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TInS DECLARATION is made this ~y of Or.l'b\.;/r" . 1995 bypaviSHo"
1-LC. 'IIIlI~dianalimited liability company (the "Developer"). ~:~i~JII..,\.-\/
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"LIhveloper is the owner of the real estllt~ wluCh is describ~in~bit "A" attached
hereto and made a part hereof (the "Initial Real Eue").
2. Developer intends to subdivide tl\l': Initial Real Estat.: into residcntiallots.
3. Before subdividing the Initial Real Estate, Developer desires to subject the Initial Real
EstBteto certain covenants. conditions and restrictions for the purpoSe. of preserving and
protecting the value and dll"'..irability of the Initial Real Estate for the benefit of each owner of any
part thereof.
4. Developer ti.uther desires to create an organization to which sha11 be assigned the
responsibility for maintaining and administering the common areas and certain other areas of the
Real Estate and of administering and enforcing the covenants and restrictions contained in this
Declaration and the subdivision plats of theRea1 Elit.'lte as hereafter recorded in the office of the
Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana and of collecting llIld disbursing assessments and charges
as herein provitbi.
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5 . Developer may from time to timll subjed additional real estate located within the tracts
adjaCent to the initial Real Estate to the provisions of this Declal'ation (the Initial Real Estate,
together wit~. any such addition, as. and when the SIl!I1<<l becomes subjed to the provisions of this
Declaration as herein provided, is hereinafter referred to as the wReaI Estate" or the
. .
: NOW. THEREFORE, Developer hereby declares that the Real Estate is and shall be
acquired, held, transferred, sold, hypothecated, leased, rented, improved, used and occupied
subjcicitothe foRowing covenants, conditions andrCstrletions, each of which shall run with the
IaDdand be binding upon, and inure to the benefit ot: Developer and any other person or entity
hereafter acquiring or having any right, title c.c interest in or to the Real Estate. or any part thereof.
'. The following terms, when used in this Declaration with initial capitalleners, shall have
the lcllowing respective meanings: .
I. I . Association" means Shelborne Greene Community Association, Inc.. an Indiana
not-lor-profit torporation, which Dev"'~"per has caused on-Jill hereafter cause to be incorporated,
and its Sl.lCC~rs and assigns..
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1.2 "Archittl(!lural Review Committee" means the architectural review committee
. l:lSlab:ished pursuant to Paragraph 6.10fthis Dec~on.
1.3 "Common Areas" means (i) all portions oflhe Real Estate shown on any Plat of a part
of the RealEstate as a .Common Area" 0; whi:;h are otherwise not located ioLots and are not
dedicated to the public and (ii) all facilities, structures, buildings, improvements and personal
property owned or leased by i~ Association from time to lime. Common Areas may be located
within a public right-of-way. .
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1.4 "Common Expenses" meaJlll (i) expenses assoc:iated with the maintaumce, repair or
replacement of the Common Areas and the performance of the responsibilities and duties of the
Association, ineludins without limitation expeIIlIeS for the improvement, maintenanc::e or lepair of
the improvements, lawn, faliaae and landscaping Ioc:atedon a Drainage, Utility or Sewer
Easementor'on.LandsCape~to'the' extent the Association deemsit,~ to.
.1JUI,int8in '.5tach. ~ent; fJi)~. usoc:iated with the maintenance, repair or~oli of
. .'the..~naSt~iitisIOcaied Within.:andupon the Drainage, Utility or Sewer'~Jtii) all
judjltlentii, Ii~ ~dvaJid~ms apinst. the Association, (IV) all expenses ~ JO' procUre .
liabilitY,biIzRnJ and any other insuraRce provided for herein and (v) all expenses incuned in the
, ,idnUnistraticm: of the AssOcjation'or the performance oC the terms and. provisiOt.. of. this
Dec:1l1'Btion,mchidinS WithOut limitation. the obligations to be performed under ihe' Golf COUI'Ie
DraiIlage Easements and' Golf Course . Use Easements and Restrictive COvelWlts u more
particularly described in Paragraph 5.5 (vii) below.
1.5 "Developer" means Davis Homes, LLC,IIIi Incfianalimitedliability compaliy, and IiDy
SUoXesllOfS or assigns whom it designates in one or more writteu recorded instruments to have the
rigbt5 of Developer hereunder.
.1.6. . "Development Period" meaJlII the period oCtiDie commencing with the elate oC
recordation oC this Declaration and endins on the date Developer or its affiliates no longer own
any Lot' within the Real Estate, but in no event shall the Development Period ext~ beyond the
date ten (10) years after the date this DeclaratioD is recorded.
1.7 "Golf Course Drainage Easements" means those certain Drainage Easements, dated
Ausust 2, 1995, granted by Twin Lakes Golf Club, Inc. to the Developer under Instrum:nt No.
95-50353 recorded in the Office of the Rergrder oCHami!tcm County. Indiana on September I,
1995, and with re3pect to which Developer hereby assigns all of its rights and obligations to the
1:8 "Landscape EaSements" mealis those areas oCgrouncI sO designated on a Plat olany
part of the Real Estate~ ..'
1.9"1.ot" means any parcel ofland shownand.ideritified as a lot on a Plat of any part of
theReal~~. " '. . '.
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1.1Q "Mortgagee" meaJlll the holder oCarecorded first mortgage lien on . any Lot or
. ResidenceUnit.;
Ul"~er. meansthe,recordownCll',whetherone.or more persons or entitie;}, oC
fee-simple title to any Lot. including contract sellers, but eltcJuding those having such interest
merely. u security Cor the performance oC. an obligation unless specifically indicated to the
contrary. The term Owner u used herein shall include Developer so long as Developer shall 0""11
any Lot in the Real Estate.
1..12 "Plat" l1!eaDS a duly approved fina1 plat oraoy part of the Real Estate as hereafter
recorded in the office ufthe Recorder of Hamilton CountY. Indiana.
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1.13 "Residence Unit" me~any single family home conStructed 0:1 any part of the Real
Estate. .
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1.14 "Golf Course Use Easoo1ents and" Restrictive Covenants" means those certain Use
Easements and Restrictive Covenants. dated August 2., J995. between Twin Lakes Golf Club, Ine,
and the Deve\oper and recorded as Instrument No. 95-50352 in tht: Office of the RecorderoC
Hamilton County on September I, 1995, and with respect to which lJeveloper hereby assigns all
of its rights and obligations to the Association.
I. I 5 ~UtililY. Drainage or Sewer Ellsements. means those areas of ground so designated
on a Plat of any part of the Real Estate.
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. All Owners. their teIWUS. auests. inviteea and mortppes. lIIId lIIlY ()ther perIOD usina or
'.' ,oc:cupyilJiaLotor lIIlY other pan of the ReilEstaiesball be /subj~ tD'lIl4sbl1U observe and
',"<>>IIipIy~the, ,tIicable coveaanta, COGditioDslDdrestricliOllP settbrth iJithiiDeclaration and
.' . anY ,rules 8114 ie(pIIaIions adopted by the AssOc;iIrionas herein, provided; as tbIl same may be
8nietided trom time to time. .' ..,. p" .
The Owner of lID)' Resideace Unit (i) by ~ of a iced conveyiDg title thereto or
the eXecution of s coatnICt fbrdle'plirc:IiuC'tbenOt: wbether !rum the Developer or its 8fiiliates
or any other builder or any other Owner oldie Residence UDit, or (Ii) by the ad of occupllllCy of
the PelideDc:e Unit. sbaII COIIChitiwiIy be decmed t('. have accepted sw:'Ideed. aecuted IUClb
cOOmaCt or lllldert8keasuch omlpl.q.~to the covenants, conditions and restricticms of
tIiia Dcc:hratioa. By Icceipt_ of s' 'deGd. cuciution of . contract of' undertaking of such
occupancy, eadI Owner oCOWIIIDtI, for himseIt bisheirs, penonaI representatives, lIUCCeSSOI'l! and
.. aSsi8ni.With,DeveIoper and the,o.tber'~fiom tiMC to time;. tO~eq.;ObRrve.COIIlpJy with
and perfoim the CCMlI1IIIIts, COIlditiolls and ratric:tioDs of this Dcdarabon.
3.1 Owners' f;__ or Eqioymem of Common Areas. Developer hereby declares,.
creates and griDts . IIOlHlXcIusive easement in fil.Yor of neb Owner for the use and enjoyment of
the Common Areas. Such elL'lCIIIeIlt shill run with anC be appurtenant to eada Lot and related
Residence UDit, subjec:t tathe following provisions: .
(i) the fiabt of the Association to c:lwse. reasonable admission and other fees for
the use of the recreational fiu:ilities situahid upon the Common Areas which are in addition to the
regular and speciaI.assessnICIltl desa ibed hen:in;
. , "
.(Ii) the right of the Association to fine any Owner or make a special assessment
agaiilst. -any Lot in the event . person permitted tlJ ,use the Common Areas by the Owner of such
, Lot violates any rules or regulatiollS oftt.e Association;
(iii) the right of the ,Association to dedicate or transfer'wl or any pa':t of the
Common Areas or grant euements therein 10 any public agency, authoriiy or utility for such
purposes,and subj~to such conditions as may be set forth in the instrument of dedication or
trlUlSfer:.. '
(iv) the Umen~s. reserv!:ct elsewhere in this Jeclinwon ";din any Plat of any
part of the Real Estate; and '
. (v) the other tcnns Bndprovisions oflhis Declaration and the terms and provisions
of the Golf Course Drainage Easements and the Golf Course tlllC Easements and Rest.;ctive
.1.2 PemUlISive Us. Any Owner may permit his or her family members. g,;esls, tenants or
contract purchasers who reside in the Residence Unit to use his or her right of U!e and enjoyment
of the Common Areas subject to the tenns of this. Declaration and any rules and regulations
promlllgated by the Association from time to time.
