HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket May 22,2007 Special Study Committee City of Carmel - DOCS One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: ADLS # 07050006 To Whom It May Concern: The documents contained in this packet pertain to the above referenced ADLS Docket for the June 5th Special Study Committee meeting. We are requesting the approval for a canopy to be installed above the entrance to the Clark Appliance Showroom located at 9840 North Michigan Road. The canopy will be stick built with a truss system as shown in the enclosed packet. The materials will be consistent with building materials existing currently on the buildings. I look forward to presenting this for your review and approval. Sincerely, tQ~ Reed Carlson Applicant Contact ,~' ADLS/ADLS AMENDMENT APPLICATION Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping and Signage ADLS Fees: $834.00 plus $111.00 per acre ADLS AMEND Fees: Sign only: $277.50, plus $55.50/sign Building/Site: $556.00, plus $55.50/acre DATE: April 30, 2007 DOCKET NO. ADLS Received Date Stamp: XX ADLSI Amend Checked By DP Attached Previous DP? Yes No Name of Project: Clark Appliance exterior remodel Type of Project: Install canopy and signage at front entry as shown in attached rendering Project Address: 9840 North Michigan Road; Carmel, Indiana 46032 Project Parcel ID #: ..L ~ - -1...a.. - JL .L - ...Q. ...Q. - ~ .Q.. - Jl ~ -1... . .Q.. ~ 2. Legal Description: (please use separate sheet and attach) Name of Applicant: Clark Appliance Applicant Address: 9840 North Michigan Road; Carmel, Indiana 46032 Contact Person: Reed Carlson Telephone: 317-876-2519 Fax No. 317-876-2515 Email: reed@ccrindy.com Name of Landowner: C & C Realty Company Telephone: 317-876-2519 Landowner Address: 9834 North Michigan Road Plot Size: 1.18 acre Zoning Classification: Industriall-1 Revised: 12/29/2006 S: \FORMS\PC Applications - current \2007 pc applications\ADLSAMEN. APP 2007.ooc 1 Present Use of Property: Commercial Retail Space Proposed Use of Property: Commercial Retail Space New-Construction? Yes_No XX New/Revised Sign? Yes_No_ Remodeled Construction: Y es~No New Parking? Yes_No~ New Landscaping? Yes_NoM- Note that required fees are due after the application has received a docket number, and not at the time of application submittal. Do NOT bring application fees at the time of submittal Revised: 12129/2006 S:\FORMS\PC Applications - current\2007 pc applications\ADLSAMEN.APP 2007.ooc 2 ;- Parkin!! No. of Spaces Provided: N/A No. Spaces Required: N/A Desim Information Type of Building: commercial retail No. of Buildings: Square Footage: 120 Height: 16' No. of Stories--1- Exterior Materials: Brick I Cedar Shake Colors: Tan I Biege Maximum No. of Tenants: 1 Type of Uses: Retail canopy Water by: Carmel Utilities Sewer by: CTRWD LIGHTING Type of Fixture: N/A Height of Fixture: N/A No. of Fixtures: N/A Additional Lighting: N/A * Plans to be submitted showing Foot-candle spreads at property lines, per the ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: Type of Signs: Location(s): Dimensions of each sign: Square Footage of each sign: Total Height of each sign: LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations ******************************************** I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature of Revised: 12/29/2006 S:\FORMS\PC Applications - current\2007 pc applications\ADLSAMEN.APP 2007.cbc 3 .. Applicant: Clark Appliance Title: Tenant I>ate: April 30, 2007 (Print) ******************************************** State of Indiana, SS: County of Marion Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for State of Indiana, personally appeared execution of the foregoing instrument this My Commission and County, acknowledged the ,2007 Marion 30th Expires: Notary Public day of April January 16, 2015 CITY OF CARMEL AND CLAY TOWNSIllP DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES (DOCS) 1 Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032 (3rd floor) 571-2417 ARCHITECTURAL I>ESIGN, LIGHTING SIGNAGE REVIEW (REVIEW/APPROV AL) Procedure for Plan Commission For Business Zones, U.S. 31 Meridian Street Corridor, U.S. 431 Keystone Avenue Corridor and the U.S.421 Michigan Road Corridor 1. Allow plenty of time for review and approval process (approximately .two (2) months). 2. I>iscuss proposed project with I>OCS staff (please call for an appointment to discuss review procedure and appropriate dates) first week of the month, works the best to begin a project. 3. INFORMATION NEEI>ED for formal DOCS staff and Plan Commission review: a. Two copies of formal application with required information b. Two copies of legal description c. Two location maps showing location of subject site, zoning and existing land uses of all adjacent properties. d. Two copies of a detailed site development plan showing: 1) Detailed drainage plan with drainage calculations. If project is in Clay Township, take to Kent Ward, County Surveyor (776-9626) and John South, U.S. Soil Conservation Service (773-1406). If project is in City of Carmel, discuss with Kate Boyle, City Engineer at 571-2441.. 2) Lighting plan - footcandle limits Revised: 12/29/2006 5: \FORMS\PC Applications - current\2007 pc applications\ADLSAMEN.APP 2007.ooc 4 ~ - type of fixture - size or fixture 3) Landscaping plan - location of plantings - type and sizes of plantings - Planting legend - Planting details - Mounding locations and details 4) Signage plan and details - Size and location - Materials and colors 5) Parking plan: show handicapped spaces/total spaces needed per zone/spaces proposed 6) Site plan with: - side, rear and front yard setbacks - Perimeter drainage and utility easements - Sewer and water line locations - Special setbacks or greenbelts - Building square footage - Dimensions of building -Location of mechanical equipment and trash receptacle with screening and details - Pavement and curbing details - Proposed road improvements - Sidewalks - Loading and dock areas - Fire hydrant and siamese locations 7) Building Elevations: (all sides) - Dimensions - Materials and colors -Bring Samples of materials to the Plan Commission meeting - Signage location 8) Soils map and floodplain information . 