HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication It.. Date u, , ~cKFr No.1 ..-j::.,Vl- _I?;'-. /r,",y ~ f:! ~tr~ APPLICA'F.I0N Ii DESIGN LIGHTING and SIGNAGE (~ OCT f:o., 4 2002 FEE: 5700.00 ~~ DoCS ,.;:,~' \~:@lus $ 5.00 nel'~re when NOT accompanied by a Development Plan) ~/)~ '. ;f\c,:;y ~~1 F;:\ Y Name of Project: #.. ,~ -t Addr~s: 4;;tl SDUT~1?~l:1~U'N~~' ,t.+l.P032- Type of Project: ~NOVA-'T10N -.0 C ') 'f I 5'7:::;. '? 8/~ Applicant:_l'f(~\.1 -2)O~c LL- Phone No. ~ If ,575 · 04 e 2- contactPerson:~~'-/<;~E\....L Phone No. "31-"5~S' 0'-1'82- Address: I "2.'-t 01 '?)' ~l!;;<;l-\-\~';;;- R.::.'6J\1. L-f (nO ?~ , Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) " b - ( Owner of Real Estate: Carmel: Y ~S Clay TOWl1Ship: Y ~S Other Approvals Needed:~ 0 ~ No. of Spaces Provided: 4- PARKING No. Spaces Required: 3 DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building:LDNL .6 ~No. of Buildings: ~ Square Footage:J 020 Height:_l B I No. of Stories-L 'P1<.r=:M IV^-':'- . S . J: I \ Exterior Materials:y INYL- '51 t:>(N(~olors: Mlt,\'S,---rl),..Jt;' , rtGR\'TKh~<;R,b-..,/ Maximum No. of Tenants: Type ofUses:~D~~SSI a...JA.ct- O'FF1<.-t:::- WaterbY:L- \TV Sewer by: C-- 'TY s:\forms\adls.app revised 11/7/00 1 ' . . '. U B~0S~~ Type of Fixture:rt:=wTf::""1<. LIGHTING u No. of Fixtures: " Height of Fixture: Z. Z. A..Idi' na1 L' gh . L. I /1\. (&r X Ie:, 'I, "" Crt '- , 1\f \ U! tio 1 tmg: ,,, ! .k 1-1 (.-1 (.1-'7"'" r~~) * Plans to be submitted showing foot candle spread at property lines, per Ordinance. No. o~ Signs: SlGNAGE P~I ~ EN f:-d<~, V ~D Type of Signs: \,,(jOOD 'f B8UL...P~ S. Location(s): F!f?o/'J'r ~IN[~ e~~ ,I II Dimensions of each sign: 3 0 X '-t 8 Square Footage of each sign: -.J D if! 20'1 Total Height of each sign: -..) LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations *********************************************** I, the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. . Signature of Applicant Title (Print) Date ************************************** State of Indiana, ss: County of Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for county , State of Indiana, personally appeared and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this day of ,200 My Commission Expires: Notary Public s:\forms\adls.app rev; sed 11/7/00 2 .. . . ' u o LEGAL DESCRIPTION 421 South Rangeline Road Lot 2 in Charles Y. and Dallas S. Foster's Addition to the Town of Carmel, Indiana In Deed Record 113, pages 64 and 65 . . '2 LL.. ~-I ' ~~Ivt-~ I~~ ~ 1><(<>~ I {} I {Y. i I , . lit I ~ ! ,( I .-1 I ~ I \ ~ I ty :1 b J () \^ \ Q q..,.-u C:::;--r12.~ I, "'3 C>-C.Jt..\.~ ~>f - I , I I j I I--'--'-~_._'._._."-'-""-'---"--'-"".' --- --------- ---. .- I i I I I I ~~~m~ ~~~\~\2:::~~~~--~\ I i _._---_..~---------_._--_. s- \ ~DPH'../ S).-\ DP I I ~ , I __ _'_"_ __ --,-------.J I j, I /"- I U' ?~D V~..:.: <:~ I .:) (>....-1 P-c:.. \- I J I J l<t I 0- \ c.? F-r=-! c.- Ji!F ~c....A-. ,.., oN I\tv..? ---.. L J \ / _.i(-- "'- r ..l- " c..... IU (\ lI' ~ ASSOCIATED TIT~E CO.t INC. To: .,'THE FIDEL'lTY BANK OF INDIANA , INDIANAPOLIS~ INDIANA l1w ....1SJ;.