HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice BAKER & DANIELS /"'-. u 80045-2455937 U To: INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS 307 N PENNSYLVANIA ST - PO BOX 145 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206-0145 General Form No. 99 P (Rev. 1987) Fo~ Prescribed by State Board of Accounts MARION COUNTY, INDIANA PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Matter - (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set). Number of equivalent lines $ Head - Number oflines $ Body - Number of lines $ $ Tail- Number of lines $ Total number oflines in notice COMPUTATION OF CHARGES 280.0 lines .JJl columns wide equals 280.0 equivalent $ 86.24 lines at .308 cents per line Additional charge for notices containing rule and figure work (50 per cent of above amount) Charges for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) $ $ .00 $ .00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM $ DATA FOR COMPUTING COST $ Width of single column 7.83 ems Size of type 5.7 point $ $ Number of insertions ...L.Q $ 86.24 Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts of 1953, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid. DATE: 10/24/2002 ~~Cl~k Title 80045-2455937 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT i.illtflQ~R~t!Q'$li State of Indiana MARION County SS: Form 65-REV 1-88 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING" BEFORE THE CITY OF CARMEU.CLAYTOWNSHIP ADVISORY PLAN COMMISSION DocketNo.146-02 DP/ADLS Notice is hereby given that .the City "of Carme.l/Clay Township Advisory Plan Commission. at its public meeting on the 19th day6f Nov~l1iber J 2002. at 7:00 pin in the City Council Cham- bers, 2nd floor of'City Hall, One (1) Civic $'Quare, l.Carniel, Indiana 46032, will I hold a Public Hearing upon I an Application fot Prelimi'"" ! , nary and Final Development Plan Approval and an Application for Architectu- ral Design,llghting. and \ Signage Approval filed on behalf 'of Clarian Health ---.. ~ Partners, lne.t'to provide !.! i."j1l10?~" 10/24/2002 d 10/24/2002 I ~~~~i~~1 ~~~e~.;'d'1'c';,~to~lc~ ~;;/ Z/ ) an j 'complex on pr,operty com- J .......... (~,; '\. r:J.i,,~.1('.~.. ''"''\ ~ ' monly known as 401 " / /\ c::'" :jl , t:;r:::I~I;nad7~~a. ~~~k~~~~ \/ \ _ . "Clerk ! cations are identified. as' \~......:\ ------ ----...-.~ ,~~~k;~a~o.;s~:~~q~i?:!t:~~y IVED _ \ .. Title --, ~~;~~~~~~a~~Or~~ri:~;I~i~ f -- 2fOlIJ '~-1 AssociatIOn. Inc., Methodist Vi [. )SUbSCribed and sworn to before me on 10/24/2002 !I ~~~~hn Gro~~, In~ef~~;:'3,r~{ S C"I #. & (}ic Hospital of Indiana, Inc., --.......; '/ ill and MCP II, LLC, and IS "'-./ it descnbed as follows: ty"" ' 11 , Ii /J 1 /" f~ Part of "College Park", the 6<':~ . J. A..I\lJl '"- pl~t' of which was recorded , ~~e~i~llt~~~:?li}li~i~r~~ -rg \ Notary blic County', Indiana (part..of -- LAURA MICHELLE ALGER said plat has been vacated ~~m~i~~ion ~~~~':,~kei~o~ My commission expires: Notary Puhlic, State of Indiana i;;t~~:"~t ;7~~~'o~ei~ sa'1~ - " County of Marion Fne~O;~te~; t~f~i~eJulf~:~~~ My Cornmisslon Expires Aug. 27, 2010 Sl Quarter 0.1. Section '11, "FORMULA. RATE PER LINE , Township'17 North , R~nge 3 "~ East in Hamilton County, Indiana', more particularly 7.~ ~~~~~';,~i~Sgf~I~O~~: North- 94 POINT PUBLISHED 1 TIME = .308 94 ;:;\ co~~~rrto:;a~e~~~~; E _ 1649 PUBLISHED 2 TIMES= .462 thence along the East Line r . 16.thereof South 00 degrees, 6 SQUARES PUBLISHED 3 TIMES= .616 139, ml nutes 06 seconds .Ot ~'isio(1~~~;~~~n~;a~~~~~ .67 - .308 CENTS PER LINE PUBLISHED 4 TIMES= ,770 89 'degrees 20 minutes 54 I seconds West 43.00 feet to I the westerlyright,of way of : College_t\y_enlJ.E;!~_.sJ~t(:LP_QJI)~ . Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned SUSAN FLODDER who, being duly sworn, says that SHE is clerk of the INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS a DAILY STAR newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city ofINDIANAPOLIS in state and countY, aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s), between the dates of: 'also being, the,PQINT,OF' ,.BEG1:~~ING 9f this 'd~~c~ip~< ; tiOI};;;;\'the-n~'e"'North ., 43 degrees' 04 . mim.Jtes"S3, sec~ onds West 36.01-feet to- the, southerly'ri~h( of'wayJine of P~nl"!sylvania par_kway",.as ,'d,escrib,etf!"-iil'. the:,,~ight'. of , I,foJiJy .:Grant J~corded<as : lris~rumen~-:No:: 8923?59-'in i sa~d Rec:orde)"'s: Offipe' (the : next,si'x (6)'cour~es;'"ar:e 'along,said. Righ( ~f Way i<Grant)" to\a~cur:ve,ha'ving a !_r:adi,"j~,'of_:'?l~;O:a'feet; (1) f,th~:'radjus' o,f -'fjhich- bears j~North, 06-,ciegfees-,,14 ,in!n~ iu~e~!S3- se:conds-east;;i tth~.nce'_wester(y,along' said: : cl,n:vel~5~16,fe~t,t6.a point t which 'bears". South. 36 ; 'd~g-r~e~56;'minutes:i16 :-s~c:,. onds West:21S,00 leet from , sai4,r~~diu~ p~~nt;:' (2l~ttt~~ce North 53'degr,ees: 03 , mm~, utes 4,4" ~ec6nds~: West 1!?~tl_9\feet;_tci'a, curve, hav,- fog: 'a~ raCli4s,of220~OO;'fe!=t;- t~l3l.t.tjeradiu~: of"which 'bea~s':'South.( 36: degrees 56 nf seeo.ods, W;:ii~~ S;~North<ot~~r\ \:;gre~~ "Jninutes~ 06' sec._ ',.9r,'ds ,Ea"st\f , ;;radius ; po!nt;:.(4) t orth;89 <1e:9fj!es 20, ,,_' ,,'_ 54:sec- - onds We,,:t 101~,27 leet to.a curve ~havin9.'a(r~di:u:s,~f , 302.S0.;lee~;(S) lhe ra~ius of.",,~i~h 'bi:!,ar.s.North,:,,oq", I (je~rees: 3?' mi!1ute~ 06 sec:", I oh~s'-'e:as.t; th~nC~'_,~esterIY-~.: ", alo~~.:sa.i~:I: curve1:-l6{s.?4 feet.:,~ to..a pOi,llt"",w"ich;_-bears ,I So lith" 3~"degr~es'<~1 ,min-'. u,tes 4T's~c9n.cls',W_e$f from said raoiuspoint'; (6)'ttle!1C;:_~ 'Nor~t}"51:'degre:,e:s48 m~I1'":: -'utes'r~l.J_ -s~c'6rids;~ West c+.oS~04'f~t_t~::~point,oFl tJ:l'E!~' "easferly: hn,'e ~'of. Comma!",' .Area.3,.'describeq"iritDecfa- ra,tion:\of. _Eas~m,ent~. and Re~tricti()n~"fof- Mer:idi"o Cbltpara'te, "}Pla:za, as' described',i~ .InstrumentiNo; ,9l:~S2Z;3 an'd-'rec<),rded'in' ,saKt' RecQrde .live.(S) said Co I. mlnutes.s. 4. ,sec o..ndsE ast ; 167.00 leet; (5) thence' . South 00' degrees 39 min- i utes 96 seconds West 67.00 i fee~; (6) thence South 89 degrees: 2()minuws' 54 ,s'ee- onds East S!I.OO .Ieet; .'(7) thenc~,soutt1_lJO-"degrees 3.~ minutes ;06,. seconds West 62;OOfe.~J;, (8),~the~c;e_:S.C?~th 8~' d~g~~es _20 -minutes~-54 seconds. East. 9.00 feet; (9) then~e Sooth ~O de9rees"~9 ,ml~utes 06 :~econds'WE!st 62.00 feet;. (lOy.thence N~~,t.h.; 89. d,egr~es, flO'~jn:: utes. -54",'seC'0_~"Cts ","Vest 230.,OO:feet toa~point qnthe west~r;ly: line:o("Co_~_m.on : Ar._e,a ':' '2 ' de:scrfqeg,;'i.n D~cl~ratjori",()( ,Easements and: _\cRestrlctions >,for Meridiar] _Corpor'c3t~,_ ~Iaia ,- as'de$Cnbed,jn~;Irs;t~urri.ent No;- 913S~73~.'as. r~orded:,in_' s~ic!, Recorder~s, Offi'ce.: thence_Soutt) 00. ' " ,I : minutes 06 sec' 39.99 le.eta'oilg erly ;.linet of, c:orri t~;,a"P9int ,'on the _No~ther-.ly Rlght-of.Way,,,_ 'line, _:',of ~l1terstate 'r:46S~ per.p"ro- ject I -465-4-(\>4)'130, dated f~S~lyear' ~9t?5: (the'itext flv~(5): co~rses . are a_long s.a.d_ I-1I65,~i9ht~of';'Way Lone); (lHhence SoJth89 deg~ees 50miniJtes' 24 sec,:, ;oMs East 4S9!19 feet; (2) th~nce~rth:,~84degrees 26'. mrnutes 5,8;, seconds"East' 301. SO"leef;.. (.3Y.thence South ',89, deg!"e~s:. 50,' min- utes,', 26(se,c()n~ds\ 'East' 483.37 leet;, .(4) thence Sout!:' 85gc,9t;ees :40,h1iri~ :'utes. 36._".:seconds-',' ;East 178.