HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Carmel/St. Vincent Hospital APPROVr.11 jP~"'O ~ I./- FORM 8 i ;~.7t ). (;) S" ( AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TUlS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL ANI) HEALTH CARE CENTER, INC., an Indiana nonprolit corporation (bcreinailer "Hospital"), and CITY OF CARMEL, Indiana, by and through its Board 01' Public Works and Safety (hereinaller "Customer"). WITNESSETH: \VIU:REAS, Hospital is a nonprofit, tax exempt entity which owns and openltes a . Hospital known as,S!. Vincent Hospital and Health Care Center, Inc., in Marion County, Indiana; and WHEREAS, Hospital operates an I~mployee Assistance Program to provide. certain hcalth care services to individuals throughout the community; and \VHEREAS. Customer is an employer desirous 01' providing slich health care services 10 its employees: and WH EREAS. in I'urtherance of its objectives and tax exempt purpose, Hospital is willing to 'make these services available to the Customer to facilitate the delivery 01' health care services; and \VHEREAS, Customer wishes to obtain these serviecs I'rom Hospital. NO\\, TH EREORE, in consideration 01' the mutual covenants as contained herein, the lJarties agree as I'ol]ows: I. I)F:FINITlONS I. I Hospital. "Hospital" shall meanS!. Vincent Hospital and Health Care Center, Inc., an Indiana nonprofit corporation acting through its President. 1.2 Pro~ram. "Program" shall mean the Employee Assistance Program (EAI') 01' Hospital. 1.3 Services. "Services" or "EAI' Services" shall mean those services provided by Hospital's Program as are more particularly described ()!1 Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. , 1.4 Immediate Familv Member. ':Immediate Family Member" shall mean an Employee's spouse and dependent children. i\ stepchild is a "dependent child" if the stepchild resides lnthe same household as the Employee. 1.5 Treatment lopisode. "Treatment Episode" shall mean a series 01' counseling sessions in which no more than six (6) weeks separate one session from the next consecutive session. 1.6 Emplovee. "Employee" shall mean an individual contained on the roster provided by Customer to Hospital pursuant 10 paragraph 3.1 hcreinbelovv'. II. PURCHASE OF SERVICES 2.1 Hospital agrees to provide to Customer, and Customer agrees to purchase li'om Hospital, those Program Services described on attached Exhibit A. III. ELIGIBILITY FOR SERYICES 3.1 Customer shall, on a quarterly basis, provide Hospital with a current.roster of those Employees eligihle to receive Services. Customer shall nolify Hospital in writing when any person becomes ineligible to participate in the Program. Customer shall be responsible for Services providcd to Employees lisled on the roster until such time Hospital is notilicd in writing that an Employee is no longer eligible to receive Services. IV. COMPENSATION AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES 4.1 Compensation. COlllmencing with the cfTcctivc date of' this Agreement, and as full and complete compensation lor the Services pcrlormed by Hospital hereunder, Customer agrees Lo pay on a quarterly basis [0 Hospital a capitation jee of 52.15 per Employee per month. The fee will remain in effect I'lr one (1) year. Atlhe end of each one (I) year term, upon written nOlice, Hospital may unilalerally adjns! rates. Such rate adjustment shall not exceed six percent (GlXl) per year. Hospital shall submit an invoice to Customer lor Services provided during the time period encompassed by such invoice in such detail as is acceptable to Customer. Payment is due within thirty (30) days alier receipt of an invoice I'rom Hospital. In the event an invoice amount is disputed, Customer shall so notily Hospital. 1 I' such dispute in not resolved within twenty (20) business days alier notice of' such dispute is sent by Customer to Hospital, Customer shall pay such amount, under protest, into the Cannel City Court, which Court shall hold such money until notilied of a resolution signed by both parties hereto or the entry 01' a linal judgment thereon. 4.2 13illin~ and Collection. Customer shall separately and directly bill and collect any amounts due li'OIn Employees or any third party payors t,)r Services furnished under this Agreement. Hospital agrees to IlJnlish Customer inl'ormation nceded by Customer 1'01' such billing purposes and Customer assumes all costs of billing, collection and any bad debts. 4.3 Additional Services. Customer may authorize Hospital to provide services beyond those specifically contracted for pursuant to this ^grecmcnt. Customer 11111S1 provide specific written authorization 1'01' all additional services and l1JlIsl also agree in v,'Tiling 10 pay for slIch services. V. GENERAL INSURANCE PROVISIONS 5.1 Hospital and Customer agree (through either a policy or insurance or a program of self-insurance) to carry wqrker's compensation and employer's liability, public liability, property damage, contractual liability, lire and 2 extended coverage insurance as applicable to the provisIon or Services under this Agreement. Each party shall carry said policies or self insurance and shall, upon request, provide the other party with appropriate certificates . evidencing thc coverage required pursuant to this paragraph 5.1 5.2 Professional Liahilitv. The Hospital shall carry policies of medical malpractice insurance, or policies of self-insurance, with limits no less than necessary to qualify the Hospital as a provider under the Indiana Medica] Malpractice Act (I.c. ~ 34-18 et seq.), and the Hospital agrees to he and remain a provider thereunder. VI. ETHICAL AND RELIGIOUS I)(RECTlVES FOR CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE SERVICES 6.] Parties acknowledge that the Hospital conducts its operations in a lawful manner consistent with the Ethical and Reli~ious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services as promulgated by the United States Contercnee of Catholic Bishops, Washington D. c., of the Roman Catholic Church or its successor. VII. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 7.] Hospital warrants and represents that it is licensed to provide health care services in Indiana and \vill remain so licensed throughout the term or this Agreement and any extensions thcrcor. 7.2 Hospital shall provide the Services by following and applying at all limes quality prolessional and technical guidelines and standards as commonly recognized and followed in the health care industry. VIII. ASSOCIATI<: APPROVAL 8.] Whenever applicab]e, Hospital shall provide an individual to render Services on Customer's prenlises. Customer shall provide writtcn notilication to Hospital should, in Customer's reasonable judgment, a Hospital associate performing scrvices 11)1' Customer pursuant to this Agrecment not be acceptable to Customer. I-Iospital shall be given li'fteen (15) days following receipt of such notice to improve the performance of the Hospital associate. Should the Hospital associate's performance thereafter not be reasonably acceptable to Customer, the Hospital associate shall no longcr provide services. (0 Customer uncleI' this Agreement and Hospital shall replace that Hospita] associate with a Hospita] 'associate acceptable to Customer, which acceptance and approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. IX. STATUS OF THE PARTIES 9.] In carrying out the terms of this Agreement, the parties agree that each is acting as an indepcndent contractor and not as the agent or cmployee of the other. Each party agrees to pay, as they become due, al] lederal and state withholding and income taxes, including social security taxes due and payable on the compensation earned by each party, and each party agrees to 3 hold the other harmless from any taxes, penalties or interest whieh arise as a result of its failu!"C to do so. X. INDElYINIFICA nON ] 0.1 Customer Indemnilication. Customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless HospitaL its on~cers, agents and employees from any loss, cost, dall1agc~ expense, reasonable attorneys fees and liability by reason of bodily injury. property damage. or both, of whatsoever nature or kind. arising out 01' or as a result of the negligence of Customer or any of its agents or Employees. This obligation shal] survive the termination of this Agreement. ] 0.2 Hospita] Indemnilication. Hospita] agrees to indemnily and hold harmless Customer. its ol'licers, agents and employees from any loss, cost, damage cxpense, reasonable attorneys Ices and liability by reason of bodily injury, property damage, or both, of whatsoever nature or kind, arising out of or as a result of the ncgligence of Hospital or any of its employees or agents. This obligation shall survive the termination oflhis Agreement. XI. TERM AND TERMINATION ] 1.1 Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement shall be for twelve (12) months commencing on May], 2006, and terminating on April 30, 2007. This Agrecment is automatically renewable I()r two (2) successive one (]) year terms unless either party gives notice