HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange_Order #2/STREET/$69,826.40/22-STR-03 TrailersCity of Carmel Street Department Change Order Form 33.TUS.14UsbjmfstProjectName: __________________________________________ CzTfshfzHsfdivlijobu3;38qn-Kvm42-3135 3ChangeOrderNo.: ______________________________________ Listed items for this change order: Beejujpobmpgxbmmtboesppggpstqfdjgjdusbjmfst 333.TUS.14UsbjmfstChangeOrderNo. ____ isfor work completed regarding (project name) ___________________________. 448-66:/43Contractpricepriortothischangeorder $ ________________________ 7:-937/51Contractpricewillbe/decreased bythis change 518-496/83orderNewcontractpriceincludingthischangeorder $ ________________________ Cumulative % Adjusted ContractAmountChange fromPriceOriginalContract Original ContractN/A N/A47:-631/43 CO 1: 42-:72/11*%448-66:/43.9/76& Efevdu.Sfnpwbmpgxbmmtgspntqfdjgjdusbjmfst Efevdu.Sfnpwbmpgxbmmtgspntqfdjgjdusbjmfst Beejujpo.Jodsfbtfenfubmdptutgpsgsbnft CO 2: 7:-937/51%518-496/8321/36& Beejujpo.Xbmmtboesppgt gpstqfdjgjdusbjmfst CO 3: Docusign Envelope ID: CE29C369-4E8C-4B1C-BBCB-1B80D54C518B CITY OFCARMELTO: 3CONTRACTCHANGEORDERNO.: ______________ 18035035DATE: _______________________________________ 33.TUS.14UsbjmfstPROJECTNAME: ______________________________ O0BCITYREQ. NO.: _______________________________ 217722CITYPONO.: _________________________________ 1702603133CITYPODATE: _______________________________ I. You are directed tomake the following changes inthis Contract: 3ChangeOrderNo. ____ listed below. SCHEDULED ADJUSTMENTITEMAMOUNTOR (-) DAYS Beejujpopgxbmmtboesppggpsgpvs 2:-935/11O0B7(y35(usbjmfstgspnofxhspvq Beejujpopgxbmmtboesppggpsgjwf 41-289/51O0B23(y35(usbjmfstgspnofxhspvq Beejujpopgxbmmtboesppggpsgpvs 2:-935/11O0B7(y35(usbjmfstgspnfyjtujohhspvq The following referenced Documents further describe the changes outlined inParagraph I, and are tobe considered apart ofthisChange Order: R.F.P.: ______ W.D.C. No.: ______ Other: __________________ The changes result inthe following adjustment ofContract Price and Contract Time: 448-66:/43ContractPricepriortothisChangeOrder $ _________________ 7:-937/51ContractPricewillbeincreased/ decreased by this Change Order $ _________________ 518-496/83NewContractPriceincludingthisChangeOrder $ _________________ O0BO0BContractTimePriortothisChangeOrder: ______ Days. Completion Date: ____________ O0BNetincrease/decrease resulting from thisChange Order: ______ Days O0BO0BCurrentContractTimeincludingthisChangeOrder: ______ Days. Completion Date: __________ Docusign Envelope ID: CE29C369-4E8C-4B1C-BBCB-1B80D54C518B 1804203135 Docusign Envelope ID: CE29C369-4E8C-4B1C-BBCB-1B80D54C518B 8/7/2024 NOT PRESENT CHANGE ORDER #2: Yellow for CO1, Blue for CO2 ITEMIZED PRICING FOR TRAILERS Material & ChangeMaterial & Material: Labor: Material & LaborCost- betweenLabor: CostItemNotesQuantityCostofCostofLabor: Cost Original OriginalandofallOneOneofOneContractUpdatedQuantityPricePrices 6’ x24’ New 4 $ 2,870.00 $ 3,350.00 $ 6,220.00 $ 24,880.00 $ 22,540.00 + $ 2,340.00Frame 6’ x24’ 4pertrailerNew $ 0 $ 19,056.00 - $ 19,056.00Wall (16total) 6’ x24’ Included in Wallsand New4$4,956.00material $4,956.00$19,824.00$0+$19,824.00 Roofcost 12’ x24’ New5$ 4,435.00$ 3,875.00$ 8,310.00$ 41,550.00$ 38,625.00+ $ 2,925.00Frame 12’ x24’ 4pertrailerNew$ 0$ 26,945.00-$ 26,945.00Wall (20total) 12’ x24’ Included in Walls & New 5 $6,035.68 material $6,035.68 $30,178.40 $0 + $30,178.40 Roof cost 12’ x32’ New 1 $ 3,918.00 $ 3,875.00 $ 7,793.00 $ 7,793.00 $ 7,793.00 NoChangeFrame 12’ x32’ New 4total $ 722.00 $ 625.00 $ 1,347.00 $ 5,389.00 $ 5,389.00 NoChangeWall 8’ x8’ Frame & New 5 $ 2,333.50 $ 2,571.00 $ 4,905.00 $ 24,525.00 $ 24,525.00 NoChange Walls RearTire Assembly New 4 $ 7,439.29 $ 5,439.29 $ 12,878.58 $ 51,514.32 $ 51,514.32 NoChangeFront Hitch Gooseneck New 1 $ 1,875.00 $ 1,875.00 $ 3,750.00 $ 3,750.00 $ 3,750.00 NoChangeHitch 6’ x24’ Existing4$ 2,870.00$ 3,350.00$ 6,220.00$ 24,880.00$ 22,540.00+ $ 2,340.00Frame 6’ x24’ Included in Walls & Existing 4 $4,956.00 material $4,956.00 $19,824.00 $0 +$19,824.00 Roof cost 187at12’ x24’ Existing previous $ 3,850.00 $ 3,875.00 $ 7,725.00 $ 54,075.00 $ 54,075.00 NoChangeFrameprice 11at12’ x24’ Existing updated $ 4,435.00 $ 3,875.00 $ 8,310.00 $ 91,410.00 $ 84,975.00 + $ 6,435.00Frameprice 12’ x32’ Existing 1 $ 3,918.00 $ 3,875.00 $ 7,793.00 $ 7,793.00 $ 7,793.00 NoChangeFrame Additional New Cost to $69,826.40 Pricefor $407,385.72Total Contract Contract Docusign Envelope ID: CE29C369-4E8C-4B1C-BBCB-1B80D54C518B