3.3 Conveyance of Common Areas. Developer may at any time and from time to time
convey all or its right. title and interest in and to any of the Common Areas to the Association by
quitclaim deed, and such Common Areas. so conveyed shall then be the property of the
A ,..ociation.
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4.1 ~ There sbaIl be DO swimmiu& skatiD& boatiDg or fishing in or on any Idee,
POnd. creek, ditch or stream on the Real Est8Ie. TbeAssocildion may promulgate rules and
regulations with .respect.to the permitted uses. if any, of the likes or other bodies ofwater on the
Real Estate. .
4.2 Use of Common Areas. Tbe Common Areas sbaIl be used only for recreatioD8l
purposes and other purposes permitted or sanctioned by the Auoc:iatioD.
4.3 i.cit'A~.; All Lots sIi.Ji N:: scciessed tiom the interior streets of the S~bdivision.<
No direct m:aais permitted to any Lot via West 96th. ~tnlet or SheIbome Road.
4.4 Other UtieRestrictions Coittained in Plat ('.....-- and Restrictions. The Plat
Covenants IIId Restrictions reIatins to the Real Estate contain iIIIditional restrictions on the use of
the Lots in the. Subdivision, inc:Iudina without . limitation proGibitioos apinst commercial use,
detacbecl accessory buildinp and IWisances; restrictions relating to the use. of I_scape
Easemeats, IdId Utility, Drainage and Sewer Easements; and restrictions n:Iating to temporary
structures, vebide parking, signs, IIIIIiIboxes, pbap and R:Ibse disposal, storage tanks. water
JUpply and sewage systems, ditches and swa1es, driveways, antenna and satellite dishes, awnings,
fencing, swimming pools, solar paueIs and outside Jishtin8.Such prohibitions and restrictions
contained in the Plat Covenants and Restrictions are hereby iDcorpowed by refaence as though
fully set fonh herein.
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5.1 Mmm!.1EW. Each Owner sha1I automatically become a member of the Association
and shall remain a member oftheAssoc:iation so long as he or she owns a Lot.
5.2 n..._. of. Mm1beIship and Vote. 1be A$soc:iation shall-have two (2) classes uf
membership, as follows:
(i) Class A Members, . Class A-members shaI1 be:aD Owners other than Developer
(unless C;:IassB membersbjp has been converted to Class A membership as provided in the
immediately following 5;lbparagraph. Each Class A member sbaIl be entitled to one (1) vote per
LoI owned.
(ii) ciass B Member. The Class B member sha1l be the Developer. The Class B
member sbaIl beeltitled to three (3) votes for each Lot .ownedby l)eve1oper. The Class B
membership shali!ce&se and be converted to CIassAmembership Lipon the date (the "Applicable
Datt''') when the total votes Olitstanding in.the Class A membership is equal to the lotal votes
outstanding in the CIas.'1 Bmembership..
. .
5;3 Multiple or El1Ji~ 9wqm. ;'. Where more .than one person .or entity constitutes the
Ownc:-.r ofa Lot. all such persons or entitiessha1l be members of the Association..but the single
VOle in respect of such Lot shall be exercised lIS lhepersons or entities holding an interest.in such
Lot detennine among themselves.. In no event shall more than one person exercise a Lot's vote
and no Lot's .vote shall be split. .
5.4 ~ of Directors. The members of the A'lSOCiation shal1 elect a Board of Directors
of the Association as J:l'f".sc.:ribed by the Association's Anicles oflncorporation and By-Laws. The
Board of Directors of the Association shall manage the affairs of the Association.
5.5 Responsibilities of the Association. The responsibilities of the Association shall
include, .but shall not be limited to:
(i) MaintClUlllCe of the COIlUOOn Areal induding any and all improvements thereon
as the ASsociation deems necessary or appropriate.
(Ii) IDstaIIation and replacement of any and all improvements, signs. lawn, ro:.
and Imdsc:aping in ancIupon the Common Areas Of Landscape Easements IS the Association
ci..~.oi"appropriate.',.~.::; c'. . :q:'.. .
'. .' . ':(iii)Maiuteaancc, repair and replacement.'oC'any privatesu-iips and any
, : PriVate ~sWbi(:b1Day be shown on any Plat ora plrtOflhe Real Estateiis c::oimnon Area.
(IV) RepIecemeol of the draiDIae system ill and upon the Common Areas IS tho
AIsoc:iatioa deems necessary or IIppropriate I..d the III&liIltlllllUlCC or any drainap sysIem installed
ill or upon the Common AIe8s by Developer or the AasociaOOn.. Nothing herem 8halI relieve or
replace the obligltioa or each Owner ofa Lot subject tol Dnlinage EIsemtiat to keep the portioo
of the drainase I)'lIlem and Drainage Ear.cmcnt on such Lot free ftvm obstructiOlll 110 that the
storm water d.rainep will be unimpeded. '
(v) Maiutenance of lake water 110 IS not to create stapant or polluted waters
aft'eetins the heaItb and welfare of the community.
(vi) Proauina and maiatliaiag for the benefit of the Association, its officers and
BoanI of Directors and the Owners, the illSUl1lDCC coverage required under this Declaration.
(vii) the performance of all of the obIiptions of the "Grantee" under the Ot>>1f
Course Drainage Easements and all of the obliptions of the "Grantor'" under the Ot>>lfCourse Use
EaSemeat. and Restrictive Covenlllts.. which obl:ptions have been and Ire usumed ill full by the
Associltion, and otherwise complying with the tenDS IIIIl provisions of the Ot>>1f Course Draillllp
Eucments and Ot>>IfCourse Use Easements and .~Covenants and iDcIcnmifYing and
holding the Developer harmless fiom and Ipins~any Iosscs, claims, dlUJll8CS or liabilities from or
ill COIIIIeCtion with the Association's fiIiIure 110 to perfurm such obligations or otherwise comply
with the Golf Course DraiDlge Easemeais uf. t.'1e Golf Ccu.rse Use F~ and Restrictive
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(viii) Assessment and collection &om tbt. OWners and payment of all Common
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. (ix) Perfonning or contracting for propeity or. Asl.'OCiItionrnanagement. snow
removal, Common Area maEntenance. trash removal or other services IS the Association deems
necessary or advisable.
1. ..'
, (x) . Enforcing the rules and regulations of the Association and the requirements of
this DeclaratioriHand. any applicable zoning or otherrecordedc:ovenallts, in .each case, IS the
Association deems necessBJY or advisable.
5.6 Powers oftII-: 1~l!YQn. The Association may adopt, amend or rescind reuonsbIe
rules and regulations (not iIlconsistentwith the provisions of this DecJara~ion) governing the use
and enjoyment of the C'.>mDlon Areas and the management and administration of the Association,
in each case as the Associl\tion deems .necessaryor advisable. The rules and regulations
promulgated by. the Association' may provide for reasonable iIlrerest and late charges on put due
installments of any regular or spec::iaI assessments or other charges or fines against any Owner or
Lot. The Association shallfumish or make copies available of its rules and regulations to the.
Owners prior to the time when the rules and regulations become effective.
5.7 ~rnpmwi!m. No director Or officer of the Association shall receive compensation
for his or her services as suchdircctor or officer exCept to the extent expressiyauthorized by II
majority vote of the Owners presall at a duly. constituted meeting of the Association members.
5.8 Non-Liability of Directors and Officers. The dnclonand officers of the Association
shall not be liable to the OWners or any other persons for any error or mistake of judgment ill
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carrying out their duties and responsibilities as dircctora or offir4'S of the Association. except fur
their own individual wiJIfW misconduct or gross nealigence. h is inteudecI that the directOB and
officers of the Association sha3 have no perscmalliabiIiIJ with rupect to any contract IIIIIde by
them on behalf of the Association except in their cepadty as Owners.
