HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.16.24 CC Meeting Minutes 1 City of Carmel CARMEL COMMON COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2024 – 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS/CITY HALL/ONE CIVIC SQUARE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Council President Anthony Green, Council Members: Jeff Worrell, Ryan Locke, Rich Taylor, Adam Aasen, Teresa Ayers, Matthew Snyder, Anita Joshi, Shannon Minnaar, and Deputy Clerk Jessica Komp were present. Council President Green called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. AGENDA APPROVAL The agenda was approved unanimously. INVOCATION Rev. George Davis delivered the invocation. RECOGNITION OF CITY EMPLOYEES AND OUTSTANDING CITIZENS Councilor Minnaar recognized Sky Simpson, a Carmel resident who recently competed at the International Powerlifting Federation World Open Equipped Championship in Iceland. She also recognized Sky’s trainer, Carmel resident Kyle Moran, who owns Moran Academy for Strength and Speed. Sky earned two gold medals and one silver in his lifts and took home gold overall in his division. Sky was described during the competition as the most electrifying athlete representing the United States. Under the Mayor’s direction, the city of Carmel will temporarily name a street after Sky. RECOGNITION OF PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL Stacie Shapiro shared her story of why she sold her house and ultimately moved out of Carmel. She stated that her neighbors installed a pool and other outdoor structures which differed in size and location from the plans that they had submitted when they applied for a variance. Ms. Shapiro stated that for two years she tried to get the city to help her with this situation. She asked for variance hearings that did not happen, she stated that code enforcement did nothing about the numerous violations her neighbors had committed. She had to sell her property, which was not easy because it was hard to find a buyer who wanted to live next to those structures. Another neighbor had difficulty selling as well. Mr. Shapiro stated she was sharing her story so that this wouldn’t happen to another resident. Docusign Envelope ID: 319F774E-4343-463C-9DF0-896C71B54532 2 COUNCIL AND MAYORAL COMMENTS/OBSERVATIONS Councilor Aasen recognized Councilor Green for all the work he has done this year as Council President, and thanked him for his service. President Green was honored with a commemorative gavel. Mary-Margaret McKechnie, a fifth grade student at Carmel Elementary, gave the Mayor’s Report to Council. The Mayor expressed her gratitude to the City Council, the city team and the citizens of Carmel for this past year. This has been a year of listening, learning and building upon the foundations that make Carmel a city of excellence. We have tackled challenges head-on, always with a focus on collaboration and forward progress. Mayor Finkam is proud of the progress we have made this past year, but is even more excited about the road ahead. CONSENT AGENDA Councilor Snyder moved to approve the consent agenda. Councilor Minnaar seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. The consent agenda was approved 9-0. a. Approval of Minutes 1. December 2, 2024 Regular Meeting b. Claims 1. Payroll - $3,828,530.14 2. General Claims – $3,292,829.46 ACTION ON MAYORAL VETOES There were none. COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilor Worrell reported that the Finance, Utilities and Rules Committee has not met since the last Council meeting. There are three items on the agenda that will be picked up next year. Councilor Snyder reported that the Land Use and Special Studies Committee met on December 4th to go over the UDO review that has been performed in 2024. The Land Use Committee is also sending the Alley Vacation out of committee with no action. OTHER REPORTS – (at the first meeting of the month specified below): There were none. OLD BUSINESS Council President Green announced the fifth reading of Ordinance D-2740-24; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending Chapter 2, Article 1, Sections 2-1, 2-3, 2-6, 2- 10, 2-12, 2-13 and 2-14 of the Carmel City Code; Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Green and Aasen. This item remains in the Finance, Utilities and Rules Committee. Council President Green announced the fifth reading of Ordinance D-2741-24; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending Chapter 2, Article 6, Sections 2-301, 2-302 and Docusign Envelope ID: 319F774E-4343-463C-9DF0-896C71B54532 3 2-303, of the Carmel City Code; Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Green and Aasen. This item remains in the Finance, Utilities and Rules Committee. Council President Green announced that Petition for Alley/Street Vacation or Order to Remove Obstructions; 40 East Main Street, Carmel, IN 46032; Carmel Library Associates, LLC, Property Owner, will be removed from the agenda. Council President Green announced the second reading of Ordinance D-2746-24; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Authorizing