HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice State of Indiana MARION County SS: 82890-4780717 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT / Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said count/' the undersigned Karen Mullins who, being duly sworn, says that SHI\:., \:~ of the INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS a DAILY STAR newspaper ofge ~~tcirculation p;,./ . printed and published in the English language in the city of INDIANAPOLIS i~slatH;f :.I.I[.'JlI.!~ f, " :'_ . ',:.. ,.,' ,": .~ <: :'_ '__',' ..... .. .. " i NOTICETOPUaLICHEARlNG ! Ag~~g~,J~6~~~~<f~~G I .;' . APPEALS. '. . QocketNo.0l040015V ~~~:ljG?:~e~~:a!gfthlri1~~~' I~~'~::'y;~b~~ ~~. ~h3.~~f~ Ithe.;Clty 'Hall 'CounciL Cham" j f~dfan~ ~~~2S~~lrh~Icf:~~~~ llie Hearing upon a OeveJop- i ment Stan~a~ds Variallce.::~P'" i plication . to:.. requeS!: " a , variance m the rear bptldmg I ~::~kpi~sB~g~~reo~i'li~~: - secondSection'is,requested. to allow -an, l1!ncroachment of i 2.9 fe.et into the platted rear I yard - of .. 75. .feet at a reduced rear yard setback of 66A,f~et (Required, per carmel. Coty; Code .Chapter ,10:. ZonQlg.& SUbdivision: Articlel:.' ,z:onmg Code - Carmel, Zonihg Ordi. rianee " Chapter '8:R-2~Resi- dence Distrlct-section.. 8.04 Height and Area, Require- ments-Section8.04.03 Mini- mum Lot Standards Section D. ~~'~m~'b~~~~g~at~;n;i(~~) feet) property b_eing known as 12367 Brompton' . Road (Lot I~~ apPIi'c~tiO~ iside~tified as ! ~~k~~:?,'eO~~~;~~cted by f,said oapplica,tJoR is,- described I asfo"ows:,,~~; .: ','_ _ ,_' i:Lot.79 in' Brookshire " Village, F rl SecondSeclio~. an addition to o l'the'Cityofcarmet,_Indiana..as ~~t"~:tkth~~~~~::C~~' :~ the Office of,the Recorder of Hamilton County., Indiana. EX- ~RPTth~fe:~i~~ ~;::~11~7~~:'E PRESCRIBED FORMULA thereof" ,'+,' ALSO EXCEPT> Part 01 Lot 79 in said' BrOQkshire' Village,';Sec- ~~~::i~~:e~dfor.::;'dl~\~ )ICA COLUMN - 94 POINT South line of Lot.78..sai~ part lINTS / 5 7 PT TYPE - 16 49 of- L()t 79 being more partlCU-" .. . ~~~i~~s~~~h':,~~t~~'T;~~~ EMS / 250 - .06596 SQUARES ~aig~~~7:h::;'~i.~r~~?e~{ 6 SQUARES X $5.14 - .339 CENTS PER LINE North..90 degrees ,,00' ",,"utes 00 seconds' East (plat bearmg) from the::Northwest"co~ner !'~~~~Oa~~~~~esSo~J~s2~b~~ ion' said west fa~e 2~33 feet,to I the. South face-'of s~id, chlm- neYi -thence South 90, degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds- East on Said SOuth.!ace 6.00 feet to the i:~~~~~~rtOJo~i~~~~~n1r6 minutes. 00 .seconds on'-said East face 2:33 feet to the North line of said Lot 79; thence .Nortl1. 90 degrees 00 minutes' 00: seconds West on said North line. 6.00 feello. the ~Y~~~~~~~~~sons desipng to present their views on the l above ,appliCation. eith.er." in : ~~~~ga~~o;::'~~W:~', g: I heard at the.abo,v~f!1~n~;oned : ~io~n~~:~~~elopmen~' . . Services,lnc~. -' :, for MOne Construction ~/26-4780717) and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s), between the dates of: 04/26/2007 and 04/26/2007 61~. ' ~lj~{Lt!%i,t.a--' Clerk Title Subscribed and sworn to before me on 04/26/2007 S~ i<-:;t;~ Notary Public My commission expires: "OFFICIAL SEAL" Notary Public, State of Indiana MyCom . . 