HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket .'g'. :..;,'> Date DOCKET NO. q7-0z.A1?LS~D Application for Architectural Design, Lighting and Signage ADLS AMENDMENT Fee $350.00 Name of Project: toMMUN1"'''C.--:f:JE:AL-T~VU-'ON Address: I DI J.J S · Type of Project: Slb~~ Applicant: VE J ; ~b'" ~ I l I: i :_- <I ~ " \__. _; L:li." \~ \. ~ , ';~..:, \~>, ".:' ~'-" j C- \ ~~------1 Phone No.ettZ.:e~ Contact Person:~ye MC:",~ Phone No.~ Address: Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet A""'f't'ACt-te:e:::> Area (in acres) 7. ? '?b Zoning Owner of Real Estate:jZe.l ~eNLS Carmel: Clay Township: Annexation: Y or N Other Approvals Needed: Parking No. of Spaces Provided: No. Spaces Required: Design Information Type of Building: No. of Buildings: Square Footage: Height: No. of Stories Exterior Materials: Colors: Maximum No. of Tenants: Type of Uses: Water by: Sewer by: 4bZ?h '/J , ) ") ,:> ,\ .:.\ . \ ':-\ \ ::,\ ~\J -I ,/ Y /~>/ 1 LIGHTING. Type of Fixture: Height of Fixture: No. of Fixtures: Additional Lighting: * Plans to be submitted showing Footcandle spreads at property lines per the ordinance. Z 5UILDIHb ~",J1') No. of Signs: 2'> Type of Signs:-.J tJlOIJUMe..!T Z ~UILDJtJ6 ~N1')CSI6tJ~ ON THE: wesr iSl,j;.VATlOIo-J FFoNT.A6c Location(s): \ MON\J~ Slb~ O~ ~ fSAS'1'" tSUSVAr"'o~ f=12'oN~ ~1' A ~ & McNLlMe..rT Dimensions of each sign: 3'-10")( 1~'-2." ,: 2.' X 12.I.S'" j bl )( 12.' Square Footage of each sign: 64. 56 ; 24.; 3 ; bO , I . "2 ,n Z I 0" / _, II Total Height of each sign:_ ";' -10 ~ - ; t:::;?-D < ~. NibVf. (,?' ~E. ~) LANDSCAPING -t> SIGNAGE * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations ******************************************** I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature of Applic~ ~~ Title: ~~.t:1dV/~ Date: 7'3.0..;z-- (Print) ******************************************** State of Indiana, SS: County of Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for State of Indiana, personally appeared execution of the foregoing instrument this 2000 My County , and acknowledged the day of Commission Expires: Notary Public 2 SIGN CRITERIA Community Health Pavilion 11911 N. Meridian St. Carmel, IN 46032 Monument Sign One (1) 6'-0" x 12'-0" illuminated monument sign will be installed on the east elevation street frontage near the south entrance drive. This sign shall serve to identify the entire building. No other signs on the east elevation of the building will be allowed. Building Signs All tenant signs must conform to the sign ordinance for the City of Carmel. Tenant signs are to be individual, internally illuminated face lighted channel type letters. The channels are to be constructed of aluminum with 5" deep returns finished dark