",','S.9lndenmitv of~on and Officers. The Assoclation sbaII~,:hotctlllrmh?a
inddet'eDd,qany' peI1OD;, JIii or her heirs, assips and leglilrepr.-niati~(coUl!lCtively. the
.Jndcinnit~lI) lilllde or dbGltened to be IIIIIdt' a party to lilY don, suit or proCeeding by ~
of the f1ct that he or she is or was a director or officer of the Association, apinst aU costs and
expenIe5, including attorneys fees, 1I:lbIaUy, and reIIIOftably inaD'l"edby the" Indemnitee in
c:onnectK;n wi&. the defilDaeofsucla accio:l,lIUit orpnk"""i"8. or in connection with any appcaI
, thereot;except in relation to mattenI, as to which it ~l be adjudpd in such IICtion, suit or
P:~""lli!8 that such Indemnit~, issuihY , of gross DCBfigencc or willful misconduct in the
~ ofbis or bet cIuIies: The Association lIhaII aIio nimbune any ~,Indenmitee fur
the reasonable costs of settlement of or Cor any judament rendenld in any such action. suit or
prno-t:"8. unless it shall be adjudpd in such actioD. suit or Proc:eediuat!lllt such Indemnitoe was
';auiItY ofigross.j~or wiIJfuI, ~JI!Iuct.~.1iIaIdiia ~fincIiJJa$8Dd~~tJae
'adjilitieauon iJi isnjlClion.' Suitor proi:eedbis I,sabist In llidemaitee. no diter.tor or offic:ier sbaII be
considered or deemed to be suilty 'of or liable fur sross nesfiseace or willfUl misconduct in the
paformance orhis or her duties where, actina in good faith, such director of ofticer relied on the
books and records of the Association l'I' statements ,or advice made by or prepared by any
IIIlUIII8in8 apnt of the Association or any 8CCOUIIIaIIt. attorney or other person c.r finn
employed or retained by the ~ation to render advice or service, unless such director or
officer had actual knowledge of the falsity or incomlctDess thereof. nor shall a director be deemed
suiliY cf gross negligence or willful misconduct by virMl of the &ct that he or she fiIiIed or ne-
glected. to attend any meetiDp of the Board of Dite.:tors of the AssoUation. The costs and
expenses incurred by any Indemnitee in oefilnding any action, suit or proceeding may be paid by
the ~ationin advance of tile final disposition ofsuch don, suit or proceedit.ts upon rec:t:ipt
oflUluodertaking by. or Oflbehalfofthe,lDdemniteeto repay the amount paid by the Association if
it shall ultimately bedc:temiinedthat the lndenuUtee is n.Jt entitled to indemnification or
reimbursement as.provided in this hrasraph 5.9,
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: ,.' .6.1 ~.'J'here shall ~ and,hereby. is, aeatedand esu:blished an Architectural
Review Committee to perform the fimctiOD$ provided Cor llerein. At all times during the Develop<<
mentPeriod, the Architectural Review Com,njttee ,shaD CQnsi:st of three (3) members appointed,
fi'omtilllli to time. by Developer and who .aIu!llbc subject to ren1OY8l by I>evt'Joper at any time
with or .without cause. After the end of the ~(\pmentPeriod. the Architectural Review
Committ~ shall, be a standing committee .of die A.ssociation, consisting of ,three (3) persons
apJ)Qinted, fi'omtim~ to time, by the ,~9fDirectol's of the Association. . The three 'persons
appointed by ,the BQard of Di~on to the Architectural Review Committ~ shall ccinsist of
OWners of Lots but n~ not be membel'sof the Board ofDi~ecton. The Board of Directors may
at any time. after the :nd of the Development Period remove any member of the Architectural
Review Commit,tee upon a majority vote orthe Mcmtben of the Board nfDirecton.
6.2 ~lJIOsesand ,Po'~ ofArdtitectural Review Commi~. The Archit~ra1 Review
Committee lihall rP.View and approve the design, Bppear8!1Ce. and location of .all residences,
structures or any other improvements pJa:..;ed or:, modified. by any person' on 'P.Ry Lot and tlte
installation and removal of fIlY trees, bushes, shrubbery and other Ia.,dscaping on any Lot, in such
a man,ner as to preserve the value and desirability of the Real Estate and .the hannonious
relatio.nship among Residence Units and the natural vegetation lIRd topography. .
(i) In '3eneral. No residence. bl,lilding, structure. antenna, wrJkway, fence, deck,
pool, tennis court, basketball goal, wall, pabo or otholl' improvement of any type or kind shall be
. ere:ted, constructed, placed or modified, changed or altered on any :Jot without the prior \\TItten
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approval of the Archi~ecturaI l~view Committe,:. Such I.;i'proval may be ObtLll~ .oll/y aftt'r
written appliaJiou has been made to the Architectural Review Committee by tDe> OW"4:, oft!le
Lot requesting authorizati(\n from the Aremtectu.'1lI Review Committee. Such written ""plication
shall be in the manner and form prescribed from . time to time by the Architectural Review
Committee and, in the case of construction or placement of any improvement, shall be
aCcompanied by two (2) complete sets of plans and specifications for the proposed improvement.
Such plans shall include plot plans showing the location of all improvements existing upon the Lot
and the location of the improvement proposed to be constructed or placed upon the Lot, each
properly and clearly designated. Such plans and specifications shall set forth the color and
composition of all exterior materials proJpoSCll1 to be used and any proposed landscaping. together
with any other material or infomlation which the Architectural Review Committee may reasonably
require. . Unless otherwise permitted . by the Architectural Review Committ!lC, plot plans. shall be
prepared by either a registered land surveyor, engineer or architect.
. (ij) Power of lJi.roval. .' The Architectural Review Committee may refuse to
approve any application (a "Requested Change") made to it when:
(I) The plans, specifications: Jrawings or other materials submitted are
iriadequate or incomplete. or show the Requested ChangetCl ,.'~ in violation of any
of the term.', of this Declaration 'or the Plat Co"enants and Restrictions applicable
to r.oy part (;f the Real Estate;
(b) The design or color scheme of a Requested Change is not in harmony
with ~ general surroundings of the Lot or with theadjllCCDt Residence Units or
related improvements; or
(e) The Requested Change in the opinion of the Architectural Review
Committ=e would not preserve. or enhance the value ~nci . desirability of the Real
Estate.or.would otherwise be contrary to the interests, welfare .or rights of the
Developer or any other Owner.
(iii) Rulo:s and &r,gy!.atiolls, .The Archit~tural Review COmnbitee, from time to
time, maypromulgatll, amend or modifY additional rules and regulations or building policies or
procedures as it may deem necessary or desirable to guide Owners as to~herequirements of the
Archi.tectul'a1 Review Committee for the submission and approval of RequestCliChanges.
; 6.3 Duties of Architectural Review Commi~ If the Architectural Review Commitl'}e
does l!ot appro~-e a Requested Changl)1.~~thin fony-five (45) days after all required information
on .the Rt:quested Change shall have been submitted to. it; then such .Requested Cl1ange shall be
.dcemec denied. One copy of submitted material shall be retained by the Architectural Review
(' ommittee for its perinanent liles.
6.4 lJAhilitv of the Archit~tY!l!LI~&yjewCommittee. Neither the Architectural Review
Committee, the Association, the Developer nor any agent or member of an)' of the foregoi>:~
shall be responsible in~y way for any. defects. in any. plans, specifications '.)r other material!;
submitted to it,nor for any defects ill any. work done in connection with a Requested Change CT
for any decision made by it unless made in bad faitlT or by willful misconduct..
','.. '} ~-' ....
6.5 ln~. The Architectural Review Committee or its designee may, but shall not be
required to, inspect work being perl"ormtdto assure ccmpliance with this Declaration and. the
materials submitted to it pUfSUantio ihis Artiele VI and may requirt: any .work notco~sistent with
an approved Requ~sted Change; or not approved, to be stopped and removed at the offending
Owner's expense.
7.1 Puqlose of Aa___ta. Each Owner DCa Lot by acceptanc:e for itself and related
entities of a deed therefor, whether or not it IlhaIl be 10 expressed in such deed, is deemed to
. : c;OVenapland agree. to pay to. the ~ohfur his obligation for (i) reguIar&SSessments fur
CommbnElj:pen$es (aJlegular As!essmentsa) and (Ii) special assessmentst'Qr capital improvements
~ .operBtiJ1Bd~ciisaild for specwmaiutenance 8Dd repairs (aspclcial~"). Such
IIlSesSI'i1e!tts Shall be Cstab1iihed, sbal1 COJlUIICDCe upon IlIch dates 8Dd shall be coUected II herein
.ptoVided:ThCgi:nei'alpurposeof RepIar' end Special A.ssessmeots is to provide furicIs'to
maintain and. improve the Common Areas and related W:ilities for the benefit of the Owners, and
the samnhall be levied fur the foUowina specific purposes: (i) to promote the health, safety and
wcIf8rc ofthc residents occupying the Real' . EsIatc.. (Ii) for the improvement, maintenance and
repair of the Common Areas. the improvements, lawn foJiase and 'anclsc:aping within and upon the
Common Areas, l..and.....pe Easements, Drainap. Utility or Sewer Easements and 1M drainage
IyStem, (ill) for the perfOrmance of the raponsibilities and duties and Soltisfaction of the
obligations ofthc Asrociation and (iv) fur IlIchother purposes as are reasonably necessary 01'
specifically provided herein.' A portion of the RqpaIat Assessment may be set aside or otherwise
alloc8ted in D reserve fund for n:pair andrepllcement of any capital improvements which the
Association is required to maintain. The Regular and Special Assessments levied by the
Association shall be uniform for all Lots within the Subdivision.
:~ I
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:;,~1' !!-IL.
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7.2 Replar Aa_amentl. The Board ofDireeton of the Association shall have the right.
power and authority, without any vote of tile members of the Association, to fix from time to time
the Regular Assessment apinst each Residence Unit at any amount not in excess of the Maximum
Regular Assessment as foUows:
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.(i) Until December 31, 1996, the Maximum Rego.Jlar Assessment on any Residence
Unit for any calendar year sbal1 not exceed Three Hundred, Sixty DoHan ($360.00).
. (iil From and after DeceIr.ber 31, 1996, the W.ax!mUDl Regular Assessment on L'Y
Residence Ur.itfor any calendar year may be ~. by not more than SixtyDollan ($60.00)
per, Year above the Regular Assessment for the previous Calendar year. withClUt a vote of the
members of~e AsSocilltion. . .
,'(!li)Fromand~erDecember 31.19'l6,~e Board ofDi~on9fth:. Ass9aation
may. fix the Regu1ar Assessment. .atanamount inexc:ess of the maxim\lm anwunt. specified in
subpar.agraph (ii) above only with thelljlpfOval oca majority of those members of each class of
members of the Association who. caSt votes inpenQn 9r by proxy at a~ing of the Jr.embers of
the Association duly called and ht:J~ for su.ch purpose. . .
7.LSpecialAs.'Ie!lSments In addition .to Regular Assessments, the Board of Directon of
the Association may make Special Assessments against each Residence Unit, for the purpose of
defraying, inwboleor.in pan, the-costofconstnJciliIg, reconstructing, repairing or replacing any
capital improvement which the. A$sociation is required to maintain or. the cost of special
main~enance 8Dd repainer to recover any deficits (whetherlTom operations or any other loss)
which ;the Association :nay from time incur, but only wil.h the assent of a majority of the members
of each class of l1'emben.of the. Association. who. cast votes in penon or by proxy at a duly
constituted meeting.ofthe members of the Association called and held for such purpose.
