HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication u Q Page 1 of2 Conn, Angelina V From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Thursday, February 22,20071:15 PM To: Tingley, Connie S Cc: Coy, Sue E; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Brennan, Kevin S; Griffin, Matt L; Littlejohn, David W; DeVore, Laura B; Lillard, Sarah N; Holmes, Christine B; Blanchard, Jim E; 'jmolitor@prodigy.net'; Duncan, Gary R; 'msolada@binghammchale.com'; 'Annemarie R Varga' Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (V) Hamilton Beverage (#07020025-26 V) Attachments: BZA Public Notice Sign Procedure.pdf I have updated the file. I have contacted the petitioner and issued the necessary Docket Numbers and fees for (V) Hamilton Beverage. They will be the following: Docket No. 07020025 V $1,056.00 Docket No. 07020026 V $ 500.00 Total Fees: $1,556.00 Hamilton Beverage The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals: Docket No. 07020025 V Section 25.07.02-QS.c maximum sign square footage Docket No. 07020026 V Section 25.07.02-QS.b sign oriented east The site is located at 2290 E. 116th St. and is zoned B-8/Business. Filed by Mary Solada of Bingham McHale, LLP for United Package Liquors. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This Item does not need to appear on an agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Thursday, March 1. Published notice is required within the Indianapolis Star. Note: the placement of a public hearing sign on the property is required; see attached pdf. 3. The Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday, March 23. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. 4. The Filing Fee and Nine (9) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than NOON, Friday, March 16. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the April agenda. 5. This Item will appear on the March 26, 2007 agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. 6. The petitioner will need to provide a fully filled-out Findings-of-Fact sheet for each petition the night of the meeting for the Board's use (Sheet 8). On Ballot sheets, only fill out docket number, petitioner, and date (Sheet 7). Ballot sheets must be collated. 7.) PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more details. Ms. Solada can be contacted at 635-8900 or msolada@binghammchale.com. Department's Review Comments: Petitioner. please complete the following: 1.) Make sure the public notice meeting time to the newspaper and neighbors reads 6:00 p.m. It is suggested to send the notice to the Indianapolis Star newspaper by Noon, two days prior to the printing deadline (317-444-7163 or email: publicnotices@indystar.com). 2.) Possibly limit the number of colors within each sign and/or reduce the overall sign sizes; they are huge. 3) Provide filled out Notice of Public Hearing (page 5 of the application). 4.) Provide filled out and notarized the Petitioner's Public Notice Affidavit (page 6 of the application). 5.) Provide filled out and notarized Public Notice Sign placement Affidavit. 6.) Please make checks payable to the City of Carmel. Thank you. 2/22/2007 ~ o o CITY OF CARMEL - CLAY TOWNSHIP HAMILTON COUNTY,INDIANA APPLICATION FOR BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ACTION DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE REQUEST ;{j)))v':cd'\ ~.,:;, FEE: Single Family (Primary Residence) $270.00 for the first variance, plus $83.00 for each \i~.wtional ~l2.