HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter #36 Jeannine & John Hong Butler, Bric From:J9 <jhong1@indy.rr.com> Sent:Wednesday, September 25, 2024 10:36 AM To:Butler, Bric Subject:Attn. Planning & Zoning 146th St./Towne Rd. Development Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged A?en?on: Planning and Zoning I am wri?ng again to express concern about the 146th/Towne Rd. Lennar Development. While I understand the undeveloped land is going to be developed, I do demand that long ?me residents of Carmel and this area in par?cular be heard on their concerns about this development and that those concerns be taken into considera?on regarding revisions or approval of this development. It far too o?en feels like current Carmel residents don’t get taken into considera?on and that Carmel developers are only concerned about profits and developing every last piece of grass in Carmel and not about the ramifica?ons of overdevelopent/too much too fast and the impact on those of us who have lived here a long ?me. As regards the 146th St./ Towne development I submit the following concerns/objec?ons: 1. There has been no commercial build along 146th St. from Clay Terrace. The other side of 146th is going to be overdeveloped by Wes?ield with alot of commercial development all the way to Michigan Rd. Commercial development on the southside of 146th St. is unneeded and unwanted by those of us who will have this in our backyards. NO COMMERCIAL BUILD. 2. The high density needs to be reduced not increased. It is too high for such a small piece of land. Ambleside is 4.6 units per acre and Bedford Falls is 2.02 homes per acre. DENSITY SHOULD BE REDUCED. 3. There should be an independent pond to help mi?gate water staging and addi?onal pond maintenance costs to Saddle Creek residents. We should not bear the brunt of another development. An independent pond also reduces density which is a good thing. NO SHARED POND. 4. The Build for Rent should not happen. Everyone I know who is trying to live in Carmel is looking for property ownership. Build to Rent only benefits the developers, charges ridiculous rents where people would be be?er off buying a home, and is about 99.9 percent guaranteed to result in lack of property maintenance by both some residents and by the company in charge of overseeing it. It is happening currently with apartments in downtown Carmel where the property management group is neglec?ng repairs, le?ng trash build up outside etc. Again, the already established homes nearby should not be subjected to things that can harm their property values or disturb a peaceful neighborhood areas. NO BUILD TO RENT 5. The increase in traffic and its ramifica?ons can already be seen at the roundabouts in West Carmel during rush hours where the lines of cars are unlike anything I have seen in my 20+ years of living in Saddle Creek. Bad for trying to get to work/medical appointments etc. on ?me and bad for the environment with all the cars idling. There is such a thing as TOO MUCH DEVELOPMENT in too small of an area. I am fine with responsible development. The current Lennar plan is not responsible development. I demand that changes be made to the current plan as referenced in the 5 bullet points above. It too o?en feels like current Carmel 1 residents concerns go unheard by the development dictators and certain of their friends on decision-making commi?ees. SLOW DOWN DEVELOPMENT un?l you can observe the ramifica?ons of the current status for a period of ?me. Let Wes?ield build all the commercial from here to Michigan Rd. Because they don’t care what they build where and are guaranteed to load the northside of 146th with excessive commercial development. Let Carmel be known as the place that develops land in a responsible ma?er and takes into considera?on the people that already live here. Respec?ully yours. Jeannine and John Hong 14239 Esprit Drive Carmel, IN 46074 Sent from my iPad 2