HomeMy WebLinkAboutC010.0.9 - KarstPage 9 21. Locations where stormwater may be directly discharged into ground water, such as abandoned wells, sinkholes, or karst features: Discharge to groundwater may occur through natural surface infiltration. There are no private or public wells located within or adjacent to the project limits. No new wells are proposed as a part of this project. 22. Size of the project area expressed in acres The project area encompasses 8.22 acres. 23. Total expected land disturbance expressed in acres The area of land disturbance will total 2.74 acres. The beginning and ending extents are delineated in the construction plan sets in Appendix A. 24. Proposed final topography The final topography is critical to properly plan project stormwater management measures. This item is typically related to how grading will occur onsite as construction progresses until final grades are achieved. Site topography may be depicted in multiple ways such as continuous contour lines and spot elevations if there are a sufficient number of locations to be able to demonstrate the site topography. A graphical profile view of the project may also be acceptable for highway, road, utility, and other linear projects. 25. Locations and approximate boundaries of all disturbed areas The plan should identify the construction limits of the project. If disturbance boundaries are not identified inside of the project boundary, it will be assumed that the entire site as being disturbed for the purposes of evaluating the proposed stormwater quality measures. Construction limits are critical in determining the appropriate measures to manage run-off and control sediment. Areas such as unused right-of-way outside construction limits must be clearly delineated as off-limits to disturbance. 26. Locations, size, and dimensions of all stormwater drainage system such as culverts, stormwater sewer, and conveyance channels No storm water system is proposed. The use of temporary silt fence, filter sock, and temporary pipe inlet protection. Locations and specifications for these are shown in the erosion control plan set (Attachment A). 27. Locations of specific points where stormwater and non-stormwater discharges will leave the project site Stormwater will outlet onto riprap slopes north of the bridge carrying 106th Street over White River. Specific locations where concentrated storm water exits the project right-of-way are shown in the project plans (Attachment A) and have been itemized below: