HomeMy WebLinkAbout$259,000 Sewage Works Revenue Bonds " ."-"'~'~ '.....,"~<~."'.~"'~-o,':n'.:)..'7..~:.. \ / ':r .~ - '. ._,.'.:t~, '~~~[~_,\",'__'~_'=:" .. " "*~ <, ~~. L"' . " L~!f~~ j, . , ,,4(, CERTIFICATE OF OLERK~TREASURER " > STA TE OF INDIANA ) COUNTY OF HAMILTON ~ SSI I.}~artha. Ferrin. the duly eleoted, qual1fied and acting ,Olerk~Troa$urer of the Town of Carmel, in Hamilton County, Indiana, hereby ~ertltY that theforegoi.ng transoript to whioh this 061"1:.i- .fioll.te,illattaohedoonta1rlll/il. full, t.rue ana Qorreot copy of a:!.:!. proOeed1ngshadby .the Board 01' Trustees 01' said Town relat.ing to the eata'bliehmentandtins.noll.'lB ot ~ewa.ge '<larkS, the a\:ft:fiorHa.- tion. issuanoe and sale of the sewa59 Works R~venue Bonds referred to in eaid transoript, a.ndthe eetl.l.bl1shment and. adoption of ra.tes . and ohare;e.a foX' the use of s.nd servioe to be rendered by said . . ' . . . sew~ge works and regulations regarding the use of sewersl that . all' of sa.id prooeeding,shave been duly reoordedin'the proper per- ma.nent reoords of'eaj.d Town and have been signed by the proper of'- fioiale of said. 'rown. I furUler certify tha.t the oop1es of Ordinanoe No. 13-1, Ordin- anoe No. $-2 and Ordinance No. S-3, set out in the foregoing trans- oript have been oompared by me with and are full. true and oorreot oop1es oftha whole of said ordinanoes. and that said ordinanoes ." ":"".;,,,,' f . baVe! been duly signed by \he members of. the Boa.rd of Trustees and " recorded by me in tbe permanent ordinanoe raoord of said Town. :'! Ii " , 1 , !I '1 . , , ,:!, ,~" ;,1 '. I further oertify tbat said trensaript contains,full, true .Qnd oorreot proofs of publioationof the bond sale not1oeand proofe of publioa.tion of the notioe of pUblio hearing on the mat-, - tOr of establishing rates and oharges for the .use of and servioe rendered by said sewage workS. also prOOfs of posting of Ordinanoe . * , No. 5-3 whioh provides a penalty for the v1olationthereof. '. _' t fUrther oertify that said transoript oonta1ns a full, true and oorreot oOPY of the following I . "*''', , L_, ~, I~' , ,0 -~"..... ".<~'7\ 't' , . .~~ '~.- ,:,:,,;;~!!~~~,--- ....~' ,"'''.\. i' . .;.,'........ '- '-._---~.,.' ~~ d_ .,I,c ~ Page :2 1.DQoum~nts evldenolns a Federal Grant to the To~n of Carmel rorapplioatlononthe cost 01' the sewage ____",_, . liliork! beirll$ oonstruoted by the Town. 2. Various approvals of the plan!! and'speoifioations by .the . stream Po1.lut10n 001'1.1',1'01 Board and State Board of Health. . . . 'J' . ~ '. I rUff-fieI' OElt't1:f'y'that. there isn9l1tlgs.tlon.:-5o~ pending or to my kn~led8ethreatenedin any ws.yrelatlP8 to;~~ questioning .' . ". . '.'" ":.""'t. .: . ..", the val1dity of the Sewage Works Revenue Bond.e referred to'in the foregoine;,transor1pt. or any of the prooeed1ngs hAd 1'",1s.1:.11'15 1:.0 the authorization, 1ssuanoe and salslSf said bond~t or to the. " i l, establishment and oonstruotion of the ee\iage works reflllrl'ed to in sdd tr;ansor1pt. ", ...., IN WITNESS Vlrij:REOF I have hlilreunto set my he.11d.' a.nd theO!- f101alseal ~f .the Town ot carmel on this 21st da.y of Ja.nuary. 1960 . "'h'l -/1' " of i-- M.~L-<L- 'clel'k-Treasurer .JvA-<-~~ .. ' , . - . . # -t.f<, '. .' ..... ;1 l. ~i " " tJ *; ;, .~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ . Jft1 ':r~ ., ',: ., J : ',,1': , ,-J 'k ,I i' .i1 ~ . ,~ . :},~; ,1 ':' FJ r 'j I, 'I ,i' ,< I l' :' };. f" t_" ."{ f.l! /.-- ....A .' .GERTIFICA TERE AWARD .oF B.oNDS S'I;A'I;E ,OF INDlANA C.oUNTy.or H.um..TQN ) )SS: ) I, . Mal'tM 1I'e:rrin , hereby certify that I am the duly electe.d, qualified and acting Clerk.. Tlfe"llll."" of the Town of GaI'm.ilI1 , Indiana. I further certify that I hay.e awarl'ledthe bonds of said TOWD . . described. as foHows: Designil-tion: Totll1. ias,ue: . Dated: SilI\1II.l", Work' .a.veaue Sow $2S9.000 . January 1. 1960 to RI:li'fElUsr>orger, Uugh0l!l tc Oompt.l.ny Rc\l!erllF. ,.n & oompo,ny. lnl). of In.41e.