~3 . feet;;(S)'thellce Nort~, 89, ,degrees ,58: miri;. "lI:tes "Ol~~:! sec_onds,,". East :l,4LS()!',feet to thE!: ;weste,rly' ,ng~t'of. ytay l!n~ ot.,CoHege Avenue; '~h.enc~~alon9'said' westerly, ngbt:, of: 'way' line 1 North~,OO~:d.egrees< 39 min- i ute5,06.' seconds,,>Ea,st , 467,.86 feet to the ~OINT OF 8EGI!'ININC;'of thisdescrip- . tlon"containing<,23.,-4:38 ' ac,res,: more,or: less. j ~he,A~tajfs'of the ApPlica. : i b()ns are"on':fUe_in the','Oe-' i, p~rt'ment'Of:'CommunitY_Ser~ i ;.' vl.ces,o f Hee '.': 3.r.r:J.Floo..r.,. o. II' ! City Hall.,: Gne.,(l) Civic t Square, ,Car:mel. Ind;ana I ~6,032~ and, m~y 'be"exam- ,) . ,"~-d dur:ing',normak'off;ce; J I hours., "r',i' ,,":\ '.':". :-- ',' _ ,",", "I .Writt~n. 'c'orl)lJlent,s: reg,ard.,.., ; I~g. the ..APPIJ~ations:",a~"'be.. I'flted .wlth;,ttary of i the Plan; ~9 , 'b~fore ! the heanng e aove ad;' 1 dress.. AryY',pers.9n:may,offli!r ,!,:vel"b,a', co~n:e,ents,'at-'the l1:e.8'nng~ or'maY,_file '~ritten' i commentS-'_at the.-hearing . The :.,he...a r.in.9... .m.avb.e.......co. n.t. in.~. u;ecfto a' future date-from tll:ne to,' ti1ne, as. 'maY' be ,found necessary. : .' ,-', /..;' C I~. r. f.a...n"....~...e....a...' th....p..a;rt.."... e...r....s..,.I...........n. c.... ,BY.,Joseph,M~' SClmta':,..: .~' ,.', AttorneyJor Petition~f:<';'; Baker,& DaniE!'ls,' -" ~-"., ,-', 600. E. 96th.Strilet;.SUit~600 IndIanapOlis, Indiana' 46240 (317) 569'4680 ,. (1(j-2!1-'24SS937) . u u PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION I (We) Roger A. Kilmer do hereby certify that notice of public hearing of the Carmel Plan Commission to consider Docket Numbers 145-02 Z (Rezoninfl) and 146-02 DP/ADLS, was registered and mailed at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the date of the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property owners: - __0_- OWNERS(S) NAME ADDRESS See Attached List ****************************************************************************** STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF #~#/~r~~ , SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he is informed and believes. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 200..2. . Is?" day of N~I/6=/118~, ~ -Xi. ~~~ Notary SI nature \\\\\\1 III"', 11111 ",\ 'f P (j III," ~, Q.............8( ~ ~ 't:.' ". / ~ S' " :.' .... ('\ ~ ~O~:.__--- ". ~ ::: Z :' ~::--/ ~:. _ ~i~ires: ~ -~ ~-l) 9 :: 00 -- : ~ \ ~'OuP,ty off.!.-e{j'deJe: "II rJ,u eo C/<:.. h~f~ ~ ........ ~ Y" ~ / ,', .y/..~'<f'--lj':-.. III11 No \ p.. \\" (A..'j.. "";;~ ;.I'~i~tttur6S\tlta~acent property owners must be submitted on this affida~~~!y y ~ NE\) y ~y :; RECt.~ ?~~1 \0 g)\ \\~N \. L-I ~ . UOC~ J~1 ~~ _~~f/I "'~ l~i1 \ \,;/ ~ -~---- /It~,e/LY,u s. /266S Notary Name (Printed or Typed) INIMAN2672949vl -. u u 145-02 Z (Rezoning) 146-02 DP/ADLS Clarian Health Partners, Inc. 401 Pennsylvania Parkway Norman E. & Barbara G. Crawford 10130 Central Ave N Indianapolis, IN 46280 Derek S. Williamson & Tara D. Myers JtlRs 10115 Park Ave N Indianapolis, IN 46280 Gregory W. & Pamela S. Klink 10120 Central Ave Indianapolis, IN 46280 Hugh P. Harrison Jr. 10125 Park Ave Indianapolis, IN 46280 Glenn E. & Patricia A. Jable 10130 Ruckle N Indianapolis, IN 46280 Indiana Insurance Company 350 96th St E Indianapolis, IN 46240 Duke Hawk LLC 600 96th St E Ste 100 Indianapolis, IN 46240 John Raskauskas 10116 Ruckle St Indianapolis, IN 46280 Cathy S. Brosseau 10111 Ruckle St Indianapolis, IN 46280 Parkwood Crossing Owners Association Inc 600 96th St E Ste 100 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Brian C. Alexander 441 86th St W Indianapolis, IN 46260 Duke Weeks Realty LP 600 96th St E Ste 100 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Teresa M. Logan 10148 Park N Indianapolis, IN 46280 W. Indiana LLC P.O. Box 811280 Chicago, IL 60681 Matthew Brady & Thomas E. Fritch Jtlrs 10138 Park Ave. N. Indianapolis, IN 46280 HCPllndiana LLC P.O. Box 40509 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Keith A. & Carla J. Claghorn 10115 M Central Indianapolis, IN 46280 Roger White 10126 Carrollton Ave Indianapolis, IN 46280 Jeanette R. Pickrell 