of termination at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of anyone (I) year term. I r neither party gives notice to terminate the Agreement pursuant to this provision at the end of the lirst or second year of the term of this Agreement. the Agreement will terminate at I] :59:59 p.m. on April 30, 2009. Notwithstanding thc above, this Agreement may be terminated by either party hereto without cause or penalty upon thirty (30) days advance written notice to the other party.' Additionally, upon Customcr's failure to appropriate monies sumeient to pay tor all of the Services to be rendered hereunder, this Agreement many be terminated by Customer immediatcly upon Hospital's receipt 01' Customer's notice to cease all Services. Howevcrl Customer shall compensate Hospital in accordance with section 4.1 l()r Services rendered prior to termination. ] 1.2 Termination bv A~reement. In the event Hospital and Customer shall mutually agree in writing, lhis Agreement may be terminated 011 terms and dale stipulated therein. 1].3 Termination lor Specil,c Breaches. ]n the event either party shalll\,i] in any material manner to provide the services or meet the obligations specit'icd herein, or shall.otherwise I:lil to comply with all the terms and conditions herein, then the party shall be notilied that it is in del\lult of' the Agreement and shall be provided thirty (30) days after receipt of' the notice of' det\llllt to cure the deCau]t. I I' the recipient is given an opportunity to eure the 4 delillllr and the default is not cured within thirty (30) days of receipt or notice, this Agreement shall terminate at I I :59:59 p.m. on the last day of such thirty (30) day cure period. 11.4 EITect of Termination. Except as expressly set forth herein, upon termination of this Agrcement neither party shall have any Jllrther obligations hereunder except for obligations accruing prior to the date of tcnnination. XII. G.~NERAL PROVISIONS 12.1 Notices. Notices or communications herein required or permitted shall be given the respective parties by registered or ccrtillcd mail (said notice being deemed given as the date of mailing) or by hand delivery at the following addresses unless either party shall otherwise designate its new address by written notice. HOSPITAL CUSTOM ER Patricia A. Maryland, Dr. P.H. President St. Vincent Hospital and Health Care Center. Inc. 200 I West 86th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 City of Carmel Director of Hunwn Resources City Hall. I Civic Square Carmcl. Indiana 46032 COPIES TO: Carol Carpentier Coordinator Sr. Vincem EAP 840 I Harcourt Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 City ol'Carmel City A ttorlley City Hall. 1 Civie Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 St. Vincent Contract Managemem 8402 Harcourt Road. Suite 823 Indianapolis. Indiana 46260 12.2 Assil.!nmCnL Assignments of this Agreement or the rights or obligations hereunder shall be invalid without the speciJic written consent 01' the other pnrty hereto. except that this Agreement may be nssigned by Hospital without the written approval of Customer to any successor entity operating the facility now opernled by Hospital or to a related or al'Jiliatcd organizntion that meets nil of the requirements nnd assumes all of the obligations set forth herein, 12,3 Entire Agreement. This Agreement together with any exhibits attached hereto or referenced herein, constitutes the entire agreement between Hospitnl and Customer with respect to the subject matter hereot~ and supersedes all prior oral and/or written rcprcscntatiollS ane! .agrccmcnts regarding sal11e. Notwithslnnding any other termor condition contninccl in this Agreement, hut subject to paragraph 12. I I hereinbelow, to the extem allY term or condition contained in any exhibit attached to this Agreement 5 conl1icts with any term or condition contained in this Agreement, the term or condition contained in this Agreement shall govern and prevail, unless the parties hereto or their successors in interest expressly and in writing agree otherwise. 12.4 Waiver of 13reach. The waiver by eithcr party of a breach or violation or any provision of this Agreement shall not operate as nor be construed to be a waiver or any subsequent breach hereof. 12.5 Cioverninl! Law. This Agreemcnt shall be construed and governed by tbe 1,l\vs of the State of Indiana, except for its conllict or laws provisions, as well as by all municipal ordinances and codes or the City 01' Carmel. Indiana. 