~l)ol1li1i,In.t!1MQ at a price of par, including accrue.d inter.est to date of delivery, plus a premium .of $ a. ,eo. 9' for bonds bea.ring intere.st at the rat~. of 4....,/4 0/0 per annum, and that said bid was the highest bid received from a qualified bidder, and in the sale of said bonds all pro- vis.ions of the goyerningstatutes and ordinances have been complied . with. I.N.. '.' :Wl'l'NESS. W,'H.EREoF I. have hereUnto s.et my ha.nd and the . . - . official.sea.l of the Town of Cann~ . " on the lath da yof In"'"" , 1960 . ?)7-tUcZ~ ....)~ (Signature) Cle:tk....I:'lf.a.ul'.l" (Official Title) ~~t~ ',. ,.60 1.1-61 1-1-62 1-1;'63 1-1..64 1-1-65 1-1-66 1-1-67 1-1..68 1..1..69 1-1- 70 1-1..7l 1..1-72 1..1-73 1-1-14 1-1-15 1..1-76 1,,1-77 1-1-18 . 1..1..19 1-1-80 1';'1..81 . :1...1-82 1..1-83 1-1..84 1..1..85 1-1-86 1..1"87 1-1..88 1-1..89 1..1..90 1-1-91 1..1..92 1-]."93 1-:1,-94 1-1-95 Outshnding Bond. 1~59,6oo 259,000 256,QOO 2!thOOO ~5o,OOo 241,000 . 244,000 ~41.000 238,000 .234,000 2:30,000 226,000 222;000. 217,000 .212,000 '. 207,600' 202,000 196'000 , . 190,Ooo 184fOOO 171,000 l70,OOO 16:3,000 "U~:ggg 1.38,000 '129, 000 119,000 109,000 Xf: ggg 7.3,000 . 60,000 . 11.6,000 . 32,000.... 17,000 J ...6.. Bond Interest @S..1/2lC '1" · 14,245 14,080 13,915 13,750 1.3,513.$ 13.420 3.:3.,255 . . 13,090 12,870 . 12.650 l.2,4.30 12 210 .' , . 11.935 n,660 . 11, .385 11,110 10,780 10..4.$0 10,l~0 9.735 9..35'0 13.965 '8,525 ' 8,085 . 7,$90 7,095 '6,545 .$ ,995 . $.390 '4,130 4.015. 3,630 2,530 1.760 )]ff[:li . BO%1d ~t1'~mentll 3, 000 . 3,000 ),000 3.000 3.009 . 3.000. 3,000 '. 4;006 '. 4,000 . 4,000 . .4,000' 5.000 . 5.000. . 5.000 5,000 6,000 . 6,000 6,000' 7,000 1.000 . 7,000 . 8,000 6;000' 9,000' . . 9.000.. 10,000 10,000 11. 000 .' . 12.000 13, aoo 1.'3, 000 14,000 ).4,000 15iOOO l~ 000 '. J2S : 000 Annual Bond and Inttrut Requirement "~ 11,2115 11,oElO 16,915 16,750 16,585 16.420 16,255 17,090 16,870 16.650 16.430 17,210 16.9.'35 16j660 · 16, j85 17,110 16,780 16,450 1.7 120' . .. 16,135 . 16,350 '16,965 16.525 17,085 16,590 17,095 16,545 16,995 17,390 17,730 17,015 17,630 16.530 . . 16,760 j~~~ ENG!N~~RtB CERT!~!CATE $1'A TIC 011' INDIANA } ? SSI OOUNTY OF MARION I, 301m 1>1. Moers, cert1fy that I am President of the firm of l.foof'e and, Garne, Engineers. Ino., Consulting Engineers of lndlanapoUs, Ind1ana, emplnyed by the '.1'0"'1'1: of Carmel. Indiana, alii engineers on tbe sewage 1l0rka proJeot of said Town. I further oQrtlty that &a1d prq~eot oonsists of sewage works inoluding a sewage treatment plan and the se~era neoessary to oon- nect the treatment plant with tho existing sewer syetem of sald Town and repairs and extensions Clt the existing !'HlI~ler system, that. plans. speoifioatlons nndeatlmates tor said project have been prep$rod by'sQ1d eng1neers and approvodby the appropriate offi- oials of the Town of Carmel, the stream P~llutlon Control Board of tJ1e Stl!l.teof InCilana, &l:1d the J:ntUam. state Board of Health; tMt aontraotlil tOf' the oonetruot1on ot said project are 1n the proceDe of being let subjeot to thedel:l.very ot bonds and that the ooo~ otsaid project, based upon said oonstruotion oontraots andeet1matee as to ino1dentAl and misoellaneous expense, 1s 1n ,tho lU'Ilount ot Three Hundred Forty Six Thousand Nine Hund,red Fifty Five Dollare and 'l''Ionty Cents ($,46.955.:aOh that there ill avail- able for application upon suoh oost a Federal grant to the To~n in ths aum ot F;1ghty Seven 'l'houean<i Nine Hundred ,Fiity F1ve DOllars and ~enty Cents @1.95~:,.20): tha.t the pa.y:ll1I'Hlt 01'$&1<1 Federal gra.ni and the p&;yment of the prooeeds ot'the sewage liorks revenue bonds b$1ng 1I!JSued by the To'll.l'l in the !!lll10Ul'lt..o1' '!'wo 11undred FU'ty Nina Thousand Dolla,rl'l (4259.000) upon the ooat of said project wl11 f be'atittlo1ent to oomplete the oQnst~uot1on 01' the proJaottr98 and , , Page 2 IfUrthor oertlfy that :r have 11'1vnt.1gated tl"l.lil $0$1'. Qf opera.... ting add ae~aBe work!) and that e.t.tal(lhed hereto and ma.de Q