HomeMy WebLinkAboutC407 - SWPP INFORMATIONGRAVITY BAG FILTERDescription:A gravity bag filter, also referred to as a dewatering bag, is a square or rectangular bag made ofnon-woven geotextile fabric that collects sand, silt, and fines.Appropriate Applications:Effective for the removal of sediments (gravel, sand, and silt). Some metals are removed with thesediment.Implementation:Water is pumped into one side of the bag and seeps through the bottom and sides of the bag.A secondary barrier, such as a rock filter bed and/or a straw bale barrier, is placed beneath andbeyond the edges of the bag to capture sediments that escape the bag.Maintenance:Inspection of the flow conditions, bag condition, bag capacity, and the secondary barrier isrequired.Replace the bag when it no longer filters sediment or passes water at a reasonable rate. The bagis disposed of offsite.ÔÔDE-WATERING AND PUMPING OPERATIONSDescription and PurposeDe-watering operations are practices that manage the discharge of pollutants when non-stormwater andaccumulated precipitation must be removed from a work location so that construction work may be accomplished.Suitable ApplicationsThese practices are implemented for discharges of non-storm water from construction sites. Non-stormwatersinclude, but are not limited to, groundwater, water from cofferdams, water diversions, and waters used duringconstruction activities that must be removed from a work area. Practices identified in this section are alsoappropriate for implementation when managing the removal of accumulated precipitation(stormwater) fromdepressed areas at a construction site.LimitationsSite conditions will dictate design and use of dewatering operations. The controls discussed in this bestmanagement practice (BMP) address sediment only. The controls detailed in this BMP only allow for minimalsettling time for sediment particles. Use only when site conditions restrict the use of the other control methods.Dewatering operations will require, and must comply with, applicable local permits.ImplementationDe-watering discharges must not cause erosion at the discharge point. A variety of methods can be used to treatwater during de-watering operations. This sheet provides options to achieve sediment removal. The size ofparticles present in the sediment and Permit or receiving water limitations on sediment are key considerations forselecting sediment treatment option(s); in some cases, the use of multiple devices may be appropriate.C407SWPPINFORMATION18095Project Number:Drawing Number:Certified By:Checked ByDrawn ByIssue DateRevisions:PROJECT:Scope Drawings:CARMEL, INDIANA NEW FOR CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS CARMEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSDrawing Title:06-21-19SOMKRev. #RevisionDescriptionIssueDate1ADDENDUM7/9/20193ASI #18/28/2019ELEMENTDESCRIPTIONSHEETINDEXNARRATIVEVICINITY MAPIMPROVEMENTSC-403HYDROLOGIC CODEC-406STATE OR FEDERAL PERMITSIDEM RULE 5STORM WATER DISCHARGE POINTSWETLANDS, LAKES, AND WATER COURSESRECEIVING WATERSSURVEY PG.'s 1&2, C-406DISCHARGE TO GROUND WATERFLOODPLAIN, FLOOD WAYS, & FLOODWAY FRINGENONEPEAK DISCHARGESADJACENT LAND USECONSTRUCTION LIMITS C-101-C-104EXISTING VEGETATIVE COVERSOILSPROPOSED STORM WATER SYSTEMSOFFSITE ACTIVITIESSOIL BORROW OR STOCKPILESEXISTING TOPOGRAPHYFINAL TOPOGRAPHYC301-C304POTENTIAL POLLUTANTSSEQUENCE DESCRIBING STORMWATER QUALITYCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCESEDIMENT CONTROL FOR SHEET FLOWSEDIMENT CONTROL FOR CONCENTRATED FLOWSEDIMENT CONTROL FOR SEWER INLET PROTECTIONRUNOFF CONTROL MEASURESSTORMWATER OUTLET PROTECTIONGRADE CONTROL STRUCTURENONEDETAILS FOR EACH STORM WATER QUALITY MEASURETEMPORARY STABILIZATION METHODSPERMANENT STABILIZATIONMATERIAL HANDLING AND SPILL PREVENTIONMONITORING & MAINTENANCE GUIDELINESEROSION & SEDIMENT FOR INDIVIDUAL LOTSN/APOLLUTANTS & SOURCES ASSOCIATED WITH LAND USESEQUENCE FOR STORM WATER QUALITY MEASURESPOST CONSTRUCTION STORWATER QUALITYDETAILS FOR EACH STORM WATER QUALITY MEASUREDESC. MAINTENANCE FOR POST CONSTRUCTION SWQ MEASURESSWPPP ELEMENT INDEXC-406C501-C504 C-401,C-402C-401-C103 & C-406C-404 - C405C-401-C402C-403C-406C-406C-406C-406C-406C-406C-406C504 & C403C-100C-406PG. 3 OF SURVEYPG. 1-2 OF SURVEYC501-C504PG. 1-2 OF SURVEYC-401-C-403C-406C-406C406-C603C-406C-402, C-403C-401-C-403C-401-C-403C-401, C-402PG. 1-2 OF SURVEYC401-C4022TAC COMMENTS8/12/20193