and Approving an Appropriation of Funds from the Marketing and Community Relations Budget (#1203) to Line Item 4359000 - Special Projects; Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Green and Taylor. Zac Jackson, City of Carmel CFO/Controller, explained that this ordinance, along with the corresponding resolution, transfers $200,000.00 of available funding from the Full- Time Employee line item in the Police Department Budget into the Special Projects line item in the Marketing and Community Relations Budget. From there, the corresponding resolution will grant $100,000.00 to Prime Life Enrichment and $100,000.00 to the Carmel Clay Historical Society. Mr. Jackson also reminded Council that the 2025 Budget they approved includes $50,000.00 to each of these organizations next year, as well. Councilor Worrell asked if these organizations are going to ask for additional funds in the year to come, and Mr. Jackson stated that both organizations have been told that this is the extent of our commitment. Councilor Minnaar made a motion to approve the ordinance. Councilor Aasen seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Ordinance D-2746- 24 approved 9-0. Council President Green then announced the corresponding resolution, Resolution CC-12-02-24-01; A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Approving a Transfer of Funds from the Carmel Police Department Budget (Fund 1100) into the Marketing and Communications Department Budget (Fund 1203); Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Green and Taylor. Councilor Snyder moved to approve the resolution. Councilor Joshi seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Resolution CC-12-02-24-01 approved, 9-0. Council President Green announced Resolution CC-12-02-24-04; A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Approving a Transfer of Funds within the Mayor’s Office Budget (#1160); Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Green and Aasen. This item was held over from the December 2nd Council Meeting. Zac Jackson explained that this is a reallocation of funds within the Mayor’s Office budget to help cover the cost of the Chief of Staff position, which was created this year. Additionally, $10,000.00 is to be transferred to the furniture and fixtures line item. Councilor Aasen moved to approve the ordinance. Councilor Joshi seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Resolution CC-12-02-24-04 approved, 9-0. Council President Green announced Resolution CC-12-02-24-05; A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Approving a Transfer of Funds within the Marketing and Community Relations Department Budget (#1203); Sponsor(s): Green and Aasen. This item was held over from the December 2nd Council Meeting. Zac Jackson explained that the original request for $50,000.00 in furniture has been reduced to $5,000.00. Councilor Worrell asked if we are now doing all video production in-house. Kelly Douglas, Director of Marketing, confirmed that we are doing about 95% in-house right now, with 100% being the goal. Councilor Snyder commended Ms. Douglas on her department’s fiscal responsibility. Councilor Locke echoed this sentiment and commented that the recent information provided to explain these transfers has been wonderful. Councilor Joshi also appreciated the information provided. Councilor Aasen made a motion to approve the resolution. Councilor Joshi seconded. Resolution CC-12-02-24-05 approved, 9-0. Docusign Envelope ID: 319F774E-4343-463C-9DF0-896C71B54532 4 PUBLIC HEARINGS Council President Green announced the first reading of Ordinance Z-694-24; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Establishing The Towne 146 Planned Unit Development District; Sponsor: Councilor Minnaar. Councilor Joshi moved to introduce the item into business. Councilor Minnaar seconded. Council Minnaar presented the item to Council. Jon Dobosiewicz, Land Use Professional with Nelson & Frankenberger, LLC, explained the ordinance to Council. This comes to the Council with a positive recommendation from the Plan Commission. The following modifications have been made to the proposal: removal of the neighborhood commercial node, reduction in the number of homes, landscaping and open space enhancements including preservation of wetlands, pedestrian connectivity enhancements, and the addition of rental restrictions by commitment. The concept plan now includes a total of 87 lots, consisting of 17 ranch homes, with main floor master bedrooms as an option in the two-story homes. Councilor Taylor asked if there will be a payment of park impact fees for every unit developed on this property, and if the trail through the wetlands will be ADA accessible. Mr. Dobosiewicz answered yes. Councilor Taylor stated that he would like to see first floor masters as a requirement instead of an option. Councilor Minnaar stated she would like to see current Carmel residents have first rights to purchasing these homes with first floor masters. Council President Green started the public hearing at 6:58 p.m. The first person to speak was Audra Moor of Saddle