PQt't horeof 18 my Glot1llla.te of tblll (l.,MWl.1. cost. or operation oflllllld sewase Iilorks. I f'u.1:"ther oertity that attachEIl! hereto and ma.da a p$.l't hereof is an amort1~e.t1on 'table oover1ng the sewage works revenue bonds now being issued 'by ee.1d Town, whiOh te.'ble1e prepared, upon the 'be.elll of the aot'Ulil.l matur1tlee ao eet out in the bond ordinanoe hlll1"et.otol'. adopted and the maximum rateaof interest authorized in ~onnectlon with the Galee! said bonde. I further oertify that in my beet ,judeement, the estimated groee revenues of 9~ld sewQge worke will Provide tunds suffloient to enllble to Town of Carmel to pay 11.11& coot Of operation, to eOI'V1II said ElowaS$ lIorks r4llvenue 'bonds. and to provide for depreo1atlon and'inoidental expenses. Dat,ed this,~ fd'i.'mY of /J~.otz~J ~ L."/ , 1960. J ~. Jo n,,' .14001'8 Registered, proteeslO~9;?Englneer In.d1anl1 License No./. 'I STREAM POLIlJTION CONTROL BOARD OF THE STA TE OF nmn.Ni\. IN THE MATTER OF ) ) THE TOWN OF CARMEL,) INDIANA ) I \1 < FINAL ORDER AND DETERMINATION ~ John Prou:t., Mellililer of the aboveBoard and designated as hearing meniber i1'l the a.bove cause, having pressn1ied, to and filed wit.h said Board on February 18, 1959, his ReCGmmended Findings of Fact and Order, i1'l the . " above caUSEl, :bogether with the oompJatel reo0rd of proceedings before him, other WI1 the tranaoript of the oral testimony, and notioe of such filing, tegether with a copy d said RecollU1lended Findings of Fa(Jl\# a.nd Order ha.ving been transmitted tQ the Town of CaI'!1l6l, by registered mail on Februar,y 18, 1959, return reoeipt requested, and there being ne eb- jeotions by anyone, said Beard 110W oonsidlllrs said Reoommended Findings lIlf Fact and Order on this March 2, 1959, a(jloj3ta the 'same without. amendment and now makes the folloWing as its Findings of Faot: 1. That the Town of Cannel disoharges raw and/or imadequately treated sanita.r,y and domestio sewage, including industrial Wastes, into the wa tars ef Pegues Run and Cool Creek in Qr near thecorporatlll limits of said TlIlwn lIlf Cannel. \ I 2. That the waters lilf Pogues Run and Cool Creek, after being mixelil with and affeoted by the rawafldjor inadequately treated sanitary and domestic sewage, inoluding industrial wastes, dieoha rged therein by the Town of Carmel, contain less than 25 per cant saturation of dissolved,oxygen and at times are dev?id of dissolved o:xygen downstream. from the point ofsntry, of said eswageo 3. That the discharge by the Town af Carmel of raw and/or inadequately treated sanitary and domestio sewage, inoluding industrial lias'Ges, :l:nto Pegues Run and cool Creek causes putres~ent and objeetionable sllldge banks to fonntherein and alOng the shore lines down- stream from the point of entr,y of said sewageo li -<::~" .. -2- 4.. That said raw and/or inadequately treated sanitary and domestic sewage, including industrial ~stes, dis- charged by the Tswn sf Carmel, is of such character as to prevent the growth of and propagation of nornal aquatio life in Pogues RWl and Cool Creek. dl1liiIlstream from the point of entry of saicl. sewage. ,; That said Town of Carmel is discharging intG Pogues Run and 0001 Oreek raw and/or inadequately treated sanitary and.domsstio sewage and industrial wastes in oonoentrations and. quantities sufficient to affect .adverseJ.y fish life. fur-bearing aninals, and domestio aninals in or near . said waters. 6. That the Town of Call11Elldiscl)arges raw and/or inadequateJ.y treated. sani taryand domestio sewage, inoluding industrial wastes, into Pogues Run, thereby oausing and contributing to colifornl bacteria conoentrations of as high as 26,000.000 MPN (Most PrObable Number) per 100 milliliters in Pognes RWl al!ld 4,300,000 MPN per 100 Ddlliliters in 0001 Creek. downstream from the point of entry of said sewage. 7.. .Tnat the presenoe of said raw and/or inadequately treated sanitary and domestic sewage in said waters is a hazard to the public health. . 