HomeMy WebLinkAboutC100 Topographical Survey-C100P.W.P. P.W.P. P.W.P. P.W.P.P.W.P.S00°20'13"W 2631.74'E. LINE, SE. 1/4, SEC. 34, T.18N., R.3E.TC=860.88' IE N. 18" PVC=839.99' IE S. 18" PVC=839.91' TC=857.24' IE N. & S. 18" PVC=838.99' TC=859.32' IE N. 18" PVC=838.27' IE S. 18" PVC=838.22' IE 12" CMP=855.77'IE 12" CMP=855.94' IE 10" CMP=857.72' SEPTIC LID SEPTIC LID FOUND REBAR W/ CAP STAMPED "WEIHE" 0.3' N. & 24.8' W. OF COR.ASPHALTCLARI A N H E A L T H PARTN E R S, I N C . INSTR. N o . 2 0 0 3 - 9 2 2 1 3 CLARI A N H E A L T H PARTN E R S , I N C. INSTR . N o. 2 0 0 3 - 9 2 2 1 3 16'12'30'4'34'4'17'44' 11'28'13' 11'35'44'25'21'11' 68.9'88.0'9'WOODED AREA CULTIVATED FIELD FENCE 24.5' W.SPRING MILL ROAD(PUBLIC - VARIABLE R/W)21.0' PAVEMENT WIDTH CULTIVATED FIELD ASPHALTASPHALTCONCRETE GARDEN GARDEN HOSE BIB ONE STORY WOOD FRAME & LIMESTONE HOUSE 3,622 SQ. FT.CONCRETEWOOD SHED WOOD SHED WOOD SHED WOVEN WIRE FARM FENCET.P.857.98859.54859.78860.42860.18858.87859.27860.48859.22860.81860.81860.57859.00T.P.859.12860.60860.88859.54860.54860.84859.07 860.12 860.33858.36859.49859.69858.75857.66856.92858.23858.34856.79858.00857.84857.76857.93857.99 858.16858.52P.W.P. EOH_E 139 856.50 M M 858.85P.W.P.859.20859.79858.97858.94858.25859.99858.21857.98857.73857.58 857.89857.73857.45X SPTC LD 317 854.94 X SPTC LD 318 854.96 860.75 853.80854.00854.10854.20854.20854.30854.30854.30854.50854.50854.50854.50854.60854.70854.80854.90855.10855.10855.20855.40855.50855.50855.50855.71855.62 856.09856.16857.22855.53856.29856.29852.26855.75856.55856.39856.80856.90 857.20857.20857.20857.30857.40857.40857.40857.40857.50857.50857.60857.70857.70858.20858.30858.50858.60859.40859.50859.60 859.70859.70860.50860.60860.60860.60860.80861.40861.5025' B.L.*VAR. R.D.E.20' T.O.B.B.S.L.& B.M.P.E.&D.E.20' D.U.&S.S.E.20' D.U.&S.S.E.*VAR. D.U.&S.S.E.856.21 858.89P.W.P.858.31858.04857.12857.49859.56EX. OUTLET CONTROL #666 T E R H U N E L A N E A L M O N D CR E E K D R I V E HAMLET DRIVEOTTO LANEEX. CURB INLET #635 T.C.=853.88 12" R.C.P. N INV.=850.23 EX. CURB INLET #636 T.C.=854.04 12" R.C.P. S INV.=850.09 12" R.C.P. NW INV.=849.99 EX. DBL. CURB INLET #639 T.C.=854.07 12" R.C.P. SE INV.=849.56 15" R.C.P. W INV.=849.46 EX. CURB INLET w/ 2' SUMP #640 T.C.=854.23 15" R.C.P. E INV.=849.30 18" R.C.P. W INV.=849.20 EX. MH. #JG839 T.C.=855.69 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C N INV.=844.18 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C E INV.=844.08 EX. MANHOLE #641 T.C.=855.06 18" R.C.P. E INV.=848.80 18" R.C.P. W INV.=848.70 EX. YARD INLET #642 T.C.=850.84 18" R.C.P. E INV.=848.13 EX. MH. #JG838 T.C.=857.74 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C W INV.=842.47 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C N INV.=842.37 EX. CURB INLET #628 T.C.=855.88 18" R.C.P. E INV.=850.16 18" R.C.P. W INV.=850.06 EX. CURB INLET #627 T.C.=855.87 18" R.C.P. E INV.=849.88 18" R.C.P. W INV.=849.79 EX. MH. #JG840 T.C.=856.93 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C N INV.=845.73 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C W INV.=845.81 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C S INV.=845.63 EX. DBL. CURB INLET w/ 2' SUMP #632 EX. DBL. CURB INLET #631 EX. MH. #JG847 T.C.=857.31 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C W INV.=847.53 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C S INV.=847.33 EX. MH. #889 T.C.=857.22 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C N INV.=847.22 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C E INV.=847.42 EX. CURB INLET W/SUMP #596 T.C.=856.29 15" R.C.P. E INV.=849.92 15" R.C.P. W INV.=849.82 EX. CURB INLET #595 T.C.