HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice 81f~29496 .. NonCE OF PUBUC HEARING BEFORETHE CARMEl/CLAV BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DOCKET No. (DSV) 07050024 D ! Notice is hereby given that the j Carmel/Clay Board of. Zoning : Appeals meeting on the 25th. da~ of June, 2007 a16:00 p.m. :in the City Council Chamber. : 2nd floor of City Hall, One (1) '.Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hear- :ing of a .decision rendered by the Director of the Department :01 Communi!y Se~ices for pu~- ,pose of requestmg, a van- iance(s) #. 27.0B & 16.04.02 :parking,"setback~ For building l~~~~~~~nbeing known as 170 ,W.. l06th Street, Ini:fianapolis,- 'IN 46290.' , lThe application is identified as IDockel No. (DSV) 07050024 D. IThe real. estate affected by . :said application _is. descriBed as follows: .Partaf the S.W. -Quarter of Seetio'n 2 Township 17 North Range 3 Ea"st. in Ham- ilton County, Indiana. AU-interested person d~si~jng to present their views on the ab.ove application. either _ in writing - or verballY,. will be given a n ,opportUnity to be heard at the above"'meQtioned time and place. . Deborah R,; Brown Petitioner . (S 05/31- 4829496) PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State ofIndiana SS: MARION County /\ d. RECEIVED JtD' ; Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Karen Mullins who, being duly sworn, says that SHE is clerk of the INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS a DAILY STAR newspaper of general circJM1&B printed and published in the English language in the city ofINDIANAPOLIS in state and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s), between the dates of: 05/31/2007 and 05/31/2007 ~ ~--?1 ~~rk . Title Subscribed and sworn to before me on 05/31/2007 ~.?~ Notary Public DIANA R. SUMMERS Notar:y Pllhlir. ~tlltl'! Of Indiana County of Hamilton My Commission EXRires Dec. 1"L 2008 RATE PEK LINE Form 65-REV 1-88 My commission expires: STATE PRESCRIBED FORMULA 7.83 PICA COLUMN - 94 POINT 94 POINTS / 5.7 PT. TYPE - 16.49 16.49 EMS / 250 - .06596 SQUARES .06596 SQUARES x $5.14 - .339 CENTS PER LINE PUBLISHED 1 TIME = .339 PUBLISHED 2 TIMES= .509 PUBLISHED 3 TIMES= .679 PUBLISHED 4 TIMES= .848 MAY-Z9-07 lZ:41PM FROM-3174 3174447373 T-919 P.03/03 F-481 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORETHE CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DOCKET NO. (OSV) 07050024 D Notic~ is hereb1 given that the Carmel/Clay BOCird of Zoning Appeals meeting on tne 25m Clay of Jlma. 2007 at 6:00 p.m. In tne City Council ChamDer, 2nCl floor of City Hall. One (1) CiviC Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hear- rng 01 3 aecislon renaereo l:Iy the 01 rector Of tt1 e Departm en t of Community Services for pur- pose of rElquesting a vari- ance{s) # 27.06 & 16.04.02 parking. setback. For Duilding axpan sian. Property being known as 170 W. l06tn Street. InalanapOlis. IN 46290. Tha apPlication is identifieCl as Docket N o. (OSV) 07050024 0 U,e real estate affected by sai(1 application Is described as follows: Part of the S.W. Quarter of Section 2 Townsh ip 17 North Ranga3 East, in Ham- Ilton County. Indiana. All Interested person aaslrlng to present their views on the al)ove applicatl on. etther in vvrltlng or verbally. will De givl?n an opportunity to be