HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication o (,) APPLICATION F0R SECONDARY PLAT OR (REPLAT) ! Fee: $1905.50 i I DOCKET # DATE: The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structure, or any change in the use of land or structures request~ by this application will comply with, and conform to, all applicable laws of the State of Indiana, and the Zoning Ordinance 9f Carmel, Indiana - 1980, adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178, Sec. 1, et. seq. General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. Name of Applicant: Estridoe Develooment Col Inc. Phone # (317) 582-2456 ! Address of Applicant: 1041 West Main Street. Garmel. IN 46032 Name of Owner: Estridoe Develooment Co. Inc. : Name of Subdivision: Grandin Hall. Section 1 Legal Description (To be typewritten on separate sheet and attached). Area (in acres): 5.862 Number of Lots: 11 Length in miles of new streets to be dedicated to public use: 0.85 miles Surveyor certifying plat: Edward D. Giacoletti! Surveyor's address and phone # 8901 Otis Avenue. Indianaoolis. IN 46216-1037 Signature of Applicant: (Print) J. Cort Crosbv P.E. ********************************************************************t**************~ .r~ i ... --.- -" . ~ '. -:=: STATE OF INDIANA :: - ~ -,<" .', : - - ~ County of -t1J Cf I{''I ~/II.J SS: -; ~~:, _".,,'~.>~ \ ~ ..,,' , - - Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for f11 a ('I e,vt/ County, State o~na, personall/a~~r~.~!1d. acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this I ~ day ~~~..c'-- /" "\ ) _ \ 0 N Public LL ~~{'" M N/-c (.(e.. My Commission Expires: ~::) " I ~ 5.1.10 Aoolication for Secondarv Plat. Two (2) copies, or more if necessary, of the secondary plat and the construction plans, together with supporting documents, shall be submitted to the Building Commissioner with this application and the application fee as indicated in Section 29.6 bf the Zoning Ordinance. Additional plans to be distributed to necessary authorities by applicant. ~ Received By: RECE/VED , NOV - 1 2005 s:\carmelanduse\checklist\secplatapp DOCS FEE: revised 11n/2000 I I , I I I I II L~nd Description Grartdin Hall Section 2 :1 Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 4 East, Hamilto:n County, Indiana, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest Jorner of said Northwest Quarter-Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 03 minutes!41 seconds West along the West line of said Northwest Quarter-Quarter a dis.' tance of 815.26 feet to the Point of Beginning, , said point being on a curve haying a radius of 175.00 feet, the radius point of which bears North 00 degrees O~ minutes 41 seconds East; thence Northeasterly along said curve an arc distance of 179.77 feet to a point which bears South 58 " degrees 47 minutes 40 seconds East from the radius point; thence North 31 degrees 12 minutes 20 second~ East a distance of 36.66 feet curve having a , radius of 20.00 feet, the radius point of which bears South 58 degrees 47 II minutes 40 seconds East; thenq:e Easterly along said curve an arc distance of 28.13 feet to a point on the We~~erly Line of Grandin Hall Section 1 described in Instrument No. in ~he Office of the Recorded of Hamilton County, Indiana (the next eight (8) descri,bed courses are along the westerly line thereof) said point bearing South 21 deg~ees 47 minutes 15 seconds East from the radius point; thence South 08 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 130.94 feet; thence North 81 de~rees 49 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 38.18 feet; thence South 44 degrees 35 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 183.63 feet; thence South 58 degrees 31 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 109.31 feet; thence South 89 degrees 41 minutes 21 seconds East a distance of 95.01 feet; thence South 00 degrees 18 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 138.00 feet; thence North 89 dedrees 41 minutes 21 seconds West a distance of 2.02 feet; thence South 00 degrees 18 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 182.00 feet to the South line of ~aid Northwest Quarter-Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 41 minutes 19 seconds :~est along said South line a distance of 563.74 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter-Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 41 seconds East alorlg said West line a distance of 505.56 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 5.862 acres, more or less. w Q R:\5k\5075\002\docs\002 pi desc.doc qctober 26, 2005 ~ RECEIVED Nov - 1 ')I)";t:; L:I;!.