HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Aug-2l-03 07:24A rp P.Ol '~ Rey Roehling DesIgner Builder 11722 BrBdford Piece C8T1MI, IN 46033 317-84~8881 317-571-9153 (Fax) FAX COVER SHE 10 g t RECt\\)E\) ~\\~ 1\ ?~~)~ uOCS . ""'t..~ 0IIfce 0IJJce Ioc8lion Fa number '$ 7/-2J1Z-<; Phone number 846.a881 o Urgent o Reply ASAP o Please c:amment 0 PIfIfJSe ffWIew 0 FfN your InfotmBtlon Total peges, rdJding cover. Lf COMMENTS T~~~~~l~m~ ;a:... .......~. q..~~/Y#~-!"~'.~' ... .M:;t.1P .. ...~~~~=~~~~~~m. .. ....."...,.......".....".... .. ..n .. "' ................_.. . .....................................,.....,............................................._.. "......... . ,>, ......,..",., ' ......................:;....~..~I~~~~:............ ~?~~~:=r~m ~~ Aug-21-03 07:24A rp P.02 Roehling Enterprises Inc. 11722 Bradford Place Cannel. Indiana 4603S 317-846-8881 Pax: 317.571-9153 20 AIIa- 2003 TO: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ClO: JON OOBOSIEWlCZ ONE CIVIC SQtJARE. CARMEL IN 46032 RE: l..AICESIDE PARK SeCflON I &. II OFFSITE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS I. Impove Towne Road to four lane capacity on the fi'an1agc with Lakeside Park A) Add IS) of asphalt pavement to 1I1e existing pavement on 1he Lakeside Park portion (west) side of Towne Road. B) Install c:bairback curb along the roadway with inlets that discharge into ponds located in Lakeside Park. Total: $5 1.4 J 9.00 IL Less rhe cost of cumnt Hamilton County Highway Department required improvements. A) Three foot of additional pavement. B) Three foot of gravel shoulder . Credit: Net due to City of Carmel: <516_789.00> $34,630.00 We UDCIen1and flat Carmel does not desire to have these four lane improvements be done 81 this tim~ but l~tteld requires a cammitment on bebalf of Roehling Eoterprises.lnc. to pay the net difference of $34,630.00 to the City of Carmel when the proper jurisdictional accounts are set up, but no later than die recording of die ~ary plat for the last section of Lakeside Park Subdivision. SiN:creIy, ~~ Ia)mGDd Roehling President RoehIiDa Euterprises, Ine. .. Aug-21-03 07:24A rp P.03 BID ROTBS Project: LUride 'ark Section 1 Prepared By: JDS Date: 811912003 ~ ~.. " D . . . .. 11ft Asphalt WeeI.ning I Chaitback Cull>> 112" Storm Sewer ~i1':i3r -Si,3:'I..-1 Ci:J'*~~or:~'iilrriC8de~' - 12'" SIOIrIl5ewot with Cutb In.... . Weihe Conatnlction ~~~. --..---...- .---.. - "-12"RC:P"-'-' "--' ,,-' ....-.. ......--.. ..... 1ziE~o.:"-- "-'--' ..-.. .- -. 2ftxit'8aiiiiucii..'--- "-'-'-'" ,-_. . -." -~,~ .. ::,==':..-==-_:~-'~-=-- Concrete . .:_:~Wfiu ," ..::::::"::-.~':'=-:'."'::::=-::=".: ... ..---- --,"-' ~. . $125.~ . -- ,~.750:00. ... IVI. 190.00 51.280.00 ii~. .. $50.00.. : -. 17:~.OO :. SUb- ToIIII $3 710.00 1..~t,,:~U~andsand8 '_." LLl!5ft Asphlll Widening LD~~~CI!!!-_., J "'~l $1,717.00 I . 5,iSs-lSt..i18.00 .., lli@Ll"'m60 'r$1.~-:oo-J T..... I Total $51.419.00 .. Aug-21-03 07:24A rp P.04 ~. ~. . .. . -' .. ~. A ,\ 'E ~~ RECf\\JED ~\ ~Ub 21 ?_Q(J~ DOCS 8m ROTES Project: ....... Park Section 1 Prepared By: JDS Date: 811912003 3ft . Asphalt Widening plus 3ft Stone Shoulder --17.....00' ._ ~P"lIlt __~~.1Iy and Sands .. . ._. . --. - ~~~~._..- '-' ,,-- 3ft SCone Shoulder - 56.042.00"- -13 753-:-00 ,.- 195.00 I Total $16,781.00 -.l . Aug-19-03 06:35A rp P.Ol Ray Roehling o./gner Builder 11722 Sr8dforcJ PIece Carmel, IN 46033 317.846-8881 317-571-9153 (F8K) 0Iic:e Ioc8Iion SEND TO Compeny fIIII'II8 ~ c,;~t~ Attention tJ /Jo~~ wtC'1. 5,1... 2.'111 ..s , - 2. '1 'j..~ 0IIbI Fu number Phone number ~1 o Uf98IJr o Reply ASAP o Please comment 0 ",.... _..~ 0 ,.......... Few YOU' Infotmetion Total 1JS1f1N. inc*Iding cover_ ...3 ~~ :r Llti~ "'1"" COMMENTS "',..,A.,I-J,,"" #-:- t_ ":'~ -'_::_'._:'.'.~_.:'.'.'.',-_'. ,.:_:......,.,....,:....-..:......, .:~,.:.:,:,:.,.-::~~ -~-~:..,......-:.......,.-.. ___ffll~..-/~~.- TI '@..::;i..--'~_..' . _ . "-';;"'-"('--"7"" "--"lJ'" 'S ......._......._..t...._.__.r.._.-..:.....,........_.'."............ ...,...... -...._...., ......., ".....J. ._'.._.. - --" -. .11" ~ ,.-) ,d_. _ "'d'>U"_~'-.J"""" . ... . ..__ ~ ~ CU/U()-- . . . .... .,_." .., . .. . ... . ............".," . . ................ ..... .............(;;;tt............lJlUfiliif.:gijJ..;J;ml?~. ..~ ?6'1~~~lfiTi;;;;;i. .........................................m...~~.........~~.........~...........~.....;-.~..iS : ..................ii>.51~;q............................................................................................................................. ..... .......................... 'T.... ..'..... .........,.,......, ........................,......,...,..,.._'.......d_._......,........,_............,..".......... .d.._ ~ _3'1~~O \ 1/1S h~ Aug-19-03 06:35A rp tlU\r1:r-~UU" IUI: UO;~ tlfJ I'Il:lnl: ~1K\AiIIVl'l ~ ~- ..- ... ~ ..- .. 8m KOTES 11ft Asphalt "ldening I Chair1liac:k Cum 11T Storm Sewer r~ NU. "Ir'ro,,~u Project: LaluI8ide PIIll8ecllon 1 PrepIlf8Cl By: JDS Date: 811912003 f-l!lublrutb=~1:~'~iieiiiii-' - "1'11eOfwdSTS7~r .. 11,318..-1 '2~ StonoI SOWOt with curb lnlels . WelIle Consltuc;tiQn M8!ftI ~ l.a!Jo.r. __... ---..'- - .. -- 12" RCP"-'" "--' "'- . ...---. ......-.. '12"Encl-SeCtiai..-- "---' ..-.. 2ftx3ttIloXSIruduniS'-- ..-....--. .--. . _._ cil8!~9~!ri9L. :. ...~:=.:.==-..:_=.- ~-=-- C4lnc:nIIII :_~~~=.=-: Send IIadlllU _ ._~. ~ Labc!.r 2r" ~ ~~~.'-:' 's;:::'- 3.. ciO .-.$1.200.00....... 3 e. 1250.00 --P50.00--- 1~" ~ ,. ~:: ,.-:-~c:.--. ... 83" lDna -''&1- -" 10.00-- Total 15 007. .- ... Ciii33ii''r~-'' ..-.... .---- ..--.....---. t4 iiii' 1125.00 . .----.,,75OilC)"--- u_. ._- Car.loac!er -.. -_. . '-" . - ..--- 14 ia 190.00' $1,2tO.00 . ._ ~ ~2.!8'::--=--::-~'-== ~-=.~- __=~.':~ .'.14 ii~. : S50:OO~:" J'TOc!,OO--::-' Sub-TOIlII 710.00 T~ "~17.OD . ....". 1"1180fft r'''i12.'60 I Total $51.419.00 I P.02 r. U;1 Aug-19-03 06:36A rp f1U1i-llrlUUj Jut UO;lU tIJ1 Ifl:lnl: VUI1;)lltUVl/Vl1 rM nv. ;)1 r I rU;)U;JU P.03 r. UI: 8m NOTES Project: lJIInIeIde PlIftl Section 1 Prep8red By: JDS Dale: 811912003 ~. ~-, .,.0 ... .. -- .... 3ft - Asphalt Widening plus 3ft Stone Shoulder Sub-Gradc Prep - Weihe ConaL ..- ., 'Sii~pi8P /311 St0n8-~Iii8mc:ade-Rei.taJ --u.n..' - ..042.00"- - 13:753110 - $8 795-GO I Total S16.T89.00J EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south@iaswcd.org ." PROJECT NAME: Lakeside Park Sec. 1 SUBMITTED BY: Mr. Raymond Roehling Roehling Enterprises Inc 11722 Bradford Place Carmel, IN 46033 Ph 317- 710-7166 Mr. Edward Fleming Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038-2005 1.- ~~ \\,\~_ll REVIEWED BY: John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE: Plan Review Date: 2-7-03 Acreage: 46 ac LOCATION: South west comer of 141st and Towne Rds \ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 20 TOWNSIllP: 18N RANGE: 3E CIVIL TOWNSIllP: Clay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: ON Plan The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness of the erosion and sediment control plan for the project. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted was not reviewed for the adequacy of the engineering design. All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. The plan has not been reviewed for local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design calculations may be requested to further evaluate the erosion and sediment control plan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan: X Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 3271AC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. X Refer to the comments section for additional information,. Proper implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan and inspections of the construction site by the developer or a representative are necessary to minimize off-site sedimentation. The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions may effect the performance of a practice or the erosion and sediment control plan. The plan must be a flexible document, with provisions to modify or substitute practices as necessary. Revised 4 / 97 * , ER~ON AND SEDIMENT CONTRW PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMENTS. PROJECT: Lakeside Park Sec. 1 Page 3 of 3 Note: All erosion and sediment control measures shown on the plans and referenced in this review must meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas" from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents. Comments: I. Because I have been slow to review these plans its only fair to approve them as submitted. However, you may want to address the following remarks. 2: The offsite swale and storm sewer construction needs to be seeded. An erosion control blanket is recommended for the swale. 3. A spillway elevation is needed for the rock horse shoe dam. 4. Construction sequence note 4 should require the contractor to construct the sediment basins as shown on the plan not the entire pond. Elevations, pipe sizes and specifications for the temporary outlets are needed for each temporary sediment basin. Storage is the volume of water that can be drained from the basin. Pit storage is not counted. Sequence note 6 should specify temporary seeding of all disturbed areas except where construction is progressing. 5. The detail of the temporary sediment basin on sheet 9 is not appropriate. Please review the specification in the Indiana DNR Handbook. 6. Future plans must show in the calculations that suffiencient storage is being provided in the sediment basins and traps. 7. If see 1 & 2 are built at the same time a combined erosion and sediment control plan is required. Cc: Carmel DOCS Ha. Co. Surveyor Ha. Co. Highway IDEM File DATE: TO: ATTENTION: RE: (j u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL__ /~;-''''I r~ " ' i ".1 'J ""~ //'(~.)~/:.,.~~_._-~-- .~~t~.(/.~ STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATly~{N~ ~~ "'<f~\ 9940 Allisonville Road /-:1 \.~.:~ " I,:; \ Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 i;5~r ~/ '\~ )~:::'! Phone (317) 849-5935 \:::::':\ ,~& ~~S ::j FAX (317) 849-5942 \~,\" ~ />/ \,." :" / .. \::,/A)- ./_, ......./ "</t&lrfi~rSS:)'/ December 13, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Jon Dobosiewicz Lakeside Park WE ARE SENDING YOU [X ] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans with Secondary Plat (Revised), Section 1 1 Set Construction Plans with Secondary Plat (Revised), Section 2 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] For Your Use REMARKS: ] As Requested [ X] For Review and Comment The enclosed plans have been revised per your comment letters dated December 10, 2002. Cc: Ray Roehling Edward E. Fleming u v City of Carmel VIA FAX: 849-5942 Original by mail December 11, 2002 Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038 ~ RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1, Secondary Plat Application Dear Mr. Olmstead: This letter is in response to your revised drawings dated November 8, 2002 for Lakeside Park, Section I. The following issues must be resolved prior to signature of the plat by the director: I. Please submit a revised Construction set; we only received a revised Secondary Plat. 2. Add markers at all points where lot lines intersect curves and at all other angles in the property lines of lots (per 8.2.4 of the SCO). 3. Remove Sharon Clark from the County Commissioner's Certificate and replace her with Christine Altman. 4. The 10' asphalt path along Towne Road is not shown on Sheet 6 of the construction plans (it is shown on Sheet 13). The text labeling the path is present, but the actual lines delineating the path are missing. Please Revise. Please submit a revised Secondary Plat with the above-mentioned changes. Once these changes have been made and comments addressed, please produce a Mylar copy for signature by this Department. Two paper copies of the plat must be filed with the Mylar prior to recording, and three paper copies and a Mylar of the recorded plat must be submitted following recording. Our approval of the secondary plat (signature) will be forthcoming upon revision of the plans according to the items listed above. Sincerely, Jon C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator Lakeside Park-SP4 Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 u u City of Carmel VIA FAX: 849-5942 Original by mail December 10, 2002 Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038 RE: Lakeside Park, Sections 1 and 2 Dear Mr. Olmstead: This letter is in response to your Secondary Plat application for Lakeside Park Sections 1 and 2. The following issues must be resolved prior to signature of the plats by the director: 1. Have the Commitment made at the time of the Primary Plat recorded and provide our Department with a file stamped copy. 2. Provide a written proposal regarding cost of Road Improvements per Commitment made by owner at time of Primary Plat. We may request that additional road improvements at 141st Street and Towne Road be made when future sections are submitted. Our approval of the secondary plats (signature) will be forthcoming only upon receipt and approval of the items listed above. Sincerely, Jon C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator Lakeside Park-SP3 Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317 /571-2417 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: November 19, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 . \ : ;':--;--/'~ "jf\ \ .\___ _ __I 1:--.. '\. \, _/.~ ~ <'.:.::~~ /'. " 'v '" ), .)/ ~ ''':~::\ RECFIVED \;~\ ':::::{ iVOV 20 200? iD: t~, DOCS ~ .t~J v: JA" I \)> /( '/ '...,: '_~ ~, .r<'~ ",,~ / '-x.;/ ir-H--(\ .. '/" ~~~\_\~~/ TO: Department of Community Services 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Jon Dobosiewicz WE ARE SENDING YOU ] UPS [X] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Secondary Plat 1 6 Site Development Plan THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval ] As Requested [ X ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: The plans were revised per your comment letter on November 15, 2002. Edward E. Fleming ... u u City of Carmel VIA FAX: 849-5942 Original by mail November 15,2002 Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038 CJ COPy RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1, Secondary Plat Application Dear Mr. Olmstead: This letter is in response to your revised drawings dated November 8, 2002 for Lakeside Park, Section 1. The following issues must be resolved prior to signature of the plat by the director: 1. Add the Secondary Plat docket number (148-02 SP) to each sheet. 2. Please obtain the street names from the developer. The plat cannot be signed without the street names. 3. The 10' asphalt path along Towne Road is not shown on Sheet 6 of the construction plans (it is shown on Sheet 13). The text labeling the path is present, but the actual lines delineating the path are missing. Please Revise. 