bronze. The faces are to be #7328 white acrylic attached to the returns with 1" dark bronze trim cap. Illumination is to be by 8300 white neon tubing mounted within the channels. Logos faces may be in color and are not allowed to exceed 25% of the overall sign size. Letters are to be flush mounted to the building with the transformers and secondary wiring installed directly behind the wall area. Sizes and placement are subject to the charts provided in the sign ordinance for the City of Carmel. .................JIW -1_. ~-., ct ~~, .-I-'-~..::a ....,_1.~ ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTER & LOGO 18'fT [:@[ffij]jJl)[ill[ft)~ J H~Jillll rP>@l~IJma~~ 1 WEST ELEVATION SIGNAGE 61=3-" _~lf =,-- f~1' c:ff ",,_;;:;1_;1 ~. ml .t.~l.lIJl"r:.#='JC;#'" COMMUNITY HEAlTII CARMEL COMMUNITY HEALTH CARMEl IA " ~~~:vnc;:;%:r:r:R~fm'7:GTED Iij:\ Underwriters \!Y laboralo~es Inc.. L I . ~ :11......'..", ..1-1:.I.....:.I.UI :.I:l1'II. ..l :a.."1lti~.Oi .r., :81.-1 .t....e.:J.to. ~:l[..~,..J1;...UI :.IIl.'II...:.. ....\','1-.. NOTE: THERE WILL BI! COLOR VARIATIONS FROM THIS DRAWING TO THE FINAL PRODUCT DETAIL INSET~ FABRICATE AND INrrALL ONE tET ILLUMINATED CI/ANNElLETTERt &-LOGO LETTERt .063 ALUMINUM CONrrRUCTION 5" DEEP RETURNt PAINTED DK BRONZE FACEt 3/16" WI/ITE ACRYLIC r DK BRONZE TRIMCAP NEON 15MM #8300 WIIITE DOUBLE rrROKE WI/ERE NEEDED p.K. 1I0UtlNGt LOGO .063 ALUMINUM CONrrRUCTION 5" RETURNt PAINTED GOLD 3/16" WIlITE ACRYLIC WITI/ A-9249 GOLD TRANt VINYL OVERLAY 15MM #8300 WIIITE NEON FILL At NEEDED P.K. HOUtlNGt 3/8" = l' 0" I PAN CHANNEL lE1TERS SlOE VIEW !5~ RETURNS TRANSFORMER BOX 314" TRIMCAP ACRYLIC FACE NEON TUBE R...EXCONDUIT PK HOUSINQ 11'5" uj~~~~~~ WEST ELEVATION SIGNAGE j~-l"<<>F.~Y"'.?i' '''''2:''l!rtJ1~. 4l:J~~'::.d "'CM.....4=#"..>:-1A 1I#--.....~IX'/IJ- 3/8'= l' 0' JUNE 28 .2002 rrEVE MeVlCKER Smcvicker@buysigncralt.com NOTE: THI$ DRAWING WAS CREA rED BY SIGN CRAFT INe.. FOR YOUR APPROVAL IT I. NOT TO BE REPRDDUCED, COPIED, OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION ~ ..-.Y.jl r;,Y,jI r:.y.... =I..A"'#--" C'/ j. ~,-.# -,'" ~ =* ....-t.h,,:/ D/F ILLUMINATED MONUMENT SIGN FABRICATE AND INtTALL ONE DIF ILLUMINATED MONUMENT tlGN CABINET .063 ALUMINUM CONtTRUCTION 12" DEEP CABINET PAINTED PPG #G-29 (GREY) END CAPt (12 "WIDE X 6" DEEP !lALF ROUND) .063 ALUMINUM CONtTRUCTION FACU 118" ALUMINUM PANEU ROUTED OUT COpy BACKED UP WIT!I 3/16" W!lITE ACRYLIC A-9249-T TRANt VINYL OVERLAY FLUORUCENT ILLUMINATION BAtE (POLE COVER) .063 ALUMINUM CONtTRUCTION PAINTED PPG # G-29 (GREY) tINGLE POLE MOUNTING SIII'!!!JN" 8920 CORPORA nON OR. I~, INOIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 CR' AFT OFFICE ..,.... 