heard at the abo\fe-mentlon&d time and place. Oal>orah R. BrOwn Petitioner (S 05/31- 4829496) ~\ RECEIVED JU/V 1 g DOCS MAY-29-07 12:41PM FROt.t-3174 3174447373 T-919 P.02l03 F-481 INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS,INC. FAX PROOF Ad Number: 4829496 LEGAL AD PREPAY Price: Section: LEGAL Size: 1 X 41 dered: 8 Times Customer: Contact: 171.45 Class: Start Date: FAJC/DEBORAH R BROWN Phone 1174447163 OJ LEGAL 05/3lJ2007 End D te: 06/06/20070r- Class: 0; LEGAL Printed By: (137 OS/2912007 Date: Signature of Approllal: ...onCE OF Pu~C~~ARlhG8!~~dT"t l:A~~~&1p~tLS 0; OOClIfT flGoIO"", 070s0024 P NDace I~ n..a, Oil'. tNtt 1nG CtrmollCI3,) So.,. 0' l.an,nl ~:o~'~~':.aDQ~ ~~ a~ ~~ .n a'll. ell:l, Co...nclI enamDur. In. ~0Gf p' Oll/ "a>I. On. III ClI...~ st;t..o.,.., C'_""". a"..an. "OG.Jl ""'I "0", d P"ChIC n~. 11'ts! or ~ GIC';IDn r.....,.. D, line DlrOCIGf of 1n0 aopw.f'rIdnt OfCommun.1) $..,IC&98lOr O",~ ~g~:C:T ..''111.1\' J..O~~~ O.,.,ft.. "ID~QI. f'or DO/lI,n, ..Nn....,. :.'~ ~'#~~:n~~~~ JIot 4IlI9CI ""0 Ipplll::ob.. "IDIn"'" a. Daottnl,!DS'1107050014P lite ,... MIa. ."acma a,. ~a ~IIP"Qaon 1'1 easerlD. as faIlChll:: Platl Df mtt S.W Qu.r~r of 'S.CbGn Z TOwI1In18 1> 1'I0rm R;lft..3 E~sr. In "~m. _eo.n".r.'lan~. AU U\,.,.rea P~O" CIQ!:ItlftD fA l:Ues..., QlOIr VIOwS on tp" .10.'" .DIJnatIlDlt ..It.r 11\ ",ull'" or ,...:au,. wUI Dill I..,en In OPP.""I" to 10 naira .t litO ..,o....ttt..r-o"ea :::c::: ll.":o.q PeIOO/llr IS 05'31 . 48294~., & E5 f:::: .'!:;;: FP -rfJ v;:>Nf t}> :;;;:j l,;~ ~ ~ Z-' '"is ~Y-29-07 12:41PM FROM-3174 3174447373 T-919 P.01/03 F-481 1:1 /l <-; tCOli9J' JlJ;v I t fJ .DOCS THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR DATE: 5/29/2007 5encl m: DEBORAH R. BROWN Attention: Phone NumDer: (317)441-3068 I Fait Number: (317}218-3820 From: Amamla Dolph - Legal AclvertlSlng Fax: 317-'M4-8806 Pnone Number: 317-'H+1163 NumDer of Pages, Including Cover: 2 inatXlr a URGENT o REPLY ASAP o Pl.EASE COMMENT a PlEASE REVIEW R INFORMATION COMMENTS: ReCEIPT This is now ordered to publish 1x on 05/31 in the Indianapolis Star. The total cost of y r advertisement is $171.45 which includes the cost of two affidavits. Additional affidavits are available t a reduced rate upon request. This notice will also appear online for 7 days beginning on the first day of publication a www.lndyStar.com. Select Classifieds - "Items" - public notices -legals. Thank you. Amanda Dolph Legal Advertising Coordinator ,.. '+P"' ~. X ! .~ ::i~ .' cover Lega\ AI:IveltiSIng Coorainator 307 N. PennS11vanla sr. - P.O. Box 145 - Indlanapohs. IN "~1"5 317-444-7163 Phone I 317-+t+8BD6 Fax putlllcnotices@lt1dyslilr.com ( www.inC/y5tar.com HP Officejet 6210 Personal Printer/FaxlCopierlScanner Log for Deb Brown 317-566-1325 May 29 2007 1 :33PM Last Transaction Date Time ~ May 29 1 :32PM Received Identification Duration Paoes Result 3174447373 0:55 OK 3 . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: I he! ; c:t ~1 <f..... ~v \11 e V 5 I hsu.V(\ n {( '? o. 13CJ,X 52.1 \ h d " Gi V\ o....:-po II 3, 2. Article ~ur!1gerf ii' (Transfer ftom! se,,)ice labe~ 'Mu.tua.l umy"'~ IN ~1026lp D Agent D Addressee D~ t 0Z007 f D Ves D No 3. Se~ Type o;r'Certified Mail D Registered D Insured Mall . "Y'y,; D ~ M~i(Z;? ~~eceipt for Merchandise D C.O.D. .. '. . . ; 7006 081'0 'DODD 4803" 4'74:8 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) PSForm 38t1, 17ebruary, 2004 : ~ ' ~ t i: : ~ ; ;:: 1 ; ':!!: .. DOl'(lestic ,Return Receipt DVes \ 102595-02-M-1540 1 --' AFFIDAVIT I, hereby swear that I am the owner/contract purchaser of property involved in this application and that the foregoing signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects tnie and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I, the undersigned, authorize the applicant to act on my behalf with regard to this application and subsequent hearings and testimony. Signed: Prope ~,tp/uJ... IN. fJi::~ INS (Please Print) STATE OF INDIANA SS: County of ~ IYlI "-T'tJ N (County in which notarization takes place) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for W 0. \111' I ~ 0 YJ County, State of (Notary Public's county of residence) Indiana, personally appeared t:b7--t,<J1u.N vV'. ~ NS and acknowledge the execution of (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) the foregoing instrument this fA! IX.- day of ---r .2007 0n L 0J~ ~ry Public--Signature (SEAL) Mo.n) Ann~ 7y,'(~ Notary Public--Please Print My commission expires: ,3-/5-0'0 ',:' ~-.. ~.. '''''....-.".~,....~........-._, .,- Page 4 of 8 - Z:lsharedlformslBlA appIications\ Use Variance Application rev. 1212912006 PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS I (WE) ~he..N W. P~L~I A./S DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEUCLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CONSIDERING Docket Number 0'1()5()O~'f ~ . was registered and mailed at least twenty-five (25)* days prior to the date of the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property owners: OWNER ~ A ~ /Lj ~ YJtu..,[li 41 ~~&. ADDRESS /l.(). .{S~ S~7 ~~~ I ~ ~~~(... ~/H,s <ztu..ut!.4!> >frX e" ~c6 ~ 9~ ~ ,J:tLu-J- e 3tL / Co ~<<'<<d~~ ~ ~ 'Y,,~'10 ~+U~~ /77 LtJ./d/'''tL &A.Ld- ~ ILl4/' .. ~ "....2N ~:l9 6 . STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon oath sa is informed and believes. Signa County of Wu mil +on (County in which notarization takes place) for ~()mi I ~ot\ (Notary Public's county of residence) S+c-Phen W. 'Pevk-,'t1S (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) I~I.... day of 9Lu..c..- Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public County, State of Indiana, personally appeared and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this , 200::> 7 -111 _ ~-1J~ Not~ Public--Signature MQ~ ~nn~ 1\..I'~ Not Pubhc--Please Print My commission expires: 3-/S-DB (SEAL) ~ --" <. ..... ~- - . -. * 10 days if appearing before the BZA Hearing Officer Page 6 of 8 - Z:\shared\fonnslBlA appIications\ Use Valiance Application rev. 12I29l2OO6 Board of Zoninl! Appeals Public Notice Sim Procedure: Jtt':~ -"'('1'1/'1' ';,.. -,j 0"IZ:-: The petitioner shall incur the cost of the purchasing, placing, and removing the sign. The siB1CS must be placed in a highly visible and legible location from the road on the property that is involved with the public hearing. The public notice sign shall meet the following requirements: 1. Must be placed on the subject property no less than 25 days prior to the public hearing The sign must follow the sign design requirements: Sign must be 24" x 36" - vertical Sign must be double sided Sign must be composed of weather resistant material, such as corrugated plastic or laminated poster board The sign must be mounted in a heavy-duty metal frame The sign must contain the following: . 