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Boundary Survey 09-19-23
SURVEY SHEET INDEXSHEET NAMEPAGESCOVER, MAPS, LAND DESCRIPTION, AND INFORMATION SHEET1RETRACEMENT BOUNDARY SURVEY PLAT OVERVIEW MAP2RETRACEMENT BOUNDARY SURVEY PLAT SUBJECT TRACT BLOW-UP3SURVEYOR'S REPORT AND CERTIFICATION4THE SURVEY TRACT LIES WITHIN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE 'X''UN-SHADED', AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUALCHANCE FLOODPLAIN, AS SCALED OFF THE FEMA FIRM MAP NUMBER18057C0227G, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF 11/19/2014.FLOOD (FEMA) NOTES:"IT'S THELAW"RKnow what's below.Call before you dig.2 WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG.# R/WBOUNDARY SURVEY LEGENDSURVEY PROPERTY LINEU.S.P.L.S.S. SECTION LINEALIGNMENTAPPARENT CENTERLINEEXISTING R/W OR LIMITED ACCESS R/WAPPARENT R/W OR APPARENT R.E.R. (R.W)APPARENT ADJACENT P.L. / LOT LINESAPPARENT EASEMENTAPPARENT REGULATED (LEGAL) DRAINSURVEY LINE / APP. DEED LINESET PROPERTY CORNER MONUMENTS TO BE:24 IN. x 58 IN. DIA. REBAR WITH STAMPED PINK CAP SET FLUSH WITHGRADE OR WHERE CORNER IS ON HARDSCAPE, A MAG NAIL WITHSTAMPED WASHER.MONUMENT SET, MAG NAIL WITH STAMPED WASHERMON. SET C.R.MON. SET MAGCHISEL "X"CHISEL "X" SCRIBED / CUT AS SET MONUMENTREFERENCE MONUMENTS UTILIZED FOR OFFSETSPOINTS IN RELATIONSHIP TO P.L. CORNERS NOTABLE TO BE SET IN FIELD. "#" INDICATES OFFSETDISTANCE IN FEET.MONUMENT SET, CAPPED REBARMONUMENTATION LEGENDoooMON. SET REF. PT.#' OFFSETREFERENCE MONUMENT / OFFSET POINTS TO BE:24 IN. x 5/8 IN. DIA. REBAR WITH STAMPED YELLOW CAP SET FLUSHWITH GRADE OR WHERE CORNER IS ON HARDSCAPE, A MAG NAILWITH STAMPED WASHER. GP PPST0WATERS EDGEWOODS LINECONCRETE PAVEMENT/ SIDEWALKL= LENGTHR= RADIUST= TANGENTCL= CENTERLINEALIGN.= ALIGNMENTB.A.= BEG. OF ALIGNMENTE.A.= END OF ALIGNMENTP.C.= POINT OF CURVATUREP.T.= POINT OF TANGENCYP.I.= POINT OF INTERSECTIONP.O.C.= POINT ON CURVEP.O.T.= POINT ON TANGENTP.C.C.= POINT OF COMPOUND CURVEP.R.C.= POINT OF REVERSE CURVEMID= MIDPOINTCH= CHORDB-B= BACK TO BACKL.F.= LINEAR FEETBLD. = BUILDINGHC= HANDICAP SPACEFL= FLOW LINE / DITCH LINEELEV.= ELEVATIONA.G. / B.G.= ABOVE / BELOW GRADEDIA.= DIAMETERFND.= FOUNDMON.= MONUMENTP.L.= PROPERTY / BOUNDARY LINEAPP.= APPARENTEX.= EXISTINGR/W or ROW = RIGHT-OF-WAYL.A.= LIMITED ACCESSREG.= REGULATEDB.S.L.= BUILDING SET-BACKESMT.= EASEMENTV.W.= VARIABLE WIDTHNO.= NUMBERINSTR.= INSTRUMENTP.O.B.= POINT OF BEGINNINGL.C.R.S.= LOCATION CONTROL ROUTE SURVEYINDOT= INDIANA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATIONCALC.= CALCULATEDREC.= RECORDEDMEAS.= MEASUREDDEED= RECORDED DEEDPLAT= RECORDED PLATSURV.= RECORDED SURVEYA.MAP = AUDITOR / ARBITRARY SUB. MAPTITLE = TITLE COMMITMENTSUB.= SUBDIVISION PLATG.I.S. = GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMPLANS= PUBLISHED OR RECEIVED PLANSRT. / LT.= RIGHT / LEFTABBREVIATIONSHOUSE / BUILDING###MISC. MATERIALX|ASPHALT PAVEMENTMONUMENT STAMPING: "FRITZ ENG. BOUNDARY FIRM # 0152"MONUMENT STAMPING: "FRITZ ENG. REFERENCE POINT FIRM # 0152"SURVEY POINT / MONUMENT NUMBER I.D.SURVEY CONTROLRECOVERED MONUMENTSSET BOUNDARY CORNER MONUMENTU.S.P.L.S.S. SECTION CORNER LOCATIONRECOVERED RIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENTKEYNOTEPARCEL I.D.GATE POSTFENCE POST"T" POST T-P FENCES####ALIGNMENT POINT (RECOVERED OR CALC.)500'sU.S.P.L.S.S. SECTION CORNERDELINEATION SYMBOL."#" INDICATES SECTION NUMBER+00 "#"00'STATIONOFFSETLABEL("#" = ALIGN. NAME)©2023 FRITZ ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLCSHEET NUMBERSURVEY STATUSPREPARED BY: NICKOLAS M. SCHMITTFRITZ ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLCFINALOF 4PROJECT NUMBER: 2307003DATE: 06/12/2024LAST DATE OF RESEARCH:08/09/2023LAST DATE OF FIELD WORK:08/03/2023ANALYSIS BY: NSCREW CHIEF: JCDRAFTED BY: JCCHECKED BY: NSRETRACEMENT BOUNDARY SURVEY(PROJECT: CHERRY CREEK FARMS)CLIENT:MICHAEL KINNEY13777 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY, CARMEL, IN 46033PROJECT ADDRESS:13777 HAZEL DELL PARKWAYCARMEL, IN 4603314020 MISSISSINEWA DRIVECARMEL, INDIANA 46033P: 317.324.8695F: 317.324.8717www.Fritz-Eng.comFRITZENGINEERING SERVICES1 MB-M MB-D MBFFE FPA/C B B TEXTGSRAILROAD SIGNRAILROAD SIGNALRAILROAD GMWDECIDUOUS TREECONIFEROUS TREESTUMPBUSHWOODS/BRUSH LINERIPRAPDRIP LINEGARDEN & LANDSCAPINGFIELD DIVISIONVEGETATION (HEDGE - BUSH - PLANT) ROWUTUNDERGROUND TELEPHONEGUNDERGROUND GASUCUNDERGROUND CABLEFOFOUNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINEEBWSPRINKLER HEADPOWER POLE / UTILITY POLELIGHT ON POWER / UTILITY POLELAMP POST (PRIVATE)LIGHT POLEFIRE HYDRANTPOLE - GUY OR STUBGROUND LIGHTELECTRICAL BOXCISTERNANCHOR FOR GUY ROPEMETAL TOWER LEGWELLWUNDERGROUND WATEROUOUOVERHEAD UTILITYFIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONPOST INDICATOR VALVEPIV FDCUEUNDERGROUND ELECTRICSSEPTIC TANK>>WATER FLOW LINE / DITCH LINEooooooWATERS EDGE AND FLOW LINESTM + SANUNDERGROUND COMBINATION SEWERSANUNDERGROUND SANITARY SEWERSTMUNDERGROUND STORM (DRAINAGE) SEWERDRAINAGE MANHOLE WITH CURB INLETSANITARY CLEANOUTCOYTILEREG. (LEGAL) DRAIN TILE RISERROOF DRAIN DOWNSPOUTEND SECTIONMISCELLANEOUS STORM STRUCTUREWATER QUALITY UNITDWQSEWERUNDERGROUND SEWER MISC. (UNKNOWN TYPE)SIGNAL LOOP DETECTOR BOXDELINEATOR POSTTRAFFIC SIGNAL STRAIN POLEPEDESTRIAN SIGNAL POLEC / TV - CABLEE - ELECTRIC (ELEC.)FM - FORCE MAIN F / FO - FIBER OPTICSG - GASI - IRRIGATION S - SPRINKLERS R / RR - RAILROADSS - SANITARY T - TELEPHONE (TELE.) TR - TRAFFIC U - UTILITY W - WATERUTILITY DESIGNATIONS ("#") CC-### #M#R MK# #VTOPOGRAPHIC LEGENDFINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONBORING LOCATIONMONITORING WELLTEXT / TOPO INFORMATIONAIR CONDITIONING UNITBOLLARD - CONCRETEBOLLARD - WOODFLAG POLESINGLE MAILBOXDOUBLE MAILBOXMULTIPLE MAILBOXSATELLITE DISHPARKING BUMPERHANDICAP SYMBOLGAS STATION MANHOLEGAS STATION MONITORING WELLROADWAY SIGN (SINGLE POST)ROADWAY SIGN (DOUBLE POST)CABINETMANHOLEMETERPEDESTALRISERVALVEWARNING MARKERVENT PIPE #VTGUARDRAILCONTOUR LINE###SOLID LID STORM CASTINGROLL CURB INLETCOMBINATION "CURB" INLETDITCH GRATE INLETGRATE INLET (SQUARE / RECT. SHAPE)GRATE INLET (CIRCLE SHAPE)BEE-HIVE INLET PCIS DPLDYARD DRAIN / SMALL PROPERTY DRAINUTILITY TUB#GREASE INTERCEPTORGRINDER PUMPSANITARY LATERAL STUB MARKERS GIPUMPGENERALTREES / VEGETATIONPROPERTYSIGNS / STRIPING / TRAFFICCOLUMN / SUPPORT POSTUTILITY APPURTENANCES(# - INDICATES UTILITY TYPE)SANITARYSSSANITARY MANHOLEDRAINAGE / STORMELECTRIC / LIGHTSSTORM SEWER MANHOLEDWATERMISC. OR COMBINE SEWER STR.MHTRANSFORMER T0CONCRETE PAVEMENT/ SIDEWALKHOUSE / BUILDINGGRAVEL / STONEX|ASPHALT PAVEMENTFENCES# R/W GP PPSTSURVEY POINT I.D.SURVEY CONTROLRIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENTGATE POSTFENCE POST"T" POST T-P TBMSURVEY CONTROLTEMP. BENCHMARKELELELELELELELVICINITY MAP(NOT TO SCALE)PROJECT LOCATIONGENERAL NOTES, UTILITY NOTES AND DISCLAIMERS:1.Bearing and distance relationships to found monuments on the adjoining properties are shown on thesurvey map or plat for the purpose of establishing a history of monumentation and to assist in establishingthe boundary lines of the subject tracts only. This map or plat does not represent a survey of saidadjoining properties.2.Field