HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondencePlan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
1 1 Urban Forestry
Daren Mindham
12/20/23 12:50 PM
old missing tree
Please add back a shade tree to this location. I recommend a red oak.
L100 - Landscape Plan - L1.1.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:24 PM
A new oak tree was added to this location.
2 1 Urban Forestry
Daren Mindham
12/20/23 12:50 PM
existing crab apple
Please show an existing crabapple tree in this location.
L100 - Landscape Plan - L1.1.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:24 PM
The existing tree was added to this location on plans.
3 1 Urban Forestry
Daren Mindham
12/20/23 12:50 PM
missing honeylocust
Please replace this missing honeylocust
L100 - Landscape Plan - L1.1.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:24 PM
A new honeylocust tree was added to this location.
4 1 Urban Forestry
Daren Mindham
12/20/23 12:50 PM
missing and half removed crabapples
Please replace any missing crabapple trees and remove and replace any half
dead/removed crabapple trees. I noticed 3 missing crabapples and at least 4
half removed crabapples to replace.
L100 - Landscape Plan - L1.1.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:24 PM
The requested missing and dead trees are noted to be
5 1 Urban Forestry
Daren Mindham
12/20/23 12:50 PM
existing trees
Please show the existing trees in this area. There are 3 red maples, 3
honeylocust and 1 cherry not shown. I have locations show with red circles.
L100 - Landscape Plan - L1.1.pdf Reviewer Response: Daren Mindham - 3/5/24 4:01 PM
It looks like the southernmost red circle was not added
and instead the existing tree with the (3) label was
moved back closer to the building. There are two trees
here, there is another tree next to the building. If there
is another review cycle, I would like to see it added.
Otherwise, since it seems outside the construction limits,
i will note this comment as info only.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:25 PM
The existing trees noted have been added to the plans.
Info Only
6 1 Urban Forestry
Daren Mindham
12/20/23 12:55 PM
add honeylocust to match row
Please add a honeylocust to match the row.
L100 - Landscape Plan - L1.1.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:25 PM
A honeylocust tree was added to this location.
7 1 Urban Forestry
Daren Mindham
12/20/23 1:13 PM
species change
Can we change these to a cherry variety? I don't have much experience with
Okame cherry, but that may be a good option.
L200 - Landscape Details - L1.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:25 PM
Yes, the requested tree species was changed.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
8 1 Urban Forestry
Daren Mindham
12/20/23 1:13 PM
species change note #02
Can we change these to a cherry variety? I don't have much experience with
Okame cherry, but that may be a good option.
L200 - Landscape Details - L1.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:26 PM
Yes, the requested tree species was changed.
9 1 Urban Forestry
Daren Mindham
12/20/23 1:13 PM
species choice
This crabapple looks to be a good choice for the area, but can we make the
landscape beds wider and make room for at least one cherry species in each
L200 - Landscape Details - L1.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:26 PM
The size of the planting beds was determined by the
architecture of the building. The seatwalls align with the
columns of the building. This ensures that the stairs
and ramp exiting the building are an appropriate size
for the number of students entering/exiting the
building. The owner does not want plantings to be
larger than large shrubs or small ornamental trees in the
planting beds in front of the building.
10 1 Planning & Zoning
Angie Conn
12/22/23 2:12 PM
Per UDO section 5.02, lighting cannot exceed 0.1 foot-candles at the
property lines. (Some measurements on sheet E100 show as much as 0.6
foot-candles along the north property line.)
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:20 PM
The three light fixtures along the north side of the
parking lot were revised to be put on a 15 degree
angled bracket. For the two light poles that are located
in the island one of the fixtures heads will be deleted
and the other head rotated 90 degrees to the south.
See the revised E100 Electrical Photometric Plan.
11 1 Planning & Zoning
Angie Conn
12/22/23 2:14 PM
Please upload the location and timeline details of the temporary modular
classroom buildings with fence.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:21 PM
The location of the temporary classrooms and fencing
are shown on Enlargement B on drawing G1.2. The
classrooms will be installed June 30, 2024 and will be
removed July 30, 2026. Refer to Enlargement C on
drawing G1.2 for the Site Restoration Plan for when the
classroom trailers have been removed.
12 1 Planning & Zoning
Angie Conn
12/22/23 2:17 PM
On a virtual phone call it was mentioned that the loss of trees from the
installation of the temporary modular buildings will be mitigated elsewhere
on site. Please specify where.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:21 PM
When the temporary classrooms are removed
replacement trees will be put back where existing trees
were removed. See revised L1.1 Landscape Plan for
location of replacement trees.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
13 1 Planning & Zoning
Angie Conn
12/22/23 2:18 PM
Does bicycle parking exist on the site today? If so, where? (You can view the
bicycle parking regulations in UDO section 5.29)
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:21 PM
Yes it does. Bike parking is located in 2 areas. There are
13 existing bike parking spaces west of the building and
27 existing bike parking spaces north of the building.
The bike racks are located west and north of the
building because the designated Bike Rider Route for
students comes from the west of the building. See Bike
Rack Exhibit for bike rider route, location of bike racks
and type of bike racks.
14 1 Vectren Energy
Chad Miller
1/2/24 11:23 AM
Please contact the CenterPoint Energy new service center at 1-800-990-1930
with the new load information on the proposed additions if a gas meter
resize is needed. Thank you.
Info Only
15 1 Fire
Carmel Fire
1/9/24 1:40 PM
Comments for project issued by Fire Marshal Chris Rohr on 11/6/23: 1.Panic
hardware is installed on any gates to exit to the public way. 2.For any temp
classroom building, 150 Foot access to the most remote part of the structure
from FD vehicle access is provided, see below. 503.1.1 Buildings and facilities.
Approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility,
building or portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into or
within the jurisdiction. The fire apparatus access road shall comply with the
requirements of this section and shall extend to within 150 feet (45.72 m) of
all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first
story of the building as measured around the perimeter of the exterior of the
building or facility. 3.Fire Alarm Devises are to be installed in each unit from
the building fire alarm. 4.Do not block access to fire hydrants and FDCs.
5.Provide a remote fire alarm panel at the temp. main entrance. 6.All Fire
Alarms and Fire Sprinkler systems shall remain operational at all times
building is occupied. 7.Required exiting shall be provided at all times. 8.Non-
Combustible partitions shall be constructed to separate construction areas
and non-construction areas. Chris Rohr Division Chief / Fire Marshal Carmel
Fire Department 210 Veterans Way Carmel, In 46032
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/17/24 4:35 PM
No additional comment was made.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/5/24 6:43 PM
No additional comment was made.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:20 PM
No additional comment was made.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:20 PM
The noted items have been forwarded to the
Architectural design team and construction team.
Info Only
16 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 11:26 AM
Library Comment
Please provide all technical information required by Section 102.02(xi)(m) of
the Storm Water Technical Standards
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:08 PM
We believe all items have been included. Please identify
which ones have not been included.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
17 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 11:26 AM
Library Comment
Please include the following note on the plans: "All existing perimeter road
drainage structures and bridges across the frontage of this development are
indicated on the plans. Provisions have been made to pmprove or replace
any drainage structures and bridges as necessary or as request by the City ot
accommodate the pavement widening, auxiliary lanes, multi-use path, and
any other required improvements to the property or the roadway. The cost
to improve or replace any draiange structures and bridges will be borne by
the developer."
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:08 PM
The requested note was added to the General Notes of
all Plan Sheets GD0.1, GD1.0, GD1.1, G1.0, G1.1, G2.0,
G2.1, G3.1, G3.2, SU1.1, SU1.2, AND L1.1.
18 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 11:26 AM
Library Comment
Please include the following note on the plans: "All paving within the existing
and proposed city right -of-way shall conform to the requirements of the
Department of Engineering. The contractor shall contact the department of
Engineering to schedule a pre-construction meeting to review the
department's construction requirements, staff notification requirements,
required inspections for certain stages of the work and to review the
authority of the department as it relates to work within the existing and
proposed right-of-way."
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:09 PM
The requested note was added to the General Notes of
all Plan Sheets GD0.1, GD1.0, GD1.1, G1.0, G1.1, G2.0,
G2.1, G3.1, G3.2, SU1.1, SU1.2, AND L1.1.
19 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 11:26 AM
Library Comment
Please provide the anticipated start construction date in a comment letter or
project summary
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:09 PM
The anticipated construction start date is June of 2024.
Once the plans are approved and successful bidding
Contractor is selected this date can be better identified.
20 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 11:26 AM
Library Comment
Please verify that there are no direct discharge areas
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:10 PM
There is no direct discharge from the storm sewer
system to off-site storm sewers from this project.
21 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 11:26 AM
Library Comment
Please verify that all elevations are North American Vertical Datum of 1988
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:10 PM
Yes, they are as shown on the originally submitted
Survey Plans.
22 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 11:26 AM
Library Comment
Please verify that the horizontal datum of topgraphic map is Indiana State
Plane Coordinates, NAD83
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:10 PM
Yes, they are as shown on the originally submitted
Survey Plans.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
23 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 11:26 AM
Library Comment
Please verify that the locations of existing utilities with top of curb and invert
elevations, pipe sizes, and direction are shown
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:12 PM
Yes, they are as shown on the originally submitted
Survey Plans.
24 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 11:26 AM
Library Comment
Please verify that all existing culverts, pipes, and bridges on existing drives or
under the roadway are shown indicating size, type, and invert elevations
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:12 PM
Yes, they are as shown on the originally submitted
Survey Plans.
25 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 11:26 AM
Library Comment
Please verify that the locations of all existing electrical power vaults,
transformers, power lines, gas lines, television cable , and telephone lines are
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:13 PM
Yes, they are as shown on the originally submitted
Survey Plans.
26 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 11:26 AM
Library Comment
Please provide all on-site and off-site flood routing through the site
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/14/24 3:32 PM
The requested elevations have been added to G2.2 .
Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 3/21/24 1:57 PM
Flood staging should be delineated around each inlet as
if it is clogged, and the ponding limits should follow the
ground elevations in that area until a crest over
elevation is reached where it spill over to the next
ponding area until it leaves the site. Please provide the
limits and the crest over elevations. Please provide this
delineation from the work areas to the pond and then
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:13 PM
See Sheet G2.0 for flood routing at new courtyard and
existing dock area. There is no change to off-site
flooding from the project area as it drains to the
existing detention basin.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
27 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 11:26 AM
Library Comment
Please show the 100-year elevations of all inlets in the clogged condtions
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 3:34 PM
Sheet G2.0 has been updated to show the fully-clogged
condition of the existing outlet control inlet structure.
Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 3/21/24 2:02 PM
Outlet Control Structure is being revised. Please show
flood routing from work areas to pond to offsite.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:14 PM
See Sheet G2.0 for flood routing at new courtyard and
existing dock area. No other areas are affected.
28 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 11:26 AM
Library Comment
Please provide the minimum flood protection grade (MFPG) and minimum
lowest adjacent grade (MLAG) elevations and definitions of each
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/14/24 3:32 PM
The requested elevations have been added to G2.2 .
Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 3/21/24 2:04 PM
The ponding crest over elevations for the flood routing
are needed as part of determining the acceptable
MLAG/MFG/FFE for the project.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:14 PM
See Sheet G2.0 for the requested elevations at the new
courtyard and existing dock areas.
29 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 1:17 PM
Please provide perimeter protection around these disturbed area
C310 - Pre_Construction Erosion
Control Plan - G3.1.pdf
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:14 PM
The playground areas are no longer in the project.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
30 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 1:18 PM
Will the sidewalk be removed here to install the temporary classrooms?