&~t.e....... . mart.... IntplClion of: Lot 2 in Charles t and Callas , . y . i. , . '1,lh, "A'AIilit,fftr' R~GI'lII., o' ,co.afl'V. s.... at 'ftll......~.. k_.: . . .' 421 $ot.lthRange Line ~,~Id Carmel t Indfana ,n'- h In i.".... for ",II It'l' . .1". ;"'lIl'01lllCll!'Qmplnv a. II mftr'iPlt. ',MIl' fOr ",'" lniul~"'" --....IIWPI-IIftIy. """ II NaT. ..... 'II""". ..... ". p._"lI' 11nc. _ ut""~ hurOlIlr. AJI ;......0_.... l_iaoI IJilftClllllDfI' .,. 1tl1HOJI1ma,.. All 0'''' llIlnNnd_.. 1''-- ' Q Of! '.eo~ IIIIIGtfIIlOfl DlIU Dr II COf1II1n11t In I.... Clncrl.'Ion.. No _,I'I.'iOll ~. '......"'.tloft O. .....IeY II .... lIl' ...,............. . , 'ollowa:. ~:'.,..' ,. "'Ilaudlll",. hwlllt .........0lIl.... lIlIcw arl loca"d ...'i..;V, within IU bcuIlcll'''' 01 "ta AliI ell,.e, un'''' 0''''''''''' .0" 2. Nil 1l:U1IdI",. ."'.....GUA.'lantlo.Il.1I - 11J-n1 0....'" tIfIOIIIM~ IIIl the R..I &1..... v.... Ol~ nolld . , " . Q ~ ~ ~ ~. CS ~ L\l :J. ...J i '\lj y ~ . ,. 2. <t ,. w.. ':I )- " ::J t\ ~ .~ D.~I . January 30~ 1984 . . . '. .... o. · 1 .. ~. Q . d' '" 4-"w 4Tj(.f;.,E., o hoU T~i e.At.-r . "'.1;; "" ~-_.- , I, Ii ---... - ------ IIltO.t:J. Ie. . r" ',. .;. - ""'.- . ). 'w ..J ....1' <1 i I ...! -.. ~-.- I~ ..olr'~A--,p~ '. I....: ')itr .' .~...-; '2.... IJ ~"N.... I ~ "-Tloi"P , LOT I ~4(, -' l III _e."-,.. .' - -...-.:.....-- ,.., . ~ liil . '"Y. ....__ '2. , " -,~.~'I> ~~J... ~';"..' . - -~.-,;.:;;..n...,. : ~ -..--......j,l. ..._u "i.t:i. 'P' ": '-'I.a. " ~ . ... c..; "'..loll.. . . ...... -....IIC- r - I ., . '" ~ '.. ---.. '~ -. ...~ ALI.,....UJ. \0011 w.e. . IOU. .,. ....". ..",110M ....,.. ,... .&- ...en .1.........C. It... AI: ERNEST R. MAROON, J[ 421 Sout~ Range Line Road <<:a"',l, Indfanl . " S,roster's AdditiOn to the Town of C.rm~l. Indiana.' in Deed Record 113, pages 6~ and 15 in ... 0"'" of ,tit . ., , r JOHN C. RYAN COMPANY, INC. LAND SURVEYORS . ~f~~ .~ ~"""b,_~', .,.. 1:f.~~9.BAIt '1". . .,' #.~~~' 01" '~','" e~ .... c, ~ ,)'J , sou.. l q ~T."E., ;".: p;i5 <.;. ~'f'I~~I' . ~..1t!."'.J.~~ ~D~ Clrch DuHdlng ^L o i I' 5- 1. : k .' t 1 I . Ii i. j. \ 16 I . ~ I Ii II o J I '1+1 J I . I 1)1 -! ~ ~ II .. 1k ~1t 1__,' I ! .) : . 1 - Q. 1 f ~ R i . t t ll~ H- . i l~ ,I ~ tit ~ ~~ {Ii ill: Q ~ - 1- -li ~ ~ ~l I . . i ~~ . 1~ ~ o' ff;- -l . 1 i . . j ,1 'i lr 1 -, i -l 3 11 . U .~ T; · ~ 11 Jo 1- -r't . tIt l lU ~'4- . ~ . '1 :J 1 . ~ t ~ . - a f:! 1. ~ {J 1- ....... -r -.:I . t l ,- . t t i J , ~ ,t j lilt I 1 ti ltnu i~ J t ~ . - ~- 1'- t~ r'-~"ro j 1 . C'.",'."",> """'" . o 3i 1+1 Q. .-:. I"ih ell; fi~ Ij -" i -', -r--".. ":t/. . u u Fahey, Joyce D From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Tuesday, September 10, 2002 9:13 AM Fahey, Joyce D Lillig, Laurence M; Lawrence, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P Docket Number Assignment - ADLS, Natureworks (ADLS) Joyce, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have issued the necessary Docket Numbers for the Natureworks (ADLS). They will be the following: 125-02 ADLS $700 Total Fee: $700 Docket No. 125-02 ADLS; Natureworks The applicant seeks Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage approval for an office building. The site is located at 421 South Rangeline Road. The site is zoned B-1 Business. Filed by Randy Sorrell. Please note the following: · This Item has been placed on the September 18, 2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. · No Public Noti~is required. · Twenty (20) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than noon, Friday, October 4, 2002. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the tabling of the petition to the Tuesday, November 19, 2002, agenda ofthe Plan Commission. · This Item will appear on the October 15, 2002, agenda of the Plan Commission under New Business. · This Item may also appear on the November 12, 2002, agenda of the Plan Commission Special Studies Committee. Please contact Randy Sorrell at 575-0482 (Fax: 57s118) with this information. Once the file is updated (copy of fax filed and file labeled on cover and internal files) please return the it to my office. Thanks, Jon 1 r-. , \,'; Date o 0 DOCKET NO. ~:--r----. ~ \ \(--.1- I !~'7) APPUCATION for ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN LIGHTING and SI ~~:~\:t: <y~.-" I 'll\ 1'\f\1\? \~~ FEE: $700.00 \~j, ~\J~ \)\1 l-\l\J~ )::1 \/\ UOCS lh:,i \ ,,;~~,.., /":" 7 . (Plus $ 5.00 per acre when NOT accompanied by a Development~~~~t;_ ----r-"'-\.%V Name of Project:~. ~DR~ l' "-,,,:_I_Ll ~~~.).-/ Addr~s: 4 d-.l SOUT\k 'P.NJ~~U1'\Jt= 1?~. t-f--(P032- Type of Project: ~'N OV A-'T1 ON -1:..;> c pw ? 14 .5..../'5. qS/~ APPlicant:--l'~~\/ ~O~t;:' LL.. Phone No. ~ It ,5/5 · 04 62- Contact person:~~ID\/S~E;\-L... Phone No. '3 /,/15'15- 0"132- Address: \ ~ '-f 01 t)' {;::QO K<;I-\-\~iiir tkw I/. L-I (,:,0 ?o ~ , , ; Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) " b - ( Owner ofRea1 Estate: ~\.....L- (-:1;:::"rt1 Carmel: Y ~S Clay Township: Y G"S Annexation: Y o<E;2 Other Approvals Needed:-tJ [) ~ PARKING No. of Spaces Provided: 4- No. Spaces Required: 3 DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building: lutJL.13 L.r;:):..K..No. of Buildings: &.. Square Footage:J DzO Height:J 51 No. of Stories-L . . 'PR€;Mlv^,,:,-. . _ ~ Extenor Matenals:YINYL- "51 \)IN(<'{::olors: Skt-,\l'\'S,r-t),--J t:: t 4G""R\"'r1<b~c;RAY Maximum No. of Tenants: Type ofUses:J:12D;::-~SSI Q.-J~L- O'\="FIC..~ Water by: L.- \TY Sewer by: G \TV s:\forms\adls.app revised 11/7/00 1 . . . o o B1?0'StA1::D Type of Fixture: rt:=v-J~"'R. LIGHTING No. of Fixtures: " Height of Fixture: 2 Z . . .. / / r;;. X I "'S"'" p..J (<1 '- I 1Y \ AdditlOnal Llghtmg: t-J/ ~ \ t.....t (.-r !.>-.,- f;':J\....6.) * Plans to be submitted showing foot candle spread at property lines, per Ordinance. No. of Signs: SIGNAGE PP<..I ~ EN b-RA- V ~-'t. Type of Signs: \..z.l OOD ef BC)Ij~~~ S. Location(s): F12:"ol'-tr PL+-~rr II'J ['1 e~~ \ \ " Dimensions of each sign: 3 0 X L-f 6 Square Footage of each sign: _I 0 iff Total Height of each sign: =3 0 II LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations * *** *********************************** the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true ~r/~'''l~ e of ~Dcant Title / ~I 8/3'0/02- int) Date' , **** ********************************* State of Indiana, SS: County of 4 m i / If) 11 . Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for . /let fJ1 ; / h h State of Indiana, personally appeared'1<tl nd. '-I .