measurements for this survey were made in accordance with specifications outlined in 865 I.A.C.1-12. The decimal places shown hereon for measurements and coordinates do not necessarily indicate theprecision of the work, but to allow for closure and adjustment by others if desired.3.For viewing clarity of this map or plat, pipes, structures, and appurtenances may not be drawn to scale.4.When the field work was performed, access to the house/building was not available. Finish floor elevations(FFE) were field measured at the lip of the doors, and not inside the structure itself. This could result in aslight discrepancy from the true FFE of the structure, and therefore the FFE's are approximate.5.The utilities indicated on this survey plat may not be a compete inventory of all existing utilities currentlyon or near the site. The size and location of these utilities may be approximate. Indiana 811 wascontacted for this survey. Private utility locates were NOT contacted for this survey per the survey scope.No attempt was made as part of this survey to obtain or show data concerning existence, size, depth,condition, capacity, or location of any utility, public service facility, or utility service lines to the property.No excavations were made during the course of this survey to locate underground utilities and/orstructures. Only what was marked by the utility companies via Indiana 811 were field located and shownon the survey. No assumptions were made connecting utilities observed and located to otherappurtenances or how they enter or connect into adjoining houses or buildings unless observed oridentified by Indiana 811. Before design or construction is to begin, locations should be confirmed withthe appropriate agencies. Underground utilities depicted on the attached plat of survey have beenmeasured and located per above grade field observations, utility markings, and/or scaled off utility plansonly. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is made to the accuracy and/or completeness ofinformation presented on underground utilities, or as to its fitness for any particular purpose or use. In noevent will Fritz Engineering Services, LLC, its employees, agents, and/or assigns be liable for anydamages arising out of the furnishing and/or use of such information. The path of the utility lines on saidplat of survey should be considered approximate until they are either relocated, by calling Indiana 811 andother utility locate companies, or until they are excavated to verify the location and path of the utilitylines.6.Unless otherwise stated, sewer measurements were performed with limited access. Field measurementswere determined as physically observed (sometimes with limited visibility) and without confined spaceentry. Pipe sizes and measurements under certain conditions may be provided from other sources (asstated) in electronic format via GIS data or from record drawings provided by other agencies.7.Storm, sanitary, or combined sewers were located per visible, observed evidence only. Excavations ofsewers, or corresponding structures, were not conducted by Fritz Engineering Services, LLC.8.Sewer pipe lengths as shown per this survey are from each field located shot of the structures and are notshortened or lengthened to adjust for the size, orientation, or shape of structures, and therefore the pipelengths as depicted on this survey are approximate.9.Measure down data (Structure Details) for sewer structures is considered approximate, and whileextensive effort was made to get all pertinent information and measurements for each sewer structure,physical and safety issues do cause limitations in the ability to always collect and measure accurately thefield data associated with each structure. Depth, orientation, and condition of the structures and incomingpipes can make determining sizes, material types, and inverts difficult to determine or evaluate. FritzEngineering Services, LLC employees do not enter sewer structures to collect and measure data due tosafety, health, and liability issues. Fritz Engineering Services, LLC, its employees, agents, and/or assignsshall not be held liable or their work be considered incomplete if discrepancies are found between themeasure down data collected for this project and onsite field checks and/or observations performed byother parties. For some sewer structures, the accuracies for inverts may have an uncertainty up to 0.5feet and pipe sizes may vary up or down one pipe size.10.Monuments were set this survey at all corners where no existing monumentation was found except asnoted. Monuments that were set as an offset were set as such due to existing conditions (trees, utilities,buildings, watercourses) making it unrealistic or impossible to set the monuments.11.When fences or other lines of occupation are shown on the plat, they have been located only at the endsor specific locations noted; therefore, for the purpose of this survey, such lines are assumed to runstraight between said locations, but in actuality may vary slightly from such straight line.12.Subsurface and environmental conditions were not examined or considered as a part of this survey. Nostatement is made concerning the existence of overhead or underground containers or facilities that mayaffect the use or development of this tract.13.No warranty, either expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy and/or completeness of informationprovided by governmental authorities and/or third parties, or as to its fitness for any particular purpose oruse, including but not limited to information presented on zoning, setback requirements, flood hazardzones, and wetlands areas. In no event will Fritz Engineering Services, LLC, its employees, agents, and/orassigns be liable for any damages arising out of the furnishing and/or use of such information.14.This survey plat has been prepared for use on this particular project and for the exclusive use of theperson(s) or entity herein named and is not certified for use by any other party. The evidence,possession, ownership, conditions etc. could change constantly and the use of this survey is limited onlyto the date indicated herein.STATE MAP(NOT TO SCALE)= PROJECT LOCATION= PROJECT LOCATIONU.S.P.L.S.S. SECTION MAP(MAP NOT TO SCALE)2 1TOWNSHIP 18 NORTHRANGE 4 EASTSUBJECT TRACT LAND DESCRIPTION:Per Instrument Number 2020061588 (Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana)Ownership per Deed and Hamilton County Parcel Report: Michael W. and Mary E. KinneyPlease note, any errors (spelling, grammar, intent, etc.) or omissions in the land description is not a representationof Fritz Engineering Services, LLC (FES). FES did not create the land description, but said land description is shownbelow exactly as worded / written per the deed of record and/or title commitment.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 21, Twp. 18 N., Range 4 E., in Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described asfollows:Beginning 1320.0 ft. South 00 degrees 00 minutes (assumed bearing) of the NE corner of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 21,Twp. 18 N., Range 4 E., and on the East line of said Quarter Section; thence continuing South 00 degrees 00minutes on and along said East line 395.0 feet; thence North 88 degrees 47 minutes West 311.53 feet; thence North00 degrees 00 minutes parallel with the East line of said Quarter Section 386.67 feet; thence North 89 degrees 41minutes East 311.46 feet to the East line of said Quarter Section and the place of beginning, containing 2.79 acres,more or less.Excepting:A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 4 East, Hamilton County, Indiana,described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Quarter Section; thence South 0 degrees 16minutes 02 seconds West (assumed bearing) 1320.00 feet along the East line of said section; thence North 89degrees 24 minutes 58 seconds West 16.50 feet to the point of beginning of this description which point is at theintersection of the North line of the Owners' land and the West boundary of Hazel Dell Road; thence South 0degrees 16 minutes 02 seconds West 394.74 feet along the West boundary of said Hazel Dell Road to the South lineof the Owners, thence North 88 degrees 30 minutes 58 seconds West 18.50 feet along said South line; thence North5 degrees 09 minutes 58 seconds East 58.62 feet; thence North 0 degrees 16 minutes 02 seconds East 336.02 feetto the North line of the Owners' land; thence South 89 degrees 24 minutes 58 seconds East 13.50 feet along saidNorth line in the point of beginning and containing 0.126 acres, more or less.UTILITY REQUEST (INDIANA 811)NOTES AND DISCLAIMERS:Indiana 811 was requested via their website on 07/31/2023.The Indiana 811 ticket numbers are as follows: 2307314530Per the Indiana 811 ticket, the follow utilities may be located near or onsite:·AT&T (communications)·CARMEL UTILITIES (sewer, water)·CENTERPOINT ENERGY (NORTH) (gas)·CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS INDIANAPOLIS (cable tv, fiber)·COMCAST (cable)·DUKE ENERGY (electric)·EVERSTREAM, LLC (SOUTH) (communications, fiber)·METRO FIBERNET (fiber)See the "Utility Notes and Disclaimers" in regards to the location of utilities andhow this item relates to the survey.EASEMENTS INFORMATION AND DISCLAIMER:The easements shown on this survey were provided through an abstract oftitle search as performed by Meridian Title Corporation with an effectivedate of June 30, 2023 and a File Number of 23-17573 as received by theclient. Fritz Engineering Services, LLC did not perform any research foreasements or encumbrances. Only the easements provided by MeridianTitle Corporation were reviewed as part of this survey and are shown onthe attached retracement boundary survey plat. Easements, legal drains,covenants, right-of-way, encumbrances, etc. shown heron does notconstitute all encumbrances upon these surveyed tracts. TFEBA/CCO P P S T ||XXXXX| ||||XXX||XXXXXXXXX120012011202120312041207110311041105N00° 19' 39"E 386.67' (DEED)S89° 59' 17"E 281.46' (CALC.)N88° 27' 21"W 276.53' (CALC.)N05° 12' 59"E 58.62' (DEED)S00° 19' 39"W 335.69' (CALC.) S00° 19' 39"W 395.00' (DEED)SOUTHEAST QUARTERSECTION 21TOWNSHIP 18 NORTHRANGE 04 EASTHAMILTON COUNTYMICHAEL W. KINNEY &MARY E. KINNEYINSTR. NO. 2020061588AREA: 2.79 AC. (DEED)2.664 AC. (EXCLUDING EXEPTION PER DEED)2.519 AC. (CALC.)SUBJECT TRACTCARMEL CLAY SCHOOLSINSTR. NO. 8742727LOT 97LOT 96LOT 95LOT 94LOT 93LOT 92LOT 91EX. R/W APP. PLAT LINE AVIAN GLENSECTION FOURSECONDARY PLATP.C. NO. 1, SLIDE NO. 309INSTR. NO. 9324085CHARLES PLATT & MARIAN PLATTINSTR. NO. 2012048900CANARY COURTWARBLER WAY NORTHHAZEL DELL PARKWAY EAST SECTION LINE, S.E. 1/4, SEC. 21, T.18N., R.4E. (CALCULATED) S00°19'39"W 1320.62' (CALC.) 1320.0' PER DEED N00°19'39"E (CALC.)DAVID KLINE & AMY KLINEINSTR. NO. 2023021954SUNIL MOHANDAS &SUCHETA R. KENNYINSTR. NO. 200300008128DAVID E. TONNE REVOCABLE TRUSTJEANETTE M. TONNE REVOCABLE TRUSTINSTR. NO. 2022055892ANDREW R. GORMAN &OLIVIA A. GORMANINSTR. NO. 2020017985DAVID WILLIAM PINDRAS &SARAH JESSICA PINDRASINSTR. NO. 2021072427S89° 59' 17"E 30.00' (DEED)CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANAINSTR. NO. 9709752192S88° 27' 21"E 35.00' (DEED)AVIAN GLENSECTION ONESECONDARY PLATP.C. NO. 1, SLIDE NO. 452INSTR. NO. 9436278EAST QUARTER CORNER OFSECTION 21, T.18N., R.4.E.(CALCULATED CORNER)APP. PLAT LINEBASIS OF BEARING NOTE:Unless noted otherwise, all bearings shown herein are labeled based uponthis survey's basis of bearing: NAD 83 Indiana State Plane East - Grid. Thesubject tract(s) current deeds of record, and chain of title deeds landdescriptions bearing systems are considered "assumed". All bearings aslabeled on this survey are shown and referenced per this survey's basis ofbearing unless denoted as "REC.", "PLAT", "MEAS.", "DEED", "TITLE","SUB.", or "SURV.".The basis of bearings of the recorded descriptions of the subject tract(s)and adjoiners vary per deed. For clarity purposes, only the dimensions andbearings are labeled and shown as per this survey's basis of bearing hereinon this survey.SCALE50050N# R/WBOUNDARY SURVEY LEGENDSURVEY PROPERTY LINEU.S.P.L.S.S. SECTION LINEALIGNMENTAPPARENT CENTERLINEEXISTING R/W OR LIMITED ACCESS R/WAPPARENT R/W OR APPARENT R.E.R. (R.W)APPARENT ADJACENT P.L. / LOT LINESAPPARENT EASEMENTAPPARENT REGULATED (LEGAL) DRAINSURVEY LINE / APP. DEED LINESET PROPERTY CORNER MONUMENTS TO BE:24 IN. x 58 IN. DIA. REBAR WITH STAMPED PINK CAP SET FLUSH WITHGRADE OR WHERE CORNER IS ON HARDSCAPE, A MAG NAIL WITHSTAMPED WASHER.MONUMENT SET, MAG NAIL WITH STAMPED WASHERMON. SET C.R.MON. SET MAGCHISEL "X"CHISEL "X" SCRIBED / CUT AS SET MONUMENTREFERENCE MONUMENTS UTILIZED FOR OFFSETSPOINTS IN RELATIONSHIP TO P.L. CORNERS NOTABLE TO BE SET IN FIELD. "#" INDICATES OFFSETDISTANCE IN FEET.MONUMENT SET, CAPPED REBARMONUMENTATION LEGENDoooMON. SET REF. PT.#' OFFSETREFERENCE MONUMENT / OFFSET POINTS TO BE:24 IN. x 5/8 IN. DIA. REBAR WITH STAMPED YELLOW CAP SET FLUSHWITH GRADE OR WHERE CORNER IS ON HARDSCAPE, A MAG NAILWITH STAMPED WASHER. GP PPST0WATERS EDGEWOODS LINECONCRETE PAVEMENT/ SIDEWALKL= LENGTHR= RADIUST= TANGENTCL= CENTERLINEALIGN.= ALIGNMENTB.A.= BEG. OF ALIGNMENTE.A.= END OF ALIGNMENTP.C.= POINT OF CURVATUREP.T.= POINT OF TANGENCYP.I.= POINT OF INTERSECTIONP.O.C.= POINT ON CURVEP.O.T.= POINT ON TANGENTP.C.C.= POINT OF COMPOUND CURVEP.R.C.= POINT OF REVERSE CURVEMID= MIDPOINTCH= CHORDB-B= BACK TO BACKL.F.= LINEAR FEETBLD. = BUILDINGHC= HANDICAP SPACEFL= FLOW LINE / DITCH LINEELEV.= ELEVATIONA.G. / B.G.= ABOVE / BELOW GRADEDIA.= DIAMETERFND.= FOUNDMON.= MONUMENTP.L.= PROPERTY / BOUNDARY LINEAPP.= APPARENTEX.= EXISTINGR/W or ROW = RIGHT-OF-WAYL.A.= LIMITED ACCESSREG.= REGULATEDB.S.L.= BUILDING SET-BACKESMT.= EASEMENTV.W.= VARIABLE WIDTHNO.= NUMBERINSTR.= INSTRUMENTP.O.B.= POINT OF BEGINNINGL.C.R.S.= LOCATION CONTROL ROUTE SURVEYINDOT= INDIANA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATIONCALC.= CALCULATEDREC.= RECORDEDMEAS.= MEASUREDDEED= RECORDED DEEDPLAT= RECORDED PLATSURV.= RECORDED SURVEYA.MAP = AUDITOR / ARBITRARY SUB. MAPTITLE = TITLE COMMITMENTSUB.= SUBDIVISION PLATG.I.S. = GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMPLANS= PUBLISHED OR RECEIVED PLANSRT. / LT.