.~. ',.~- ..,
. .
7:4. ~ against DevelOJll!f During the Development ~. Neither the
Developer nor any affiliated entity shall be assessed any ponion of. any . Regular or Special
Assessment during the Development Petiod.
75 Date ofConunencement of Regular or Special Assessmen~e~ The Regular
Assessment or Spec:ialAssessmenl, ifany, stuall col1UlK:llCe as to each Residence Unit on the lint
day of the first calendar month following the fint conveyance of the related Lot to an Owner,
provided that i;; the case of the conveyance by Developer to any other builder in the Subdivision,
such .c(. mmencement shall occur on the first day of the sixth calendar month foUowina the first
conveyance ofthe Lot to the builder.
The Board of Direct on of the Association shall fix the amount orthe Regular AsselIsment
at II}Ut thirty (30) days in advance of each IlIDIIIII assessment period. Written notice of the
. Regular Assessment, any Special Assessments and such other ~tnotices as the Board of
<,'"DiJ:fadn shaD~appropriate sball be IGIllo each Owner subject tIier:eIo;The instillment
:' :'pe;,.jod~.~duedatesfohl1 assessments shaD be established bytbe]lolardof Directon.The
,Bo8rd pf ~ois may provide for reasonable interest and late charses'on pist clue installments
of assessments. ' .
7.6 Failure of Owner to PavAa--
:r:J.: .,.
(i) No 0- may exempt bimscIf from payill8 Regular Assessments and Special
Assessments due to such Owner's nonuse of the CommonAress or abandonment of the Residence
Unit or Lot belonging to. such Owner. .If any Owner shaD fiiI. refuse or neglect to make any
payment of any a.~ment when due, the lien for such assessment (as described in Perapaph 7.7
below) may be foreclosed by the Board of Directors of the Association for and on behalf of the
'. Association as a mortgage on real property or as otherwise provided by law. In any action tl)
foreclose the lien for any assessment, the Owner and any occupant of the R~dence Unit &ball be
jointly and severally liable for the payment to the Association on the first day of each month of
reasonable rental for such Resic!ence Unit, and the Board of Directors shaD be entitled to tho
appointment ofa receiver for the purpose ofprnerYing the Residence Unit or Lot, and to collect
the rentals and other profits therefrom for the beaefit of the Association to be applied to the
unpaid assessments. The Board of Directors of the Ass.lc:iation. at its option, may in the
alternative bring suit to recover a money judgment for any unpaid assessment without foreclosing
or \VIIiving the lien securins the same. In any actior. to recover an assessment. whether by
foreclosure (lr otherwise, the Board of Directors of the Association, for and. on. behalf of the
AsSpciation. shaUbe entitled to recover ITomthe Owner of the respective Lot costs and expenses
of such action incurred {"mcluding but not limited to attorneys fees) and interest ITom the date
such assessments were due until paid. .
, '.' . .... (ii) NoJwithstandins~. contained in.this Paragraph 7.6 or. elsewhere in this
Dec;1lU'!\ti9n. .any sale oOransfer ofaJtesidence Unit or (..ltto a Mortgag~pu~antto a foreclo-
$lJ,re,ofits mOrtpgeor CoIlVe)'lllU<e in lieuther:eo( or a conveyance to any .person at a public sale
in '~einannerprQYid~ by I!lw, with respect tomortpge foreclosures,. $h"'l ~l,IgUishthe lien of
any.unpmdassessmenti which became due prior to such sale, transfer or' conveyance; nmvided
however, that the. extinguishment of such lien shall not relieve the prior Owner ITom personal
liability therefor, No such we, i(BDSfer or conveyance shall r~lieve the Residence Unit, or the
purchaser thereof: at such foreclosure sate. or the grantee in the event of conveyance in lieu
thereof, from liability for any ~ ~ becoming due or &:om. the lien therefor.
'.,", .
, ,7.7 ~ti9Q.ofLien and PCI'JOnaI OblillBlion All Regular Assessments sndSpeciaI As-
sessments. together with interest, costs of co1Iec:tion and attorneys' feel!, shall be a eontinuing
lien UPl:)O ,the lot against which such assessment. is made prjor to a11.other liens except only (i) tax
liens on any Lot in favor of any unit of go~t or special taxing d~ct and (ii) the lien of any
fiBt mortgage of ~rd. Each SlIch assessment, together with interest, costs of collection and
attorneys' fees. shall ats() be the persoll!ll obligation of the Owner, of the Lot at the~ime such
assessment became due ~d payable. Where the Owner constitutes more thim one person. the
liability of such persons shall be joint and several. The personal obligation for delinquent
assessments (as. distinguished .from the lien upon the Lot) S:Ja1l not pass to such Owner's
SUC~B, in title unless expressly assumed by them. The Association. upon request of a
propose:! Mortgagee or pl't)posed purchaser h&.iing a contractual right to purchase a Lot, shall
furnish. t9. such Mortp~~ 'If purchaser a statement setting forth the amount of any. unpaid
Rep .lar C.'f Special Assessments or other charges against the Lot Such stlltement shaI1 be bindill8
upoa the ~sociation lIS of the date of such statement. . '
'7,~ Ell:pl<l1se Incurred to Clear Drsinase Utilitv or Sewer Easement Deemed 8 Special
Assessment As provided in the Plat Covenants relating to the Real Eslllle. the Owner of any Lot
; ~';:,:t~~,;~ ~;::[{i;~:~ ~}S.~~~~:~~;i:;; :,~~::~r~:!~~~'~~1~1~':~~~~~~~:;
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subjflC! to a Drainage, Utility 01' Sewer Easement including IIIJ builder, shall be roquired to keep
the portion of'said Drainage, Utility or Sewer Easement on his Lot free from obstructions so that
the storm wa~er drainage win not be impeded and will Dot be cbanged or altered without . permit
from the applicable local govermnentaIauthority omcl prior written approval of the DewlIopcr and
the Association. Also, no structures or impr0vemcnt8. including without limitation decks. patios,
pools" fences. , walkways, or landscaping rt any kind. shaI1 be erected or maintained upon Rid
: ~easemem~ and. anysucll structure 'or' :. ;srovement so erected shall. at1leYelopel'l or the
,AsSociition'slWiineiln:quest, be prolnptly n:movcd bi the Owner at the OwJien,lOiecoat aDcI
expense. It: Witbin thirty (30) days after the date ohuch written request, such Own. shaI1 Dot
have commenced md diIigeniIy and continuOusly efI'ected the removal of an)' obsttuc:tion of stOnD
water drIinIae .or anY prolu'bited strueture orim~ D..--veloper or the' Association may
enter u;KJD the LOt aecI ciame .uGh obstruetioD, stnioture Or improvement to be, removed 10 that
ta'le nr.iJIa&e; Utility or Sewer Euerneut is 11lIUincd, to its orisinaI dClignccl condition. In such
event, ~, ,or the AssociatioD sbIU be entitled to recoVer the fun cost of such wort ftom
the ofl'e8clinS Owner' and aUch amount sbaJ1' be, deeaMld a 'special 1SSClSSIIM:Ilt' agairist the Lot '
owned by lU1:b Owner wbic:b, if unpaid. IIhaU conItitute a lien against such Lot and may be '
colJectec:b)'tbeAssociation punuantto this Article 7 in tbc ,same IJIInner as, any Regular Assess-
mentor Special Assessmelit may liee:oUected,:. .\ ',' ' ,
&.1 Casualty Insurance. The Association IIhaU purchase and maintain fire and exterided
coverage insurance in an amount equal to the full inSurable replacement cost of any improvements
owned by the Association. The Association shaD also insure any other property, whether real or
personaJ. owned by the Associatioo, apiDSt luss or cIama&e by fire and such other hazards as the
Association may deem desirable. Such ~ policy IIhaU name the Assoc:iationas the insUred.
The insurance policy or policies shall, if practicable; contain provisions that ~ illSl,ll"Cl" (i) waives
its rights to su~ion as to, any claim against the Association, its Board of Directors, ofticers.
agents an4 employees, any conunittee of 1M Association or of the Board of Directors and all
Owners ,and their respec:tiveaselJl8 and 8'lests and (Ii) waives any defense to. payment based on
iovalidityar:ising from the acts of theinsunld. Insunmceproceeds sball.beused by the
AssociaP;)!Ifpr tlte ,repair or ~Iaceinerit of the property, for which the insurance, was carried.
" . .
8.2 Liability Insurance. ,The Association IhaJI also purchase and maintain a master
cn~l\sive public liability insm:l!.!!ce policy in l!Ucb !I.!!!oun! or amounts 3S the Boa.""d of
Directors shall deem apprnpriate from time to time. Such comprehensive public liability ins4Jrance
shaI! cover all of the COlllJl.1On Areas and shall inure to the benefit of the Associstion, its Board of
Directors, officers, agents and emPloyees, any committee of the Association or of the Board of
Directors, all persons acting '1Twho may come to act as lI8ents or employees of any of the
foregoingwit:h respect to the Real Estate andthe Developer.
, '
, 8.3 Other Insurance., The Association shaII slso purc~ and maintain EnY other
insurancerequiredby.lllw,to bemain~including but not limited to workers compensation
insurance, and such other insurance as the Board of Directors shall from time to time deem
necessary, advisable or appropriate, including but not limited to officers' and directors' liability
8.4 Miscellaneous. The premiums for the insurance described above shall be paid by the
Association as Common ElC'penses.