12.6 Amendments. This Agreement may bc amended only by an instrumcnt in writing signed by the parties hereto. 12.7 Execution. Tbis Agreement and any amendments thcreto shall be executcd in duplicate copics on behalr or Hospital and Customer by a designated and duly authorized of'licial or each. Each duplicate copy shall be deemed an original, but hoth duplicate originals together constitute one ,11ld the same instrument. 12.8 No Third Parties Beneliciaries. Nothing eontaincd herein shall be construed to give any rights or benelits hereunder to anyone other than Customer and/or Hospital. 12.9 Government Compliance. Hospital agrees to comply with all present and future federal, stale and local lmvs, executive orders. rules, regulations, codes and ordinances that may be applicable to Hospital's perl()nnance or its obligations under this Agreement. and all relevant provisions thereof arc incOrpOraliJd heriJin by this reference. Hospitll agrees to indell1niry and hold harmless Customer from any and all losses, ciamagcs, costs, attorney fiJiJS and/or liabilities resulting from any violation of such la\\', order, rule. regulation. code or ordinance. This obligation shall survive tl10 termination or this Agreement. 12. 10 No Discrimination. Hospital represents and warrants that it and each 01' its employees, agents, contractors~ outside sources and other persons shall comply with all existing and Cuture laws or the United States. the State oC Indiana and the City or Carmel, Indiana. prohibiting discrimination against any employee, applicant 1'01' employmcnt "nd/or othcr person in the subcontracting or work and/or in lhe provision of any Services contemplated by this Agreement with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions or privileges or employment or any mailer directly or indirectly related to employment. subcontracting or work performance hereunder because of race. religion. color, sex, handicap, national origin, allcestT)', age. disabled veteran status or Vietnam era veteran status. Customer reserves the right to collect a penalty as provided in IC 5-16-6-1 for any person so discriminated against. 6 12.11 Severability. If any proyision or portion of this Agreement is held to be inValid, illegal or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, that provision or portion thereof shall be stricken, and all other provisions of this Agreement which can op.crate .independently of slIch stricken provision shall continue in' full force and efluct. 12.12 Representation and Warranty. Each party hereto represents and warrallls that it is authorized to enter into this Agreement and that any person or entity executing this Agreement on behalf of such party has the authority to bind such party or the party which they represent, as the case may be. 12.13 Headin~s. All headings and sections of this Agreement are inserted lor convenience only and clo 110t form a part of this Agreement \lor limit, expand or othcrwi~c alter the meaning orany pro\rision hcrcol'. 12.14 Advice of Counsel. The parties warrant that they have read this Agreement and understand it. urc fully l.l\varc of their respective rights: have had the opportunity for the advice and assistance of an atlorncy throughout the negotiation of this Agreement. and enter into this Agreement freely, voluntarily, allc{ wilhout any duress, undue inllucllcc, coercion or promise of benefit, except as expressly set forth herein. 12.15 l3indin~ Effect. Customer and Hospital, and tbeir respective onicers, oflicials, age illS, partners, SlIccessors, assigns and kgal representatives are bOllnd to the other and to its officers. agents. partners, successors, assigns and legal repreScllultives. in all respects as to all covenants, agreements and obligations oCthis Agreement. ] 2.16 Re~ulatory Compliance. The parties will operate at all times in compliance with applicable federal, state, and loea] la\\', rules and regulations, the policies, rules and regulations of the parties, and the applicable standards of the .Ioint Commission on the Accreditation of Heahhcare Organizations. 