= RIGHT / LEFTABBREVIATIONSHOUSE / BUILDING###MISC. MATERIALX|ASPHALT PAVEMENTMONUMENT STAMPING: "FRITZ ENG. BOUNDARY FIRM # 0152"MONUMENT STAMPING: "FRITZ ENG. REFERENCE POINT FIRM # 0152"SURVEY POINT / MONUMENT NUMBER I.D.SURVEY CONTROLRECOVERED MONUMENTSSET BOUNDARY CORNER MONUMENTU.S.P.L.S.S. SECTION CORNER LOCATIONRECOVERED RIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENTKEYNOTEPARCEL I.D.GATE POSTFENCE POST"T" POST T-P FENCES####ALIGNMENT POINT (RECOVERED OR CALC.)500'sU.S.P.L.S.S. SECTION CORNERDELINEATION SYMBOL."#" INDICATES SECTION NUMBER+00 "#"00'STATIONOFFSETLABEL("#" = ALIGN. NAME)©2023 FRITZ ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLCSHEET NUMBERSURVEY STATUSPREPARED BY: NICKOLAS M. SCHMITTFRITZ ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLCFINALOF 4PROJECT NUMBER: 2307003DATE: 06/12/2024LAST DATE OF RESEARCH:08/09/2023LAST DATE OF FIELD WORK:08/03/2023ANALYSIS BY: NSCREW CHIEF: JCDRAFTED BY: JCCHECKED BY: NSRETRACEMENT BOUNDARY SURVEY(PROJECT: CHERRY CREEK FARMS)CLIENT:MICHAEL KINNEY13777 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY, CARMEL, IN 46033PROJECT ADDRESS:13777 HAZEL DELL PARKWAYCARMEL, IN 4603314020 MISSISSINEWA DRIVECARMEL, INDIANA 46033P: 317.324.8695F: 317.324.8717www.Fritz-Eng.comFRITZENGINEERING SERVICES2 WM MBT FEBA/CCO PPST W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WG||||||ELELELELXXXXXXXXXXXXXX||FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOF O ||||||||||||XXXXXXXX||||||XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX12001201120212031204120736.50'55.00'15.00'25.00'30.00'N00° 19' 39"E 386.67' (DEED)S89° 59' 17"E 281.46' (CALC.)N88° 27' 21"W 276.53' (CALC.)N05° 12' 59"E 58.62' (DEED)S00° 19' 39"W 335.69' (CALC.) S00° 19' 39"W 395.00' (DEED)1.50'EX. R/W & P.L. EX. R/W & P.L.20.00'6.50'21.00'16.50'LANDSCAPE & DRAINAGE EASEMENT(GRANTEE CITY OF CARMEL) PER INSTR. NO. 9709752192GRANT OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR PUBLICPURPOSES (GRANTEE CARMEL CLAYSCHOOLS) PER INSTR. NO. 8809734EASEMENT SHOWN AS CROSS-HATCH AREASEWER AND WATER EASEMENT(GRANTEE CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS)PER INSTR. NO. 8809733GAS LINE EASEMENT(INDIANA GAS COMPANY, INC.)PER INSTR. NO. 8901153MICHAEL W. KINNEY &MARY E. KINNEYINSTR. NO. 2020061588AREA: 2.79 AC. (DEED)2.664 AC. (EXCLUDING EXEPTION PER DEED)2.519 AC. (CALC.)SUBJECT TRACT7.50'EX. ESMT. EX. ESMT.EX. ESMT. EX. ESMT. EX. ESMT. HAZEL DELL PARKWAY EAST SECTION LINE, S.E. 1/4, SEC. 21, T.18N., R.4E. (CALCULATED)(house)(bld.)(deck)(shed)(old foundationremnant)(tree line)(woods)(woods)(woods)(woods)(gravel drive)(tree line)(treeline)POSSIBLE 0.26 FEET TO 1.75 FEETDEED GAP WITH NORTH ADJOINEROLD FARM FENCE / BARBWIRE FENCELOCATED 1.4 FEET NORTH OF TO 1.5FEET SOUTH OF BOUNDARY LINE1.75'0.26'25'T(grass)(grass)(grass)(grass)(grass)(grass)(grass)(grass)(sidewalk) (Hazel Dell is asphalt pavem e n t w i t h chairback curb and gutter)(conc.driveway)MON. SET C.R.OLD FARM FENCE / BARBWIRE FENCERUNS ALONG THE WEST BOUNDARY.FENCE LOCATED 0.2 FEET TO 1.0 FEETEAST OF THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE.OLD FARM FENCE / BARBWIRE FENCERUNS ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY. FENCELOCATED 0.7 FEET TO 0.9 FEET NORTH OF THESOUTH BOUNDARY LINE.UTILITY PEDESTAL AND ELEC.TRANSFORMER LOCATED ON LINE ORWITHIN 5 FEET OF BOUNDARY LINE(adjoiner retaining wall)(adjoiner wood fence+/- 5.6 FEET+/- 8 FEET(landscape)(landscape)(porch withwalk)( w o o d s ) EX. R/W & P.L. EX. ESMT. EX. ESMT. EX. ESMT. EX. ESMT. A P P .C E N T E R L INE (L I NE "P R ") H A Z E L D E L L P A R K W A Y S89° 59' 17"E 30.00' (DEED)58.21' EX.HALF R/WMON. SET MAGMON. SET C.R.46.93' EX.HALF R/WCITY OF CARMEL, INDIANAINSTR. NO. 9709752192S88° 27' 21"E 35.00' (DEED)LOT LINEEX. S.E. ESMT.EX. S.E. ESMT.10.00'10.00'CORRECTION CERTIFICATIONAVIAN GLEN - SECTION FOURSEWER EASEMENTINSTR. NO. 933193920.00'EX. D.&U.E. ESMT. PER PLAT EX. D.&U.E. ESMT. PER PLAT20.00'20' D. & U.E. ESMT. PER PLATEX. D.E. ESMT.PER PLATLOT LIN ELOT LINEEX. R/WLOT LINELOT LINESOUTHEAST QUARTERSECTION 21TOWNSHIP 18 NORTHRANGE 04 EASTHAMILTON COUNTYAVIAN GLENSECTION FOURSECONDARY PLATP.C. NO. 1, SLIDE NO. 309INSTR. NO. 9324085SCALE20020N# R/WBOUNDARY SURVEY LEGENDSURVEY PROPERTY LINEU.S.P.L.S.S. SECTION LINEALIGNMENTAPPARENT CENTERLINEEXISTING R/W OR LIMITED ACCESS R/WAPPARENT R/W OR APPARENT R.E.R. (R.W)APPARENT ADJACENT P.L. / LOT LINESAPPARENT EASEMENTAPPARENT REGULATED (LEGAL) DRAINSURVEY LINE / APP. DEED LINESET PROPERTY CORNER MONUMENTS TO BE:24 IN. x 58 IN. DIA. REBAR WITH STAMPED PINK CAP SET FLUSH WITHGRADE OR WHERE CORNER IS ON HARDSCAPE, A MAG NAIL WITHSTAMPED WASHER.MONUMENT SET, MAG NAIL WITH STAMPED WASHERMON. SET C.R.MON. SET MAGCHISEL "X"CHISEL "X" SCRIBED / CUT AS SET MONUMENTREFERENCE MONUMENTS UTILIZED FOR OFFSETSPOINTS IN RELATIONSHIP TO P.L. CORNERS NOTABLE TO BE SET IN FIELD. "#" INDICATES OFFSETDISTANCE IN FEET.MONUMENT SET, CAPPED REBARMONUMENTATION LEGENDoooMON. SET REF. PT.#' OFFSETREFERENCE MONUMENT / OFFSET POINTS TO BE:24 IN. x 5/8 IN. DIA. REBAR WITH STAMPED YELLOW CAP SET FLUSHWITH GRADE OR WHERE CORNER IS ON HARDSCAPE, A MAG NAILWITH STAMPED WASHER. GP PPST0WATERS EDGEWOODS LINECONCRETE PAVEMENT/ SIDEWALKL= LENGTHR= RADIUST= TANGENTCL= CENTERLINEALIGN.= ALIGNMENTB.A.= BEG. OF ALIGNMENTE.A.= END OF ALIGNMENTP.C.= POINT OF CURVATUREP.T.= POINT OF TANGENCYP.I.= POINT OF INTERSECTIONP.O.C.= POINT ON CURVEP.O.T.= POINT ON TANGENTP.C.C.= POINT OF COMPOUND CURVEP.R.C.= POINT OF REVERSE CURVEMID= MIDPOINTCH= CHORDB-B= BACK TO BACKL.F.= LINEAR FEETBLD. = BUILDINGHC= HANDICAP SPACEFL= FLOW LINE / DITCH LINEELEV.= ELEVATIONA.G. / B.G.= ABOVE / BELOW GRADEDIA.= DIAMETERFND.= FOUNDMON.= MONUMENTP.L.= PROPERTY / BOUNDARY LINEAPP.= APPARENTEX.= EXISTINGR/W or ROW = RIGHT-OF-WAYL.A.= LIMITED ACCESSREG.= REGULATEDB.S.L.= BUILDING SET-BACKESMT.= EASEMENTV.W.= VARIABLE WIDTHNO.= NUMBERINSTR.= INSTRUMENTP.O.B.= POINT OF BEGINNINGL.C.R.S.= LOCATION CONTROL ROUTE SURVEYINDOT= INDIANA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATIONCALC.= CALCULATEDREC.= RECORDEDMEAS.= MEASUREDDEED= RECORDED DEEDPLAT= RECORDED PLATSURV.= RECORDED SURVEYA.MAP = AUDITOR / ARBITRARY SUB. MAPTITLE = TITLE COMMITMENTSUB.= SUBDIVISION PLATG.I.S. = GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMPLANS= PUBLISHED OR RECEIVED PLANSRT. / LT.= RIGHT / LEFTABBREVIATIONSHOUSE / BUILDING###MISC. MATERIALX|ASPHALT PAVEMENTMONUMENT STAMPING: "FRITZ ENG. BOUNDARY FIRM # 0152"MONUMENT STAMPING: "FRITZ ENG. REFERENCE POINT FIRM # 0152"SURVEY POINT / MONUMENT NUMBER I.D.SURVEY CONTROLRECOVERED MONUMENTSSET BOUNDARY CORNER MONUMENTU.S.P.L.S.S. SECTION CORNER LOCATIONRECOVERED RIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENTKEYNOTEPARCEL I.D.GATE POSTFENCE POST"T" POST T-P FENCES####ALIGNMENT POINT (RECOVERED OR CALC.)500'sU.S.P.L.S.S. SECTION CORNERDELINEATION SYMBOL."#" INDICATES SECTION NUMBER+00 "#"00'STATIONOFFSETLABEL("#" = ALIGN. NAME)©2023 FRITZ ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLCSHEET NUMBERSURVEY STATUSPREPARED BY: NICKOLAS M. SCHMITTFRITZ ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLCFINALOF 4PROJECT NUMBER: 2307003DATE: 06/12/2024LAST DATE OF RESEARCH:08/09/2023LAST DATE OF FIELD WORK:08/03/2023ANALYSIS BY: NSCREW CHIEF: JCDRAFTED BY: JCCHECKED BY: NSRETRACEMENT BOUNDARY SURVEY(PROJECT: CHERRY CREEK FARMS)CLIENT:MICHAEL KINNEY13777 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY, CARMEL, IN 46033PROJECT ADDRESS:13777 HAZEL DELL PARKWAYCARMEL, IN 4603314020 MISSISSINEWA DRIVECARMEL, INDIANA 46033P: 317.324.8695F: 317.324.8717www.Fritz-Eng.comFRITZENGINEERING SERVICES3 MB-M MB-D MBFFE FPA/C B B TEXTGSRAILROAD SIGNRAILROAD SIGNALRAILROAD GMWDECIDUOUS TREECONIFEROUS TREESTUMPBUSHWOODS/BRUSH LINERIPRAPDRIP LINEGARDEN & LANDSCAPINGFIELD DIVISIONVEGETATION (HEDGE - BUSH - PLANT) ROWUTUNDERGROUND TELEPHONEGUNDERGROUND GASUCUNDERGROUND CABLEFOFOUNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINEEBWSPRINKLER HEADPOWER POLE / UTILITY POLELIGHT ON POWER / UTILITY POLELAMP POST (PRIVATE)LIGHT POLEFIRE HYDRANTPOLE - GUY OR STUBGROUND LIGHTELECTRICAL BOXCISTERNANCHOR FOR GUY ROPEMETAL TOWER LEGWELLWUNDERGROUND WATEROUOUOVERHEAD UTILITYFIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONPOST INDICATOR VALVEPIV FDCUEUNDERGROUND ELECTRICSSEPTIC TANK>>WATER FLOW LINE / DITCH LINEooooooWATERS EDGE AND FLOW LINESTM + SANUNDERGROUND COMBINATION SEWERSANUNDERGROUND SANITARY SEWERSTMUNDERGROUND STORM (DRAINAGE) SEWERDRAINAGE MANHOLE WITH CURB INLETSANITARY CLEANOUTCOYTILEREG. (LEGAL) DRAIN TILE RISERROOF DRAIN DOWNSPOUTEND SECTIONMISCELLANEOUS STORM STRUCTUREWATER QUALITY UNITDWQSEWERUNDERGROUND SEWER MISC. (UNKNOWN TYPE)SIGNAL LOOP DETECTOR BOXDELINEATOR POSTTRAFFIC SIGNAL STRAIN POLEPEDESTRIAN SIGNAL POLEC / TV - CABLEE - ELECTRIC (ELEC.)FM - FORCE MAIN F / FO - FIBER OPTICSG - GASI - IRRIGATION S - SPRINKLERS R / RR - RAILROADSS - SANITARY T - TELEPHONE (TELE.) TR - TRAFFIC U - UTILITY W - WATERUTILITY DESIGNATIONS ("#") CC-### #M#R MK# #VTOPOGRAPHIC LEGENDFINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONBORING LOCATIONMONITORING WELLTEXT / TOPO INFORMATIONAIR CONDITIONING UNITBOLLARD - CONCRETEBOLLARD - WOODFLAG POLESINGLE MAILBOXDOUBLE MAILBOXMULTIPLE MAILBOXSATELLITE DISHPARKING BUMPERHANDICAP SYMBOLGAS STATION MANHOLEGAS STATION MONITORING WELLROADWAY SIGN (SINGLE POST)ROADWAY SIGN (DOUBLE POST)CABINETMANHOLEMETERPEDESTALRISERVALVEWARNING MARKERVENT PIPE #VTGUARDRAILCONTOUR LINE###SOLID LID STORM CASTINGROLL CURB INLETCOMBINATION "CURB" INLETDITCH GRATE INLETGRATE INLET (SQUARE / RECT. SHAPE)GRATE INLET (CIRCLE SHAPE)BEE-HIVE INLET PCIS DPLDYARD DRAIN / SMALL PROPERTY DRAINUTILITY TUB#GREASE INTERCEPTORGRINDER PUMPSANITARY LATERAL STUB MARKERS GIPUMPGENERALTREES / VEGETATIONPROPERTYSIGNS / STRIPING / TRAFFICCOLUMN / SUPPORT POSTUTILITY APPURTENANCES(# - INDICATES UTILITY TYPE)SANITARYSSSANITARY MANHOLEDRAINAGE / STORMELECTRIC / LIGHTSSTORM SEWER MANHOLEDWATERMISC. OR COMBINE SEWER STR.MHTRANSFORMER T0CONCRETE PAVEMENT/ SIDEWALKHOUSE / BUILDINGGRAVEL / STONEX|ASPHALT PAVEMENTFENCES# R/W GP PPSTSURVEY POINT I.D.SURVEY CONTROLRIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENTGATE POSTFENCE POST"T" POST T-P TBMSURVEY CONTROLTEMP. BENCHMARKELELELELELELELBASIS OF BEARING NOTE:Unless noted otherwise, all bearings shown herein are labeled based upon thissurvey's basis of bearing: NAD 83 Indiana State Plane East - Grid. The subjecttract(s) current deeds of record, and chain of title deeds land descriptions bearingsystems are considered "assumed". All bearings as labeled on this survey areshown and referenced per this survey's basis of bearing unless denoted as "REC.","PLAT", "MEAS.", "DEED", "TITLE", "SUB.", or "SURV.".The basis of bearings of the recorded descriptions of the subject tract(s) andadjoiners vary per deed. For clarity purposes, only the dimensions and bearingsare labeled and shown as per this survey's basis of bearing herein on this survey.EASEMENTS INFORMATION AND DISCLAIMER:The easements shown on this survey were provided through an abstract oftitle search as performed by Meridian Title Corporation with an effectivedate of June 30, 2023 and a File Number of 23-17573 as received by theclient. Fritz Engineering Services, LLC did not perform any research foreasements or encumbrances. Only the easements provided by MeridianTitle Corporation were reviewed as part of this survey and are shown onthe attached retracement boundary survey plat. Easements, legal drains,covenants, right-of-way, encumbrances, etc. shown heron does notconstitute all encumbrances upon these surveyed tracts.LOT 96LOT 95LOT 94LOT 93LOT 92LOT 91CHARLES PLATT & MARIAN PLATTINSTR. NO. 2012048900DAVID KLINE & AMY KLINEINSTR. NO. 2023021954SUNIL MOHANDAS &SUCHETA R. KENNYINSTR. NO. 200300008128APP. PLAT LINE APP. PLAT LINEAPP. PLAT LINE LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION:I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am a registered land surveyor,licensed in compliance with the laws of the State of Indiana, and to thebest of my knowledge and belief the within plat or map represents asurvey made under my supervision in accordance with Title 865, Article 1,Chapter 12 of the Indiana Administrative Code.AFFIRMATION STATEMENT:I affirm, under the penalties of perjury, that I have taken reasonable careto redact each Social Security Number in this document, unless requiredby law.Signature:_____________________________Printed Name: NICKOLAS M. SCHMITT .REVISIONSDESCRIPTIONDATE09/19/2023ADDED HAZEL DELL CENTERLINE / ALIGNMENTSURVEYOR'S REPORT:Fritz Engineering Services, LLC (FES) Project Number: 2307003Intent of Survey:The purpose of this survey was to provide the client with Retracement Boundary Survey plat as defined in Title 865 as an "original survey"or a "retracement survey".The survey consists of one (1) tract of land (subject tract) located at 13777 Hazel Dell Parkway, Carmel, Indiana 46033.Project Control and Basis of Bearings:Indiana State Plane Grid - East Zone (N.A.D. 1983):Unless noted otherwise, all bearings, distances, areas, and coordinates shown hereon are based upon GPS observations, Indiana State PlaneCoordinate Grid System (Indiana East Zone - N.A.D. 1983) and are reported in U.S. Survey Feet and decimal parts thereof. Geoid Model 18was used for all GPS observations.The survey control and monument locations were measured with survey grade GPS equipment, with said GPS observations utilizing theINDOT Continuously Operating Reference Station (INCORS) a real-time kinematic (RTK) correction service over the internet. This system isstated by INDOT as “Providing Network RTK in RTCM (Real Time Correction Message) 2.3, and 3.1 in the MAX (R2K2 Full) and i-MAX (R2K2LITE) formats via NTRIP (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet) and TCP/IP, as well as CMR and CMR+ in the MAX (R2K2 Full) andi-MAX (R2K2 LITE) formats via NTRIP, and TCP/IP.” Where GPS observations could not be performed or data collected, electronic totalstations applying standard radial surveying techniques were utilized.Referenced Documents, Surveys, and Plans:All record descriptions, recorded documents, and platted land (plats and subdivisions) were obtained from the Office of the Recorder ofHamilton County, Indiana, unless noted otherwise. Resources and referenced documents found or obtained for this survey that were used tohelp establish the apparent boundary lines, plat lines, survey lines, alignments, and / or right-of-way lines for this survey are as follows:Google EarthHamilton