8. That the recent groWth in population of the. Town of Cannel is indicative of futur61 growth attended by inoreased quantities of sewage and inoreased degree of pollution in the reoeiving ~ters. 9. That the TiIlwn of Garmel has violated, is now violating. . arid is about to violate provisions of Ohapter 21L~. Aots of 1943, and Regulation SPO 1 of the Stream Pollution Contrel Board. by permitting. causing or contributing to a polluted condition of Pogues Run and Cool Creek by permitting the discharge in lilr near the corporate limits of raw and,lIilr inadequately treated. sanitary and domestio sewage, inoluding indUstrial wastes, into said waters. 10. That treatment facilities must be constructed f<;lr the adequate treatment of all the sanitary and domestic sewage and industrial and other wastes originating Within the corporate limits, md with such additional capacity as to allow for reasonable growth of the town for a reasonable period €If time. ' IT IS N01~ FINALLY ORDERED AND DETERMINED that said defendant. the , ., Tli)1JIl ot Gannel, cease and desist from permitting, causing and contributing to the pollution of Pogues Run and Gool Creek downstream from the point . of entry ofSl.id raw antifor inadeqllate~y treated. sanitary and domestic " L~____.. -_._-.--- -----.-,.- -~ -..-'- >.. -3- sewage, including industrial WIlstes,into said waters; and 1lha t said defendant, the Town of. Carmel. shall: (1) Submit final oonstruction plans and speoifications for adequate treatment of said sewage to the Stream Pollution Control Board for review by May 1, 1959. and (2) Start construction lilf approved faoilities by August 1. 1959, and (3) Complete the construct:L0Il lilf said facilities cm or mefore October 1. 1960,. . which said facilities shall treat adequately the sanitary and domestic sewage, inaluding industrial wastes, of said Town including that ooming into or contemplated as coming into the sewer system IIf said Town. ATTEST Maroh 2, 1959 ~~~al Secretary Stream Pollution Control Board of the State of Indiima I ---~_._.._---_._---~-_._----.--~.- _._:_--_._._~,-_.._-_._--_.-- STATE BOARD OF T_~ COI~IISSIONERS IN RE: ) ) TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIANA ) SB~~GE WORKS REVENUE BONDS ) TOTAL ISSUE ~259,OOO.. ) ORDER A petition having been filed by the Town of Carmel under the provisions of Chapter 214 of the Acts of 1943, requesting the ap- . proval of the State Board of Tax Commissioners for the issuance of Sewage WOl~S Revenue Bonds in the Amount of $259,000, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 61 of the Acts of 1932 (Special Session), as amended, and upon investigation, the Board finds: That the-issuance of said bonds by the Town of Carmel is nec- essary in order to enable said Town to comply with the final order made by the Stream Pollution Control Board of the State of Indiana, acting under the proviSions of Chapter 214 of the Acts of 1943, directing the Town to abate and correct the pollution of streams and watercourses in and about said Town and provide sewage treat- ment works for that purpose; that said Sewage Works Revenue Bonds will not constitute a corporate obligation of the Town within the provisions and limitations of the constitution of the State of Indiana. IT IS THEREFORE ORDEP~D that the issuance of said bonds be and the same is hereby approved. Da ted this ;( I day Ofr~ STATE BOARD OF TAX COMMISSIONERS , 1960. BY: ~ Cd) ~f ()? V~ nnR; Y'm" Q. 4rl~ ' Attest: 4~~ 'Secretary , BTATE BOARD OF TAX CO~mISS!OW~RS IN FlE: TOWN OF CAR~~Lj INDIANA 6E\\tAGE WOR1{S REVEN1:Jl'.i: BONDS TOTAL ISSUE ~259,bOO. ~. ~ ) PETITION FOR. THE APPROVAL OF BONDS UN'OER TIlE PROVISIONS OF SECT'ION 12 OF OHAFTER 2111 OF THE ACTS OF 191('5 The Town of Carmel, in Hamiltori County, Indiane. hereby requests the approval of. the State Board of Tax Commissioners for the issuanoe of Se~age Works Revenue Bondsjaa required by Seo. 12, ChApter 214 of the Aots of 1943. Th.6 Btrea!ll Pollution Control Board of