~ of the \ ordinance being varied. f~i:1!. ITtCf.JVED ' All Other $1,056.00 for the first variance, plus $500.00 for each additional section of the;Q[~linanc',being vaned. OR see Hearing Officer Fees \;:;;~\ \ :\(\ DOCKET NO. DATE RECEIVED: '\ DOCS l. '" ,.-;,~ /'., ,f?\\lj _ /",.\' .if ~\"i 1) Applicant: United Package Liquors Address: 6350 Rucker Road, Suite 1 05, Indianapolis, IN 46220 2) Project Name: Hamilton Beverage Remodel Phone: 205.9266 Phone: 842.1931 Phone: 635.8900 Engineer/Architect: Leech Hensley Architects Attorney: Mary E. Solada, Bingham McHale LLP 3) Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response) (a) The applicant's name is on the deed to the property (b) The applicant is the contract purchaser of the property v' (c) Other: tenant 4) If Item 3) (c) is checked, please complete the following: Owner ofthe property involved: Merchants 450 LLC Owner's address: 31500 Northwestern Hwy #300, Farmington MI 48334 Phone: 5) Record of Ownership: Deed Book No.llnstrument No. 2007-4670 Page: Purchase date: 1-24-07 6) Common address of the property involved: 2290 E 116th Street Legal description: see attached Tax Map Parcel No.: 16-10-31-00-00-013.000 7) State explanation of requested Development Standards Variance: (State what you want to do and cite the section number(s) of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance that applies and/or creates the need for this request). See attached Statement of Variance Page 1 of 8 - z:\shared\fonns\BZA applications\ Development Standards Variance Application rev. 12/2912006 Q o 8) State reasons supporting the Development Standards Variance: (Additionally, complete the attached question sheet entitled "Findings of Fact-Development Standards Variance"). See attached Statement of Support 9) Present zoning of the property (give exact classification): B-8 10) Size of lot/parcel in question: 0.430 acres 11) Present use of the property: retail sale of alcoholic beverages & one vacant tenant space 12) Describe the proposed use of the property: The second tenant space will be removed, and the current retail store will expand to fill the building. 13) Is the property: Owner occupied Renter occupied '" Other 14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose of this application? If yes, give date and docket number, decision rendered and pertinent explanation. No. 15) Has work for which this application is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details: Building Permit Number: Builder: 16) If proposed appeal is granted, when will the work commence? upon approval 17) If the proposed variance is granted, who will operate and/or use the proposed improvement for which this application has been filed? United Package Liquors d/b/a Hamilton Beverage NOTE: LEGAL NOTICE shall be published in the Indianapolis Star a MANDATORY twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date. The certified "Proof of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection the night of the hearing. LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY, two methods of notice are recommended: 1) CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adjoining property owners. (The white receipt should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date.) 2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting property owner acknowledging the twenty-five (25) day notice should be kept for