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Packet for HO 09-23-24
TRU HOTEL CARMEL GOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DOCKET NO: PZ-2024-00141V BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER SEPTEMBER 23, 2024 TRU HOTEL CARMEL GOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DOCKET NO: PZ-2024-00141V BLADE SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION AND REQUEST Dora Hospitality, LLC Vincent Dora, President 9904 North By Northeast Blvd. Fishers, IN 46037 Cities Edge Architects, LLC John D. Hafner, AIA, CEO 1017 Hwy 12 E Willmar, MN 56201 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SECTION 2: LOCATION MAP SECTION 3: ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS SECTION 4: PERTINENT RENDERINGS SECTION 5: SIGN PLANS SECTION 5: DRAFT FINDINGS OF FACT SECTION 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROJECT OVERVIEW Dora Hospitality, LLC is proposing to construct a new, five story hotel located at 12164 North Meridian Street. The project was given a favorable ADLS recommendation by the plan commission at the June 18th, 2024, Plan Commission meeting. As part of the recommendation, it was noted that the artistic interpretation of the brand sign would require a variance from the dimensional requirements of the Uniform Development Ordinance. BACKGROUND During the staff review comment period for this project, a request was made by staff to provide an alternative solution in place of the large wedge-shaped building element that is part of the standard hotel brand prototype used for display of the exterior hotel sign. Through the course of dialogue regarding how best to replace this element with something more tasteful, staff came across another Tru Hotel that had an interpretation of the wedge-shaped feature that was more appealing. The images from the example hotel and the interpretation of that inspiration for this project are below for reference. INSPIRATION IMAGE THIS PROJECT Through a series of meetings, Dora Hospitality was able to obtain approval from Hilton to pursue a similar direction for this project. REASON FOR THE VARIANCE REQUEST The requirements for blade signs in the UDO is appropriately written for a typical condition where a rectangular sign projects from the face of a retail tenant space above a public or private walking surface. In these conditions, the sign is usually placed low on a building wall and is intended to be viewed by pedestrians and slower moving vehicular traffic. In these cases, the dimensional requirements are sufficient to permit sign graphics and lettering that are legible for the intended viewers. In this case, the sign needs to be placed high on the building wall to identify the building and will be viewed primarily by vehicular traffic moving at highway speeds. Placing the required circular hotel sign on a blade sign of that width would result in a sign that is not legible. The proposed blade sign is angular in shape with its furthest projection at 10 feet from the face of the building. This permits a circular shaped sign of sufficient size to be installed and remain legible. VARIANCE REQUEST UDO Section 5.39 (F)(5)(d)(iii) states that projecting and blade signs shall not extend more than five (5) feet from the face of the building. The petitioner is requesting approval for a blade sign that is angular in shape but projects