HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-61 Closing Portion Alley/Mill Street & Monon Railroad ~ '-~ . :/lQI '.~ :,,-,. ;;;"7 . 269" ....\..'_...... ....:;-~;,:d:::;...:' . . ' . i":' ,ORDINANCE No. 61. "'..:' .::1i~~}:~.;':...:~ -, '., An oidi~rice closing that pOEtion of an alley between Mill Street and the right of way of the Monon Railroad, which alley runs in an easterly and.westerly direction between Water Street and West Main Street. (1934) 'f,'. 1--1 Sec.l. Be it enacted by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, County of Hamilton, State of Indiana, that on the 2nd day of October, . 1934, said Beard of Trustees passed a resolution declaring the neoess- ity of closing that portion of an alley lying between Mill Street and the right of way of the Monon Railroad, said alley running in an east- erly and westerly direction between Water Street and West Mamn Street. That thereafternotive of the passage of said resolution was given as req~~~d by law, said notice also naming the timv and place when said Board of Trustees would finally conside~ the closing of said portion' of said alley and hear remonstranoes by persons affected by said pro- posed vacation. Sec.a. Sata Board of Trustees having met at the time and place named in said notice to hear remonstrances to said proposed ~~cation, there having been one remonstrant to said proposed v~cation, and said , Board of Trustees having oonsidered said remontrance, overruled the same. Sec.3. Therefore, be it enacted by said Board of Trustees that 1lIha t portion of an alley lying between Mill Street and the right of way of tQe'Mono~Railroad,said alley running in an easterly and westerly di- rect\on b~twe~n.W~ter'Snmeet and West Main Street, be and the same is hereby ordered closrd and vacated and the Marshall is hereby directed to close said portion of said alley. . Seo.4. Whereas as emergency exists for the immediate taking of effe~ of this ordinance therefore the same shall be in full force 'and effect . from the date of its eriacDment. .,..:.... Pres. Trustee Trustee " Trutitee Trustee , .. : '~'~.r:'< Attestedi:0";/7~/~~, .,',' ,,' . erk-Treas. November 6th, :1934. \;;[~' ,SIltgO:~ .250:9.0~ "611:00~ 15;0'0; "6t~QO~ ....,'f . " Light .................... ........................................_...._._............_....._..mmm..........h..._.h_._.........._.........,..... tOO;.lf'~ . ,',.,;;} rlnting and Adverttsinlr .........................m....................:.................;.............................;_........,..... IjlO.!~}...:f".;J - 3. 5uppUea ~",~ ........m........................_.... ...._.___............................. .............m................._............_..... 12.1::,00; 5. Current Cha.rl'BIJ . . !!.(.," nsurance and Offlclal Bond Premo ............................ m..n............................_......................._.. "ao.oo:: Total General E'und ...... ............._......._....................................... ...........................................$1579:.(l0:i j' 1. S~~I~, ~~nal ~:;.; alan' Street CommissIoner 2~""'S~'~~'j~'~"'C~~t~~'~t;;'~i"""""'''''''''''''''''-''''''' 720'~f j . m............ .................... m.......................u..............................................__....._..........._. .300;'00,:' Street Fund .... ...........u...........mm..m.............................,...................._.......................1020. O~ BOND FUND . ~ j ayment of Interest ..........................._.......................................m.........._...._..............._.............. 2'1fi.on Total Bond Fund ..................................................................m...m..........m........._......._....m. . 27~:O.Q~ .,- WATER FUND !270 "-I , NOTJOE TO TAXPAYERS OF TAX I..EVIES In the MAtter ot DetermJnlnll' the Tax Rates tor certanl purp08es by the of Carmel, Hamilton.' Count,-, Indiana, before the Board of Trustees. ',. Notice hi hereby given the ta:l\:payers ot' the Town of Cannel. Hamilton Coun diana, that the proper'. leiral olflcers of sa.ld mun(clpallty. at their rea-ular meettn&' on the 3rd day of September. 1935. will ~mald.er thefollow1ng ~get: Budget Clautftea.tiOll For ToWtlfl GENERAL FUND 1. ServlooR, Personal ,. or TruBtee.... .............~.............................m..m...... .......................<<......................... at Cierlt.Treaaurer ......_........................................._..........................._......_..._._...._..._.. at 1llanJhal ...................................................._......................................................__....._.... alary of Health Officer .................................m..................................._........._.............m............ Compenaatlon Town AttornflY ........................_................................................................._......_. 2, Services Contractual .1 o I 1020.01 215.0& 39~O..!)0 lSO.O,) 812.50 1:17.60 aOO.OD 135.00 100.110 , , , , 545.00' UO.OOr' 137:50 1400,00'~'-' 3050.08 340,00 137.60 930.01 :'.80.00 131.50 1150.00 215.00 2080,&0 Net Taxa.ble PropertY , ..:...........1409410.00 Amount to Be Raised I161S,OQ 630.00 215.00 2080,00 U&U',OO II' i FUNDS 'J General ~.................................................................,t.................._....... I Street .............................................._..................................................._......... r~:t~o~~i~..:.:.:::;.:.:.:::.:.::.::.:::.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:.::.=.::::.~:.::.::.::.::.::~::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::'::::::::::'::::::==':::~. Levy on PNlperh" 1 .38.6 .1&-.2 . 11.8 ,5(U 1.11.5 COMPARATIVE STATE7.ltmNT OF TAXES COLUECTED AND TO BE COLLm-CTED To, Be CollfICted Collected Collected Name of l"und- 1934 1935 . . 19311 General ......um............................m..................,.....:........_...:..............2281'.:19 "15"52.29 11 '.1'9, 00 Street . ....._.....,............m........................_....:................................. 300.00 81.1),00 Bond ......................,...........;..._....._..................h.....:...................... 400.00 400.00 . 275:..1) Water ................................._.h.............................._......................2588.0.1) 11181.1'5. :1080.00... Total ................ ...................;....................................:...........$5833,39 '3934.04 '4534.00 ;;. 'T'a.xpaY\\rs appearlnll' shall bave the right to bB heard tbereon. After the tal{ 18vlell b.ave been determIned. ten or more taxpayers feeHn.. them . 8elvfllt ac&'rleved by lJueb IflvleJl. .may apPlIa,l to the State Board of Tax C()mm.ls8Ionera for further and final action. thereon. . by fllln.. a. petition therefor with County Audltot" not later than the fourth Monday of Sep-. tember, and the Btatfl BDa'rd w'Ul fix a date of hearinB' In this county, Datad thl.8 17Ut d~y f\t AUflUst, 1935. A. B. CLAYPOOL, Clflt-k. Au. 23~30 / :1 ; , " . -' u-,.) '.".' .....',,;.;,.