9,(M.ainterianceofLotsand Imp~vefi1~ts. EAcept to the ~;.1ent such m~n~enance shall
be the responsibility oflhe Association under any oCtile foregoing !~r".i!ions of this Declaration,
it shall be the duty oJthe Owner of each Lot, including any builder dur:ng lhll building process, to
L --,~_S ~~~~_:.::...':~
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keep the grass on the Lot properly '-"lit and keep the Lot, including any I>rairl8se. Utility or Sewer
Easements Iotated on tbe Lot, fh:~ of weeds, trash or construction debris and otherwise neat and
attractive in appearance including without limitation, the proper mrintenance of the exterior of
any stnIctures on such Lot. If the ()wqcr of 11II)' Lot tiiIs to do so it s mantte. reliSOl1Ibly
satisfa'VInry . to the: Assoc:iation, . the . Association sbaII have the. risht (but not the obhption),
. throUSh~s 8&ents. emplo)'ClCSand contractOrs, 'to enter upon said Lot :md . dean, repair, maintain
or restore the Lot, as the case may be, and the exterior of tile irilpl'ovements erected thereOn, The
coSt ofany :uch work sIia1I be and c:ooStitute.. special assessment agaira.'It such Lot and the owner
thereot: whether or not a builder, and may be c:oIIcc!Od and enfon::cd in ..he manner provided L"I
this DeclAratioo for the coUectionand eilfurc:emeal of usesSinents in genn, Neither tile
AuoQilion nor ailyof its lI$en~employee$ Or COIIIIaCtOrS shall be liable to.the ofrcnmna OWilef
for any damagt: Which may result from any mamteDaDce work perfum<<l hereunder,
- :1'',,'"
> .~:., ';:',:.': .
tl::~ I
i Ul
9.2 nR~e to Common Areas. In the eYeIIt of damage to M destIUction of any part of
the Common Areas or any improvements wbich the Association owns or is required to maillUiin
hereunder; indudingwithQut limitation any SubdivisjoP improvement. suChufeau-or Columns
.. ereciecfby (he oeveloperin righi~f-"'&y.",,. ... the AsSociationsball rep8iror Rp~.the same.
fromtheinSnce 10 die extelltof the IviiJabmtj of suCh iDsutuic:e proceedS. Ifsu"h iusurance
proceeds are insufficient to cover the costs of repair or replac:ement of the property damaged or
destroyed. the Association may make a Special Assessment against all Owtws to cover the
additional cost of repair or replacemerit not covered by the insurance proceeds. . Notwitbstanding
any ob1igation or duty of the Association hereunder to repair or maintain the Common Areas alld
other improvements if, due to the willful, intentional or negligent acts or omissions of IUIy Owner
(includiDg any builder) or of a manberof his fluniIy or of a guest, subcontractor, einployec.
tenant, invitee or other occupant or visitor of suc:hOwner, damage shall be caused to the
Common Areas or any other improvements lJll1int.i-.d by the Association pursuant to tbis
Paragraph 9.2, or ifmaintenance. repairs or replacements shall be required thereby wbich woulC:
o~isebea ~Qmmon Expense. then the Association shall cause such repairs to be IIIlUie and
suchOwtiershaU pay forsuclnl8ll1lllPt and such maintenance, repairs and replacements, unless
such loss is coverecl by the Association's i~ with such policy having a waiver of
subrogation clause.' If not paid by IUCh Owneri.poD demand by the Association.. the cost of
repairing such damage shall constitute aspec:ial assessment against such Owner, whether or not a
build~, and its Lot, to be c<oUected and enforced in the manner pro\ided intbis Declaration for
the CQlledonand enforcement ofassessmellfs in gen~..
il. ~.~ I
L 'j ......... .
l <:>
10.1 Notice to Mortgl!~. The Association, upon'request. shall provide to any
Mortgag~ a written cenifi~e. or notice specifYing unpaid IlSSe5Sments and other detilulu,if any,
of the Owner uf any.Lot in the perform,ance oftfo.e Owner's obligations under this Declaration or
any otlterapplica~le dQCUmenu, .
. . . "r"
...IQ.2'~etoAssociaii!m. Any Mortgageewbo:holds a6rst mortgage \~ona Lot may
notify the. Secret8l:' of the Association by certified mail (retlJm rer.eipt requested) of the existence
of SUch mongage and provide the nameandad~of ti.e Mortgagee,. .A record of the
Mortgagee and name!U1d address shall, be maintained by the Secretary oftbeAssociatioJ:! and any
notice required to be given to the Mortgagee pursuant to the terms of thi.sDeclaration, the
By-Laws of .the Association Of otherwise sball be deemed effectively given .if mailed to the
, Mortgagee at the address shown. in. suCh record..in the. time provided. Unless notification. of a
Mortgage and the name and. ad~ress of the Mortgagee are furn:shed to the Secretary llS herein
provided. nu notice to any Mortgagee shall be.required,and no.Mortgagee shall be.entitled to
vote on!lJ1Y matter t(1 which it otherwise Inay b4: entitled by virtue of this Declaration. the
By~Laws ofth:: Asspciation, a proxy gnI1Itedto .such Mortgagee in connection with the mortgage,
or Qf.herwise. . . ..
10.3. Mortgagees' Rights Upon Default bv Association. Iftbe Association fails.(i) to pay
~,l..('.sor the chmges that are in default and .thathave or, may become liens against any Common
. ~. l
; ~
Areas. or (il) to p"'y on a timely basis any pr.uum on Iward insul'lllCe policies on Common
Areas or to secure. hazard insurance em....., for the Common Areas upon lapse of a policy. then
the Mortgagee with respect to . lID)' ~ may rnabl the paymenl on bebalf of.the Association.
1 J.l Qy the Association Except as otherwise provided in this Declaration, amendments
to this Declaration shall be proposed aDd adopted in tine foRowing manner:
(i) ~ Notice of the. subject III&tter of any proposed ..mndment shaD be
inCluded. in the notice of the meeting of the meIi\ben; of the Association... which the proposed
amendment is to be considered. .. .
(ii) Resolution. . A resolutioilto adopt a proposed amendment may ~proposed by
the Board ofDireCtoB or Owners luivingin the agregate at_ a majority of voles of aU
0WMn; .
(ill) MmiDJ. The resolution concerning a proposed amendment must be adopted
by the vote l'e1uired by subparagraph (iv) below at a IIUlding of the members of the Association
duly called and held in accordance with the provi&ions of the Association's By-Laws.
(iv) AdO!ltion. Any proposed amendment to this Declaration must be approved by
a YOte of not less than sixty-seven pen:att (6"") in the eai'esate of aU Owners who cast votes in
person or by proxy at a meeting of the members duly called and held for such purpoSe; provided.
however. that allY such amendment shaU require the prior written approval of Devdoper so long
as Developer or any entity a8i1iated~ Developer OWDS any Lot "ithinand upon the Real
Estate. In the event any Lot is subject to a first I1KJItSI8e. the Mortg&geeshall be notified of tile
meeting and the proposed~ent in the ~ manner as an Owner provided the Mortpgee
has giVen prior notice of its mortpge interest to the Sec:retary of the Association. in accordance
with the provisions of PllTII8I1IPb 10.2. .
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II 2 By the Deve!qlCf. Notwithstanding the procedure describet: in Puagrapb 11.1
above, Developer hereby reserves the right. so long as Developer or any entity affiliated with
Developer owns any Lot within and upon the Real Estate. tennae any amendments to this
Dec1aratiOI\ without the approval of any other person or entity. for any purpose reasonably
deemed necessary or appropriate by the Developer. including without limitation: to bring
Developer or this DccIaration into compliance with the requirement of any statute,ordiDllllCC,
regulation or order 9f any public agency having jurisdiCtion"ith respect to the Subdivision; to
conform with zoning cova.umls and conditions; to comply with any requirements of the Felderal
National Mortgage Association. the. Government National. Mcngage Associalion the Federal
Home Loan Mongage Corporation. the[)epartmem of Housing and Urban Development. the
Veterans Administration or any other governmental agency: or to induce any. of such ager:cies to
make.. purchase. sell. insure or guarantee first mortgages;. or to correct clerical or typographical
errors in this Declare::;:.n or any antendment or supplement bereto; ~ that in ,10 C\-ent shall
Developer be entitled 10 make any arnendment. pursuant to this Pmgraph. 11.2 whic.'1 has a
material ad.verse effect on .t~ .rights of any. Mortgagee..or ~hich substantially imp~;lI s. 'II<- rights
granted by this Declaration to any Owner or. substantiallyincrea.~ the obligatio".,' ; ..posed by
Ihis Declaration on any Owner.
..iI-..:~' - .,.' ~.
11.3 ~nfu!g. Each Bmei1dment to this Declaration need be C1lec:uted only by Developer
in any case where Developer has the right to amend litis Declaration pursuant to I'aragraph 11.2
and. .olherwise. by. the I'residentor Vice I'resident and Secretary of the Associati01l; ~
that any amendment .requiring the consent of Developer.pursuant to ParagraphJ Ushal'~.ornai.n
Develol6s signed consent.. All amendments shall be recorded. in . tbe Office of the Re..-.urder of
Hamilton County, Indiana, and no amendment shall beCome effective until so recorded.
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12.1 Ri&bt of EnfOrcement. Violation or threatened violation of any of the covenants.