verification that the notice was completed) REALIZE THE BURDEN OF PROOF FOR ALL NOTICES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. AGAIN, THIS TASK MUST BE COMPLETED AT LEAST TWENTY-FIVE (25) DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING DATE. The applicant understands that docket numbers will not be assianed until all supportina information has been submitted to the Department of Community Services. Page 2 of 8 - z:\shared\formsIBZA applicationsl Davelopment Standards Variance Application rev. 12/2912006 Q o AFFIDAVIT I, hereby swear that I am the owner/contract purchaser of property involved in this application and that the foregoing signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I, the undersigned, authorize the applicant to act on my behalf with regard to this application and subsequent hearings and testimony. Signed~ C S '" (c-~ (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) 2-8-07 Date Mary E. Solada, Bingham McHale LLP. attorney for the petitioner (Please Print) STATE OF INDIANA SS: County of 'M.a r/'101 (County in which notarization takes place) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for M.aYI~ (Notary Public's county of residence) County, State of Indiana, personally appeared M.ag; -E. t1L1dA (Property Ower, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this 2-th day of FebnlAry ,20 67 (SEAL) My commission '. \. \.-,.- ',.(/ "p ~r/\' RECElVED'~ _ FE8 - " l-- tr:,' Vy' Dllnr \;;-\ AI:,h.' ",/ . ~",-?,\:";.~ ,I)' >-'---'-1" '- !.e' I \ ..........<{-~-. Page 4 of 8 - z:\sharedVonns\BZA applications\ Development Standards Variance Application rev, 12/2912006 Q w Hamilton Beverage Remodel 2290 E 116th Street Statement of Variance The petitioner seeks to replace two existing signs at 2290 E 116th Street with two new signs. A third existing sign will be removed. The property is currently a two-tenant structure, occupied in part by Hamilton Beverage, one of a family of stores operated by United Package Liquors. The second tenant space is currently vacant. Two ofthe three existing signs are located on the 116th Street frontage, one above each tenant space. The third sign faces a private drive to the east. There is no freestanding signage. The signs do not conform to the current Ordinance standards but received a variance in the late 1970s. L\7~ l\S Hamilton Beverage plans to remodel the existing building, eliminating the second tenant space in order to occupy the building in its entirety. As part of this remodel, Hamilton Beverage would like to update its signage. It proposes to keep one sign on the I 16th Street frontage, and one sign on the eastern elevation. While the total sign area on the building would be reduced, the new signs exceed the maximum area permitted. Therefore, the variances requested are as follows: 1. Sign #1 (116th Street elevation): Sign area of 123.03* square feet. Maximum is. (J, . 07 - Ot=,. c. permitted signage: ~square feet (Ordinance ~ 25.07.02-08(c)/Sign Chart A) 2. Sign #2 (eastern elevation): Sign area of 53.7* square feet. Maximum permitted 2 ~ .0,. 0 t - o8.-c-. signage: 0 square feet (see variance #3 below) e._ 3. Orientation of a sign to a private (not public) street (Ordinance ~ 25.07.02-08(b)) l. ~ .UI. 02. - O??