This area is contained within the construction limits but it does not appear
that any demolition or construction is being done within the limits. Is this just
marked as such to indicate the installation of temporary classrooms
discussed at the pre-filing meeting?
C010 - Overall Demolition Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:14 PM
Refer to drawing G1.2 for Enlargement A for demolition
items in this area, as well as site restoration.
Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 3/21/24 2:20 PM
Please provide more clarification on what will be
removed in this area to install the temporary
classrooms. G1.0 does not indicate if trees will be
removed/sidewalk, storm, etc.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:15 PM
Minor demolition will be required for the installation of
the temporary classroom trailers. See revised GD1.0
Site Demolition plan for added demolition items.
31 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 1:18 PM
Sidewalk closures and any lane restrictions must be approved by the BPW
If the work being completed will require the sidewalk to be closed or any
lane restrictions, Board of Public Works approval will be required as well as a
traffic and pedestrian maintenance of traffic.
C010 - Overall Demolition Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:16 PM
Noted. But none anticipated. Contractor will contact
32 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/12/24 1:26 PM
Please have the trench drains protected on this sheet
C310 - Pre_Construction Erosion
Control Plan - G3.1.pdf
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:16 PM
Trench drain protection has been added.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
33 1 Transportation
David Littlejohn
1/12/24 2:42 PM
Bicycle Parking
Section 5.29 of the City's UDO requires bicycle parking for elementary
schools to be provided at a rate of 1 space for every 20 students. Bike racks
are to be inverted-U or A-frame rack types and installed within fifty (50) feet
of the main entrance(s) of the building. Revise the plans to include the
required bicycle parking. Please refer to section 5.29 of the UDO for more
information/details on the City's bicycle parking requirements.
C100 - Overall Site Layout Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:24 PM
Sheets GD1.0 and G1.0 have been revised to depict the
removal of existing bike racks and the addition of 15
new "U" Type Bike Racks. There are three existing "U"
type bike racks to remain. This will result in 18
compliant bike racks providing 36 bike parking spaces.
The required number of bike spaces i36, based on 715
students.20 =35.75.
Reviewer Response: David Littlejohn - 3/19/24 9:27 AM
The existing wave racks that make up the majority of the
bicycle parking at Cherry Tree Elementary do not
comply with the City's bicycle parking standards. Please
revise the plans to include inverted-U or A-frame racks
to bring the schools bike parking into compliance with
Section 5.29 of the City's UDO.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:22 PM
The school is required to have 36 bike parking spaces
per the noted ordinance (the school is designed for 715
students). The school currently has 40 bike parking
spaces (13 to the west and 27 to the north) exceeding
the requirement. Not all of the existing bike racks are
the inverted U or A-frame racks. The school does not
wish to replace usable bike racks.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
34 1 Transportation
David Littlejohn
1/12/24 2:42 PM
Bicycle rack detail
The City requires an inverted-U or A-frame bike rack type. Please include a
detail of the bicycle parking that will be included as part of this project to
ensure that it complies with the City's bicycle parking requirements. Please
refer to section 5.29 of the City's UDO for more information/details on the
City's bicycle parking standards/requirements.
C100 - Overall Site Layout Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:25 PM
Sheets GD1.0 and G1.0 have been revised to depict the
removal of existing bike racks and the addition of 15
new "U" Type Bike Racks. There are three existing "U"
type bike racks to remain. This will result in 18
compliant bike racks providing 36 bike parking spaces.
The required number of bike spaces i36, based on 715
students.20 =35.75.
Reviewer Response: David Littlejohn - 3/19/24 9:46 AM
The existing wave racks that make up the majority of the
bicycle parking at Cherry Tree Elementary do not
comply with the City's bicycle parking standards. Please
revise the plans to include inverted-U or A-frame racks
to bring the schools bike parking into compliance with
Section 5.29 of the City's UDO.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:22 PM
Six (6) of the existing bike parking spaces are the
inverted U bike rack. The remaining bike racks are not
the inverted U or A-frame racks. The school does not
wish to replace usable bike racks.
35 1 Transportation
David Littlejohn
1/12/24 2:42 PM
Multi-use path along Hazel Dell
The City's Mobility and Pedestrian Plan requires a 10' asphalt path along
Hazel Dell Pkwy. Revise the plans to include the required multi-use path
along the schools entire frontage of Hazel Dell.
C100 - Overall Site Layout Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/5/24 6:45 PM
The work associated with the Multi-Use path is shown
on Sheets GD1.0, G1.0, G.2.0, and G4.3. The details of
the ADA ramps with finished grades and MOT Plan will
be provided next week. We hope the uploaded
drawings provided sufficient information showing the
project commitment to installing this path, with the
hope the City will issue a Conditional Approval for this
project, so construction may begin.
Reviewer Response: David Littlejohn - 5/29/24 8:54 AM
Revise the plans to show the multi-use path to ensure
that it will be able to be constructed as discussed.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/15/24 9:46 AM
The Project agrees to install a new 10’ wide sidewalk
along the frontage of the Cherry Tree School property
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
along Hazel Dell Parkway including 6 new ADA curb
ramps. Per discussions with David Littlejohn the
sidewalk will have 5’ grass buffer along the existing curb
where possible such as not to impact existing
infrastructure such as the exiting detention basin. The
sidewalk will be directly adjacent to the existing curb
along the existing detention basin. In order to allow for
drawings to be modified for the subject improvements
and associated City review; we are requesting
Conditional Approval for this project at this time.