Creek neighborhood, which is directly south of the proposed development. Ms. Moor stated that in order to maintain the quality of life that Carmel offers, we need to pursue quality of development rather than maximum density. This development has a density that is higher than any of the surrounding Carmel developments, at 5.5 units per acre. This comes at the sacrifice of green space. The next person to speak was Chris Potts, Saddle Creek HOA board member. Mr. Potts spoke in opposition to the “super pond” that the proposed development will create, which requires the removal of 30-40 mature trees, in order to increase density. The Saddle Creek residents would like to see an independent pond for this development, which will help with water staging and runoff. The third person to speak was Cindi Johnson. Ms. Johnson spoke about the growing density in Carmel over the last several years. Higher density means a higher influx of residents, more strain on our infrastructure and possible overcrowding at our schools. Ms. Johnson asked the Council to consider the implications for the whole of Carmel, not just for the immediate Towne/146th area. The last person to speak was Dee Fox. Ms. Fox stated that although some good changes have been made to the original proposal, more needs to be done to lower the density. She also believes that there are too many townhomes in the development, making up 2/3 of the total dwellings. She believes there should be more ranch-style homes, and that first floor master bedrooms should be required, as this will support aging in place. Council President Green closed the public hearing at 7:12 p.m. Ordinance Z-694-24 was sent to the Land Use and Special Studies Committee. Council President Green announced the first reading of Ordinance Z-695-24; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending the Gramercy Planned Unit Development District (Z-493- 06); Sponsor: Councilor Minnaar. Councilor Minnaar made a motion to introduce the item into business. Councilor Snyder seconded. Councilor Minnaar presented the item to Council. Jon Dobosiewicz explained that this ordinance amends the Gramercy PUD with a plan designed for an urban residential development on a portion of the overall property, which would encompass about 33 acres. This proposal includes multi- family townhomes as well as commercial development. Any vertical construction on the real estate will require approval through the redevelopment commission and approval through the Plan Commission. Council President Green opened up the public hearing at 7:18 p.m. Seeing no one who wished to speak, President Green closed the public hearing at 7:19 p.m. Councilor Aasen moved to suspend the rules and act on this tonight. Councilor Snyder seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Motion to Suspend the Rules approved, 9-0. Councilor Aasen moved to approve the ordinance. Councilor Snyder seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Ordinance Z-695-24 approved, 8-1. (Councilor Worrell opposed.) Docusign Envelope ID: 319F774E-4343-463C-9DF0-896C71B54532 5 Council President Green announced the first reading of Ordinance D-2748-24; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Authorizing and Approving an Additional Appropriation of Funds from the Human Resources Department #1201 to Line Items 4110000 – Full Time Regular and 4340400 – Consulting Fees; Sponsor: Councilor Green. Councilor Minnaar moved to introduce the item into business. Councilor Aasen seconded. Council President Green presented the item to Council. Zac Jackson explained that this ordinance appropriates funds needed in the Human Resources department as a result of the payroll function being moved there from the Finance Department. Council President Green opened up the public hearing at 7:21 p.m. Seeing no one who wished to address the Council, President Green closed the public hearing at 7:22 p.m. Councilor Aasen moved to suspend the rules and act on this tonight. Councilor Minnaar seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Motion to Suspend the Rules approved, 9-0. Councilor Aasen made a motion to approve the ordinance. Councilor Minnaar seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Ordinance D-2748-24 approved, 9-0. Council President Green announced the first reading of Ordinance D-2750-24; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Authorizing and Approving an Additional Appropriation of Funds from the Health Insurance Medical Escrow Fund (Fund #301) to Line Item 5023990 – Other Expenses; Sponsor: Councilor Green. Councilor Minnaar moved to introduce the item into business. Councilor Ayers seconded. Council President Green presented the item to Council. Zac Jackson explained that this ordinance will move excess funds from the Police Department to the Medical Escrow Fund, which was underfunded due to our previous broker’s recommendation of a larger premium increase than what was built into the budget. Council President Green opened up the public hearing at 7:27 p.m. Seeing no one who wished to address Council, President Green closed the public hearing