~ b. * Note: Carmel's Ordinance measures sign area as the maximum vertical dimension of the sign times the maximum horizontal dimension of the sign. The unique shape of these proposed signs therefore results in a large amount of air being counted as part of the sign area. The total proposed area of actual signage is 85.49 square feet on the 116th Street elevation and 38.55 square feet on the eastern elevation. Statement of Support Hamilton Beverage is a longstanding member of Carmel's retail community. The improvements it plans to make to its building will result in a face-lift to an older building along one of Carmel's most traveled corridors. Likewise, the replacement of the old signage will significantly enhance the appearance ofthe building. However, to require a significant reduction in the amount of Hamilton Beverage's signage as a result of the improvements would result in a major setback for the business desirous of providing improvements to one of Carmel's more established retail areas. u Q Legal Description The within plat represents a survey of a part ofthe south half of Section 31, Township 18 North, Range 4 East, in Hamilton County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing on the south line of said half section, north 89 50'50" east (assumed bearing) 2728.00 ft. from the southwest comer thereof; thence north 00 degrees 09 minutes 45 seconds west 45.00 ft. to the point of beginning, said point also being on the north right of way line of 116th Street; thence continuing north 00 degrees 09 minutes 45 seconds west 107.00 feet; thence parallel with the south line of said half section, north 89 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds east 175.00 feet, thence south 00 degrees 09 minutes 45 seconds east 107.00 feet to the north right-of-way line of 116th Street, thence on and along said right-of-way line, south 89 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds west to the point of beginning. Contains 0.430 acres, more or less, subject to the following described easement for roadway and utility purposes. 12.50 feet by parallel lines off the entire west side thereof, also 16.00 feet by parallel lines of the entire north side thereof, also 4.00 feet by parallel lines off the entire east side thereof; and being subject to all other legal easements and right-of-way. Note: the above survey and legal description made by C.A. Budnick, Land Surveyor, Indiana Registration No. 11604 on or about 15, October, 1976 of Robert Scherschel Co. Inc. and prepared for Keystone Square. f !. L'..i 0;, d,'J", ~ , "' , ~ I, Lr ,~ J U T'il~ 1 1)J ''/9 T ("'I ,,',J '\J c., ur L ,:'~~) '5 /'~ ~ ~, ':) it m S ';,abled until the July ~f]c:etingpC'nding thc~ F n !..,:) C:J'~ d(J. t:i 01'1. ), :"~ i. II () {) ~~3. " 9=15 P.:~., ca. ti on to c () I'n ('; t' 0 f Fili?d by I)1J1Jlic I"'J.rlg ()(l r}'~)c}~:et I~o. Jl}'--'79t i/;;1.~Cia.xlce j~,r\l-~}li-.- f}p;e l()t v/id,tfl i~or r'5~r1et)Ci"'t?; &: ,.4~3~~OC. J.cc/lted So~~. rmel n~ive dnd Keystone ih 3-2 zoning. win t.Jj,cl~ell for Fin,bc:cg & /\:3~c;ociatc;s. ',i"T.: ',I, ,i", ",'}' ',t, ''0,',: (" 'jl1 V,J;:,,', ~ ,,', '''J; ',') J' n (~ ::' i- + rl e~ T' CI 'j , "l + 'j ()' If" 'l" ~ c' 'J'~ e'" (",) , '" co t ',_ _ _ .._ ~-..,J !~.(_~ '., _ \.... ,J. .~1..,J L.. .J..J \:..... ..J. ........