HomeMy WebLinkAboutGranting Permission for Improvement of Main Street GZQI o r'l I I U , o k,,'! ."e : "_:""~ the if"'!7','~,- ',' <. . .,,'-'-'- ''- . '. n.OIl&UUtiOIil> .it' the Boare. .r 1'IruSltees hr the GrlAlltbg,erllliUhll fer ttlo llllproVOllont of'. !.lah' Street im. Town or (;1l.!';;1el'gy the Burel of' County COlllillilllllDners. : "IVh.rn.s ,1m tho 17 th day. of April ,1.1129 ,Illore' than' 50 freenollllers , ,,'ami voterl!l of' Delaware Tewnship,1l:arnil ten County ,Stll te et' II!li.iillull., pl'ayhll; . t'er the improvement. ora Couu'ty ru.ci untier .the three mile Iravel ~oad law,file. their ,etition with the Au.iter of 1l:amilton Countyjand Whereas. i!laili roa. petitioned te be improve. pll.lJlllel!lOVer East Main street in Carmel,begining . .at ..the intersection of East amll "'est Main with l"etl.erlll Raad /1 :51 ; running East tel the East line of the Carmel. l'Ii~h Schollll greunl!ill', anti! . Whereas. . saili petttien c8lllll ror the hlprovement sf saili ctlunty hilhway by .the Iirainin&'; ,lrll.loHns: IImil lDaving the surrace there er wi th Cencrllte ,theret'ore: ---- ~. tie it resolvet by the Board or Trustees or the Town or Carmel,that IU.ill. Towner Carmel coneeBts: to the !!laking or the sahl improvement in manner and ferm as prayed ror in the saii petition, . . It was Illoveil. by Trustt!., Follett ami aecon'.d by Truetee Alared that the above and. roregoir:.g resolution be passed by the Board or Trulltee8. The !'res illlent of the' 8&1.1111 Bllarcithen orllfered the Clerk te read the Rellolutien and callea' fer a Yea and nay vote on the' same. Therasult IIf the vote 9iyng as foll.ws;-.-~ Yea )lay F~llett '. Pfotenhauer ----- Aldred: Ji'isher '..' ,~ ,.1A ~J ;';,,;,ll '-"'<~ }i"":;~~ ,./!f.I;~f: ". ..\.,V~ ,1,1 '.-,. ----(~~--~-----~---- Frellilient ., ~'J y~~~ ....' Clerk , !'Ul!~IL1"lLr:~g~lll:.r:.J!~~t,1,,~€L ~~ay 7 ,U29. . ------------~--------------~ rJ ..::;:~l ..,<:,\,j . "~ .:~~ , 'I ':, "'':~ ./1 ...... ..~~ ,~ , ~~ :'2] :"! ~" "! , ., "t\~'-.. '. ..~.(.