\~ DOCS Project: I I I I I I SUBDMDER AGREEMENT Grandin Hall, Section 21\ u u FORM 9.6 THE SUBDIVIDER AGREEMENT The following agreement shall be included as a submittal with the final plot application I 1 I I The developer shall be responsible 'I for any drainage problems including standing water, flooding and erosion control, which arise or become evident at any time during the 3 year maintenance period after re1ea~e of subdivision bonds, and which is attributable to a deficiency in subdivision drainige design or construction of drainage improvements. " This shall include all pipes, struc~ures, swales, ditches and ponds which are pertinent features to the proper drainage of the subdivision. ,I This responsibility of the deve1Jer , created, subsequent to the completion grading by individual builders, br accomplished by individual homeowne~~. 1 Xt is the intent of this requiremeht, that the developer shall, specifically, provide such sub-surface drains, or storm s.wers or ditches as are required to properly rectify any drainage problem or sub-surfac~ water problem which was not contemplated in the original approved subdivision designl, including, but not restricted to, disposal of sub- surface water from footing drains of!individua1 lots. ROAD IMPROVEMENTS: The typical alreement of existing contiguous Hamilton County Roads which are substandard, with Hamilton I County is: None The developer will put in 12-inch ,Istone base to the required width of the road, and grade the shoulders to a minimum of ;~ feet width and construct proper side-ditches, or, provide storm sewers and curbs. This will be the black top grade during construction of subdivision. Then the county will ctae'in and cut out 3 inches and put in 3 inch binder asphalt after which the developer ~i11 be responsible for 1 inch of asphalt topping. This is being done as joint project~ between county and developer. An agreement shall be executed, in writing, between ,I the developer and Hamilton County specifica1l.y detail.ing the exact work to be accomPl.ished by the developer and that to be accomplished by the County, and shal.1 al.so stat~ the road or roads or portions thereof which are incl.uded. Xf the subdivision is corltemp1ated to be annexed to the City of Carmel., then the agreement shall include the City of Carmel. Board of Publ.ic Works as a signatory, which shall. be for the purpose of the City of Carmel agreeing to accept for maintenance and operation the improved road fkci1ity upon compl.etion of said improvements and compl.etion of annexation.! shall. not, however, incl.ude problems which are of the subdivision improvements by the improper structures and improper grading instal.l.ed or ~~ / 0 /.3~ frJ- DATE I · 1 )l\DOCS\CIVIL\FORMS\City 4 RECEIVED NOV - 1 2005 WITNESS of Carmel\SUbdivJJ~ree.doc u u ~~ Schneider The Schneider Corporation Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis. IN 46216-1037 Phone: 317.826.7100 Fax: 317.826.7200 II TO: MATT GRIFFIN CARMEL DOCS ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 DATE: 11/1/05 JOB # 5075.002 PROJECT: GRANDIN HALL. SECTION 2 RE: FAX#: FROM: CORT CROSBY FAX: 317.826.7300 DIRECT DIAL: 317.826.7306 NUMBER OF PAGES: TELEPHONE #: WE ARE SENDING YOU: ~Attached Via: D Mail D Fed Ex D UPS ~ Courier D Pick Up D Other D Fax _Sheets # Copies Date Description 2 SECONDARY PLAT AND CONSTRUCTION PLANS 1 SECONDARY PLAT APPLICATION 1 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 1 SUBDIVIDER AGREEMENT FORM 1 COPY OF LETTER TO TAC AGENCIES THE ABOVE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ~ For approval D As requested D FOR BIDS DUE ~ For your use D For review and comment D Other REMARKS: ~ ~ ~tCt.~t.\) ~\)'4 - \ '2.\)\)"';) ~QCc:, If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. _"'""-.,........IH...._.._...._ r.\5k\5075\OO2\docs\docsgrilfin 11 01 OS.doc