the St&t'il of Indiana., aoting Under the prOVisions of Chapter 214 of the Aots of '943, has issueelits final order to the Town of carmel re(tu11"1ng said Town to oease poll.ut1ng the streSllls 'and. waterooursesin and abO'ut said TOWil, and direoting the Town to take aUoh stops Ile are neoes- sary to abate and OQrr$ct IlUQh oondition 01' pOllution. A oopy O't said l'1,nal 01'0.191" 11l attaohed heretO', made a part hereof'. and marked ItExh1b1t A. II I 'Ene 'Townhne oaused plans and epEloltioatlO'ns to oe prepared for the neoes$1JI.ry Sewage works, and the same ha.ve been approved by . the St,realll Pollution Control BOlilrd and the State Boail'd of Health. Copies of: suoh apPl'O-rals a.re attaohed hereto. made a part hereOf, El.n<L ma.rk,ed "~1bi t !il" 0.110. "ExM.1:lit e" respect! vely. In ordertotlnanoe the cost at oonstruction 01' the required sewQge worke, it will be neoessary tor the Town to' issue J'evenue bend.s in the amo\1nt ot $259.000 pu:rsuantto the provisions of ChApter 61 ot the Aots of 1932 (special Session). as amended. The BOtard of 'r1"uetees Of the Tow.n MS e.c1opted an erdinanoe author- ~ . ,..' Page :2 izingthe issuanoe 01' sald bonde. The provisions of said bond ordirw.noe he.ab~uln approved by bond oounsel. employed by the Town tort.hat purpose. Said ordinanoe provides that the revenue bonds shall be sold at not less th,an t.h.El par value thereof, shall bear interest. ate. rate not exoaeding fiV0 and one~halt per oent (5"'1/2~) per annUlll (the EllCe.ot rat.e to be determined by bidding). UMer tha provhiona of Said ordinance and the gQverning stat.ute, said bonds will notconetltute a oorporate Obligation of the Town . . !. . within the provisions and limitations of the Qonstitution 01' the State ot Im'11ll-na. DatGld this 18th day o.fJanus.:ry, 1960. TOWN OP' CARMEl.. ny: 2f vt/d~4u~.r- ~r$$iaentf ~ard 01 trustees Attest: ~~ ~~;<-- oierk...Treaeurer . - , , (' . '. Oepartment, or HEALTH, EDUCATION; AND WELFARE ' PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE r -PHS:2690-1 REV. 11.57 ,'(---' FOR"'. ,PROVED BUDGET 8UR~AU -NO. 68-R61,4 , ;. 'r~~' OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE OF FEDERAL GRANT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS UNDER 33 U. S..c. 466 et seq. . . PART A J , . . , SECTION .1 / .OFFER :. "A. . LOCATIO'" 'OF-I'ROJECT (St.t., County,. Cfty) ~4.~~<t~".~:.'.. .... '. B: LEGAl: ,NAME AND ADDRESS OF'APPLYING ~UTHORITY (h...ln c.lledth""A~plJ~.ntj,) ,'.. .. "" . '1I!ilAJ!l C1f~1.;, cm:...t'jtII;r;....... . ,.' ..:.";.. "'...,........".," .......,:..',..,;.;...:.. ::".":..:'. :, " '.; '. '. D,DESCRIPTIONOF PROJECT . .. . .,. .'fIluJ" ~~J<"" CGDa~~ ~ ~,'aawD ,~tbe .~:. ..u.et~~. ad......."'....~C'/!e&~~., ~,f;!J..\IlG of a .~.~~. 1lIaf.D,"!I';I1~ ~: W; __ fimk:,. , ~.ttlIlll....$.,..... ""~~. wttaU~,._~,_'U~ p'\~ . ---,,',.. . .~~-~.-:. ",:: ":;",,.- "', ",', '. .,........ . ...f . ..' . . . . Con.ld~'~lon having' been given hy tho "SUrgeon G.~eral ofth. Public H~alth Service to'(o) the appli~aflon .ubmltted by the. Applicant punuant to Section 6 of th..- Fed.,al Wat.r .Pollutlon Control "Act.(33 U.S.C. 466 ot Hq.),- (b) the public benefl,ts to be ,de. ' rived b~:'the canstructlon,of'.thls"prolect"(c)'the,relatlon of the Liltfmme cost of constructing and maintaining the works to the pub.. . Uc;: lnter.st and ,o:,'he,publlc,_necessl'Y,for the'works,'.and (d) .h..adequacy of the prov,'slons rnad.t:ii' proposed by the Applicant for' anurlng pt'Opfl ,ami effl~i~irt aiJeratlan 'ond~malnt.naricti,~af..h. treatment' works 'oft.r completion of .he :c:ansfructlan'th.r.af, and'lt " having been' determined by,th. Su;geon :General that such prol.c' (0) I. in confDrmlty,wlth the approved ,State wat.r pollution contral plan.submlt"ed'pursuan~;to,~Sectlon'5 of the"Act., (b):me"e... the cr,lterla for .Fed.ral aid specified In SectiOn' 5S~28 of .h. 'regulatlons, ,'and (c) ,I.' iricl~d_ed..ln 'a c';mpreh,",~ive progra~"d~veloped. p~r.uQ'n" tD the: Ac.; ~d the:Surgeon G......rol haying further'determined . 