9) Technical Advisory Committee correspondence 10) Ifpublic hearing required, list of adjacent property owners two properties deep or 660 feet, whichever is less (obtain from Hamilton County Auditor's office, Noblesville, Indiana) 4. Once all information is presented to DOCS and a review completed for compliance, a Revised: 12/29/2006 s: \FORMS\PC Applications - current \2007 pc applications\ADLSAMEN. APP 2007.roc 5 .. -. -/ docket number will be released when the filing fee is submitted. 5. Petitioner or representative must appear at the CarmeVClay Plan Commission (public hearing) and give a presentation. The presentation should include information relative to the project and should be presented on a poster board so that it can be seen from 20 feet. In addition, reduced packets (8-112" x 11 ") packets of the poster board project information should be handed out for each Plan Commission member. 6. Petitioner or representative must attend the Technical Advisory Committee (T AC) meeting on Wednesday following the Plan Commission Meeting. 7. Petitioner or representative must attend the Industrial and Commercial Subcommittee to review all pertinent information. 8. Petitioner or representative must attend the second Plan Commission meeting for fmal vote (questions may need to be answered). 9. Once Plan Commission has voted on the project, it is up to the petitioner to work with the staff to obtain proper building permits. Revised: 12/29/2006 s: \FORMS\PC Applications - current;. \2007 pc applications\ADLSAMEN. APP 2007.cbe 6 ITI I ~ " . &4..... J84~ s.:."_l/e"'I'_O' ll8'-O"~) 9840 C-1 04 Clark Appliance 8II....{l.{1IlO1tlII) ~ )-ON Z""'" ",,00 CL"'ill :> " oz u""",, 0Z ri<( ~uCi ~~~ '" . . z-' u w 0:> <<I"", "'"" umu I o~ (Q)~ ~@ =~ GP gJ d~ =~ d~~ @j)g~ ~. ~@!';: =ti\i'l e&Jrg M1J~ g~ [1J1!J@! d~ ~rg [1J1!J~ ~! IOfX O.lO~2 (' ., .. .\ ."'..f..... "~t" '"_ j ;'\'\ ,V:"~.\:. ." . SItE , ~{.r2. .'. ~~} -<~, . .'J'~' .~ktt=. ~:,>.~;~~-~~:~~~~~~:t~~:t '.-= "T!:'-', ~ C,ji' ~S' f;Mf""' T' *" :1' ... ~ ': .' ~ ".' , ~ " " '- .,," ~ ~.'~ ",. /<'. \. .i'''..... ~ r.'i. .' ~ ......~.,Al~.... r'!iX~ "'l..~ ",. ~..:- I ~ tJi I ~ ~_,'!' 7,T'crwnsfi~17 JVmt1i.I~e (1; ft'.. ...." ~t',. , ..' ~... ,. ' *. 1~ ,A. '., ..J7lj.amJttOrl ~.:IQU1!lItr~" ~nt(t.lana , ~, : .:.. :$ REPORT OF SURVEY 11IE WITHIN SURVEY IS I NDED FOR THE EXPRESS USE OF THE CUENT AND lOR 11IE DESIGNATED PARTIF.5. SURVEY WAS DESIGNED TO ACHIEVE CERTAIN RFSULTS OF CONTENT. ACCURACY PRECISION CONSISTENT Willi THE CUENTS IMMEDIATE PURPOS(,"S AND NEEDS. nJE SURVEY RESULTS. INFORMATION. MONUMENTS AND DATA SHOULD NOT BE usrD FOR OTHER PURPOSES WI, THO. U.T. THE EXP. RESS KNOWLEDGE AND PERMI ION OF THE SURVEYOR. OWNER OF RECORD CUENT _/0' DESIGNATED PARTIES C & C; Realty C~)mpanr.IJ.c. (: &- C RC'".lI1')" Ccxnpmy,I.1J: Hom~ Fe~r.d S.1\'angs Bank I.J:/ckc Illo)1lulds JLP Chicago Tltk: In,:uranc:c Cnmp...nr M'u;h~ Road Re:alry P:artnen. u.c PURPOSE 11u: die'lll'" n::ttC=t! ptll'fWJ!i:C' for th ~\lI~ of d,t' surn-y W;\5 to rrt"I'I."lde ,I SUf'\'t)" (or mn~c rurpo~":' to me "~il\lmu", SIJuwni Detail Re:quirnnenrs ;\lid Cr.65jfi norlS tor .-\LT.'\/ :\c..";M I...md Title SUrTcy!," CLASSIFICATION OF SUR Tbe wirtlln SUl"YL")' IS d tkpcndt:nt cement survey basrd.m mt' monumenls. ph!"slCalll'npmvcmrnts :V1d lines of tk:CUfY"riun \a.oJtI~ln rh~ Iltcricm...lil.ed I;md s}'!