ten (10) feet from the face of the building at its widest dimension. Context Map Carmel, IN SECTION 2 LOCATION MAP SECTION 3 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS REF.F.E.C.F.E.C.F.E.C.F.E.C.F.E.C.F.E.C.F.E.C.F.E.C.F.E.C.F.E.C.FRONTAGE ROADILLINOIS STREETBMP/ACCESSEASEMENTBMP/ACCESSEASEMENTDDLDDDDDDDDDDryerWasherEXISTING OFFICE BUILDINGNEW 5-STORY126 GUESTROOM TRU HOTELILLINOIS STREETFRONTAGE ROAD( RENTENTION POND)( RENTENTION POND)EXISTING BUILDING1479151117171616DUMPSTER ENCLOSUREPROPERTY LINE6'-0" SIDEWALK (TYP)15'-0" BUILDING SETBACKEXISTING SIGNAGECONCRETE APRONA0021LOCATION OF (16) BIKE RACKTYP9' - 0"20' - 0" TYP1613LOCATION OF BLADE SIGN ON BUILDINGPLAN NORTHTRUE NORTHDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:© Copyright 2021 - Cities Edge, LLC. - All rights reservedSHEETNUMBERThis document contains confidential or proprietary information of Cities Edge, LLC. Neither this document nor the information herein is to be reproduced, distributed, used or disclosed either in whole or in part except as authorized by Cities Edge, LLC. PROJECTNUMBERSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:ISSUEPHASEDATEISSUEDPROJECT OWNER:PROJECT LOCATION:Certification & Seal:5-29-2024C:\Users\sbents\OneDrive - Cities Edge Architects,LLC\Documents\20-033_ARCH_Tru_Carmel_IN_Central_R23_sbentsUU5H6.rvt8/13/2024 8:28:29 AM20-033AuthorCheckerA001ARCHITECTURAL SITEPLAN3/20/2023Dora Hospitality50% SUBMITTALCARMEL, INTRUSCALE: 1" = 20'-0"1SITE PLANRevision Date REF.F.E.C.F.E.C.UPUPG1A301_______________1A301_______________2A301_______________2A301_______________1A302_______________A2011A2013A2012A2014A4011CLR5' - 0"23456789101112131415161718192021FEDCBAUNIT AG131LEFTKINGUNIT AG129LEFTKINGUNIT AG127RIGHTKINGUNIT BG125LEFTQUEEN/QUEENUNIT BG123RIGHTQUEEN/QUEENUNIT AG130RIGHTKINGUNIT BG128LEFTQUEEN/QUEENUNIT BG126RIGHTQUEEN/QUEENUNIT BG124LEFTQUEEN/QUEENUNIT C1G122RIGHTKINGMECH/ELEC119PBX120CORRIDOR118STAIR #2117DRYERS122LAUNDRY123LINEN STORAGE121GUESTLAUNDRY124EMPLOYEEBREAKROOM116RESTROOM115RESTROOM114FITNESS113GM'S OFFICE108OFFICE107PANTRY126MECH127VESTIBULE101STAIR #1102WORK AREA105ELEV. LOBBY125WATER/ICE112CORRIDOR111FRONT DESK106BREAKFAST103DINING104LOUNGE109GAME AREA110A5039A40212A302_______________9' - 6 1/2"11' - 8"11' - 8"11' - 8"11' - 8"11' - 8"11' - 8"11' - 8"11' - 8"11' - 8"11' - 8"11' - 8"15' - 2"11' - 8"11' - 8"11' - 8"11' - 8"8' - 11 3/8"2' - 8 5/8"3 3/8"4' - 5"21' - 6 3/4"5' - 7 3/4"21' - 6 3/4"4' - 5"2' - 1"3 3/8"W5A5A1125DDA5A1A1119AW1A1W1W1A5118A3117AA5A5W1W1A1A1W3W3A5W3W6W7W7102AA5101AA5W8A5A1120119B117B111116114115123121124122113101B102B127126A11A303_______________1A304_______________1A304_______________2A305_______________2A305_______________A3091A30812A303_______________4A301_______________3A301_______________3A305_______________3A305_______________A5A1A1A5W1W1W1W1W1W6A5211' - 11 1/4"60' - 3"4' - 5"3' - 0"4' - 5"2' - 1"A3051A5A5A5A5A59' - 6 1/2"11' - 8"23' - 10 3/4"46' - 8"11' - 0 3/4"11' - 8 1/2"23' - 4"15' - 8 3/4"23' - 4"35' - 0"4' - 5"21' - 6 3/4"27' - 9 1/4"4' - 5"2' - 1"4' - 5"53' - 9"21' - 2 1/2"23' - 10 3/4"69' - 5 1/4"74' - 0 3/4"20' - 8"A54A302_______________BIKESTORAGE1004A303_______________3A302_______________3A304_______________3A304_______________100107108110CCCA1W3A5PLAN NORTHTRUE NORTHNOTES:-ROOMS FOR HEARING IMPAIRED TO BE PROVIDED WITH VISIBLE & AUDIBLE ALARM PER THE ELECTRICAL DESIGN DRAWINGS. DEVICES SHALL BE ACTIVATED BY BOTH THE IN-ROOM SMOKE DETECTOR AND THE BUILDING FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM.-SEE ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE FOR SHELVING REQUIREMENTS.-WALL, FLOOR, & ROOF ASSEMBLIES ARE INDICATED WITH . SEE VERTICAL & HORIZONTAL ASSEMBLY SHEETS FOR MORE INFO.1. THIS PLAN SHOWS THE LOCATIONS OF ITEMS THAT ARE ARCHITECTURALLY SIGNIFICANT ONLY. PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL ITEMS INDICATED ARE REFERENCE ONLY.2. SEE MEP PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS AND DETAILS. SEE THE A500 SHEETS FOR THE GUESTROOM CEILING PLANS.3. CONTRACTOR HAS OPTION TO USE GYP BD SUSP SYSTEM OR LIGHT GAGE METAL FRAMING AT DROPPED GYP BD CEILING LOCATIONS.4. SUSP CLG TO BE CENTERED W/ BALANCE GRID DESIGN W/ EDGE UNITS NO LESS THAN 50% OF TILE SIZE5. SEE SHEET G002 FOR GENERAL ARCHITECTURE NOTES & G003/G004 FOR RATED AREAS6. AT STUCCO -DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION WITH A LENGTH TO WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.7. SOFFITS (AND ANY ENCLOSED SPACE AREA) TO BE FRAMED WITH STL STUDS.1. GYP BD W/ PAINTED FINISH (NO TEXTURE)2. GYP BD @ WET AREAS W/ PAINTED FINISH3. EXPOSED STRUCTURE ABOVE -PAINTED4. 2X2 PREMIUM TEGULAR (REVEAL) EDGE ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE WITH 9/16" NARROW SPLINE GRID SYSTEM5. 2X2 ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE -1/2" VINYL FACE WITH STANDARD 15/16" GRID SYSTEM6.EIFS -COLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL7.DECORATIVE WOOD BEAM MILLWORKRCP GENERAL NOTESRCP PLAN KEY NOTESLEGEND0'-0"CEILING HEIGHT TAGGYP BD CEILING -DO NOT EXCEED 200 SF BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS 2' x 2' SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE2' x 4' CLEANABLE VINYL FACED SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE2' x 4' SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILEEIFS FINISH CEILING -DO NOT EXCEED 100 SF BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS (HORIZONTAL APPLICATION)METAL PANEL -COLOR: PANTONE PMS 4525METAL PANEL -COLOR: PANTONE PMS 5405UNIT AG131LEFTKINGUNIT AG129LEFTKINGUNIT AG127RIGHTKINGUNIT BG125LEFTQUEEN/QUEENUNIT BG123RIGHTQUEEN/QUEENUNIT AG130RIGHTKINGUNIT BG128LEFTQUEEN/QUEENUNIT BG126RIGHTQUEEN/QUEENUNIT BG124LEFTQUEEN/QUEENUNIT C1G122RIGHTKINGMECH/ELEC119PBX120CORRIDOR118STAIR #2117DRYERS122LAUNDRY123LINEN STORAGE121GUESTLAUNDRY124EMPLOYEEBREAKROOM116RESTROOM115RESTROOM114FITNESS113GM'S OFFICE108OFFICE107PANTRY126MECH127VESTIBULE101STAIR #1102WORK AREA105ELEV. LOBBY125WATER/ICE112CORRIDOR111FRONT DESK106BREAKFAST103DINING104LOUNGE109GAME AREA110A5032SimA4031A4022BIKE STORAGE1009' - 7"1' - 8"4' - 6"BLADE SIGNDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:© Copyright 2021 - Cities Edge, LLC. - All rights reservedSHEETNUMBERThis document contains confidential or proprietary information of Cities Edge, LLC. Neither this document nor the information herein is to be reproduced, distributed, used or disclosed either in whole or in part except as authorized by Cities Edge, LLC. PROJECTNUMBERSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:ISSUEPHASEDATEISSUEDPROJECT OWNER:PROJECT LOCATION:Certification & Seal:5-29-2024C:\Users\sbents\OneDrive - Cities Edge Architects,LLC\Documents\20-033_ARCH_Tru_Carmel_IN_Central_R23_sbentsUU5H6.rvt8/13/2024 