at 7:27 p.m. Councilor Minnaar made a motion to suspend the rules and act on this tonight. Councilor Joshi seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Motion to Suspend the Rules approved, 9-0. Councilor Aasen moved to approve the ordinance. Councilor Joshi seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Ordinance D-2750-24 approved, 9-0. NEW BUSINESS Council President Green announced the first reading of Ordinance D-2752-24; An Ordinance of the Common Council of Carmel, Indiana, Fixing Salaries of Appointed Officers and Employees of the City of Carmel, Indiana, for the Year 2025; Sponsor: Councilor Snyder. Councilor Snyder moved to introduce the item into business. Councilor Aasen seconded. Councilor Snyder presented the item to Council. Zac Jackson listed two changes to be made to this ordinance. The first is the language surrounding on-call pay for the Department of Community Services. The second is a change to the language defining who is eligible for technical pay. Councilors asked questions about scheduling on holidays and how that is decided. Different departments have different policies on how those days are staffed, in terms of how many people can request off on the same day, seniority, and other factors. Councilor Snyder asked if we could tighten up the definition of an exempt position versus a non-exempt position. There was a discussion over the salary study that will be performed. It was decided to not remove the premium pay language right now, so that no change is effected before the holidays. Councilor Aasen moved to amend the ordinance to keep the language from lines 311-314, and not strike them as previously proposed. Councilor Snyder seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Motion to Amend approved, 9-0. Councilor Aasen moved to suspend the rules and act on this tonight. Councilor Ayers seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Motion to Suspend the Rules approved, 9-0. Councilor Aasen moved to approve the amended ordinance. Councilor Joshi seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Ordinance D-2752-24 approved as amended, 9-0. Docusign Envelope ID: 319F774E-4343-463C-9DF0-896C71B54532 6 Council President Green announced the first reading of Ordinance D-2753-24; An Ordinance of the Common Council of Carmel, Indiana, Amending Chapter 2, Article 3, Sections 2-51, 2-52, 2-54 and 2-55 of the Carmel City Code; Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Green and Taylor. Councilor Minnaar moved to introduce the item into business. Councilor Taylor seconded. Councilor Taylor presented the item to Council. This item was sent to the Finance, Utilities and Rules Committee. Council President Green announced Resolution CC-12-16-24-01; A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Approving a Transfer of Funds Between the 2024 Finance Department Budget (Department #1701) and the 2024 Human Resources Department #1201; Sponsor: Councilor Green. Councilor Joshi moved to introduce the item into business. Councilor Minnaar seconded. Council President Green presented the item to Council. This is the resolution that accompanies Ordinance D-2748-24, and transfers $100,000.00 from the Finance budget to the Human Resources budget to cover the payroll function. Councilor Aasen moved to approve the resolution. Councilor Minnaar seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Resolution CC-12-16-24-01 approved, 9-0. Council President Green announced Resolution CC-12-16-24-02; A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Approving a Transfer of Funds Between the 2024 Carmel Police Department Budget (Department #1110) and the 2024 Health Insurance Medical Escrow Fund (Fund #301); Sponsor: Councilor Green. Councilor Minnaar moved to introduce the item into business. Councilor Joshi seconded. Council President Green presented the item to Council. This is the accompanying resolution to Ordinance D- 2750-24, which transfers $1,000,000.00 from the Police Department budget into the Health Insurance Medical Escrow Fund. Councilor Snyder moved to approve the resolution. Councilor Aasen seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Resolution CC-12-16-24-02 approved, 9-0. Council President Green announced Resolution CC-12-16-24-03; A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Approving a Transfer of Funds Within the 2024 General Administration Budget (#1205); Sponsor: Councilor Green. Councilor Joshi moved to introduce the item into business. Councilor Aasen seconded. Council President Green presented the item to Council. Zac Jackson explained that the General Administration budget has become the Facilities Management budget. The department is on track to underspend its appropriations by around $400,000.00. The request is to transfer $299,000.00 within the General Administration budget to cover shortfalls in the Other Structural Improvements and Furniture and Fixtures line items. Councilor Aasen moved to approve the resolution. Councilor Joshi seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Resolution CC-12-16-24-03 approved, 9-0. Council