011 PUBLISHED 1 TIME = .339 PUBLISHED 2 TIMES= .509 PUBLISHED 3 TIMES= .679 PUBLISHED 4 TIMES= .848 Board of Zonin!! ADoeals Public Notice Sim Procedure: The petitioner shall incur the cost of the purchasing, placing, and removing the sign. The must be placed in a highly visible and legible location from the road on the property that is involved with the public hearing. The public notice sign shall meet the following requirements: 1. Must be placed on the subject property no less than 25 days prior to the public hearing The sign must follow the sign design requirements: Sign must be 24" x 36" - vertical Sign must be double sided Sign must be composed of weather resistant material, such as corrugated plastic or laminated poster board The sign must be mounted in a heavy-duty metal frame The sign must contain the following: . 12" x 24" PMS 1805 Red box with white text at the top. . White background with black text below. . Text used in example to the right, with Application type, Date*, and Time of subject public hearing * The Date should be written in day, month, and date fonnat. Example: Monday, January 23 The sign must be removed within 72 hours of the Public Hearing conclusion 2. 3. 4. ~..- ..,,,,,, ........ \...... 1+"' (''''rI__ll:lIIljoF} (Ud:acf O'\mc) For More Infonnation: (web) www.cannel.in.gov II) 571-2417 Public Notice Si2D Placement Affidavit: DeBoy Land Development Services I (We) for M One Construction do hereby certify that placement of the notice public sign to consider Docket Number 07040015 v ,was placed on the subject property at least twenty- five (25) days prior to the date of the public hearing at the address listed below. STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF Hamilton ,SS: oceDWdUS~~~ -- No Public My Commission Expires: 2/28/2010 CARMEUCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS JJ-14g{l;>~ / ,'~ "\ .:' . ~- l.'.'~.J'" . -<; /~, j":;.'_t, '~"""'.11' t~" .,'" ~ ,','.' :" ''J ," \ ''''',,:, ,'tl"!, t_, , t. iL ~ ~r.' \ J /<'; ,;~t~., ~ /~ '""",,' I""" '00 j~ I- i ,- \ \Ie'? \/ \(>. I (WE) DeBoy Land Development Services, Inc. for M One Construe. DO HEREBY CERTIFY r~T1~w~-'f (petitioner's Name)~~lJ-lJ PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEUCLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CONSIDERING Docket Number PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ',' : i ~ 07040015 V , was registered and mailed at least twenty-five (25)* days prior to the date of the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property owners: OWNER ADDRESS See Attached STATE OF INDIANA SS: Slg County of Hamilton (County in which notarization takes place) for Hamilton (Notary Public's county of residence) Michael L. DeBoy, LS (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) 15th~' l Ma A~' }iR" t:....~ {'"'co' . ...: - ..' (EA4-._ 1: 'tr:~(b ClJ \,...~!.. ~ ~~'~'i ~J.>~~2.;~.rzt'J~'\~}.~ ~Q. 0;.. NY.~\"'" . 'IJ';"tii:JIlI"'~ Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public County, State of Indiana, personally appeared and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this Notary Pub Ii --Signature Stacey A. Fouts Notary Public--Please Print\ My commission expires: 2/28/2010 *10 days notice for a BZA Hearing Officer Meeting Page 6 of 8 - z:lsharedllormslBZA appllcatlonsl Development Standards Variance Application rev 121:1912006 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION ' / ,. 