County GISCounty Surveyors Office Section Corner References and documents.Recorded SurveysSubdivision PlatsConstruction Plans(Please note that this may not be a comprehensive list of all documents researched for or found for this project.)U.S. Public Land Survey System (USPLSS) Section Line Determination and Recovered Monuments:The recovery of apparent section corner monuments, the calculations of lost or obliterated section corner locations, and the establishment ofsection lines for Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 4 East, worthy of mention are as follows:For this survey, the east line of Southeast Quarter of Section 21 was required to be established. Also, the commencement point for thesubject tract deed and the adjoining tracts corresponded to the East Quarter Corner of Section 21. Both the East Quarter Corner and theSoutheast Corner of Section 21 did not have any County Surveyors Office Section Corner References or documents for these two corners.Per the County GIS, no section corner monuments have been recovered or reestablished for these two section corners per the GIS data. Perreview of two found recorded boundary surveys (Instrument Numbers 1992031859 and 1993023218), the East Quarter Corner wasestablished from a found “PK” nail and no corner monument was found for the Southeast Corner and was calculated for these two surveysback in the years of 1992 and 1993. The two surveys also denote that no County Ties were available for these two corners at the time ofthe surveys (1992 and 1993). A search in the field for these two section corners was performed for this survey and no monuments wererecovered. Also note, Hazel Dell Parkway runs along this section line, and this roadway has been constructed and improved over the yearssince the time of the two previous surveys performed back in 1992 and 1993, resulting in any evidence or monuments from those surveysas it pertains to the establishment of this east section line as destroyed or missing. Therefore, a combination of field evidence, recordedsurveys, the adjoining subdivision secondary plats and corresponding monuments were utilized to assist in monument resonance onsite orused to calculate section corner locations and the corresponding section line(s).Per review of the Avian Glen Section One secondary plat (located just north of the subject tract) and the Avian Glen Section Four secondaryplat (which is located along the south and west boundary lines of the subject tract) they appear to utilize the 1992 and 1993 surveys to helpestablish these two subdivision secondary plats and the corresponding east section line and East Quarter Corner. The exterior subdivisionmonuments and roadway centerline monuments for these two secondary plats were searched for as it pertains to this survey. It wasconcluded that if these two subdivisions could be reestablished based on their corresponding subdivision monuments, the section cornercould be retraced from the bearing and distance measurements shown on these two subdivision secondary plats to reestablish the EastQuarter Corner and the east section line. Two exterior concrete subdivision monuments for Avian Glen Section Four were recovered(monuments 1200 and 1201) and were held to establish / correlate Avian Glen Section Four into this surveys coordinate system and basis ofbearing. The distance between these two monuments measured locations as compared to the subdivision secondary plat distance fell within0.1 feet. From this Avian Glen Section Four established location, the corresponding recovered centerline monuments for Canary Court (WrenWay) / Warbler Way North were checked against the corresponding established centerline points per the secondary plat and were found tobe within 0.3 feet. From this established Avian Glen Section Four, the east section line and East Quarter Corner were established based onthe distance and angular measurements provided within said Avian Glen Section Four for this section.The exterior monuments for Avian Glen Section One secondary plat were searched for but no monuments were recovered. Therefore, therecovered centerline monuments along Avian Way were utilized to establish / correlate Avian Glen Section One into this coordinate system /basis bearing. From this step, the East Quarter Corner was reestablished based on the distance and angular measurements for this corner asprovided within the Avian Glen Section One secondary plat. The East Quarter Corner location as established from Avian Glen Section Onewas compared to the East Quarter Corner location as established from Avian Glen Section Four, with the two locations falling within 0.1 feetof one another. Therefore, the established location of the East Quarter Corner and east section line as determined by the Avian Glen SectionFour was held as such. It was determined based on the available evidence recovered for this survey this was the best procedure toreestablish this corner and section line. There is considered to be up to 1 foot of uncertainty associated with this corner location.Theory of Location:The deed of record descriptions of the subject tract, recorded subdivision plats, the adjoining tracts record descriptions, and supplementaldocuments (as listed within this surveyor's report and as labeled on the survey map or plat) were used to reestablish the boundary lines andright-of-way lines of the subject tract.The parent tract of the subject tracts east line corresponds to the east section line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 21. This establishedsection line was held as such. The east boundary line of the subject tract corresponds to the west right-of-way / boundary line for Hazel DellParkway (east adjonier) which was established based this east adjoiners metes and bounds description and parallel offsets to the eastsection line. This established west right-of-way line corresponds to the east boundary line of the subject tract and was held as such.The west line is a parallel line to the east section line as established by distance calls as qualified to per the subject tracts deed description.These distances and the parallel bearing of the east section line as reestablished was held to determine the west boundary line, whichmathematically based on corresponding distance and parallel qualifying calls for the east line of Avian Glen Section Four resulted in no deedand boundary discrepancy based on the mathematical retracement of this subject tract and adjoiner's (Avian Glen Section Four) commonlines/corners of this west boundary line.There is a 0.62 feet discrepancy between the subject tracts commencement call distance as compared to the north adjoiner tracts deeddescription and the Avian Glen Section Four commencement call. The Avian Glen Section Four qualifies to west and south boundary lines ofa 2.79 acre tract of land as described per Deed Record 240, Page 71. This Deed Record 240 document is a chain of title deed for the subjecttract. Based on the Avian Glen qualifying calls to the subject tract, the recovered monuments, review of the 1992 and 1993 recordedboundary surveys (Instrument Numbers 1992031859 and 1993023218), recovered fence remnants, and the uncertainty in the