10130 Broadway Indianapolis, IN 46280 Kathleen Kelley 10122 Carrollton Ave Indianapolis, IN 46280 Orval L. Trustee Byrd 10110 Broadway Ave N Indianapolis, IN 46280 Michael William Redford & Etal 10118 Carrollton Ave Indianapolis, IN 46280 Janice A. George 10109 Broadway N _ __ulndianapolis, IN 46280 Virginia Robinson 10114 Carrollton Ave Indianapolis, IN 46280 Paul & Shawna Templeton 10125 Broadway Ave N Indianapolis, IN 46280 George W. & Junella Chapman 10110 Carrollton Ave Indianapolis, IN 46280 Larry S. McDonald 209 Amhurst Cir Noblesville, IN 46060 Ronald G. & Carolyn S. McConkey Co Trustees 10106 Carrollton Ave Indianapolis, IN 46280 Roscoe H. & Glovia Yvonne Query 10180 College Ave. N. Indianapolis, IN 46280 Sarah C. & Peter Ray James 10102 Carrollton Ave Indianapolis, IN 46280 INIMAN2673448v1 .. u o Kathryn M. Godfrey 10103 College Ave N Indianapolis, IN 46280 William F. & Dorothy E. Stidham Trustees 14934 Copper Tree Way Carmel, IN 46033 Hershel & Dorothy Stanley 10115 College Ave N Indianapolis, IN 46280 William E. & Lisa A. Moyer 10119 College Ave N Indianapolis, IN 46280 Martha R. Heinold 10139 College Ave N Carmel, IN 46032 Ira, Joe D. & Anna Sue Brown 10145 College Ave Indianapolis, IN 46280 Edward E. & W. Louise Kikendall 10155 College Ave Indianapolis, IN 46280 Samuel A.. Wilson 9975 College Ave. N. Indianapolis, IN 46280 John M. & Priscilla L. Thomas I 9978 Carrollton Ave Indianapolis, IN 46280 College Avenue Partners LLC 9777 College Ave N Indianapolis, IN 46280 INlMAN2 673448v1 u u NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY OF CARMEL! CLAY TOWNSHIP ADVISORY PLAN COMMISSION Docket No. (DP/ADLS) Notice is hereby given that the City of Carmel/Clay Township Advisory Plan Commission, at its public meeting on the 19th day of November, 2002, at 7:00 pm in the City Council Chambers, 2nd floor of City Hall, One (1) Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, will hold a Public Hearing upon an Application for Preliminary and Final Development Plan Approval and an Application for Architectural Design, Lighting and Signage Approval filed on behalf of Clarian Health Partners, Inc., to provide for the development of a hospital and medical office complex on property commonly known as 401 Pennsylvania Parkway, Carmel, Indiana. The Applications are identified as Docket No. (DP/ADLS). The real estate affected by said Applications is owned by Meridian Corporate Plaza Association, Inc., Methodist Health Group, Inc., formerly known as Methodist Hospital ofIndiana, Inc., and MCP II, LLC, and is described as follows: See the Attached Legal Description The details of the Applications are on file in the Department of Community Services office, 3rd Floor of City Hall, One (1) Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, and may be examined during normal office hours. Written comments regarding the Applications may be filed with the Secretary of the Plan Commission before the hearing at the above address. Any person may offer verbal comments at the hearing or may file written comments at the hearing. The hearing may be continued to a future date from time to time as may be found necessary. Clarian Health Partners, Inc. By: Joseph M. Scimia, Attorney for Petitioner Baker & Daniels 600 E. 96th Street, Suite 600 Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 (317) 569-4680 INIMAN2672950vl ~ i. ""'11- HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITQ I, ROBIN MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN o EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660' FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED: .~ (t'\ Q\.;J/7 d .~;;J,~ ~ ',';J.'::. ''f:;' 0' (Ii '.:::? 