HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket MAY-OI:l-2UU2 WED 03: 55 PM GAI<Ml:.L LJUI1MUN lTY ::iVLi~ r H^ NU. j 1 { 'J {l ~q~b r. U~ Date DOCKET NO. Application for Architectural Design, Lighting and Sigriage "'~ , /;;;r\lIr~ f j--.,- . /' \ ~y..J--l..- -_"_.( !r~.-.. ADLS /{;v'> + '. '~/>\ - '--,,~'/ . \ /" ' \ '/ .. AMENDMENI (J ~ECE\VE~ \:~\ Fee $350.00 ~":?~ !i/\Y 24 ~!m . Name of -:\ DOCS '., / Project: INDIANA FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY:!:A^^, '.'/1 <, "/"-. \ ',/' ~/ /,-- ',>' Address: 10 W. 106th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46290 '--<--'-~__l>/ Type of Project: Bronze Signage PlaqueS (3) showing Company Name and Address Applicnrt: Indiana Farmers Mutual Ins. Co. Phone No. 317-846-4211 Contact Person: Richard Hadley Phone No. 317'":'848-8610 Address: 10 w. 106th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46290 Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) 7.47 Zoning US 31 Meridian Street Corridor Owner of Real Estate: Indiana Farmers Mu tual Ins. Co. Carmel: x Clay Township: Annexation: Y or N Other Approvals Needed: Parkin2: No. of Spaces Provided: No. Spaces Required: D~ Information lIuIiBna~men MUTUAL INSURANCE GROUP i No. of Buildings: ?h-t: No. of Stories RICHARD C. HADLEY Assistant Vice President Colors: '--- Type of Uses: 10 W. 10611> St. at N. Meridian, Indianapolis, In.: (317) 846-4211 rhadley@indianafarmers.com er by: 1 "MAY-08-2002 WED 03:55 PM CARMEL COMMUNITY SVGS ~AX NU. jl(~(l ~q~b !". Uj ,E! LIGHTING Type of Fixture: Height of Fixture: No. of Fixtures: Additional Lighting: * Plans to be submitted showing Footcandle spreads at property lines per the ordinance. SIGN AGE No. of Signs: 3 Type of Signs: Bronze Plaques Location(s): Driveway entrance, 10. W. 106th St.. (north side) Dimensions of each sign: One 24'tx4o." bro'nzeplaque; Two 7"xlS" bro'nze plaques Square Footage of each sign: One - 7 sq. ft.;. Two - 1 sq .ft. each Total Height of each sign: 40." (placed 5 feet above'street level) LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes,andlocations ********~*********************************** I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature oC~""? J.! ~ Applicant: - K V/~{J,.. reo/- J Title; Il<;,,'i: y:- y.P , :r:j.)bl'J4,v1/ F/t1./Yfi'1 ill ~ i1I/J/i-UI/-( :r p s e.~ J(, c.hl4/UJ (}. HA j) Lev Date: S J 9/0 <- ~m~ / , , ******************************************** State of Indiana, 55: County of Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for State of Indiana, personally appeared execution of the foregoing instrument this 2000 My County , and acknowledged the day of Commission 2 Looking to the future August 2002 marks our 125th year. This anniversary provides an opportunity for us to express our appreciation for the courage and the principles of our Company's founders. From them, and through those who have acted as stewards over the years, we have inherited a noble purpose-"Provide Security." We have adopted their goal-"...to be the best and most reliable insurance company in the state of Indiana." And we have embraced their core values-Integrity, Stability and Security. We are proud to have provided 125 years of security for Indiana residents by performing in a manner that is always consistent with those core values. While we have worked to maintain stability, we continually strive to uphold an innovative, service-oriented environment that promotes teamwork, encourages individual initiative, and recognizes corporate citizenship. Retaining our 19th century values while we employ 21st century tools and techniques allows us to adapt to changing market conditions. Sound management practices, excellent customer service, competent, professional staff members, and a network of superior independent agents, have all contributed to the Company's growth and progress. As the charts on the opposite page indicate, since our 120th anniversary, Indiana Farmers Mutual has continued to grow and outperform the industry. We look forward to continuing this trend over the next five years, and beyond. .!)~'d It' J-/oN~ Providing Security At Indiana Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, our purpose is to provide security. We believe that if we live by our mission statement and our value system, we will maintain our status as a premier insurance company and achieve our strategic objectives. Our staff believes integrity is the most important value we share. All customers, internal and external, will experience this belief in their dealings with the Company. Indiana Farmers Mutual also fosters a stable, interdependent workforce that holds itself accountable for, and committed to, achieving service excellence. Employees are rewarded in relation to the value of their respective contribution towards corporate results. This collaborative management approach encourages flexibility, camaraderie and participation from all levels of the organization. The synergy that develops ensures corporate competency and efficiency. Our Mission Our goal since being founded in 1877, is to be the best and most reliable insurance company in the state of Indiana. I I I I Our Value System I Indiana Farmers II Mutual will fulfill its purpose of "Providing I Security" by performing in a manner that is always consistent with r&, our core values of Integrity Stability Security Policyholder Security fund $70 $68 $66 $64 11\ $62 C 0 .. $60 - - - ~ $58 $56 $54 $52 $50 "iff! ~' agers ~m:0JPaul Seppel, Senio~ T.