'that the'State wat.r pollu.ion control agency has approved the proJect and certified thot.1\ Is entitled ~o priority over o~her eligible prole~ts On the, basis "offlnanclal 'as well as wat.r paHutlan control ne.-ds; ".. '. .' . . . ,.' ..., " ". ,The Su~g.an G.n.ral.-of the P~blic H.'alth~Serv1c., _acting In:behalf of, the United States ",f' America, hereby.aff.n:.' '. To make. a Federal grant to the abave.no'm.d Applicant, not to" exc;.d the amoun' 'speclfl.cl"above and subiec. to the__Auur.. anc.s .Included In thl. ,.document,ai Section II, In ord.r, to'ald In financing the construction of th.,prolect :>>unuant to ;he' Federal . Wate'- Pollution' ControFAct~.ProYlded.thcit, In'the ev.nt'th,,'i:onstnictlon contract Is awarded fot' an' amount I... than the amount ..tlmated abaye for t,hl's(purpo.ei-i,the .stlmat.d -rea.o_nable'co.t. "f th'e' project ,hall: be adjusted, to,reflect, thi. reduction and the Fed.ral'grant shall. be.r.duc~'d~as.nei:."Qri sa.lt will not.;exceed 30 per_cent Of the adJusted' estimated, reosonable 'cost 'of. the ' prolect or:$2SO,OOO,'whl~h.v... is f..s~' and the Appll~antj\shall be notmea In wrl'lng Of su'ch' reduction; Provided, further, that. In th., event the octuol reasOnable ca.t of thit project, as'determln~d by the_,Surg.on General upon completion of construction Is Ie.., . thon th~ ..timated, rea.onable cost Dr.,the adlusted estlm_ated~reason.able cas' of the pialec. described abov., such actual c~st of' the proiect .shall be "..dl.n 'deter,mlnlng,the amount of the Federal gra:nt which:shall be ,reduced .. n.c~ua'y 80 a:s not to '.xceed 30 Jlef'cent of su'ch a.c.uol cost or '$250',000, wh'~~ev... I~ I~..'.;' ".' . ' . ',' ..". ,..."., '""..-.... .'. '. -,.:' ,-",' "'."'-1"""'; ......JI . .' ..~"'~. .. " .' " .""" ,.-.- /!z;:,:::.: :":.;>i~ ,.~d~i.t!~.n, ..'thJ~,:;~f,/!,I.>~a'd.\~iUbl..ct'~~'O t'o~~.I~;"I;;n, 'bf;:~piJ~~ ,.,~)~)hf~' :,dif~'~" :'~n.~ ;'~t~ept~~~. ~~ .~~. f!llll~~ ng'. c:~~~t,I~~;._:. r...-;,."' :~"::-' ,<::~:t;l' :-.-::,:" .:'..,:.~<:;'.'."; '>~~'~'i:<f:: ::.!,.- .~.," ';,~/; ;\'........ '> ,"'t .....:.-:. -,'- '~~,:~~'~.'~~.'_~,~,'~.ll"ItllIl~''''''103\',''r.'ecle1q.,:,' . .-.,... bl48 aatlm the e.1I8doi' COlltlll'aCt&. ,d . " .' . . . '. .' . . . ."2~',_';Abt-.~a,sect1lm u....1fj.___va1_V1th'ilI~e1l to~~.ot .... .' pJamJaa4 .e.J8cS.t1aaUOIlIJpW .._~ ~ bUlJ,/tndl4aua:ltolMatA,l e~~II';.bJ'_~J:llnl1thSUV1ae. .. . ,,3. ei.t.uGf'.'4&1:ie'o; wa~ofsru' __ m~~ClOlJ8~ .....~~........ ..... ...... .... ..... ..... '., .... . "..._- ~...~ ...~'1\lle~rov~~t1QDb;yJt'-......V1S. J$6O.- . .:." ,:', , _' .,,",,~;,i!'-<;fr~ -:'kj,;',i.::;':~':':,:,:,";'" ..,.",\\~,,:\..~t"': '.';,;:-:.,-:..':,::,.:~. " ..., ','" '..' .' '.,~'ti.. Fo.16otl!llla1lbe 8libJeCtlto.t.be ~ or tb8Stat&CIf'~(A- '~W&p~.. . . .. '., ". <. . . .'~J. ~H.~' ~u.t be' ac~ePtitd..lf'a; a'I.I. ~'ar b.fer;'. ,,z,a~~ is. '1960 ft/JI8.'.O-'fltKI4~' Jl1rector . (Tltl..of Officer) /I ..D. "'.'-,,: ' i ~.., .j,>: " ". '.' ",,--, (. ~ ./--....,. I t"'. . ' .,,- .SECTION 1\ (" '1 .'.. r \ ,r\' r"" ! '. ASSURANCES ':-The' Applicant:hereb)"-giv.s ~s~urance to the Sur9~on 'Ge~'eral of the .Public' Health Service: A. , That:'oct,ual const_ructfon work ,wlU be ~~formed by the_lump sundflxed pri.ce) or unit price cQntrai::fmethod, that ode. , quate.m~thods of obtaining competitive bidding will ,be employed prior to awarding th.i:o.utructlon contract~and that th.e . , awor_d of-the ~ont.rt;lct.,wlU-.b~~~de to,the responsible bidder submitting the ,Iowe~t ,acceptable bid; B:, That tho. :Project will: ,not ,be advertised or plal,:,t'd ',on the motket for bidding until the .fInal. plans,.and. specific'at!ons have' . been.app_roved by the Su;'~eon G~,:,eral.:a~d: th~ ~'p~,~r~l.ote St~~ a.g~~,cy" ,a~~: the :Appl:lcanthos be,!!!" .so,' notified; C,.' 