317.842.8664 I N U U S T R I E S 3;;'842.3015 Iij:\ Underwriters ~ \!!:I LabelltDll..lnc.. ~ L 1~~,,,.,,~'1=il'':f'''_..;;1''Jii':f: COMMUNITY ilfALTiI CARMH I ..:11-.....,..... .1.1', _ Io-..:.I.COI :.1::1'.. ..)=---i1...~."".f.';a _1~I..,.e.:.I.II.11 ::I"II:I..;to ."".1:.& .., I'" :11. .,", ...... NOTE: THERE WILL BI COLOR VARIATIONS FROM THIS DRAWINO TO THE FINAL PRODUCT LANOrCAPf ELfVATION If'~ .#~ t:..~ .~~ C .~~ .~~ t:..~ zit"'~ c~.. _ ~l ~l ~l t.l i4.1 \:..t ~l \: , l,:~S ~- (]] [J) TOP VlfW ..If'~ ~...~ 't t:..~ C .~~ ,#~ t:..~ .~~ t:..!i. '\ ~I ~- ~l t.l ~l ~l ~l ~l ~l . c:tf- 12'-0" J/ J2"RADtIlUNDCAPt 6" /1" g' , f----=--j 9',6" II 14 9/4" 115/4" L-1 8-:1 I} __- 6 . !TO POlE .1~.t..f.>:t#.c:r1ii 4~1~~i.1l'f 1/(l'= l' O' H"''''.ir~_ ~"""':J:JCW- - ~.':;;Jt::.l""4#<AVCA"1f:...I".;':;: JULY 9 . (lOM tTfVf MeVlCKER COMMUNITY ilfALTtI CARMH (l8 Smcvicker@buysigncraft.com NOTE: TNI. DRAWING WAS CRUTED BY SIGN CRAFT INCo FOR YOUR APPROVAL IT I. NOT TO B. REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR 6XHIBITED lit ANY FASHION APPROVAL OATE: . s~~~:"n'f:;~rf~'i~:GTED ~ @ ~@ [1D[FU H~~ [P~~~~(Q)lIl1o~~~ EXTERIOR tlGN PACKAGE COLOR tPEC tHEET , LOGO COLOR COpy COLOR BACKGROUND COLOR (MONfJMfNT ONLY) A-9249-T PAINTED PPG #W-l (WHITE) PAINTED PPG #G-29 (GREY) TRANt VINYL OVERLAY APR-05-02 FRI 09:37 AN VEl/INN APR-04-2002 THU 02:22 PM REI COMPANIES FAX NO, 317 621 7163 FAX NO, 317 573 6050 p, 02 P. 02/02 ':.~ ";. I.. _. :-'.:' /', ,...., f'.... . .....1....\.. t' " . ... _. 0' ........ __I.' __._ I r M" "'- L,.,.. .....oJ' r~ .... ' i II n ' . I 1 I ~l6.,t .a- t!> MJ 114 , IN. MEtz.1 alAN -). ...., i.L .. =.:=J I I I I I J - (}t+ttt~~ . . 5~. \(:0 }c: lto .lliWlLLU I I " it I I I' i ijD'l . . I I' I ........ '0' ..1' 1 . I I .... .. . 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Ilalll:e ) [.list in lIo'1lnilton Cour1\.Y, Indiana, more P.1rticul<lrly de H ri IJ t' If- II roll 0'1 s : lI"1;innin& ~t ;j J'oint on l.he East 1 ine or rhe ,.aid SOlJlhl.'cst QUo'ITler Seclion ~orlll 00 desrccs 05 minutes ~o 'econds Yest (ASSUll\ccl 6('adn&) 4'O~6,3J (tct (rum the Southeut c;ornCr of lilt' sOlid Quulcr Section; thc.:ntc Honh 00 dc~reu OS minutes leO Hc:onds l..'eSl 0'110'\& the ~.lIid t~st 1 lne ~(,).JB het to the North- cnst cOTnc:,. oC the liollid Southvcl't QVoiITler Section; thence Snuth. 86 d~&r('t's '5 ~inules 10 second~ Uest Glon~ the ~orth lin(' nr the 1I~id QUOITlcr Srction ~6(),60 (eet to lhe t~1t limitrd /Icrl:!-$ I iF:llt-o(-..'~)' 1 in" Cor u.s. OJ}; thrncc South 00 d('~rt'es 01, . IAillUtC5 ~f scrollds r"st ~lonc Ihe j:'"jd East limited ",(".'55 ri/~ltl- 0(-1.:01)' 1 in(' ~~J.~lJ (("Cl; lhcnce: North 89 dC!crt'cs 5C. minul("S '.0 ~econcl:<,I:"Sl )8(,,(,) Ceel LO the: ll"l;illrdn& "oint, cont.ininu 7.~J6 "'fes, '''CH(" or less, .