ol"A <:.."'Z- COMPANY: C,ty t)f.Ct:\~e(. PAX NUMB:&\: .~(1 $7(- Z4Jfp PHONE NUMBBR: DATE: ; lVu:JU,2002 TOTAL NO. OP PAGES lNCLUDING COVElt: :3 SBNJ)BR'S JUUlBlUlNCE NUMB:&\: 0: YOURJlBIIBRBNCB NUMBBR: VI'Jt~!:1 @ Sv.J~et C~o.r"t7 ~.--.. D URGENT 0 FOR. REVIEW 0 PLBASE COMMBNT 0 PLEASE R.BPLY 0 PLEASE RECYCLE NOT.ES/OOMMBNTS: iT l....e t\ er O-u St-r-<02et' {.lV\p...."J&I-l.eo..k ':i> 0> \-\O~ (O'O\A.lII.Jc/"5 A.sSoc Ie. ftC:I"'" % dt:t.el. A ./,. :FCF/VED Ii;)!! 26 2002 DOCS "".-', ,I '.' ""1 '~<~; ,,>,.-'. "\-(<:~~ '<...!....Ll.:..y CR WHITE DBVELOPMENT, LLC 510 FOX LANE CARMBL, INDIANA 46032 PHONE: 317-848-2830 FAX. '1'1-571-8840 Nov 26 02 09:47a Chris White 571-8840 p.2 Chris White 510 Fox Lane Cannel, IN 4&032 ~ CR White D evelopm ent, LL C Phone: 317-848-2830 Fax: 317-571-8840 Email: cwhiteOlndy.rr.com November 26, 2002 4\ 4- " RFcr/VED . 96'; '^" . , /"0 ~'. ..',f. DOCS John Dobosiwicz City of Cannel One Civic Square Carmel, IN. 46032 , \ Re: The Villas at Sweet Charity Fann Docket # 151~2-PP Dear John: Per our discussion regarding the street improvements to 141 st Street, Justus is willing to construct other improvements along 141 st Street in lieu of widening the entire section to two lanes with a curb and gutter on the south side of the centerline. We have shown the off-site improvement of widening the roadway with 3 feet of pavement and a 3 foot stone shoulder approximately 600 feet east of our site and are willing to do additional work to equate to the estimated costs of the road widening. These improvements "ill be determined at the secondary plat stage with the COUDty Highway Department and the City of Cannel. The estimated cost of the 2 lane widening with curb and gutter less the stone sboulder widening is as follows: Additional Pavement (987 SY @ S16.75/SY)= Curb ( 1135LF @ $6.35/LF)= Less stone shoulder ( 1135LF/3 @ S12.00}: S 16,533 $ 7,207 $ (4,540) Total: S 19,200 Justus will agree to perfonn S 19,200 of off-site improvements to 141st Street with the first section of development. Please feel free to call me at 523-6116 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~ Rt'JIcu~ Christopher R White CC: Rich Kelley - EMHT Walt Justus Ncv 26 02 09:47a Chris White 571-8840 p.3 PROPOSED HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION BUDGET FOR 2002 JUSTUS HOMES -141ST STREET 12 Month Fiscal ANNUAL PER BUDGET UNITIMONTH 52 Units Lake Maintenance: Algae Control $ 1,750.00 $ 2.80 lawn Care: Mowing: 26 @ $500/ea $ 13,000.00 FertilizerlWeed Control: 4 @ $300 $ 1 ,200.00 Total lawn Care: $ 14,200.00 $ 22.76 Mulching/Seasonal Flowers $ 1,800.00 $ 2.88 Common Area Maintenance: Fountain,Lighting/lrrigation Maintenance $ 2,700.00 $ 4.33 Common Electric/Street LightsJWater $ 1,500.00 $ 2.40 Snow Removal (3" or more): 4 @ $3251each $ 975.00 $ 1.56 Accounting Fees $ 2,000.00 $ 3.21 Postage/Stationary $ 250.00 $ 0.40 Insurance $ 2,000.00 $ 3.21 legal Fees $ 1,000.00 $ 1.60 propety Taxes (Common Area) $ 3,000.00 $ 4.81 TOTAl $ 31,175.00 $ 49.96 ...~-r--'.'.- , . / /" ~ 0-1 r-r\\ICD I', ,'.-', : t., 1- ~ t .. " _ . ~:' 26 DOCS U' u Chris White 510 Fox Lane Carmel, IN 46032 ~. ~ CR W bite Development, LL C Phone: 317-848-2830, i Fax: 317-571-8840. I Emall: cwhlte@indy.rr.com November 26, 2002 John Dobosiwicz City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN. 46032 _tt:~ \~ ~>~ rw-- rP~ ~v~>~ ~ vJ ~ Re:.~~FimiI~ ~e 4Pf51~~ ~, I Dear John: Per our discussion regarding the street improvements to 141 st Street, Justus is willing to construct other improvements along 141 st Street in lieu of widening the entire section to two lanes with a curb and gutter on the south side of the centerline. We have shown the off-site improvement of widening the roadway with 3 feet of pavement and a 3 foot stone shoulder approximately 600 feet east of our site and are willing to do additional work to equate to the estimated costs of the road widening. These improvements will be determined at the secondary plat stage with the County Highway Department and the City of Carmel. The estimated cost of the 2 lane widening with curb and gutter less the stone shoulder widening is as follows: I I I Additional Pavement (987 SY @ $16.75/SY)= Curb ( 1135LF @ $6.35/LF)== Less stone shoulder ( 1135LF/ 3 @ $12.00)= $ 16,533 $ 7,207 $ (4,540) Total: $ 19,200 Justus will agree to perform $ 19,200 of off-site improvements to 141 st Street with the first section of development. ' Please feel free to call me at 523-6116 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~WU- Christopher R. White CC: Rich Kelley - EMHT Walt Justus ~\ U ow CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community SelVices One CivIc Square Carmel, IN 4Em2 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax To, 4,",{ ~/~ Fax: '1/ c.3 -0r?OZ R From: ~/} ~ //- c;;?..s-- c,;( Pages: Phone: Date: Re: .5UM0-S"O/J 0A;?J/-Ike: cc: o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle J2c.l-~ -/- A1::, /6/-?'~ ~r=> -;;:-~ j/;-/hs 4-/- SW~eT CAz-nj fi,~ o Q .<-:-' \ -~.~ /" .'. '_1 /, > /"..'. ~~/ /. " ~ V~" ~. :~' IitCOfIJ '<t:\ in, #(11/ 'to \ -- I .~~ Vy "::> I . : ".~ 1J. <v 2005 ;::' \~ VCs \(/>- '--,_' '~~;~r-_ .....'~,. . I -.- '..... ' November 21, 2005 Mr. Matthew L. Griffin, AICP City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Westwood Estates Homeowner's Boardwalk Dear Matt: Back in September following a Homeowners meeting, we discussed the idea of building a boardwalk in Westwood Estates. The Homeowners requested a boardwalk be constructed since it would be more desirable than an asphalt path, which was being located inconveniently to walking around the pond. I wanted to inform you that based on our conversation the boardwalk is preferred. I understand that although no permit is required either by your department or the surveyor, we, nevertheless, wanted to keep you apprised that we will be proceeding with construction of the boardwalk contingent on receiving a majority vote from Westwood Estates Homeowners. For your files, I am enclosing a copy of the proposed boardwalk and location map that I had earlier provided when we talked. On behalf of the Westwood Homeowners, thank you for your assistance and approval for allowing this enhancement to be expedited. ~i erely, .-~ obert Dine Director of Development cc: Walt Justus Susie Brown Chris Miller , Attachments Quality Properties, Planned Built and Managed Since 1910 1398 North Shadeland - P.O. Box 19409 - Indianapolis, Indiana 46219 - Phone (317) 353-8311 - FAX (317) 352-1570 ~~~~~ "", . I i ~, ,.--- -} I 904.' I 2 I I I I I I I I ~ 1.58~ ~-(~~~ - ~'?:5~./ """ ...... f- :~ '~.o;--:--:. o Q -::2 ~~ y,' t-\-:- I ~ ..!:jet> . -Z \r"' d~ J~ ~? N <;;S ~ !.~ ~ ;;: ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ci ~ .".~ i\"'1 I~ "\, IN. \. I '\ ,:3: r~ !1 .........:-. '~j.-~ ~ ,o"t ~ L ~ ~ {, ~ ~ \... ~ ~ ~ ~ \, i ~.i:;": ~, -.' ~ ~ ~... S -2 ~ D 1 ~ \ S -- ~ ~ ~ ~ . .. .~ ""?" -" fO"1 ~s ~:'I r-~'" -::: ...::.,,;..~~ .~\,~ ~;. ...:;2~. \ ~ I I I I ; I ; . .Il".~'. ...; .. J . . 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'. -, ' ~. _~___ ~___ -.-- -----.---1 _---.-~. ~~',~O~.~!J"fl f3..,~.!.f::S.__.._._----------1 ._-----"._~----~~-~-----_. . - . .--.--.--- -----l=~~~'( ~_~___~~t).V.-H:~.-.-~- ~~ __~~. ~~= i I - ~.~~~~~.t:t~~~J~v'C"~~bi:>~~..,-- ~: " : -...-- ,~-~,..._.~=.-.~~..,.~."""""~-~"...-_-~ ~. _,,-=,_ ___..o..,=,___~__-~...-......--~-.=r.--.;~.--~-..~-~"".-,"""'="'.-=-.- .----.~~...-- ,- --. -- ~--;.- -----"'-~-----'_...-.. ----=---""--------"""'"---~~.--=~- ........-..-._",_.-....-. .-,.-- -- ,-.~~.~~~"-~.~ -_._"'-_..._._~--~~~._-_._--~,_._~~~--'-..._-,..'---_._.--= ~- -~~~~.->~~--,~~->.'~"_< -,--' - ,- u w CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community SelVices One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4S032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax T., ~~ Fax:' 9/~ - ~9~ g- . . Phone: Fro.. ~ ,~<< Pagesf{J ~ ~ Date: J I-/~ -() z.. . Re: 15/-tJe:2 i>P ca o Urgent 0 For Review 0 P.lease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle o/~ ON-SITE EV ALVA TION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville, IN 46060 Phone: 317-773-2181 or Email: john-south@iaswcd.org ; Date: November 13,2003 Project Name: Westwood Estates Present at Site: John South, Hamilton Co. SWCD This report was provided to Mr. Tom Raymond Justus Homes PO Box 19409 Indianapolis, IN 46219 Carmel DOCS Surveyor File TYPE OF EV ALVATION: Initial X Routine X Follow-up Complaint This evaluation is intended to assess the level of compliance with 327 lAC 15-5 (Rule 5). It is also intended to identify areas where additional measures may be required to control erosion and sedimentation. All practices recommended in this report should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. All erosion and sediment control measures shall meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "Indiana Handbookfor Erosion Control in Developing Areas" or similar guidance documents. Current Site Information: The land development is completed. A majority