HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPW-07-09-07-04 Property Transfer/Carmel/Arcadia f RESOLUTION NO. BPW-07-09-07-04 PROPERTY TRANSFER AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT") BETWEEN CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA, AND CITY OF ARCADIA, INDIANA WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of Carmel, Indiana, an Indiana municipal corporation, by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety ("City") pursuant to I.C. 36-1-11-8 to dispose of two (2) Lap Top Computers and a Computer Mount used by the Carmel Police Department that have been replaced by newer equipment; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City to dispose of the Lap Top Computers and Mount in exchange for future mutual assistance in the event of a public safety emergency; and WHEREAS, the City of Arcadia, Indiana, an Indiana municipal corporation, has requested the donation of the Lap Top Computers and Mount for use by its police department. IT IS THEREFORE AGREED THAT: I. The City will donate the Lap Top Computers and Mount to the City of Arcadia, Indiana, in the state and condition that they presently exist, without any express or implied warranty as to such equipment's condition or fitness for any intended use or purpose whatsoever. 2. The City of Arcadia, Indiana, shall accept the Lap Top Computers and Mount in the state and condition that they presently exist and without any express or implied warranty as to such equipment's condition or fitness for any intended use whatsoever. 3. The City of Arcadia, Indiana, agrees to hold harmless the City of Carmel and its officers, officials, employees, attorneys, agents, successors and assigns, and shall indemnify same, for any and all liability that may arise from or as a result of the Lap Top Computers and Mount or any use thereof on and after the Effective Date of this Agreement. 4. The undersigned are the right and proper parties to enter into this Agreement, and are authorized and have the authority to bind the party for whom they execute same. 5. This Agreement shall become effective and binding on the parties on and after the last date on which a party hereto executes same ("Effective Date"). _s<;: -=-i SO AGREED. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA INDIANA By and through its Board of Public Works and Safety CITY OF ARCADIA, BY: ~ p~ James Brainard, Mayor MH,__~~J M;;Y ~'k"~=b" Date: 7- ______t:J7 f-Z~ k~. ~~~ Date: --r 3/ 'D 7 ATTEST: Authorized Signature Printed Name Title: Date: ATTEST: M.Johnsou, ~ GIerk for Diana Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer City of Carmel Inventory Disposal Notification SECTION I Department Name: CPO Transaction Date: 6113/07 Method of lDisposal: 1) Worthless Property 2) Auction: $ 3) Sale: $ (Check One) Destruction: (IC 5-22-22-8 see below) 4) Trade Value: $ 5) Transfer: X 6) Donated, to whom: Other: Arcadia Police Dept. SECTION II :Oescriptiollof Asset: Laptop Computer Asset Number: P002366 Serial #: ZZGEG4173ZZ4577 Model #: ITRONIX VIN #: SECTION 1\1 'W()RT~~ESS'P~~~ERTX'IC5.?~:2~'B.. . '.' .' . . ...... .' .... . . ", ..' .... \. . ",".. . . ." .... .. :Th~ifoll~wingf29mrTIltt~e!h ~~. re~iel'led.t6ei~ttclCb~d: I ita! iternized'as?~t~i.an 9'.has:d.eterminf;ld.th atthe'it~rns' are .dee med !wocthlesspro ert .iniaccordancewith::iQ5i22-22,S.' . '. . Remarks, if any: Approved by the Inventory lDisposition Review Committee: Jeff Barnes Facilities Manager, City of Carmel: Date: ~_I_ Gary Carter, Carmel Fire Department: Date:_I_I_ Sandy Johnson, Asset Manager: Date ~_I_ Department Director's Signature: Date: Clerk- Treasurer's Signature: Revised 6/13/2007 Date: City of Carmel Inventory Disposal Notification SECTION I Department Name: CPO Transaction Date: 6/13/07 Method of Disposal: 1) Worthless Property 2) Auction: $ 3) Sale: $ (Check One) Destruction: (IC 5-22-22-8 see below) 4) Trade Value: $ 5) Transfer: X 6) Donated, to whom: Other: Arcadia Police Dept. . SECTION II . Description Of Asset: L:.aptopcompu~er -:- Asset Number: P002365 , ... . . ... ... Serial #: ZZGEG4173ZZ4574 Model #: ITRONIX VIN #: SECTION III vvOR.~f,lLE~SpROPERTY IC5'22.~2:8 . . .. ... .. . .. i Th~f()ll()wingicomm itte.e:has. revieweath e attil.ched'lit 'of itemized . assets ahah as determ i n edthat'theitems ar.edee med .'worthlesspropertv.in.accbrdance with,IC5~22'2n. . Remarks, if any: Approved by the Inventory Disposition Review Committee: Jeff Barnes Facilities Manager, City of Carmel Date: _/_/- Gary Carter, Carmel Fire Department: Date: _/_/- Sandy Johnson, Asset Manager: Date ~_/- Department Director's Signature: . Date: Clerk-Treasurer's Signature: Revised 6/13/2007 Date: City of Carmel Inventory Disposal Notification SECTION I Department Name: CPO Transaction Date: 6/13/07 Method of Disposal: 1) Worthless Property 2) Auction: $ 3) Sale: $ (Check One) Destruction: (Ie 5.22.22-8 see below) 4) Trade Value: $ 5) Transfer: X 6) Donated, to whom: Other: Arcadia Police Dep!. SECTION II :DEl~~riptiori;()f,!Asset:Cori1putElr Mount. .... .. Asset Number: P004166 Serial #: Model #: C.3090.3 VIN #: SECTION III 'WORl1H~ESSPROPERTY IC5.22;22.8 'Tl:ie,iollowingcommitte~has reviewedtheattachealif'of'itemizedassets and has determined that the items are deemed 'Worthless propertvi n .acco rd ance. with,1 C 5- 22-22,8. .. . Remarks, if any: Approved by the Inventory Disposition Review Committee: Jeff Barnes Facilities Manager, City of Carmel: Date: _1_1- Gary Carler, Carmel Fire Department: Date: _I--.J_ Sandy Johnson, Asset Manager: Date _1_1- Department Director's Signature: Date: Clerk- Treasurer's Signature: Revised 6/13/2007 Date: