HomeMy WebLinkAboutC200 Site Development Plan-C200P.W.P. P.W.P. P.W.P. P.W.P.P.W.P.S00°20'13"W 2631.74'E. LINE, SE. 1/4, SEC. 34, T.18N., R.3E.TC=860.88' IE N. 18" PVC=839.99' IE S. 18" PVC=839.91' TC=857.24' IE N. & S. 18" PVC=838.99' IE 12" CMP=855.77'IE 12" CMP=855.94' FOUND REBAR W/ CAP STAMPED "WEIHE" 0.3' N. & 24.8' W. OF COR. CLARI A N H E A L T H PARTN E R S , I N C . INSTR . N o. 2 0 0 3 - 9 2 2 1 3 11'88.0'9'WOODED AREA SPRING MILL ROAD(PUBLIC - VARIABLE R/W)21.0' PAVEMENT WIDTH CULTIVATED FIELD ASPHALTASPHALTWOOD SHED T.P. P.W.P. EOH_E 139 856.50 M M P.W.P.P.W.P.> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o oEX. OUTLET CONTROL #666 T E R H U N E L A N E A L M O ND C R E E K D R I V E HAMLET DRIVEOTTO LANEEX. CURB INLET #635 T.C.=853.88 12" R.C.P. N INV.=850.23 EX. CURB INLET #636 T.C.=854.04 12" R.C.P. S INV.=850.09 12" R.C.P. NW INV.=849.99 EX. DBL. CURB INLET #639 T.C.=854.07 12" R.C.P. SE INV.=849.56 15" R.C.P. W INV.=849.46 EX. CURB INLET w/ 2' SUMP #640 T.C.=854.23 15" R.C.P. E INV.=849.30 18" R.C.P. W INV.=849.20 EX. MH. #JG839 T.C.=855.69 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C N INV.=844.18 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C E INV.=844.08 EX. MANHOLE #641 T.C.=855.06 18" R.C.P. E INV.=848.80 18" R.C.P. W INV.=848.70 EX. YARD INLET #642 T.C.=850.84 18" R.C.P. E INV.=848.13 EX. MH. #JG838 T.C.=857.74 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C W INV.=842.47 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C N INV.=842.37 EX. CURB INLET #628 T.C.=855.88 18" R.C.P. E INV.=850.16 18" R.C.P. W INV.=850.06 EX. CURB INLET #627 T.C.=855.87 18" R.C.P. E INV.=849.88 18" R.C.P. W INV.=849.79 EX. MH. #JG840 T.C.=856.93 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C N INV.=845.73 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C W INV.=845.81 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C S INV.=845.63 EX. DBL. CURB INLET w/ 2' SUMP #632 EX. DBL. CURB INLET #631 EX. MH. #JG847 T.C.=857.31 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C W INV.=847.53 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C S INV.=847.33 10' B.L. VAR. R.D.E.&U.E.&P.A.E. &S.S.E.&L.M.A.E.&B.M.P.E. VAR. D.&U.E. & L . M . A . E . VAR. D.&U.E.&L . M . A . E .10' B.L.50' 1/2 R/W13' B.L. & D.U.&S.S.E.15' B.L.10' B.L.10' B.L.5' N.A.E.5' N.A.E.10' B .L.10' U.E.30' R.D.E.&U.E.15' D.&U.E.15' D.&U.E.30' R.D.E.10' D.&U.E. 10' D&U.E.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o> o o oEX. TEMP END SECTION #852 TO BE REMOVED 15" R.C.P. E INV.=851.38 EX. YARD INLET #851 T.C.=854.76 15" R.C.P. W INV.=851.06 15" R.C.P. E INV.=850.97 EX. END SECTION #850 15" R.C.P. W INV.=850.84 EX. OUTLET CONTROL #638 T.C.=853.76 18" R.C.P. W INV.=850.73 SEA BIRD WA Y SIGILARY WAYEXISTING HAMLET BMP DRY DETENTION BASIN 2 YEAR=852.14 10 YEAR=853.10 100 YEAR=854.63 TOP OF BANK=854.8 EX. MH. #JG837 T.C.=857.18 ADJUST TC=858.10 8" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C S INV.=841.28 10" S.D.R. 35 P.V.C E INV.=841.08 EX. 10' PATH854.85854.4085 5 . 1 1 855.52855.07854.70854.55854.25854 .10855.18856.09 W W W W WWWWWWWWWW17' B.L.10' B .L. 17' B.L. 17' D.U.&S.S.E. 17' U.E.10' U.E .10' U .E .10' U.E .13' D .U.&S .S .E . VAR. R.D.E.&U.E.&P.A.E. & S.S.E. &L.M.A.E.OTTO LANE20'18'10'TYP. 20' TYP.VAR. I .E.E .&R.D .E.&S.S .E.&U.E. VAR. R.D.E.&U.E. P.A.E. & S.S.E. &L.M.A.E. VAR. R.D.E.&U.E. & S.S.E. &L.M.A.E. VAR. R.D.E.&U.E. & S.S.E. &L.M.A.E.5' N.A.E.10' B.L.10' B.L.15' B .L.15' B .L.15' B.L.15' B.L .13' B.L .13' B .L. VAR. B.L. 17' B.L.17' B.L.VAR. B.L.10' B.L .10' B.L .10' B.L .10' B .L.(Alley)(PRIVATE)10' U .E. 10' B.L.10' B.L.S10' B .L.10' B.L.℄SPRINGMILL ROAD15.0'31.41 ' S .Y .SETBACK45.88' S.Y.SETBACK50.79' S.Y. SETBACK 5' SW 5' SW > o o o> o o o10' D.&U.E 10' D.&U.E15' D .&U .E.15' D .&U.E .15' D.&U.E.15' D .&U .E.WOOD FENCE5' SW 5' SW BLOCK 'B'3+84856.520+00856.901+00856.302+00856.253+00856.190+50856.601+50856.012+50856.483+50856.311+91 855.61 1+00 856.63 0+50 856.46 1+50 856.09 193 L.F. 12" R.C.P. @ 0.30% > o o o > o o o 855.0 855.0 854.7 855.0 855.6 856.2 856.2 856.3 856.3 856.2 856.5 856.3 856.5856.1856.4856.1866 865855.5854.6854.5 856.4855.0858.0857.3Pad for Lots 32-35 856.0 Pad for Lots 28-31 857.5 Pad for Lots 36-40857.0Pad for Lots 41-44857.1Pad for Lots 23-27857.4856.7 856.4 856.5 857.1 855.0857.3 856.3856.9 856.9 856.0858.0856.9856.9856.9LP1+57.93856.00HP2+40.91856.49LP3+14.52856.16HP 0+89.09 856.66 854.6 854.4 852 JGH202 JGH201 JGH200 6' B.L.5' N.A.E.SIGILLARY LANERAYLE DRIVE 12± L.F. 15" R.C.P. @ 0.27%161' L.F. 6" SSD H.P.70' L .F . 6" SSD EX. 50' 1/2 R/W EX. 58' R/WLots 23-27 MLAG=857.4Lots 23-27 MFPG=857.4Lots 23-27 MLAG=857.4Lots 23-27 MFPG=857.4MFF=858.3Lots 41-44 MLAG=857.4Lots 41-44 MFPG=857.4MFF=858.3Lots 41-44 MLAG=857.4Lots 41-44 MFPG=857.4Lots 28-31 MLAG=857.4Lots 28-31 MFPG=857.4 Lots 28-31 MLAG=857.4Lots 28-31 MFPG=857.4 MFF=857.9 Lots 32-35 MLAG=857.4Lots 32-35 MFPG=857.4 Lots 32-35 MLAG=857.4Lots 32-35 MFPG=857.4 MFF=857.9Lots 36-40 MLAG=857.4Lots 36-40 MFPG=857.4Lots 36-40 MLAG=857.4Lots 36-40 MFPG=857.4MFF=857.9864 863 856.44SIGILLARY LANE101' L.F. 6" SSD90' L.F. 6" SSD77' L.F. 6" SSD76' L .F . 6" SSDH.P . 50' R/W × × ××(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)6' B.L. 6' B.L. 6' B.L. 6' B.L. 6' B.L. 6' B.L. 6' B.L. 6' B.L. 6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L.6' B.L. & D.&U.E.0+000+450+00 0+36VAR. S.L.E. 6' B.L. & R.D.E. 6' B.L. 6' B.L. 6' B.L. 6' B.L. VAR. I.E.E. &R.D.E.& S.S.E.&U.E. STORM STRUCTURE TABLE STR.# 852 863 864 865 866 TYPE INLET W/2' SUMP END SECTION MANHOLE CURB INLET W/2' SUMP INLET T.C. 856.00 852.93 857.22 856.70 856.16 CASTING TYPE R-3359 R-1772 R-3501-TR/TL R-3359 DIA. IN 15 15 12 DIR. IN SE S W INV. IN 851.41 851.50 851.86 DIA. OUT 15 15 15 12 DIR. OUT E NW N E INV. OUT 851.41 851.50 851.86 852.44 SLOPE 0.27% 0.25% 0.25% 0.30% DESCRIPTION SEE CATCH BASIN DETAIL SHEET C802 SEE PRECAST CONCRETE END SECTION DETAIL ON SHEET C802 SEE MANHOLE DETAIL D-20 ON SHEET C802 SEE CATCH BASIN DETAIL SHEET C802 SEE CATCH BASIN DETAIL SHEET C802 STORM PIPE TABLE NAME 866-865 852-EX 15_ 865-864 864-863 EX ES-EX851 SIZE 12" 15" 15" 15" 15" LENGTH 193' 12' 145' 34' 117' SLOPE 0.30% 0.27% 0.25% 0.25% 0.27% MATERIAL R.C.P. R.C.P. R.C.P. R.C.P. R.C.P.DATEMARKREVISIONSBYCERTIFIED:S & A JOB NO. SHEET NO. DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:THIS DRAWING IS NOT INTENDED TO BE REPRESENTED AS A RETRACEMENT OR ORIGINAL BOUNDARY SURVEY, A ROUTE SURVEY OR A SURVEYOR LOCATIONREPORT.S T O E P P E L W E R T HA L W A Y S O N7965 East 106th Street, Fishers, IN 46038-2505phone: 317.849.5935 fax: 317.849.5942SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANC200Know what's below. before you dig.Call R CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DEPTHS OF ALL EXISTING ONSITE UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO CONFIRM THERE IS NOT ANY CONFLICTS WITH OTHER UTILITIES, STORM SEWERS OR STREETS. CONFLICTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION BEGINS ARE SOLELY THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. 50'25'50'0 1" = 50 FT CONTACT: CARMEL UTILITIES (317) 571-2648 FOR WATER LOCATES FOR SANITARY SEWER LOCATES CONTACT: TRICO REGIONAL SEWER UTILITY (317) 844-9200 NOTE: FOR STORM AND PIPE CHARTS SEE SHEET C201 EARTHWORK: 1. EXCAVATION A. Excavated material that is suitable may be used for fills. All unsuitable material and all surplus excavated material not required shall be removed from the site. B. Provide and place any additional fill material from offsite as may be necessary to produce the grades required on plans. Fill obtained from offsite shall be of quality as specified for fills herein and the source approved by the Developer. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor for any costs for fill needed. 2. REMOVAL OF TREES A. All trees and stumps shall be removed from areas to be occupied by a road surface or structure area. Trees and stumps shall not be buried on site. 3. PROTECTION OF TREES A. The Contractor shall, at the direction of the Developer, endeavor to save and protect trees of value and worth which do not impair construction of improvements as designed. B. In the event cut or fill exceeds 0.5 foot over the root area, the Developer shall be consulted with respect to protective measure to be taken, if any, to preserve such trees. 4. REMOVAL OF TOPSOIL A. All topsoil shall be removed from all areas beneath future pavements or building. Topsoil removal shall be to a minimum depth of 6 inches or to the depth indicated in the geotechnical report provided by the Developer to be excavated or filled. Topsoil should be stored at a location where it will not interfere with construction operations. The topsoil shall be free of debris and stones. 5. UTILITIES A. Rules and regulation governing the respective utility shall be observed in executing all work under this section. B. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to determine the location of existing underground utilities 2 working days prior to commencing work. For utility locations to be marked call Toll Free 1-800-382-5544 within Indiana or 1-800-428-5200 outside Indiana. 6. SITE GRADING A. Do all cutting, filling, compacting of fills and rough grading required to bring entire project area to subgrade as shown on the drawing. B. The tolerance for paved areas shall not exceed 0.05 feet above established subgrade. All other areas shall not exceed 0.05 feet plus or minus the established grade. Provide roundings at top and bottom of banks and other breaks in grade. C. The Engineer shall be notified when the Contractor has reached the tolerance as stated above, so that field measurements and spot elevations can be verified by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not remove his equipment from the site until the Engineer has verified that the job meets the above tolerance. FORM\EARTHWRK NOTES TO CONTRACTOR: ALL PADS SHOULD BE TESTED TO ASSURE A COMPACTION OF AT LEAST 95 PERCENT OF THE MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY USING THE STANDARD PROCTOR TEST METHOD. ANY PRIVATE TILES LOCATED ON THIS SITE WILL NEED TO BE LOCATED; BREATHERS SET AT THE DOWNSTREAM PROPERTY LINE AND CRUSHED OR REMOVED ACROSS THIS SITE. IF ANY OF THESE TILES EXTEND BEYOND THE LIMITS OF THIS PROJECT, THEY WILL NEED TO BE PROVIDED A POSITIVE OUTLET AND ALLOWED TO CONTINUE TO FUNCTION, AS IT IS ILLEGAL TO BLOCK OFF A PRIVATE "MUTUAL" TILE. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DEPTHS OF ALL EXISTING ONSITE UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO CONFIRM THERE IS NOT ANY CONFLICTS WITH OTHER UTILITIES, STORM SEWERS OR STREETS. CONFLICTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION BEGINS ARE SOLELY THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. ALL PAVING WITHIN THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING TO SCHEDULE A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING TO REVIEW THE DEPARTMENT'S CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS, STAFF NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS, REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FOR CERTAIN STAGES OF THE WORK AND TO REVIEW THE AUTHORITY OF THE DEPARTMENT AS IT RELATES TO WORK WITHIN THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED RIGHT-OF WAY. EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE SAW CUT TO A CLEAN EDGE ADJACENT TO ANY WIDENING, AUXILIARY LANES, ETC. NO EARTH DISTURBING ACTIVITY MAY TAKE PLACE WITHOUT AN APPROVED STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT. THERE IS TO BE NO DRIVEWAY ENCROACHMENTS INTO EASEMENTS BETWEEN LOTS. UTILITY RELOCATIONS REQUIRED BY THE PROJECT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER. UTILITY LINE RELOCATIONS REQUIRED FOR ROAD PROJECTS THAT RESULT IN A CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER TO RESOLVE WITH THE UTILITY. EXISTING POLE LINES REQUIRED TO BE RELOCATED TO WITHIN ONE FOOT OF PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. DAMAGE TO THE EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE RESTORED/REPAIRED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ENCOURAGED TO INSPECT THE RIGHT-OF-WAY WITH THE CITY PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION TO DOCUMENT THE EXISTING CONDITION OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. STORM SEWER FOR THIS PROJECT WILL BE PRIVATE. ALL STORM SEWERS WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE RCP CLASS III. FLOOD STATEMENT THIS SITE DOES NOT LIE WITHIN A FLOODWAY OR FLOOD PLAIN PER THE WILLIAMS CREEK HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS PERFORMED MY CHRISTOPHER B. BURKE ENGINEERING, Ltd. PROJECT #07-760 VEGETATIVE COVER EXISTING SITE CONSIST MOSTLY OF GRASS AND WEEDS WITH WOODS ON THE SITE. ADJACENT PROPERTIES NORTH: RESIDENTIAL EAST: COMMERCIAL SOUTH: RESIDENTIAL WEST: RESIDENTIAL DRAINAGE SUMMARY REFERENCE THIS SHEET FOR DRAINAGE SUMMARY INFORMATION. LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED CONTOUR PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED WATER LINE PROPOSED SWALE × ADA RAMP TO BE INSTALLED DENOTES REAR PROTECTION GRADE LOT NUMBER PAD ELEVATION DENOTES FRONT PROTECTION GRADE PROPOSED 5' SIDEWALK (BY HOME BUILDER) (DEVELOPER SHALL INSTALL SIDEWALKS ALONG ALL COMMON AREAS) MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION IS BASED OFF OF THE BELOW 1. (1) FOOT ABOVE THE NEAREST UPSTREAM OR DOWNSTREAM SANITARY MANHOLE, WHICHEVER IS LOWEST. 2. 15" (1.25') ABOVE THE ROAD ELEVATION 3. 6" (0.5') ABOVE THE MLAG MINIMUM LOWEST ADJACENT GRADE (FLOOD PROTECTION) 870 848.0 870 W > o o oXX XXX.X MFPG=XXX.X MFPG=XXX.X FRONT R/W REAR ⅊ MFF XXX.X MLAG XXX.X Minimum Flood Protection Grades From Sections 104.02, 302.06 and 303.07 of the City of Carmel Storm Water Technical Standards Manual 1.Definitions a.Minimum Flood Protection Grade of all structures fronting a pond or open ditch shall be no less than 2 feet above any adjacent 100-year local or regional flood elevations, whichever is greater, for all windows, doors, pipe entrances, window wells, and any other structure member where floodwaters can enter a building. b.Lowest Adjacent Grade is the elevation of the lowest grade adjacent to a structure, where the soil meets the foundation around the outside of the structure (including structural members such as basement walkout, patios, decks, porches, support posts or piers, and rim of the window well. 2.Standard: Lowest Adjacent Grade a.General i.The Lowest Adjacent Grade for residential, commercial, or industrial buildings shall have two feet of freeboard above the flooding source's 100-year flood elevation under proposed conditions. b.For areas outside a Special Flood Hazards Area (SFHA) or FEMA or IDNR designated floodplain i.The Lowest Adjacent Grade for all residential, commercial, or industrial buildings adjacent to ponds shall be set a minimum of 2 feet above the 100-year pond elevation or 2 feet above the emergency overflow weir elevation, whichever is higher. ii.The Lowest Adjacent Grade for all residential, commercial, or industrial buildings shall be set a minimum of 2 feet above the highest noted overflow path/ponding elevation across the property frontage. iii.In addition to the Lowest Adjacent Grade requirements, any basement floor must be at least a foot above the normal water level of any wet-bottom pond. 3.Design Notes: a.Each lot that is adjacent to a pond, open ditch or flooding source has a flood protection grade. There are instances where there are multiple different flooding sources for 1 structure. In this case, there should be a flood protection grade listed for each side of the structure in the event that piping from the structure discharge to either flood source. b.Finished floor elevation or the lowest building entry elevation shall be no less than 6 inches above finished grade around the building. Also, the building's lowest entry elevation that is adjacent to and facing a road shall be a minimum of 15 inches above the road elevation. 60160HAM-S2THE HAMLET at JACKSONS GRANTADG BAH CARMELHAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA01/16/19DP IT E S G E E O TS R P RTE WLE D E HVADIRJ .ADNINAI EEG NIRENOILA NS FEPRO STATE OF S SECTION 2File Name:S:\60160HAM-S2\DWG\C200 Site Development Plan.dwg - C200Modified / By:March 6, 2019 3:46:56 PM / jwillisPlotted / By:July 1, 2019 2:13:36 PM / Kenny Mitchell03/12/19JAWREVISED PER TAC COMMENTSAPPROVAL PENDING - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION07/01/19KJJMMOVED SANITARY STRUCTURE #JGH202SEE SHEET C201 FOR SITE DIMENSION DETAILS. CONSTRUCTION LIMITS DRAINAGE SUMMARY OVERALL Site Acreage=+/-266 ac. Offsite/Upstream Acreage=None Allowable Release Rate: 10yr = 138.03 c.f.s. 100yr = 328.58 c.f.s. Post Developed Release Rate: 10 yr = 128.19 c.f.s. 100 yr = 308.45 c.f.s. THE HAMLET, SECTION 2 Site Acreage=+/-3.89 ac. Post Developed Release Rate: 10 yr = 1.34 c.f.s. 100 yr = 3.54 c.f.s. Is the primary water quality treatment for the development as planned in the Master Plan - YES If NO, provide the following information per BMP (Only for BMP's with vegetative swale req.): *Length of vegetated swale treatment (from disharge point to outlet pipe) - N/A *Minimum length of vegetated swale treatment as required by the Master Plan - N/A Is the primary water quantity treatment for the development as planned in the Master Plan - YES *If YES, provide the following information: Total Master Plan contributing watershed = 203.53 Ac. Total Watershed Currently Built (or Approved) contributing to this system = 173.92 Ac. Total watershed from The Hamlet, Section 2 contributing to the system = 3.89 Ac. Total watershed available in the system post-project = 25.72 Ac. Is the entire BMP treatment train to an outlet point being constructed with this section - No If NO, provide the following information: *Master Plan BMP(s) downstream of this sections discharge location BMP 5, 4C, and 4D *BMP(s) downstream that have been previously constructed BMP 5, 4C, and 4D were constructed with Section 5 prior to this Hamlet Development. Detention Basins BMP's Constructed with this section. (See BMP pond data table-this sheet) - N/A Also, reference Post-Construction Stormwater Master Plan prepared by Williams Creek Consulting. BMP PONDING DATA TABLE 2YR. ELEV.10YR. ELEV.100YR. ELEV. EXISTING HAMLET BMP 852.14 853.10 854.63 ALL STREETS SHOWN TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITH THIS PROJECT WILL BE PRIVATE.