(tcm. Th monuments c:otistcnr lit the tunt' of rhi~ !iun'~' can ''';IT)' !Turn the original marlcCf'; ;Ind hum mc: nwil.e:r'S mOlt t'Jl:r.~i ;,It me: nme th oogtml land dTYi~ir.ln of this parcel. .'\, II result (If rhe pro~' pcnmcter dimension$ and me: disrances of the subjccr rrnpt'ITf from tntmumcnts 2nd f('21UnS (:HntTnlli"f!. me- position of the buundarics. sut'\"C)' is c1~ilied . Class IOU" survey as dcsiJ;nan:d hy me Indi2n3. Survq-Srmd;ards of Tide K(.5 Chapter 1.12 of Ihe lnd~na:\ctnu ismftvc COOe: In effect un me date ofth(. !iUl"\'C'J. The \mccrt:unncs ("I")f1V1'lOf\ ro the: pnsinon:d loc:trion Q( the monumentuion placed during a SUf'\-q U'C c~ of four soutcC!lo of error. (1) V2ri2ncc in the: ItK:Jtion (me refe-m1CC: monuments; (2) Discrepancies in rmnd dcscnrtions 'and. plan; (3) lncnnmfmcin berwecn the ,lines of OCCllp'Ahun d the sum:,ed lines; llnd- (01) !'tu: Rmdom ,~ <lssocilited with me an and ~ _<<?f~utC:~~t. Furthl$plImcularr'.In;e)': '. ." ". ..' . ~. .. . i .. .. .. ." . ... ....,. , .~.oj t~,'~(~~:.' (,. :~, it ' . VICINITY MAP NO SCALE CU;....'r i "<fl.... ". ,i~~t';,~~ ~. f'o....... . reference monuments is. +{-2.0 fccl. The Sc:LTion COml"tS tont","i~the p:amlt fr"red of thc d and confinnf:d to be within 1Cceptab~ roln-mcc:s. cs in the reclJC"d descriprion is -+ {. 2.8 tCct. Thf' pa~cl dl.,;cripri("ms commc:ricc:: '3t !.e1,."tKm tQmN'$. c.aused a tnlnor ~p bt1wttn mc tw{, p:tfctl~. -whKh nW::c up mill nvcn!1 tnc:t. The:: uncer"tUnty due to InCOnsL~t ('$ in the hnes ofrxl.'Upatlrm i~ +/- 1.0IfK.lt. The ""'~hull:nceminfit05. \ I.."()f'MB cscablishe:d dunng dlis I L1 due '"' rh~ a':a.lmulated ~l"S uf r:tn(t.-lfTl megun-mcnt l'fT"()O: In the: Inann" ut" the: boundary 'r:y IS l."!Irimatcd to bf.: +/. 0.5 fen. L\ND DESCRIPTION: Pan of rhe South half t')f Sccrio ~c.n (7). Tovmship ScvcnCttn (17) ~ortf1, ~ Thrtt (3) r...z" m Hamilton Cnun')', Indtana. more panicuLvly ~nbnJ ;is fol :v.."!=; Comrnmang .n rhe' l'~, . mer or me SnurhC'.iS' QU3f1I:r (If ~ Secrion 1; thl"nCt Suuth 89 dc.ogrccs 3J rninutn U6 St!Ctwtds It.ast (Balis uf Beuing-lndlana 5 n::: plane- Conrdinate Sysft'm. .~, ume) 307'.47 rc:et to thr centerline of Sore Rn~d -421. Also referrct.l to as Nonh ~bc.iug:an ; thcnce,lIIong said ccnttrltne. SoUth 20 dqtrccs 25 minult."S 3-1 seconds f..a.'I, 105-1.75 feef to the POINT OF BEGINNING: th ceo crmtinuing ak>ng said c."tTItcrline. South 20 d~ 25 minutn ].4 seconds East 62-1.90 kct to . point which is J 169.02 feet N t of the: Interst:t:rion of said centcriine and the: South MC of said Section 7~ dlen<< South fr1 degn:cs 12 minutes 56 ~nd" ~ CSt l30.11 fa..1: 111 1I ~ iron rod found this ftIn'ey and the East tint of. pan..".e con~ to Michigan Road He"" Putn....1 'by dtcd =orrled July 12, 2001.. in........., No. 2001-42729 in theOffic< o(the -. of B....1ron County. Inm.na: thcnc . the noc' 3 (th...) counn heing.long..id pucci; (I) d1mcc Nunh 02 dcgm:s 47 miaut" (>l seconds Welt 131.24 fm ta a d irl')tJ rod (capped iron rod rttem:d "' herein andiouCll I SIP. inch remion:ing rod ",ith lIUM:yOr', pl:lstic Klenri,;..""n ."""J>C'l"LI.;'D SCIE.'"CES":....;.S02l2"): Ifl<n.. (2) N<>nll21 dcg<tn 21 mUlutcs 43 ucund. """crt %71.44 fccr to :'l1Ut'Yt1' nail'l: th tag:. fhcno.: (.1) South 69 d~ 41 minutn 08 seconds Wen.wl.76 feet to me We&tlinefJfrhc real estate ronvcycti tQ .'