HomeMy WebLinkAboutDedication & Deed of Public Right-of-Way-Carmel Clay Schools.DEDICATION & DEED OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That Carmel Clay Schools (the "Grantor"), the fee simple owner(s) of the real property depicted and described on the attached Exhibits A and B ("Property") incorporated herein by this reference, which Property is located in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, State of Indiana, hereby grants, conveys and wa1rnnts in fee simple and with no reversionary rights whatsoever retained, all of Grantor's rights, title, and interest in the Property, to the City of Carmel, Indiana, an Indiana municipal corporation ("Grantee"), subject to all existing easements and rights-of-way of record, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged. The undersigned represent and wan-ant that they are the fee simple owners of the Property; that Grantor has full capacity to convey the Property; that they have full authority to execute and deliver this instrument; that they are therefore, fully empowered to convey the Property to the City of Catmel, Indiana, and that on the date of execution of this Dedication and Deed of Public Rights-of-Way, they had full authority to so act; and that all necessa1y action for the making of this conveyance has been duly taken. The Grantor assumes and agrees to pay real estate taxes and assessments on the Property for 2024 payable 2025 and all prior years. This obligation shall survive the conveyance of the Property and shall be enforceable by the Grantee in the event of any non-payment. The undersigned represents and wan-ants that no consent of any third party, including, but not limited to, mortgagees, lenders, landlords, tenants, patiners, members, managers, shareholders or joint venturers, is required for the valid and binding execution and delive1y of this Dedication and Deed of Public Right-of-Way. [Signature page to follow] 1 Docusign Envelope ID: 8AE15259-9BE8-43A0-BC6F-E5AD0CF9D37D '-'\� t-h IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Instrument to be effective as of the _du_ day of Se.ptt mblv-, 2024. Carmel Clay Schools (GRANTOR): Kristin�iiPz1l ST A TE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) Grantee's Tax Mailing Address and after recording return to: City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 My County of Residence: if a VVl. 01 l t t) v\.. I affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each and every Social Security number from this document, unless it is required by law. Allison N. Lynch-McGrath, Esq. Instrument prepared by: Allison N. Lynch-McGrath, Esq., Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032. 2 ir-'. 'i Docusign Envelope ID: 8AE15259-9BE8-43A0-BC6F-E5AD0CF9D37D City of Carmel BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS & SAFETY ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION & DEED OF PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY WHEREAS, the foregoing Grantor having filed with the City of Cannel, Indiana, an Indiana municipal corporation ("City"), its Dedication and Deed of Public Rights-of-Way of certain real property ("Property") to the City for the purpose of establishing City rights-of-way; WHEREAS, the City believes that said fee simple conveyance of the Property is desirable, necessary and in the City's best interests; and NOW THEREFORE, the City, by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety, hereby accepts said Dedication and Deed, and orders that the Dedication and Deed of Public Rights-of-Way described herein be recorded in the Recorder's Office of Hamilton County, Indiana, and that the Property be, and the same hereby is, declared open and dedicated to the City. SO ORDERED: ATTEST: CITY OF CARMEL BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS & SAFETY Laura Campbell, Presiding Officer Date: ___________ _ James Barlow, Member Date: ------------ Alan Potasnik, Member Date: ___________ _ Jacob Quinn, Clerk Date: ________ _ 3 :r I :i-,· Docusign Envelope ID: 8AE15259-9BE8-43A0-BC6F-E5AD0CF9D37D 10/16/2024 10/16/2024 NOT PRESENT 10/16/2024 Docusign Envelope ID: 8AE15259-9BE8-43A0-BC6F-E5AD0CF9D37D Parcel: 3 Project: 22-ENG-07 County: Hamilton Section: 27 Township: 18N Range: 4E 0 200 400 SCALE: 1"= 400' Exhibit 11 B 11 Right of Way Parcel Plat Owner: Carmel Clay Scho ols Warranty Deed: Instrument 200400056247 Key #29-10-27-000-006.000-018 131ST ST. rF Ii � ===-Approx. Water Line Easement In Favor of the City of Carmel of Hamilton County Doc. 9544624 Residue 'A' lrUtility Easement In Favor of theCity of Cam1el, Indiana Doc. 200600069296 I I LWell House Access Easement In Favor of the City of Cam1el, Indiana 11 Doc. 200600069296 I�- . . - -�T� 45' RW Dedicated m Instrument_/ l Lb I H ;:: 200600018039 RJ DLZ DLZ INDIANA, LLC 138 NORTH DELAWARE ST. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46204 (317) 633,1120 YOWl,dlz.com Pro'ect 2163 2056 91 Page: 1 of 2 Prepared by: SMH Checked by: SAJ W /1/%1 Hatched Area is theApproximate acquisition 15.00' i 0::: 0::: > 0::: LINE 'A' RW Dedicated in Instrument 200200081420 Docusign Envelope ID: 8AE15259-9BE8-43A0-BC6F-E5AD0CF9D37D Parcel: 3 Project: 22-ENG-07 County: Hamilton Section: 27 Township: 18N Range: 4E Steven A, Jones P,S, LS20200010 126TH ST. POINT LINE 200 'A', 'B' 204 N/A 314 'PR-A' 317 'PR-A' 319 'PR-A' 322 'PR-8' 325 'PR-8' 327 'PR-8' 423 'PR-8' 425 'PR-8' 426 'PR-A' 427 'PR-A' Exhibit 1 1 B 11 (Continued) Owner: Carmel Clay Schools DETAIL Scale: 1" = 200' a::: 0w <{>oa::: a::: PARCEL POINT TABLE STATION OFFSET NORTHING See Location Control Route Survey Plat 46+95.00 PL (35.27' Lt.) 1720504,0396 46+95.00 PL (50.00' Lt.) 1720518.7100 18+20.00 48.90' Lt. 1720568.9896 +PL (18+57.34) PL (43.25' Lt.) 1720608.8240 EASTING 220081.6555 220080 .2902 220150.4707 220150.3948 Page: 2 of 2 Prepared by: SMH Checked by: SAJ Note: Station and Offsets Control Over Both Northing and Eastings and Bearings and Distances SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT: To the best of my knowledge and belief, this plat, together with the Location Control Route Survey Plat Recorded in Instrument 2024022041 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana (incorporated and made a part hereof by reference) comprise a Route Survey executed in accordance wilh Indiana Administrative Code 865 IAC 1-12 ('Rule 12"). This plat was prepared from Information obtained from the Recorde�s Office and other sources which were not necessarily checked by a field survey. Date: 7/1/2024 DLZ DLZ INDIANA, LLC 138 NORTH DELAWARE ST. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46204 (317) 633-4120 1w.w.dlz.com Project 2163 2056 91 ,-i Docusign Envelope ID: 8AE15259-9BE8-43A0-BC6F-E5AD0CF9D37D