Reviewer Response: David Littlejohn - 3/19/24 9:10 AM
Section 1.07 Compliance of the City's UDO states:
E. Transportation Plan: In addition to meeting
requirements of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
all projects and Improvements or authorizations under
the planning jurisdiction that adjoin, include, are served
by or affect existing streets bearing a designation in the
Transportation Plan shall conform to the requirements
of the Transportation Plan Section of the
Comprehensive Plan in regard to:
1. The dedication of public Rights-of-way;
2. Design and construction of the improvements
indicated by the Transportation Plan across the roadway
frontage of the project;
3. Setback; and
4. Any other affected development standards.
F. Monetary Commitment In-lieu-of Compliance: The
petitioner may elect to provide a monetary commitment
equal to the value to otherwise design and construct
the improvements indicated by the Transportation Plan
across the roadway frontage. The value of the
commitment shall be equal to the difference in the
value to otherwise design and construct the
improvements indicated by the Transportation Plan
across the roadway frontage, minus the cost to design
and construct those improvements indicated by the
Transportation Plan across the roadway frontage that
will be installed by the petitioner. The values established
above shall be approved by the Department of
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
Engineering. Conformance with the Transportation Plan
as outlined above shall be in addition to any
improvements required:
Please revise the plans to ensure that the property will
be brought into compliance with the City's
Transportation Plan
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:23 PM
An existing 6' sidewalk exists along the school property
and is connected to 6' walks north and south. An
existing 10' walk is located on the east side of Hazel
Dell. The school requests a waiver from this request.
36 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/15/24 1:49 PM
Please revise the drainage report to include the entire original drainage
report for this site.
2023-142_Drainage Report_2023-12-
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 3:10 PM
The only available 1988 Drainage Report has been
added to this projects Drainage Report, and has been
uploaded to ProjectDocs.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 3/21/24 9:34 AM
The previous drainage report was not found in
ProjectDocs. See also changemark reference 60.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 11:53 AM
A previous drainage report will be uploaded to
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
37 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/15/24 1:50 PM
Str. 102 is the proposed hydrodynamic separator. This structure is not
installed in a series, as discharge from this structure bypasses the existing dry
pond and outlets directly into Str. 104 and the primary outlet pipe. Please
review and revise.
2023-142_Drainage Report_2023-12-
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 3:22 PM
There will only be one hydrodynamic separator BMP
Unit ST-102. It is located on the storm line to the
existing detention surge basin.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 3/21/24 11:06 AM
There are now numerous discrepancies between the
plans, drainage narrative, and O&M Manual. An
exemption to 701.05 is being requested per the
response to this changemark, but numerous plan sheets
(SU1.1 [C511]) now shows two Aqua-Swirl Xcelerator
XC-4 in a series, which is redundant. The treatment train
through the proposed Str. 102, a hydrodynamic
separator (Aqua-Swirl Xcelerator XC-4) and discharging
directly into the existing dry detention basin
immediately east of this structure would satisfy this
requirement. Please review and revise.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 11:54 AM
The project is adding a new building (7,080 sq ft) and
courtyard (2,285 sq ft) totaling under a 1/4 acre
(threshold for STWQ BMP) of new distrubed area. The
remainder of improvements in this watershed are
existing sidewalk replacement. The project requests an
exemption from any storm water quality BMP measures
to be implemented.
38 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/15/24 1:50 PM
Please complete Table 3: Stormwater Quality Summary in the drainage
report. Cross-reference results to source calculations in drainage report.
2023-142_Drainage Report_2023-12-
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/14/24 3:28 PM
The Stormwater Quality Summary (Table 3) of the
drainage report has been updated.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 3/21/24 11:26 AM
See changemark reference 37 and revise accordingly.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 11:55 AM
The Stormwater Quality Summary (Table 3) of the
drainage report has been updated.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
39 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/15/24 1:50 PM
It appears that the outfall from the dry basin is through a horizontal opening,
which will need to be modeled in HydroCAD as Device #1 using a horizontal
orifice and routed to the 15-inch (primary) outfall pipe. The inputs for this
horizontal opening will need to consider the proposed rim elevation for Str.
104 and the opening of the casting grate and not the opening of the
structure. The grate type for the proposed R-2502 casting will need to be
confirmed. Please review and revise accordingly.
2023-142_Drainage Report_2023-12-
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 3:28 PM
The updated calculations indicate that there is no
increase in staging elevations for the 2, 10 and 100-yr
storm events as requested by the reviewer. Therefore,
the existing 15" pipe remains the outflow control
without any modifications to the outflall structure.
These results have been updated in the drainage report.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 3/21/24 9:36 AM
Keynote 12 on Plan Sheet SU1.1 (Overall Site Utility
Plan) indicates a 13.5" orifice plate onto existing 15"
storm pipe. A detail of this orifice plate, material, invert
elevation, and how this orifice plate will be affixed to the
existing 15-inch outfall pipe should be included in the
Site Utility Details plan sheet, a note should be added to
Plan Sheets G2.0 (C200), Overall Grading Plan as well as
Plan Sheet SU 1.3 (C513) Storm Sewer Plan & Profile.
The drainage report should be updated to reflect this
orifice plate, with revisions to the actual release rates
from Str. 104 and revised critical storm elevations.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 11:55 AM
Please note that the existing outflow structure will not
be modified, other than the proposed addition of an
orifice plate on that pipe. The structure only has the 15"
outflow pipe that has been modeled. The outflow
structure and basin act as a surge basin.
40 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/15/24 1:53 PM
Str 104
Please confirm whether this structure is to remain or be replaced.
C010 - Overall Demolition Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 3:28 PM
The Existing Structure is to remain, with no
modifications to the structure.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 3/21/24 9:36 AM
See changemark reference 39.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 11:56 AM
Structure is to remain, but the outlet pipe will be
modified to receive an orifice plate.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
42 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/15/24 2:31 PM
The storm sewer plan/profile sheet should indicate the structure type
proposed. Please revise the plan sheet to identify Str. 102 as the proposed
AquaSwirl XC-4.
C513 - Storm Profile - SU1.3.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/5/24 6:38 PM
Sheet SU1.3 has been updated.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 5/30/24 11:27 AM
Please include the pipe run between Str's. 102 and 103
in the profile view.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 11:57 AM
Storm structure type and casting type are now shown
on the storm sewer profile on sheet SU1.3
43 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/15/24 2:31 PM
DRAINS), indicates that existing structure 20035 (prop str. 104) is to be
removed. Please note whether this structure is to be replace or that the
casting is to be adjusted to the new elevation.