\vmuc R alty CorronahOn b}. WiII'I'lIOty Peed recorded In Dc:red Rc:cord 337 pages 453 thru 45S in rht oftia of the Rrcon1t'f ur l-bmihon Cou f)'. 10dJ:Ina.; thence, itlong ''aid Wc:!t line, ~orth 20 dcgrers 02 minufel431tcOnds WC$t 331.>1 fed to the Nonhc:asr c.~ of said..\ cnuc RWt)' Cnrponaon: thence North 87 dtgrecs 36 minutes 53 saxmds F..ast 6S8.16 fref fO the POINT OF BEGINNING: co M1ng (,.248 acn:s more or less and $Object", IlU c:asemenG 2nd righo of way of n:cord S" 'U. 'R" VE" 'Y'" " ...'.... ;, :..~~ ~-', &.. . ~. ....~.;. 1~ ,"1; . ." 3 ~. )} ~, "/f ~. ~'~j ,;;:". ,~~ ""i, W ..~". ~ ',.: rt '..;"".*..- .' ,",. 3 Tast I I SUMMAkV OF RESEARCH AND INFORMATION Thl' l1ndldrscril,It"" IIf rtw pllren! pan:cI ;(nd the ;,djnlMt'n'i \I.-CTl" acqUIred tlT.Jfl1 ,he ()t"ti('(' ut ,he lieconkr .,t H.vmtron! County. Indun:.t 11:L'Icd fin the r.est deed of rttunl pu51cd in the rbt hook$. I,f the' C')UfJ~' .\.'u(::t.cur. Ill(: pmpert~' ~t '""In ",' thl..lrt.l Wf..1't: ;I(quln"l.i fmm tht, (}t"tit.:l: l,f thl' :u~cs.."ur of Ilmuh'IlII:'H.lntj. I The ~ of the cxisnng so.."'hnrI and l;mf..! c...)mer fnfmUmmL'4 weft' ohaincd tTr,m the County ~~}'or'~ (),rice lbc co"""' of the quartl'1 !itt."tlon 2ft; critic.a! tr\ Ilk posiriun of the bmd Ixnl~ with the: St"ml.lf'l. ;\ dlll(t"l1' SC-Jr\'h was ~ ro recover Ihese (:om~. Of the (:Omen; manun,; the ('OmeN of Stcnuo 7; tht ~)UfbCl$f CUI'nc1' <II thl' ~we;~ qwtrtc:r W11 found marked by :t I-hlm>:rm marker: the Snu,hc-,lSt I,.'tlfna 'Jf rh(. St,>lJlhl:.L~' quoin" "'-0(.< (.,und marked "t an iron ripe. The ~orit, line III the lllJ;!n('r 5t"(,'tlon \\-",,~ S(~lrchl:d f'It :~l""'\C) mllflumcnl;tflUl\. Due III thl: Oft~fn)!":t1'If: :lllll dc\'eloprnjcnr llCtivlIlC!', the- ~u"h qwrtcr C'Jmer ha!' hCC"fl obhn.'1'".u-ro. 'lbc- huundil'1o' m;lri:.tTS 'Ji m(' \by''',,,,-cr Termin;tllwCt'"l' loulIcd Tl. dt.tcrmint. the pl'!'lflhn ot' thl~ markc~. .\ pt'J~itlnn ~.,,~ ,..mpukd tmm me b..und'ln ~.j I EVAWAnON OF SURVEY RF.5ULTS 'Jltt: sun-fr lines conform t.) m(' ~x:~ring Iinc."S ot ,.x.'cuplltion WIthin rc:t.'OOft'"Ahlc roIC:1'llrl,t!L The CX:K~;. SutVl'Y munumctit5 rt'Ol\"t'Tcd dunn!! thIS :>un'('}' Wt:rt: l'fsntlfml"tl wnhlll jJ("'(,;f'P.,."hk' ~cy'<;. The clJ~ltmml inr 1II1'lIr,l",:(" J.ncd (kr"l,l:r :\, 2fH)J A.~ C.'ImrNmu.'nf ~umh(1' lJnO~J2T11 h)" Chactg:, Tltk' Jnsunn~ C.omp;.lJ1Y wa.. n:nt-wnJ with tl~d '(1 exCl:flnons. n-smC"'ln~. l.AStt'flU11'!i Itr nrh("f ('C'I1Utcnl "1/':'ITI:\hf,1\ cont..lin4 within <il,."hcdules .-\ md B. r- Thc~m I of the, p~'cl ~ ~l~C ':">MUmUl!'t:t.\ with a V8.rnd\ fClI1ti.tn"lllf( tTKI wi.th ;l pW;fI( idcnJ;;n.JM 1.:it" 'tamped L-\;-.JI) SCII..!'\iCr;.:-> , ISSn_:\2 . .; ENCR CHMENTS OBSERVED No menrs of phpic:al improvc:menr!i other th3n thOSt: oo"ed no th(.' fi.nn~hcd s.un'C)" \L'fft' oml~"ed durin)!; .' ";;:';:!