4. Please have the developer forward to our department the commitments from the Primary Plat prior to signature of the Secondary Plat. 5. Upon receipt of the proposed improvements to the common areas from the developer, please add the improvements to the construction set. Please submit a revised Secondary Plat with the above-mentioned changes. Once these changes have been made and comments addressed, please produce a Mylar copy for signature by this Department. Two paper copies of the plat must be filed with the Mylar prior to recording, and three paper copies and a Mylar of the recorded plat must be submitted following recording. Our approval of the secondary plat (signature) will be forthcoming upon revision of the plans according to the items listed above. Sincerely, ,{~ Jon C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator Lakeside Park-SP2 Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARl'vffiL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 ", ., - , ' ~ . Dep~en(6f C()mmlliJ.it):_.S&vice~ . ..~~ Civic'Square. '. .... " . '.. '. .Carmel,ll)diana,46032 . "I . ' , " ' : Attn: .ton Dobosi~wici . ./" ~ ," : '0 :_ 1', _ _ ." '."(O,N;S.U,t' TL'N;:G:l~'. G :lNJE.'R~S ,'. ,-..- 'f l ~:ND .', ,SURVLl ORS . . 'R.M.St~eppelvl~rlh, PE,PLS . D~vid iStoeppelwerth, PE, PLS,. Curtis C Huff,PLS ;.Oenriis D: OImsteod, PLS. Jeff~ry W. DlIrling, PLS , ,'.. .' . . , . " . ~ - '" , 'c , - '," . . '. Lakeside'Park~ Section One" . ~,.' -. '" De~ Mr:UobosieW1cz: - .;' .' " : "..- . . . . 'Please firld enclosed one setofC6l1.Stnicti9ri Plai1sWithPlat; which 'were revised in 'accordaIiceWith,theconUn~nts listeg.in yoUr letter datedOctober14, 2002. Those . . 'con:unents wereaddfessedliSfoUows: . . , . . . - . ". . . . . .. .1. .'The'Docket 'N~bers'havebeen,'addedll$r~guest~d. 2..1ftechangesi"eq~e~ted have oe~ri made. ',: . , . 3; '~.Coticret~'~oIl1Jthentshay.e1je~~sliow~ ~f~l1qomer3 6fbound~. . B.MirrketShav~b~enaddedatallcomers.. ....... . .' 4.WedoI!ot l1avestreefnatllesfro111the develoPer;: .,'.. J . . . . .' 5. As s~oJiastliegroUrid is closed; yve.will add the(leedl!-D.d Instrument Nuinbcer' to,thepla,t:: .: . .. . '... '.' . . " .. '., .' . 6: ... A 10'. w;phaJ.tp~thhasljeen ~l)o\vri along1'oWneROad. , ' 7.. The la:ke;nowshows:aHJlood irifomiatkjn. .' . 8. Th~ deye19per'wilJ' d9;tbi~', .'. ..' .' '. . 9:. . The appr6vedLari(fs~'~p~gl~ htiS been ettclosecL \ . . '10;~Jponre(:~ptofthes~~t'~i~'W;ill'aad them to the plan~ ,n..This wiii be:fi1~Q'sep~a~ely; . . ." . ..' ,\" - ."., ~,~~., '::.~,-~"~:-<-.-, . . ~; -:' - . . .... !fyoU: ha~lt'any'qliesti6~sii;J.t1Ferning these revisions, p{ease<:ofitaci~e at. (3.1 7) 849,.5935, eit: 22: ' . ., . ,.. , ' " , . Very.tr;!l~iyours, '. ST9EPPEL WER:1H & ASSOCIAT:r:S, fNt. , . , " .~....,. '.' .w-" , .... .' .... .... ... .4:41 . '; . .... .. . .,... .~' .' .,.!f~L....... ~ "' ". ' ,.' Edward E.' Fleini~g >, . CF Ray Roehling S::\417608J \Agency, . , . . . 9940 Allisonville Rood'.' Fishers; .Indi,ono 4693Q-200S- (317)849:5935 e 1-.800-728-6917e . FAX: (317) 849-5942 ',00. ' p~ r~l)'ded pilper .. 10/25/02 13: 33 FAX HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD III 001/002 U U HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT October 25, 2002 Mr. Edward E. Fleming Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 RE: Lakeside Park /fi.-Q;<s-~ Seconda~ Plat and Construction Plans - received 10/8/02 S of 141 sf Street I W of Towne Road Clay Township Dear Mr. Fleming: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal containing the plans for the Lakeside Park Subdivision. After reviewing the plans, the Highway Department has the following comments: SecondalV Plat 1. Street names must be included. 2. Before any approvals are granted for the Secondary Plat, an Engineers Estimate broken into the following categories will need to be submitted, along with a Performance Bond or Letter of Credit in the amount of 100% of the estimate: * Stone Base * HAC Binder * HAC Surface * Concrete Curbs * Street Name and Regulatory Signs ~ f RECEIVED OCT 25 2002 DOCS r:!~; &i "v/ ;/ !,1. Construction Plans 3. The roll curb and SSD must continue across the entrance of the pool house. The entrance should be similar to all home driveways. 4. Additional right of way will be needed for the installation of the passing blister lane on Towne Road. Construction plans will not be approved until the necessary right of way is acquired and the dedication forms forwarded to the Highway Department. 5. Please include the following note on the water distribution plan sheets "no water main valves are to placed within the streets". 6. All ADA ramps must be concrete. If an asphalt path is to cross the street, a concrete ramp must be installed behind the curb. Please refer to the accessible pUblic right of way document at www.access-board/aov/rowdraft.htr this project and all future projects will need to incorporate all of the items listed Into the construction plans. 7. Individual ramps will be required for each direction on the ADA ramps. One curb depression in the radius will not be permitted. 8. Please include flow lines on the Site Development Plan. 9. Any pipes that are under Towne Road will need to be extended to accommodate the widening and shoulder. Matching size pipe should be used and a concrete collar Installed at the joint. 10. Please show the widening of the west side of Towne Road from 136th Street to 141st Street. The widening should consist of a 14" stone base. 5" HAC binder and 1" HAC surface. Towne Road will need to be resurfaced with a wedge and level and 1" surface plus stone shoulder on both sides of the road and new pavement markings. 1700 South 10th Street Noblesville, In. 46060 www.co.hamilton.in.us Office (317) 773-7770 Fax (317) 776-9814 .. 10/25/02 13: 34 FAX HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD 141 002/002 U U HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 11. Please include the following note on the sanitary sewer sheets. All sanitary sewer laterals that cross the street must be backfilled with full depth granular backfill. 12. Relocate storm sewer structures 162. 165 and 167 to the back edge of the right of way. This is needed for future widening of Towne Road. 13. Please show the asphalt path along Towne Road on the Site Plans. 14. Entrance detail and intersection detail sheets were not included in the plan set. 15. On the Traffic Control Plan. a 25 MPH sign is needed at he south of Lot 30 and Lot 11~ 12. End of road markers are also needed on Street B. 16. Please include the necessary written specifications. 17. Show a stone construction drive entrance on the Erosion Control Plan. 18. Please verify that the storm sewer between structures 158-159 and north of structure 109 will not interfere with the SSD. Blind taps of the pipe will not be permitted. 19. Granular backfill is needed between sanitary structures 511-512, within 5' of the pavement. 20. Include the centerline stationing on the plan and profile sheets. 21. Please label the curb radii at the entrance. 22. Include HCHD Standard Detail ~5 within the plans. 23. Pennits will be needed for the offsite storm sewer extension for the road crossings of Towne Road and 136th Street. 24. Please show 136th Street and all adjacent lots/parcels on both sides of 136lh Street in the area of the offsite storm sewer extension. Also include the location of the easement being acquired. 25. The offsite water main extension. and all other offsite utilities, must be placed behind the future right of way. 26. All offsite issues must be settled before final approval of the plans will be given. 27. Please note that further comments may be necessary after the revisions have been completed. If you have any comments or questions regarding this letter or project, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you for your attention and cooperation. Sincerely, fll15------ Steven J. Broermann Staff Engineer cc: Jon Dobosiewicz Jenny Chapman Ray Roehling G:\USERS\SB\D2TAC\1 D-25-02Iakeslde.doc 1700 South 10tb Street Noblesvllle, In. 46060 www.co.hamilton.in.us Office (317) 773-7770 Fax (317) 776-9814 u y City of Carmel Edward Fleming Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville Rd. Fishers, IN 46038-2005 I t{~/D ?- Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2600 RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Lakeside Park. Section 1 and has approved the plans subject to thQ, following: ~ 1. Our office is requesting that the on the dead end roads that are not scheduled to be connected, that temporary cul-de-sac be installed so emergency apparatus can turn around without backing. 2. We are requesting that a Knox box be purchased and installed on the clubhouse to provide our department with access in the event of an emergency. 3. 4. 5. 6. Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. ' Date: October 10, 2002 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department Fire Prevention Saves Lives and Property .i u w ii TAC OCTOBER 16, 2002 Urban Forester Notes Carmel Clay Historical Society: There are no objections to the Use Variance, but no landscape plan has been submitted with the Development Plan. Comments will be made after a landscape plan has been submitted. Lakeside Park. Section One: The Landscape Plan for the Secondary Plat and Construction Plans does not meet the Open Space Plan, Landscape Plan, Buffering requirements, and Tree Preservation Plan commitments submitted for the approved Primary Plat received by this office on August 29, and September 10, 2002. The Secondary Plat plans and Construction plans must meet, or equal these approved plans. Sheet 6 shows the installation of a storm sewer between yard inlet 159 and yard inlet 160. This sewer installation bisects a tree preservation area (Common area #1). The installation by trenching through this tree preservation area is not acceptable. Sewer installation through tree preservation areas must be accomplished by tunneling to sufficient depth not to injure trees in the woodlands; otherwise, drainage should be accomplished by grading, earthwork, or trenching outside the tree preservation areas. These woodland preservation areas are primary natural openspace conservation areas. Lakes at Hayden Run. Section Two: Four "street trees" shown along Lorenzo Boulevard on the Primary Plat are missing from the Secondary Plat landscape plan for Section Two. These need to be replaced. The developer's commitment to plant at least one large maturing shade tree near the street but outside the right-of-way in the front of each lot not on Lorenzo Boulevard (a county thoroughfare) must be included in Section Two as it was in Section One. The individual amounts for species are missing from the submitted landscape plans. These must be added to the plan. The Primary Plat Landscape plans show the woodland on the north perimeter being saved in its entirety. The Section Two plans show an encroachment into the woods by lots, a drainage easement, and a 6' asphalt path. Sheet 22 shows Tree Preservation Detail F (fencing), but there is no corresponding fencing on the Landscape Plan. This woodlands in its entirety is a primary conservation area on the open space plan for this subdivision as submitted to the Carmel Clay Plan Commission on October 21,2001, and subsequently approved. This issue must be resolved before this plan can be approved. Fence row or native trees along the north-east perimeter should be preserved by utilizing tree protection measures as well. Villaae of West Clay. Helen Wells Buildina: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farms: Landscape plans must include planting notes and graphic planting details. Please also include a diagram detailing required bufferyard plantings and proposed plant numbers. Any additional shade trees committed to be planted in the front yards of lots must be near the street but outside the right-of-way. Please detail the species of the 102 shade trees committed for the 51 lots on the landscape plans. Additional plant materials for buffering should be added behind Lots 1-7 and along the path between Benevolence Court and Beaument Boulevard South to screen views into the PSI property. More should be added along the east perimeter south of Lot 27. It my suggestion that the open drainage on the south east corner be graded outside the existing strip of brush and woods. o. u u Laura Vista Subdivision: Due to the wildlife in this area, connectivity of the common areas should be a priority. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has acknowledged this riparian corridor (forested floodplain) as an ecologically sensitive area (possible habitat for the federally protected Indiana bat) that should not be disrupted. A written tree preservation plan needs to accompany the secondary plat including graphic details of the tree and all woodland protection measures. Wooded common areas need to be listed as tree preservation areas on the plat and in the neighborhood covenants. Requirements and allowed activities must be detailed for tree preservation areas within the neighborhood covenants. If a monument sign is proposed, a plan of the sign the required landscaping must be submitted. There has been no landscaping plan submitted at all. If one is not proposed, a written explanation must be provided. I will be glad to meet separately and on site if needed. Shade trees should be planted along the portion of the multi-use path from Laura Vista Drive west to the woods. (Path on plat?) Clay Terrace: There have been significant changes between the Rezone PUD plan and the Development plan currently submitted. The current plan does not include any landscaping, tree protection, or reforestation plans as required with the Rezone application. Comments will be made when those are submitted. The areas to plant the required landscaping and reforestation seem to have significantly lessened due to changes in storm water detention and change of layout. Motorcycles of Indiana: No change of use? Cherry Creek Estates: No submittal Providence at Old Meridian: Correct mistakes on plant schedule. No Austrian pine, no red maples, no cockspur thomless hawthorn, change Malus Coral Burst to recommended species. American Standard for Nursery Stock (1996) not ANSI. Significant changes to PUD development plan - doesn't match original plan (Mark Timmons) or installed (Rick Riddle). Label all plants individually and give #'s in schedule. Planting details - plant trees with root flare at grade level (not same as nursery), don't pile mulch up on trunk of tree. Remove large dead Oak at entrance and others that are risk trees. Donate large White Oak sections for community use. Plant evergreen screen on Arbors border as agreed when development plan approved. Areas of constructed soils? Clarian HosDital North: Haven't had sufficient time to make a complete review. Construction causes a removal of a significant section of trees. No planting schedule, needs table of requirements vs. plan, NO Austrian Pines, NO Pin Oaks, replace Tilia cordata with Tilia tomentosa. Planting details - flare root at grade level. Why planting pits for containerized trees? Suggest constructed soils. Carmel TransDortation Facility: Correct mistakes on plant schedule. No Austrian pine, no red maples, no cockspur thomless hawthom, change Malus Coral Burst to recommended species. Plan shows trees in pond. Plant trees on west side of lake along parking lot. Note: remove wires and stakes after one year. Label individual plants. Planting details - plant trees with root flare at grade level (not same as nursery), don't pile mulch up on trunk of tree. ~ OCT 15 '02 03:23PM u P.1/2 ,\ .' (1/ (-Y. -!. ,~-_..1 -' )'-':l..,.t.~ .._~>> "'-'-'" .- .~, .-. r~ I ~ ,~..,,--,.. '-., .'Kentoll C. 'Ward, SlIrflltyClr (l'li,ml' (,3 17) 77b-84.~} 5 ''f'i'.r (, '7) 776.~6J.S Suitt 18~ On/! :Hamiltol/ (."011"1)' SIIl/ar/! .:NoblesllilI/!. J,ldiQlla 4,..o6l1'Z2,jl? Re: Lakeside Park, Section t , R~ f. Ocr CEllltD 15 2002 DocS October 1 S, 2002 Stocppelwerth & Associates, Ino. Attn: Mr. Edward Fleming 9940 AUisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038-2005 VIA FACSIMILE: 317-849-S942 Dear Mr. Fleming: We have reviewed the construction plans, secondary plat, ancl drainage: calculations sllbmitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's office on October 8. 2002 for Lakeside Park, Section 1 subdivision. The following are comments: 1. Provide the signed Non-enforcement Permit form with the appropriate check. 2. Please fOrWard an engineers estlmate or copy of the ton~ for 100% oftbe construction costs for stonn sewers (including 880), erosion control. and monuments and markers. 3. Submit originallettel'$ of credit or bonds for the above amounts. 4. On the secondary plat and constNction plans, provide names for the streets. S. On the site development plan. show the lot dimensions for the sides of the lots. 6. On the site development plan, show the pipe size, len.gth, slope and type of material. 7, On the site development plan, show the easements. 8. On the site development plan, show the outlet. emergency spillway and overflow route for the ponds. 9. Provide the slope of the swales. J O. Note the upstream oft'site acreage and the lldjacent owners on the site developmeot plan. 11, On the erosion control plan, provide a note stating that additional erosion control measures may be required in the field by the Inspootor. 12. Use the most current Hamilton County Surveyor's Office detaili. 13. On the plan and profile sheet, note the location of other utilities. 14. On sheet 4, label the structures in Lake in. IS. Provide Debris guards for open ended inlets on the upstream ends. 16. Plans are to be stamped Approval Pending-Not for Construction. 17. On sheet 24 for the plan view from structure \ 66 to strUcture 174 show the existing and proposed grades, property owners, propel'ty lines. street, and right-of-way. 18. Provide landscape plan with the storm sewers so we can check for confliots. 19. Provide a oopy any off-site drainage easements. Should you have any questions please contact me at 776-8495. Thank you. ~~~ ;c OCT 15 '02 03:24PM u lenny Chapman Plan Reviewer Cc: Canne~Engme~ Carmel-Community Development HamJlton County Department of Soil Conservation Services Hamilton County Highway DepartDlellt 2 P.2/2 u ~- '"', ~ u u Dobosiewicz, Jon C Subject: Andy Kern [Andy.Kern@ctrwd.org] Tuesday, October 15, 2002 8:56 AM rfarrand@ccs.k12.in.us; AKeeling@cLcarmel.in.us; CTingley@cLcarmel.in.us; DHiII@cLcarmel.in.us; DPattyn@cLcarmel.in.us; Ghoyt@cLcarmel.in.us; GStahl@ci.carmel.in.us; J Dobosiewicz@cLcarmel.in.us; J Fahey@cLcarmel.in.us; J Kendall@ci.carmel.in.us; JPFoster@ci.carmel.in.us; KHahn@ci.carmel.in.us; LLillig@ci.carmel.in.us; MFogarty@ci.carmel.in.us; M Hollibaugh@ci.carmel.in.us; MMcBride@ci.carmel.in.us; MSnyder@ci.carmel.in.us; PMorrissey@ci.carmel.in.us; PPace@cLcarmel.in.us; RHancock@cLcarmel.in.us; SBrewer@cLcarmel.in.us; slillard@ci.carmel.in.us; W Akers@ci.carmel.in.us; Dean.Groves@Cinergy.COM; sprater@cmsenergy.com; sjb@co.hamilton.in.us; stc@co.hamilton.in.us; Jay Alley; sueellen@hotmail.com; john-south@iaswcd.org; heck@iquest.net; jeffry. farmer@timewarnercable.com; tskolak@usps.gov; CShupperd@vectren.com Re: October 16th Carmel/Clay T AC Agenda From: Sent: To: Hello everyone: Following are CTRWD comments on the agenda items effecting our sanitary sewers or service area for the October 16, 2002 TAC meeting. Please feel free to copy and distribute this email or attach it to your meeting minutes. We have also created a new page on our website linked to the "Construction" page where we have posted all CTRWD TAC comments from 2001 and 2002 meetings held to date. We will continue to add to this page every month so please let everyone know they can view our comments online now too. Lakeside Park, Section One (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans) The plans received by the District do not contain the most recent version of the District's Sanitary Sewer Specifications. Revised plans need to be submitted including the District's specifications. A preconstruct ion meeting will need to be held before the construction of the proposed sanitary sewers. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Lakes at Hayden Run, Section Two (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans) The plans received by the District do not contain the most recent version of the District specifications. The plans contain two sheets labeled Sht.13. On sheet 13 the sanitary manhole numbers do not match on the plan and profile. Storm sewers are not shown on the sanitary plans and profiles. Final revisions will be required before the District will submit for an IDEM permit. A preconstruct ion meeting will need to be held before the construction of the proposed sanitary sewers. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Village of West Clay, Hellen Wells Building (Construction Plans) The plans received by the District do not contain the lateral specifications. An easement will need to be obtained for the portion of the lateral that is not on the above property. Final revisions will be required. A preconstruct ion meeting will need to be held before the construction of the proposed sanitary sewers. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. The Villas at Sweet Charity Farms (Primary Plat) The plans received by the District do not contain the sanitary sewer profiles. Revised plans will be required. A preconstruct ion meeting will need to be held before the construction of the proposed sanitary sewers. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Motorcycles of Indianapolis The plans received by the District do not show any changes to the sanitary sewer. If changes are required, revised plans will need to be submitted to the District for review 1 " I " and permitting. u u Clarion Hospital North (Rezone and Development Plan) The plans received by the District do not contain the most recent version of the District's Sanitary Sewer Specifications or sanitary sewer plan profiles. Revised plans need to be submitted. A preconstruction meeting will need to be held before the construction of the proposed sanitary sewers. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Please remind all TAC applicants to provide plans directly to the District at our main office address in care of Andy Kern at: 10701 N. College Ave., Suite A, Indianapolis, IN 46280-1098. If there are questions about the District's requirements, then please refer to our website for current information on the District's construction specification and permit standards. We are a member of the IUPPS underground locate network so call 1-800-382-5544 before you dig! Please feel free to contact Jay or me if you have questions or need additional information. Thanks! Andy Kern, Project Specialist Clay Township Regional Waste District Hamilton County, IN, USA http://www.ctrwd.org/ 317-844-9200 (phone) 317-844-9203 (fax) >>> "Dobosiewicz, Jon C" <JDobosiewicz@ci.carmel.in.us> 10/04/02 02:57PM >>> See attached: <<TAC2002-1016.rtf>> Thanks, Jon 2 1/, ('~~ I I I u w City of Carmel VIA FAX: 849-5942 Original by mail October 14,. 2002 Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates, mc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038 tJ COPy RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1, Secondary Plat Application Dear Mr. Olmstead: This letter is in response to your Secondary Plat application for Hayden Run, Section 2. The following issues must be resolved prior to signature of the plat by the director: 1. Add Secondary Plat docket number (147-02 SP), and Primary Plat docket number (94-02 PP) to each sheet. 2. ehange "This instrument prepared by" to "Surveyor," and "This instrument prepared for" to "Owner/Subdividor." 3. Revise legend and add to each page where appropriate: The monuments and markers should be as required under Section 8.2 ofthe seo. a. Add concrete monuments at all corners that form the boundary of the plat, as required under seo 8.2.1. b. Add markers at all points where lot lines intersect curves (all lines along streets), as required under seo 8.2.4. 4. Official street names are required on the Secondary Plat. 5. Add a source of title and instrument number to the plat. 6. A 10' asphalt path is required along Towne Road. 7. Add the 100-year flood elevation and bottom elevation information for all the lakes. 8. Record the commitments from the Primary Plat. 9. The landscaping plan included in the construction set does not match the approved plans dated August 29. Submit approved landscape plan with the construction set. 10. Show proposed improvements in common areas. 11. The private recreational facility will require special use approval. Please submit a revised Secondary Plat with the above-mentioned changes. Once these changes have been made and comments addressed, please produce a Mylar copy for signature by this Department. Two paper copies of the plat must be filed with the Mylar prior to recording, and Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 ~. u Q f. three paper copies and a Mylar of the recorded plat must be submitted following recording. Our approval of the secondary plat (signature) will be forthcoming upon revision of the plans according to the items listed above. Sincerely, j f;:sie~?z Planning Administrator Lakeside Park-SPl Page 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 ~ ER ON AND SEDIMENT CONT L PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south@iaswcd.org SUBMITTED BY: Mr. Raymond Roehling Roehling Enterprises Inc 11722 Bradford Place Carmel, IN 46033 Ph 317- 710-7166 Mr. Edward Fleming Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038-2005 sf I~~/O~ PROJECT NAME: Lakeside Park Sec. 1 REVIEWED BY: John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE: Plan Review Date: 10/14/02 Acreage: 46 ac LOCATION: South west corner of 141st and Towne Rds LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 20 TOWNSHIP: 18N RANGE: 3E CIVIL TOWNSHIP: Clay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: ON Plan The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness of the erosion and sediment control plan for the project. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted was not reviewedfor the adequacy of the engineering design. All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. The plan has not been reviewedfor local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design calculations may be requested to further evaluate the erosion and sediment cO!ltrol plan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan: Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. . Refer to the comments section for additional information. X Does not satisfy the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5); deficiencies are noted in the checklist ,and in the comments section. Deficiencies constitute potential violations of the rule and must be adequately addressed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be submitted: Proper implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan and inspections of the construction site by the developer or a representative are necessary to minimize o.ff-site sedimentation. The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions may effect the performance of a practice or the erosion and sediment control plan. The plan must be a flexible document, with provisions to modifY or substitute practices as necessary. PROJECT: Page 2 of3 Yes x x x x No x lA IB lC ID IE Yes No x 2A x 2B x 2C x 2D x 2E x 2F x 2G x 2H x 21 Yes No x comment 3A x 3B Yes No x 4A x 4B x 4C x 4D x 4E x 4F x 4G x 4H x 41 x 4J x 4K U Lakeside Park Sec. 1 u Revised 4 / 97 ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE PLANS? (All Plans Must Include Appropriate Legends, Scales, and North Arrow) (Items that are Not Applicable to this Project are designated by NA) PROJECT INFORMATION Project Location Map (Show project in relation to other areas o/the county) Narrative Describing the Nature and Purpose of the Project Location of Planned and/or Existing Roads, Utilities, Structures, Highways, etc. Lot and/or Building Locations Landuse of Adjacent Areas (Show the Entire Upstream Watershed and Adjacent Areas Within 500 Feet o/the Property Lines) TOPOGRAPHIC, DRAINAGE, AND GENERAL SITE FEATURES Existing Vegetation (Identify and Delineate) Location and Name of All Wetlands, Lakes and Water Courses On and Adjacent to the Site 100 Year Floodplains, Floodway Fringes, and Floodways (Note if None) Soils Information (If hydric soils are present, it is the responsibility 0/ the owner/developer to investigate the existence 0/ wetlands and to obtain permits from the appropriate government agencies.) Existing and Planned Contours at an Interval Appropriate to Indicate Drainage Patterns Locations of Specific Points Where Stormwater Discharge Will Leave the Site Identify All Receiving Waters ( If Discharge is to a Separate Municipal Storm Sewer, Identify the Name o/the Municipal Operator and the Ultimate Receiving Water) Potential Areas Where Storm water May Enter Groundwater (Note if None) Location of Storm water System (Include Culverts, Storm Sewers, Channels, and Swales) LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES Location and Approximate Dimensions of All Disturbed Areas [i.e., Construction Limits] (Areas Where Vegetative Cover Will Be Preserved Should be Clearly Designated) Soil Stockpiles and or Borrow Areas (Show Locations or Note if None) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES Sequence of When Each Measure Will Be Implemented (Relative to Earth Disturbing Activities) Monitoring and Maintenance Guidelines for Each Measure Perimeter Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Temporary Seeding (Specifications; Including Seed Mix, Fertilizer, Lime, and Mulch Rates) Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Storm Drain Inlet Protection (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Stormwater Outlet Protection (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Stable Construction Entrance (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Erosion and Sediment Control on Individual Building Lots (Specifications) Permanent Seeding (Specifications; Including Seed Mix, Fertilizer, Lime, and Mulch Rates) ,.:: ,.. u U EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMENTS Revised 4 / 97 PROJECT: Lakeside Park Sec. 1 Page 3 of 3 Note: All erosion and sediment control measures shown on the plans and referenced in this review must meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas" from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents. 3A. I would recommend placing the construction limits at a realistic location. For example, the stock pile is outside of the construction limits. Show construction limits on sheet 8. 4A. The sequence is from a previous site and needs to be tailored for this project. 4C. This plan directs how to stabilize the site after construction is completed. The plan needs to further identify how the contractor will minimize offsite sedimentation during rough grading and utility installation. The existing cross culvert on Towne Road needs protected prior to construction starting. Show seeding and ditch stabilization for the offsite storm sewer. The existin drain tile that will be interrupted when the offsite sewer is installed should be connected into the new storm sewer if the tile is at or above the pipe. The existing tiles flowing south and east need to be abandoned properly and not used for a temporary construction outlet. The existing welles) need to be abandoned properly. , Cc: Carmel DOCS Ha. Co. Surveyor Ha. Co. Highway File CarmeR u u artment 1 October 10, 2002 Mr. Edward D. Fleming Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46060 RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 /~ - OCR sJO Job Number: 41760 Dear Mr. Fleming: I have received and reviewed the information for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, !'1wW]). ~~" Michael D. F09~~ Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services ~ \ (317) 571.2500 A Nationally Accredit .. forcement Agency JI Fax (317) 571.2512 J' ~" u u CARMEUCLA Y TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITS AGEND. j, ~~teJ.. . !'Ie) ~Q~' <6 ?~\Jf. uoCS Date: Place: 9-00 ~ m 9'''0 ~ m 9'40 ~ m 10,10 ~ m 10'10 ~ m 1O'~O ~ m October 16, 2002 Department of Community Services Conference Room 3rd Floor - Cannel City HaD Carmel Oay Historical Society (Use Variance Development Plan) The applicant seeks approval to construct an additional structure. The site is ~ located at 211 First Street Southwest. The site is zoned R-2/Residence within the ~. Old Town Overlay Zone. Filed by Balay Architects for the Carmel Clay Historical Society. Lakeside Park, Section One (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans) 1#- Oi( S';o The site is located on the southwest comer of West 141st Street and Towne Road. *-' The site is zoned S-I/Residence - Very Low Density. ') Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Roehling Enterprises, Inc. Lakes at Hayden Run, Section Two (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans) The site is located on the north side of West 131 at Street approximately one- quarter mile west of Towne Road. The site is zoned S-I/Residential.- Very Low Density. Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Centex Homes. Village of West Oay, HeUen WeDs Building (Construction Plans) The site is located at the southeast comer of 131M Street and Towne Road within the Village of West Clay. The site is zoned PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed by Dave Sexton of the Schneider Corporation for Brenwick TND Communities. The Villas at Sweet Charity Farms (Primary Plat) The applicant seeks approval to plat a 52-lot residential subdivision on 34.51 acres. The site is located on the south side of 141M Street 1/8 mile east of Towne Road. The site is zoned S-I/Residence - Estate. Filed by Rich Kelly ofEMH&T for Justus Home Builders, Inc. Laura Vista Subdivision (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans) The applicant seeks approval to plat a 55-lot residential subdivision on 34.94 acres. The site is generally located south of Danbury Estates subdivision between SR 421 and the Foster Estates Subdivision. The site is zoned R-l/Residence. Filed by Brandon Burke of The Schneider Corporation for Primrose Development, LLC. ; /'..~" t(j;. \;'(.~, .'"'1 ~ roo' .~' ~1 i (;: ~:ji-JrJ~ /P;~;.t2- 4- '* 4- 1c 1.- u u " page2of2 Technical Advisol)' Committee Agenda October 16, 2002 11 "0 a m 1"00 P m 1 '00 p m 1 '10 P m "00 p m "10 p m Clay Terrace (preliminary Development Plan) The applicant seeks approval of a preliminary development ~Ian. The site is t located at the southwest comer of US Highway 31 and East 146 Street. ~ C- Filed by Jeff Clayton of American Consulting, Inc. for the Lauth Property Group. Break for Lunch; 1 hour The meeting will resume at 1:00 p.m. Motorcycles of Indianapolis (Amended Development Plan) The site is located at 4146 East 96th Street. The site is zoned B-3 (Business). Filed by Bill Keller ofKES Consultants, Inc. for Motorcycles of Indianapolis. ~C- Cherry Creek Estates - Formerly Cherry Tree Estates (Primary Plat) The applicant seeks approval to plat a 273-lot residential subdivision on 149.562 acre~. The site is located on the east side of Hazel Dell Parkway north and south f of Cherry Tree Road. The site is zoned S-I/Residential- Low Intensity. DC. Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Platinum Properties, LLC. Providence at Old Meridian (Development Plan Amendment) The applicant seeks approval of an amendment to the approved Development Plan for Providence at Old Meridian. The sit is located at the northeast comer of West Carmel Drive and Old Meridian Avenue. Filed by Gary Murray of Paul I. Cripe for Buckingham. Clarion Hospital North (Rezone and Development Plan) The site is located at the southwest comer of Pennsylvania parkway and College Avenue. Filed by Joseph M. Scimia of Baker and Daniels for Clarion Health Partners, Inc. Co. i.rtlt/i,')J\fec~ in .t:.,.....s:d..Il-A1~ 1(2:.Z-::~;& \)Jnr~((j r)E~~.(S' ~ qc- t u w CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Sentices One Civic Square Cannel, IN 4al32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax To: ~/~J ~ Fax: PW - b9~ From. ~ Pages: Phone: Date! /tJ~ 7-~~ Ref })Dck/ ~. /4 ~t7..:( c5~ ec: o Urgent o For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle .~ Fax J - .U ( .- u CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Seavices One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4€032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 To: - .lAt/,/1';~ dhJ..5~ Fu: ?-Y'r- 6~~ Phone: Re: /~11O)q'1 IO'/'-O~ o Urgent 0 Far Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply Cl Please Recycle ~(2itr..s/c/e ~rk 5"~ ON~ .