~nliiti~nsorrestiictionsenumerated in this Declaration or in;aPIat of any part of the Real Estate
DOwot;ber~~edin the office oCthe Recorder o~HamiltonCoumy,~ebID be
.~ foflin8ctionby<DeveIoper, the Auoc:iaIion, any Owner and ,all :pcuons oreillilia
clailllin$ #Crtlk.:~l;apnst the penon or entity violatingi?r tlnatenina to Violate any iucb
eoveoants, COIiditiODS or JeStrictions. AVlilabIe relief'in any sUch action isIWI include reccMlI'Y of
damttges or other Sums dUe for such violation,.. injunctive relief apinst. any .1UCh violalion or
threatened violation, dec:Jaratory relief' and the recoYeryofcosts and attorneys.. fees .reascmibIy
incurre ~ uy any party ....c:CessfuUy enforcing such COYf:DIUIts, conditioDS and restrictions; provided.
1lcnvC"~. ..hat neither Developer, any Owner nor the Association shall be liable for.damaps of
any bIW to lay person for filiIins or nesJectiDgfbrany reason to enforce any such covenants,
'COtIditiuns 'or restrictions. '
12.2 D&y or Failure to Enforce. No delay or failure on ilie part ofanyllgsrieved party,
including without limitation the Association and the DeYeloper, to invoke any available remedy
with :e,pect to any violation or threateued violation of any covenants, conditions or restrictions
enumerated in this Declaration or in a Plat of any part of the Real Estae shall constitute a waiver
by that party ot: or an estoppel. of that party to assert. any right available to it upon the
occurrence, recurrence or continulUlQ: of such violation.
12.3 DIn!km. These covenants, COnditiODS and restrictions and all other provisions of
this Dec1aration (as the same may be amended ftom time to lime as herein provided) shall run with
the land comprising t1Kl Real Estate and shall re bindinJJ on a1j persons and entities from time to
time having any right, title or interest in the Real Estate or any part thereot: and on all persons
c1aimin;~ under them, wltil Dec:ember 31,2015, and thereafter sIW2 continue automatically until
tennina.ted or modified by vote in the majority ~fall Owners at any time tbereafter, provided,
howevcll'. that no tenninlltion of this DCclafation sttaIl terminnte or otberwise atfect any easentent
hereby created and reserveclunless.a11 persons entided ~o the beneficial use Of such C!lSCflleDt ~I
conserr~~ tl-'n:rct.u.
. . , .
,.)2.4'S~ili~. :lnvalidation of any of the covenants, conditi.ons or restrjqions
contai'led in tbisJ)ec:~ti()n by judgq1ent or ,~ ordCl: shall nol in anyway affect. any of the
other provisions hereof, .whicb shall remain in full force. effect. .
..12.5 Mpli~ble La'~. TbisDeclaratiQn.shallbe.govern~ by and conStruedin.~rdance
with the laws of the ,State oflndiana: ..
. 12.6 Annexation.. t\dditionaIland adjacent to the Initial Real Estate !118y.be armexedby
Qeveloperlo the.Initial Reid Estate (and from and after such llI\I1ex8tion shall be deemed part of
the Real Estale for all purposes of this Declaration) by execution and recordation by Developer in
the Office ofthe Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, ofa supplemental declaration, and such
ac;tion shall reguire noJ appwvals or other action oftbeOwners.
13. I Access Rights.. . Developer herl:bY declares, creales and reserves an access license
over. an,d acroS$ all .of the. Real Estate for the · use of.Developer and its representatives, agents,
designees, contractors and aftiliat:s during .theDeveiopment Period, Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the area of the .aCl:ess license created by this Paragraph 13.1 shall be limited to that part
of the Real Estate which is not in, on, under, OVer. across or through a building or the foundation
ora building properly located on the. Real Estate. The parties for whose benefit this access
license is herein created and reserved shall exercise such access righls only to the extent
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reasOnably necessary arid approp.iate and such parties ibaII, to the extent reasonably pI'ICticable.
repair any damage or destnJction caused by reason of such paities' exercise of this access licenM.
13.2 SisDI. Developer and its desipees sbaIl have the risbt to use sipsofany Iize
clurina the Development Period and sbaU not be eubject to the Plat CCMIIlIIIts with rapect to
sip during the Development Period. The Developer and its designees shallldso have the risbt to
constM:t or cbaIn&c any building. improvement or landscaping on the Real Estate witbcut
obtaining the approval of the Architectural lteview Committee It any time during the
Development Period.
. . . .
'. ,., - . -'
;'i3::fSaJesotlices ~'Modela. Notwithst8ncIiD ~ fa tlieco~'~' ill
thiS Dedar1Iliori Or II Plllofany part of the Rat Estate now or hereafter teCo,dedill the otIice of
the Recorder of Hamilton County, IndiaDa, Developer, ay entity rUled to Developer and any
otbi:r penon oremity with the prior WritteIi c:oasent or DMlope.oo. during the Development
Period, sbillbe entitled to c:onstnlCt, insI8II. erect aDd maiatain sudI &ciIi_ upon any poItion of
the Rat Eshite owned by Developer, the Assoc:ildioD or such penoIl or entity II, ill the sole
opiJIion of Developer, may be rasooabIy required or COJMIIient or i....ulftlt.1 to the devdopment
of the Real Estate or the sale of Lots and the COIiItnaction or sale of RelIicleace Units thereon.
Such facilities may include. without Iimita1ioD, storage areas or tanks, parkins areas. signs, model
residences, construction offices or trailers and Illes offices or trailers.
IN WITNESS. WHEREOF, this DeclIIration bas been executed by Developer as of the
date first above written.
Davis Homes. I.LC
By: Davis HoIcn.... Corporation,
Managing Member
By: 4~~
C. kichan1~s
Vice PrelIid~ .
) SS:
" " 'I'..' ""'; . " .
: Before me, a Notary Public, in and for the S~e ofInd':-".i sonally appem:ed C.
Richan1Davis. Vice President of ,Davis Holding Corporation, ,';'UII,m. COrponltion. wOO
acknowledged the execution '.. of the foregoing.. DeclarBtion ot Cov.:..ants,.. Conditions and
Re:;~ctions of Shelbome Greene. .
\vrI"NESS my ~d and NotarialS4llll this ~day of~. 199.5.
,,~y. (/. '. .
N~ ~;Ii~ h l~~
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My Commission Expires: _ 1..\. 1.\'~
County of Residence: _ \\r......:. \.\..0""
This instrument was prf:pared 1.11 C. Richard Davis; Vice President of Davis Holding Corporation,
3755 East 82nd Street. Suite 120, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240, (317) 595-2900.
; 14
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Filed for Record in
On 07-31-1997 At 02117 pI.
~. 0::>
The undersigned, DAVIS HOMES. LLC.. an Indiana limited liability company (the
"Developer"), is the Owner of the real estate more specifically described in Exhibit "A" attached
hereto (the "Real Estate"). The Developer is concurrently platting and subdividing the Real Estate
as shown on the plat for Shelborne Greene, Section SA. which is filed of record ju..\~ 3' ,
1997, in the office of the R~order of Hamilton County, Indiana (the "Plat") and desires in the
Plat to subject the Real Estate to the provisions of these Plat Covenants and Restrictions. The
subdivision created by the Plat (the "Subdivision") is to be known and designated officially as
"Shelbome Greene, Section SA" but may also be known as part of "The Village at Shelborne
Greene". In addition to the covenants and restrictions hereinafter set forth, the Real Estate is also
subject to those covenants and restrictions contained in the Declaration of Covenants. Conditions
and Restrictions of Shelborne Greene, dated October 25, 1995 and recorded on November 15,
1995 as Instrument No. 9560988. in the office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, as
the same may be amended or supplemented from time to time as therein provided '(the
"Declaration"), and to the rights, powers, duties and obligations of the Shelborne Greene
Community Association, Inc. (the "Association"). set forth in the Declaration. If there is any
irreconcilable conflict between any of the covenants and restrictions contained herein and any of
the covenants and restrictions contained in the Declaration, the covenants and restrictions
contained in the Declaration shall govern and control, but only to the extent of the irreconcilable
conflict, it being the intent hereof that all covenants and restrictions contained herein shall be
applicable to the Real Estate to the fullest extent possible. Capitalized terms used herein shall
have the same meaning as given in the Declaration.
In order to provide adequate protection to all present and future Owners of Lots in the
Subdivision, the following covenants and restrictions, in addition to those set forth in the
Declaration, are hereby imposed upon the Real Estate:
1. PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. The rights-of-way of the streets as shown on the Plat, if not
heretofore dedicated to the public, are hereby dedicated to the public for use as a public
:Reques!ed;Sy: INelson,&,Frankenbergerr:06\20\2002~:' ,:,,' ;';i'J; "t'~;"'lJ', 't,::~:~."",', ~"' ,',:- , : ":',,:,,, ,;9.<:,'::":"',-,;1 ,,"\ ..i,",~ ?',(' '~"hJ' "~i "",",i' . -,. .,,, ..: " , ',,,,, A';';"
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2. COMMON AREAS. There are areas of ground on the Plat marked "Common Area".
Developer hereby declares, creates and grants a non-exclusive easement in favor of each
Owner for the use and enjoyment of the Common Areas, subject to the conditions and
restrictions contained in the Declaration. Maintenance of Common Area shall be
performed by the Association as provided in the Declaration.