of the site has an established grass stand. Home construction has started on 3-4 sites. The Following Items Have Been Evaluated and Assigned a Designation of: S = Satisfactory M = Marginal U = Unsatisfactory NA = Not Applicable Construction Site Management for Erosion and Sediment Control M (1) Disturbed areas have been adequately protected through seeding or other appropriate erosion and sediment control measures. S (2) Appropriate perimeter sediment control measures have been implemented. S (3) Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. S (4) Erosion & sediment control measures are installed properly. S (5) Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. S (6) Outlets have been adequately stabilized. S (7) Existing erosion & sediment control measures are being maintained. M (8) Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or tracked soil. U (9) Erosion & sediment control measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. Status of Sediment Retention On-Site Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. There is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: Satisfactory: Marginal: Unsatisfactory: Not Applicable: Please Refer to the Comments Section of this Report Definitions The item is currently in compliance with the Rule A concern has been identified; corrective action is strongly recommended to remain in compliance A violation has been identified and the site is not in compliance; corrective action is required Does not apply at this stage of construction Revised 4 /98 I ON-SITE EV ALVA nON FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ,. COMMENTS PROJECT NAME: Westwood Estates Page 2 The items checked below must be corrected prior to _11/26/03 , unless otherwise noted. Install an appropriate sediment control practice between construction areas and lower lying areas. ReplacelRepair silt fence and/or straw bale barriers. Entrench silt fence (6-8 in.) and/or straw bale barriers (4 -6 in.) and stake straw bales. Remove accumulated sediment from: sediment trapslbasins, behind silt fence/straw bales, around storm drain inlet protection devices, streets and gutters (Do not flush with water) X Temporary seed, fertilize, and/or mulch: _ _If the temporary seeding doesn't germinate then straw mulch secured with a crimper is recommended. Permanent seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade Protect storm drain inlets: curb inlets, drop inlets_ Reshape and stabilize sides lopes of : sediment trapslbasins, Xdetentionlretention basins InstalIlMaintain construction entrance(s): Reshape and stabilize conveyance channels: _ X Place greater emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, subcontractors, material vendors, and others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control requirements. Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized on all sites. Sediment tracked into the street shall be removed (do not flush with water) at the end of each work day. Other Requirements: Report Prepared By: John B. South P.E. CPESC Revised 4 / 98 l u u ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - --- -- - & ======= == SINe. EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal City of Carmel Department of Community Services' One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ~~-~~>" /!}:v\---">., (,-yi;/ A' <:::.\ ll,;y 4. / \ (:;:; RECF/!/r:D-::\ ~r:5( NOV 1 20n;; ",i,'j <,,4 \ 1I '- t:.f ~\ DOCS .;':1 \~~ ,("J \!Y>- /" / '<(;"r-.,<> / / ((.;:~ ....-\ \-' / , (; /:-~'-,;-\-\ \;;, '~-LL!~-/' [ ] Shop Drawings [] Prints [ ] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other:.-''\\2Iri-~" A\)-'- --".~;'j /~ ^'..)/~ ~''''~,('t;~ PIt/ \> \ DESCRIPTIOti';:y ~\ Plan Commission Member Packets ,;-;:-;{ \c::~ \<~, DATE: 11-7-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Director of Current Planning RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Docket Number 151-02PP TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via Hand Delivery the following items: COPIES 20 DATE THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: .--:J /\'J,li /'" j ~ '. / \Y'J.l'.\ " '-,/ '{/ '~, /{,,/,~ ,j ''''''---<:~\ ~,- "I rq-;--'J -- \ \ :7 '"-"~:!:...Lj_~,._2.--/ [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [] Resubmit copies for review [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] Submit copies for distribution [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [] Return corrected prints [ ] For Review & Comment [x] as required for Primary Plat approval REMARKS: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager c: Mr. Walt Justus Mr. Chris White EMH& T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 u u ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - --- - - ---- - & ======== == ==I~C. --~ ?\)..!LLLLi2/-r, /'j"b'" ~ '(c~ I;;;; \'\\~~ l\ '/) S ~~\;~~ ~~l. \~ \~ ~~ \)\)\;S fir ~~ /'/ Mr. John Dobosiewicz \(i"~, ''0/ City of Carmel . >.(~-- Department of Community Services --....,..- One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS November 6, 2002 RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm - .26 miles East of 1415t Street and Towne Road Response to T AC Review Comments for Primary Plat Application Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz: The following outlines our responses to the T AC letters and related meetings regarding the review of the primary plat for the above-referenced project. The plans have been revised as outlined below. The following identifies our response or action taken to address each comment: City of Carmel Department of Community Services From John Dobosiewicz Letter dated October 9, 2002 Comment Item Response 1. Sidewalk widths revised to 5 feet on plans. 2. Planting information added to Sheet 4 as requested. 3. The 3.5-acre tract has been added to the plat. 4. The 10-foot asphalt path is shown to be extended across Lot 54 as requested. 5. Beaumont Blvd. Has been revised to a 70' right-ot-way. 6. Additional Revisions per TAC meeting comments 1. Opposing left turn lanes have been added at the 14151 Street entrance. 2. Path alignments have been revised. 3. Traffic control medians have been added at interior street intersections. Hamilton County Hinhwav Department From Steve Broermann Letter dated October 3, 2002 Comment Item Response 1. Intersection has been revised to include opposing left turn lanes per TAC meeting comments. Please see Plan Sheet 2. 2. The Developer proposes to widen the south side of 14181 Street with 3' of asphalt and a 3' stone shoulder to a point approximately 600 feet east of the east boundary of the subdivision. This point generally aligns with the gravel drive into the Irsay property on 6994 HILLSDALE COURT, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46250 317-913-0930 · FAX 317-913-0928 Founded in 1926 Mr. John Dobosiewicz Carmel Department of Community Services November 6, 2002 Page 2 u u the south side of the road. This proposal is based upon a field inspection of the current roadway conditions. The inspection indicates that there are numerous conflicts that will prevent the road widening beyond the 600 foot point including three 24" diameter storm pipes east of the gravel drive that would need to be extended and numerous trees east of the storm pipes that would require removal. 3. Curb return radius at the entrance has been labeled. 4. SSD has been included under the curb. 5. 6. A typical street section has been added to the preliminary plat. A note has been added to the plans stating that all decorative sign age, sprinkler system, trees, landscape mounds and light poles have been removed from the right- of-way. 7. A note has been added to the plans stating that road cuts will not be allowed for the sanitary sewer and water connections. '1 8. ADA ramps have been added at all intersections. All ADA ramps will be constructed of concrete. 9. A 2' non-access easement has been added along 14151 Street and Beaumont Boulevard south to Lots 1 and 52. 10. It is our understanding that the trees located in the right-of-way of 14151 Street north of Lot 36 will be removed. 11. The high point in Charity Lane has been adjusted to direct runoff to the north. 12. A note has been added to the plans stating that all pipes and drainage structures under 14151 Street shall be extended to accommodate any future widening of the roadway. Hamilton County Surveyor's Office From Jenny Chapman Letter dated October 9, 2002 Comment Item Response 1. Petition will be filed wit the Construction Plans. 2. Application for non-enforcement will be filed with the Construction Plans. 3. Cost information will be filed with the Construction Plans. 4. Performance Bond or Letter of Credit will be submitted with Construction Plans. 5. Will be submitted with Construction Plans. 