~:: suncy. - 1'his lWnier dt'pfrn: nnly th~ abeJI'l' gr"lund Indications uf 1>tJric.d or unl'k.'fJtround fcamtcs Z'I indicuc.: ~. :k:'-'f.."Sli s~ uhbtr m:.u-kln9;l hr tJfhr.r, anellor utility C()mpan~' pbns. Other hUl'1t:d '}r underw't-ound icafUr'e': """y cn:iu which ~Id aifee, the mk'. use nr furthl"f' CM(;umbc:r ,he dl:n:nhcd p",pert}'. ! CERTlRCATE OF SURVEY , h~by bl1' tT'I Home hdrr-,t1 s..\""ln~ Hank, I" SUCCf..'S!lO" -.mdtl,r ;Ulsiwu" J.ockt- Rt:-ynultk U.P. Chte.Jgt, TItle: Ct1mp:u1~ and C & C Itc01hy Companr. thilf th~ pbt represents .a TnIt' and corT'tCf R1t'\'t'Y rmdc on the ~d undcr my din:CfjJ.Upet\'lSlun un h~' 20, 2002; rh~ su"'c)' tw bl"t.'11 ~PamJ in .ICCON:am."'C" ~-ith the "~inlmum St.and.ud 0rt2iI ~It('m(nrs (ur I.and Title Sun'r.ys" !(Iintl), csf'.ahhshc:d and adopted by rU.TA.. ~S))S" and ..\C....M If'I J?'J?, indudingiTabk: ..\ hems 1.4.6. 7M, 1(b). 8. 10. 1t(b)& 1-1.16. Vursum' to the ,o\ca.lracy Stmcbrds ." :acktpft.'d !'y AI :r..'\ ;Jtl ..\CSM OInd lit effn.1 un thc d:d"e (If this certlfic:thon. unllcniJr;n funh.c.r ccnitics thzt pmrer flt'ld proccdu+. lO5t1'Umcntarirlll and lldeqwtc sun-cy ptT50nnel wtn t'mployed in order to achieve: rault!; comparable fU rhust.' tlUlfinr.:d In 'he "~hntmum Angle, ))nt.mcc.- and C;IO$urc If.cquircmcnb (('It SonTlo Mr.:.\.'iiUI't1tIt'r\f'!: \tllictt ('.1","",11 I.and ~dmc:s tilt AI.T:\I.'\CS\f J.:U1d Title- ~IT~"S. I fu~.~ f('t'fif)' mlolt. within !'hI: trmibnun of fNp sc~h: md IMft:rTlOhlrinn" tht- :abrwc.- ~he~ ftII c.~'.1'L'_ISC'S Within """" 'C:I," d .m "JOT"" within the ""'_ of Ihe f.l.A. Flood Ha1.ant Iluundary .. ddU1carcd 00 I.nmmuno'Y M:tp P I Ua:MIJil.ClflllC prtp;trtd hy the I)cpamncnt of lIouslng And Crh:m l>C''\-'clopmrnt. Fc:dtT.\l Insur..n.:e :\dnullIs ..uKm. , ! I I I I I ! i r;~rriticd thrs March i. 20112 ~~ Ind':1n;'! Rqri.4l1ftd Land Sun-ryUI' ~l'). sn232 ,,~ 113 soum CIlNTIlR STREET PlAINFIELD. INDIANA 46168 VOICB (317) 83&611 FAX (3I7)8l8-0529 WW\VJ.ANDSa1INCIlS.COM l fJ \ i I ; I I ~T,,~yW$& F~ ~R~~3tMEHTS IN niS ItAU ! ~- EXCEPTION StOl'~Unill 101I.... S .,......... tSPCl P08 Exception 'J -{ DON'T .......- =......__ DI~' ", .~- =--==,=== BLI~O .':- ',_' :.":.:--==-. ~~..:...-:-:.=;.:. _ " ._...........~__IIUO . ______uruna ..___a___Pata: l-B00~3,ai;554~::'-S::=~ WlI 1-800-428-5200- _or..__ _aus...._ ._"IIL~ WEST 96TH STREET Soutttw..t.Corner'~/f_H 89"~ (Deed) See. 7. Tt7N. RX Hcrriaon Morunent UnO') E s SCAlE' ,.. ~ 40' 30' 10' '..-_- I 40' 20' 0 20' 40' LEGEND cm---o STOOH SiEVER; K.Ei . H.K. e--<:::> STREET UGHT LIGHT POlE flOOD L1G1l TWFIC SlGHtL TRAfHC SIGN MAll BOX lEEO DlMENSIC* IEASlJlEO _NSI1JI PlAT OlMEHSUJi SPOT aEYATI~ fli I'IMIll'llE {--. wr WIRE ill . iEl.EPIOl R1SEIl /J. UnLITY RISER: ElK OR (TV o f.T. B..ECTRIC TRANrfCRER -E- ELEtTRIClK UlEIUAlI - T - TELEPtOt: LINE 1AER1AU -en - CABlE TELEYJSlOIlilERlAll -8Te - BlJIIED TElL CA8l.E - BEt - BlIUED El.EC. (raE ---iI-+- FEta lIE ~NCI .ll FIRE IMlIANT ,j" GAS VOl'" @] GAS ~m @ GA5~ -G- GAS lllE ". VATER VAlVE [!) WATER teER @ ..Tl1l _ER -v- VA1tR LItE -+-- SAIIITART SEWEll . _E ..