HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Q t.) DATE: ADLS/ADLS AMENDMENT APPLICATION Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping and Signage., .. 7./,1 I ! ';"1" ~~~.}I ADLS Fees: $834.00 plus $111.00 per acre :,/'-/ ~ ~t~, ADLS AMEND Fees: Sign only: $277.50, plus $55.50/siJP~/ R'tc ''\-> BuDding/Site: $556.00, plus $55.50/acre ','( 1:1 'EIIIED \( O~. 0: ". APt; 2 0 2007 r.' DOCKET NO. 01 ~ ' C r' ,Adb '" S ,/. Received Date Stamp: >"" /';-.. ' , '-,'-,..-,--- "~' " i ' \ ' ADLS LADLS/Amend Checked By DP Attached Previous DP? Yes No Name of Project: RIVERVIEW HEALTH PARK Type of Project: MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING Project Admess: 14535A & 14535B Hazel Dell Parkway, Carmel, IN 46033-9401 Project Parcel II) #: ~ .2 - ~ ~ - .1.. .1.. - ~ ~ - 22 - ~ JL 1.. . ~ ~ JL Legal Description: (please use separate sheet and attach) Name of Applicant: RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL Applicant Admess: 395 Westfield Road, Noblesville, IN 46060 Contact Person: Jae Ebert Telephone: (317) 776-7110 V.P. ~upport ~erVlces Fax No. (317) 776-7998 Email: j ebert@riverview. org Name of Landowner: Plum Creek Partners, LLC Telephone: (317) 696-9595 C/O: Tim Hull Landowner Address: 11911 Lakeside Drive, Fishers, IN 46038 Plot Size: Zoning Classification: Ri verview Health Park PUU Urd1nance Z-410-03 Enacted 08/04/03 Revised: 12/29/2006 s: \FORMS\PC Applications - current\2007 pc applications\AOLSAMEl/.APP 2007.doc 1 u u " Present Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Medical Health Park New Construction? Yes_No~ NewlRevised Sign? Yes~No_ Remodeled Construction: Yes_No-X- New Parking? Yes_No-X-- New Landscaping? Yes_No--1L- Note that required fees are due after the application has received a docket number, and not at the time of application submittal. Do NOT bring application fees at the time of submittal Revised: 12/29/2006 S: \FORMS\PC Applications - current\2007 pc applications\ADLSAMEN.l\PP 2007.doc 2 u Q Parkill2 No. of Spaces Provided: N/A No. Spaces Required: N / A Desi2ll Information Type of Building: N / A No. of Buildings: N / A Square Footage: N/A Height: N / A No. of Stories~ A Exterior Materials: N/ A Colors: N / A Maximum No. of Tenants: N / A Type of Uses: N/ A Water by: N/ A Sewer by: N / A LIGHTING Type of Fixture: N / A Height of Fixture: N / A No. of Fixtures: N/ A Additional Lighting:N/ A * Plans to be submitted showing Foot-candle spreads at property lines, per the ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: 3 Type of Signs: 1 wall; 2 ground Location(s):1. Building A wall; 2. Building A ground; 3. Building B ground Dimensions of each sign: 1. 45 square feet; 2. 5' x6' 8"; 3. 5' x6' 8" Square Footage of each sign: 1. 45, s qua ref e e t; 2. 15 s qua ref e e t ; 3. 15 square feet Total Height of each sign:1. 36. inches; 2. 3 feet; 3. 1 fppt LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations ******************************************** I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature of CJY- ~t- (XJ(t 7' Revised: 12129/2006 S: \FORMS\PC Applications - current\200; pc applications\AOLSlIMEN.APP 200; .doc u u Parkine No. of Spaces Provided: No. Spaces Required: Desio Information Type of Building: No. of Buildings: Exterior Materials: Colors: 4>~'~ ~}- ~~ " ,., <.'t) A ,j.2 </OtzP (~> Square Footage: Height: No. of Stories_ Maximum No. of Tenants: Type of Uses: Water by: Sewer by: LIGHTING Type of Fixture: Height of Fixture: No. of Fixtures: Additional Lighting: * Plans to be submiued showing Foot-caru:lk spreads at property lines, per the ordinance. IAdditional Signs I SIGNAGE No. of Signs:~ Type of Signs:~GrOUnd I Location(s):J 1 at 146th Street Entrance; 1 at Hazel Dell Pkwy. Entrance L Dimensions of each sign: 16 feet x 13 feet I Square Footage of each sign: 132 square feet I Total Height of each sign: 16 feet I LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submiued showing plant types, sizes, and locations ******************************************** I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature of Revised: 12/29/2006 S:\FORMS\pCAppllcatlons - current\2007 pc applicatlon8\ADLSAMEN~APP 2001.doc 3 Applicant: u Title: - >~rt-v 2d07 Date: 'nt) ************************************ State of Indiana, c~~ntY-Of~ SS: Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for ~ County, state of Indiana, personally appeared ~ ~ ~bud" _~d a~Isq.owledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this :;;.0 ~ day of ~ ' 20 01 My IBLQ61efUIDssion Expires: MOl'A1W~J~csTATEOF1NDtANA Notary Public HAMILTON COUNTY \ ^ .~IJ.YCO~.1M~S!O~E~1 M~ V ~ CITY OF CARMEL AND CLAY TOWNSHIP ~ EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES (DOCS) I Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032 (3rd floor) 571-2417 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, LIGHTING SIGNAGE REVIEW (REVIEW/APPROV AL) Procedure for Plan Commission For Business Zones, U.S. 31 Meridian Street Corridor, U.S. 431 Keystone Avenue Corridor and the U.S.421 Michigan Road Corridor 1. Allow plenty of time for review and approval process (approximately .two (2) months). 2. Discuss proposed project with DOCS staff (please call for an appointment to discuss review procedure and appropriate dates) fIrst week of the month, works the best to begin a project. 