<:A k.ra-/- ~q~ ~~ U'~ /WD C~er~C/eeK .e~;4fr,$' ,-.. (._j U Q LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AllisonvilIe Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 ~4 OC1[CEI~[D 1 ~/!)l):? '-u(;_- DOCS <. DATE: October 1, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760!"U~U/ TO: Office of Police Chief Three Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Michael Fogarty RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X ] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1,2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Carmel Communications 31 First Avenue NW Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Bill Akers RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1,2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Hamilton County Sheriff Department 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Lt. Joe Cook RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X ] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz l u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1,2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Hamilton County Local Emergency 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Robert Hendricks RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X ] UPS [ Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 1 For Approval X 1 As Requested J For Review and Comment X 1 For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz w W LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Carmel Clay Parks Department 1055 Third Avenue SW Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: John Lester RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X ] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ) For Approval X) As Requested ) For Review and Comment X) For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Carmel Clay School Administration 5185 East 131 st Street Carmel, Indiana 46033 ATTENTION: Ron Farrand RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPs [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X ] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz U Q LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Office of Fire Station Fire Station No.1 Two Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Gary Hoyt RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For Approval X] As Requested I For Review and Comment X I For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AllisonvilIe Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Ameritech 5858 North College Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 ATTENTION: Jeff Rice RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz u .'. . U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Timewarner Cable 3030 Roosevelt Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46218 ATTENTION: Tony Holmes RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz U Q LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. . 9940 AlIisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1,2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Vectren Energy 15900 AllisonviIle Road NoblesviIle, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Chuck Shupperd RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Constructi()n Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz U Q LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1,2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: City of Carmel Urban Forester 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Scott Brewer RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. . 9940 AlIisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: City of Carmel City Engineer 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Dick Hill RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Carmel Utilities 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: John Duffy RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat 1 IDEM NOI Water Application THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval ] As Requested [ X ] For Review and Comment X I For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz U Q LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1,2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Hamilton County Soil & Water 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: John South RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat 1 Storm Calculations THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval [ X ] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz U Q LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1,2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Hamilton County Highway Department 1700 South 10th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Steve Broermann RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X ] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat 1 Application Project Review 1 Check No. '()~ 2..~ for $900.00 (Review Fee) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval [ X ] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz u W LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Hamilton County Surveyor One Hamilton County Square Suite 188 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Steve Cash RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat 1 Storm Calculations THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval [ X ] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AlIisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Samuel L. Moore & Associates 7102 Lakeview Parkway West Drive Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 ATTENTION: Vasco Kirby RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X ] ups [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval [ X ] As Requested I For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Please review as soon as possible so that we can get package together and send to Clay Waste for IDEM. Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz u W LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: October 1, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Clay Township Regional Waste District 10701 North College Avenue Suite A Indianapolis, Indiana 46280-1098 ATTENTION: Jay Alley RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X ] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 2 Sets Construction Plans 2 Secondary Plat 1 Wasteload Application Packet THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval ( X ] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling Jon Dobosiewicz u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ~ RECEIVED OCT 1 2002 DOCS STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AlIisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 " . . Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 " ' ./ DATE: . October 1, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 41760 TO: Department of Community Services 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Jon Doboiewicz RE: Lakeside Park, Section 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 2 Sets Construction Plans 2 Secondary Plat 1 Utility Summary 1 Subdivider Agreement Form 1 Plat Application with Description 1 Transmittals to Agencies THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: J For Approval I X J As Requested I For Review and Comment X J For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Ray Roehling