6. Acknowledged 7. A. Note added to Sheet 2. Specific requirements will be detailed on the Construction Plans. B. Note added to Sheet 2. Specific requirements will be detailed on the Construction Mr. John Dobosiewicz Carmel Department of Community Services November 6, 2002 Page 3 Q u Plans. C. Note added to Sheet 2. Specific requirements will be detailed on the Construction Plans. D. Note added to Sheet2. Specific requirements will be detailed on the Construction Plans. E. Structure has been added on Sheet 2. F. Note added to Sheet 2. City of Carmel. Fire Department From Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Letter Dated October 1, 2002 Comment Item Response 1. Plans showing preliminary hydrant locations were provided with response letter dated October 2,2002 as requested. 2. Per discussion at the T AC Meeting, temporary cul-de-sac will not be required at the end of Charity Lane and Beaumont Boulevard. 3. There will be no amenity building associated with this site. 4. Project will not be gated. 5. Per T AC discussion, entrance median is shifted south to provide better access from 14151 Street. Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District From John South, PE Letter Dated October 1, 2002 Comment Item Response 1. Existing soil conditions noted. 2. Narrow channels between ponds will be designed as overflow channels with low-flow pipes provided to reduce sedimentation and trash collection. Carmel Police Department From Michael Fogarty, Chief of Police Letter Dated September 29, 2002 Comment Item 1. Response Received no comments Hamilton County Sheriff's Department From L. Joe Cook, Sheriff Letter Dated October 11, 2002 Comment Item 1. Response No action required. u u Mr. John Dobosiewicz Carmel Department of Community Services November 6, 2002 Page 4 Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co. From Sharon Prater Letter Dated September 26, 2002 Comment Item Response 1. No comments - Letter states that no facilities are involved in the project. Carmel Dept. of Community Services - Urban Forester Notes From Scott Brewer Notes Dated October 16, 2002 Comment Item Response 1. Notes and details will be provided on the Construction Plans. 2. Planting requirements in buffer yards added to Sheet 4. 3. Shade trees are shown outside right-of-way and species are identified in the table on Sheet 4. . 4. The route of the off-site open channel has been revised to avoid the existing vegetation. In addition to the above-noted revisions, the primary plat has been modified in accordance with comments set forth at the October 16, 200 T AC meeting and other meetings held with various reviewing agencies. A summary of these revisions follows: 1. Street names have been revised per the request of Carmel-Clay Communications. 2. Open space calculations revised. We trust that the responses outlined herein adequately address the written and verbal comments of the various reviewing agencies. We look forward to presenting the project to the Plan Commission on November 19, 2002 and working with you to secure approval of the primary plat. Should you have any questions regarding this project or the information contained herein, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, ..--..~_..,,----" . c: Mr. Walt Justus, Justus Home Builders Mr. Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept. Ms. Jenny Chapman, Surveyor's Office 'Mr. Scott Brewer, Urban Forester Mr. Chris White, CR White Development Mr. Steve Broermann, Highway Dept. Mr. John South, Hamilton County SWCD -, t OC'~21 02 09:13a Chris White 571-8840 p.2 u u Chris White 510 Fox Lane Carmel, IN 46032 ~ CR White Development, LL C PIIonel: 317.....2830 Fax: 317-571-8840 Email: cwhite@incly.rr.com Qaober 21, 2002 John and Janice Brown 2323 West 141S1 Street Westfield, IN. 46024 Re: Proposed Justus Homes Subdivision Dear John and Janice Brown: Last week we had our review meeting with the City of Cannel and the county agencies to review the proposed subdivision. The City of Cannel has asked us to once again include your lot into our plat so that the remaining 3.5 acres will comply with their minimum lot area criteria of 5 acres for an un- platted lots. Before they issue us a docket number to proceed they have asked that we discuss this option with you one more time. The City desires to have the right of way, asphalt path and road widening to be included in so that when completed they have continuous improvements along l41sr Street. The sidewalk requirement is now a 10 foot wide asphalt path similar to what bas been installed on the north side of the road. I have estimated the improvements as follows: 303 Lf of 10 foot wide path @S20IFt.= 303 Lfof3 foot widening to 14lst Street= 303 Lf of 3 foot stone shoulder= Misc. sod repair and grading= Subtotal $ 6,060 $ 1,500 $ 1,200 $ 1.240 $10,000 Our last conversation prior to us filling our plat you where open 10 Justus escrowing these funds for the future owner to use to perform these improvements whenever they would record the plat for the 3.5 acres. The 3.5 acres would be set up as a separate section and separate plat that could be recorded at anytime in the future that the buyer deemed appropriate. Please let me know if you are still agreeable to this method of resolving this issue. If you are I will meet with Justus and see if they are open to proceeding with including your lot in the plat and escrowing the funds. We will need to know quickly to be able to proceed with the platting schedule. Please call me at 281-4895 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~r<L/~ Christopher R. White CC Walt Justus John Dobosiewicz Oc~ 21 02 09: 13a . Chris White 5?1-8840 p.1 u u ~ CR WhiteDevelopment,LLC FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: '":fO""" "Do\c.es.~f~.'t.L COMPANY: C, ';-)' 0(- co".....o I PAX NUMBJIR: 311- ';7' -z4--zu, PHONB NUMBP.1I.: "3 I 7 '57 I - '2.4/ 7 P&OM: Chris White DATB: ,2002 TOTAL NO. OP PAGBS INCLUDING COVER: SIlNDBll.'S llBPBlUINCB NUMBD: JIB: YOUllRBPERBNCB NUMBBIt: U i I J o..~ 0.. -t Swee ~ c..1-v..r, \- 'f 4........ o URGBNT 0 FOR REVIBW [] PLEASB COMMENT [] PLEASE REPLY [] PLEASE RECYCLB NOTBS/COMMBNTS: L~H-.v- :r ~~to ~,.. ca"o.......... ~1.S fI1.(}/'V1',,",? r W:n. ~\lO'" \"",-,0,,",,, uJ~+ 1:" "'--b.r bo..,-lc. " CR WHITE DBVELOPMENT, LLC 510 FOX LANE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PHONB: 317-848-2830 fAX. 117-S71-8840 Fax u CITY OF CARMEL Department ofCom~llnity SetVices One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 u To: '-;f:c-iL, ~ Fax: ?)/..3 - hcRJ From. ~ Pages: /O--02-/-tt/OJ., Phone: Date: Re: 4J~d:e--/ ~. /5/-0:;< ~ cc: o Urgent o For Review 0 P.Jease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle u o Rich Kelly EMH & T, Inc. 6994 Hillsdale Court Indianapolis, IN 46250 RE: Villas at Sweet Charity Farm I '01 - D ~ pP LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Villas at Sweet Ch!:irity Farm and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. Our office is requesting a set of plans showing the fire hydrant locations throughout this project. 2. Our office is requesting the installation of temporary cul-de-sac at the end of Charity Lane and Beaumont Blvd. South Drive if these streets do not connect to an existing street. 3. Will this project have an amenity building. If so, our office will request the installation of a Knox box for emergency access. An application for the Knox box is available through our office. 4. Will this project be a "gated community" with the use of a electronically operated gate. If so, our office will request the installation of a device that will allow fire department access in the event of an emergency. 5. 6. Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Date: October 1, 2002 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department 1 < u u -, T AC OCTOBER 16, 2002 Urban Forester Notes Carmel Clay Historical Society: There are no objections to the Use Variance, but no landscape plan has been submitted with the Development Plan. Comments will be made after a landscape plan has been submitted. Lakeside Park. Section One: The Landscape Plan for the Secondary Plat and Construction Plans does not meet the Open Space Plan, Landscape Plan, Buffering requirements, and Tree Preservation Plan commitments submitted for the approved Primary Plat received by this office on August 29, and September 10, 2002. The Secondary Plat plans and Construction plans must meet, or equal these approved plans. Sheet 6 shows the installation of a storm sewer between yard inlet 159 and yard inlet 160. This sewer installation bisects a tree preservation area (Common area #1). The installation by trenching through this tree preservation area is not acceptable. Sewer installation through tree preservation areas must be accomplished by tunneling to sufficient depth not to injure trees in the woodlands; otherwise, drainage should be accomplished by grading, earthwork, or trenching outside the tree preservation areas. These woodland preservation areas are primary natural openspace conservation areas. Lakes at Hayden Run. Section Two: Four "street trees" shown along Lorenzo Boulevard on the Primary Plat are missing from the Secondary Plat landscape plan for Section Two. These need to be replaced. The developer's commitment to plant at least one large