location ofthe East Quarter Corner, the established Avian Glen Section Four subdivision secondary plat exterior plat line corresponding to the southboundary line of the subject tract was held as such. Also, the commencement call in question for the subject tract lists the distance as1320.0 feet, showing significant figures in the tenth range for this distance. It could be deduced that the accuracy of this commencementcall based on the uncertainty of the East Quarter Corner is in the tenth range, therefore allowing for this 0.62 feet discrepancy to fall withinrounding, measurement, and / or uncertainty tolerances for this retracement of this survey.The north boundary line was established based on the metes and bounds measurements as described in the subject tracts land description.Observation and Opinions:In accordance with Title 865, Article 1, Rule 12, Sections 1 through 30 of the Indiana Administrative Code, the following observations andopinions are submitted regarding the various uncertainties in the locations of the lines and corners established on this survey as a result of:A)Availability and condition of reference monuments;B)Occupation or possession lines;C)Clarity or ambiguity of record descriptions and the relationship between their common lines;D)The relative positional accuracy of the measurementsA)- Availability and condition of reference monuments:The following is a discussion on what monuments were recovered and/or not found in relation to establishing the apparent boundary lines ofthe subject tracts, deed lines, roadway centerlines and alignments, apparent plat lines, and existing right-of-way (if any), hereon referred toas “survey lines”. The number and/or letter associated with each monument represents their monument I.D. as depicted on the survey plat.1100.A centerline point brass plug 0.2 feet below grade was recovered for Avian Way and utilized to help establish Avian Glen SectionOne. This monument is offsite and not shown on the survey plat.1101.A centerline point brass plug 0.2 feet below grade was recovered for Avian Way and utilized to help establish Avian Glen SectionOne. This monument is offsite and not shown on the survey plat.1102.A centerline point brass plug 0.2 feet below grade was recovered for Avian Way and utilized to help establish Avian Glen SectionOne. This monument is offsite and not shown on the survey plat.1103.A centerline point brass plug 0.3 feet below grade was recovered for Warbler Way North and utilized to help establish Avian GlenSection Four.1104.A centerline point brass plug 0.3 feet below grade was recovered for Canary Court and utilized to help establish Avian Glen SectionFour.1105.A centerline point brass plug 0.3 feet below grade was recovered for Warbler Way North and utilized to help establish Avian GlenSection Four.1200.A concrete marker flush with grade with a cut “X” was recovered as denoted at this exterior subdivision corner for Avian GlenSection Four and was held as such.1201.A concrete marker flush with grade with a cut “X” was recovered as denoted at this exterior subdivision corner for Avian GlenSection Four and was held as such. This monument was found to be 1.75 north of the northwest corner of the subject tract.1202.A 5/8 inch diameter rebar with cap stamped “Weighe Engr” flush with grade was recovered and found to be 0.32 feet northwest ofthe corresponding adjacent lot corner.1203.A 5/8 inch diameter rebar with cap stamped “Weighe Engr” flush with grade was recovered and found to be 0.22 feet north of thecorresponding adjacent lot corner.1204.A 5/8 inch diameter rebar with cap stamped “Weighe Engr” flush with grade was recovered and found to be 0.17 feet northwest ofthe corresponding adjacent lot corner.1207.A 5/8 inch diameter rebar flush with grade was recovered and found to be 0.20 feet west of the corresponding adjacent lot cornerand the southwest corner of the subject tract.Bearing and/or distance relationships to recovered monuments on the adjoining properties, roadways, or as located outside the survey limitsare shown on this survey for the purpose of establishing a history of monumentation and to assist in establishing the “survey lines” aslocated within the survey limits or subject tracts only. This survey does not represent a survey of any type of said adjoining properties,roadways, or corridors.B)- Occupation of possession lines:Regarding "lines of occupation or possession", this term refers to lines which are marked by visible, obvious, well-defined and maintained,man-made or placed objects or limits, such as, but not limited to fences, hedges, mow lines, field-divide lines, woods lines, retaining walls,etc. The uncertainty cited for a line of occupation is general in nature and in not intended to be specific for every point along the line.Therefore, portions of the occupation lines may vary from the surveyed lines by distances greater or less than the uncertainty cited in thisreport or shown on the plat of survey. When fences or other lines of occupation are shown on the plat, they have been located only at theends or specific locations noted; therefore, for the purpose of this survey, such lines are assumed to run straight between said locations, butin actuality may vary slightly from such straight line.If field locates shown on the survey map or plat are not dimension or labeled as it pertains to the boundary lines, these items are locatedgreater than 5 feet from the established boundary lines.Significant inconsistencies in the lines of occupation observed during this survey are as follows:·An old farm fence / barbwire fence is located along the south boundary line and was found to be 0.7 feet to 0.9 feet north of the southboundary line.·An old farm fence / barbwire fence is located along a portion of the north boundary line and was found to be 1.4 feet north of to 1.5feet south of the north boundary line.·An old farm fence / barbwire fence is located along the west boundary line and was found to be 0.2 feet to 1.0 feet east of the westboundary line.·There are utility pedestals and electrical transformer located on and within 5 feet of the south boundary line as located near thesoutheast boundary corner of the subject tract.General Notes and Observations:Throughout the subject tract, sidewalks, woods line, utility lines and utility appurtenances are located within five (5) feet or across thesubject tracts deed lines as shown on the survey plat. To list all dimensions for all these structures and appurtenances as it relates to theboundary lines would be too numerous to disclose. As documented herein, the most important features have been described and measuredas it pertains to the lines of occupation.C)- Clarity or ambiguity of record descriptions and the relationship between their common lines:·There is a possible 0.26 feet (east end) to 1.75 feet (west end) deed gap along the north boundary line between the subject tract andthe north joiner.