8:28:52 AM20-033AuthorCheckerA101FIRST FLOOR PLAN3/20/2023Dora Hospitality50% SUBMITTALCARMEL, INTRUSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"1FIRST FLOORSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"2FIRST FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLANRevision Date (CONTROL JOINT -CJ)METAL LATH CONTROL JOINT1/2"1" MINAEIFS JOINTS/REVEAL:SEE ELEVATIONS FOR JOINT/REVEAL LOCATIONS.VERIFY EXTERIOR INSULATION REQUIREMENTS WITH ASSEMBLIES.VERIFY1"(EXPANSION JOINT -EJ)BACKER ROD & SHEATHING (TYP)1/2"1" MIN3/4"BVERIFY1"(REVEAL)3/4"3/4"CVERIFY1"1/2" IN SHEATHING JOINTEXTERIOR ELEVATION NOTES1. ALL EXTERIOR VENTS & LOUVERS TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL COLOR. SEE MECHANICAL FOR SIZE AND LOCATIONS2. FOAM PLASTIC INSULATION GREATER THAN 4" IN THICKNESS SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM FLAME SPREAD INDEX OF 75 AND A SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX OF 450 WHERE TESTED AT A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 4"3. PROVIDE BLOCKING AND ELECTRICAL CIRCUITING TOO ALL SIGN LOCATIONS; COORDINATE WITH SIGN CONTRACTOR.4. EIFS NOT TO EXCEED 144 SQ FT W/O CONTROL JOINT. SEE DETAILS FOR CONTROL AND EXPANSION JOINTSFIRST FLOOR100' -0"SECOND FLOOR112' -2"THIRD FLOOR121' -10"FOURTH FLOOR131' -6"FIFTH FLOOR141' -2"ROOF BRG.149' -3 1/8"TO PARAPET156' -0"TO HIGH PARAPET162' -0"234567891011121314151617181920216'-5" x 7'-6" ILLUMINATED SIGN -PER HILTON STANDARDSEIFSBRICK EIFSBRICK COLORED EIFS W/ LED STRIP LIGHTS RECESSED IN POCKET ON EACH SIDE (TYP)EIFSPORTE COCHERECANOPYPTAC LOUVERS TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH THE COLOR OF THE ADJACENT MATERIAL (TYP)ANGLE WEDGE SIGN -PERFORATED DECORATIVE METALCANOPYSILL CAP STONE -CORONADO 900 SERIES (#2 GREY)EIFSBRICK -COLOR #02SHELF ANGLE BRICK SUPPORT @ 3RD & 5TH FLOORW1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1119A125W5101AW1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W14' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"1' - 10"1' - 10"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"1' - 10"1' - 10"FIRST FLOOR100' -0"GSECOND FLOOR112' -2"THIRD FLOOR121' -10"FOURTH FLOOR131' -6"FIFTH FLOOR141' -2"ROOF BRG.149' -3 1/8"TO PARAPET156' -0"TO HIGH PARAPET162' -0"FEDCBABRICKANGLED WEDGE SIGN -PERFORATED DECORATIVE METAL PANEL SYSTEMEIFSSILL CAP STONE -CORONADO 900 SERIES (#2 GREY)CANOPYSHELF ANGLE BRICK SUPPORT @ 3RD & 5TH FLOORSPANDREL GLAZED FRAMES -THIS WINDOW STACK ONLYSHELF ANGLE BRICK SUPPORT @ 3RD & 5TH FLOOR60'-9" SPANDREL HEIGHT69.1% OF SPANDREL HEIGHT42' - 0" HIGH BLADE SIGN12' - 2"COLORED EIFS W/ LED STRIP LIGHTS RECESSED IN POCKET ON EACH SIDE (TYP)W4W4W4W4W2W2W2W2117A1188 @ 1'-10" = 14' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"BRICK4' - 6"23' - 2"FIRST FLOOR100' -0"SECOND FLOOR112' -2"THIRD FLOOR121' -10"FOURTH FLOOR131' -6"FIFTH FLOOR141' -2"ROOF BRG.149' -3 1/8"TO PARAPET156' -0"TO HIGH PARAPET162' -0"234567891011121314151617181920216'-5" x 7'-7" ILLUMINATED SIGN -PER HILTON STANDARDSEIFSBRICKEIFSBRICKANGLED WEDGE SIGN -PERFORATED DECORATIVE METALPTAC LOUVERS TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH THE COLOR OF THE ADJACENT MATERIAL (TYP)SILL CAP STONE -CORONADO 900 SERIES (#2 GREY)EIFSPERGOLARETAINING WALL @ PATIOSHELF ANGLE BRICK SUPPORT @ 3RD & 5TH FLOORBRICKCOLORED EIFS W/ LED STRIP LIGHTS RECESSED