~ J _ ,_, . u .. _{......... '...... I...J . ~ '\..J ~ -~~ ~s s~ ~~ ~ ~ 9a. 9:JO P.M., P'I],blie Hb'3:cing on I)ccket No. BA 35--'19, Va1'1;:::,f1ce Apl1} it .,;i foX' H,unilton TJic;uo:c- nh:; to \J,'-t,'Y from ~c;:i i,?:l1 orcE;lance, loe:); d 2;'::,'36,.;::: 0 E. lloth St. in B,IJ-,i ,'1". . ) Filed by M. J. Fineberg. r/tc GI I?i .rl 1J e1 d. e -ell. e Iyr' f.::: [::; f::l1 t::l t i 0 rl 'Cu {\ J ~'-:.; J. S . '111 c~ I.! 18.11 S Vlc:r'e "(1 f e Public ~l~ng opened a~ 10:0J. r"To I'81TlOrlS -toI'~3 V/CI)8 T'(l~'e~3ent 8_tld t~)C~ Pl)l)lic~ }{e~3..I"i.ng clo~::;ed ;:"'i.t ]_0 :Ol:'t The signs are for the E8.mi1.ton Lt OJ.' ,,:,0::.'8 ;3fld one ten~J,nt and will Oft)J.lov{ -t118 Fa.H)C S C ~~ (1~3 :3.11 ()tll(~l~ ~::~ i L;/~l~'-) j~j1]{ r;torl(~ S(p}rij~e. o t<TI.rn Sr'D.i-i';h r::D'ved t ~~3_A 35-'79 1')(: !/i-:J. (~;(1 ~3 ~pl\er~e:11~Led 5~Ol" J ~:3j.r'_i ~). ~.:~: l.; {);, \-~ c~ d by Tlb:, 0 R e:{~8.n . e vote vr8S 5 For, I Against (Carl Smith voting No). Motion cari-.ic>d. 1" . nJ"g_R}19JniJ);Ui J J 1) It ";( _~~ i.~(l t () (~D_n i c1 ex" V~:ll~ ia.rlc~ e R.(; r10.:\,/(-11 011 Do c}~ e t r'~(). I3A 8 ...'. 7 5, fa:c I): 1 '1 -1 "L Cd': () 'i"-''" 1 (\ "^.;:; ,.-- ')(1 1 n q r) 'J. 'l~ ('01 ] ,., t)' (' A "e ;:: "1d ""':0 "" ;:. ct ~"O C' l-La- n2'e l"lct" 'j"j e '.,'. . " . ._. ,;/ '. c'",- ,,~ ',,' \..... _ ~.__ '..I _. . ,~' '- fi"_ _ . '...... b '- ...... __ . ..........1 .l t \.{ u '-' ..., l" 1 J 0 1 from Cr:?wford Drmtal l,;,~boratory to M2.stercr;]ft Dental La,bol'atory. .t~~iJc:d [)] rJ()l111 .^~O C'.~ ,Vj~ro:cc!. r~ 1 :~;, .;, \3 r 1:- f:;; :::;t,:l..l'1 l'~C;jI(:'..\:~11 2ild (1. (',1-:;1.1 e {)!.... D1 e V./:::l S I"' (;:3. d, 1):'f r(r.i~.: ;:~ n :"ff .. i~ ill!. .., c: :c ;~~ 11 (" ~) J ~.:)_ r:: d '!,"J. ~;; -t . !';,c"" (:j~~ (:1'1 5.~_3 t() ~~:;el~d. n. },i-;'''L (~:1~ to I.>:<~~, .:~ irlg t, t cj{ a '~/;'~lI~l~,i.rlce !~()l~ rl{~t~ oJ' Yl\::\j"'i12 \\'11c:r1 Ll~'~; rJ{~ o\"lr~.e:c'sl1ipo Mr. Garl Smi th moved th~'l,t BA 8--75 be ;:!.PPl'oved for I year wi th a scmt to Mr. C.r'8.wfo:cd :re:garding the variance ne ed for a clY3nge of Se(~ond(!d by Mrc JeY1S?n. (j ~,.; (~"::';~-~3 1 ~ir:t ,'i: '1 J. rn 0 1..1 :-3 '\'r) c1 lc:t-t l~ l}::: (.~. 'r^' ;:::"t T~. 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"I, d by 21~t' \I John C;i..cl f::! ~Io~te Vla.S 'Ull':_1Y1i}7;,()1)S J~()l~ c~. 1. 0- 00 ~ c o +:i 00 t) o -I o A.l.v.\H .~€V ~S ..., "'-'-" "'. --" "'- '~""'~\ 0 "'-". o 0 1 \ (::J ~ "" """] ~: .- L"'] <d' .~ . , .~ .. .... s ~ = w c1I ~ = = .- 1:1. -""..."...".,," ""I =.- i, a:I u::t ....! (J)! <( . .................................. ~\... .. ." . = \... (!II 1'-8 I !J tJ~ en \' ~ [ll~ . Ii) Av ^ ^ ^ 'WAY- . ___... L .-,-f"\I"\~_._.__.._._....._.__ "-'-'M--.'-"..'--'T/W'"'' .... "--l~ .. -- ...__u - ^V ~ o -J~~ \ 14!J /-e~N:r-l:JR-Y:: g~~~~ (.) Z O"'r · · · ~ ~ ;a'. 0..1 ", Go:::.... = 0 .. " ~ - ~ . N,""'l\' ....~... "-'IAI-. '~x,-_.s:"".._..._----__...~L....,..."_........_,,._.,., ,..... V If' ///- / ;/ i I \. L II "5--7 I CD r! = CD e = ;:& z~ 0' ".U The 20-year Thoroughfare Plan shows a 140-ft road right of way for 116th Street (70-ft half RjW). The red line shows a 70-ft buffer from the center line of 116th Street (approximate). Hamilton Beverage on 116th Street, east of AAA Way. (.) u St - Hamilton Beverage - zoned B-8/Business -...-- --- -- - ""Ifij -- (1 J Set Of Raceway Mounted Neon Channel Letters c c location; This Drawing is copyr1ghted mater1al. It remains the property of Sign Studio Inc. unless otherwise agreed upon In wr1tlng. Using our drawing or copied derivatives In competitive bidding Is forbidden without fair compensation. It cannot be reproduced, copied or used In the production of a sign without written prior permission from Sign Studio Inc. @)2007 ( Designed by: J.Cheney FILE: lorlunited-package\ united-package-jiquor-carmel -ke stone 13-drawin -3 SIGN Studio, Inc. This drawing has been created to assist you in visualizing our proposal. Sligh: variations may occur in final color, proportion and position on the building. Date; February 6th, 2007 Carmel. IN SDU~ 11 &;.