C513 - Storm Profile - SU1.3.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 3:29 PM
The Existing Structure is to remain, with no
modifications to the structure. The Demolition Sheet
has been modified further for clarification.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 3/21/24 10:04 AM
See changemark reference 39.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 11:58 AM
Structure is to remain but will be modified with an
orifice plate.
44 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/15/24 2:31 PM
Storm sewer plan/profile sheet should indicate the casting type proposed.
Please revise the plan sheet to identify the type of castings proposed for Strs
103 and 104.
C513 - Storm Profile - SU1.3.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 11:58 AM
Storm structure type and casting type are now shown
on the storm sewer profile on sheet SU1.3
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
45 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/15/24 2:55 PM
clean out
Given the upstream storm sewer pipe is being constructed under the new
building addition and the upstream manhole (ST-100) is not readily
accessible if mechanical measures are required for maintenance, this
structure should either be upgraded to a manhole or removed from the
C512 - Site Utility Plans - SU1.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 3:30 PM
The cleanout was placed in this location to act as a
cleanout for a building storm sewer upon leaving the
building. The cleanout will be removed per your request,
see revised Sheet.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 3/21/24 10:49 AM
This changemark is in reference to the proposed
cleanout ST-CO 1, not Str. 100. The use of a Nyloplast
structure is appropriate for Str. 100. The cleanout ST-
CO 1 should either be upgraded to a manhole or
removed from the project.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 11:59 AM
Structure ST-100 has been substituted with the larger
2'x2' RC box structure and grate. The original intention
was to have consistent and less noticeable Nyloplast
structures in the courtyard where children are playing.
46 1 Sign Permits
Aliza Shalit
1/16/24 9:53 AM
Will there be any new signs (including directional signs) added to this
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/17/24 4:36 PM
No additional comment was made.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/5/24 6:44 PM
No additional comment was made.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:23 PM
No additional comment was made.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 1:19 PM
Only new site signage added to project are ADA signs.
See detail sheet A/G4.2. Building signage is being
revised see drawing A304 - Building Elevations for
proposed building sign.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
47 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/16/24 11:09 AM
An indemnification agreement may be needed for this area once the 100-
year clogged ponding elevation is provided
Similar to other projects completed by the school, if a waiver is going to be
needed for the ponding of the courtyard inlets, please provide an
indemnification agreement.
C220 - Emergency Flood Routing Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/17/24 4:30 PM
An updated document has been re-written and signed
by the School, with the new Mayor and Board members
names we believe belong on this document.
Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 6/11/24 10:15 AM
The letter provided list the previous mayor and BPW
members. It will need to be revised to list the most up-
to-date BPW members and Mayor Finkam.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/6/24 9:51 AM
The agreement has been uploaded.
Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 5/22/24 9:03 AM
Comment will be resolved when agreement received
and approved.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/14/24 3:33 PM
Agreement is being processed for signatures and will be
uploaded to ProjetcDocs.
Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 3/21/24 2:09 PM
Comment will be resolved when agreement received
and approved.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:17 PM
Yes, an Indemnification Letter will be provided, and
uploaded to the ProejctDocs Portal.
48 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/16/24 11:17 AM
Please upload the full O&M with the next submittal for our reivew
It appears that only the cover sheet was provided.
2023-142_OM Manual_Cherry
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:18 PM
The entire O&M was uploaded.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
49 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/16/24 11:20 AM
Please provide the unit type and size in this section
C340 - SWPPP - G3.4.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:18 PM
The BMP type Aqua-Swirl Xcelerator XC-4 has been
added to section C2 and C5 of the SWPPP on sheet G3.4
50 1 Engineering
Alex Jordan
1/16/24 11:23 AM
Please clearly call out the water quality unit on this sheet
C320 - Erosion Control Plan - G3.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:18 PM
The water quality unit is now called out on the Erosion
Control Plan on sheet G3.2
51 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/17/24 10:04 AM
Retaining Wall
Please provide a detail of the retaining wall and include the elevation of the
bottom of the footer in the profile view on this sheet. If this is the Type 1
Seatwall per Keynote 21 on Plan Sheet G1.1, please also include the footer
elevation in Detail O on Plan Sheet G4.1 and cross reference to this sheet
C513 - Storm Profile - SU1.3.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:00 PM
Keynote 20 on Sheet G1.1 has been added depicting the
pipe location and depth, along with proposed footing
depths per added Detail R on Sheet G4.1. Detail O/G4.1
was updated to include footing depths in non-pipe
areas referring to Keynote 21.
52 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/17/24 10:11 AM
Building Addition
Please include the depth and elevation of the footer of the new building
addition. Any details for design considerations of the foundation to
accommodate this pipe should be included in the next submittal.
C513 - Storm Profile - SU1.3.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:02 PM
The pipe invert elevation and size has been coordinated
with the Structural Engineer and the footing has been
lowered in the subject areas to accommodate the pipe.
See detail R G4.1.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
53 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/17/24 10:24 AM
See also Changemark Reference #45 (Plan Sheet SU 1.2). Please consider the
function and need for this structure. Given the upstream storm sewer pipe is
being constructed under the new building addition and the upstream
manhole (ST-100) is not readily accessible if mechanical measures are
required for maintenance, this structure should either be upgraded to a
manhole or removed from the project.
C513 - Storm Profile - SU1.3.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 3:30 PM
The cleanout was placed in this location to act as a
cleanout for a building storm sewer upon leaving the
building. The cleanout will be removed per your request,
see revised Sheet.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 3/21/24 10:55 AM
See Changemark Reference #45
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:03 PM
Structure ST-100 has been substituted with the larger
2'x2' RC box structure and grate. The original intention
was to have consistent and less noticeable Nyloplast
structures in the courtyard where children are playing.
54 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/17/24 10:28 AM
Casting Type
The structure data table indicates Str. 103 is an open grate (R-2502 cstg) but
the DEVELOPED STORM DRAINAGE BASINS map in the drainage report
states a solid lid is proposed. Please review and revise.
C512 - Site Utility Plans - SU1.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:03 PM
The structure does not collect runoff since it is not at a
low spot. An open grate was specified to allow for
additional runoff or ponding as required in emergency
flooding situations. We would like this remain an open
55 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/17/24 10:59 AM
All stormwater detention facilities shall be separated from any road right-of-
way by no less than fifty (50) feet, measured from the top of bank or the
100-year pool if no defined top of bank is present. Use of guard rails, berms,
or other structural measures may be considered in lieu of the above-noted
setbacks. The plans should indicate a barrier along the top of bank of the dry
basin along Hazel Dell Rd., to include limits of the barrier. Construction
details should be included on the plan detail sheets and cross referenced
C200 - Grading Plans - G2.0.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:04 PM
Wood bollards were added along the top of bank of the
dry basin along Hazel Dell Road. See sheet G1.0 Overall
Site Layout Plan for locations and limits and Detail L on
Sheet G4.1 for the bollard detail.
56 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/17/24 11:03 AM
Ponding and overflow path throughout the development resulting from a
100-year storm event, calculated based on all contributing drainage areas, in
their proposed or reasonably anticipated land use and with the storm pipe
system assumed completely plugged, shall be determined, clearly shown as
hatched area on the plans. Please include ponding limits and elevation for
each open grate casting proposed.
C220 - Emergency Flood Routing Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:04 PM
See Sheet G2.0 for flood routing at new courtyard and
existing dock area. There is no change to off-site
flooding from the project area as it drains to the
existing detention basin.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
57 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/17/24 11:47 AM
Stable Construction Entrance
All projects should include a designated area for ingress and egress to the
project site. A stable construction entrance will be required to accommodate
ingress and egress to the project site. The plan should clearly show the route
of construction traffic for all improvements and the location of the proposed
entrance. Specifications as to how the entrance is to be constructed and
maintained should be included in the plans. Note that if this entrance is
located on pavement, the use of FODS, shaker plates, etc., should be utilized.
C320 - Erosion Control Plan - G3.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/5/24 6:39 PM
The construction entrance at the east is shown per
Keynote 2. Keynote 14 has been added to the south
drive for work related to the sidewalk replacement that
will have minimal earthwork disturbance. The Contractor
will reuse the East Side FODS for this work as this area is
scheduled to be the final phase.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 5/30/24 11:25 AM
Please review the construction entrance layout. The
location(s) should be provided at any point where
construction traffic will be traversing between the
construction site and the adjoining public right-of-way
or street. Based on the construction traffic direction
detailed on Sheet G3.2, the south and center (front)
disturbance limits are not served by any ingress/egress
measures. The south mat appears to serve the south
disturbance limits but construction traffic from this
location will never utilize this mat.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 3/21/24 11:38 AM
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:05 PM
Dedicated Ingress and Egress locations for construction
entrance drives have been identified on Sheets G3.1 and
G3.2 and use of FODS Trackout Control Mats noted to
be used, along with daily monitoring, and street
cleaning and sweeping as required.
58 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/17/24 11:47 AM
Silt Fence
Please consider a different line type or other graphic representation for silt
fence. If this measure is proposed, the locations should be clearly located in
the plans.
C320 - Erosion Control Plan - G3.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:06 PM
The Silt Fence linetype was revised to "SF" on drawings
G3.1 and G3.2.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
59 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/17/24 11:47 AM
Inlet Protection
Please evaluate areas where run-off to existing inlets will occur and design
the stormwater control measures to ensure that the proposed measures are
adequate for the site characteristics and drainage area.
C320 - Erosion Control Plan - G3.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 3:31 PM
Inlet protection was added to these inlets.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 3/21/24 11:31 AM
There are curb inlets on the north edge of the north
parking lot that will capture runoff from work being
performed on the north side of the site and also
appears will be a route for construction traffic. Inlet
protection should be provided.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:06 PM
The project area today sheet drained to inlets being
removed and replaced with others designed to
accommodate 10-yr storm events. Otherwise, runoff was
via sheet drainage to the east side detention surge
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
60 1 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
1/17/24 11:51 AM
The drainage narrative should include a discussion on any significant
drainage problems associated with the site, particularly any issues related to
the function of the existing dry basin on the east side of the site.
2023-142_Drainage Report_2023-12-
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/5/24 6:40 PM
The 5/1/2024 Response verbiage has been added to the
Drainage Report on Page 5 as requested, and the date
on the coversheet updated. The Drainage report has
been uploaded to ProjectDocs.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 5/30/24 11:24 AM
Please include the 5/1/24 response in the drainage
narrative of the drainage report.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 3:32 PM
This project is not aware of any drainage issues with the
dry basin on the WEST side of the site. The scope of
work of this project does not affect the west basin. The
dock area work drains to the west basin but does not
add additional hard surface. The temporary trailers add
impervious area but have stone pervious areas around
the trailers to compensate for added hard surface.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 3/21/24 9:44 AM
The comment should have read "significant drainage
problems associated with the site, particularly any issues
related to the function of the existing dry basin on the
WEST side of the site." See also changemark reference
36. Please document any changes to inflow/outflow
to/from this basin. See also changemark reference 36.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 3/5/24 12:07 PM
The project is not aware of a dry basin on the east side
of the site. The inlet on the east side is part of the surge
detention basin outlet. Please clarify where the dry basin
is located?
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
61 Planning
Angie Conn
3/5/24 2:39 PM
Isn't there also a new wall sign being proposed?
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/5/24 6:44 PM
No additional comment was made.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:22 PM
Yes new wall lettering is being proposed.