7- 'ZC? - Ov y~~ Friday, July 26, 2002 Page 1 D'1 ~~ HAMITON COUNTY NOmCADON U PREPARED BY TIlE IIAMImN CmBTY AlDTDRS 1IffIl1IVI. Of TAX MAPPING US1BI BELOW ARE SUBJECT PROPBIlB [UJECT MARKED IN YRLow) w SUBJECT 16 13-11-04-18-001-000 Methodist Hospital Of Indiana Inc 250 96th St E Ste 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-18-001-002 MCP II LLC KMI Realty Advisors 30 Meridian St S Ste 1100 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 16 13-11-04-18-001-009 Meridian Corporate Plaza Assn Inc 250 96th St E Ste 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 HAMILTON COUNTY NOflFlCATlON IU PREPARED BY 1IIE ~TON COUN1Y AIIJIIORS DmCE, IDVISIN OF TAX MAPPING u !PLEASE NOflFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 16 13-11-04-01-012-000 Methodist Hospital Of Indiana Inc 250 96th 5t E 5te 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-01-026-000 Methodist Hospital Of Indiana Inc 250 96th 5t E 5te 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-02-008-000 Meridian Corporate Plaza Assn Inc 250 96th 5t E 5te 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 .. 16 13-11-04-02-008-000 Meridian Corporate Plaza Assn Inc 250 96th 5t E 5te 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-02-009-000 Meridian Corporate Plaza Assn Inc 250 96th 8t E 8te 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-02-010-000 Meridian Corporate Plaza Assn Inc 250 96th 5t E 5te 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-02-011-000 Meridian Corporate Plaza Assn Inc 250 96th 5t E 5te 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-02-012-000 Meridian Corporate Plaza Assn Inc 250 96th 5t E 5te 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-02-013-000 U W Meridian Corporate Plaza Assn Inc 250 96th St E Ste 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 17 13-11-04-02-024-000 Norman E & Barbara G Crawford 10130 Central Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-11-04-02-027-000 Gregory W & Pamela S Klink 10120 Central AVE Indianapolis IN 46280 -~~-- 16 13-11-04-02-034-000 Methodist Hospital Of Indiana Inc 250 96th St E Ste 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 17 13-11-04-03-006-000 Glenn E & Patricia A Jable 10130 Ruckle N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-11-04-03-008-000 John Raskauskas 10116 Ruckle ST Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-11-04-03-011-000 Cathy S Brosseau 10111 Ruckle St INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 13-11-04-03-014-000 Brian C Alexander 441 86th St W INDIANAPOLIS IN 46260 17 13-11-04-03-024-000 Teresa M Logan 10148 Park N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-11-04-03-025-000 U Q Matthew Brady & Thomas E Fritch Jtlrs 10138 Park Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-11-04-03-036-000 Keith A & Carla J Claghorn 10115 M Central Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-11-04-03-037-000 Keith A & Carla J Claghorn 10115 M Central Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-11-04-04-006-000 Jeanette R Pickrell 10130 Broadway Indpls IN 46280 17 13-11-04-04-008-000 Orval L Trustee Byrd 10110 Broadway Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-11-04-04-012-000 Janice A George 10109 Broadway N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-11-04-04-014-000 Paul & Shawna Templeton 10125 Broadway Ave N INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 13-11-04-04-023-000 Larry S McDonald 209 Amhurst CIR Noblesville IN 46060 17 13-11-04-04-026-000 Query. Roscoe H Jr & Glovia Yvonne 10180 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-11-04-04-038-000 U (.,) Derek S Williamson & Tara D Myers JtlRs 10115 Park Ave N INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 13-11-04-04-039-000 Hugh P Harrison Jr 10125 Park AVE Indianapolis IN 46280 16 13-11-04-17-001-001 Indiana Insurance Company 350 96th St E Indianapolis