maturing shade tree near the street but outside the right-of-way in the front of each lot not on Lorenzo Boulevard (a county thoroughfare) must be included in Section Two as it was in Section One. The individual amounts for species are missing from the submitted landscape plans. These must be added to the plan. The Primary Plat Landscape plans show the woodland on the north perimeter being saved in its entirety. The Section Two plans show an encroachment into the woods by lots, a drainage easement, and a 6' asphalt path. Sheet 22 shows Tree Preservation Detail F (fencing), but there is no corresponding fencing on the Landscape Plan. This woodlands in its entirety is a primary conservation area on the open space plan for this subdivision as submitted to the Carmel Clay Plan Commission on October 21, 2001, and subsequently approved. This issue must be resolved before this plan can be approved. Fence row or native trees along the north-east perimeter should be preserved by utilizing tree protection measures as well. Villaoe of West Clay. Helen Wells Buildino: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farms: Landscape plans must include planting notes and graphic planting details. Please also include a diagram detailing required bufferyard plantings and proposed plant numbers. Any additional shade trees committed to be planted in the front yards of lots must be near the street but outside the right-of-way. Please detail the species of the 102 shade trees committed for the 51 lots on the landscape plans. Additional plant materials for buffering should be added behind Lots 1-7 and along the path between Benevolence Court and Beaument Boulevard South to screen views into the PSI property. More should be added along the east perimeter south of Lot 27. It my suggestion that the open drainage on the south east corner be graded outside the existing strip of brush and woods. .." u w '. Laura Vista Subdivision: Due to the wildlife in this area, connectivity of the common areas should be a priority. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has acknowledged this riparian corridor (forested floodplain) as an ecologically sensitive area (possible habitat for the federally protected Indiana bat) that should not be disrupted. A written tree preservation plan needs to accompany the secondary plat including graphic details of the tree and all woodland protection measures. Wooded common areas need to be listed as tree preservation areas on the plat and in the neighborhood covenants. Requirements and allowed activities must be detailed for tree preservation areas within the neighborhood covenants. If a monument sign is proposed, a plan of the sign the required landscaping must be submitted. There has been no landscaping plan submitted at all. If one is not proposed, a written explanation must be provided. I will be glad to meet separately and on site if needed. Shade trees should be planted along the portion of the multi-use path from Laura Vista Drive west to the woods. (Path on plat?) Clay Terrace: There have been significant changes between the Rezone PUD plan and the Development plan currently submitted. The current plan does not include any landscaping, tree protection, or reforestation plans as required with the Rezone application. Comments will be made when those are submitted. The areas to plant the required landscaping and reforestation seem to have significantly lessened due to changes in storm water detention and change of layout. Motorcycles of Indiana: No change of use? Cherry Creek Estates: No submittal Providence at Old Meridian: Correct mistakes on plant schedule. No Austrian pine, no red maples, no cockspur thornless hawthorn, change Malus Coral Burst to recommended species. American Standard for Nursery Stock (1996) not ANSI. Significant changes to PUD development plan - doesn't match original plan (Mark Timmons) or installed (Rick Riddle). Label all plants individually and give #'s in schedule. Planting details - plant trees with root flare at grade level (not same as nursery), don't pile mulch up on trunk of tree. Remove large dead Oak at entrance and others that are risk trees. Donate large White Oak sections for community use. Plant evergreen screen on Arbors border as agreed when development plan approved. Areas of constructed soils? Clarian HosDital North: Haven't had sufficient time to make a complete review. Construction causes a removal of a significant section of trees. No planting schedule, needs table of requirements vs. plan, NO Austrian Pines, NO Pin Oaks, replace Tilia cordata with Tilia tomentosa. Planting details - flare root at grade level. Why planting pits for containerized trees? Suggest constructed soils. Carmel TransDortation Facility: Correct mistakes on plant schedule. No Austrian pine, no red maples, no cockspurthornless hawthorn, change Malus Coral Burst to recommended species. Plan shows trees in pond. Plant trees on west side of lake along parking lot. Note: remove wires and stakes after one year. Label individual plants. Planting details - plant trees with root flare at grade level (not same as nursery), don't pile mulch up on trunk of tree. ~ o o Dobosiewicz, Jon C ,.. . Subject: Andy Kern [Andy.Kern@ctrwd.org] Tuesday, October 15, 2002 8:56 AM rfarrand@ccs.k12.in.us; AKeeling@cLcarmel.in.us; CTingley@cLcarmel.in.us; DHiII@ci.carmel.in.us; DPattyn@cLcarmel.in.us; Ghoyt@ci.carmel.in.us; GStahl@ci.carmel.in.us; J Dobosiewicz@ci.carmel.in.us; J Fahey@ci.carmel.in.us; JKendall@ci.carmel.in.us; JPFoster@ci.carmel.in.us; KHahn@ci.carmel.in.us; LLillig@ci.carmel.in.us; MFogarty@ci.carmeJ.in.us; MHollibaugh@cLcarmel.in.us; MMcBride@ci.carmel.in.us; MSnyder@ci.carmel.in.us; PMorrissey@ci.carmel.in.us; PPace@ci.carmel.in.us; RHancock@ci.carmel.in.us; SBrewer@cLcarmel.in.us; . slillard@cLcarmel.in.us; WAkers@ci.carmel.in.us; Dean.Groves@Cinergy.COM; sprater@cmsenergy.com; sjb@co.hamilton.in.us; stc@co.hamilton.in.us; Jay Alley; sueellen@hotmail.com; john-south@iaswcd.org; heck@iquest.net; jeffry. farmer@timewamercable.com; tskolak@usps.gov; CShupperd@vectren.com Re: October 16th Carmel/Clay T AC Agenda From: Sent: To: Hello everyone: Following are CTRWD comments on the agenda items effecting our sanitary sewers or service area for the October 16, 2002 TAC meeting. Please feel free to copy and distribute this emai1 or attach it to your meeting minutes. We have also created a new page on our website linked to the "Construction" page where we have posted all CTRWD TAC comments from 2001 and 2002 meetings held to date. We will continue to add to this page every month so please let everyone know they can view our comments online now too. Lakeside Park, Section One (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans) The plans received by the District do not contain the most recent version of the District's Sanitary Sewer Specifications. Revised plans need to be submitted including the District's specifications. A preconstruction meeting will need to be held before the construction of the proposed sanitary sewers. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Lakes at Hayden Run, Section Two (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans) The plans received by the District do not contain the most recent version of the District specifications. The plans contain two sheets labeled Sht.13. On sheet 13 the sanitary manhole numbers do not match on the plan and profile. Storm sewers are not shown on the sanitary plans and profiles. Final revisions will be required before the District will submit for an IDEM permit. A preconstruct ion meeting will need to be held before the construction of the proposed sanitary sewers. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Village of West Clay, Hellen Wells Building (Construction Plans) The plans received by the District do not contain the lateral specifications. An easement will need to be obtained for the portion of the lateral that is not on the above property. Final revisions will be required. A preconstruction meeting will need to be held before the construction of the proposed sanitary sewers. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. fill! The Villas at Sweet Charity Farms (Primary Plat) The plans received by the District do not contain the sanitary sewer profiles. Revised plans will be required. A preconstruction meeting will need to be held before the construction of the proposed sanitary sewers. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Motorcycles of Indianapolis The plans received by the District do not show any changes to the sanitary sewer. If changes are required, revised plans will need to be submitted to the District for review 1 and permitting. u Q Clarion Hospital North (Rezone and Development Plan) ~ The plans received by the District do not contain the most recent version of the District's Sanitary Sewer Specifications or sanitary sewer plan profiles. Revised plans need to be submitted. A preconstruction meeting will need to be held before the construction of the proposed sanitary sewers. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Please remind all TAC applicants to provide plans directly to the District at our main office address in care of Andy Kern at: 10701 N. College Ave., Suite A, Indianapolis, IN 46280-1098. If there are questions about the District's requirements, then please refer to our website for current information on the District's construction specification and permit standards. We are a member of the IUPPS underground locate network so call 1-800-382-5544 before you dig! Please feel free to contact Jay or me if you have questions or need additional information. Thanks! Andy Kern, Project Specialist Clay Township Regional Waste District Hamilton County, IN, USA http://www.ctrwd.org/ 317-844-9200 (phone) 317-844-9203 (fax) >>> "Dobosiewicz, Jon C" <JDobosiewicz@ci.carmel.in.us> 10/04/02 02:57PM >>> See attached: <<TAC2002-1016.rtf>> Thanks, Jon 2 J OCT 09 '02 03: 58PM u f :Kellloll C. 'Ward, SlIr/leyor 'l't/lm:' (.117' 7715-84% 'rlIJ' Uq) 77b.~H;2.~ October 9, 2002 EMH&T Attn: Rich Kelty, P.E. 6994 HiI1sdale Court Indianapolis, IN 462S0 VIA FACSIM:JLE: 9J3-6928 Re: The Villas at $wfet Charity Fann Dear Mr. Kelly: P.1/2 r l-" 5Y'"),- - I- -- ~:-,~ -~>I:~ dX> ........:' =-. ~ I Sulle H!S One :Hamil/OII COllllty SqrJart' .1Voble.w/J/e, Iffdia"~.u~6"Ol'.':UJ" ,/;'; \ l' i /-., /' ,c ..'-. _~ ;el'>.. /;,)..\....>/ -",</ /" /<.~ ~ "':,c<;:'\ /<,,--,;,' '<(' ~.\ ',I /iSJ ,... \ l:; ~t~~nn. 'r::'" j--i OrT ''9IC;:;I'.ft/!)t~\ r-I u, 9 l_ I \ ;0.\ 1)/1/11) L_J IV>' \ Clive j \.,'. DO("~ )",11 \--....\ vg: . .........'/ ,... \ I"! ~", ~', /', 'q....... ,/F,~/ ')'2'/'>" ,~ -\ \ >-' l 1l / 0 'f "-Z:lfT0v We have reviewed the primary plat and preliminary dralnage repOI1 submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's office on September 30,2002 for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm subdivision and have the following comments. 1. A new regulated drain petition will need completed and filed with the County Surveyor's Office. The County Surveyor shall prepare a personal report to the Hamilton County Drainage Board and present the petition to the Board on a date speeitled by the CountY Surveyor. 2. The boprd may reduce the seventy.flve (75) foot regulated drain easement requirement to any distance of not leas than twenty-five (2S) feet from the top of each bank of an open ditch and fifteen (IS) feet 1t()rn the center line of any tiled drain as measured at right angles. An application for Don..enforcement ()f drainage ellSements will need filed with the County SUfYeyor's Office. Non-enforcement requests Include a $100.00 filing fee payable to the Hamilton County Treasurer. 3. Th.e developer will submit a copy of the engineer's estimate specifYing the costs of necessary markers and monuments, the costs of the proposed draln Including construction JUld establishment ofvcgetatlvl! cover for all areas disturbed during construc;tion. The County Surveyor's Offic::e shall also accept the contractor bid specifying the costs of drainage improvements. 4. The developer wilt provide to the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners a performance bond or lener of credit payable to tha Board, in an amount not less than the amount of the estimate or bid. The provided surety should Individually list the separate drainage improvement components. The btlnd must be conditioned Oll the faithful performance of the contract and the payment of all expenses and damages incurred under the contract, including payment of all suppliers, laborers, and subcontractors, All forms of surety remain effective for not less than one year trom date of Issue, Hamilton County shall release submitted sureties prior to one year from date of Issue provided the project satisfactorily completes final inspection. S. The developer will provide to the County Surveyor's Office one copy of the subdivision restrictive covenants or secondary plat that conspicuously lists thl!l Hamilton County easement definitions. '- , OCT 1219 '1212 1213:58PM u Q P.2/2 6. An onsite meeting will need scheduled by the dev~loper where the developer, contractor and the County Surveyor's Office shall discuss construction of the new regulated drain. 7. Pield investigation indicate the following regarding the downstream portion of the regulated drain: Open ditch portion: a. Flow line obstruc:tions from the tile outlet south of 14111 to the north side of 136tk need to be removed. b. Clearing of the drain from the tile outlet to the north side ot" 136111 will be required. Clearing of this area should be completed fk>m the south and west banks. The conservation clearing detail OD-3 maybe used. Large quality trees may be left at the discretion orthe Inspec:tion. c. Dredging of the drain will be required to obtain outfall to the tile. The drain is currently obstructed. The length of dredging needed to be determined by survey. d. Erosion control will be required In a few areas. Bends in the stream and areas where surface water has cut the bank~. Tbese areas will be Identified by the lns,pector after the clearing has been completed. Tile Portion: e. The tile shall have a structure set at the south side of 14111 to allow access and inspection. f. The tile shall be routed through the storm Sewe.f system. The old tile Is to be crushed and any laterals properly outlet into the system. Shou.ld you have any questions please con~ me at 776-849'. Thank you. Sincerely, .) &e/yVy\A,f C(kJ1)')1.f?{i}t. Jenny Ch~an Plan Reviewer Co: Carmel-Engineer Carmel-Community Development Hamilton County Dep~ent of Soil Conservation Services Hamilton County Highway Department 2 u u City of Carmel VIA FAX: 913-6928 Original by mail October 9, 2002 Richard Kelly EMH&T Inc. 6994 Hillsdale Court Indianapolis, IN 46250 RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, Primary Plat Application Dear Mr. Kelly: This letter is in response to your Primary Plat application for the Villas at Sweet Charity Farm. The following issues must be resolved prior to signature ofthe plat by the director: 1. Alternative transportation, Section 8.9 of the SCO: sidewalks required at 5'. 2. On the landscape plan (sheet 4) provide a chart showing the length of the perimeter of the site and how the number ofplantings correlates to the requirement. 3. Add the 3.5-acre tract with the house on it to the plat. 4. Extend the 10' asphalt path along the 3.5-acre tract with the house on it. 5. Provide a 70' ROWand a 36' pavement width on Beaument Boulevard South to matcho existing Beaument Boulevard to the north. Please submit a revised Primary Plat with the above-mentioned changes. Sincerely, Jon C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator Villas @ Sweet Charity Farm-PPl Page 1 ONE CMC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317 /571-2417 ': u u CARMEL/CLAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMIT5 AGENDA~~~"i ?~~~ uOCS Date: Place: c)'00 H m C)'20 H m 9'40 H m 10,10 H m 10'10 H m 1O'~O H m October 16, 2002 Department of Community Services Conference Room 3rd Floor - Carmel City BaD Carmel aay Historical Society (Use Variance Development Plan) IThe aedPplicant se~ks approval to construct an.ad?itiOna1dstru~re"dThe sit~ i~ h ~.' ocat at 211 Frrst Street Southwest. The sIte IS zone R-2f.l'.eSI ence WIthin t e Old Town Overlay Zone. Filed by Balay Architects for the Carmel Clay Historical Society. Lakeside Park, Section One (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans) The site is located on the southwest comer of West 141st Street and Towne Road. if- The site is zoned S-I/Residence - Very Low Density. .) Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Roehling Enterprises, Inc. Lakes at Hayden Run, Section Two (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans) The site is located on the north side of West 131st Street approximately one- 4- quarter mile west of Towne Road. The site is zoned S-IIResidential- Very LOW" Density. Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Centex Homes. Village of West Oay, BeUen WeDs Building (Construction Plans) The site is located at the southeast comer of 131st Street and Towne Road within tf" the Village of West Clay. The site is zoned PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed by Dave Sexton of the Schneider Corporation for Brenwick TND Communities. The Villas at Sweet Charity Farms (primary Plat) The applicant seeks approval to plat a 52-lot residential subdivision on 34.51 QV1 acres. The site is located on the south side of 141st Street 1/8 mile east of Towne '- Road. The site is zoned S-llResidence - Estate. Filed by Rich Kelly ofEMH&T for Justus Home Builders, Inc. Laura Vista Subdivision (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans) The applicant seeks approval to plat a 55-lot residential subdivision on 34.94 . acres. The site is generally located south of Danbury Estates subdivision between ~, /7 SR 421 and the Foster Estates Subdivision. The site is zoned R-IlResidence. "- Filed by Brandon Burke of The Schneider Corporation for Primrose Development, LLC. ; :'-~\,'n r,\.;"Ci(< ~ {"J\i'il i ;;::r; sJi-~J~ /Il;,?,;~l- u u \ .