12.17 HIPA;\ Compliance. Each party agrees that it will comply in all material respects with all applicable federal and state mandated regulations, rules or orders applicable to privacy, security and cledronic transactions, including without limitation, regulations promulgated under Title II Subtitle F of the Health Ins;II'anee Portability and Accountability Act (Public 1.,,,,,, 104-19]) ("I'III'AA"). Furthermorc. the parties shal] promptly amend the Agreement to conform with any new or revised "legislation, rules and regulations to which Hospital is subject now or in the future including, without limitation, the Standards lor Privacy 01' Individually Identifiable Health Inf,'rmation or similar legislation (collectively. "Privacy Laws") in order to ensure that Hospital is at n times in conformance with all Privacy Laws. rc within thirty (30) days of either party I1r5t providing noticc to the other of the oeed to amend the Agreement to comply with Privacy Laws, the parties. acting in good l~lith, arc (i) unable to mutually agree upon and make amendments or alterations to this Agreement to meet the requirements in question, or (ii) alternatively, the panies determine in good I~lith that amendments or alterations to the requirements arc not feasible, then either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notice. 7 12.18 CO!'JJoratc Responsibility. Hospital has in place a Corporale Responsibility Program ("Program") that has as its goal to ensure that Hospital complies with l'cdcral, state and local laws and regulations. The Program f()cuses on risk management, the promotion of good corporute citizenship, including the commitment to uphold a high standard or ethical and legal business practices, and the prevention oC misconduct. Customer acknowledges Hospital's commitment to corporate responsibility and agrees to conduct all business transactions that OCCllr pursuant to this Agreement in substantial compliance with the underlying philosophy or corporate rcsponsibility adoptcd by the Hospital. Customer rurther agrees to disclose immediately allY debarment, exclusion or other event that makes Customer ineligible: to participate in Federal health care programs or Federal procurement or 110n- procurement programs. s IN WITNESS WI-IEREOF, the duly authorized representatives of I-Iospital and Customer have executed this Agreement Oil the dates written below. ST. VINCENT I-IOSI'ITAL AND 1-1 EA LTI-I CARE CENTER, INC. By ~4 ~ ~V- Patricia A. Maryland, 0 . 1'.1-1. President Dale: :3 - ~). -tJ 7- CITY OF CARMloL, INDIANA. BY AND TI-IROUGI-I ITS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAI'ETY Date: James Bn inard Presiding Officer 6 ~/;3~ 07- tlor }9e,J'e/) t- Mary Ann Burke Member By: Date: By: Dale: ATTES '. \Hna Cordray, IAMC D,,' C1'Zl#- 9 EXHIBIT "A" St. Vincent Stress Center I,mployee Assistance Program (EAP) I()cuses on two prominent cl1aractcristics: (I) Early intervention on personal problems impacting job perli1nllanec. (2) Short-term cOllnseling based on a pragl11<llic, problem-solving t1pproach. EAI' services (provided 1'01' l,mployec5 and tbeir Immediate Family Members as a benefit) include seven (7) olle-hollr sessions per treatment episode. These sessions cover asscssl1lCl1t~ short-term counseling and referral. Once a referral has been madc, EAP counselors will obtain periodic progress reports from service providers and will follow tip witb cI ients, as appropriate, li)r evaluation 01' progress and degree 01' client satisfiletion. Up to I'our (4) one-bour educational programs arc olTered per year per Customer by tbe Hospital stalT. Tbe St. Vincent EAP services arc located at 8401 Harcourt Road, Indianapolis, IN 46260. In addition to this location, we have a national network nf'affiliatc providers. Tbe EAP counselors arc available Cor sebeduled appointment Monday Ibrougb Friday between tbe bours or 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Appointments may be sebeduled after bours to accolllmodate employee needs. Supervisors/managers or individual Employees and their Immediate Family Members may schedule appointments by ealling (317) 33S-4900 or (SOO) 544-9412. An emergency service will be provided. This will consist of a 24-hour emergency phone service with professional counselors "on_cuIL" Eligible participants will be able tn reach a cOLlnselor by calling a toll-free number 24 hours a day, 7 days H week. Quarterly aClivity reports will be provided to the Customer. These reports shall include utilization and demographic dnta. Only aggregate data will be reported, in order to maintain the confidentiality of Employees and their Immediate Family Members. EAI' counselors arc available to help in coping with some of the more common problems l'ound alTecting the work place such as. but not limited to. the Illllowing: Divorce/Separation Alcohol or Chemical Dependeney COllllllunication with Others Adjusting to Retirement Living Alone Money Management . Marital Diflieulties Illness or Failing Health Sexual Problems Family Crisis School !'roblems !'arem/Child Problems /