1~' . I',', :.11/ j {' ,. o /.i'ij/ l!?r~ 3. ~~TYpe ,/,.F$~ I ~rtified Mall 0 EJlS'resS;Mail I o Registered I,. ~tUrn Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mall 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes ',.. Complete items 1 , 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if seace permits. I ,}. Article Ad.~ressed to: GeorgeK. & Nancy Lee Toombs ,12353 Brompton Road Carmel, IN 46033 I I I I l 2. Article Number I; ; f1:'o/',s(er (rom;serv/ce I~Q; ; ~ !; ( I. PS Form 3811; February 2004,.. OtaJ-,1 f }Oq6 ~760 0002 5776 0094 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 I SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY , ' I . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete i!em4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if sp~ce penn its. I 1. Article Addressed to: A. Signature x o Agent o Addressee ved by ( Printr-d fj8tJ1e) / , J e. ..)cJt (l ;- &( b. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter d~livery address below: ~~\~~T I DYes o No " .r~ij Melvin J. Bennett 12360 Brompton Road N. Carmel, IN 46033 3. Se~ Type Ili"Certlfled Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o ~ress Mail l:B"'Retum Receipt for Merchandise OC,O.D, ' DYes 2. Article Number . 1 , ~ l r I i . (rransfer frorri.serJ/~ i8beQ\ :: \ : , 1 {1 1;- ~ ~ l' . t I . . r PS; Forn\S'S11, Februliry 2664 \ ! l OI/)J,~7 : 7nOb' 27!!.D 0002 \57..76 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 'D 1'17 ;., 66rl,eJtic !R~turh 'Receipt 102595-02,M-1540 I . Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the caret to you. . Attach this carel to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Artic,le Addressed to: DYes o No SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION ..t"T~;~' '\ Wate1stone Homeowners Assoc., Inc. ,.;~ 7050 116th Street East Fishers, IN 46038 OOJ0 -,q 3. Se~ Type rJr'Certified Mail 0 pipress Mail o Registered I:J"'Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. ' 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number j ; j (T;~ns'flr "9mj~erviqe Ial?ep ~ ' , , PS' Forni 38'11: February' 2004 . . 1RQ~i~?~O 0002 5776 0131 ..... ...... Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 I SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY " . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and' address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ., Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. A. Signature ~ DAgent o Addressee B. Received by { Printed Name 9/Date of Delivery ~ (-27-' D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? 0 Yes' If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No x I 1. Article Addressed to: I /' I I George K. & Nancy Lee Toombs 12353 Brompton Road Carmel, IN 46033 I : 2. Article Number i, (Tf'B!lsfer from service ,1abeQ. . , , , ii 'PS Fo'rm' 3811, 'Febniar'y' 2004' , ;; ()(}J.3-71 3. Sa Ice Type , Certified Mail 0 I;xPress Mail ( o Registered Ie'Retum ReCeipt for Merchandise ( o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. I 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes l , '[)omestic R~tum Receipt I 102595..Q2.M.1540 I 7006 2760 0002 5776 010,0 : ; : . I . . : ~ '~ ~. '''';.''.,"''''-1-:;:...,;<< SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION ,.C6mplete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete .'. item'4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and' address on the reverse .so that we can return the card to you. . ., Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, '. or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Marsha A & Robert W. Thompson 12381 Brompton Road Carmel, IN 46033 0f9.3-7Cf 2. Article Number I .' (rranSfer from service labeQ . . . Ii PS Form ~811; Feb~ary 2004 ~~ " 3. Se~ Type , I QY"Certlfled Mail 0 Exyress ~ail o Registered CiHfeturn Receipt for Merchandise I o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 7006 2760 0002 5776 0087 I 102595-{)2-M-1540 I Domestic Return Receipt SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete' i!em 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. ' 1. Article Addressed to: Nancy Ann Kelso 12374 Brompton Road Carmel, IN 46033 . D Agent D Addressee D Ves D No --"" 3. Se~ Type , !l'tertified Mail D ElI6'ress Mail D Registered lB"fleturn Receipt for ,Merchandise D Insured Mall D C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 2. Article Number \ i i i i : 1 ; : .. .. I. t _ . \ \ ... '. . I ~ ; . .([ra".sferfro"1 se.rv/~ ~8bel) :.i; . P$ brm 3811-:~tnUary 2004 0&;),3-77 (ZQrn!~ ~;76rn!, irn002; 57R.6 012[4 DVes o;,m~lc Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 ...~.;eB. -.Oy L~. aJ1--d-~::IOpment se~ices, 1 ;lnc. :"'C Street~Suite 100 '501 S. ~~l~ IN 4~p~0 .,.' ..,-. ') ,. I No,ble$. .." .__.-'-_ ,:1. I" _.'", ; , \~ . - "', Michael H. Baker 12367 Brompton Road Carmel, IN 46033 ~""!~,~ ~~~Wlr~11 ,~h~~~~{~:~~" :;~:~:~;~~llllllH~lllllll. $4;64 >.. ;-~ 46033 .' 0006}190-0.J .. ~~ ,,/. _. ___ .m._. .. ! 1Vfl.=:~~il tnitoom~(J I ~ I!lIlicm ~ ~ · V " "- " :, j I:, Ill~ttl 70Db-:P276D 0002 5776 0070 4:::.[;::::3+:::: i 82 1,1,,1,11 ,,1J ",ull II,III/,IJI/lllli, ,I",', J,II "I If ,lI!,!ll ''----' ;:r ru ..... a ...D I"- . "'-" I"- '~' Postage $ !'"i! -,Certified Fee f"!,j:,~1 \.~ ql-i Return Receipt Fee' C3-(Endorsement Required) dJ-'\ ,- \!OORestricted DellllllMF~ a ~ ' orsemenl Reltil~iI) ...D I"- ru ...D W '" elso ~ ~frije~ 12374 Brompton Road I"- ~:.:..~_ Carmel, IN 46033 CIty.S rJ{Jf)J)~""_.",, ~ ~/$O.39 ''l. ' '$2~40 ~ . 04/20/2007 USE 0814 01 Postmark Here . , ~~~1Ul @~@TI1}I?1]~@o [M]&J][LM ~[MJ D. - flJIiJ) 0 flllJ~. - _. - '. . - . r'- eo Cl Cl.'.~.--~ ..D r'- r'- U1 @!Ij'~€1l CAt)LP f6b31 C I A l USE . , $0.39 0814 01 Postage $ Certified Fee $2.40 ru Cl Return Receipt Fee Cl (Endorsement Required) Cl Restricted Delivery Fee Cl (Endorsement Required) ..D r'- ru $1.85 $0.00 Postmark Here TOl$1~&Eeas!l: $4.M '-2OL200~ ..D enl Marsha A & Robert W. Thompson ~ ~it'ii 12381 Brompton Road r'- ~:..:. Carmel, IN 46033 CIty, ~. CI CI .. . ~ . . . -. M CI ..J] U S E ("- ("- Postage $ SO.39 0814 LJ1 ru Certified Fee $2.40 01 CI Retum Receipt Fee Postmark CI (Endorsement Required) $1.85 Here CI Restricted Delivery Fee $0.00 CI (Endorsement Required) ..J] ("- Total Postaae~&.Eees~ $4.64 04/2012007 ru /' ..J] enlTo George K. & Nancy Lee Toombs ~ "'------, 12353 Brompton Road ....... <>Ireel.... ("- f}!.':.c:.'!..( Carmel, IN 46033 Cily,Slal ~ . ru rn CJ CJ ..D l"'- I"'- L1'I .0 . . - 1llIl .;. . ~[ffi~@~&- OO~@~(Mj D.. fifJIII] 0 fl/:lJ~", .. '. ... .~_. ~€ll cAQ653JCIAl USE Postage $ Certified Fee $0.39 0814 01 ru CJ Return ReceIpt Fee CJ (Endorsement Required) CJ Restricted Delivery Fee CJ (Endorsement Required) ..D ~ TOIa)-eo~lalle & Fees S; $2.40 $1.85 $0.00 $lt.6L- _O{f12012007__~. Postmark Here ..D sent George K& Nancy Lee Toombs CJ CJ ~i;eB 12353 Brompton Road I"'- or PC citY.