-/1;7 st. E l eVCJ-,i1~ .. 171 - 2" 61 - 8" ~I -1 I 7' - 2" 21" 31-2" Hamiltorf Bevetages FfNI?VINIY &, cS . I 21 (1) Set Of Raceway Mounted Neon Channel Letters lo~= (a.S/Y 5./1:::- 2 O. to I .5 g. it. wko\-e Sl'OY\ q... l0J'O :: \ L -Z . S 1 S 8.A . Customer Approva r Landlord Approval Designed by: J.Cheney SIGN Studio, Inc. This drawing has been creaed to asslst you in visualizing our proposal. Sligh: variations may occur In final color. proportion and position on the building. Date; January 30th. 2007 l.Dcation; Carmel. IN this Drawing Is copynghted mater1al. It remains the property of SIgn studio Inc. unless otherwise agreed upon In writing. Using our drawing or copied derivatives In competlllve bidding Is forbidden without fair compensallon. It cannot be reproduced, copied 0 r used In the producllon or a sign without wrttten pnor permission from Sign studio Inc. @2007 o c fCi s,+- Q /fArtv-h~ 14 I J 1 - 6" 1 t- ~HamiltorrBe.vehges 16" rtN/?V~ <61 OpllUltv 14 ~I lL9YJ ~ 8.83 so' pi- 1 V-I~ ~~\I) :- 5 3.. & '1 sf)' n . 41 - 8" o (1) Set Of Raceway Mounted Neon Channel Letters '"t" i..~ r c Customer Approval Landlord Approval Carmel, IN This Drawing Is copyrighted material. It remains the property of Sign studio Inc. unless otherwise agreed upon In wr~lng. Using our drawing or copied derlYatlves In competitive bidding Is forbidden without fair compensation. It cannot be reproduced, copied or used In the production of a sign without written prtor pennlsslon from Sign Studio Inc. @2007 Designed by: J.Cheney ALE: lorllXllted-packagel unlted.package.llquor.carmel .ke tone 13-slde SIGN Studio, Inc. This drawing has been created to assist you in visualizing our proposal. Sligh: variations may occur in final color, proportion and position on the building. Date; January 30th, 2007 Location; ~ .. ,-;.;;. I -'I: FAI;:: 1 cl' ~'. "'.'7(' :JIGj,J F::!.J.;n APPLI:;llTI(l: c ('T' ' lODe f"l"e,J I"') ')11T'11''-''''r") ~..J.. ,J, , " _ J__ ~,'::.I "t..> ':~i te : (1,J1l't,V:;;.\ ::':>1, \Cn(r ,<)' 7/- 7( P~ rrr.i t )Jo.: -' !:~::~;,).~;:. _:~,:-:::.__ - ~ -,.:.""':':'~"50".-:~<<lr' ::ns f0~'1 conbines the L11provement. LocCit.ion Permit iipplication and Lhe Building Permit) ..; (' ~.! r i n t.i . ) The l1ndersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation ~, alteration o~ str1Jctllre, 0"" any change in the use of land or structures requested by t:,is appl:ication \-,in comply wi t'n, and confonn to all applicable laws of the State of hdiana, and the "Zoning Ordinance of Cannel, Indiana - 1961 ", adopted under the a1Jthorit.y of C)12p:,er 17iJ of "he Acts of 19L7, General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all i\C't.:?, amanj".l:.or:: thereto. 1. NAME OF' BUSINESS AND LOCATION ON WHICH SIGN IS TO BE LOCATED: \ ~ ';" -n~' \ t'. "1""_) Y'-'~'l C ...oJ C~'U i.\ \i, \::: .C..l.lf':;' ' ,.. '" -'... L \ ~:~, \,) 0 \~~.. Ad ' ") -:7" ~ f: 1', ,Gress: .--"'< "d',,) . ,.'\:' I \\~}\\ "..) \ c., 1'\1'1'\( L '..".. ",! ,.,:" h 1," C / i:\\...1 . ..,. ,.) _ ..~ ~ ,. '.- f..._ - J Lei'/'] ;)escrip~ion: Lot No. :.n H:iriit.iOIJ. 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