IN 16 13-11-04-17-001-003 Duke Hawk Lie 600 96th St E Ste 100 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-17-001-004 Parkwood Crossing Owners Association Inc 600 96th St E Ste 100 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-17-001-006 Parkwood Crossing Owners Association Inc 600 96th St E Ste 100 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-17-001-009 Duke Weeks Realty Lp 600 96th St E Ste 100 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-17-001-010 Duke Weeks Realty Lp 600 96th St E Ste 100 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-18-001-000 Methodist Hospital Of Indiana Inc 250 96th St E Ste 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 ..---.-- 16 13-11-04-18-001-000 U U Methodist Hospital Of Indiana Inc 250 96th St E Ste 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-18-001-003 W Indiana LIe POBox 811280 CHICAGO IL 60681 16 13-11-04-18-001-005 Methodist Health Group Inc 1633 Capitol N Ste 105 Indianapolis IN 46202 16 13-11-04-18-001-007 HCPllndiana LLC POBox 40509 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 16 13-11-04-18-001-008 Meridian Corporate Plaza Assn Inc 250 96th St E Ste 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-18-001-010 Meridian Corporate Plaza Assn Inc 250 96th St E Ste 150 Indianapolis IN 46240 16 13-11-04-18-001-105 HCPllndiana LLC POBox 40509 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 17 13-12-03-01-007-000 Roger White 10126 Carrollton Ave INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 13-12-03-01-008-000 Kathleen Kelley 10122 Carrollton Ave INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 13-12-03-01-009-000 U W Redford, Michael William & Etal 10118 Carrollton AVE Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-12-03-01-010-000 Virginia Robinson 10114 Carrollton AVE Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-12-03-01-011-000 Chapman, George W Jr & Junella 10110 Carrollton AVE Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-12-03-01-012-000 McConkey, Ronald G & Carolyn S Co Trustees 10106 Carrolton AVE Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-12-03-01-013-000 Sarah C & Peter Ray James 10102 Carrollton Ave Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-12-03-01-014-000 Kathryn M Godfrey 10103 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-12-03-01-015-000 William F & Dorothy E Stidham Trustees 14934 Copper Tree WAY Carmel IN 46033 17 13-12-03-01-016-000 Hershel & Dorothy Stanley 10115 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-12-03-01-017-000 Hershel & Dorothy Stanley 10115 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 -------- 17 13-12-03-01-018-000 U 0 William E & Lisa A Moyer 10119 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-12-03-01-019-000 Martha R Heinold 10139 College Ave N Carmel IN 46032 17 13-12-03-01-020-000 Ira, Joe D & Anna Sue Brown 10145 College AVE Indianapolis IN 46280 ._~------- 17 13-12-03-01-021-000 Edward E & W Louise Kikendall 10155 College AVE Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-12-03-04-001-000 Samuel A Wilson 9975 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 ----~------- 17 13-12-03-04-002-000 John M & Priscilla L Thomas I 9978 Carrolton Ave Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-12-03-04-003-000 John M & Priscilla L Thomas I 9978 Carrolton Ave Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-12-03-04-024-000 College Avenue Partners Lie 9777 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-12-03-04-025-000 College Avenue Partners Lie 9777 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 " 17 13-12-03-04-026-000 College Avenue Partners Lie 9777 College Ave N Indianapolis IN u 46280 Q " (:1-@i'!II8Iii 11 . 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