IN POCKET ON EACH SIDE (TYP)W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1W1102AW7W7110W6W6W3W3W3W1W1W1W1W1W1W11' - 10"1' - 10"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"1' - 10"1' - 10"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"7' - 7"6' - 5"42' - 0"12' - 2"9' - 7"FIRST FLOOR100' -0"GSECOND FLOOR112' -2"THIRD FLOOR121' -10"FOURTH FLOOR131' -6"FIFTH FLOOR141' -2"ROOF BRG.149' -3 1/8"TO PARAPET156' -0"TO HIGH PARAPET162' -0"FEDCBABRICKCANOPYPORTE COCHEREBRICKSILL CAP STONE -CORONADO 900 SERIES (#2 GREY)RETAINING WALL @ PATIOSPANDREL GLAZED FRAMES -THIS WINDOW STACK ONLYSHELF ANGLE BRICK SUPPORT @ 3RD & 5TH FLOORCOLORED EIFS W/ LED STRIP LIGHTS RECESSED IN POCKET ON EACH SIDE (TYP)W4W4W4W4W8W3W2W2W2W24' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"4' - 8"8 @ 1'-10" = 14' - 8"EIFSSHELF ANGLE BRICK SUPPORT @ 3RD & 5TH FLOOREIFS COLOR #01 -COLOR: TO MATCH DRYVIT #101 "SUPER WHITE"EIFS COLOR #02 -COLOR: PANTONE PMS 4525EIFS COLOR #03 -COLOR: PANTONE PMS 5405EIFS COLOR #04 -COLOR: PANTONE PMS 5455EIFS COLOR #05 -COLOR: PANTONE PMS 455EIFS COLOR #06 -COLOR: PANTONE PMS 5265METAL PANEL/CANOPY -COLOR: PANTONE PMS 4525METAL PANEL/CANOPY -COLOR: PANTONE PMS 5405DECORATIVE METAL BLADE -COLOR: SILVER METALLIC BRICK -GLEN-GERY; COLOR: OYSTER GREY WIRECUT BRICK -GLEN-GERY; COLOR: CHARCOAL KLAYCOATEXTERIOR PAINT (@ DOORS/WINDOW FRAMES, METAL COPING, AND AT PORTE COCHERE COLUMN COVERS) -COLOR: BENJAMIN MOORE #1596 "NIGHTFALL" IN HIGH GLOSS ORSHERWIN WILLIAMS #SW6994 "GREENBLACK" IN HIGH GLOSS; ITEMS TO BE FACTORY PAINTED ONLY, NOT PAINTED ON SITEEXTERIOR MATERIALS LEGENDEIFS -DO NOT EXCEED 144 SF BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS. THE DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION WITH A LENGTH TO WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:© Copyright 2021 - Cities Edge, LLC. - All rights reservedSHEETNUMBERThis document contains confidential or proprietary information of Cities Edge, LLC. Neither this document nor the information herein is to be reproduced, distributed, used or disclosed either in whole or in part except as authorized by Cities Edge, LLC. PROJECTNUMBERSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:ISSUEPHASEDATEISSUEDPROJECT OWNER:PROJECT LOCATION:Certification & Seal:5-29-2024C:\Users\sbents\OneDrive - Cities Edge Architects,LLC\Documents\20-033_ARCH_Tru_Carmel_IN_Central_R23_sbentsUU5H6.rvt8/13/2024 8:28:43 AM20-033AuthorCheckerA201EXTERIORELEVATIONS3/20/2023Dora Hospitality50% SUBMITTALCARMEL, INTRUSCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"5EIFS JOINTSSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"1NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"3EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"2SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATIONRevision Date SECTION 4 PERTINENT RENDERINGS LOOKING NORTHEAST LOOKING NORTHWEST SECTION 5 SIGN PLANS ENLARGEMENT OF BLADE SIGN DIMENSIONS (NTS) 7’-0” cabinet 39-1/2”7’-0” cabinet 8’-11-1/4” (2133.6mm) (2133.6mm) (2724.2mm) (1003.3mm) 5’-4-5/8” (1641.5mm) 10-3/4” (273.1mm) (133.35mm) 5’-8” (1727.2mm) 1’-6” (457.2mm) 5-1/4” by Hilton: White day / White night Scale: 3/8” = 1’ 5 Section 3 High to Mid-Level Signage Illuminated Building Signs tru 7 ft Only Signage Permitted on Building Wedge Backer Cabinets: - Entire Sign is Illuminated - to House Power Supply - Painted