12" x 24" PMS 1805 Red box with white text at the top. . White background with black text below. . Text used in example to the right, with Application type, Date*, and Time of subject public hearing * The Date should be written in day, month, and date format. Example: Monday, January 23 The sign must be removed within 72 hours of the Public Hearing conclusion 2. lr #'\,,~\,..:. \~....\..c\\cf'- .\().. 3. (.-\ppl.k:.'lIkm'I~'I~) {Ikno:l tl'un~l For More Inli:mnation: (web) W\'iw.carmel.in,gov (h 571-2417 4. Public Notice Sim Placement Affidavit: I (We) .6f ~Lt.4 W. ~ do p~~by certify that placements of the notice public hearing to consider Docket NumbeP7o:iotJ~y ~as placed on the subject property at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the date of the public hearing at the address listed below. STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF ~\o'm i 1401'1 , SS: The undersigned, having bee duly sworn, upon oath says that the a correct as he is informed and believes. Subscribed and sworn to before me this (I/'t.y of ~ 011. ~ --P~ Notary Public .20CZL. j -/5-08 My Commission Expires: 85/23/2887 14: 15 3177769682 TRAN & MAP PAGE 84 ,.....'IfIII1:tW!lW AIIIIJItIII I. ROBINMIU.S, AUDIlOR OfIHAMlLTc.t COUNTY. ~ Q:ft, rT 1If0FFlCE ffA8 8IWtCHED OUR AEOORO& AND BAlED ON lHAT EARCH. IT APPEAM THATTtE PRuI"I=K, T OWNERS IN ~ AATTACHEOHERk,uARE ALL OF THe ADJOINING AND ABU1"IING ~'T CJIIIQEIc8lOlIE RIAL ESTAlE MMICIDNS - 8UBJEC'r PROI au T. THIS DOQIMENf'OOES NOT~lfIA't~T1IEATTAOIED usr OP ~ c:JWNIR$l8llCC1lRA1'1! OR JNCWDE8 ALLPROPER1Y OWNERS ENT11lEDTO NOnCE PURSUANrlOl..OCALORDINANCI!. ANY ~ ~ A IIOREACCURATE 8I!ARCH OFTME REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THI! COUNTY SHOULD SEEK lIE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCI! COWANY. ROBINMLLS. HAMILTON COUN1Y AlJDI1'OR "'TB> 5~J/or . C9*I A. a#-;J" u '" ~ ~.J).- pur_au to POlIS.... . 110 P.e~" ... ..,~=,;.L~"='=~~'.r:Jh:7~~;: =1 ~:'r "'''"'-1. IlU"UIeI"lIItiP. or arpor<<t1ow. Dl 8d11f~7: llel'SGll .... f'e WS 1nt'9rilat1OD t'I'OiI tile ~ shall not .. ....... to use ..." B ltltS. .......:Ief. or ... -- ar tile. ~ selling, 51 . or lkftin, till rcItuI ............ . semcu or to Ie 1. L. J:e~. or :J:Nts.. iVBr. infO~ abtaiMd'by tile t to otfIei- . - -...- .- .. - _____ .__ w - ~ ~ ~ . -- .a, .. _.,., .... h', u ---- B5/23/~7 14:15 3177769682 TRAN & MAP r-I"'I\.A- ..,.,., o HAMIl:TON COUNTY NOTIFICATION LIST "'''11_.'' f1Ilt 1IA1I1I-f'tIN ('OIJIIIfT AUlII7tM8 fJf1FICB.lIIf1I6ItJ!/I CWT..a IlAI"IIf1/I(; PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOLLOWlNGPERSONS 1T~3 ........ Pettdn8. SII!IlfIen W Md 170 tC*iStW ~ IN IIuIIlect ... 1"''''~'W IndIIna Fer'mIn MutuIIIns Co PO Bale SI7 Ne"'~ IndIIuI8po1& IN 48ZJ8 ,...S-"....... ot5 CIH8 NelIIDD u.c 2SO 9IlIIt St E SIe ,. INDIANAPOlIS IN N111", 48340 o ,...'1-1'......."5 QHS NlMiIlO u.c .. 98ttlSte.. 1SO INDIANAPOU8 IN "~M 4GIO 1T-1''''. _... NeI.... IIldIIInS F8IIIIl!I9 MIUIIIns (:D PO..527 INOWIAPOU8 IN 48ZO& ",.,.. rr ,."",n,.7 """IIfZ o 05/23/2887 14:15 3177169682 TRAN & MAP t"~ at) o 17-13-t~_ .Jann a ~ Kfdl 177 Indial.."uife o "....." "., n.., o ....... 1a&11l St W IN 482110 """'2 IIr2