'That.'the .coriatruct,lon ,contr,a~t, ~_I p, require" t~e&;antr,actor ta,fu~i.h performoric~' c.nd'pajment, bOnds',' th'e'amOUl'it of which .' ,sholl.each. be,."I", on"omount not les. th~n fifty percentum'(SD%)"'of the' contract price, ~ndto 'maintain' during the 'Ilf. of 'the contract. ode-quote fire,',workmen',s 'compensotian,pubHc' liability.and property damage' insurance; , ,_ " . D. That any 'chang. ~r,chan~~~'ln'th~-~~:t-rac~ ~hlch"-m~k~~'any~aior olteratlo'n.in the work r~qulred-by the 'plans and s~dcl- 'Heat,lon-s; or'whlch 'raise' th'e, ~cist ~fthe, pr:aject above, 'the ,late.t e.tl.mote appro.ed 'b)' the Su"rgeon Ge';~rai, will be s~- mltteCi to th~ ,Su~geon C:;e~~,ol for 'prlorapp,r,oval; , ',' , ." .. ..' . E. ,That.~h~-- c~n~ttuc'tlo~ af th~ p;ioi.c:~" !n'dud'lng' th~' i.ttlng'~contro~t"'.-i~' con'nect.oi; th....wl"th,: :~hail.~onf~rm' to th~ op;' pllc~ble ,requ!rernenta ,of. StCrte, -Ter~~torl.cil' and local I,ows 'and Ordlnancils; . '. ""'" " , ';":' , -", .." ", " ,. _:' ,_:',' " ,,'''.' " '-, -' F. 'That,'th~.-co~,'.tru~'~lon c~tract wfll'p,"o~ld~' that'th"'r~P'-~~,entotIYes of the'Publl'c He,oith ser~'ce and 'the State will have acceu,-,t,~:~h'e:'work:wher~ver it Is In pi.porotion or 'progreu.and,that the contract_or ,wilt provide proper facilit~ell for such, acee.s an~,'inspection; . , ., . G.~ Th.c:it' .~h~'~ Appll_co_"twllt _p;~rde ~nd maintain competen_!-t'ind ,~deq~o~,e 'engin~ering __ .up~r,~ision, and in,p~c"ion at. the proI~ ect to Insure that .the 'constructlon conforms with the"rippro\.~d:pla~a ~'nd:'.p..cjfjcatIOn.; . " '-,,1'_.' ,-" _.,.' . "',, " '. - " ' : ,: ',',' " ".':" ".' H. That _adequate accounting on'd fl,.cal.recorda 'shall be 'malntained to rellect the receipt andexperidltur,e of furids for the, purpose of thb:'proi.c~ and all fund., however provided for the payment of the coat of the project, sholl be deposited, , . promptly- upon receipt thereof, In 0 sepa'rate construction a'ccount _Or accou'rlts and'these funds shall be ex'pended o~ly for, . .cdsts-:,ft~e,proIec~; '. . .',' ' 'I.' Thar'he"declaration." ci~~urances~ ,repre.entatlon. and statement a made by,the Applicant In the appl ication, and 011 dac'uJl)e~~~i amendrrtent"'Ond,c';'mmunlcations filed with the Public: Health Service by the Applicant I'n' support of fts re- qu'.stfor _o;granrt,,:wll1 be'f~IflH;ed;, , . . .' ,"."',. . :_' . . _ ,.' J. That ~h~. ~~pli~_o~t~w:III' submit to 'the ~urgeon General such ,ciocum,~ni _5 and: lrifor~dtlon aa he may 'req~ire; X. '"nat the constru'ctl~n controct 'wi!lrequire~he co~tractor to 'compl y, wit,h th~ f.'gul otiDr'!s._ of the -S_ecretary ;af, Labor made pursuant JO the Anti-Kickback Act of June 13, 1934, ,40 U.S~C" 276 (c),. and. any amendment,_ or modifications thereto, '0 cause app~opriate provlsions.to be iriserted inJ su~cont'racts,to iiuure complia"ce_ therewith by all subcoritractors- .ubl'ec' . ';,!,h~r.et.o,an.d to be re.pan.iblefor the .su,bminion.of affidavits' required of _,su~contractots ~here~nder" except_ a.s the .~ec. ret~ry, of Lobor,may specifically provldeJor reasonable, Ilmhati,ons. variations, tolerances and .,,_emptions from the re- q'u,ir~'ments therli!!of; " "-.' "", .' ", , L. . Th'a'tthe Appli~cint will demonstrate'to-the satilllfaction of th~ Su'rgeori 'General. his ability to, 'pay the r,maining cos.t o~ .~, the pr,oject; , '. :.' . :" .' :,.,' . ,'..', " " ., , M. :'Thcit th~, Applicant h5:lS or will 'have prior to awarding of the construction c6~tract,_ a fe~ .Imple or such other estate or , interest In the site 01 the proiect. includingneceuary easemtt_nts and d9hts~of~woy, as ,the SUl'geon.Genei'al.. finds '.uf.. ficlent to- as.ur.e,for a perlcxi of not. less than fifty years undisturbed use. and posaession for'th'e purposes ~f construe- t10n and operotion ofthe,projecti and '. ..,-;.... .:', " N. ,The Applicant agree._'to -con.truet the project or cause 'it to.be corti:tr.uctecl.'to_final completion In accOrdance with the' application and p!ans and, lI~c:~flcations,opprove.d .hy .th. Surgeon .General. . SECTION,III},,;' '..", ':':..: 'd ACCEPTANCE ';,., ',,' ::u,'o',' _d~~.~,M.~9 :';(Legcil,:H..m,,'o"Applie""), ... ....,',','" "',.'