~=:- ~",~:PEIlIHETEIlIlllAlll . DOOTES Alii' AEBNl .,111 YrullII PlASTIC eN' SET. CAP SflH'ED ~OIO SClEN:Es, DC.' o UEJlJTES A P.K.NAR.. SET Vll'H 1ID11FlCA~ vAStER . mfJTfS A StRVEY MAJIII'tR F(lJI) ):l: 'tI' @ @ 0. It. P. f ~ UP ClRB ELIYA1'1UI GUfTER ELEVATHN CiTRJ ~ PRlI'OSEIl ElF/ATIOI --eea- trMT(lJI: lb€ r.t. top CF CASTDIi nn. IE PIPE IIMllT E1.EYATIJI LEL JIlVEllT EllllK UJI;llI PS _NT SEIDlIG ___ SlllFAtEfUJII fil... F1IlEIlOPTlC_ -FO':"- IlJUD) FIBER t:PTIt lDE P_ lOT SPACES & REGtA.Nt SPACfSI eD H,ttOCN' SPACES: 1 TOT.... SPACESI 90 ~~"~~"rr:r:'~~c:'=t~~. 11~';F,il ~ :::~:'o a=r.::.e~ard Area. ietd IUweyinc} _ .01 no~ perfornwd to determine \his zone. All .valuation e_tificot. moy be needed to ;::::r :::F~~~~~y~t~' ZONNGI ~.ilAD~ C~ 'O'vm.'1v ~...Y 421. 2JC.B.2 Front Yard tor Pareeb _th r,::rr, on US 421 ~1.Of..;Y A. f~~:lf~JO~==--::-.:.t~ US~ 42 thirty (30) loot Greenbelt. 8. Waxtn-n' one hundred t.enty e12O) ,..t, rnecrsrued tr__ the U.S. ~ ....21 r~t-of.WO)'. This meQWtement shGIincUde 23C.B.JI~SZ ~YR;~)y=.Gr.enbell. A. He.t to existing' ,uidllnCeCs)<< undevetoped rMidentiollCIM' fifty B. ~~ ~~.~"s~ ~2~~. d~..=r~h~rf:t~eoIer. C. Neill to manufocturin9 10M' or deYe.Iopment, twenty C20l t"t nTlE COlMTWEHT No. 000302771 SC>EDUU . r I. Shown an ~v.,.-RJoIrl:s of way r 2. Shown on .ur....,.-r..etric lint Eosement .,7-S6415 r 3. Sho,,", on tul'ny-s...r [osment 10.7929 ,. 4. Sho..n on survey-eo. UM Eosement -93-6f28O F' 5. Shown on survey-Sew., Eo.ement .2001.~46 F' 6. Shown on IUI"vey.....".../E9"... E'osement -2001-42729 r 7. Does not apply r 8. Does not oppty r 9. Doe. nol oppIy s eO'- 2J""'W 2071.23' SoutMcm Cornel. SoutheOltl/. Sec. 1. T17M, R.3E ~Dn Pipe ffndJ &. urt.ITIES SERVItG HIS LOCATION CinlIVY (800) ~21-2132 Tne W_fIef CatI'e Ul7) 632-2288 ,"-i'ed'I '8001 480,8088 V.ett.., Enetgy o.tor.y (BOO) .182'~$.. AT . T (BOO) 222 -0400 MCl. Workkom (8OOJ MO-$555 Comcast Cobtevition (317) 812-2225 ~ .oter eon.any (,)17) 639-15Of - .)1"1'2'0 "''''1''':''''' t:, _BY ..,. QEOC(D BY Rl.8 II.WNG "'" JOB NJMe(R OOSOO5'i om Ucrc:tl 4. 2002 00 ~ d l:l:4 8~~ ~S:f@ ~~:s V~~ ~ Z c::o ..., U~ ~ l:l:4 ~ ~ ~h~ ~ to) ~ A is 2~..s ~ ~~ z~ ~ ~ ~ U to) ~ ~ do ~ ~ ~ 8:8 ~1O ... l'; 2 ~3:_~ :cl 9 &3 i_ x~E' ~3~ ~ ~CL ~ 82 9840 North Michigan Road Clark Appliance exterior remodel "Canopy Addition" Materials List 1. Custom truss system and wood framing 2. Cedar Shake shingles on roof 3. EFIS along front of canopy 4. T -111 siding below EFIS 5. Painted to match existing All materials will match existing materials already in use i" 6-1-10 6-1-10 11-10-13 5-9-3 17-8-0 5-9-3 23-5-3 5-9-3 29-2-6 5-9-3 6.74[12 3x8 -:-- '~5; ;' "" R 6x6 II Q P 3x4 = o N M 6x6 = 3x8 = 5x8 = 3x4 = 4x5 "/ 1-1-1~ 1-1-12 Plate Offsets 6-1-10 4-11-14 11-10-13 5-9-3 23-5-3 5-9-3 LOADING (pst) TCll 20.0 TCDl 10.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 SPACING Plates Increase lumber Increase Rep Stress Incr NO Code IRC2003fTPI2002 Ud 360 240 n/a / / LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 SYP NO.3 OTHERS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 WEDGE Left: 2 X 4 SYP No.3, Right: 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTIONS (Ib/size) R=2247/0-3-15 (input: 0-3-8), J 47/0-3-15 (input: 0-3-8) Max Horz R=-209(lC 6) Max UpliftR=-179(lC 8), J=-179(lC 9) Max GravR=2499(lC 3), J=2499(lC ) BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS Sheathed or 3-1-7 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. 