~ Carmel, IN 46033 ~. I"- M M CJ ..J] l"- I"- U1 .uoo $0.39 Postage $ Certified Fee $2.40 ru CJ Return Receipt Fee CJ (Endorsement Required) CJ Restricled Delivery Fee CJ (Endorsement Required) ..J] I"- Total P9~JIe..&EeelL L---$it.h~ ru ent 0 Melvin J. Bennett ..J] CJ ,.,...mo 12360 Brompton Road N. CJ ",.reet, J I"- ~:.':..~.? Carmel, IN 46033 CIty.Sta $1.85 $0.00 ~ .. .. ,.. , USE 0814 01 Postmark Here -04j2Ol2007~ ~ . M m M CJ ..J] l"- I"- U'1 ~~~& @~oomJ~~[Q) ~O~ [ffi~molP1J D.. {jflffJJ 0 DIlJ:iJ~ . . ... . . Iit!u.. . ~I!fi1ffiC!l!li'~s.l FeRflNp60fsC I A l USE . , Postage $ $0.39 0814 01 Certlfled Fee $2.40 ru CJ Retum Receipt Fee CJ (Endorsement Required) CJ Restricted Delivery Fee CJ (Endorsement Required) ..J] I"- Total P!JSIaae.&.F:ees. .S ru $1.85 $0.00 $4.64 Postmark Here 04L2.01.2QO.7~ ent 0 ..J] Waterstone Homeowners Assoc., g "$;;eei,") Inc I"- orPOB . Ci,y;sia 7050 1 16th Street East ~. Fishers, IN 46038 CJ I"- CJ CJ .Jl l"- I"- LrI USE 0814 01 postage $ $0.39 $2.40 $1.85 $0.00 Certified Fee postmarl< Here ru CJ Retum ReceIpt Fee CJ (Endorsement Required) CJ Restricted Delivery Fee CJ (Endorsement Required) .Jl I"- ru Totel p-t_R."="- _~_$!t.~_Q!JtZOl2oo7 - Sent , Michael H. Baker .Jl CJ ......_. 12367 Brompton Road CJ "rreet, C 1 I"- arPO, arme, IN 46033 cny,s ~ . .:; .-,- HAMILtON COUNTY AUDITOR _l{) MdJJ- dd-71 07fY/IbJ5V I, ROBIN MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO ARE ALL OF THE ADJOINING AND ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED: g~~ 5-Z8-07 Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana code 5-14-3-3-(e), no person other than those authorized by the county may reproduce, grant access, deliver, or sell any information obtained from any department or office of the county to any other person, partnership, or corporation. In addition, any person who receives information from the county shall not be permitted to use any mailin9 lists, addresses, or data bases for the purpose of selling, advertlsing, or soliciting the purchase of merchandise, goods, services, or to sell, loan, give away, or otherwise deliver the information obtained by the request to any other person. Wednesday, March 28, 2007 Page 10f1 *1. ~. ',' HAMILTON COUNTY NOTIFICATION LIST PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 16-10-32-02-10-014.002 Baker, Michael H 12367 CARMEL Subject Brompton Rd IN 46033 16-10-32-02-10-013.000 Thompson, Marsha A & Robert W 12381 Brompton Rd CARMEL IN Neighbor 46033 16-10-32-02-10-014.001 . Neighbor Toombs, George K & Nancy Lee 12353 Brompton Rd Carmel IN 46033 >:, " 16-10-32-02-10-015.000 Neighbor Toombs, George K & Nancy Lee 12353 Brompton Rd Carmel IN 46033 16-10-32-02-10-026.000 Bennett, Melvin J 12360 Brompton Rd N CARMEL IN Neighbor 46033 Wednesday, March 28, 2007 Page 1 of2 t " 16-10-32-02-10-027.000 Kelso, Nancy Ann 12374 Brompton Rd CARMEL IN Neighbor 46033 16-10-33-00-26-015.000 Waterstone Homeowners Assoc Inc Neighbor 7050 Fishers 116th St E IN 46038 Wednesday, March 28, 2007 Page 2 of2 - . .. 009 035 002 036 037 010.001 011 001 012 030 010 021 022 029 028 023 014.002 023 024 024.001 025 004 022 021 020 9 010 011 013 019 014 clayeast1_p.dgn 3/28/200710:34:42 AM 012 017 018 001