3. INFORMATION NEEDED for formal DOCS staff and Plan Commission review: a. Two copies of formal application with required information b. Two copies of legal description c, Two location maps showing location of subject site, zoning and existing land uses of all adjacent properties. d. Two copies of a detailed site development plan showing: 1) Detailed drainage plan with drainage calculations. If project is in Clay Township, take to Kent Ward, County Surveyor (776-9626) and John South, U.S. Soil Conservation Service (773-1406). If project is in City of Carmel, discuss with Kate Boyle, City Engineer at 571-2441., 2) Lighting plan - footcandle limits Revised: 12/29/2006 $: \FORMS\PC Applications - current\2007 pc applications\ADLSAMEN .APP 2007.doc 4 u Q - type of fixture - size or fixture 3) Landscaping plan - location of plantings - type and sizes of plantings - Planting legend - Planting details - Mounding locations and details .. . 4) Signage plan and details - See fCLr~~&-t 'P-roufcJ.~cL - Size and location - Materials and colors 5) Parking plan: show handicapped spaces/total spaces needed per zone/spaces proposed 6) Site plan with: - side, rear and front yard setbacks - Perimeter drainage and utility easements - Sewer and water line locations - Special setbacks or greenbelts - Building square footage - Dimensions of building -Location of mechanical equipment and trash receptacle with screening and details - Pavement and curbing details - Proposed road improvements - Sidewalks - Loading and dock areas - Fire hydrant and siamese locations 7) Building Elevations: (all sides) - Dimensions - Materials and colors -Bring Samples of materials to the Plan Commission meeting - Signage location 8) Soils map and floodplain information 9) Technical Advisory Committee correspondence 10) If public hearing required, list of adjacent property owners two properties deep or 660 feet, whichever is less (obtain from Hamilton County Auditor's office, Noblesville, Indiana) 4. Once all information is presented to DOCS and a review completed for compliance, a ReVised: 12/29/2006 S: \FORMS\l?C Applications - current \2007 pc applications\ADLSAMEN .APP 2007. doc 5 u u j docket number will be released when the ft.ling fee is submitted. Petitioner or representative must appear at the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission (public hearing) and give a presentation. The presentation should include information relative to the project and should be presented on a poster board so that it can be seen from 20 feet. In addition, reduced packets (8-112" x 11 ") packets of the poster board project information should be handed out for each Plan Commission member. 6. Petitioner or representative must attend the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting on Wednesday following the Plan Commission Meeting. 5. 7. Petitioner or representative must attend the Industrial and Commercial Subcommittee to review all pertinent information. 8. Petitioner or representative must attend the second Plan Commission meeting for fmal vote (questions may need to be answered). 9. Once Plan Commission has voted on the project, it is up to the petitioner to work with the staff to obtain proper building permits. Revised, lZ/Zg/Z006 S: \FORMS\PC Applications - current \2007 pc applications\ADLSAMEN .APP 200? .doc 6 u u 3 b, Land Description Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 18 North, Range 4 East, Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said section which corner bears North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East (assumed bearing) a distance of 1314.90 feet from the Northwest Corner of said Quarter and South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 1314.90 feet from the Northeast corner of said Quarter; thence South 00 degree 07 minutes 24 seconds West along the east line of said Quarter Quarter a distance of 74.16 feet to the southeast corner of a tract of land described in Instrument Number 199909958424 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, said point also being to Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said east line, South 00 degree 07 minutes 24 seconds West a distance of 387.81 feet to a point that is North 00 degree 07 minutes 24 seconds East a distance of 200.00 feet from the Southeast corner of the North half of said Quarter Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 57 minutes 32 seconds West parallel with the south line of the north half of said Quarter Quarter a distance of 1235.33 feet to a point South 89 degrees 57 minutes 32 seconds East a distance of 80.00 feet from the west line of said Quarter Section; thence North 00 degree 10 minutes 35 seconds East parallel with said west line a distance of 360.83 feet; thence North 45 degrees 01 minutes 57 seconds East a distance of 56.96 feet to a point 60.00 feet south of the north line of said Section; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East parallel with said north line a distance of 371.42 feet to the west corner of said land described in Instrument Number 199909958424; thence along the south line of said tract the following five courses: 1) North 81 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 66.12 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left having a radius of 22,847.77 feet, the radius point of which bears North 01 degree 00 minute 00 second East; 2) thence Southeasterly along said curve a distance of 163.26 feet to a point which bears South 00 degree 35 minutes 26 seconds West from said radius point; 3) thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 492.42 feet; 4) thence North 85 degrees 13 minutes 46 seconds East a distance of 82.44 feet; 5) thence South 89 degrees 53 minutes 09 seconds East a distance 20.26 feet to the point of beginning, containing 11.09 acres, more or less. 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