1 row(s) of 1 Stabilizer(s) at 1/2 pts. D-N, F-N, B-R, H-J FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maxim Tension TOP CHORD A-B=-620/65, B-C=-3748/27 ,C-D=-36631300, D-E=-3433/338, E-F=-34331338, F-G=-3662/300, G-H=-3747/270, H-I=-6241 BOT CHORD A-R=0/443, Q-R=-243131 8, P-Q=-243/3198, O-P=-18213194, N-O=-18213194, M-N=-117/3194, l-M=-117/3194, K-L=- 8/3196, J-K=-14813196, 1-J=0/445 WEBS B-Q=0/176, D-P=0/2 ,E-N=-391761,F-l=0/238, H-K=0/178, B-P=-821161, D-N=-486/124, F-N=-486/125 ,H-l=-821161, B-R -3358/200, H-J=-3353/198 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads ave been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-02; 90mp ,h=3Oft; TCDl=6.0psf; BCDl=6.0psf; Category II; Exp B; enclosed; MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right posed; end vertical left and right exposed; lumber DOl=1.33 plate grip DOl=1.33. 3) Truss designed for w' d loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see MiTek "Standard Gable E Detail" 4) TCll: ASCE 7-0' r=20.0 psf (roof live load: Lumber DOl=1.15 Plate DOl=1.15); Pg=20.0 psf (ground snow); Pf=16.0 psf (flat ofsnow: lumber DOl=1.15 Plate DOL=1.15); Category II; Exp B; Fully Exp.; Ct=1.1; IBC 1607.11.2 minimum roof load applied where required. 5) Unbalanced now loads have been considered for this design. 6) This truss as been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 7) All plate are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 8) This t ss requires plate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for quality assurance insp ion. 9) G Ie studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. 10) MNING: Required bearing size at joint(s) R, J greater than input bearing size. 1 Provide mechanical connection (by others) oftruss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 179 Ib uplift at joint Rand onllil9Eltt Dr' Q1nt J. 35-4-0 6-1-10 Scale = 1:59.3 5x10 ~ 3x8 ..:::::- I~ K 4x5 ..::::- 34-2-4 4-11-14 ~5-4-~ 1-1-12 PLATES GRIP MT20 197/144 Weight: 2811b russ I" Butz Components. Inc., Indianapolis. IN. Gary Sayer NOTES 12) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.1 0.2 and referenced standa ANSIITPI 1. 13) For bracing specified, use MiTek Stabilizer(tm) Truss Bracing System (or Equivalent), attached per The Stabilizer Truss Bracing System I stallation Guide. Cross bracing required at each end and at these spacings: Webs: 12-6-0 for H-J, B-R, 20-0-0 for F-N, D-N. 14) Where diaphragm blocking is required at pitch breaks, Stabilizers may be replaced with wood blocking. 15) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 23351b down and 1861b up at The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. 16) Warning: Additional permanent and stability bracing for truss system (not part of this component design) is always required. 17) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Snow: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: A-I=-20, A-E=-52, E-I=-52 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: E=-1950(F)