=856.29 15" R.C.P. E INV.=850.00 15" R.C.P. W INV.=850.00 EX. YARD INLET #594 T.C.=856.21 15" R.C.P. N INV.=850.04 15" R.C.P. W INV.=850.04 EX. YARD INLET #597 T.C.=852.26 15" R.C.P. E INV.=849.48 EX. OUTLET CONTROL STR. #627 13' B.L. 13' D.U.&S.S.E. 10' B.L. 10' U.E. D.&U..E. & L.M.A.E. 10' S.S.E. VAR. R.D.E.&U.E.&P.A.E. &S.S.E.&L.M.A.E.&B.M.P.E. VAR. D.&U.E. & L . M . A . E . VAR. D.&U.E.&L.M . A . E . VAR. D.U.&S.S.E. &L.M.A.E. VAR. R.D.E.&U.E. &L.M.A.E.10' B.L.50' 1/2 R/W VAR. I.E.E.&R.D.E &S.S.E. & U.E.13' B.L. & D.U.&S.S.E. 13' B.L. 10' B.L.10' B.L.10' B.L.15' B.L.15' B.L.15' B.L.10' B.L.10' B.L.5' N.A.E.5' N.A.E.5' N.A.E.10' U.E.10' B.L .10' U.E.10' U.E.EXISTING50' R/W 30' R.D.E.&U.E.15' D.U.&S.S.E.15' D.&U.E.15' D.&U.E.VAR. R.D.E.&U.E. &L.M.A.E. 30' R.D.E.10' D .&U .E.3' R.D.E.10' D&U.E. 50' 1/2 R/W 6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.856.58857.50858.08858.07857.77857.40857.00857.06856.61856.38855.39857.76857.48857.54857.34857.38857.69 857.72857.49857.00856.16855.97855.90856.99857.65858.00859.27860.70861.46861.62860.34858.79859.00858.92860.48860.14861.74861.48860.93860.92859.50 859.59857.56857.67857.40857.41857.49856.68856.32855.27855.25855.97855.06855.14856.90856.94857.24857.10856.90856.64855.97856.97856.85857.03856.65857.14857.32857.38857.17856.53856.69856.88856.99856.81856.52856.24856.41856.65856.54856.34856.38 856.73856.39855.94856.39856.69856.91856.43856.62856.68856.33856.18 856.62856.52856.90856.78856.50856.70856.90856.93856.93856.82856.56856.52856.66856.87856.86856.79856.71856.46856.68856.59856.76856.76857.04857.04857.14857.06857.18856.94857.04857.04854.67854.00853.98854.69853.81853.42852.81851.78857.09857.07856.99857.28857.05856.46857.03856.68856.24857.34857.69852.49852.96856.22857.15857.73857.69857.04857.06857.36856.23856.71856.50856.38 856.74855.90855.27854.99854.44854.10854.23 854.85855.42 855.88855.42854.94854.69 854.11853.87853.39853.77853.93854.62854.64854.45856.75857.01857.00856.70856.84856.83856.90857.24857.02856.68857.24857.14857.10 857.02857.25857.12857.52857.50857.19856.89856.08856.60856.32856.05855.55855.26854.92854.55854.16854.06854.16854.86855.19 854.12854.66855.36855.03854.91855.07854.86855.21855.20EX. TEMP END SECTION #852 TO BE REMOVED 15" R.C.P. E INV.=851.38 EX. YARD INLET #851 T.C.=854.76 15" R.C.P. W INV.=851.06 15" R.C.P. E INV.=850.97 EX. END SECTION #850 15" R.C.P. W INV.=850.84 EX. OUTLET CONTROL #638 T.C.=853.76 18" R.C.P. W INV.=850.73 SEA BIRD WA Y SIGILARY WAY856.81857.00856.23856.19856.22856.77 856.45856.32857.12856.52 856.26856.77851.41850.94850.97 851.10851.08851.04851.03851.00851.16850.84850.85850.91850.97851.00850.89850.80855.70856.99856.09856.01856.63855.50855.46850.79850.77850.78 850.85850.84850.85850.92850.87851.07855.76855.74857.06857.34858.06857.99858.56858.48859.55854.35855.04855.70856.54855.93855.63856.19855.13 854.63854.11854.32854.84854.67854.81854.37854.28854.73854.80854.73854.61854.16855.71855.52855.04855.13 854.72854.75856.06854.71855.46856.21856.14856.06854.63855.42855.54854.88858.18859.84854.75855.40856.17856.34856.81857.01856.74 855.86856.36858.69857.58856.17857.22856.05855.98857.19857.05854.77856.88856.73857.00856.78856.73856.86855.82856.68856.75856.69856.96856.73 856.69855.72856.68856.84856.72 856.87856.61856.76856.79856.76856.86855.09856.07857.21857.34857.37857.31857.34857.50857.38856.54856.35857.40857.60857.61857.49857.50857.50856.54852.42EXISTING HAMLET BMP DRY DETENTION BASIN 2 YEAR=852.14 10 YEAR=853.10 100 YEAR=854.63 TOP OF BANK=854.8 EX. MH. #JG837 T.C.=857.18 ADJUST TC=858.10 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C S INV.=841.28 10" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C E INV.=841.08 EX. 10' PATHEX. 10' PATHEX. 10' PATH854.85854.4085 5 . 1 1 855.52855.07854.7 0 854.5 5 854.258 5 4 .10855.18856.09 EX. BMP 6A EX. 50' 1/2 R/W EX. 58' R/W50' R/W PROPSED JACKSON'S GRANT SECTION 5 (BY OTHERS) Z Z SF SF SF SFSFSFSFSFSF SF SF SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSF SF SF CONSTRUCTION DUMPSTER CONCRETE WASH OUT AREA FUEL OIL TAN (DOUBLE WALL) PORT-O-LET EARTHWORK CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL 20' x 150' MIN. STONE ACCESS DRIVE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. POSTING SIGN LOCATION TYP. B.O.C. ELEVS. TYP. B.O.C. ELEVS. NOTE: TEMP. SWALE TO BE FILLED IN WITH STONE FOR CONST. ACCESS. STONE ACCESS DRIVE TO MAINTAIN POSITIVE SLOPE TO TEMP. STORM STRUCTURE FOR DRAINAGE.DATEMARKREVISIONSBYCERTIFIED:S & A JOB NO. SHEET NO. DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:THIS DRAWING IS NOT INTENDED TO BE REPRESENTED AS A RETRACEMENT OR ORIGINAL BOUNDARY SURVEY, A ROUTE SURVEY OR A SURVEYOR LOCATIONREPORT.S T O E P P E L W E R T HA L W A Y S O N7965 East 106th Street, Fishers, IN 46038-2505phone: 317.849.5935 fax: 317.849.5942TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY/DEMO PLANC100REVISED PER DESIGNER MARKUPS02/17/17CCEKnow what's below. before you dig.Call R C.O. T T.P. M x x T W P.W.P. STORM SEWER LINE; MANHOLE, CURB INLET, FLAT INLET & ENDSECTION LEGEND CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DEPTHS OF ALL EXISTING ONSITE UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO CONFIRM THERE IS NOT ANY CONFLICTS WITH OTHER UTILITIES, STORM SEWERS OR STREETS. CONFLICTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION BEGINS ARE SOLELY THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINES TELEPHONE LINE WATER LINE SANITARY SEWER LINE; MANHOLE FENCE LINE POWER POLES LIGHT POLE SANITARY WET WELL GUY WIRE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL TELEPHONE MANHOLE GAS VALVE CLEANOUT WATER METER WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT DEMO ITEMS FOR WATER LOCATES CONTACT: CARMEL UTILITIES (317) 571-2648 FOR SANITARY SEWER LOCATES CONTACT: TRICO REGIONAL SEWER UTILITY (317) 844-9200 UTILITY RELOCATIONS REQUIRED BY THE PROJECT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER. UTILITY LINE RELOCATIONS REQUIRED FOR ROAD PROJECTS THAT RESULT IN A CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER TO RESOLVE WITH THE UTILITY. EXISTING POLE LINES REQUIRED TO BE RELOCATED TO WITHIN ONE FOOT OF PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. FLOOD STATEMENT THIS SITE DOES NOT LIE WITHIN A FLOODWAY OR FLOOD PLAIN PER THEWILLIAMS CREEK HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS PERFORMED MY CHRISTOPHER B. BURKE ENGINEERING, Ltd. PROJECT #07-760 VEGETATIVE COVER EXISTING SITE CONSIST MOSTLY OF GRASS AND WEEDS WITH WOODS ON THE SITE. ADJACENT PROPERTIES NORTH: RESIDENTIAL EAST: COMMERCIAL SOUTH: RESIDENTIAL WEST: RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION LIMITS 50'25'50'0 1" = 50 FT 60160HAM-S2THE HAMLET at JACKSONS GRANTADG BAH CARMELHAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA01/16/19DP IT E S G E E O TS R P RTE WLE D E HVADIRJ .ADNINAI EEG NIRENOILA NS FEPRO STATE OF S SECTION 2File Name:S:\60160HAM-S2\DWG\C100 Topographical Survey.dwg - C100Modified / By:March 6, 2019 3:25:14 PM / jwillisPlotted / By:July 1, 2019 2:12:51 PM / Kenny Mitchell03/12/19JAWREVISED PER TAC COMMENTSAPPROVAL PENDING - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION07/01/19KJJMMOVED SANITARY STRUCTURE #JGH202VERTICAL DATUM SHALL BE BASED ON NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM, NAVD 29. HORIZONTAL DATUM SHALL BE BASED ON INDIANA STATE PLANE COORDINATES, NAD83. HORIZONTAL CONTROL/CORRDINATE: HARRISON MONUMENT N: 1715094.64 E: 188479.82 HARRISON MONUMENT N: 1715093.84 E: 188362.55 HARRISON MONUMENT N: 1717726.33 E: 188495.30 TEMPORARY "COCONUT FIBER MAT" OR BELOW GRADE "CURB INLET PROTECTION", "SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES" TEMPORARY "DROP INLET PROTECTION BASKET", "SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES". ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS RESULTING FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS SECTION SHALL BE COMPLETELY REPAIRED/RESTORED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY AT THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. THE DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDS A SITE VISIT WITH THE INSPECTOR PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION TO DOCUMENT THE CONDITION OF THE EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS. PLEASE INCLUDE A NOTE TO THIS AFFECT ON THE PLANS. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1.The contractor shall schedule a Pre-construction meeting with the City of Carmel prior to any constructing on the site being started. The contractor and/or developer shall notify IDEM and the City of Carmel 48 hours prior to start of construction. 2.Following the required pre-construction meeting the contractor shall construct the “posting information center” on the Northeast side of the proposed construction entrance. The location of the posting information center is shown on Sheet C300&C301. The posting information center is the location where a copy of the approved IDEM Rule 5 Permit, Approved SWPP Plan, signed O&M Manual and Maintenance Logs are to be located. The contractor shall proceed to construct the construction entrance after all posting requirements have been met. 3.Immediately following the installation of the construction entrance, the contractor shall construct the maintenance and refueling area. Please refer to the maintenance and refueling area detail on Sheet C307. 4.After the maintenance and refueling area is constructed, the contractor shall construct the concrete washout area per the specifications on Sheet C306. Concrete washout shall not be required if concrete truck is equipped with self-contained chute system, similar to system provided by Enviroguard, or approved equal. 5.Prior to any earth moving the contractor shall install all silt fence as shown on Sheet C300-C302. The details and specifications for silt fence installation are located on Sheet C306. 6.The contractor shall protect all existing inlets with drop inlet protection baskets and/or fiber mats as shown on Sheet C300-C302. The details and specifications for the drop inlet baskets and fiber mats on Sheet C306. 7.When the “existing” site/construction limits are completely stabilized, the contractor shall proceed to grade the site. The material to grade the site shall be excavated per the proposed cut & fills as shown on Sheet C200-C201. 8.Contractor shall cut proposed swales. 9.Upon completion of swales the contractor shall install the proposed erosion control blanket in all swales as shown on Sheet C303-C304. The details and specifications for the erosion control blanket can be found on Sheet C307. 10.The proposed storm sewer and sanitary sewer shall be installed concurrently with each other when crossings are encountered. 