., "'. :/. -,'-.I On behalf a' ~. ~- I , .j ;"...-:'?'.r-:;~>":'_:~"~,:i~:~"'_.. ..' " ,'.._-,' -": '.'-"-.'" .... ,.,,:,-, . ','. .<.; t .1; ,:,th:" '~~~~~~:~,i;Q,~e~i.:.-~~,I~~g.,~~,1 )':.~.u~!~or ~:!E~d' '~r'_!~,ke\~,u~h-.,.~tl~, :~~<~~:,!,Id..~.c:;,,_~,:;:b,ft~. :~tt~~~~~~.;:~E RT,I F I EO,~O~ ~';~_F :: AUTHOIiiZATIONBY'THE APPLICAilT'5 GOVERNING BOOY.dohe.ebyaccepllhl. af~. andmoke th~A.u~' ~~~:'<',-~.;.',~;~':.'.'~Mc:~;~'::'cJf~.:t..:.o.'.,',,;......~..,.,::~:d.:t'~~~'e,t~:~' ,',' ,. .,7 --\~ "~,: ~', ,. '< ' . . 6i" " . .'....... '-" ,', - - ,." . c "' . _ _.;-..,:'",\.,:.:~,'ii.',::, . :~, .r :~'. ;.::\:~,~,:"::'~ '_" _... .' , :.,:/ .':-;,l Deb Ift~l59'.:t: :,' ;, ;., ' '. ~ - ,,:.~ : ,;. J';;;', J' ., ,<d,o,tL." ".' ..... i"""" '.:':.' .'. .';'.. ':,",,<. (5;9'O'U'.-' Rep...e,tatlve!. . .... ..:..... E;. ' K!;.:,~~n,.8't,\~w~:cj!:~,e.*.4~~.of:'Bo,e.,1'ti:~;t';;T~stlee,IlI,~o~\,~he/.l'o;vn:.o~::Oa1'lllelj;1r1:d ~. '. '.. '-""'" ,,_' ' -, ,': '_ (Nome',and Title of Rep'e,entatlve - Type Oi'~Prlnt) . .'_"'. GPO, .li3U~Z. "~~'Id..._;~~..,.,~ ....~ _fib. t1d.a ~'f1'iO."'''~~.''~IlI~. .......... ". < ... ' ':!J.~-". i;f 'Ic" "i: 1-. 'v. ) " . I 'y~':: ~f,,~~' i:., l' . ?~ ~t \, ,; "'~. ^:~.: ~)\ I ,rescrlllei:l by Stat Board of.Account. ))?"3,,'~' ....~ .... b:.i,.i. 0 jJUl'l . !f.'1~W.:.""'1 ,~ (CGovernmentf!l Unit) 71~>~":e ,~~ r '~:'{I:::.:: "t), . (1: J 1llCtOD., ,County, !j,(.~.. :'),:::,' .~ 1 h~C'" ...... _::.t: J,~:'~':j Q, 'I .".... J. ',;,IW" tiC' \r,; ~; ~'j .';,j". J; i ~ ErCOUNT . l ~~;;;~DiS~lay'~atter (Musy:not exceed'two.aotual lines, ne~ther of which l';;~< shall total 'more ~han four solid l,ines' of the type: in which the jll;'"b01dY of the advert'isement is set)- 'number of ~qUi~alent lines Genera'r Form No. 99 P {Rev. 1951/ ~o Noblesville Morning Times, Dr. Indiana, ' ! . Noblasville, Indiana PUBLISHER'S CLAIM .... ",n >' . Head - number of lines :~~t1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ l~f~(:'.'(;--i (ell). r.tl --,j ;, ..; ,.r.."'.' .~' Body'" nUmber of lines i;j(tftt~:. '\i-g..~., ~ ..;~ '~; .... ,j) "-1 ,r.:"tf~::J~ " . (ll +':.J of") ~}t~.;~;;;::"~f-l~,~Um1?er of lines;, t~,;"'''' '0 C'J1:' .' ',f_ ~;~.., i!f~:l;';j.;.;~~~~~l:n~~."erof lines in notioe ' r', '~ElJ1f,~4ot",- ttJ ("), _.' :; til!!'):'\r.s,.t/: t% .0 tot '-.;' _ ~G7~i~U,1:~l'IO~ Q,F, q~ARGES: {??1'f"~1~~rfg6 ~?ne;: . 0ft8 . columns wide equals. I,.., ... '~(j';' _.. ..; , ''':R .~":~~15 ~.,. .7~' ,~,~~:_ ,. ,_ ~'c.~ lines'!;at;; ill.aa cents per line '.<(,f " ';;'A:9-d1tio~al':charge for notices containing rule and figure work !l?i?'F '..r;' .":; (50p\1:r i1e!}t. of above amount) '. ~\f~~;:l'~;f:: 9.jlarge !;or<e~tra proofs of pUblioation (50 .centsfor each ~~~!'i.~1iIIIH,' <4 proof:>in excess of two) 2 add'cloMl proob ~lJ{tl4>i;<;~ '''~r; tV :~i'ik ttL:, TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM ""fiXTA\"FOR COMPUTING COST '>..">-c'.";..:..,,.....,, . 2 194 ! : '.,; ....'. .", ," ,,-. . ;j'.'.,ii 0. .".i 19.61..' 196 equivalent $ 44.26 leOO $. 45.26 ~Width of single column. U.% ems Size of type s% .po int Number of insertf,ons,etllO Size of. quad, upon' whfCh. type i.s cast 5% 155, A'~is';:J;9,5~': y ;': ':< !'\' PUBLlSI!ER'S AFFIDAVIT t~ ,. State of.Indiana ,} Hamil ton CountySS: Personally appeared'before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned L. Reid Hudler. who,' being duly sworn, says that he is Publisher of the Noblesville Morning Time~a Weekly newspaper of general circulation printed and publiShed in the English language iri the city of Noblesville in state and county afore- said, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was d~lY published in said paper for 2 timeS , the dates of pubftlication being as follows: DeC. ..5, 1959 6 19&0, J,~ ;; Subscribed and sworn to bef re me this 2 day ~fJ4ln~ . 19~ ~aJ JJe.~:a ,e:::/ Notary Public ~ -;.. ,. /.-"'i-. < . t. J' , 0\1'1 jJJ;~ (.' - '" ...~'\.- '~.~s let, 4, 1963 - ~ .._-,<., ~' -'-.. -':'. '.'" ." .- ,,"',