62 3 Planning & Zoning
Angie Conn
3/6/24 9:31 AM
tree removal concern
There is a concern that all of these mature trees will be removed, for the
temporary classroom buildings. Please explore alternative locations.
C010 - Overall Demolition Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/5/24 6:44 PM
Landscape sheet L1.1 shows the final restored condition
after modular trailers are removed. Refer to sheet G1.2
for the Demolition of the modular trailer area,
Site/Grading/Utility plans while modular trailers are
installed, and the Site restoration plan when trailers are
Reviewer Response: Angie Conn - 5/16/24 10:24 AM
The v2 landscape plan sheet L1.1 does have a Site
Restoration Plan (upon trailer removal) at the bottom
right corner of L1.1. Please also add that to v3 of sheet
L1.1 (which would become v4). Also, please clarify what
is staying, what is getting replaced in this area, and
show how the construction limits area consistent
throughout the construction sheets.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:30 PM
Other locations were evaluated, but the selected
location of the temporary trailers was preferred due to
closer proximity to existing building and classrooms to
provide easy access for the students during school
hours. The location also maintains vehicular and
walking paths for both bus and parent drop off.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
63 3 Urban Forestry
Daren Mindham
3/6/24 2:20 PM
tree removal
As there are trees to be removed here, please provide a response on why no
other location would be possible that wouldn't eliminate mature trees. Are
there any alternative locations?
L100 - Landscape Plan - L1.1.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:29 PM
The location of the temporary trailer is proposed such
that it is in close proximity to existing building and
classrooms to provide easy access for the students
during school hours. The location also maintains
vehicular and walking paths for both bus and parent
drop off. The trees are proposed to be replaced.
64 3 Sign Permits
Aliza Shalit
3/20/24 12:36 PM
Updated sign
Please apply for a sign permit for this updated sign size.
65 3 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
3/21/24 2:15 PM
Construction Entrance
FODS Trackout Control Mats should be located adjacent to the work
proposed. The south mat should be analyzed to confirm it covers all of the
areas of disturbance limits proposed.
C340 - SWPPP - G3.4.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/5/24 6:40 PM
The construction entrance at the east is shown per
Keynote 2. Keynote 14 has been added to the south
drive for work related to the sidewalk replacement that
will have minimal earthwork disturbance. The Contractor
will reuse the East Side FODS for this work as this area is
scheduled to be the final phase.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 5/30/24 10:45 AM
Please review the construction entrance layout. The
location(s) should be provided at any point where
construction traffic will be traversing between the
construction site and the adjoining public right-of-way
or street. Based on the construction traffic direction
detailed on Sheet G3.2, the south and center (front)
disturbance limits are not served by any ingress/egress
measures. The south mat appears to serve the south
disturbance limits but construction traffic from this
location will never utilize this mat.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 3:33 PM
The FODS construction entrance locations have been
revised to be closer to the project area on Sheet G3.2.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
66 3 CrossRoad
Willie Hall
3/21/24 2:15 PM
FODS Maintenance
Maintenace requirements for the proposed FODS Trackout Control Mats will
be required. Please revise accordingly.
C340 - SWPPP - G3.4.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/5/24 6:41 PM
Sheet G3.3 has been revised with stone drive removed.
Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 5/30/24 11:19 AM
Please remove the stone construction entrance detail on
G3.3. Reference to dimensions shall be added to the
FODS detail on G3.3.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 3:33 PM
Maintenance Requirements added to item B11 and to
Detail J/G3.3.
67 3 Engineering
Alex Jordan
3/21/24 2:36 PM
Two Water Quality Units shown on site plan.
Are two water quality units being installed. Please revise if necessary.
C512 - Site Utility Plans - SU1.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:16 PM
Only one BMP Unit ST-102. Drawing has been updated.
68 3 Engineering
Alex Jordan
3/21/24 2:36 PM
Two water quality units on data table.
Two water quality units are shown on data table. Please revise as necessary.
C512 - Site Utility Plans - SU1.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:17 PM
Only one BMP Unit ST-102. Drawing has been updated.
69 3 Engineering
Alex Jordan
3/21/24 2:39 PM
Please complete this table.
Please fill in the appropriate data for the water quality calc summary table
2023-142_Drainage Report_2023-12-
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/14/24 3:34 PM
Completed and is in the Drainage Report.
70 3 Engineering
Alex Jordan
3/21/24 2:49 PM
Include these inlet structures in flood routing plan.
C220 - Emergency Flood Routing Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:17 PM
Those are all solid lid castings. No flood routing impact.
71 3 Engineering
Alex Jordan
3/21/24 2:49 PM
Verify floodrouting for existing dry detention.
Due to revising outlet control structure and utilizing exising detention, please
verify/provide flood routing for existing dry pond.
C220 - Emergency Flood Routing Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/14/24 3:35 PM
Flood routing impact has been added. It is unchanged,
water level slightly higher at dry detention surge basin.
72 3 Engineering
Alex Jordan
3/21/24 2:49 PM
Provide Flood Staging Elevations for dry detention.
Please provide the 2, 10, and 100 year flood staging elevations for the dry
detention basin.
C220 - Emergency Flood Routing Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/14/24 3:36 PM
The requested elevations have been added to G2.2 and
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
73 3 Engineering
Alex Jordan
3/21/24 2:54 PM
Provide Construction Entrance Detail
Please provide a detail for the construction entrance. If this is an on
pavement entrance, please provide the appropriate truck was or rumble strip
detail. Consider move entrance closer to disturbed area.
C320 - Erosion Control Plan - G3.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:19 PM
A detail of the FODS construction entrance drive Mat
has been added as Detail J/G3.3.
74 3 Engineering
Alex Jordan
3/21/24 2:54 PM
Provide location reference to Construction Entrance Detail
C320 - Erosion Control Plan - G3.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/5/24 6:42 PM
The keynote referencing Detail J/G3.3 has been revised
to include the reference.
Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 5/22/24 9:03 AM
The keynote still does not reference the location of the
construction entrance detail. Please revise.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:19 PM
The keynote has been revised to reference Detail J/G 3.3
of the FODS construction entrance drive Mat.
75 3 Engineering
Alex Jordan
3/21/24 3:02 PM
Show temporary inlet protection on storm inlets.
Show temporary inlet protection on storm inlets in courtyard and a front of
C320 - Erosion Control Plan - G3.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:20 PM
Inlet protection added to these inlets.
76 3 Engineering
Alex Jordan
3/21/24 3:02 PM
Provide perimeter protection.
Please provide a perimeter protection on the north and west sides of this
area during demolition/installation of the temporary classrooms
C320 - Erosion Control Plan - G3.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 5/1/24 4:20 PM
Silt fence added to north and west sides of this area.
77 4 Urban Forestry
Daren Mindham
5/15/24 2:15 PM
Tree preservation areas
Please review this sheet and any other construction sheets for tree
preservation areas. For instance, the construction limits on the L 1.1 shows
the line tighter, and these trees being preserved. Please show the
construction limits the same on all pages and label and show the tree
preservation fencing on all construction documents. Use the L 1.1 sheet limits
as a guide.
C320 - Erosion Control Plan - G3.2.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/5/24 6:46 PM
Construction limits were revised on G3.2. Tree
preservation added to sheets GD1.0, G2.0, G3.1, G3.2, &
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
78 4 Engineering
Alex Jordan
5/22/24 9:05 AM
We will wait for revised plans showing the path per your response to David
Littlejohn's comment.
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/5/24 6:42 PM
The work associated with the Multi-Use path is shown
on Sheets GD1.0, G1.0, G.2.0, and G4.3. The details of
the ADA ramps with finished grades and MOT Plan will
be provided next week. We hope the uploaded
drawings provided sufficient information showing the
project commitment to installing this path, with the
hope the City will issue a Conditional Approval for this
project, so construction may begin.
79 5 Engineering
Alex Jordan
6/11/24 10:43 AM
The path will need to taper down to match the width of the existing sidewalk
to the north
This will need to done on the south end of the path as well if necessary.
C100 - Overall Site Layout Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/17/24 4:31 PM
The Path transition between new (10' wide walk) to
existing (5' wide walk) is shown on revised Sheet G1.0.
80 5 Engineering
Alex Jordan
6/11/24 10:45 AM
This sheet was not uploaded with this submittal, please provide with the
following submittal
C100 - Overall Site Layout Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/17/24 4:32 PM
Sheet G1.3 has been uploaded.
81 5 Engineering
Alex Jordan
6/11/24 10:52 AM
The City's multi-use path detail will need to be provided on the plans
Please ensure the cross-section provided on details F and G match the City's
C430 - Site Details - G4.3.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/17/24 4:32 PM
The City’s Details have been added to Sheet G4.3 as
Details J and K. Details F and G on Sheet G4.3 were
provided on the last submittal incorporate all of
information from the City’s Standard Details to be
project specific. The City’s Detail does not show the
asphalt path section, the section provided to TLF by
David Littlejohn in a telephone call is shown in Details F
and G. This is the section being proposed based on
direct input from the City.
Plan Review - Review Comments Report
Project Name: PZ-2023-00290 TAC Cherry Tree Elementary School Addtn and Reno
Workflow Started: 12/14/2023 3:04:06 PM
Report Generated: 06/21/2024 02:12 PM
82 5 Engineering
Alex Jordan
6/11/24 11:14 AM
Please provide spot shots on the path
C200 - Grading Plans - G2.0.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/17/24 4:34 PM
Please see updated Grading Plan and Enlargement Plan
G1.3 for approximate proposed finished grade
elevations. Please see Keynotes 2 and 3 provided in the
last submittal. Finished Grades are based on existing
curb elevations, with new sidewalk finished grade
elevations being relative to the existing curb elevations.
The intent of the finished sidewalk grades are based on
the sidewalk Details F, G, J and K based on being ½”
higher than the existing curb and sloping up at 1.5%
cross slope for the new sidewalk being adjacent to the
existing curb. For the new sidewalk having a grass buffer
the sidewalk is 2” higher and then with a 1.5% cross-
83 5 Engineering
Alex Jordan
6/11/24 2:38 PM
Are these cuts being made on site?
If the cuts called out on these details will be made, we will need to see them
shown on the grading plan. Additionally, you will need to verify that
dropping the paths elevation will not conflict with any of the existing utilities.
C430 - Site Details - G4.3.pdf Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/17/24 4:35 PM
The cut and fill shown on the typical detail are per the
City Standard Detail, if needed. The new and existing
sidewalk grades should be fairly close. Please see
updated Grading Plan for proposed grading. The new
sidewalk grades will match the existing sidewalk the City
is having this project remove, so there should not be
any excavation deeper than 10” and possibly no deeper
than 4” if the stone base is already 6” deep.
84 5 Transportation
David Littlejohn
6/14/24 2:03 PM
Path connections to existing sidewalks
Please tapper down the path to connect to the existing sidewalks on the
north and south sides of the project.
C100 - Overall Site Layout Plan -
Responded by: Amber Sheller - 6/17/24 4:36 PM
The Path transition between new (10' wide walk) to
existing (5' wide walk) is shown on revised Sheet G1.0.
85 6 Engineering
Alex Jordan
6/19/24 9:34 AM
We have no further comments on the plans. Before we can issue a
stormwater management permit, the following items will need to be
submitted: 1. A signed and recorded O&M manual 2. A stormwater
engineers estimate for all temporary and permanent erosion control
measures 3. A non-expiring stormwater performance bond for 100% of the
approved stormwater estimate 4. A right-of-way improvement engineers
estimate 5. A non-expiring right-of-way improvement performance bond for
100% of the approved estimate