11.The contractor shall prepare the sub-grade for the proposed road system. If lime stabilization is the method chosen, dust shall be kept to a minimum. Dust shall be removed from the construction vehicles prior to leaving the site. 12.Contractor shall install all concrete curb. 13.Contractor shall install water main. The trench area shall be seeded and mulched immediately following the installation of the water main. 14.Contractor shall have all other appropriate utilities installed. It is ultimately the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the trench area is seeded and mulched immediately following the installation of each utility. 15.Contractor shall install all asphalt pavement. 16.The contractor shall permanent seed all areas between the back of curb and the constructed pads and all other areas that are illustrated on Sheets C303-C304. The seed mixture and rate can be found on Sheet C306. 17.The contractor shall schedule a site inspection with the City of Carmel to ensure that the site is stabilized. After the inspector approves the site conditions the contractor shall remove all temporary erosion control practices. 18.The post-construction erosion control practices then become the responsibility of the developer of this project. 19.The developer of this project shall continue to monitor this site for good house keeping on the post-construction BMP's until a NOT is filed with IDEM. 20.The O&M Manual for this project will have to be transferred to the HOA before the NOT can be released for this project. TO CONVERT THE 1929 BENCHMARK TO NAVD88, SUBTRACT 0.43 FEET FROM ALL ELEVATIONS. NGVD29 - 0.43' = NAVD88" REFERENCE BENCHMARK: HAM G-52 - A bronze disk on a concrete post projecting 1.5 feet out of the ground along U.S. Highway 31, 1.4 miles north of Interstate-465, 0.4 miles south of 116th Street, 100 feet west of the centerline of the south bound lane of U.S. Highway 31 and 2 feet east of the right-of-way fence. Elevation: 844.04' (NGVD 1929) TEMPORARY BENCHMARKS: TBM # 1 - A cut "X" found at the top of curb on the east side of the round-a-bout at 116th Street and Spring Mill Road. Elevation: 855.05' (NGVD 1929) TBM # 2 - A railroad spike set one foot above the ground in the north side of power pole number 21 104-B, said pole being on the south side of 116th Street and 21 feet ± east of the drive to 951 116th Street. Elevation: 859.30' (NGVD 1929) TBM # 3 - A cut " " at the southeast corner of south concrete handrail on the 116th Street bridge over Williams Creek. Elevation: 841.65' (NGVD 1929) TBM # 4 - A railroad spike set one foot above the ground in the east side of power pole number 18-103A, said pole being on the west side of Clay Center Road and 4 feet north of the drive to 11824 Clay Center Road. Elevation: 867.10' (NGVD 1929) TBM # 5 - A cut " " in the top of curb at the east end of center island at the entrance to Clay Springs Subdivision at the intersection of Clay Spring Drive and Clay Center Road. Elevation: 873.07' (NGVD 1929) TBM # 6 - A cut " " in the concrete walk in the west side of Clay Center Road, 550 feet ± north of entrance to Claridge Farms Subdivision. Elevation: 873.39' (NGVD 1929) TBM # 7 - The top of a concrete monument found near the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, township 18 North, Range 3 East, 32 feet ± south of the west drive to 660 Suffolk Lane. Elevation: 869.27' (NGVD 1929) TBM # 8 - A railroad spike set one foot above the ground in the west side of power pole number 8386177, said pole being on the east side of Spring Mill Road at 12433 Spring Mill Road. Elevation: 856.00' (NGVD 1929) TBM # 9 - A railroad spike set one foot above the ground in the west side of power pole number 8386169, said pole being on the east side of Spring Mill Road and 90 feet ± south of the intersection of Mallard Court and Spring Mill Road. Elevation: 860.92' (NGVD 1929) SF SF SILT FENCE