to Match Wall 11//22”” ((1122..77mmmm))mmiinn.. lleetttteerrssttrrookkee 7’-0” cabinet 39-1/2”7’-0” cabinet 8’-11-1/4” (2133.6mm) (2133.6mm) (2724.2mm) (1003.3mm) 5’-4-5/8” (1641.5mm) 10-3/4” (273.1mm) (133.35mm) 5’-8” (1727.2mm) 1’-6” (457.2mm) 5-1/4” by Hilton: White day / White night 11//22”” ((1122..77mmmm))mmiinn.. lleetttteerrssttrrookkee Scale: 3/8” = 1’ FOR USE ON DARK COLORED BUILDINGS WHEN THIS SIGN IS INSTALLED ON A BUILDING WEDGE FOR USE ON LIGHT COLORED BUILDINGS WHEN THIS SIGN IS INSTALLED ON A BUILDING WEDGE tru 7 ft - Stacked 2020 Hilton Confidential and Proprietary GLOBAL SIGN MANUAL | SIGN FAMILY | March 2020 Sign at the high points of the building - 2 locations. 8'-0" 6'-6" cabinet 30" high letters6'-6" cabinet BRAND REQUIRED SIGN TO BE FABRICATED BY BRAND APPROVED SIGN VENDOR FINDINGS OF FACT SHEET - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (Petitioner to fill out 1-3 + first two blanks) Docket No.: _PZ-2024-00141V________________________________ Petitioner: _N Meridian Hospitality, LLC______________________ 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: The blade sign does not overhang public right of way and is located well above any possible pedestrian conflicts that could bring safety into question. The sign does not project into any right of way or roadway that could cause safety issues with vehicle traffic. The lettering and graphic presentation of the sign is a simple identification of the hotel and does not include anything of questionable moral character. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: The sign is located to be visible from Hwy 31 and cannot be seen by adjacent residential property. The commercial properties on either side will not be adversely impacted by any sort of view restriction resulting from the sign. The sign itself is a rather understated commercial identifier for the hotel and is appealing to look at. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Unified Development to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: The size parameters for a blade sign in the UDO are appropriate for a traditional blade sign positioned above a public sidewalk in a retail setting. The application of this type of sign on the highway side of a 5 story building differs greatly from the previously described scenario. The hotel brand requires a circular shaped sign for brand identity purposes. Placing a circular sign small enough to fit on a 5’ wide blade sign high on the face of the building would result in text that would be too small to be intelligible for persons in vehicles traveling on the highway. The wider dimension permits a circular sign to be large enough for the letters to be read by the intended audience. DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance Docket No. ___________________________ is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this _______________ day of __________________________________, 20 _______. __________________________________________________________________________________________ HEARING OFFICER, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals __________________________________________________________________________________________ SECRETARY, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Conditions of approval of the Board, if any, are listed on the Letter of Grant. SECTION 5 DRAFT FINDINGS OF FACT