President Green announced Resolution CC-12-16-24-04; A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Approving a Transfer of Funds Between the General Fund (#101) and the Fire Pension Fund (#802); Sponsor: Councilor Green. Councilor Minnaar moved to introduce the item into business. Councilor Aasen seconded. Council President Green presented the item to Council. Zac Jackson explained that this transfer of $25,000.00 from the General Fund to the Fire Pension Fund is necessary because the Fire Pension fund has not been accurately reimbursed by INPRS, which the Human Resources Department is currently working to correct. Councilor Aasen moved to approve the resolution. Councilor Minnaar seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Resolution CC- 12-16-24-04 approved, 9-0. AGENDA ADD-ON ITEMS There were none. Docusign Envelope ID: 319F774E-4343-463C-9DF0-896C71B54532 7 OTHER BUSINESS Dora Signage and Logo Approval Councilor Worrell, Chair of the DORA Committee, spoke to Council, seeking the approval of the proposed logo and signage for Carmel’s new DORA district. Councilor Snyder moved to approve the DORA Committee’s recommendations. Councilor Aasen seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. DORA Signage and Logo approved, 9-0. Election of Council Positions Council President Green opened up nominations for the election of 2025 Council positions. Councilor Taylor moved to nominate Councilor Adam Aasen for Council President. Councilor Snyder seconded the nomination. Councilor Taylor moved to close the nominations. Councilor Snyder seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Councilor Adam Aasen approved as 2025 Council President, 8-0. (Councilor Aasen abstained.) Council President Green opened up the nominations for the election of 2025 Council Vice President. Councilor Taylor moved to nominate Councilor Matthew Snyder for Council Vice President. Councilor Minnaar seconded. Councilor Taylor moved to close the nominations. Councilor Joshi seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Councilor Matthew Snyder approved as 2025 Council Vice President, 8-0. (Councilor Snyder abstained.) City Council Appointments Carmel Advisory Committee on Disability (Terms expire 12/31/2026, two-year terms); Two appointments. No appointments were made. Carmel Audit Committee (Term expires 12/31/26, two-year term); One appointment. (Term expires 12/31/25, one-year term); One Councilor appointment. Councilor Aasen moved to nominate Kelly Mitchell and Ryan Locke. Councilor Taylor seconded. Councilor Aasen moved to close the nominations. Councilor Taylor seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Appointments approved, 8- 0. (Councilor Locke abstained.) Carmel City Center Community Development Corporation (Term expires 12/31/2025, one-year term); One appointment. Councilor Locke moved to nominate Cheryl Wessell. Councilor Aasen seconded. Councilor Locke moved to close the nominations. Councilor Aasen seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Appointment approved, 8-0. (Councilor Snyder abstained.) Carmel Redevelopment Commission (Terms expire 12/31/2024, one-year terms); Two appointments, One of those to be a Councilor. Councilor Aasen moved to nominate David Bowers. Councilor Taylor moved to nominate Councilor Aasen as the Council appointment. Councilor Worrell seconded those nominations. Councilor Aasen moved to close the nominations. Councilor Taylor seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Appointments approved, 8-0. (Councilor Aasen abstained.) Fire Department Merit Board (Term expires 12/31/26, two-year term); One appointment. Councilor Worrell moved to nominate Gary Dufek. Councilor Aasen seconded. Councilor Worrell moved to close the nominations. Councilor Taylor seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Appointment approved, 9-0. Docusign Envelope ID: 319F774E-4343-463C-9DF0-896C71B54532 8 Mayor’s Advisory Commission on Arts (Terms expires 12/31/2026, two-year terms); Two appointments. Councilor Ayers moved to nominate Beth Glynn for reappointment. Councilor Joshi moved to nominate Chandrika Patel for reappointment. Councilor Taylor seconded those nominations. Councilor Aasen moved to close the nominations. Councilor Taylor seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Appointments approved, 9-0. Police Department Merit Board (Term expires 12/31/26, two-year term); One appointment. Councilor Aasen moved to nominate Peter Beering. Councilor Taylor seconded. Councilor Taylor moved to close the nominations. Councilor Ayers seconded. There was no discussion. Council President Green called for the vote. Appointment approved, 9-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS There were none. ADJOURNMENT Council President Green adjourned the meeting at 8:08 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, _______________________________ Jacob Quinn, Clerk Approved, ATTEST: _______________________________ Adam Aasen, Council President _______________________________ Jacob Quinn, Clerk Docusign Envelope ID: 319F774E-4343-463C-9DF0-896C71B54532