3. UTILITY. DRAINAGE AND SEWER EASEMENTS. There are areas of ground on the
Plat marked "Utility Easements, Drainage Easements and Sewer Easements", either
separately or in combination. The Utility Easements are hereby created and reserved for
the use of all public utility companies (not including transportation companies).
governmental agencies and the Association for access to and installation, maintenance,
repair or removal of polest mains, ducts, drainst lines, wires, cables and other equipment
and facilities for the furnishing of utility services, including cable television services. The
Drainage Easements are hereby created and reserved for (i) the use of Developer during
the Development Period for access to and installation, repair or removal of a drainage
system, either by surface drainage or appropriate underground installations, for the Real
Estate and adjoining property and (ii) the use of the Association and the Hamilton County
Drainage Board for access to and maintenancet repair and replacement of such drainage
system. The owner of any Lot in the Subdivision subject to a Drainage Easement shall be
required to keep the portion of said Drainage Easement on his Lot free from obstructions
so that the storm water drainage will be unimpeded and will not be changed or altered
without a permit from the Hamilton County Drainage Board and prior written approval of
the Developer. The Sewer Easements are hereby created and reserved for the use of the
Clay Township Regional Waste District and, during the Development Period, for the use
of Developer for access to and installation, repairt removal, replacement or maintenance of
an underground storm and sanitary sewer system and related manholes at ground level.
The delineation of the Utility, Drainage and Sewer Easement areas on the Plat shall not be
deemed a limitation on the rights of any entity for whose use any such easement is created
and reserved to go on any portion of any Lot subject to such easement temporarily to the
extent reasonably necessary for the exercise of the rights granted to it by this Paragraph 3.
Except as installed by Developer or installed by or with the consent of the parties referred
to above, no structures or improvements, including without limitation decks, fences, patios
or walkwayst shall be erected or maintained upon said easements.
4. LANDSCAPE EASEMENTS. There are areas of ground on the Plat marked "Landscape
Easements" which are hereby created and reserved (i) for the use of the Developer during
the Development Period for access to and the installation, maintenance and replacement of
foliage, landscapingt screening materials, entrance walls, lighting, posts, fencing, irrigation,
signs and other improvements and (ii) for the use of the Association for access to and the
installation, maintenance and replacement of foliage. landscaping, screening materialst
entrance walls, lighting, posts, fencing, irrigation, signs and other improvements. Except
as installed by Developer or installed and maintained by the Association or with the prior
written consent of the Architectural Review Committee, no structure or improvements,
including without limitation decks, fences, patios or walkways. shall be erected or main-
fB.(iqli e'stertl~ By: :INel son: &. f7 ran ken berger'~ 06\20\2002 'r :t:~; <~_I~::-t.:{~;:';, ~r. ~:. ~'::::~:j;~:::~)' :'ff f1:. :l;;}j~~~~4'~~ot 1~~1.,}11~ 'r.!{~, r;j.:~::~ ,:.~ :tj. i l:~~i::Z'~~ I r~~ 1;<1 :r /;,,~~~ :~f;~.~~i;)~~ \~r :<Il~'~~{; {~~';~~'~~II~Nf. :{"~;t'3tf. "~~~j~,r~~f.kl
tained in or upon said Landscape Easements. Areas comprising landscaped median islands
located in boulevard streets near the entrances to the Subdivision, though part of the
dedicated right-of-way, shall be treated by the Association for maintenance purposes as
though such areas were shown on the Plat as Landscape Easements.
S. NON-ACCESS EASEMENTS. There are areas of ground on the Plat marked
"Non-Access Easements". Such Non-Access Easements are hereby created and reserved
to prohibit vehicular access to any Lot on and over the Non-Access Easement by way of a
road or driveway.
Building lines are established on the Plat. No building shall be erected or maintained
between said setback lines and the front, rear or side lot line (as the case may be) of a
Lot. The setback lines may vary in depth in excess of the minimum as designated on the
Plat. Except as otherwise shown on the Plat, the minimum front yard setback shall be
twenty-five (25) feet. Except as otherwise shown on the Plat, the minimum rear yard
setback shall be twenty (20) feet. The minimum side yard setback shall be five (5) feet.
with a minimum aggregate distance between residences of ten (10) feet (except for
building appendages not exceeding 2 1/2 feet by 6 feet in order to accommodate such
items as air-conditioners, heat pumps or fireplaces).
constructed on a Lot shall have less than Twelve Hundred (1200) square feet of total
living area, exclusive of garages, carports and open porches. Each Residence Unit shall
include an attached two-car (or larger) enclosed garage.
The maximum height of any Residence Unit constructed on a Lot shall be twenty-five (25)
feet measured from finished grade to the underside of the eave line.
8. RESIDENTIAL UNIT USE. All Lots in the Subdivision shall be used solely for residential
purposes. No business building shall be erected on any Lot, and no business may be
conducted on any part thereof. No building shall be erected, placed or permitted to
remain on any Lot other than one detached single-family Residence Unit not to exceed
two and a half (2 1/2) stories in height and permanently attached residential accessory
buildings. Any garage, tool shed, storage building or any other attached building erected
or used as an accessory building to a Residence Unit shall be of a permanent type of
construction with a permanent foundation and shall conform to the general architecture
and appearance of such Residence Unit.
9. ACCESSORY AND TEMPORARY BUILDINGS. No trailers, shacks, outhouses or
detached or unenclosed storage sheds, tool sheds or accessory buildings of any kind shall
be erected or situated on any Lot in the Subdivision, except those used by the Developer
or by a builder during the construction of a Residence Unit, which temporary construction
{.qequeste.d~By:'INels~oiiJ&~Frarikenberger' 06\20\2002,~~~-.;'""\:~,t \ ~ ;\~{,.':\P:~ '.'\~}$ ,hf~~~ ~$.~W~J?:;~1i.~ ~';~~1;-~rt' "t.. :'>'?~ .<J-::~~-':) ,\~;;~.:://'!it,~,: :':~',~ ~~~', P~j. 1"i~;~;'''''Y''''' I (f",';;ry.v'''' r-- 1~\:;''l~W1'' t;:J''',<;11? t' "">{'>.,,!i!~
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structures shall be removed upon completion of construction of the Subdivision or
Residence Unit, as the case may be.
10. TEMPORARY RESIDENCE. No trailer, camper, motor hornet truckt shack, ten~ boa~
recreational vehicle, basemen~ garage or outbuilding may be used at any time as a
residencet temporary or permanent; nor may any structure of a temporary character be
used as a residence.
11. NUISANCES. No domestic animals raised for commercial purposes and no farm animals
or fowl shall be kept or permitted on any Lot. No noxious, unlawful or otherwise
offensive activity shall be carried out on any Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which
may be or may become a serious annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
12. VEmCLE PARKING. No camper, motor home, commercial truck (over 3/4 ton load
capacity), trailer, boat, personal watercraft, snowmobile or other recreational vehicle of
any kind may be stored on any Lot in open public view. No vehicles of any kind may be
put up on blocks or jacks to accommodate repairs on a Lot unless such repairs are done in
the garage. Disabled vehicles shall not be an owed to remain in open public view.
13. SIGNS. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any Lot, except that
one sign of not more than six (6) square feet may be displayed at any time for the purpose
of advertising a property for sale, and except that Developer and its affiliates and
designees may use larger signs during the sale and development ofthe Subdivision.
14. MAILBOXES. All mailboxes and replacement mailboxes shall be uniform and shall
conform to the standards set forth by the Architectural Review Committee.
IS. GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL. Trash and refuse disposal shall be on an
individual basis, Lot by Lot. The Subdivision shall not contain dumpsters or other forms
of general or common trash accumulation except to facilitate development and home
construction. No Lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for trash..
Rubbish, garbage and other waste shall be kept in sanitary containers. All equipment for
storage or disposal of such materials shall be kept clean and shall not be stored on any Lot
in open public view. No rubbish, garbage or other waste shall be allowed to accumulate
on any Lot. No homeowner or occupant of a Lot shall bum or bury any garbage or
refuse. All garbage, trash cans and receptacles and woodpiles shall be screened.
16. STORAGE TANKS. No gas, oil or other storage tanks shall be installed on any Lot.
17. WATER SUPPLY AND SEW AGE SYSTEMS. No private or semi-private water supply
or sewage disposal system may be located upon any Lot. No septic tank, absorption field
or similar method of sewage disposal shall be located or constructed on any Lot.
Individual water systems installed for ancillary or auxiliary purposes shall be permitted by
these restrictions if otherwise permitted by law and applicable rules and regulations
~Re.questea S" : INelson '& '~rankenberger ~06\20\2002, :;JV!~:-Jf~~,;:~~(f~ r~~f~(,\l1:\ ~ ,', ~~7~) 1;,..~~.\>1( ~1"~.~:;'''::-5~', i>~t.~~t\~~~;';:~~' ~:,;1n?!::~'\~~"!];C ~,f.~,;...~:V:<_"~ j'~'~I<-}":J'<;7\~1I';~/;l,;c:1:i1:':"":'~'~~~ii';:"p,.,;~1d~~i
governing the construction or use thereof; however, all proposed uses of geothermal
water systems must initially receive approval from the Architectural Review Committee
before being allowed to be constructed. Geothermal heat pumps shall be of the closed-
loop type only.
18. DITCHES AND SWALES. All Owners shall keep unobstructed and in good maintenance
and repair all open storm water drainage ditches and swales which may be located on their
respective Lots. All sump pump discharges shall be connected to a subsurface drain.
storm sewer or lake. No such drains shall be discharges directly to the ground surface.
19. DRIVEWAYS. Each driveway in the Subdivision shall be of concrete or asphalt material.
20. ANTENNA AND SATELLITE DISHES. Outdoor satellite dishes shall be permitted in
the Subdivision; provided. however, that (i) the diameter of the satellite dish shall be no
more than twenty-four inches (24"); (ii) only one (1) satellite dish shall be permitted on
each Lot; and (iii) the Architectural Review Committee shall have first determined that the
satellite dish is appropriately placed and properly screened in order to preserve property
values and maintain a harmonious and compatible relationship among Residence Units in
the Subdivision.