$0 f (l e II and acknowledged the I execution of the foregoing instrument this .3 0 day of ,,4l/ j '" .$ + , 200 ~. county , My Co l'fataIiruOllc": .,- ~~~-~~.-- . -~-~'~ s:\forms\ad]~:app . revised 11/7/00 2 ~.. '- r o o LEGAL DESCRIPTION 421 South Rangeline Road '. . Lot 2 in Charles Y. and Dallas S. Foster's Addition to the Town of Cannel, Indiana In Deed Record 113, pages 64 and 65 ,- . \ I () ,. "j {'i- ! lit . I I 7. I ...1 \ U s B-Y-' I ~ i I I ,,~ (vI- GR.. I :t ! /~ I ~ I I J I C p..~ "k?;:::;- I 6 ! \^ l I l I 9~-\W C:::;~~ I "3 D0'0 .;; ~;;;;.I - I ! I I-----.~__~___v...___.___._...._. , I .... .. ...---.--..-...---...-.. .........--..---. ---...... --....-..-.. ----1 I c'- \ I )... 1'1;' lit ?~D v~~ <:~ I () '-h..J J:><..\.- . 1 I J ,<( ! , I I i I I I ! ts- \ 1<.D -p!-\ Y -:::~ i--l D P o F-~ i '- ..;F 4-2- \ 5.. "'12k",,,iC<iE:1_.; r.~~ 8,-1 V~/>-.~ ~~.,...,o~ /V'y..p ---.. L J. .( ~ I lU L} ~ . ..:., ". ~ , ~ ~. cs ~ d) -;J. -J f ill y ~ , \, ::2 <t ... ,. w... ':J )- ~ ::J t\ , .~ u Q t:JOUTWeAtp, .. ,...L ... dI tI 4-"~ ~TIt.f.,E., r----- ---,-.... - - ----- Uc.D. ~ . 1(... . I . I, I:. !~ '.. .;. - i I ...:. .-... ):- .w .J ...1' <1 . , .---'-,.-.--..---..rl~~-:.. - ---- .' . . ~;. '~aJ:;;'-:"; ~. -, .- ..--'- - ~ ."':>>', .~-.- --~. .-.- . .:. ~..- ~ ~.J. ~ I;.. . lr.){-;"p-:-; ", . : I .~o . ,ci ~i~ .' ..;.n-.;'; . ~ I . .."W /1\ ';'T...~c:o II.~ L err l~ 904lil.... L..l~ lICit..;.... ,.'- .---..-.......-- i'" . ~ !ii I ' '&Y. ...._ 'Z. . , . --:~.n.t> ~~t.., ~.;" ..' . - -~"-;.:i;.u...._ : j.. -"-'--'j,,' ..._n ";..;.'p' .... \oJ1.... '~ -IL" C &..u.. . . ....../ -...IIt. r .. . I tfI'So... . ., , ~ \!' ~ .~ -. ..,....,...' AU"."".J.. wll'.... - 10Th -T" .lUln,. "1....... ....fl' 1 tn. '&- ....en .'11"" ....Ie. H... ASSOCIATED TITLE CO., INC. TO: THE FIDEL'lTY BANI( OF INDIANA , INDIANAPOLIS~ INDIANA The ...J.8.ti.&~t.e,,,",, .lIMIn.... InlplClion 01: ERNEST R. MAROON. II 421 Sout~ Range line Road Carme.'. Indt ani . .' AIEl . ..,. Lot 2 in Charles t and Callas S,Foster's AdditiOn to the Town of Carmel, Indiana.' i. . II.Ih. "R'AtlItt,ur' 1 n Deed Record 113. pages 64 and 65 R..ClftltIf of .Ce"",y, S.... at I lid...... com"'QftIy Icnowll.: . in .he off.. of ,lit .' 421 So"th Range L ine ~,~Id Carmel, IncHana . . .. 1"" " Inl."IIe. fo, Y'. "v D .11" :~Iur8neu I!lIl"'PllIV ar .. I"""ltlltl. ',/\tIft, fO, II.htlnilal_llNI_...pv'J_IHtI.,. Till. II NaT . ...... .v.".,,_ Ind no 111_'111' line. .. ......"..... hllPllbv. .An l"lpriDWml", '_laol dilftClllllont 1lf0 ....0......1.. All 0'_ dlmmd_ .. .. a"- . , 011 ,..,dId lUDClh'lIDrllfIlU Dr .. dnlllrlld In I.... IICKrlo'lona. No GIt,;'IeI,iOII !-', '...........tlDft 01 ...ey III111lCl1t or .................. II , 'onowII- :: '.' . " "'lllNdell",. hlW"" IOUllINfJOlt.1fI0WIIAllI:W If' IOClJltd Inli'li". wlthirl 'II' UClUfldlflc. a' "II R.,. ellltc~ un'"' Ol~ n.,.d 2. Nd buN".."..,.. 'aun.llanlloe,'." on '';11-"1 flrtIfl8ny fIflC_~.II &he R,.I Eat..... IInIIla 0'''''''' n011d D'~I . January 30. 1984 , " .... ot · 1 .' i-aJ... JOHN C. AYAN COMPANY, INC. LAND SURVeYORS ~~~ !!1t!:-:a.~~ ~I!ln~ elrel. Dwl141nIJ