·There are no other gaps and / or overlaps between the subject tracts and their adjoiner's.D)- The relative positional accuracy of the measurementsThe relative positional accuracy of this survey is within the specifications for a Urban Survey: 0.07 feet (21 millimeters) plus 50 parts permillion as defined in IAC 865 1-12.GENERAL NOTES:INDIANA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: In accordance with Title 865, Article 1, Chapter 12 ("Rule 12") of the Indiana Administrative Code-StateBoard of Registration for Land Surveyors, the following observations and opinions are submitted regarding the various uncertainties in thelocations of the lines and corners established this survey as a result of uncertainties in reference monumentation (both availability andcondition); in lines of occupation or possession; In record descriptions and/or plats; and as introduced by random errors in measurement("Relative Positional Accuracy"). THERE MAY BE UNWRITTEN RIGHTS ASSOCIATED WITH THESE UNCERTAINTIES. The client shouldassume there is an amount of uncertainty along ANY line or at ANY corner equal in magnitude to the discrepancy in the location of the linesof occupation or possession from the surveyed lines and corners.The existing right of way lines, parcel ownership lines, and ownership information shown on this plat are subject to change based onverification/validation of title. The source used to plot existing right of way lines and ownership lines shown on this plat is from thelast/current deeds of record obtained from the appropriate County Recorder's Office or other state agencies when the research wasperformed, as well as from other sources cited on this plat. Where no record right of way could be found, the edge of pavement shown maypossibly act as an easement by prescription. It is always presumed that there are rights associated to all areas where right of waymonuments or possession exist; however, documentation is not always provided to show the extent of those rights. No title search orencumbrance report was performed for this project.Any depiction of possible intrusion, trespass, invasion, and/or possible encroachment into the possessions or rights of another is not amatter of this survey. An attorney and/or title company should be consulted in all matters with respect to any rights of possession, mattersof title, and all things with respect to any encumbrances if depicted on this survey.Existing monuments recovered and discussed within this report represent true and accurate locations as depicted, corresponding withdistances and/or azimuths/bearings (if referenced). Other points recovered but not shown, may be close, but were not within the estimateduncertainty nor did they have any impact on the establishment of lines as shown herein. Secondary control points may have been set for theuse in locating or validating other evidence when establishing rights of way or apparent property/boundary lines.Bearing and distance relationships to found monuments on the adjoining properties are shown on the survey map or plat for the purpose ofestablishing a history of monumentation and to assist in establishing the boundary lines of the subject tracts only. This map or plat does notrepresent a survey of said adjoining properties.Field measurements for this survey were made in accordance with specifications outlined in 865 I.A.C. 1-12. The decimal places shownhereon for measurements and coordinates do not necessarily indicate the precision of the work, but to allow for closure and adjustment byothers if desired.Monuments were set this survey at all corners where no existing monumentation was recovered except as noted. Monuments that were setas an offset were set as such due to existing conditions (trees, utilities, buildings, watercourses) making it unrealistic or impossible to set themonuments.When fences or other lines of occupation are shown on the plat, they have been located only at the ends or specific locations noted;therefore, for the purpose of this survey, such lines are assumed to run straight between said locations, but in actuality may vary slightlyfrom such straight line.Subsurface and environmental conditions were not examined or considered as a part of this survey. No statement is made concerning theexistence of overhead or underground containers or facilities that may affect the use or development of this tract.No warranty, either expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy and/or completeness of information provided by governmentalauthorities and/or third parties, or as to its fitness for any particular purpose or use, including but not limited to information presented onzoning, setback requirements, flood hazard zones, and wetlands areas. In no event will Fritz Engineering Services (FES), its employees,agents, and/or assigns be liable for any damages arising out of the furnishing and/or use of such information.This survey plat has been prepared for use on this particular project and for the exclusive use of the person(s) or entity herein named and isnot certified for use by any other party. The evidence, possession, ownership, conditions etc. could change constantly and the use of thissurvey is limited only to the date indicated herein.Since the date of this survey, conditions may have occurred that are beyond the knowledge or control of the undersigned surveyor that mayhave altered the validity and circumstances shown or noted herein. The location of the survey lines and corners are subject to the evidencefound in the performance of this survey. Additional evidence presented to the undersigned surveyor may alter the location of said lines andcorners.The plat and survey were prepared based upon research of the public records to determine the last deed of record for source of title for thesubject tract and adjoining properties and is therefore subject to any statements of facts revealed by examination of prior deeds or otherdocuments that may exist that would affect this parcel.As used in this survey, the term “certify” means to state or declare a professional opinion of conditions regarding those facts or findingswhich are the subject of the certification and does not constitute a warranty or guarantee, either expressed or implied. The surveyor canonly certify to those items that are visible and/or things that can be observed, measured, or counted.See the "General Notes & Disclaimers" as shown on this survey plat for additional information in regards to this Surveyors Report and thesurvey itself.4NICKOLAS M. SCHMITTProfessional Land SurveyorRegistration No. LS21200004, State of IndianaWitness my signature this date of: 06/12/2024©2023 FRITZ ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLCSHEET NUMBERSURVEY STATUSPREPARED BY: NICKOLAS M. SCHMITTFRITZ ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLCFINALOF 4PROJECT NUMBER: 2307003DATE: 06/12/2024LAST DATE OF RESEARCH:08/09/2023LAST DATE OF FIELD WORK:08/03/2023ANALYSIS BY: NSCREW CHIEF: JCDRAFTED BY: JCCHECKED BY: NSRETRACEMENT BOUNDARY SURVEY(PROJECT: CHERRY CREEK FARMS)CLIENT:MICHAEL KINNEY13777 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY, CARMEL, IN 46033PROJECT ADDRESS:13777 HAZEL DELL PARKWAYCARMEL, IN 4603314020 MISSISSINEWA DRIVECARMEL, INDIANA 46033P: 317.324.8695F: 317.324.8717www.Fritz-Eng.comFRITZENGINEERING SERVICESSTATE OFNo.LS21200004LANDSRUVEY O R R E GI STEREDNIC K O L ASM.SCHMITTINDIANA06/12/2024SHOW ADJOINING EASEMENTS PER ADJOINING PLAT