21. AWNINGS. No metal, fiberglass. canvas or similar type material awnings or patio covers
shall be permitted in the Subdivision.
22. FENCING. No fence shall be erected on or along any Lot line, nor on any Lot, the
purpose or result of which will be to obstruct reasonable vision, light or air. All fences
shall be kept in good repair and erected so as to enclose the Lot and decorate the same
without unreasonable hindrance or obstruction to any other Lot. All fencing used in the
Subdivision must be comprised of ornamental iron type material and shall not be higher
than four (4) feet. Notwithstanding the foregoing, fences higher than four (4) feet will be
permitted if approved by the Architectural Review Committee so long as they are not
located on Lots abutting the golf course which adjoins the Subdivision. No fencing shall
extend forward of the furthest back front comer of the Residence Unit. The actual style,
color, height and location of all fencing shall be generally consistent within the
Subdivision and shall be subject, in each case, to prior written approval of the
Architectural Review Committee.
23. SWIMMING POOLS. No above-ground swimming pools shall permitted in the
24. SOLAR PANELS. No solar heat panels shall be permitted on roofs of any structures in
the Subdivision. All such panels shall be enclosed within fenced areas and shall be
concealed from the view of neighboring Lots, Common Areas and the streets.
25. OUTSIDE LIGHTING. Except as otherwise approved by the Association or Developer,
all outside lighting contained in or with respect to the Subdivision shall be of an
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ornamental nature compatible with the architecture of the project and shall provide for
projection of light so as not to create a glare, distraction or nuisance to other property
owners in the vicinity of or adjacent to the Subdivision.
26. SITE OBSTRUCTIONS. No fence, wall, hedge or shrub planting which obstructs sight
lines at elevations between two (2) and nine (9) feet above the street shall be placed or
permitted to remain on any comer Lot within the triangular area formed by the street
property lines and a line connecting points twenty-five (25) feet from the intersection of
said street lines, or in the case of a rounded property comer, from the intersection of the
street lines extended. The same sight-line limitations shall apply to any Lot within ten (10)
feet from the intersection of a street line with the edge of a driveway pavement or alley
line. No tree shall be permitted to remain within such distances of such intersections
unless the foliage line is maintained at a sufficient height to prevent obstruction of such
sight lines.
27. VIOLATION. Violation or threatened violation of these covenants and restrictions shall
be grounds for an action by the Developer, the Association or any person or entity having
any right, title or interest in any portion of the Real Estate. and all persons or entities
claiming under them, against the person or entity violating or threatening to violate any
such covenants or restrictions. Available relief in any such action shall include recovery of
damages for such violation, injunctive relief against any such violation or threatened
violation, declaratory relief and the recovery of costs and attorneys reasonable fees
incurred by any party successfully enforcing these covenants and restrictions~ provided,
however, that neither the Developer nor the Association shall be liable for damages of any
kind to any person for failing to enforce such covenants or restrictions.
28. CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION. The Carmel Plan Commission, its successors and
assigns shall have no right, power or authority to enforce any covenants, restrictions or
other limitations contained herein other than those covenants, restrictions or limitations
that expressly run in favor of the Carmel Plan Commission; provided that nothing herein
shall be construed to prevent the Carmel Plan Commission from enforcing any provisions
of the Subdivision Control Ordinance, as amended, or any conditions attached to the Plan
Commission's approval of the Plat.
29. .t\MENDMENT. These covenants and restrictions may be amended at any time by the
then owners of at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Lots in all Subdivisions which are
now or hereafter made subject to and annexed to the Declaration; provided, however, that
until all of the Lots in such Subdivisions have been sold by Developer, any such
amendment shall require the prior written approval of Developer. Each such amendment
shall be evidenced by a written instrument, which instrument shall set forth facts sufficient
to indicate compliance with this paragraph and shall be recorded in the office of the
Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. No amendment which adversely affects the rights
meqITeste'a:8 . ::INelson &1 Frankenberger~ :~06\20\2002/f}~:;t,";~:';7q;@[~ ";" :;.:irl"~r~t~~11~~,:.:~:(",{~~~r:);!i~ ~:~tji'Y~.Lt"f:l*r~xfl~ .~'/;"~~ &,:I~~W#i~i.$r',.~{{ff ,~:.t~f~~)~.;,t'" ~~~s :A.:f,,: fr~(~>"J) t~~,/zf:- ~,~/}~ ;;d~~'~g,~,!~
of a public utility shall be effective with respect to such public utility without its written
consent thereto.
30. TERM. The foregoing covenants and restrictions, as the same may be amended from time
to time, shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all persons or entities from time
to time having any right, title or interest in any portion of the Real Estate and on all
persons or entities claiming under them, until December 31, 2015, and thereafter they shall
continue automatically in effect unless terminated by a vote of a majority of the then
Owners of the Lots contained in all Subdivisions which are then subject to the Declaration;
provided, however, that no termination of said these covenants and restrictions shall affect
any easement hereby created and reserved unless all persons entitled to the beneficial use
of such easement shall have consented thereto in writing.
31. SEVERABn...ITY. Invalidation of any of the foregoing covenants or restrictions by
judgment or court order shall in no way affect any of the other covenants and restrictions,
which shall remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Developer, as the owner of the Real Estate,
has hereunto caused its name to be subscribed this \ ou., day of July, 1997
Davis Homes, LLC,
By: Davis Holding Corporation
~. .P&/~
Vice President
.. .o.... I, I II
Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Indiana, personally appeared
Christopher R. White, the Vice President of Davis Holding Corporation, an Indiana corporation,
and acknowledged the execution of this instrument as his voluntary act and deed as such officer
on behalf of such corporation for the uses and purposes hereinabove set forth.
Witness my signature and Notarial Seal this \~ day ofJuly, 1997.
My conunission expires:
y. 2.'-00
I am a resident of
\-In wU. \.\01 County, Indiana.
This instrument was prepared by Ronald F. Shady Jr., Vice President of Davis Holding
Corporation, 3755 East 82nd Street, Suite 120, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240.
... ..
.. ,- I. t II
Exhibit <<A"
Port of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8. Township 17 North. Range .3 Eost in HamUton County.
Indiana, being described os follows;
Commencing at a P.K. nail, 3 inches down at the southwest comer of the southwest quarter of said
section; thence on an assumed bearing of North 00 degrees 00 minutes 46 seconds East along the
west line thereof 0 distance of 1056.13 feet to the Beginning Point; thence North 74 degrees 28
minutes 05 seconds East 0 distance of 835.77 feet; thence North 13 degrees 09 minutes 28 seconds
West 0 distance of 20.02 feet; thence North 74 degrees 28 minutes 05 seconds East 0 distance of
9.01 feet; thence North 13 degrees 09 minutes 28 seconds West 0 distance of 112.87 feet to a curve
hoWl! a radius of 225.00 feet. the radius point of which b8(]l's North 15 degrees 24 minutes J6
seconds West; thence easterly along said curve on orc distance of 5.17 feet to a point which bears
South 16 degrees 43 minutes 38 seconds East from said radius point; thence North 16 degrees 43
minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 154.86 feet; thence North 49 degrees 32 minutes 51 seconds
East 0 distance of 41.93 feet; thence North 40 degrees 27 minutes 09 seeonds West a distance of
66.15 feet; thence North 55 de9rees 44 minutes 07 seconds West a distance of 51.98 feet; thence
North 59 de9rees 42 mlnules 46 seconds West a distance of 50.44 feel; thence North 25 degrees 00
minutes 53 seconds East 0 distance of 166.00 feet to a cur.,.., having a radius of 425.00 feet. the
radius point of which bears South 25 degrees 00 minutes 53 seconds West; thence wester1y along
said curve an ore distance of 66.16 feet to a point which bears North 16 d8C7ees 05 minutes 42
seconds East from BOid radius point; thence North 09 degrees 33 minutes 41 seconds East a distance
of 31.97 feet; thence North 87 degrees 31 minutes 52 seconds West a distonce of 129.31 feet to the
southeast corner of Shelborne Greene Section 4. a subdi-Mion in HamBten County. Indiana, the plat of
which is recorded as Instrument Number 9560990 in the Office of the Recorder of said Hamnon
County. Indiana ( the next ei9ht descri)ed courses being along the souther1y line thereof); thence
South 55 degrees 12 minutes 52 secends Wesl 0 distance of 15.65 feel; thence South 10 degrees 55
minutes 52 seconds West Q distance of 97.55 feel: thence South 19 dec1ees 08 minutes 10 seconds
West 0 distance of 206.28 feet; thence South 08 degrees 01 minules 16 seconds East 0 distance of
109.25 feet; thence South 76 degrees 50 minutes 32 seconds West 0 distance of 160.00 feel; thence
South 13 de9rees 09 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 19.27 feet; thence South 16 degrees 50
minutes 32 seconds Wesl a distance of 118.41 feet; thence North 89 degrees 59 minutes 14 seconds
West 0 distance of 20.00 feet lo the East Une of 0 tract of land described in a deed to Chldress
recorded in Deed Record 256. Page 213 in the Offlt8 of the Recorder of Homilton Count)', Indiana (the
nexl two (2) descn"bed courses being along the East and South Unea of said tract. of land); thence
South 00 degrees 00 minutes 46 seconds West. parallel with the West line of the Southwest Quarter
of said Section a. 0 distance of 115.71 feet; thence South 88 de9rees 51 minutes 46 seconds West Q
distance of 160.03 feet to the West Line of the Southwest Quarter of soid Section 8; thence South
00 degrees 00 mlnules 46 seconds Wesl along said wesl line 0 dislance of 239.91 'eel lo the
Begiming Point. Containing 7.198 acres, more or less.