(jce"J~re~'i(jent & CFO; Daniel Stone". President & CEO; Gregg Huey, Senior Vice President & COo. BackRow: Mike Calvert, Vice President Claims; Kim Smith, Vice President HR & General Counsel; Roger Jones, Vice President Marketing; Max. Rothenberger, Vice President Research & Development; Mary Kay Aylsworth, Vice President Information Technology; Bruce Lidstrom, Vice President Underwriting. 'Pposite page, top left: Claims Managers Chris Gardner and Rick ii..Top center: Luann Heck,..Customer Service Assistant and .. .. F,bieSmith, Commercial Underwriter-TOp right: Elaine Keyes, ClfJice Claims Representative; BettJ;!!Jrattain, Premium Audit Telhnician; Ken ~fcker,Senior0[!~d{rfpriter Personal Lines; Mary Ann l}ickett, Assistqntu.14tJe~W;rtt"er.BottolJlleft: Field Marketing Managers Neal Willia?/t$~VgfR rand Jeep Keirn. Bottom center:HildalytcCracken, '.'1rf ....<< .. writer and Ginger Hamel, Assistant Team.J"eader-Person.aILi.nes.Bottom right: Cheryl Ahern, Statutory Accounting and Af4..fcusDardy, ProgramlJlerlAnalyst. E k - SUBDIVISIONS STREET DESIGN. LAND SURVEYS SITE SURVEYS ':;';';:/;;~:~~);A~~i~:::'''': " ',..: ,,'Afns;Surva,t Shou.ld Not ;,;ji:,!W;':}B~~ Use~.>J~ :pet~rm i ne , 'Propl9tt)l ;;:liiH!S' Unless ~ Survey.,:Polnh Ate Indi- CIVIL ENGINEERS Q~t~d. ~ .-0-.... ,.:..:,- '-:.~ ><.:..-' .' toems NORTH COLLEGE AVE. ""!:'~~ ",.'. '," \ ,. _i ljJf:l8E =:J 7/6/2... WEIHE ENGfNEERS. INC. LAND SURVEYORS TELEPHONE 848 - 1II13!5 INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA 48280 F/,-::e, Z-I7'.~_._,_.._. , SE:/ I.P. s'rr /-IIJINMU.IT' ~.--- 40(O.7fY f-I CJ~~ /8'E' .. ~g;./ I.~ . . _:::::'-::--=-7---:r::==:.:=:;-.:::.=:::-==-""'o=:==-~' '.5 3~ ~ "'-"'.2.' ~,- 5'.)(". .~~/"./Ce- ~)FT I...f(~'''i'\'f; 1.17' . i y. " \) ~ .~ ..\ .-... . , ,E " e ~ , ~ ~ ~ :--.. ~.. 'l:' -Ptl~ lil. ACEcS.{. ~ !\1 ~. ~ ~ ~ ::t ~ V). ~ ::). ~ IJ.8!!r /.3 '6 t!Z,t:JO' lY\ ~ " t\, \j m ~ '.~ ;:: ~ ~ ~ I"; ~ ~ " ~Ih b'ID 11 ~ ~ I." ; $67 (.,a. " ,., -1_..... _____ ., ",( SE T /0101..1'.1 ''1111'1' .l ~ "'- " \) '-l ~ ~I~ ~I ~' h. \I) ~ .; .<t &. J.,,~r. CASC.H6IVT :::J,:7'"/./? - -. .'::. ,,_L_~_'JYIE$r tOi/;rn . ,'.'. ... ~.E21. 0589 ~/3' W , ...,....., I.:',' L.IJJi..,.\::~ij/.'~ ::'~. c-/7-3 ' --r- . . _Sr. .j.' . I ~ . , v -- I,;(..:.!. ."',,,ISQ(P,/O' /V~ I'i..~.... ".;~I.,.,.." ,. . . .' ,. f{'li:":~ "I. ':t. r'f~,-..' .-'; '. ,.,' ; ,: " I~.~i)!l ,.J. ',\,'".' . " .;.1; ~. . "..$1JfJTJi ~.,:":.....:"':;".-. . '''"" ; .~ .1~r' :' .:' 1. ~ \' :i~'~.~i'~~!vt:. , . . I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the within plat is true and correct, representing a survey of the following described real estate: Part of the Southwest Quarter of Sectipn 2, Township 17 North, Range 3 East in 'ijamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: . Beginning 1506.10 feet North 89 degrees 13 minutes East of the Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 17 North, Range 3 E:ast and on the South lihe thereof; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes parallel with the West line of said Southwest Quarter 236.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 13 minutes West parallel with the South Une of said Southwest Quarter 25. 00 feet;, thence North 00 de- grees 00 minutes parallel with the West line of said Southwest Quarter 141. 70 feet; thence North 89 degrees 13 minutesl East parallel with the South line of said Southwest Quarter 82.50 feet; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes parallel with the West line of . :Jl\aid Southwest,Quarter 358.40 feet; thence North 89. d~grees 13 minutes East parallel with the South Une of satd Southwest Quarter 406.79 feet;to the West right 'of way line .- of U. S. Highway #31; thence South 00 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds East on .arid along said right of way Une 736. 07 feet to the South line of said Southwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees .13 minutes West on and along aforesaid South line 466, 32 feet to the place of beginning, containing 7.47 acres, more or less. Subject to all legal easements and ~ights of way. I further certify .that corners were est~blished and marked as shown on the wi thin plat. Certified February 10, 1969 /'/ Recertified February 25, 1989 .// /' ~ " )~., ~)../.' .~. Recertified May 20, 1971-~ (/C-.e.f:'/-.......- ~ /0, ~/~-~/~ Concrete Monuments Set, J,,(i?1J Allan H. Weihe,. Reg. L. S. - Indiana #10398 "'> 50' . -'1 I I....... . ~. ~ :( ~. . ~~ ~. \Ii ~ .~ ... . , I::' ;J ! ".~ .'. ;-~ ~":'l "'L "I. ( (pI '1/1 \ ;> ,"".7d~ ~ .......... 1- ~ "- .... - i: I) " ~ IJ) C ~ ... .... ~. i ~ I"Tt ~ ~I 1 tl:-Jl.1-/~ ..... = Q.. ..... ..... 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