HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication_Signed*Please note this is only a PDF version of the application. The official application must be filled out online at the link below or at https://
cw. carmel. in. gov/PublicAccess/template/Login. aspx.
ADLS / ADLS Amendment Application
ADLS Fee: $1,232 (plus $159/acre when not accompanied by a Development Plan App.)
ADLS Amend Fees: Sign only: $124, plus $30/sign
Building/Site: $817, plus $75.50/acre
(Fees are due after the docket number is assigned.)
Date: 07/09/2024 Docket No. PZ-2024-00099 DP ADLS
❑ ADLS Amend
DP Attached Previous DP? Yes ❑ No ❑
Name of Project: Spring Mill Shops Retail Buildings at Jackson's Grant Village
Type of Project: New Construction
Project Address: NW corner of West 116th St and Spring Mill Road
Project Tax Parcel ID #:
Legal Description: (Please use separate sheet and attach)
Name of Applicant: Curran Architecture
Applicant Address: 5745 Lawton Loop East Dr Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN 46216
Contact Person: Shawn M . Curran
(317)288-0681 ext 101
Contact Email: scurran@curran-architecture.com
Eplan Review Contact Person: S h awn M . Curran Phone: (317)288-0681 ext 101
Email: scurran@curran-archltecture.com
LandownerName: Spring Mill Shops, LLC Email: spm@republicdev.com
1.59 acres Jackson's Grant PUD
Plot Size: _ Zoning Classification: _Overlay Zone:
Present Use of Property : vacant
Proposed Use of Property: Multi tenant retail
New Construction? Yes X No
Remodeled Construction?: Yes No X
New Landscaping? Yes X No
submitted; see below.)
New/Revised Sign? Yes X No
New Parking? Yes X No
(If Yes, an engineered and to -scale Landscape Plan must be
Revised: 1/3/2023 Filename: ADLS & ADLS Amend 2023
No. of Spaces Provided. 51
No. Spaces Required: 51
Type ofBuilding: Multi Tenant Retail No. ofBuildings:3
Square Footage:
No. of Stories 1
Exterior Materials:
Brick, Fiber cement siding, metal panels and asphalt shingles Exterior Colors: blend of greys and off-whites
Maximum No. of Tenants: 15 Type of Land Uses: retail and restaurant
Water by'
Carmel Water Utilities Sewer by: TriCo Regional Sewer Utiltity
Type of Fixture: Wall Mounted Gooseneck Height ofFixture:8,
No. of Fixtures: Additional Lighting:
27 parking lot lighting previously approved
* Plans to be submitted showing Foot-candle spreads at properly lines, per the ordinance.
* To -scale engineered Landscape Plans to be attached/submitted showing plant types, sizes, and
No. of Signs: 15
SIGNAGE Type of Signs: internally illuminated individual letters
over tenant entries and facing Spring Mill Road
Location(s). _
Dimensions of each sign: See elevations for sizing of each size area
Square Footage of each Sign: See elevations for allowable area of each sign
Total Height of each Sign: See elevations for sign heights
Colors of each sign: Colors to be determined by each tenant based on their corporate branding
Revised: 1/3/2023 Filename: ADLS & ADLS Amend 2023
I the undersigned, to the best of owledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct.
Signature of President
Applicant: _ Title:
Shawn M. Curran Date:7/10/24
(Printed Name)
The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon oath says t v nformation is true and correct and he
is informed and believes.
(Signature of Petitioner)
County of Marl/ e_ _Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public
(County in which notarization takes place)
for County, County, State of Indiana, personally appeared
(Notary Pubblii�c's county of residence)
Goa An l �! and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing
(Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney)
instrument this I ;r1
Commission Number NP071
MyCommission Expires 11/1'
day of J u 1 y , 20 �� .
( onthar)
NotaryP H - ign/aatture
Notary Public --Please Print
72030 My commission expires: //ZZ �
Revised: 1/3/2023 Filename: ADLS & ADLS Amend 2023
Review/Approval Procedure
For ADLS / ADLS Amendment Petitions
1. Allow plenty of time for review and approval process (approximately 2-4 months). Discuss proposed
project with DOCS staff (please call for an appointment to discuss review procedure and appropriate
dates). The first week of the month works the best to begin a project.
2. As of January 1, 2019, electronic -only submittals are accepted. You can submit an electronic
application through Carmel's Public Portal, our on-line application website. Afterwards,
plans and documents are to be submitted electronically through ProjectDox, Carmel's ePlan
review software. Please see the Electronic Plan Review handout for more information on the
process and what needs to be submitted.
INFORMATION NEEDED for formal DOCS staff and Plan Commission review:
a. Electronic copy of formal application with required information submitted by email.
b. Legal description
C. Location map showing location of subject site, zoning and existing land uses of all adjacent
d. A detailed site development plan (Submitted electronically through ProjectDox) showing:
1) Drainage: Detailed drainage plan with drainage calculations. If project is in Clay
Township, take to Kent Ward, County Surveyor's Office (776-8495). If project is in
City of Carmel, discuss with John Thomas, Storm Water Administrator (571-2441).
1 a) The Hamilton County Surveyor's Office requires all Erosion Control Plans be
labeled as "Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans," aka SWPPP Plan.
2) Lighting plan
- Footcandle limits - Size of fixture
- Type of fixture - Images of fixtures
3) Landscaping plan (showing easements, setbacks, and bufferyards)
- Location of plantings - City standard planting details
- Type and sizes ofplantings - Mounding locations and details
- Planting legend
4) Signage plan and details: Size, location, materials, and colors
5) Parking plan: show disabled parking spaces, total spaces needed per zone, spaces
proposed, and also show/label the Bicycle Parking areas.
6) Site plan, to -scale, with:
- Side, rear and front yard - Dimensions of building
- Location of mechanical equipment, gas/electric
- Perimeter drainage and
meters, and trash receptacle with
utility easements
- Pavement and curbing details
- Sewer and water line
- Proposed road improvements
- Sidewalks
- Special setbacks or
- Loading and dock areas
- Fire hydrant and Siamese locations
- Building square footage
Revised: 1/3/2023 Filename: ADLS & ADLS Amend 2023