~ page 2 of2 Technical AdvisOIY Committee Agenda October 16, 2002 11 '20 ~ m 12-00 P m 1 '00 p m 1 '10 P m 2'00 P m 2'10 P m Clay Terrace (Preliminary Development Plan) The applicant seeks approval of a preliminary development glan. The site is ~ located at the southwest comer of US Highway 31 and East 146 Street. ~ C-. Filed by Jeff Clayton of American Consulting, Inc. for the Lauth Property Group. Break for Lunch; 1 hour The meeting will resume at 1:00 p.m. Motorcycles oflDdianapolis (Amended Development Plan) The site is located at 4146 East 96th Street. The site is zoned B-3 (Business). Filed by Bill Keller ofKES Consultants, Inc. for Motorcycles of Indianapolis. Cherry Creek Estates - Formerly Cherry Tree Estates (Primary Plat) The applicant seeks approval to plat a 273-lot residential subdivision on 149.562 acre~_ The site is located on the east side of Hazel Dell Parkway north and south of Cherry Tree Road. The site is zoned S-llResidential - Low Intensity. Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Platinum Properties, LLC. Providence at Old Meridian (Development Plan Amendment) The applicant seeks approval of an amendment to the approved Development Plan for Providence at Old Meridian. The sit is located at the northeast comer of West Carmel Drive and Old Meridian Avenue. Filed by Gary Murray of Paul I. Cripe for Buckingham. Clarion Hospital North (Rezone and Development Plan) The site is located at the southwest comer of Pennsylvania parkway and College Avenue. Filed by Joseph M. Scimia of Baker and Daniels for Clarion Health Partners, Inc. ~:":;ip(:frHne Co. :;:::c1ciiities ~nl.fnh~\:;c! jn this proie{"\1 :c::T::;~J..:Il~~ J ;~:.~::q,~,.. -,' :J' ,,0 U;:h(2 ~C- Dr: ~ *- Fax u (j CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community SelVices One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4€OS2 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 To: IC~ ~/A FaJC 9,(3- FrQm~ \./tJ CC2: Pages: 0 Date: /0 -.;/ - o~ Phone: Re: ~A'C,l1UJqq /o-/'-o~ o Urgent 0 Far Review 0 PIease Comment D Please Reply o Please Recycle f)/bs' qrSired dr-/~ j;;;/?y, VvJ-/bs $/?1e ~6'd//d4 ~e. r , ' 10/03/02 12:54 FAX u HAMILTON CO BWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD W IaI 0011002 . HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT October 3, 2002 Mr. Rich Kelly, P.E. EMH&T Inc. 6994 HlIIsdale Court Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 RE: Villas at Sweet Charity Farms Primary Plat S of 141 at Street 1 E of Towne Road Clay Township /;.<;S;~:}-7>',>, . /"...... l>.. l-....... "A '. Rf.CE\\fEU Oel 3'-: DOCS /' I ; , <.1 Dear Mr. Kelly: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal received 9/30/02 eontalnlng the plans for the above-mentioned project. After reviewing the plans the Highway Department has the following comments: 1. Dimension the width of the decellane from the centerline of 141at Street. The pavement width should be 24'. 2. 141 $' Street will need to be widened 3' plus a 3' stDne shoulder from the west property line to Saddle Creek Subdivision on the south side of the road. The stone shoulder is also needed along the accel/deeellanes. 3. Please label the curb retum radius at the entrance. 4. Please include the SSD under the curb on the Preliminary Plat. 5. A typical street section and pavement section must be included Dn the Preliminary Plat. 6. Please note that decorative signs. sprinkler systems, trees, landscaping mounds, light poles or other such amenities are not permitted in the right of way. 7. The sanitary sewer and water connections will need to be pushedlbored under 14111 Street. RDad cuts will not be permitted. 8. ADA ramps are needed at all of the Intersections. The ADA ramps on the asphalt path must be constructed of concrete. Asphalt ramps will not be permitted. 9. A 2' non-access easement Is needed alDng 141at Street and Beaumont Boulevard south to Lots 1 and 52. 10. The eXISting trees in the right of way of 1418. Street north 01 lot 36 will need to be removed. 11. It appears that Sweet Chanty Lane stonn water will run off onto the adjDinlng parcel to the south. Can the high point Df the street be adjusted to the property line or another set 01 Inlets added at the end of the stub street to collect the water? 12. Any pipes or drainage structures that are under 141'" Street will need to be extended to accommodate the widening of the road. 13. Further comments will be necessary during the construction plans review. 1700 South loD Street Noblemlle, In. 46060 ~ .eo.hamUton.ln.us omce (317) 773-7770 Fax (317) 776-9814 10/03/02 12:55 FAX IWIILTON CO BWY. U Carmel DOCD .. u , If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. ~in rely, (I., { :$-. - teven J. Broermann Staff Engineer cc: Jon Doboslewlcz Jenny Chapman G:\USER5\SB\02TAC\10..o3-02vlllassweetdlarlty.doc ~ 002/002 o Q ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ====== = , & lNC ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS October 2, 2002 REi 1- Ocr CflVED J DOCS Mr. Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal City of Carmel Fire Department 2 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Dear Mr. Hoyt: Thank you for your prompt response to our request for comments on the Primary Plat Application for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm. We offer the following responses to your comment letter dated October 1, 2002: 1. Please find enclosed a drawing showing preliminary hydrant locations for your consideration. The locations will also need to be coordinated with the Water Company at the TAC meeting. 2. We would like the opportunity to discuss the need for temporary cul-de-sacs at the locations specified in more detail at the TAC meeting. Since these two streets are only one or two lots long, we believe this requirement may warrant further discussion. 3. No amenity buildings are contemplated for this project. 4. This will not be a gated community. We look forward to discussing this project with you in more detail at the upcoming TAC meeting. Sincerely, c: Mr. John Dobosiewicz, DOCS Mr. Chris White, CR White Development 6994 HILLSDALE COURIINDIANAPOLlS. INDIANA 46250 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 A , "~ t. , ~ o Q NATURAL RESOURCES PLAN REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south@iaswcd.org Project Name- The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Primary Location- Sec. 21 T- 18N R- 3E Acreage- 34 Owner/Developer- Justus Home Builders 1398 N. Shadeland Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46219 Engineer- Mr. Rich Kelly EMH&T 6994 Hillsdale Court Indianapolis, IN 46250 Reviewed By: John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Review Date: October 1, 2002 Soils Information: Brookston silty clay loam- this soil is dark colored, silty in texture and on depressional uplands. It is deep and very poo!ly drained with moderate permeability. It has high available water for plant growth and high organic matter content. Ithas compact till starting at a depth of 40 to 60 inches. The main soil features that affect the urban development uses are seasonal high water table, high potential frost action, moderate shrink-swell potential, moderate permeability and ponded surface water. Crosby silt loam, 0-3 percent slopes- this soil is light colored, silty in texture and on sloping uplands. It is deep and somewhat poorly drained with slow permeability. It has high available water for plant growth and medium organic matter content. The soil has compact till starting at a depth between 20 -40 inches. The main soil features that affect urban development uses are seasonal high water table, moderate shrink-swell potential, high potential frost action and slow permeability . Additional information about soils is available in the "Soil Survey of Hamilton County". The engineer and/or developer should consider the need for an onsite soils investigation. I have reviewed the plans for this project and have the following comments: . Basements are not recommended for these soil types. .rr-... .-~ . u Q . The narrow neck of pond will likely collect trash, algae and other stuff and will not be very attractive. . The pond nearest to the road will catch most of the sediment from offsite areas. Enough room should be left around the pond to dredge the sediment. Should you have questions concerning these comments, please contact me. Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, Carmel DOCS Jenny Chapman, Surveyor Steve Broermann, County Highway File u C~Jr]ffiel Q September 29, 2002 /~,,/~, '. /;;' :i ~! RECEIVED i~i Sf? 30, 2002 ,.":~l: \~:\ DOCS ( y \:>,~,. ~\(<; / ~ r:/,..,.....~,.~............,,__~'{' . i/' ~! i 1'170,/ -":_'--~ Rich Kelly, PE EMH&T 6994 Hillsdale Court Indianapolis, IN 46250 RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Dear Mr. Kelly: I have received and reviewed the plans submitted for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law en- forcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, ~]).~ Michael D. Fogarty Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: ,;Oept. of Community Services (317) 571-2500 A Nationally Accredit orcement Agency '" FAX (317) 571-2512 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - --- ---- & ----- - - ========= = =INe. u u EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal ~6\Tr'0>^ DATE: 9-20-02 JOB NO. 2002-1~,2~;~~.-"----'-~/!>;:,, ATTENTION: Director of Current PlanJ)fpg;< ... '~v\ RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity farmti Rtcl'~ \};\ l!'-jJ>lfJ I../tt/) ~.=- City of.~armel Department of Community Services ~=-.J.. IJ. ;IJ lt7a . .)>~ One CIVIC Square \(A VCS {? L- Carmel, IN 46032 y\, <~~ / ",,':;'}'" ,.-\.-< '/ ~/r:;:r:\-r,~, ~y ~ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via Hand Delivery the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other -, I DATE DESCRIPTION COPIES 2 Application for Primary Plat 2 Primary Plat Checklist 2 9-20-02 Primary Plat Pages 1 thru 4 2 Utility Summary 2 Plat Covenants and Restrictions 2 Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions 2 Open Space Area Description 2 Exhibit A - Open Space Schedule 2 Legal Description 2 Copies of Transmittal Letters to T AC Members THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ x] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141s1 Street east of Towne Road. We are requesting that the Primary Plat Application be included on the agenda of the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager c: EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 ..' '" .. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - --- - - ---- - & ----- - - ----- - - ===== = =JNC. u o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Steve Cash RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton Square, Suite 146 Hamilton County Judicial Center Noblesville, IN 46060 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit (] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141s1 Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH&T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930' FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 ~ ". . ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - --- ---- - & ----- - - ======== == =INe. (j o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. John South RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Hamilton County SWCD 1108 S. 9th St. Noblesville, IN 46060 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [] Plans [ ] Samples []Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141S( Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH&T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 .. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ~=.==--=- - & ----- - - =========== == ==INC. u o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Dick Hill RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Dept. of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: F'lease find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 14151 Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH& T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 ; ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - ----- - & ========= = =INe. C-j o ,. EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TilTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Gary Hoyt RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Office of Fire Chief Fire Station #1 Two Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 14151 Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19,2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH&T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once, 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 . ~ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - & =========== == =INC. o o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Bill Akers RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Carmel/Clay Communications 31 First Avenue NW Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [ ] Samples []Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141s1 Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH&T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 . .. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - & ============ == ==JNC, Q o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Ron Farrand RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Carmel/Clay Schools 5201 E. 131st St. Carmel, IN 46033 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [ ] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [J Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 1415t Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19,2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH& T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930' FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 . ~ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - --- - - ---- - & ----- - - ========= = =INe. Cj ~ o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Michael Fogarty RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Office of the Police Chief Three Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [ ] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x 1 For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected pri nts REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 14151 Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19,2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH& T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930' FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 . .. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - & ============ == ==INC. ~\ C J ~ o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9~25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Paul Pace RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Carmel City Utilities 130 First AvenueSW Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [] Plans [ ] Samples []Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 1415t Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH&T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930' FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 . y ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - . & ========== === =INC. Q (.) EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Todd Snyder RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Carmel/Clay Parks Department 1055 Third Avenue SW Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [] Prints [ ] Plans. [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141s1 Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH& T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930' FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 . .. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - . & ============ == ==lNC. Q o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Rick McClain RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Cinergy 1441 S. Guilford Rd. Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 14151 Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH&T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis. Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 . .. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - - & ============ == =INC. u o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Chuck Shupperd RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Indiana Gas Company P.O. Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46060 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [J Prints [ ] Plans [" ] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [J Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File (] Approved as noted [ '] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] ( ] Resubmit [ ] Submit (] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 1415t Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH&T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 . .. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - ------ - -----,.. - ===__==-=e;- ======== == =lNC. u (.) EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Ms. Mary Shultz RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Indiana Gas Company P.O. Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46060 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved asnoted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 1415t Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19,2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH&T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Founded in 1926 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 . "i ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - --- ---- ---- - -----,.. - ===========~ ,,= ----- - - ----- - - ===== = = INC. CJ .!!!o. o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Jeff Rice RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Ameritech 5858 N. College Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46220 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples []Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ J Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [x J For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141st Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH& T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930' FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 . ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - . & . =========== == ==IKC. c ) .",..J o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Ms. Pam Waggoner RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Indianapolis Water Company P.O. Box 1220 Indianapolis, IN 46206 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WEARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other . COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [1 Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141st Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH& T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 I ~ i ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - " ======;;;;;::==== == ==lNC. o o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Ron Morris RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Indianapolis Power & Light Company 3600 N; Arlington Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46218 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [] Samples []Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other " COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141st Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH&T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930' FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 ~ ~ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - & _==:===== == ==JNC. (, -) o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Ms. Sharon Prater RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co. P.O. Box 38 Zionsville, IN 46077 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [ ] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 14151 Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by T AC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH& T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 ~ 'i ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - & ========= == =JNC o o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Brian Houghton RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Jones & Henry 2420 N. Coliseum Blvd., Suite 214 Ft. Wayne, IN 46805 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returnedfor corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141s1 Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH&T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 . , ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- =---===--= = -======== ;., = ===========--= CI' == ----- - - ========= = =lNC. u o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Robert Hendricks RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Hamilton Co. Local Emergency Planning Committee 18100 Cumberland Rd. Noblesville, IN 46060 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [] Samples []Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] ForYour File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] { ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141 st Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions orcomments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH&T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hi/lsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 ~ . ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - --- - - ---- - - & ----- - - ============ == ==lNC. v o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TilTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. L. Joe Cook RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Hamilton County Sheriffs Department 18100 Cumberland Rd. Noblesville, IN 46060 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 1415t Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH& T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Founded in 1926 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 ~ . ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - & ========= = =INe, lJ ~ o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Scott Brewer RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Dept. of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 14151 Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by T AC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19,2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH&T File SIGNED: ' Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930' FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 -. t ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - & ----- - - =====;:;::;;== = =INe. u o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Steve Broermann RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Hamilton Co. Engineering Hamilton Co. Higway Dept. 1700 S. 10th St. Noblesville, IN 46060 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [] Plans [ ] Samples []Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141st Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved byTAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH&T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 ... . ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - --- - - ---- - . & ----- - - ========= = =INe. u o EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Jeff Kendall RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Building Commissioner One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat .. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted . [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141st Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH& T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930' FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 ~ ---- ---- .---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - & ====== =JNC. (.) u . EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Jay W. Alley RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Clay Township Regional Waste District 10701 N. College Ave., Suite A Indianapolis, IN 46280-1098 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141st Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c:EMH&T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 II: ~ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- & ----- - - ============ == ==INC. u u t EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Jeff Farmer RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Time Warner Cable 3030 Roosevelt Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46218 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [J Prints [ ] Plans [] Samples [ ]Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 14151 Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19,2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH& T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 /f f ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - & ===== = = INC. u o ! EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Barry McNulty RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm' Hamilton Co. Health Department Hamilton Co. Judicial Center Suite 30 Noblesville, IN 46060-2229 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples []Specifications [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 141st Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the applicationwill then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19,2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH& T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 I- I" _,l i v ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- - & ============ == ==JNC CJ - {j EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 9-25-02 JOB NO. 2002-1226 ATTENTION: Mr. Tom Skolak RE: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm Carmel Postmaster 275 Medical Dr. Carmel, IN 46032-9998 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ ] Plans [ ] Copy of Letter [] Change Order [ ] Samples []Specifications ] Tracings [ x] other COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 9-20-02 Primary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [] Returned for corrections [ x] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [ ] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed for your review the proposed primary plat for The Villas at Sweet Charity Farm, a 52 lot single-family subdivision located on 14151 Street east of Towne Road. The primary plat application will be on the agenda of the October 16, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. If approved by TAC, the application will then be heard before the Carmel Plan Commission on November 19, 2002. Please forward all questions or comments to our office. Thank you. c: EMH& T File SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926