HomeMy WebLinkAboutFindings of Fact CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS- Docket No.: o ( Vl.-f cJaJ~a~, ~ianCn 1J~()()of) II Petitioner: FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 2--1 DAY OF /l.4y .20 .~ ~~~ ~d Member Page 7 of 8 _ z:\shared\Iorms appllcations\ Development Standards Vsrlanos Application rev.' 212912006 \ CARMEUCLA Y ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS- Docket No.: Carmel, Indiana 670,cras-tL-o 7 0 ~CbBt/ Petitioner: FINDINGS OF FACT. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 1'7~~ 2. 3. DATED THIS -21 DAY OF ~7' . 20 t2 7 ~' Page 7 of 8 - z.'\sharedllormslBZA appllcallons\ Development Standards Variance Appllcallon rev. 1212912006 CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS- Carmel, Indiana Docket No.: Petitioner: FINDINGS OF FACT. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 2191" DAY OF fW1 .2067 Bomdf:tf' ~:-- Page 7 of 8 - z."\sharecNorms\BZA appllcatlons\ Development Standards Vsrtance AppUcatlon ff1'i. 12fZ912006 CARMEUCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS- Carmel, Indiana Docket No.: O::;-eLfOOOS -<?,V Petitioner: FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS ?--(" 5 t- DAY OF ;1c--v . .20 oJ- . ;;z:~_ Page 7 of 8 - z:\sharedlfonnslBZA appncatlonsl Development Slandards Variance Application rev.' 212912006 Petitioner: CARMEUCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. CARMEL, INDIANA 07 0 ~[jOC'l ~ac;/l/ ilYl ~(e;.$ IJ~~'i:'(' FINDINGS OF FACT. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE Docket No.: 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: /T IS /\.1 1:\ f12..il/ATl i""c;(O~^/r.~. iTt:;ndLtJ~lLf> :1111' VA,/;Y'1l'eiHli,::> t1Ld...Y, Is Loc,I}..,~t) o~ A t)'r.tf/J r;.NO >7""-t.:.H./ I 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: -:i,lS Ahl I1Nlm....R'n:;~'O t3tlt;IJ. 4.W1f[~ ,1cc.;f.S 70 -rll~ -rlLi:...frJnlV~ fot~ WILl.... tt..~ftJIJIJ. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: II """C.L PJo"; &~ f'OS~/Gl.!" """'0 IWlr'l'?m.q ItJ<r. S7fe,:c'"rV~f.. As I' /S Iv v01!..Il<;-vT c,..,.jjuoFcT1o'V 70 -nJi:.. fL'z-~Ij(...A.T'/~.N"S DECISION SECRETARY, CarmeVClay Board of Zoning Appeals Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). Page 8 of 8 - z:\sharecNormslSZA appllcationsl Developinent Slandards Variance AIl!lllcation rev. 1212912006 Docket No.: CARMEUCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS.. CARMEL, INDIANA 07 0 ~OOC} ~ V -- 07CJf/CKJ{Jt/ r Petitioner: il'1 ~(e;,.5 IJ~~'c'( FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: IT is AT ~ fl2..ilf~Ti ',"SIO~"'/t:~. iT btJfLP't~S [)II/ VA./lf'1l'te.lJvil:::> t1 LLt..y, IS '- c c ,I)..I~/) ('j,J A () ~ .~a r; NO >7"" tt H. 'j f 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: '1...'15 AA/ tJNlmll,,-,:.;;n IJtlt;~. 4.lt'If{~ Ac.r.;u ,e -rll~ -rlti:..fIJo^,~ fOlv WILL. P...3VtlaIJ. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: " ~l<"( A/c::- '-!of. rOS~If!:l..~ '1'0 il'l'll"~OL'4 TidY- S'T({.,:c;-1.4~L ~S '" IS i v 00 t./I<:-",/r c,.",.;J1U1J fCIIO-V 70 -nJt.. (L'z..~'H...I1."'-/~#S DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the CarmeVClay Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance Docket No. is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this;2( day of ~Ct.y- . 20 q7 . r CHAIRPERSON, CarmeVClay Board of Zoning Appeals ~ SECRET ARY, CarmeVClay Board of Zoning Appeals ---- " Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). Page 8 of 8 - z.'\sharedlfotmslSZA applicallonsl DevelopmentStanclan:ls Variance Al>l>lIca11on rfIN. 1212912006 CA.RMEUCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS' CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No.: 07 0 ~OO(..., ~ v Petitioner: jlY! ~(e;.$ IJ~'1l(,(. FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: IT IS ~l ::t:\ fl2..ll/ATl , ~c;(O~.../t: '>. iT f::>tdLP~.ts f?.II/ V""" 1 f11"'.e. tH.l't~ t1L\..t..y, IS LCc./}..It..O O,J /J (H~O r;NO >-;-t!-~iT I 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: 1:-715 I!^/ lJNlm/'lt,-,v?n t3tlt;1j. 4.lIIlf[~ ,1cc't1~S ,0 IIICc.. It. Li.-tIJo!V~ fo I v l..V IL ~ /(. fi'1IJI 4/. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: I' ~/(.L A/C,,",: &~ rOS5ItU_":. Yo it'VIl'teOL.q TtJ<i.. .s'T(e..:c7'v~€'" AS ,,,, IS iv 00~R~N'r C,..,JI/UOfC/tOV 70 -nJi:.. (L'Z-~Ii(.,A-T'/~""S DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the CarmeVClay Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance Docket No. is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. S j-;y of ~ ~ ,20 c;:7J N, CarmeVClay Board of Zoning Appeals ~~ SECRETARY, Car eVClay Board of Zoning Appeals . Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). Page 8 of 8 - z.'lshared\lormsIBZA appllcatlons\ Development Standards Variance AilIl"catlan rev. 1212912006